why is it that black people can do things only for black people.....

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Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Dead3ye
To revert kinda back to the originality of this thread:

Here's something that burns in the back of my mind. Why is it they can make a movie titled "White Men Can't Jump"? I myself never heard one bitch raised about this from anybody. Isn't this even slightly racist? You can bet your life savings that if somebody came out with a movie called ummm, let's say "Black Men Can't Swim", the sh!t would hit the fan, hard. I see stuff like this all the time, but this one sticks out at me.

Bah, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Unfortunately, I think it depends who makes the film. If Spike Lee makes a film called "Black Men Can't Swim" no one will care.


Jul 21, 2001
Besides, didn't you know it's politically correct to make fun of white people? It reminds me an article from Sports Illustrated under the Life of Reilly section.....

if a white guy/girl/group, were to claim that the movie "White men can't jump" is racist - he/she/they would would be deemed racist themselves

i did a speech in high school about how there were no whites on soul train, and the cosby show and BET...yet other networks and shows HAD to have "token" races
i nearly got expelled....the teacher, and princepal thought i was attempting to start a race riot in my all white (but one) school



Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2000
Originally posted by: jntdesign
if a white guy/girl/group, were to claim that the movie "White men can't jump" is racist - he/she/they would would be deemed racist themselves

i did a speech in high school about how there were no whites on soul train, and the cosby show and BET...yet other networks and shows HAD to have "token" races
i nearly got expelled....the teacher, and princepal thought i was attempting to start a race riot in my all white (but one) school

You probably have a point about the whole "White Men Can't Jump" thing. Its usually more accepted in our society for one of a cultures/races "own" people to bash them, its quite alright. Comedians do it all the time. You will see black comedian talking about blacks, and white comedians talking about whites.

Your other point is mute. There are whites on Soul Train now. Eminem does interviews on BET among others. But, you have to remember this, for the longest time, African Americans were not given roles of any significance in entertainment. They were subjected to being lowly servants or some other inferior role. Who wants this? So, they started their own network, so that they hold the power and could hire whoever they wanted, all blacks, for the most part. Did whites not do this for the longest time? Why do people get so angry when you see BET, people want to see someone they can relate to on television, not always a blond hair, blue eyed caucasion whom they cannot relate to. The same goes for something like a black barbie doll. Is this all of a sudden wrong because a group of people want something to relate to. Something to call "their own." The fact of the matter is, despite what many of you will say, caucasions have had and will continue to have the major conglomerates of power in the entertainment, media, sports industries, etc. So, to say that it is racist for African Americans to single out their own, for their own shows is not entirely fair. When this country becomes racist free, then come talk to me, until then, people have to do what they can to protect their interests. As we know, in the past these interests certainly were not.


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2001
When someone says minority groups, I like to think about the population estimates for China. Lets face it, we are all minorities. I live in a pretty diverse neighborhood, and most of the issues I deal with involve blue collar type white folks who just don't want to look beyond their own narrow view of the world.


Sep 7, 2001
why is it that black people can do things only for black people.....
One word: "Four-hundred-years-of-oppression-dumbass-cracka!"

Yeah, it looks like seven words, but its really just one.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: tcsenter
why is it that black people can do things only for black people.....
One word: "Four-hundred-years-of-oppression-dumbass-cracka!"

Yeah, it looks like seven words, but its really just one.

How does 400 years of anything make it okay to be a racist today?


Senior member
Aug 5, 2001
Ok, I haven't read the *whole* thread, but heres what I don't get.

Over here, we have aboriginals (think American indians, but more of a minority).

They can call each other black This and black that, but if I call them black this, and black that, its racism. They can call us white dog, white this, and white that, and its not. What the hell is up with that. (not that I dislike aboriginals).


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
How does 400 years of anything make it okay to be a racist today?
It doesn't. Most liberals think differently, but won't admit it outright.
Here are some interesting facts I ripped off of Larry Elder's site (a black Man by the way, emphasis on Man is mine).
Thus, the bigots who dragged James Byrd became Exhibit A, a national symbol for white racism and hatred against blacks.

But what about Colin Ferguson? In 1993, Ferguson, a black man, boarded a Long Island Railroad commuter train and proceeded to mow down white passengers, killing six, wounding 19. Before the killings, Ferguson made frequent outbursts declaring his hatred against whites. But somehow, Ferguson never became Exhibit A for black racism and hatred against whites. In fact, when Nassau County executive Thomas Gulotta called Ferguson an "animal," Jesse Jackson accused Gulotta of "stereotyping"!


