Why is prostitution illegal? **Now with 100% more POLE**

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Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Amused

Um, I believe you are mistaken. Sounds like one of the many crackpot counter arguments to her philosophy.

there is a crackpot involved here, but it isn't me.

but, just in case i'm mistaken, why don't you give a concise rundown of what exactly that philosophy is. i
Link on rand.

Rand essentially became exactly what she despised.


Senior member
Jun 29, 2004
Originally posted by: BriGy86
Originally posted by: alent1234
if prostitution was legal then women would be forced to be hookers or lose their unemployment benefits

then the terrorists would win

did you read that thread about the girl in germany too?

i thought that was really sad

Story is false Snoped!

The Tageszeitung merely presented the concept of brothel employment as a technical possibility under current law; it did not provide any actual cases of women losing their benefits over this issue. The article also quoted representatives from employment agencies as saying that while it might be possible for employment agencies to offer jobs as prostitutes to "long-term unemployed" women, they (the agencies) could not require anyone to work in a brothel. (The agencies noted that brothels used "other recruitment channels" anyway.)

Thanks to Secular Blasphemy


Nov 23, 2001
Disclaimer: I haven't read through this thread.

Prostitution is nothing more than a moral thoughtcrime; an attempt by some people (the majority?) to impose their moral views on everyone. My own view is that anything sexual between consenting adults should of course be legal.


Aug 28, 2001
Here's a thought: Aren't all (or most laws) created from or for morality? I think so, and I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.

Also, I think prostitution shouldn't be illegal along with drugs. I think make em all legal, and tax and regulate the hell out them, just like the gov't does everything else. Hmm, maybe pretty soon all that will be outsourced as well. LOL.



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Disclaimer: I haven't read through this thread.

Prostitution is nothing more than a moral thoughtcrime; an attempt by some people (the majority?) to impose their moral views on everyone. My own view is that anything sexual between consenting adults should of course be legal.

are they really consenting? that is a bitch to answer.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
1. STDs
2. Puritans
3. Fundies
4. Fundie Puritans
5. Gets the old peoples' votes, I bet.

Much like drugs, it has more to do with PR than anything useful, regardless of any other factors.


Senior member
Jun 29, 2004
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Disclaimer: I haven't read through this thread.

Prostitution is nothing more than a moral thoughtcrime; an attempt by some people (the majority?) to impose their moral views on everyone. My own view is that anything sexual between consenting adults should of course be legal.

are they really consenting? that is a bitch to answer.

Read a couple of blogs by prostitutes and various sex workers, you will find that a number of them do enjoy their work. That's not to say all of them do, but then not everyone enjoys their job.

No I am not including links, vacations are not good. Use your imagination!


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: zugzoog
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Disclaimer: I haven't read through this thread.

Prostitution is nothing more than a moral thoughtcrime; an attempt by some people (the majority?) to impose their moral views on everyone. My own view is that anything sexual between consenting adults should of course be legal.

are they really consenting? that is a bitch to answer.

Read a couple of blogs by prostitutes and various sex workers, you will find that a number of them do enjoy their work. That's not to say all of them do, but then not everyone enjoys their job.

No I am not including links, vacations are not good. Use your imagination!
enjoy != consent


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
Why not add a poll to this thread? Should it or should it not be illegal? (haven't read any of the thread, so dunno how divided opinions are atm). See, with a poll, people like me who come into these threads only because they appear on the "myforums" page as hot topics, and who also have short attention spans, can still participate in the thread, wahoo!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: zakee00
Originally posted by: xospec1alk
Originally posted by: Amused
The illegality of prostitution drives it underground and makes it far more dangerous.

Not to mention it's a basic violation of our civil rights.

Thats what i think. I mean, how is selling a service like a massage, different from selling a service like sex? How is the gov't allowed to tell us what we can and can not do with our bodies? is it because they can't regulate it and reap taxes from it?

STD city....
if you have to pay someone to have sex with you, thats pretty pathetic IMO. go get a girlfriend.

I almost think it'd be worse to "go get a girlfriend" just so you could get laid. If that's all you need a woman for, would almost be better to just bang a prostitute and save your "girlfriend" any unreciprocated emotional attachments.

And what about married guys who's wives won't give em a BJ anymore, and instead of getting all involved with a full-blown (pun) mistress, just go out and get a hummer every now and then.


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2000
Originally posted by: dullard
Prostitution is always legal in the US. The key is how you pay the prostitute. Pay in cash and you probably have broken a law (not true in all locations in the US). Pay by taking the person on a date and it is 100% legal. Dinner and a movie is the standard payment for sex.

rofl, my sentiments exactly!


Apr 26, 2003
Originally posted by: Fausto
Originally posted by: zakee00
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: zakee00
Originally posted by: xospec1alk
Originally posted by: Amused
The illegality of prostitution drives it underground and makes it far more dangerous.

Not to mention it's a basic violation of our civil rights.

