Why is not illegal to smoke in a car with children inside?

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Why isn't it illegal to drink a beer while you sh!t on every third sunday during the waxing of the december moon?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Why is not illegal to smoke in a car with children inside?

Why should it be? There is not a single conclusive study out there that proves second hand smoke has ever killed anyone. Many activists love to throw ridiculous quotes like 27,000 children a day die from second hand smoke yet there is absolutely no conclusive evidence to support such a claim. Granted It is most likely not advisable to do so since it is also not absolutely certain that it isn't harmful either but to make it Illegal on those grounds would be the epitomy of big brotherism at it's worst. There are far more things that have documented child injury and death statistics that no one would ever consider making illegal like bicycles, drawstrings on winter coat hoods that strangle, sleds, swingsets, slides, swimming pools, the family dog, playing superman with bath towel capes jumping off the family room stairwell(that got my son a broken wrist). See what I am getting at? Yes I smoke but I have never smoked around my children whether in a car or our home and i certainly don't need arrogant busybodies like you invading my life and parental prerogatives trying to dictate to me what i can and cannot do in regard to my children. You need to get your facts straight and keep your nose out of business that is not your concern before someone punches that nose.:frown:

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

Yep, next thing you know the government will be telling people they can't burn their kids arms with cigarettes or lock them in a closet for days to discipline them. I mean what right does anyone have to tell you how to raise your kids.
Well if you are doing things like that to discipline your children Shanti then you've got some serious issues.


Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

Yep, next thing you know the government will be telling people they can't burn their kids arms with cigarettes or lock them in a closet for days to discipline them. I mean what right does anyone have to tell you how to raise your kids.


children are innocent, and all to often are a victim to the stupidity and selfishness of their parents...those justifying to "mind your own business" are just covering the fact that they are selfish and crappy parents. Why would anyone knowingly inflict harm on their child, if they were not EITHER STUPID or just plain Selfish.

perhaps some self reflection would help, but clearly those ranting about are too stupid to understand what that means


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

Yep, next thing you know the government will be telling people they can't burn their kids arms with cigarettes or lock them in a closet for days to discipline them. I mean what right does anyone have to tell you how to raise your kids.


children are innocent, and all to often are a victim to the stupidity and selfishness of their parents...those justifying to "mind your own business" are just covering the fact that they are selfish and crappy parents. Why would anyone knowingly inflict harm on their child, if they were not EITHER STUPID or just plain Selfish.

perhaps some self reflection would help, but clearly those ranting about are too stupid to understand what that means
As you prove with every post you make!


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

Yep, next thing you know the government will be telling people they can't burn their kids arms with cigarettes or lock them in a closet for days to discipline them. I mean what right does anyone have to tell you how to raise your kids.


children are innocent, and all to often are a victim to the stupidity and selfishness of their parents...those justifying to "mind your own business" are just covering the fact that they are selfish and crappy parents. Why would anyone knowingly inflict harm on their child, if they were not EITHER STUPID or just plain Selfish.

perhaps some self reflection would help, but clearly those ranting about are too stupid to understand what that means
Again, I don't need a law to tell me not to knowingly inflict harm on my child. This has nothing to do with being a "selfish and crappy parent."


Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

Yep, next thing you know the government will be telling people they can't burn their kids arms with cigarettes or lock them in a closet for days to discipline them. I mean what right does anyone have to tell you how to raise your kids.


children are innocent, and all to often are a victim to the stupidity and selfishness of their parents...those justifying to "mind your own business" are just covering the fact that they are selfish and crappy parents. Why would anyone knowingly inflict harm on their child, if they were not EITHER STUPID or just plain Selfish.

perhaps some self reflection would help, but clearly those ranting about are too stupid to understand what that means
As you prove with every post you make!

as do you... Have a great day and God Bless you all.


Golden Member
Jan 17, 2001
I am guesssing it not illegal for the same reason it's not illegal for a pregnant woman to smoke.


Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: WHipLAsh13
I am guesssing it not illegal for the same reason it's not illegal for a pregnant woman to smoke.

yeah, there is another issue in itself...still just as despicable. i understand the rebuttles and justifications about the laws and invasion of privacy

i am not talking about the police coming in to your home to bust you for smoking weed while watching Letterman in the privacy of your own home,

what i am commenting on is that there are many laws that are set against us as adults, such as driving drunk, which harms people, but not for children who are innocent and cannot defend themselves.

should we mind our own business, if parents are abusing their children....i think not....

those of you that reply just in hate and justify doing whatever you want to your children will hopefully reconsider before having any more children and inflicting them with your selfishness



Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Chunkee
It disugust me how careless, and selfish these people are. you need a license to hunt, fish, drive, sell beer, run a business, but you dont need one to have kids and take good care of them.

I may seem small, but is truly is a horrible thing.


Here is an idea. mind your own fricken business. If it bothers YOU that much and want a Nanny state, move to England where you cant even drink a soda while driving.



Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: NesuD
Why is not illegal to smoke in a car with children inside?