In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim. Thus, blacks, while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed over one million acts of violent crime against whites. On the other hand, whites, while comprising 70 percent of the population, committed about 100,000 acts of violent crime against blacks.

Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus?

If you want to see Black racism in action, visit the website Tom Joyner.com and take a look at the message boards there.

And finally, if Mike Tyson were white and saying that about blacks and black women, he would never fight again. Oh, but he is black so he is protected.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2000
I think that it is sad that in this day and age we will still
sink to such lows. If people would not fuel the fire then it
would go out for once and for all.......

grunt03 sends........


Mar 21, 2002
Its the caged animal effect. Noone wants to step on a black person's toes - either on an individual level or or a social one. They might go berserk, again on an individual level or a social one.



May 30, 2000
Originally posted by: thedan
Ok, I haven't read the *whole* thread, but heres what I don't get.

Over here, we have aboriginals (think American indians, but more of a minority).

They can call each other black This and black that, but if I call them black this, and black that, its racism. They can call us white dog, white this, and white that, and its not. What the hell is up with that. (not that I dislike aboriginals).

You allow it, they don't.


May 30, 2000
Originally posted by: BlipBlop
Its the caged animal effect. Noone wants to step on a black person's toes - either on an individual level or or a social one. They might go berserk, again on an individual level or a social one.

Sounds like you are afraid of blacks. What's the deal?


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2001
To add salt to the wound your [sic] told to forget all past trangresions [sic] against your people by us and lets [sic] start fresh. Then your [sic] constantly see evidence your [sic] still thought of as secend [sic] class. I don't know seems your [sic] asking a lot for them to forget when it's rubbed in your face almost daily.

What evidence, cabronyl? BET? Black Academy Awards? Black Fraternal Order of Police? Black Elegance magazine? Black scholarships? Traditionally black colleges? 8A minority set aside government contracts? American Blacks are the richest blacks on earth. If they had their own country, it would be in the top ten wealthiest on earth. Where is this evidence that you speak of?


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2001
EEO without affirmative action is nothing but slogan without any accountablity or compliance. And since whites own almost everything in this country (only major corp that's black is Beatrice) they will continue to employ thier own kind unltil [sic] we see evidence that America is free from bais [sic]. I see many instances of bais [sic] daily, from my nieghbors not wanting his daughter to date a black guy to blatent [sic] ones like the Rodney King beating. IMo it's unrealistic to rely on whites "good faith" to achive [sic] equal opportunity.

Give me a break. The award system for hiring minorities has been in place for decades.
The idea that all these white corporations are only hiring white people is totally disingenuous. As to your neighbor not wanting his daughter to date a black guy, who cares? What's wrong with that? He has a preference, it's a free country. You seem to think it is noble to express an interest in the group rights of blacks. Your neighbor is doing the same thing with his actions.

Every group on earth tends to protect itself or promote its self interests. It is just as legitimate and honorable for white Americans to do this as it is for blacks or Hispanics or other groups.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Jimbo

Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus?

Even this statistic is skewed against whites. Hispanics are listed as a victim group but not a perpetrator group, giving the impression that they never commit hate crimes and also inflating white hate crime incidences.



Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Hey Maetryx, where all de white women at?

I love that movie . Don't nobody move or the n-word gets it in the head!


Jan 20, 2001
My university currently uses affirmative action. We use an extensive network of alumni contacts to identify quality students nationwide. We provide opportunities for them to experience undergraduate-level coursework and help them identify resources to help them reach their academic potential. These programs are available to ALL students we just LOOK harder for minority students. In part to help reduce the effects of past exclusion and partially b/c their are fewer university-quality blacks compared to essentially every other demographic with the exception of Native Americans.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) were created b/c blacks were denied educational opportunities. Dartmouth used to provide the same role for Native Americans. The history of education as a tool for progress and subjugation is quite complicated and is still being adjudicated. So if you don't know you better ask somebody.

Just take my state NC. The 2000 Census was our first as a majority urban state. Triangle technology, Charlotte financial district, and tourism notwithstanding it is still an agriculture/textiles based economy. Therefore, productive farms were the primary means of upward mobility; #1 cash crop tobacco. But production was controlled by allotments which were distributed through the Good Ol' Boy network. Our premier public institution UNC-Chapel Hill (the first public school in the nation) denied admission to blacks until the 1960s and lacked a minority med school or dental school grad until the 1970s. In summary, you could ignore slavery and Jim Crow and still have the systematic denial of economic and educational opportunities to minorities (including Jews at the university).