Thats what i think. I mean, how is selling a service like a massage, different from selling a service like sex? How is the gov't allowed to tell us what we can and can not do with our bodies? is it because they can't regulate it and reap taxes from it?

STD city....
if you have to pay someone to have sex with you, thats pretty pathetic IMO. go get a girlfriend.

The rate of STD transmission in legal and regulated brothels is NIL. Virtually zero.

Outlawing prostitution to stop STDs is like outlawing restaurants to stop food poisoning. It's pointless and makes the matter worse by driving it underground.

ALL the "problems" associated with prostitution can be directly connected to the fact that it is underground and controlled by criminals. Legalize it and all that goes away.

you can say the same for drugs
Depends on the drug. I sure as hell don't want Meth legalized any time soon.

Who are you to decide what drugs should be legal? If you don't like Meth, don't use it, but society has NO right to restrict it's use!



Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: zugzoog
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Disclaimer: I haven't read through this thread.

Prostitution is nothing more than a moral thoughtcrime; an attempt by some people (the majority?) to impose their moral views on everyone. My own view is that anything sexual between consenting adults should of course be legal.

are they really consenting? that is a bitch to answer.

Read a couple of blogs by prostitutes and various sex workers, you will find that a number of them do enjoy their work. That's not to say all of them do, but then not everyone enjoys their job.

No I am not including links, vacations are not good. Use your imagination!
enjoy != consent

What's your point? I consent to going to work every day, that doesn't mean I enjoy it. Consent just means you agree to a proposition. You don't have to have an orgasm to consent to something.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'd never pay for sex but I can't see the problem if you're into that sort of thing.


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
It's illegal in most places because there is big money in keeping it that way. Which keeps the big campaign contributions rolling in. It would be interesting to check the contribution lists of politicians that take a strong anti-prostitution (or anti-drug) stand to see what amount of any can be traced to those who control most of the illegal traffic in prostitution (or drugs).
. These things can never be stopped and may well be stupid and/or self-defeating activities, but as long as force or fraud aren't involved, aren't criminal (in the only true sense of the word). All that making them illegal did was provide new businesses for criminals (organized crime) to get heavily involved in. And wildly increased the price so that those that might be interested in availing themselves of them might have to (and often do) resort to crime (in the one true sense) themselves to obtain them. Along with incentives to increase the perversion (underage, kink, etc. and for drugs increase the strength and/or addictive properties, or create new ones) and the use of high-pressure sales tactics (called "pushing" in the drug trade for a reason).
. It's all absurd and can be totally traced to the money.


May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: Tom
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: Tom
it isn't a victimless crime, there isn't any such thing.

whether or not it should be legal, is a different matter. some of the problems with illegal prostitution, spread of disease, drug use, assault, slavery, etc, might be lessened if it was legal and regulated.

but legalizing something means a society is either giving tacit approval to something, or throwing up it's hands in the belief it can't deal with the issue, and I don't think either of those things are good ideas.

Since when does societies approval have anything whatso-fvcking-ever to do with whether it should be legal or not?

That is how societies work. Individual liberty isn't absolute, it is constrained by the needs and wants of the larger society, in our system by representative democracy.

It wasn't long ago that the needs and wants of the larger society were slaves to pick cotton. Is that how our society should work?

Your rights should end where another's begin.

Bingo, furthermore we do NOT live in a democracy, otherwise the masses could simply vote slavery back in. We live in a republic where we elect officials to make choice than then masses, judges check those decisions, etc. Someone failed gov't. class...


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: PingSpike

What's your point? I consent to going to work every day, that doesn't mean I enjoy it. Consent just means you agree to a proposition. You don't have to have an orgasm to consent to something.

i'm obviously using consent in a far differenct manner than you are.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Phoenix86
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: Tom
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: Tom
it isn't a victimless crime, there isn't any such thing.

whether or not it should be legal, is a different matter. some of the problems with illegal prostitution, spread of disease, drug use, assault, slavery, etc, might be lessened if it was legal and regulated.

but legalizing something means a society is either giving tacit approval to something, or throwing up it's hands in the belief it can't deal with the issue, and I don't think either of those things are good ideas.

Since when does societies approval have anything whatso-fvcking-ever to do with whether it should be legal or not?

That is how societies work. Individual liberty isn't absolute, it is constrained by the needs and wants of the larger society, in our system by representative democracy.

It wasn't long ago that the needs and wants of the larger society were slaves to pick cotton. Is that how our society should work?

Your rights should end where another's begin.

Bingo, furthermore we do NOT live in a democracy, otherwise the masses could simply vote slavery back in. We live in a republic where we elect officials to make choice than then masses, judges check those decisions, etc. Someone failed gov't. class...

Well, I guess you failed English and/or government, either you don't know what 'absolute' means, or you don't know what the Constitution says.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: MajorCaliber
Originally posted by: Fausto
Originally posted by: zakee00
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: zakee00
Originally posted by: xospec1alk
Originally posted by: Amused
The illegality of prostitution drives it underground and makes it far more dangerous.

