Why isn't Clinton in jail?

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Aug 14, 2001
Please. When Clinton sent missles to supposed terrorist sites during his term. Every republican balmed it on Monicagate. We didn't care that two american embassies were attacked because it didn't attack us directly. That's what gun-toting redneck americans think anyway


Aug 14, 2001
Besides, you're just mad that Clinton got buffed in the Oval office while balancing the budget, writing the family-leave act, and making life more livable as an american. While the Only thing a Bush has ever done was have wars against Obviously inferior opponents and beating their chests.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< We need national tragedies and wars to get both sides to act respectfully >>

It seems that is also what it took for you to act respectfully. Just don't fall and hurt yourself off that high and mighty perch you are on....


Senior member
Sep 18, 2000
Quote from hungrypete:

<< Why do any of you care? ... Bill Clinton is as American as apple pie, kids. .... He was just like you and me. .... Affairs? Who gives a fvck - Republicans only. >>

And with that disturbing quote i give you all the overall unanimous voice of democrats and liberals everywhere... "Affairs? Who gives a FVCK?" he says... Well, I do asshole. As would any other decent person, with any morality about them. Are these the values you will instill in your children? Don't try to take it back or justify your statement either...


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001

Here are things that I think are important:
1) Economy had the longest growth period ever.

Hold on a sec. First of all that stretch of growth began before the Clinton administration. Secondly all of that capital that was used to spark the stretch of growth did not magically come out of thin air. Your stretch of growth was a combination of two events..

1. Reaganomics.
2. A division in American politics. GOP having congress/senate, and the Democrats having the Presidency... there was so much stonewalling that the government had little room for agreement... therefore there was less government intrusion into the private sector and businesses were left to do what they are supposed to do, grow and be productive.

2) Crime dropped drastically from the late 80's early 90's.

Crime dropped in highly populated areas such as NYC. Not because of the Clinton administration, but because of local and state leadership such as Rudy Guilini.

3) Much less tean pregnancy than in recent history. (Same goes for teen sex and teen abortions.)

You think that Bill Clinton's administration propogated morality in America?

4) Percent of people in poverty dropped.

A direct result of the private sector's productivity and increased growth. Bill Clinton had nothing to do with it. He was actually a detractor in the reductions in poverty. He refused to sign welfare reform. As a man driven by the polls he eventually gave in to public sentiment.

5) US debt actually started to decrease.

Reaganomics sparked increases in governmental revenues in combination with decreases in taxes. The capital resulting from both of Reagan's significant tax cuts is the reason we saw increases in capital investment, in turn creating new jobs which resulted in increased productivity and the eventual increases in government revenues.

6) We won all of our minor wars. And avoided any major wars.

Clinton was poll driven. His secretary of defense was a crybaby from Maine... his secretary of state was an unqualified blob... You're giving his administration far more credit than it deserves.

7) The vast majority of people say they are better off in 2000 than they were ten years before

Yes. They can thank the American private sector and the policies of Reagan's administration.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The thing I hate about Clinton is that he makes Bush look absolutely stupid. That and the fact that the bastard won two elections and Bush lost. I hate having in the back of my mind the fact that my pres. used republican terrorist operatives to wrest the election from Gore. I have a hard time, because of my tremendous ethical upbringing and scrupulous morality, rationalizing having a traitor as my Supreme Coup president not to mention 5 fraud criminals in that Coup. I think I could adjust and sleep better if I hadn't practiced moral outrage for 8 years before Bush was selected, but once you get your pecker in an uproar, it's hard to come down. Thank God somebody reminded me of that ass Clinton again. I'd hate to think what I might do if, without an outlet like this, somebody was to accidentally rip off my Bush coloured lenses and I started seeing the crimes taking place right under my nose. I can also thank the evil terrorists and the evil Taliban and all the evil evils in this evil world, and all the good in America, and the good people and the evil people and balck and white and white and black.....fight evil evil evil and good good good and apples and pie oh my oh my. And you are bad bad bad. Flags wave the flags wave the flags. Yeah I'm a a a a a a a a ............................

