Why Mormons are not Christian:

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Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: tooltime
you can't add to the bible or take away from it

Says who? The Catholics that created it to fit their needs in the first place?


Senior member
Jun 27, 2005
alright, obviously people are either very uninformed or completely oblivious to what we(yes i am a mormon) believe. first of all the real name of the church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" so how can you say that a church bearing the name of Christ is not a Christian church. to qualify as a Christian one must believe in Jesus Christ in many different aspects but mainly as the Savior, and i can assure that i all of us in the "mormon" church do believe that above all else. everyone is entitled to opinions obviously, but i just want people to be informed as to the true nature of the mormon beliefs.


Golden Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: troglodytis
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: troglodytis
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: SirFshAlot
Originally posted by: aplefka
Mormons != Christians. They don't believe in the trinity and they also believe Jesus was a created being.

so all you're saying is that they are not trinitians
but if they believe in Christ, then they are still Christians.
just not trinitians
and they don't believe in popes, either
so they aren't popians
and they don't believe in eucharists, either
so they aren't eucharistians

the trinity term is NOT even in the bible
it never says "praise be to Trinity", or "give thanks unto Trinity", or "Trinity shall be His name"

I s'pose next you will assert "Mormons don't go to MY mass, so they can't believe in MY Jesus"

how come logic just flies out the window for so many people when they try to enter a religious topic?

My Jesus can beat up your Jesus

but your jesus must bow to the power that is DARTH TATER!!!!

All hail the Spud Overlord!!!

And I, for one, welcome our Spud Overlord.

If I believe can I get free upsizing on my fries?

Eat the flesh of the Spud OVERLORD!!!!

Hmm, I like fries and mashed potatoes and hash browns. [doubt increasing, faith waning] Why oh why Spud Overlord are you so delicious??[/screw it, I hate Oysters, ALL hail the Council of the Slime Overlords!!!!

NAY! fear not, for a Potato consumer a Potatoian can be!

rejoice in all that is POTATO!
consume thyne Potato and let thyne Potato consume thee![Spud 4:20]

praise be to the Potato!

Cool! Hail the Spud Overlord, HAIL!

whew, the Council of the Slime stunk, literally.

so back to my free upsizing....

all Potatoians must tithe. yea, but the truest Potatoian worships with the pot of boiling and the pan of frying. tis the believer with little faith that worships at the alter of the super size.

dispair not, for the Potato knows your faith.

yea, all that believeth in me will inherit the wisdom of the eye[Tuber 3:15]

praise be to the Potato



Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Originally posted by: AdamMT1618
Mormons do not beleive in the Trinity, Christians do. I think that is a summerization that Mormons are not Christians.


Mormonism holds the belief in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It's heavily indoctrinated throughout.

BTW, the nature of this post is blasphemy to begin with, unless your religion believes it's ok to chastize other people's beliefs, within obvious reason. Just by copy/pasting what you read shows a complete lack of originality, and inability to express your own free thoughts. You must be a follower, rather than a leader, and hence you're not speaking your own words, but those of another. That's sad.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Russet 2:12----"The men did eat Thine flesh and became strong. The excess thereof stiffened their collar and their fine dress became known through the lands. Thus began the arrival of the Fair Maidens, eager to birth their children."

O-M-G Hail the Spud Overlord!


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I prayed last night to O' Heavenly Spud asking for my famine to end.

OMGWTFHASHBROWNS! on my stove this morning....angels were singing too, they looked like birds though...wierd.



Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Ronin
Originally posted by: AdamMT1618
Mormons do not beleive in the Trinity, Christians do. I think that is a summerization that Mormons are not Christians.


Mormonism holds the belief in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It's heavily indoctrinated throughout.

BTW, the nature of this post is blasphemy to begin with, unless your religion believes it's ok to chastize other people's beliefs, within obvious reason. Just by copy/pasting what you read shows a complete lack of originality, and inability to express your own free thoughts. You must be a follower, rather than a leader, and hence you're not speaking your own words, but those of another. That's sad.

while i understand that mormons are subject to more taunting than some other groups due to various thing such as the age of the religion, the controversy surrounding some of their original core beliefs and their desire to convert...there is no reason so attack them or their belief system if it does not harm you. i could understand if the mormons preached beating up catholics or something. but, at most, if they show up at your door they may be a little annoying.
all the mormons i met are generally good people. some stink, like everyone else and some were mind-numbingly obtuse, like every other group. but they believe what they do and it doesnt hurt me to let them keep doing it.