Our state constitution states that a university education should be as close to free as "practible" . . . no kidding, apparently that was a word back then. But the typical out-of-pocket expense for a year of studies is 12K. We also mandate that 82% of ugrad admits be NC natives and legacy essentially guarantees admission. In a state with a bottom tier system of K-12 who do you think has the best chance of getting in and paying the bill?

At the med school level, we provide enrichment programs for 5th graders, high schoolers, and undergrads. Our undergraduate program takes ALL students with potential to be good medical students. These kids spend their summer with all day classes/labs comparable to 1st yr med. We also provide seminar prep for the MCAT.

What makes a person qualified . . . proven intellectual curiosity, capacity for learning, dedication, and compassion. If you lack any component you are at a disadvantage during our med admissions. For out-of-state students we are one of the most selective schools in the nation. The other public school in NC (East Carolina Brody School of Medicine) has admitted less than 10 non-natives in the past decade.

The Indian with 1500+ SAT and plenty extracurriculars MIGHT have gotten in if he was black. But considering the median SAT at Harvard is less than 1500, the majority of people who matriculated at Harvard had lower SAT scores. And since most of those people were not black he should probably wish to be anything BUT black. Actually, he should have just wished to be a better applicant.

Prove that 5 qualified whites are denied admission in favor of 5 unqualified blacks. Schools admit the students that will contribute to the overall educative environment, capable of succeeding at that institution, and (for some schools) likely to contribute to society at-large after graduation. I doubt any institution would want a class full of Choate or Woodberry grads. And professional schools typically have the same approach to college grads. Duke Med is notorious for giving its undergrads the Heisman when it comes to admissions.


Jan 20, 2001
Black Men Can't Swim would pack theaters if it was funny. Sure some people would complain but this is America. Bitch is what many people do best. Scary Movie was funny b/c they took a good-natured albeit borderline tasteless approach to stereotypes and movie genre. Such expression is healthy and acceptable until people try to classify a group based on limited-experience/stereotyping. Once you group it's only a matter of time before SOME decide that being a member of a group denotes immutable individual characteristics. If you happen to be an influential member of the majority you may then begin to apply public policy which codifies your prejudice as discriminatory law . . . Jim Crow, Dred Scott.

Good people have recognized some sins of the past and proposed remedies. In my state we opened a university Pembroke State (now UNC-Pembroke) to educate Native Americans; including Lumbee Indians who have been denied formal recognition as a tribe b/c our senior senator Jesse Helms thinks recognition would grant them "special rights". Damn right . . . it's called a treaty with native peoples for stealing the land, spreading, disease, and not knowing when you've over stayed your welcome.

Admission to the university, graduate school, and professional school should be based on standards. But much of that evaluation is inherently subjective (character, athletics, community service, contribution to diversity of thought/perspective). While objective criteria such as standardized test scores and GPA seem sacrosanct to many posters, let me tell you I've seen plenty of high GPA/MCAT duds who should NEVER be in a position to provide necessary medical care. Regardless, the standard for objective/subjective criteria should be equally applied to EVERYONE. Any other policy is discriminatory and wrong.

In economic circles, many states used quota and set-asides b/c they didn't know how else to go about it. In the case of industry, if those in control harbor biased views then they will abuse their posts to maintain the status quo. Mandating 10% of public contracts go to minority-owned business was often used as a means of overcoming the biases of the people in charge. Quotas for enrollment in schools, as firemen, policemen, or teachers are comparable. The best remedy would be to remove racists from positions of authority, learn more about others, and provide equal opportunity for everyone. But the best we can do with our racist politicians is have them switch parties (typically Democrat to Republican with the exception of Sen.Byrd (WVA). Racist adults tend to breed racist children. And if this board is any indication . . . the ignorance continues.



Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: roncarter
This really annoys me, and I wanted to see if you guys thought the same...
Why is it that black people can do public stuff, and say its a black get together, or black something and only blacks will be there... (you guys no wat i mean) but right when some other race does this, its called racisim. I dont get it.. For example, today i was walking down the hallway off my schoool and saw a scholarship posting.. It said you HAD to be a AFRICAN AMERICAN..... hey.. thats totallly fine with me but if that said only for white people... someoone would start a big fuss over it! I think thats pretty darrn gaaay...

by the way...Im not white so dont think that plz

Wat do u guys think

Instead of sitting on you ass bitching about something that helps out black people, why don't you do something to help out your own race? There's scholarships for just about everyone & everything, so find one that pertains to your race and get posters put up over school. Unless you really just wanted to bitch about black people. And if that's the case you should be ashamed of yourself. Either a person causes problems, stands by or tries to ignore the problems, or tries to fix the problems. Which one are you?
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