If you want a real reason to hate Clinton, look what he turned you into.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Dolemite, some of us Republicans don't care if you're queer, but signing like that is may be a little to in your face for many.


Feb 15, 2001
You think that Bill Clinton's administration propogated morality in America?

and what were the republicans doing? affairs aplenty, and far worse then clinton being seduced by some pudgy intern. newt gingrich leaving his wife while she has cancer and many others, with the added bonus that they proclaimed themselves to be the moral ones. witch hunt hipocracy.

just look to how their children turned out. chelsy the scholar, jenna the drunk


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
I think there should be a limit on how many people you can pardon. Maybe 6 for every term you hold office.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hmmm, seems like theres some revisionist history here already:

"We won all of our minor wars. And avoided any major wars"

Somalia,anyone? And theres no doubt in ANYONES mind that the Clinton adminstration "Brought to justice" (as he said he would do), the perps who :

Attacked the WTC
Attacked Khobar Towers
Attacked 2 US Embassies
Attacked the USS Cole

BTW- I still remember the day they read the order about No comments about the President- it was the same day we had to give DNA samples- several guys were PO'ed over it- I quipped "You guys can't complain- Clinton is leading by example- he's already given his sample"

I thought my 1st Sgt was going to die- between laughing and being PO'ed over my disobeying orders......


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
and what were the republicans doing? affairs aplenty, and far worse then clinton being seduced by some pudgy intern. newt gingrich leaving his wife while she has cancer and many others, with the added bonus that they proclaimed themselves to be the moral ones. witch hunt hipocracy.

just look to how their children turned out. chelsy the scholar, jenna the drunk

Oh the ignorance.

1. Leaving out the fact that Clinton settled a sexual harassment suit...

2. he was fined 800k for obstructing justice.

3. He was impeached.

4. His 96 campaign accepted illegal donations from communist china.

5. His administration fired seven career employees from the travel office after his 92 victory and falsely accused them of mishandling money... only to replace them with political favorites of theirs. Otherwise known as travelgate.

6. After he was elected the energy department mysteriously stopped background checks on Chinese and Russian scientists visiting nuclear labs. Doing this knowing full well of past investigations still being opened regarding espionage.

7. The Cox report.

8. He allegedly raped a woman who an FBI interrogator interviewed and deemed to have a credible testimony.

9. Whitewater

10. filegate

11. vince foster's mysterious suicide

12. selling out the lincoln bedroom for campaign funds.

13. Accepting illegal contributions from nuns at a buddhist temple.

14. Web Hubbell

15. His wag the dog maneuver during impeachment.

This isn't even listing his personal issues with infidelity. I could go on and on, I'm just giving you what I have at the top of my head.

You lack common sense if you are going to compare Bill Clinton and his administration to the behaviors of Newt Gingrich and other Republicans. In fact such a pursuit is perfect evidence of the lefts willingness to defy logic when faced with any notion of fact.



Feb 15, 2001
Oh the ignorance you say. What i posted above are verifiable facts. most of what you post is inuendo or unsubstatiated smear material.

2. he was fined 800k for obstructing justice.

ah yes, after spending millions and wasting incredible amounts of time and man power they had to get something out of it. 800k for lying about sex. good job!

8. He allegedly raped a woman who an FBI interrogator interviewed and deemed to have a credible testimony.

if it was so credible, i don't see why nothing was done. unless there was some "conspiracy". more likely a politically motivated report that had insufficient evidence but tried to throw things into a bad light. remember that this woman denied it in an affidavit during paula jones trial.

11. vince foster's mysterious suicide

right, and you can stick that one in the same book that claims why we never went to the moon. no evidence, just right wing nut cases railing endlessly on talkshows.. say it enough and it must be true. it must be true..