May 30, 2004
In Mark 9:38-39, Peter gets a bit TO'd about a group that doesn't follow the disciples and still do "miracles" in the name of Jesus. In response to this, Jesus says "Forbid them not..." Perhaps some Evangelical Christians could adopt a similiar attitude.

Latter-day Saints are Christian in every sense of the word. However, if people are going to base their whole concept of Christianity on the substance of God, then perhaps they are not. The Trinity was formulated by the Nicene Creed -- which was not written about in the Bible, but formed by a bunch of Pagan worshipers and was heavily divided. They put together this concept of the Trinity. This concept, however, is Biblically unsound.

Mormons do not have a problem accepting what would be called a trinity of purpose...not substance.

Furthermore, if you feel like you have to defend your beliefs by attacking others, you really need some help. There is more good that everyone can do if they stopped attacking each other all the time.


Golden Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: alkemyst
I prayed last night to O' Heavenly Spud asking for my famine to end.

OMGWTFHASHBROWNS! on my stove this morning....angels were singing too, they looked like birds though...wierd.

the Potato's eye has smiled upon thee!!

praise be to the Potato!


Nov 20, 1999
Don't worry, people, i think mormoms and orthodox christians are equally retarded.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Penth
Wow, this thread has sunk to a level below flame wars.

It doesn't amaze me. Some people are far too stupid and ignorant to have their own genuine opinion. I think we should all start criticizing others beliefs and ideals. :roll:

I think we need to institute a minimum age requirement for online religious discussions. It's the only way to keep some of these children out and playing on the freeway as they should.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2004
just because we interpret the bible differently and have what other christians beleive is false doctrine, doesn't exclude us of the christian name.

edit: i was going to put this at the bottom, i just decided to bump it up here.

i read the op and do plan on reading the rest of the posts, but i wanted to put my thoughts down before i forgot them.

the name of the thread implies mormons are not christians, but the op keeps stating it is not orthodox christian. as a mormon, i do agree that mormonism isn't orthodox christian, but we are christian in all sense of the definition. we beleive in christ, and god, as defined by the bible, rather than what was set forth by the nicene creed, which was created by man.

The Methodists said Mormonism incorporates a "gendered, married and procreating god" with "a body of flesh and bones," and has a theology that "more closely resembles a tri-theistic or possibly a polytheistic faith" than monotheism -- worship of the one God.

The Methodists also objected that "the Jesus of Mormonism is not co-eternal with the Father and of one substance with the Father" and that Mormons add other scriptures to the Bible.

we are essentially monotheistic, as we worship one god, but we are polytheistic in faith.
it is true that we do beleive in other works outside the bible, mainly the book of mormon.

The Mormon Jesus Christ
A created being: the elder brother of Lucifer
Common (one of many gods) and, in some ways, of minor important in the largerMormon cosmology
Conceived by a physical sex act between God the Father (Adam or Elohim) and Mary, thus not through a true virgin birth
Once sinful and imperfect
Earned his own salvation (exaltation, godhood)
A married polygamist?

we do value christ just the same as any other faith professing christianity. i have never heard of any sex act between god and mary. we also beleive christ had the ability to sin, but was never sinful, and wasn't perfect at birth, but developed, and was as perfect during childhood as is capable. i haven't heard of him earning godhood (nor that he didn't), but he did earn salvation. nowhere has it been stated that christ was married, and if he was, he wouldn't have been to multiple wives, as it was not appropriate.

The Biblical Jesus Christ
Uncreated God
Unique (the Second Person of the one and only Godhead) and of supreme importance through time, eternity and all creation
Conceived by the Holy Spirit, who supermaturally "overshadowed" Mary, thus a true virgin birth
Eternally sinless and perfect
As God, never required salvation
An unmarried monogamist

from reading the bible, i haven't encountered anything that states christ as uncreated, eternally perfect, never requiring salvation (though it does say everyone does). or specifically stating he never married.

Mormons not only claim to be Christians, but to be the only true Christians. According to them, the early Christian church went through an apostacy, lost the true teaching of God, and is built on a Bible that, according to them, is translated incorrectly and is missing many books.

which is true, and any christian historian would know that many books were most likely missing. joseph smith did re-translate many books of the bible, but the bible we use is the same as the king james version, with corrections at the bottom. and most corrections are a few missing words, and rarely does it ever effect doctrine.

