Why isn't Clinton in jail?

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Aug 14, 2001
Flawed, you are just that. Trickle down economics did nothing except fool the people that big-business was their lord and saviors. And Reaganomics must have had a 4-year delay period, or do you forget the BUSH years??? No new TAXES???? remember????? The first thing that mofo did in like his first year was initiate "revenue enhancers" And where do you think these things came from??? You're G0D Darned right. Tax-payers. At least with a Dem I know I'm not getting screwed, because he's already getting his daily amount from interns.

And I'll say it again: Repubs are just as bad, just better at covering it up. Oliver North?? G. Gordon Liddy??? Why won't reagan Tell you?? Because he "doesn't recall". What a f'in JOKE!!!!!!

I f'ing hated those republican years!!!!! They sucked!!!! Both Bushes suck!! If not for wars, they'd be totally useless. While clinton is chillin' in Harlem with people who are just as human.

Why does he get along with blacks so well even though he's a known adulterer?? Because the women are saying, "he ain't nothing but a dog" but defer to his political skills. Whereas the Black man is singing his praises. Trust me, I know.



Aug 14, 2001
Can't take what???

Did you remember the cop that got busted, then decided to break the 'blue Wall of silence' that all police officers have? It re-opened a whole can of worms in that city. They are still under federal investigation for christ sakes!!!!!

You ARE flawed!!!! But we all see thing through rose-colored glasses.


Jan 25, 2000

<< And I'll say it again: Repubs are just as bad, just better at covering it up. >>

Right on. Ever wonder why Bush doesn't want to open Reagan's presidential records. Maybe there is evidence of wrongdoing by Ronnie and Bush's crew? GOP is building Reagan up like some saint. Maybe he isn't as perfect as they would like us to believe.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
Supertool why do you insist on continuing to prove my point? It is rather evident that like so many lovers of leftist policy you aren't equipped to be discussing ANY aspects of the economy, particularly those pertaining to the forces of stimulus.

The 4 years between 88-92, more towards the latter part of 91, is actually when we began to see the influx of capital reintroduced into the economy. This isn't just my position, this is Alan Greenspan's position.

Despite your timeline being grossly off queue, you are flat out wrong.


Jan 25, 2000

<< Supertool why do you insist on continuing to prove my point? It is rather evident that like so many lovers of leftist policy you aren't equipped to be discussing ANY aspects of the economy, particularly those pertaining to the forces of stimulus.

The 4 years between 88-92, more towards the latter part of 91, is actually when we began to see the influx of capital reintroduced into the economy. This isn't just my position, this is Alan Greenspan's position.

Despite your timeline being grossly off queue, you are flat out wrong.

Republicans of course believe that only they are equipped to run this country. Lover of leftist policy? Please... Don't be so pathetic. I like Clinton's policies, but they were centrists. He adopted ideas from the left and from the right, which is the reason for his success, and why we enjoyed these prosperous years. Call him what you want, but he was not an idealogue, and itstead took the best ideas from both sides. We need more politicians like him. Instead we got Bushie boy who wants to resurrect every failed right winger Reagan policy ever tried.


Aug 14, 2001
Most of that influx started from his failed promise of "NO NEW TAXES" not that I have a problem with taxes, it's just that I grow tired of paying my taxes to pay for another B-2 bomber!!!!


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
Oh well.

I can't make anyone discuss something they do not wish to discuss. Regardless of the underlying reasons... I can't force you, SuperTool, to have a substantive discussion over the things I've spent time referencing.

I don't want to engage in emotional spin-cycles with you, and waste further time arguing points you endlessly avoid.

What can be said is that the good people from the left and the right pretty much have the same wishes for america's future. We have a good country. We're very lucky.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
Most of that influx started from his failed promise of "NO NEW TAXES" not that I have a problem with taxes, it's just that I grow tired of paying my taxes to pay for another B-2 bomber!!!!

What on earth are you talking about? I said influx of capital investment... what is wrong with you?


Feb 8, 2001
flaweddecision - I applaud you for your ability to wax eloquent at the proverbial brick wall. You are an island of rationality in this storm of misguided vitriolic hyperbole.

SuperTool - learn to quit while you are behind.

krazykilroy - yikes, do you have a point or are you just playing a slightly more advanced game of I'm rubber and you're glue?