14. Web Hubbell

ah yes another dead end. the witch hunters couldn't even keep their own facts straight during the investigations. transcripts of hubbell tapes released did not match and were rewritten to connote wrong doing. This was more of a scandle for the republicans who had to fire burton who got caught red handed. not to mention that hubbell actually stole from hilary and other clients at the rose law firm. in the end.. nothing again.

4. His 96 campaign accepted illegal donations from communist china.

and what came of that? nothing again, they searched hi and low trying to find how this fit into a traiterous conspiracy, but alas.. a another waste of tax payers money. nothing more then republicans trying to feed off anti-asian nativism for political gains.

1. Leaving out the fact that Clinton settled a sexual harassment suit...

thats right, paula jones settled for money. makes you wonder how someone that was damaged and out for justice could lay down her arms and run off with a little money. She was a pawn of the rightwing which used her to lauch their investigation spree. She made off with what she could before she would be submitted to further scruitiny and possibly get nothing at all. After all, she had done her job, smear done, investigation begun. btw, her husband divorced her soon after.

3. He was impeached. 15. His wag the dog maneuver during impeachment.

right, for what? LYING UNDER OATH ABOUT SEX. and he was aquitted. So the republicans spent millions of my tax money to smear their political enemy over something trivial, how quaint. they also hindered the ability of the administration to function, which is good for me as an american. All the things they could have done in the fight against terrorism could never happen because of the enviroment that was created. Any military action became a wag the dog scenario. Who knows, if this had never happened maybe there would have been no september 11. You might say its a stretch, but you can't deny that the republicans did slow any progress we were making. btw nixon never got to be impeached because he resigned to hide from his imminent conviction.

13. Accepting illegal contributions from nuns at a buddhist temple.

their case was so strong that nothing came of it .. again. the absurd notion that gore was wasting his time sneaking around setting up complex webs of diceit with buddhist nuns is at best laughable.

6. After he was elected the energy department mysteriously stopped background checks on Chinese and Russian scientists visiting nuclear labs. Doing this knowing full well of past investigations still being opened regarding espionage.

back it up, and show which officials did this and who put them there. the right wing press likes to promote the idea that we were losing all our secrets to china thanx to clinton which is a total crock. if they had any evidence at all they would be justified in demanding the impeachment of the president and vice president for high treason and have rejected the establishment of permanent trading benefits for china, but nooo!! they had ziltch, only enough for national inquirer style attacks, which were good enough for them as always.

10. filegate

the republicans had control of congress, they touted in public only.. so whats your point? the only information that got to the public quickly were things like the starr report.

5. His administration fired seven career employees from the travel office after his 92 victory and falsely accused them of mishandling money... only to replace them with political favorites of theirs. Otherwise known as travelgate.

as with the other gates the independent council admitted that there was no evidence to support criminal prosecution of anyone. but of course the conservatives twisted it into a conspiracy theory the same way islamic fundamentalists claim jews control america. remember allegations of giving secrets to the chinese or blatent criminal activity etc if real would be treasonous and investigations would reveal something unless you think clinton is a super human mastermind.

9. Whitewater

same as above.

This isn't even listing his personal issues with infidelity. I could go on and on, I'm just giving you what I have at the top of my head.

with what? more unsubstatiated drivel you've absorbed from constant exposure to right wing radio?

You lack common sense if you are going to compare Bill Clinton and his administration to the behaviors of Newt Gingrich and other Republicans. In fact such a pursuit is perfect evidence of the lefts willingness to defy logic when faced with any notion of fact.

your one to talk logic when all you can post are conspiracies like the "vince foster suicide". logic dictates that if someone is involved with incredible amounts of criminal activity, they will soon slip up. Furthermore, if said allegations of criminal activity are true, the facts will come out and criminal prosecution will be relentless and successful in atleast some of the cases. but in this case.. nothing. just a bj from a pudgy intern that got the hots for the leader of the free world. good job!

how many gates do you need? the republicans tried desperate to pin something on a democratic president to even the score after the truely sordid watergate fiasco, they grasped at straws, any method, any lead, we gotta get him! It doesn't matter if there is any truth to the allegations, start enough scandals and even the press starts to get confused, let alone the average american. sleazy but it works.