Why should it be? There is not a single conclusive study out there that proves second hand smoke has ever killed anyone. Many activists love to throw ridiculous quotes like 27,000 children a day die from second hand smoke yet there is absolutely no conclusive evidence to support such a claim. Granted It is most likely not advisable to do so since it is also not absolutely certain that it isn't harmful either but to make it Illegal on those grounds would be the epitomy of big brotherism at it's worst. There are far more things that have documented child injury and death statistics that no one would ever consider making illegal like bicycles, drawstrings on winter coat hoods that strangle, sleds, swingsets, slides, swimming pools, the family dog, playing superman with bath towel capes jumping off the family room stairwell(that got my son a broken wrist). See what I am getting at? Yes I smoke but I have never smoked around my children whether in a car or our home and i certainly don't need arrogant busybodies like you invading my life and parental prerogatives trying to dictate to me what i can and cannot do in regard to my children. You need to get your facts straight and keep your nose out of business that is not your concern before someone punches that nose.:frown:

Excellent post. here is :beer: for ya.


Golden Member
Jan 17, 2001
While I do not think this is a place for the government to intervene, I think it is a sad example of how irresponsible Americans can be. Smoking while you are pregnant or around children period is just not a good idea and people need to start using some common sense. But lets not get the Gov't involved or you will have to blow into a second breath tester in order to start your car. For those of you who don't know the Gov't is proposing a law that would force vehicle manufactures to place breathalizers in every car. The car will not start without a positive reading for no alcohol. Every 20 minutes it will ask again for a sample of your breath or the car will shut off. Is this really how we want to live our lives? I know I don't.


Apr 26, 2001
please, please, give the government more power to regulate our lives

To chunkee, I don't smoke cigarettes but I'd start just to blow smoke at your first born's face.


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2002
Good freaking lord man... Mill, Red Dawn... if you're so damn ignorant to not understand how smoking in a car with children is truly sickening and irresponsible... just stay out of this converstation and go drive off a cliff or something. Seriously. You're hopeless. Damn heartless, brainless robots.

EDIT: I stopped reading this thread after the first few posts and I don't mean to single out the above two users. Everyone else who's voiced their opinion that smokers should be able to smoke in front of kids is a part of this, and needs to get a clue. It's not about government regulation. It's about simple common sense. Get off of your unjustified power trips and stop acting like the non-smoking community is the out of their minds.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

Yep, next thing you know the government will be telling people they can't burn their kids arms with cigarettes or lock them in a closet for days to discipline them. I mean what right does anyone have to tell you how to raise your kids.
Well if you are doing things like that to discipline your children Shanti then you've got some serious issues.

Was the sarcasm tag needed?

The point was that there are certain aspects of raising childen that should be legislated.

Do you think it should be legal for parents to discipline their kids by breaking their arms when they misbehave?

Or do you think there should be laws against child abuse?

And if you agree that there should be laws against child abuse, the only question is whether smoking in a car with your children is child abuse. All the negative health effects caused by this convince me that it is abusive.

If you want to argue that exposing them to the smoke does not qualify as child abuse, that's fine.

But to simply state that the government should have no business telling us how to raise our kids doesn't make any sense.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Jzero

Again, I don't need a law to tell me not to knowingly inflict harm on my child.

I'm sure that is true.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of scumbags with kids who do need such a law.


Golden Member
Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

Do you think it should be legal for parents to discipline their kids by breaking their arms when they misbehave?

Or do you think there should be laws against child abuse?


I do agree but now it has come to the point where you can't even discipline your child with a spanking without the CPS knocking on your door.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
It's obviously a question of degree. I certainly don't think the government should be telling people they can't spank their kids. But when something appears to cause serious long term health problems, I think it is acceptable for the government to step in.

My main point to Red was that simply saying the government should stay out of it is ignoring the fact that there are certain cases in which children NEED government protection from abusive parents.


Golden Member
Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Shanti
It's obviously a question of degree. I certainly don't think the government should be telling people they can't spank their kids. But when something appears to cause serious long term health problems, I think it is acceptable for the government to step in.

My main point to Red was that simply saying the government should stay out of it is ignoring the fact that there are certain cases in which children NEED government protection from abusive parents.

I can agree with that but I know of people who had to fight for custody of their children because they spanked their kid for acting up in a public area. While I am not one who really believes in hitting a kid there are times that a spanking just may be the only think the kid responds to.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Yep just what we need, a more intrusive Nanny Government. Next thing you know some snotgobbler here will be saying that smokers shouldn't be allowed to have children!

just dont force them to be a casualty of a horrible habit

How about mind your own fscking business!

when your business as a smoker, is inflicted on me without my consent, i will NOT MIND MY OWN F)(*))(* business..
for too long non smokers did not have a choice...big tobacco money drove everything until finally, bigger money (insurance), lobbied to get the crap stopped in public places

I remember flying on an airplane when smoking was still legal....Good $)#(*$)#($# grief...


How is smoking inflicted upon you without your consent?


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: xboxist
Good freaking lord man... Mill, Red Dawn... if you're so damn ignorant to not understand how smoking in a car with children is truly sickening and irresponsible... just stay out of this converstation and go drive off a cliff or something. Seriously. You're hopeless. Damn heartless, brainless robots.