Without going into the various (and, yes, many) pecadillos of the Republican administrations, let me just say that Bill Clinton is an amazing man. Like no leader I can name from my study of history, he had the ability to do absolutely anything and not ever face the consequences a mere mortal like you or I would have to face. He had some of the highest approval ratings of any president ever, even though he was perpetually getting caught with the proverbial pants down.

And sticking to the original point of this thread, I am not surprised Clinton is not in jail. As Alan Alda said in "Murder at 1600", the president isn't a person, he's an institution. As such, he does get and in my opinion does deserve special treatment. It saddens me, though, that Clinton knows and takes advantage of this. As a president (or ex-president) I respect him. As a person, I find him pathetic. spineless and unworthy of the privelges his postition affords him.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

You know nothing of economics and I'd be surprised if you weren't sheetin yellow when Reagan was in office. Your just another liberal trying to rewrite history.


Aug 14, 2001
An Institution, huh???

So you never had a problem with Reagan Not recalling???

Or Oliver North shredding vital pieces of info that the american public should have had info to??

Or Richard nixon PLAYING GOD!!!!!

I guess that this is the kind of institution that you'd rather have.


Feb 8, 2001
Are you retarded or something?


<< So you never had a problem with Reagan Not recalling??? >>

Yes I did, but what does that have to do with Clinton? He is still a scumbag

<< Or Oliver North shredding vital pieces of info that the american public should have had info to?? >>

I had a problem with that to - although you gotta love the loyalty

<< Or Richard nixon PLAYING GOD!!!!! >>

Huh? What did he create the internet or something?

This thread is supposed to be about Clinton and his issues. Why must you think that attacking him means I am for these guys? Nixon deserves his own thread. He never went to in jail for two reasons. One he was a former president and therefore was not subject to the same type of "enforcement" as an average citizen (see above discussion of institution) Second and more importantly, he was pardoned.

When I say Clinton is a scumbag it is purely on the merits of his actions. It is not biased by my political beliefs. Please don't insult my intelligence by assuming that and continuing with your juvenile game of rubber and glue.


Feb 15, 2001
You have proven my point. For many people there are no degrees of lying. When a person lies to my face, he is a liar. I will question every word he ever says to me again. I think it is a fundamental character flaw. That is the fundamental difference between people who do not like Clinton and those who don't really think he did anything wrong. It is very sad really, because many of those people who like Clinton are raising their kids the same way.

Not if you are honest with yourself. If a plain woman asks me if she looks good, i won't say she's ugly to her face. A white lie. Under your standards i would have committed an egregious sin comparable to any other lie as there are no degrees. A lie about the size of a woman?s behind for instance is the same as a lie about the location of a kidnapped and near death child. Absurd? Well you made the claim that there are no degrees of lying.

Nefrodite your ability to respond in kind is remarkable in that it is a disgrace, yet at the same time it is somewhat heroic. Very few on the left will still defend Bill Clinton. He's out of office and he is no longer needed for democratic fundraising and democratic victories, IE the win in virginia.

Why thank you, i don't know what else to say. I think Clinton did ok, i don't think he did a perfect job, but i won't sit down and stay quiet when the right slanders him using misinformation... which seems to be the only information they use.

The rich pardon and many others were entirely illegal. They were granted by Clinton without the specificity required by law to allow the USDOJ to process the pardon applications and issue a pardon warrant

Entirely illegal you say. Listen to your own words, if that were so the republicans would have been able to do more then yell and scream. Mr. Clinton would be in jail.

Now on to why you are a disgrace. You are a disgrace because you will defend Clinton regardless of his actions. I pointed out that he was fined 800,000 for obstruction of justice. In your clever little attempt to diminish the credibility of our entire system of law you mockingly say: ah yes, after spending millions and wasting incredible amounts of time and man power they had to get something out of it. 800k for lying about sex. good job!

regardless? The only action that was proven was that a pudgy intern hit on him and played with little willy. She sexually harrassed him by flashing her panties at him when she could. what was the obstruction of justice charge about? Lying about sex as i said before. Sex that hurt no one.

Lying about sex? First of all this wasn't a trial about "sex." Bill Clinton was on trial for sexual harassment. Interestinly enough the feminists remained quiet during this entire fiasco. Where were the extreme left defending this woman's rights? Now if Bill Clinton were a black conservative... HELLO NEW YORK.

Again this sexual harassment was never proven, the only thing they had to go on was consential.