Not to mention it's a basic violation of our civil rights.

Thats what i think. I mean, how is selling a service like a massage, different from selling a service like sex? How is the gov't allowed to tell us what we can and can not do with our bodies? is it because they can't regulate it and reap taxes from it?

STD city....
if you have to pay someone to have sex with you, thats pretty pathetic IMO. go get a girlfriend.

The rate of STD transmission in legal and regulated brothels is NIL. Virtually zero.

Outlawing prostitution to stop STDs is like outlawing restaurants to stop food poisoning. It's pointless and makes the matter worse by driving it underground.

ALL the "problems" associated with prostitution can be directly connected to the fact that it is underground and controlled by criminals. Legalize it and all that goes away.

you can say the same for drugs
Depends on the drug. I sure as hell don't want Meth legalized any time soon.

Who are you to decide what drugs should be legal? If you don't like Meth, don't use it, but society has NO right to restrict it's use!

If the making of Meth were a clean process I wouldn't bitch too much. As it stands now, its a pretty dirty/toxic/smells like cat piss process that DOES affect others around you. Now if Pfizer wants to market Meth, i'd have no problem with it. But don't expect a lack of discrimination.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: PingSpike

What's your point? I consent to going to work every day, that doesn't mean I enjoy it. Consent just means you agree to a proposition. You don't have to have an orgasm to consent to something.

i'm obviously using consent in a far differenct manner than you are.

So in what manner are you using the term "consent"? In my opinion, consent is where an adult of sound mind agrees to something, with full understanding of the implications.

Sex of any kind, WITHOUT consent, is rape, and is, last I heard, also illegal.

So I ask: Who the fk are you to say what consenting adults should and should not do?


May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Tom
Originally posted by: Phoenix86
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: Tom
That is how societies work. Individual liberty isn't absolute, it is constrained by the needs and wants of the larger society, in our system by representative democracy.

It wasn't long ago that the needs and wants of the larger society were slaves to pick cotton. Is that how our society should work?

Your rights should end where another's begin.

Bingo, furthermore we do NOT live in a democracy, otherwise the masses could simply vote slavery back in. We live in a republic where we elect officials to make choice than then masses, judges check those decisions, etc. Someone failed gov't. class...

Well, I guess you failed English and/or government, either you don't know what 'absolute' means, or you don't know what the Constitution says.

Way to make up a bunch of pointless sh!t. I didn't comment on your "absolute liberties" or constitutional arguments. (paraphrasing) "you did X, or Y, maybe X." Fvck, you don't even know what I did wrong...

Furthermore, I'm not giving lectures on english, so if I write poorly it's also irrelevant. I AM correcting your misunderstanding of our gov't., you demonstrated your ingorance when you called ours a democracy.

Of course, I guess I pissed in your Cheerios when I made that correction and you feel the need to fire back. Mature discussion we have going on here...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Phoenix86
Originally posted by: Tom
Originally posted by: Phoenix86
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: Tom
That is how societies work. Individual liberty isn't absolute, it is constrained by the needs and wants of the larger society, in our system by representative democracy.

It wasn't long ago that the needs and wants of the larger society were slaves to pick cotton. Is that how our society should work?

Your rights should end where another's begin.

Bingo, furthermore we do NOT live in a democracy, otherwise the masses could simply vote slavery back in. We live in a republic where we elect officials to make choice than then masses, judges check those decisions, etc. Someone failed gov't. class...

Well, I guess you failed English and/or government, either you don't know what 'absolute' means, or you don't know what the Constitution says.

Way to make up a bunch of pointless sh!t. I didn't comment on your "absolute liberties" or constitutional arguments. (paraphrasing) "you did X, or Y, maybe X." Fvck, you don't even know what I did wrong...

Furthermore, I'm not giving lectures on english, so if I write poorly it's also irrelevant. I AM correcting your misunderstanding of our gov't., you demonstrated your ingorance when you called ours a democracy.

Of course, I guess I pissed in your Cheerios when I made that correction and you feel the need to fire back. Mature discussion we have going on here...

hey, you didn't need to make the wisecrack about gov't class. If you can't take the same exact kind of criticism without escalating to another level, then that's your problem.

First of all i did not call our system "a democracy", so that point is just wrong. Secondly the issue you are making about the protection of individual liberties in our Constitution, also does not contradict what I said about liberty, I said it is not absolute, not that it doesn't exist as a fundamental part of our society.

So essentially, you started off insulting me, then ratchet it up when I respond in kind, and the bottom line is, if you paid attention to what I said to begin with, there isn't any disagreement between what you are saying and what I said.

Unless you think the Constitution says there is absolute liberty, which of course it doesn't.

And my point about English class isn't about grammar or spelling, it's about your apparent inability to understand what I meant by the words absolute liberty.

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