Why is it so quiet?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
With ATi's new card nearing launch, I can't help but notice the "hush". Like we are waiting for the bomb to go off or something. Any idea's?


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
If I were to make a guess, I really don't think much is expected from ATI. Chatter was immense about the 8800gt for comparison, and that was as recent as just a few weeks ago.



Oct 18, 2007
Crysis is coming out in a few days, there better be a bomb and it better be a high-end Nvidia card coming out this year. *shakes fist*


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2001
Originally posted by: jjzelinski
If I were to make a guess, I really don't think much is expected from ATI. Chatter was immense about the 8800gt for comparison, and that was as recent as just a few weeks ago.

Yea I'd have to agree. nVida's good about stealing thunder. If the 8800 GT outperforms which we understand it does, there's little reason for ATI to waste resources.

I kinda feel bad for ATI. I wish they could get their shit together and compete with nVidia. Fanboy or not, competition is a good thing.


Junior Member
Nov 8, 2007
Isn't it true Crysis needs quad cores to run? If it is, you guys running C2D's will struggle. Not to mention how a P4 will run...


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2001
Originally posted by: TechKid
Isn't it true Crysis needs quad cores to run? If it is, you guys running C2D's will struggle. Not to mention how a P4 will run...

More than a Quad it needs optimization and GTX power x 4 to run (well).



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: SteelSix
Originally posted by: TechKid
Isn't it true Crysis needs quad cores to run? If it is, you guys running C2D's will struggle. Not to mention how a P4 will run...

More than a Quad it needs optimization and GTX power x 4 to run (well).

Steel, I can run Crysis Demo with my completely stock clocked rig at 1440x900 with all settings high, 2xAA, Post processing set to medium, shadows set to medium.
This is on a E6420 @ 2.13GHz and a stock clocked 8800GTS 640. My framerate hangs around 30 fps with dips and peaks of 20-50. Now, this is not "optimum" for this game. But at least i can play it without issues and enjoy it. And I didn't even install the 169.04 driver yet. Still using 163.71's.

The demo "should not be" indicative of retail performance since the demo supposedly is not optimized for multicore, nor SLI, and probably all around optimization as you stated.

So your minimum req. specs are 4 fold over what is needed as far as I can see judging from the gameplay on my own rig. This is on Windows XP in DX9, which is perfectly acceptable to me. DX10 has been quite the farce thus far.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2001
I got spoiled over the past year, 35+ fps with all settings maxed. Shooters are unplayable under 35fps IMO.

Thanks for the info Keys. Like you said, we've seen the demo. I'm ready for the next flagship in any case. Back on topic, yes OP, the calm is interesting..


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: SteelSix
I got spoiled over the past year, 35+ fps with all settings maxed. Shooters are unplayable under 35fps IMO.

Thanks for the info Keys. Like you said, we've seen the demo. I'm ready for the next flagship in any case. Back on topic, yes OP, the calm is interesting..

I kind of did as well. Most games i played, I could turn the settings any higher. But, things change as they are supposed to. I'm going SLI when I find a cheap enough 8800GTS 640. That should carry me through for a while.

Anyway, about the "silence". The only thing AFAIK that AMD has coming out that interests me is the RV680. After all, 640 super scalar shaders can't be all bad.

There are also rumors floating around about an 8850GX2 "type" card. I hope not. If only to quelch the "Is it one card or two?" arguments.


Senior member
Oct 26, 2007
Usually there is no silence. It's usually just a shouting match between ATi and Nvidia users. I'm partial to Nvidia myself. Every Nvidia card I have ever bought worked for me from the first time I slapped it into my mobo.
But I hope that the new ATi cards do well....I hope they blow expectations out of the water. Why? To keep it competitive. So the ol' boys at Nvidia don't pull an Intel and release some underachieving, overpriced watered down GTX's with a 9 series badge on them. From what I've read, Intel dumbed down the next processor lineup because the folks at AMD are having a short bus moment. I've been saving for a new system ever since the P4 came out. I've decided to start building after the release of the Nvidia 9 series. To ensure they're all that they can be at a competitive price, ATi needs to get in there and win one for the gipper. And not roll out another power sucking driver barfing burgandy flavored piece of poo.

So I guess we won't really know for sure untill it's off the shelves and into reality. That goes for all you people going on about how terrible Crysis runs. We'll never know for sure untill it's here.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: Peelback79
Usually there is no silence. It's usually just a shouting match between ATi and Nvidia users. I'm partial to Nvidia myself. Every Nvidia card I have ever bought worked for me from the first time I slapped it into my mobo.
But I hope that the new ATi cards do well....I hope they blow expectations out of the water. Why? To keep it competitive. So the ol' boys at Nvidia don't pull an Intel and release some underachieving, overpriced watered down GTX's with a 9 series badge on them. From what I've read, Intel dumbed down the next processor lineup because the folks at AMD are having a short bus moment. I've been saving for a new system ever since the P4 came out. I've decided to start building after the release of the Nvidia 9 series. To ensure they're all that they can be at a competitive price, ATi needs to get in there and win one for the gipper. And not roll out another power sucking driver barfing burgandy flavored piece of poo.