Ironically perhaps Clinton's finest quality was his ability to be purely corrupt. It kept his administration out of the private sector to an extent... it kept washington in a deadlock for 8 years... it let the private sector run america. This was a great thing.

Another case of slander. No proof, just repeat and memorize and it becomes the truth magically. The right wing airwaves are nothing more then a form of madrasa to pump out brainwashed zealots. as for the deadlock, i seem to remember the republican controlled congress kicking and screaming, shutting the government down. Bipartisanism was nonexistent at the time. and deadlock good? with our arms tied there?s a good chance any fight we had against terrorism at the time was crippled. That must have been a great thing.


It is time to elect a world leader, and your vote counts. Here is the scoop on the three leading candidates.

Decide who you would choose:

Candidate A associates with ward heelers and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of brandy every evening.

Candidate C is a decorated war veteran. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any illicit affairs.

Which of these candidates is your choice??

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt

Candidate B is Winston Churchill

Candidate C is Adolph Hitler

Kind of scary, huh?

not to mention that martin luther king was a womanizing adulterer. Cleveland, Wilson, Harding, FDR, JFK, Johnson, jefferson... who knows who else. all IMMORAL MEN!


Jul 16, 2001
Clintons legacy is the 911 WTC tragedy. He ignored numerous warnings about lax security and is directly responsible for allowing liberalized immigration policy that overwhelmed local law inforcement and the FBI with international terrorists and criminals that are still here among us to this day....:Q


Aug 6, 2001
You right wing assholes spent 35 million dollars with penisgate and came away without a conviction. You hounded him for 9 years going on 10 and came away without a conviction. You vilified him in the right wing media and came away without a conviction. No president has ever had to go through what he went thru, and he came thru without a conviction.

Maybe he came thru without a conviction because he did not commit a crime that deserves a conviction?

I wonder what you assholes will come up with for the next three years to divert attention from king bushlite and his cronies. We will keep watch and stay vigilant. I don't care what his approval rating is now; he will have to answer for his crimes against the people sooner or later. We will speak in the next election and then you can bitch for 12 years about the next Democratic president.

EDIT: By the way, assholes, Bushlite lied under oath about a real issue, not where his penis was. He committed a far worse crime than clinton, yet you say nothing. Bush Senior lied to the American people with his "Read my lips" speech, and you say nothing. Ashcroft lied TO CONGRESS during his confirmation hearings and you say nothing.


You people make me sick.


Feb 8, 2001
I'm not a hypocrite. I don't like the guy based solely on his actions and smarmyness. It's called calling a spade a spade. There a lot of spades in politics. Criticizing politicians is not partisan, it's American.


Aug 6, 2001

<< I'm not a hypocrite. I don't like the guy based solely on his actions and smarmyness. It's called calling a spade a spade. There a lot of spades in politics. Criticizing politicians is not partisan, it's American.

When you put in 500 words raking Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr over the coals for their crimes against America, then you can say you are not a hypocrite. If you can honestly say that Iran Contra was more of a crime against the American people and a soiling of the presidency than a bj in the White House, then you are not a hypocrite.

Until then, you and everyone else who wants to debate penisgate are hypocrites. Criticizing your hypocricy is also American.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
If IMTYPING wants to make this about money, Clinton's trip to India cost 70 million. And that is not including Secret Service costs which are never disclosed.

People like ImTyping are consistent in that they diminish the meaning of those things we commonly refer to as laws in attempt to demean and discredit conservatives in general.

Notice that instead of referencing the parties responsible, which did not only consist of conservatives, rather, it was semi-bipartisan and consisted of many well known liberals such as Senator Lieberman... rather these pillars of our community will generalize and categorize all conservatives.

EDIT: By the way, assholes, Bushlite lied under oath about a real issue, not where his penis was. He committed a far worse crime than clinton, yet you say nothing. Bush Senior lied to the American people with his "Read my lips" speech, and you say nothing. Ashcroft lied TO CONGRESS during his confirmation hearings and you say nothing.

Yes, this is typical emotional nannyfiasm from an uneducated liberal. I wouldn't expect much else. By the way, you sound like a big government, I can't do anything for myself, I'll cry a river of tears in an attempt to blur the truth, my mother didn't love me, wipe my rear from cradle to grave type liberal... taking issue with Bush's tax increases? Tax increases fall right in line with your philosophies.