However, in spite of their efforts at revisionism, Mormons have not been able to support their claims. On the contrary. While Mormon allegations regarding the Bible and the course of Christianity are refuted by history, archeology, and other sciences, the scriptures of the Mormon church are problematic at every turn. Far from showing us so-called 'restored truth,' they are testimonies to the deceptive nature of Mormonism.

history is written by those who experienced it. i do not know of any " history, archeology, and other sciences" that difinetly(sp?) contradict mormon beleif.

At best, the Book of Mormon was written using occult methods. It is also known for - among other things - its plagiarism of the King James Bible (using Victorian english in what is supposed to be an American translation of an ancient, historical record), the absence of archeological and historical records supporting the book's story, as well as an array of anachronisms.

most of the writters in the book of mormon spoke and wrote the same few languages that the bible was written in. that must mean an english translation of both should have similar speech.
there are no archeological records reputing the book of mormon, though i do notice not very much that supports it.

And surprisingly, despite Smith's claim that the Book of Mormon is "the keystone of our religion," it is noted for its absence of key Mormon doctrines.

this is true. but, unlike almost all christian denominations, we beleive in modern revalation(sp?), and along with the book of mormon and the bible, modern prophets have given modern doctrine.

1.as stated above, we are not orthodox, and i wish other christians would realize that and stop calling us non-christians.
3.sure looks like you quoted text that did bash mormonism repetitively.
5.i too agree neither political party are anywhere near perfect, and the last election was voting for the lesser of two wrongs.

I hope I have enlightened you all considering the tenets of orthodox Christianity which focuses on a Christ-centered worldview, and that I have made a distinction between Mormonism and orthodox Christianity. Thank you for reading, and please keep discussion civil.

i have no problem with you making that distiction, i just wish you would rename your post to "Why Mormons are not Orthodox Christians"

from other posts:
Originally posted by: ariafrost
Originally posted by: StormRider
Hmmm, I just read more of your article and a lot of the Mormon doctrine does seem weird.

Well I won't pass judgment and call it "weird", but I will agree with you that it is a bit odd and something I have not read before. I understand Mormons (LDS) are very secretive about practices and beliefs and that the Book of Mormon does not actually contain many of their beliefs - apparently a book called Doctines and something-or-another does.

we beleive in modern revelation, and we use the word doctrine to cover scriptures, the doctrine and covenants (instructions from god in the begining(sp?) of the latter day church), and anything officially (speeches, articles, etc...) coming from the apostles and prophets pertaining to our beleifs.

Mormons do not beleive in the Trinity, Christians do. I think that is a summerization that Mormons are not Christians.

most do, we do not. the trinity, i think (i have not read much on it), was created by man well after christ and his apostles died. not believing in something other christians beleive does not make us any less christian.

There is one simple fact which turns what you have said: Mormons believe in salvation by works, not by faith, and thus do not truly believe that Jesus is their Saviour. Therefore they cannot be called Christians. Nice try

mormons beleive in salvation by works and faith, therefore we beleive you must beleive in christ as the savior, and follow his example by doing good works.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Chebago
Originally posted by: Kanalua
Are there any other Mormons in this forum? How was church today? Mine was good...wish it didn't start at 8:30 am...but it sure beats the old 2:30p-5:30p schedule we had last year...get out of church and it was DARK outside!!! at least in the winter time...

That is funny because we were just out home teaching and talking about how we are excited that our church schedule is going to change from our current 8:30-11:30am schedule at the start of the school year. I can finally sleep in again...

i hate early morning church. luckily, because we moved close to the end of the year last year, i haven't been to church earlier than 1:30 more than half a dozen times in the last 18 months or so.


Senior member
Oct 29, 2004
All of these "there is no God"-type people here are just in the closet. For thier own reasons they don't want to admit thier is a higher power. And yes, they will fiercely deny it and I expect them to.

And to those who do, answer this honestly:

The last time something drastic or amazing or "out of this world" happened, did you say "oh my god!"? Yes, you did, didn't you?

I'm not a bible thumper but I do know that Jesus died for me and when I die I'm going to a much better place than this...
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