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2001
i'm a republican and hate billy boy, but come on. you can't put the president in jail. not unless he kills a few hundred peeps for the hell of it. although a large portion of the pop would probably still like the fool.


Feb 15, 2001
no, if you know you've done something completely criminal you resign.. like richard nixon. no one can stand up to endless investigation if guilty.


Sep 22, 2001


This argument, to me, isn't about clinton. It is a bout the first three words of the quote. He LIED. Does everyone agree. He LIED. I don't care if he lied about the color of his shoes or the location of New York City. He LIED. When he was caught, he LIED some more. He went on TV and lied to all of you. Maybe the way you were raised that is OK with you. Maybe it's OK that someone lies. You're probably teaching your kids the same thing. They'll be fine people. Everyone I have ever argued about Clinton with, has the same argument. They really don't think he did anything wrong. I think that goes against the very basis of what is right and wrong. Honesty. The man has the moral terpitude and integrity of an alley cat. Those of you who think he did nothing wrong are no better.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2001
Those are the best posts I have ever seen here in the "pro-Clinton Off-Topic Forums"
I fervently pray everyone remembers what POS he is, and how badly his Machevellian wife (aka POS#2)
wants to be in the White House.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2000

<< hungrypete It is you that have a problem with facts....I will not bring retarded folks down to your level. >>

hahaha, maybe it's early and I'm reading that wrong....


Sep 25, 2000

<< Clinton is a perjuror, a thief, an adulterer, a liar, a cheat, and a general all around scumbag. Now Bill ain't much better either. >>

and the rest of the freaking human race, cuz we're all guilty of the same thing.



Sep 25, 2000

<< Why isn't OJ in jail? >>

cuz the glove didn't fit.. duh.

didn't you listen to Johnny? If it does not fit.. you MUST acquit.



Feb 15, 2001
Those are the best posts I have ever seen here in the "pro-Clinton Off-Topic Forums"
I fervently pray everyone remembers what POS he is, and how badly his Machevellian wife (aka POS#2)
wants to be in the White House.

the forums are anything but pro-clinton. i don't know where you got that from. ah yes, machevelli, you do believe that he is superhumanly cunning.. the only reason all those charges could not be proven. if those are the best posts you've seen, i'll have to pray for you.

This argument, to me, isn't about clinton. It is a bout the first three words of the quote. He LIED. Does everyone agree. He LIED. I don't care if he lied about the color of his shoes or the location of New York City. He LIED. When he was caught, he LIED some more. He went on TV and lied to all of you. Maybe the way you were raised that is OK with you. Maybe it's OK that someone lies. You're probably teaching your kids the same thing. They'll be fine people. Everyone I have ever argued about Clinton with, has the same argument. They really don't think he did anything wrong. I think that goes against the very basis of what is right and wrong. Honesty. The man has the moral terpitude and integrity of an alley cat. Those of you who think he did nothing wrong are no better.

theres a difference in degrees of lying, and if you dont' believe that you are kidding yourself. lying about your age is a white lie. lying to your wife is a personal lie. lying about criminal activitiy is a criminal lie. one hurts no one, one hurts your family, and one hurts the nation. no one said he did no wrong, but saying that a leader can't make a mistake without losing all morals is silly. look to history, great men have had questional personal lives, others like hitler stay faithful to their loves. In other words, using that to judge a man proves nothing.


Jan 25, 2000
The Republican hypocricy and unprofessionalism is unbelievable.
I was independent until the impeachment, but now I will vote Democrat just because I hate the Republican party, even thought I agree with them on many issues. When Republicans are no longer self-righteous hypocrites who think they know what's best for everyone, I will reevaluate my position.
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