So I guess we won't really know for sure untill it's off the shelves and into reality. That goes for all you people going on about how terrible Crysis runs. We'll never know for sure untill it's here.

I don't agree with Intel "dumbing down" any chip, it takes years of research and development.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2005
Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
Originally posted by: Peelback79
Usually there is no silence. It's usually just a shouting match between ATi and Nvidia users. I'm partial to Nvidia myself. Every Nvidia card I have ever bought worked for me from the first time I slapped it into my mobo.
But I hope that the new ATi cards do well....I hope they blow expectations out of the water. Why? To keep it competitive. So the ol' boys at Nvidia don't pull an Intel and release some underachieving, overpriced watered down GTX's with a 9 series badge on them. From what I've read, Intel dumbed down the next processor lineup because the folks at AMD are having a short bus moment. I've been saving for a new system ever since the P4 came out. I've decided to start building after the release of the Nvidia 9 series. To ensure they're all that they can be at a competitive price, ATi needs to get in there and win one for the gipper. And not roll out another power sucking driver barfing burgandy flavored piece of poo.

So I guess we won't really know for sure untill it's off the shelves and into reality. That goes for all you people going on about how terrible Crysis runs. We'll never know for sure untill it's here.

I don't agree with Intel "dumbing down" any chip, it takes years of research and development.

Its not dumbed down, its just a revision + die shrink. I cannot wait til the next core coming out though. Core 3 quad?


Senior member
Jun 8, 2007
Originally posted by: swtethan

Its not dumbed down, its just a revision + die shrink. I cannot wait til the next core coming out though. Core 3 quad?

Core 3 Oct with HyperThreading 2.0



Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Sheninat0r
Originally posted by: swtethan

Its not dumbed down, its just a revision + die shrink. I cannot wait til the next core coming out though. Core 3 quad?

Core 3 Oct with HyperThreading 2.0

Reverse Hyperthreading


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: SteelSix
Originally posted by: TechKid
Isn't it true Crysis needs quad cores to run? If it is, you guys running C2D's will struggle. Not to mention how a P4 will run...

More than a Quad it needs optimization and GTX power x 4 to run (well).

Steel, I can run Crysis Demo with my completely stock clocked rig at 1440x900 with all settings high, 2xAA, Post processing set to medium, shadows set to medium.
This is on a E6420 @ 2.13GHz and a stock clocked 8800GTS 640. My framerate hangs around 30 fps with dips and peaks of 20-50. Now, this is not "optimum" for this game. But at least i can play it without issues and enjoy it. And I didn't even install the 169.04 driver yet. Still using 163.71's.

The demo "should not be" indicative of retail performance since the demo supposedly is not optimized for multicore, nor SLI, and probably all around optimization as you stated.

So your minimum req. specs are 4 fold over what is needed as far as I can see judging from the gameplay on my own rig. This is on Windows XP in DX9, which is perfectly acceptable to me. DX10 has been quite the farce thus far.

I said this before. I don't care until I can put everything on very high and get no lower than 30fps.


Mar 9, 2000
it IS quiet ...

i am playing Hellgate: London .. not arguing which card gets 1 FPS more

i am in Hell ... sixty hours into it...

[final battle]

and loving it

i already have the rig i wanted
- a little upgrade here and there and i am "set" for another year or two


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
it IS quiet ...

i am playing Hellgate: London .. not arguing which card gets 1 FPS more

i am in Hell ... sixty hours into it...

[final battle]

and loving it

i already have the rig i wanted
- a little upgrade here and there and i am "set" for another year or two

I know that feeling. Content, feet up, tuning in to this madness for entertainment's sake. I made the decision to sell my GTX and here I am in the thick of it. I convinced myself to take a break from gaming and do something productive. I'm not buying until GTS benchies are revealed. Plan to get one and step-up to flagship from there.

Once the wait is over, Hellgate London is first on my list. Good choice apoppin!



No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
Originally posted by: Peelback79
Usually there is no silence. It's usually just a shouting match between ATi and Nvidia users. I'm partial to Nvidia myself. Every Nvidia card I have ever bought worked for me from the first time I slapped it into my mobo.
But I hope that the new ATi cards do well....I hope they blow expectations out of the water. Why? To keep it competitive. So the ol' boys at Nvidia don't pull an Intel and release some underachieving, overpriced watered down GTX's with a 9 series badge on them. From what I've read, Intel dumbed down the next processor lineup because the folks at AMD are having a short bus moment. I've been saving for a new system ever since the P4 came out. I've decided to start building after the release of the Nvidia 9 series. To ensure they're all that they can be at a competitive price, ATi needs to get in there and win one for the gipper. And not roll out another power sucking driver barfing burgandy flavored piece of poo.

So I guess we won't really know for sure untill it's off the shelves and into reality. That goes for all you people going on about how terrible Crysis runs. We'll never know for sure untill it's here.