When you put in 500 words raking Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr over the coals for their crimes against America, then you can say you are not a hypocrite. If you can honestly say that Iran Contra was more of a crime against the American people and a soiling of the presidency than a bj in the White House, then you are not a hypocrite

Your summary of the Clinton legacy is a bj in the whitehouse? ........... that's more a reflection of your intelligence and abililty to comprehend reality rather than a successful revision of history.


Aug 6, 2001

<< People like ImTyping are consistent in that they diminish the meaning of those things we commonly refer to as laws in attempt to demean and discredit conservatives in general. >>

What I DO notice is that you did not address the lying by Bush Sr, Jr, and Ashcroft. The latter two lied under oath, Bush in a CRIMINAL trial, and Ashcroft to Congress. What I am saying is that you hypocrites are very quick to vilify a democrat for jaywalking while YOUR candidates are getting away with "murder."

Please start a thread ripping your puppet in the White House for lying under oath if you want to retain a smidgen of credibility.

Oh and if you do not know: I was very pissed that Clinton lied under oath about penisgate. He should have done exactly what bushlite did when asked about cocaine abuse: he should have said it is none of our damn business. If you think what Clinton did with his penis in the White House is so damn important, then you should be screaming to find out why bushlite avoided drug testing to keep his pilot's license when he was in the National Gaurd.


Feb 15, 2001
Yes, this is typical emotional nannyfiasm

ironic you would say this. explain nannyfiasm its not nice to make up words.


Dec 12, 1999

<< Maybe he came thru without a conviction because he did not commit a crime that deserves a conviction? >>

well if you don't consider perjury a serious enough crime then let me spell it out for you...! it's a FELONY punishable by fines AND imprisonment, and you can bet your bottom dollar that if that had been you or me, we would have served time...2 he was under investigation for sexual harrrasment, so the questions were pertinent and valid...he LIED and committed PERJURY that should be enough.... as for the rest of the politicians...they got away with it...it doesn't make them any better...as for Clinton being "responsible" for the economic upturn during his tenure...thats because he had ALAN GREENSPAN running the economics of the country a HOLDOVER from the REAGAN years, combinrd with the either republican or DEADLOCKED congress not making any significant changes towrds that end...Red and the rest make it seem as though Clinton was a "scumbag" but a "scumbag" that made America prosperous so its OK to be a "scumbag"are fooling themselves into thinking this particular "scumbag" was pretty good afterall...personally, I think BOTH parties are full of power/money hungry mongrels that would sell thier own mothers to attain their greedy goals...vote LIBERTARIAN!!


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
What I DO notice is that you did not address the lying by Bush Sr, Jr, and Ashcroft. The latter two lied under oath, Bush in a CRIMINAL trial, and Ashcroft to Congress. What I am saying is that you hypocrites are very quick to vilify a democrat for jaywalking while YOUR candidates are getting away with "murder."

Perhaps if this thread said "Why did Bush lose in 92 after failing to follow through with his promise of no new taxes," I would be able to offer a post saying that yes, Bush did not follow through with his promise of no new taxes because every economist including greenspan knew that they were necessary.

The fact of the matter is that this thread is not about Bush Sr. What we have here is you avoiding all conversation at hand and changing the subject. Why is this?

Please start a thread ripping your puppet in the White House for lying under oath if you want to retain a smidgen of credibility.

I'm getting sick and tired of the personal attacks. If you can't handle dealing with reality such as others on the left like nefrodite, than I suggest you not post. If your only response to a post of mine or others with conservative leanings is to change the subject and scream that we are hypocrites FOR STAYING ON THE TOPIC OF THE THREAD, then I don't know what to tell you.

Oh and if you do not know: I was very pissed that Clinton lied under oath about penisgate. He should have done exactly what bushlite did when asked about cocaine abuse: he should have said it is none of our damn business. If you think what Clinton did with his penis in the White House is so damn important, then you should be screaming to find out why bushlite avoided drug testing to keep his pilot's license when he was in the National Gaurd.

I know this may be difficult for you to comprehend, but there is a difference between scandal and convictions. The story regarding Bush Jr.'s cocaine abuse was contrived by a single man in texas who was not able to offer ANY evidence WHATSOEVER.

If you prefer to discuss these types of scandals then GUESS WHAT? There are books on Clinton dedicated to these! 1000's of them! You have enough reading material for the rest of your life!
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