Why isn't Clinton in jail?

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Aug 6, 2001
Well, kam, you too should be screaming for Bush's head and Ashcrofts head. Bush lied in a criminal trial, a far more serious crime than Clinton. Yet you also do not address this. Maybe you should send your reply to the Bush family so bushlite can turn himself in for sentencing.



Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
Well, kam, you too should be screaming for Bush's head and Ashcrofts head. Bush lied in a criminal trial, a far more serious crime than Clinton. Yet you also do not address this. Maybe you should send your reply to the Bush family so bushlite can turn himself in for sentencing.


I'm afraid that you epitomize everything which is wrong with the public educational system in America.


Feb 8, 2001

<< What I DO notice is that you did not address the lying by Bush Sr, Jr, and Ashcroft. The latter two lied under oath, Bush in a CRIMINAL trial, and Ashcroft to Congress. What I am saying is that you hypocrites are very quick to vilify a democrat for jaywalking while YOUR candidates are getting away with "murder." >>

This thread is about Clinton. ERGO, I discuss Clinton

<< Please start a thread ripping your puppet in the White House for lying under oath if you want to retain a smidgen of credibility. >>

Go right ahead. I may have some choice remarks there too. Please save the hyperbole for the playground at recess tomorrow. Thanks.


Dec 12, 1999

<< Well, kam, you too should be screaming for Bush's head and Ashcrofts head. Bush lied in a criminal trial, a far more serious crime than Clinton. Yet you also do not address this. Maybe you should send your reply to the Bush family so bushlite can turn himself in for sentencing.


your an idiot...neither are more or less better or worse...they are the SAME as for sentencing...I'll do as you ask just as soon as your good o'le redneck down home registered sex offender does the same

go spin your web of deceipt somewhere else


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
Why thank you, i don't know what else to say. I think Clinton did ok, i don't think he did a perfect job, but i won't sit down and stay quiet when the right slanders him using misinformation... which seems to be the only information they use.

Don't the things I'm telling you cause some alarm?

I'm not lying to you. The department of energy haulted background checks on Chinese and Russian scientists coming to work at our nuclear labs. Doesn't this frighten you? My god, the cold war just ended... Russia and China are just starting to buddy up... You combine this with the Johnny Chung visiting the whitehouse FIFTYSEVEN times, admitting to tunneling money to the DNC specifically for Clinton's 96 campaign...

please, tell me this bothers you. It has to. How can it not bother you? There's so much more to discuss.

Is this the type of country we wish to have?

Entirely illegal you say. Listen to your own words, if that were so the republicans would have been able to do more then yell and scream. Mr. Clinton would be in jail.

Clinton was essentially convincted of obstruction of justice and forced to pay a hefty fine. You know perfectly well that if you or I lied in a federal case we'd be sitting dirty in a prison cell. The right sure tried to do what they could to get him... the perception is they failed. I don't think they did. He's a laughing matter and a public spectacle. He will go down in history as the guy who got head in the oval office and sold out to red china, and a variety of other things. I don't think this is something to necessarily be proud of.

I'm saddened by how much effort it takes to make the left see what is right before them.



Feb 15, 2001
I'm afraid that you epitomize everything which is wrong with the public educational system in America.

you like this thing called irony don't you. back up your banal statement.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
you like this thing called irony don't you. back up your banal statement.

We're talking about the clinton Presidency and being accused of hypocrisy because we won't discuss topics which are irrelevant to the conversation.

If you or him want to blatantly excuse Clinton's actions by recollecting the past then come right out and say it.

I'm getting fed up with the stupidity displayed in this thread and the leftist elitism which dignifies the gross generalizations of the right solely for the purpose of objectifying ridiculous lunacy that could only be a by-product of 16 years of public education with very little thought invested throughout the entire process.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
So lets ask Bush if he made his Mexican maid get an abortion.

People who commit acts considered immoral and get caught lying about it are infinitely more evil than people who commit immoral acts that they won't tell us about or we can't prove, aren't they?

Did Bush use drugs? Where's the moral outrage? Isn't Bush too stupid to be entrusted with the reins of power of the greatest nation on earth? Where's the outrage? He lost the election. Where's the outrage?


Dec 12, 1999

<< So lets ask Bush if he made his Mexican maid get an abortion.

People who commit acts considered immoral and get caught lying about it are infinitely more evil than people who commit immoral acts that they won't tell us about or we can't prove, aren't they?