EDIT: I stopped reading this thread after the first few posts and I don't mean to single out the above two users. Everyone else who's voiced their opinion that smokers should be able to smoke in front of kids is a part of this, and needs to get a clue. It's not about government regulation. It's about simple common sense. Get off of your unjustified power trips and stop acting like the non-smoking community is the out of their minds.

Heartless and brainless? Pot, meet the kettle. If you think they are ranting because they think it's OK to smoke in the car with children, I must argue that you are the ignorant, brainless robot.

Their argument (and mine) has nothing to do with smoking and everything to do with government.

It's the same reason I oppose seat belt laws - not because I oppose seatbelts, but because you can't legislate stupidity and such laws are a waste of time and resources.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: aRCeNiTe

Stop being such an ass mill.. You know just as well as I do there are many careless parents out there in this world, and while I do not believe you should require a "license" to have children, something should be done about careless parents... I've seen oh too often parents letting their 3 year old child run in the store, and 5 mins later they come in after them. In that 5 minutes, all hell could have broken loose. Smoking... It should be illegal to object a child to something that is a known carcinogen (sp?) when they have no choice. You know just as well as I do a child won't just get out of a car if their parent is taking them to a birthday party or something of the like.


Prove to me that ETS is a known human carcinogen.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Shanti
Second-hand smoke (which is sometimes called environmental tobacco smoke or ETS) contains toxic substances, over 40 of which cause cancer. Some of these substances are in stronger concentrations in second-hand smoke than they are in the smoke that goes directly into smokers? lungs.

ETS is causally linked with a number of adverse health effects in children (under 18), including:

lower respiratory tract infections (i.e. croup, bronchitis and pneumonia)
increased fluid in the middle ear
upper respiratory tract irritation
reduced lung function
additional episodes of asthma
increased severity of asthmatic symptoms in children
reduced oxygen flow to tissues, comparable to children with anemia, cyanotic heart disease or chronic lung disease ?
ETS is also associated with:

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
acute middle ear infections (otitis media)
meningococcal infections
cancers and leukemias in childhood
slower growth
adverse neurobehavioural effects
upper respiratory tract infections (colds and sore throats)
unfavorable cholesterol levels and initiation of atherosclerosis (heart disease) ?
A British study found that SIDS deaths could be reduced by two-thirds if parents did not smoke.***

A U.S. analysis** of over 100 reports on pædiatric diseases concluded that children?s exposure to tobacco smoke is responsible for up to:

13% of ear infection
(approximately 220,000 ear infections in Canadian children)*

26% of tympanostomy tube insertions
(approximately 16,500 in Canada)

24% of tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies
(approx. 2,100 Canadian operations)

13% of asthma cases
(approx. 52,200 cases in Canada)

16% of physician visits for cough
(approx. 200,000 visits in Canada)

20% of all lung infections in children under 5
(approx. 43,600 cases of bronchitis in Canada and 19,000 cases of pneumonia in Canada)

136-212 childhood deaths from lower respiratory infection
(approx. 13-20 in Canada)

148 childhood deaths from fires started by tobacco products
(approx. 15 in Canada)

1868-2708 SIDS deaths?
(approx. 180-270 in Canada)

* the number of Canadian cases is extrapolated from U.S. estimates
? [Samet, JM. Synthesis: The Health Effects of Tobacco Smoke Exposure on Children. January 7, 1999]
?[California EPA. Final Report: Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Sept. 1997]
** Joseph diFranza and Robert Lew, Morbidity and Mortality in Children Associated with the Use of Tobacco Products by Other People, Paediatrics, 1996, 97:560-568].
*** Peter Blair et al. Smoking and the sudden infant death syndrome: results from 1993-5 case-control study for confidential inquiry into stillbirths and deaths in infancy. British Medical Journal, 1996: 313.

Cite me the studies, type of study conducted, sample size, who was conducting the study, etc etc etc., with links.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: NesuD
Why is not illegal to smoke in a car with children inside?

Why should it be? There is not a single conclusive study out there that proves second hand smoke has ever killed anyone. Many activists love to throw ridiculous quotes like 27,000 children a day die from second hand smoke yet there is absolutely no conclusive evidence to support such a claim. Granted It is most likely not advisable to do so since it is also not absolutely certain that it isn't harmful either but to make it Illegal on those grounds would be the epitomy of big brotherism at it's worst. There are far more things that have documented child injury and death statistics that no one would ever consider making illegal like bicycles, drawstrings on winter coat hoods that strangle, sleds, swingsets, slides, swimming pools, the family dog, playing superman with bath towel capes jumping off the family room stairwell(that got my son a broken wrist). See what I am getting at? Yes I smoke but I have never smoked around my children whether in a car or our home and i certainly don't need arrogant busybodies like you invading my life and parental prerogatives trying to dictate to me what i can and cannot do in regard to my children. You need to get your facts straight and keep your nose out of business that is not your concern before someone punches that nose.:frown:

Marry me. I'll even be the woman. : )
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