I don't agree with Intel "dumbing down" any chip, it takes years of research and development.

Whatever happened to the "core multiplexing" feature of the C2D CPUs... one execution thread spanning two cores. Intel deep-sixed the feature, after one leaked BIOS version showed an option for it.

Intel does at times dumb-down CPUs.


Oct 24, 2007
I don't know about hush, i also don't know much about Comp hardware since im new to it all.. From what i know so far my Specs are out of date lol. I wish i could play any of the new games out there with out having to shake my head at the 'FPS' and how crappy the lag be.... >.> If theres any hush at all it just cause it be early morning.. at least were im at


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
I was gonna say... it is so quiet because your video card fan had died. :Q

Originally posted by: SteelSix
I got spoiled over the past year, 35+ fps with all settings maxed. Shooters are unplayable under 35fps IMO.

(disclaimer: not directed at SteelSix)

Spoiled? Yup. When I first discovered how to do a timedemo in Quake3, I was getting 14FPS with my Matrox G200 video card, and I was still pwning.

To everyone who whines and moans about having to upgrade for the latest/greatest game... shaddup! You do it to yourself. Can you imagine if you took this mentality to other areas of life?

"OMG how can you stand to drive a car that can't do the ¼ mile in under 10 seconds? I find those cars totally undriveable."

"Well, regular table salt just doesn't taste right to me. Can't taste iodine? LIES! For me only gourmet salt, though lab grade NaCl will suffice in a pinch."

Then again, audiophile snobs (is that redundant?) have gotten PC snobs beat.

Originally posted by: Peelback79
It's usually just a shouting match between ATi and Nvidia users.

That's before all the cloaked AEGers were banned.


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2006
Originally posted by: Zap
Can you imagine if you took this mentality to other areas of life?

"OMG how can you stand to drive a car that can't do the ¼ mile in under 10 seconds? I find those cars totally undriveable."

"Well, regular table salt just doesn't taste right to me. Can't taste iodine? LIES! For me only gourmet salt, though lab grade NaCl will suffice in a pinch."

Then again, audiophile snobs (is that redundant?) have gotten PC snobs beat.

LOL. And yes, redundant (first implies the second!).



Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: SteelSix
Originally posted by: apoppin
it IS quiet ...

i am playing Hellgate: London .. not arguing which card gets 1 FPS more

i am in Hell ... sixty hours into it...

[final battle]

and loving it

i already have the rig i wanted
- a little upgrade here and there and i am "set" for another year or two

I know that feeling. Content, feet up, tuning in to this madness for entertainment's sake. I made the decision to sell my GTX and here I am in the thick of it. I convinced myself to take a break from gaming and do something productive. I'm not buying until GTS benchies are revealed. Plan to get one and step-up to flagship from there.

Once the wait is over, Hellgate London is first on my list. Good choice apoppin!

i finished it as a Level 33 Engineer
--weak-ass character compared to "Summoner" what i am playing now

i do NOT recommend Hg:L's MP online ... it is WAAAY buggy ... it crashed every few hours usually stranding you in sight of the goal and dumping you back in the station to start over.
-- otoh, the SP off the DVD is excellent [and you get the cutscenes] and runs well over 50 FPS in maxed out DX9 [except in the stations] ... i am just waiting for them to fix DX10
... it is supposed to run faster and look better :Q

at any rate, i am determined to go Crossfire ... either with a cheap-ass 2900xt on a fire-sale or a new AMD GPU in the 2nd slot ... then QC Penryn ... then i will be back to square 1 - in '09


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
I just picked up GoW, CoD4, Bioshock, and MoA:Airborne last weekend... surprisingly, a x1900xt runs Bioshock decently at 19x12, high settings... it is gonna be quiet for a while.


Jun 20, 2007
Originally posted by: Zap
I was gonna say... it is so quiet because your video card fan had died. :Q

Originally posted by: SteelSix
I got spoiled over the past year, 35+ fps with all settings maxed. Shooters are unplayable under 35fps IMO.

(disclaimer: not directed at SteelSix)

Spoiled? Yup. When I first discovered how to do a timedemo in Quake3, I was getting 14FPS with my Matrox G200 video card, and I was still pwning.

To everyone who whines and moans about having to upgrade for the latest/greatest game... shaddup! You do it to yourself. Can you imagine if you took this mentality to other areas of life?

"OMG how can you stand to drive a car that can't do the ¼ mile in under 10 seconds? I find those cars totally undriveable."

"Well, regular table salt just doesn't taste right to me. Can't taste iodine? LIES! For me only gourmet salt, though lab grade NaCl will suffice in a pinch."

Then again, audiophile snobs (is that redundant?) have gotten PC snobs beat.

Originally posted by: Peelback79
It's usually just a shouting match between ATi and Nvidia users.

That's before all the cloaked AEGers were banned.

I ASSUME your talking about SP only. Because if we talk about MP, serious gaming, competitive gaming, every player has 200-300FPS.
Playing quake3 with 14FPS AHAH you must have been on a 14.4k connection so it didnt matter.

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