Did Bush use drugs? Where's the moral outrage? Isn't Bush too stupid to be entrusted with the reins of power of the greatest nation on earth? Where's the outrage? He lost the election. Where's the outrage?

you lost your mind...where's the outrage?!?!:Q
oh, wait, I forgot...no one cares


Feb 15, 2001
[]iDon't the things I'm telling you cause some alarm?

I'm not lying to you. The department of energy haulted background checks on Chinese and Russian scientists coming to work at our nuclear labs. Doesn't this frighten you? My god, the cold war just ended... Russia and China are just starting to buddy up... You combine this with the Johnny Chung visiting the whitehouse FIFTYSEVEN times, admitting to tunneling money to the DNC specifically for Clinton's 96 campaign...

please, tell me this bothers you. It has to. How can it not bother you? There's so much more to discuss. But this issue is the primary one I take concern over. It eats at me... I can't believe that Americans are just sitting around as if giving our secrets to China is fine and dandy.

Or is this the type of country we wish to have?

perhaps I?m not as paranoid as you. Any failings in our security were not part of a vast conspiracy by the Clintons to make china into a monster. no one has been able to tell us how this massive web of conspiracy fits together. let alone prosecute.

Clinton was essentially convincted of obstruction of justice and forced to pay a hefty fine. You know perfectly well that if you or I lied in a federal case we'd be sitting dirty in a prison cell. The right sure tried to do what they could to get him... the perception is they failed. I don't think they did. He's a laughing matter and a public spectacle. He will go down in history as the guy who got head in the oval office and sold out to red china, and a variety of other things. I don't think this is something to necessarily be proud of.

so what? In the end it shows that a massive witch hunt fufills its purpose of tearing someone down. Not much else. As for your ?red china? statement, the paranoia is a tad unfounded.

If you want to play with semantics and the meaning of the word is, is.. by settling the case he admitted to sexually harassing Ms. Jones.

you don?t understand law do you. Settlement means no sides admit fault.

I don't know what it takes for you to see what is right in front of your face.

I read the starr report too you know. Lewinski, their only real evidence was not ?harassed?.

You say sex doesn't matter... fine lets say it doesn't matter. What about the arkansas state troopers who have layed claim to witnessing Clinton's cocaine habit as governor of Arkansas.

and what came of this? Nothing again. Allegations.

$$ will pretty much keep anyone out of prison these days. The Clintons will be remembered as a couple of corrupt, criminal, limousine liberals.

enough money will put people in jail. Starr searched hi and low for any unrelated offenses the key players made in efforts to flip them to his side. Testimony for a deal.

And mark my words right now, Hillary Clinton will never win a New York election ever again.

you probably said she would never win in the first place.

I'm getting fed up with the stupidity displayed in this thread and the leftist elitism which dignifies the gross generalizations of the right solely for the purpose of objectifying ridiculous lunacy that could only be a by-product of 16 years of public education with very little thought invested throughout the entire process.

or are you just fustrated that all you have to work with is republican spin instead of facts. and yes, of course, your also paranoid of the "liberal" schools and higher education is just there to create communists.


Nov 23, 2001
Sure, the guy did a lot of crazy stuff, but who really cares?
The economy rose while he was in office, peace talks went well, and he actually did a goodjob at president! Yes, he was a lil horny now and again, and maybe he did pardon a few spys and such, but come on, he was good at his job while he was there. He's been through enough, give him some credit for what he did right.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
or are you just fustrated that all you have to work with is republican spin instead of facts. and yes, of course, your also paranoid of the "liberal" schools and higher education is just there to create communists

I was raised in the public institutions. Differerence being I was capable of differentiating between truth and liberal revisionism.

Our schools apparently weren't good enough for Clinton and Gore's children. Isn't that amusing. Of course no vouchers. Why would we ever want all children across America to have a shot at the same thing's the Clinton's and Gore's have.


Feb 8, 2001
Albatross - welcome to the thread. You need to read the whole thing before you make such a over-simplified statement.


Feb 15, 2001
I was raised in the public institutions. Differerence being I was capable of differentiating between truth and liberal revisionism.

Our schools apparently weren't good enough for Clinton and Gore's children. Isn't that amusing. Of course no vouchers. Why would we ever want all children across America to have a shot at the same thing's the Clinton's and Gore's have.

you must be kidding, my school taught critical thought. You only get revisionism if you want it.. sign up for african studies or whatever if you want that. and whats wrong with wanting deluxe schools for your children. Whatever happened to capitolism? If you want the extra mile, you pay for it. It doesn't mean the public schools are horrible, its the same as wanting a personal tutor. it doesn't reflect badly upon public schools if they cannot afford to give you one too. vouchers? you want a liberal handout? A voucher will not pay for the same expensive school that a rich person is going to get, only a "special" school with customized circiculum that matches the parents political views. not to mention that vouchers would be paying for religious schools, we've seen how state funding of religious schools in the middle east has done. Your free to start your religious school, but pay for it by yourself.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
perhaps I?m not as paranoid as you. Any failings in our security were not part of a vast conspiracy by the Clintons to make china into a monster. no one has been able to tell us how this massive web of conspiracy fits together. let alone prosecute

It was his administration, his Department of Energy, his choice to let Johnny come visit him 57 times. I guess everyone is lying and the only people telling the truth are Bill and Hillary. Hundreds and thousands of people are lying. Everyone is. Not a single person is alleging truth. What a sad conclusion you've drawn.

I read the starr report too you know. Lewinski, their only real evidence was not ?harassed?.

Then you apparently missed the Cox Report, the Federal Statute concerning perjury, the US Constitution particularly the portions concerning treason, and melcher's book on probability..

so what?

You've just described the Clinton Administration's eight year sitcom.


Feb 15, 2001
It was his administration, his Department of Energy, his choice to let Johnny come visit him 57 times. I guess everyone is lying and the only people telling the truth are Bill and Hillary. Hundreds and thousands of people are lying. Everyone is. Not a single person is alleging truth. What a sad conclusion you've drawn.

thats right, when a rumor spreads, it doesn't mean its true no matter how many people mutter it. All you can say is that he visited, so what?

Then you apparently missed the Cox Report, the Federal Statute concerning perjury, the US Constitution particularly the portions concerning treason, and melcher's book on probability..

the politically biased report? oh yes, and what came of it? charges of high treason? lets see... i dont think so.

so what?

You've just described the Clinton Administration's eight year sitcom.


which was what the republicans intended to do.. create a sitcom. it only makes the hipocrites look dirtier.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
thats right, when a rumor spreads, it doesn't mean its true no matter how many people mutter it. All you can say is that he visited, so what?

Like I said. It's right in front of your eyes. Just keep denying it.

fifty seven invites. Johnny sells faxes and printers for a living.

Mr. Chung testified that he was given over $200,000 by certain military leaders in the PRC, which he in turn gave to the DNC which was then used for Clinton's 96 campaign.

Who's lying? The money was clearly there. The administration knew about the allegations far before it was reported in the press, and didn't return the money until after it was reported.

He was invited to the whitehouse 57 times. Pure coincidence? He sells printers and faxes for a living.

I'm wasting my time with you apparently.



Feb 15, 2001
still all you have are allegations with no way to explain how they fit together in the scheme of the conspiracy. I'm sure the investigators with far more knowledge/intelligence/access then you could figure it out. so in the end all you have is nothing.


Senior member
Oct 14, 2001
still all you have are allegations with no way to explain how they fit together in the scheme of the conspiracy. I'm sure the investigators with far more knowledge/intelligence/access then you could figure it out. so in the end all you have is nothing.

And OJ was innocent.

so what?

I agree. I'm done.


Feb 15, 2001
oj was one man, with a joke for a trial. your allegations against clinton require the work of countless people with wills of iron to cover up and hide from zealous investigators . I think theres a difference. Critical thought..try it sometime.


Feb 8, 2001

<< oj was one man, with a joke for a trial. your allegations against clinton require the work of countless people with wills of iron to cover up and hide from zealous investigators . I think theres a difference. Critical thought..try it sometime. >>

Ok - so OJ getting off was because the trial was a joke and Clinton getting off was a triumph of the righteous over would be crucifiers? Wow, talk about looking at the world through rose colored glasses...


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The longest and most expensive investigation of a President? How about Ronald Reagan! The GAO estimated the cost to be in excess of $50 million and it did not end until 1997!..Without ANY charges and the Democrats tried like hell to get him on anything.

Reagan turned over all papers demanded by the court in less than 48 hours at the beginng of his investigation. It took the Clintons 2 years to turn over their documents.....see and difference?


Senior member
Mar 7, 2001
Just wondering why clinton isn't in jail yet

Because even prisons have limits to who they will take

And besides, what better form of torture than to force him to live with Hillary for the rest of his life.
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