Why so many inactive members?


Golden Member
Jul 21, 2002
hey y'all..
i wus goin thru the stats page for TA SETI, and i noticed that more than 2/3rds of the members are inactive. I was wondering whether anyone has a real explanation for this, other than they just got fed up :Q with the whole idea...


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Very few explain their actions or inactions so one is left to speculate. The situation is very similar on most of the large top teams. Here are the % Active for the top 24 SETI teams.

% ??.. Active
22.4 ?.. Team Ars Technica Lamb Chop
35.3 ?.. SETI.Germany
37.9 ?.. SETI@Netherlands
28.7 ?.. Hewlett-Packard
28.7 ?.. Sun Microsystems
18.9 ?.. Forum Hardware.FR Team
22.2 ?.. Team MacAddict
31.8 ?.. TeAm AnandTech
34.9 ?.. Broadband Reports Team Starfire
19.5 ?.. Team Art Bell
17.4 ?.. SGI SETI
35.0 ?.. The Knights Who Say Ni!
46.7 ?.. The Planetary Society
34.6 ?.. IBM
56.1 ?.. Team EDGE
19.7 ?.. Intel® Corporation
18.5 ?.. Microsoft
32.7 ?.. Canada
32.8 ?.. Athlonmb.com Seti Team
31.8 ?.. Planet 3DNow!
31.1 ?.. Team NIPPON
36.6 ?.. SETI Switzerland
31.5 ?.. Linux
62.6 ?.. Phoenix Rising

The newer the team the more likely the chances they will have a higher % of active members ... i.e. "Phoenix Rising".


Mar 29, 2001
I first installed the seti client 3 years ago, crunched a few units then I had to reformat for some reason and never thought of it again for over a year. Only reason I reinstalled it was because I got a new computer and wondered how much quicker it could crunch a unit. I'm affraid that running seti just isn't that important to the vast majority of us, as the stats prove.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
I'm afraid I am the type that has three OC'ed systems in my bedroom churning out Seti WU's for TA 24/7.
I have slept using earplugs for the past two+ years.
(I recommend the blue / green ones from Target)

There are hundreds of reasons, one for each inactive member.
The good ones (reasons) are the ones that joined, put out some WU's and then stopped for who knows why... leaving their WU's with the TeAm.
The bad reasons are the ones not on the list you saw. They left and took their WU's with them, away from our TeAm.
There are many possible excuses for this, some good and some not so good. I know of some perfectly justified ex members who are now crunching for someone else.
I also know of some who have come here and pretended to be friends to get whatever they needed and then went somewhere else.
I guess that's the risk you have to take. Most people are good, and I choose to go on believing that - even if it is a self deception.


Oct 9, 1999
I guess I'm one of the bad ones......however just because I took my units and left dosent mean the reasons weren't good or valid, but thats water under the bridge as they say.

As I'm with Phoenix Rising now, I think I can confidently say that one of the reasons for the highest percentage of active members is that they dont claim the members wu's as their own nor do they label those who left as the bad ones.


Golden Member
Jul 21, 2002
but it doesnt take more than 5 minutes of your time to install SETI (or any other DC client for that matter), and unlike most of the other junk that ends up running on peoples machines, does not screw around with system resources or any such... maybe someone ought to make some kinda installer that installs it onto any machine that logs into anandtech!!!


Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Joe
I guess I'm one of the bad ones......however just because I took my units and left dosent mean the reasons weren't good or valid, but thats water under the bridge as they say.

As I'm with Phoenix Rising now, I think I can confidently say that one of the reasons for the highest percentage of active members is that they dont claim the members wu's as their own nor do they label those who left as the bad ones.

First let me say that TPR is a fine team I have perused the boards there and they are a great group of guys. But I think the main reason they have a higher percentage is because they are a smaller team. The fact that they churn out that many units from a team of 323 is remarkable and they are to be commended


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
"maybe someone ought to make some kinda installer that installs it onto any machine that logs into anandtech!!!"

thats a very bad ideal and the day that starts up over at anandtech is the day i leave!


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
"First let me say that TPR is a fine team I have perused the boards there and they are a great group of guys. But I think the main reason they have a higher percentage is because they are a smaller team. The fact that they churn out that many units from a team of 323 is remarkable and they are to be commended"

I just came from over there my self and can say it's nice to see such a small team putting out a very nice number and it seems there nice bunch of ppl too... even thoe they favor bbr more so from what i seen... still great team can't wait to see them up here with us!!!


Jan 15, 2001
I'm afraid I am the type that has three OC'ed systems in my bedroom churning out Seti WU's for TA 24/7.
Me too!!!! Except 2 of my OC'ed rigs are in the basement, one in my room. I also have 3 other computers crunching but they are slower (older pentiums) and not OC'ed!


Apr 23, 2001
I moved on to other projects that I thought were more interesting/worthwhile (MY OPINION, please no flames). I've been doing Folding@home for a while and recently switched a couple machines over to D2OL.

I think you'll find quite a few similar stories.


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2000
Lots are duplicate accounts, and a lot of people simply stop using SETI for one reason or another...

We at TeAm Anandtech here, like to try and get back some of the inactive members producing again, because they've already been recruited!


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
There will be the following ones inactive that I can vouch for:

ConfusedBW - That's me, before i joined forces with Ai3x to create British Bulldog Racers (BBR)
ConfusedBW/Ai3x - An account we set up for computers at the college before we merged, to stop any arguements over who got what!
Spleenus - Not sure whether this has any WUs going into it, but Spleenus has joined in with myself and Ai3x for BBR

Others that I know about:

Journey360.com - Joined us when stopped crucnhing Seti, has left WUs with us
TA - Romulans - Account that Engineer "bought" from EBay
Rattledagger Vx - These accounts are in/out like a thing that goes in and out a lot, each account set up for release of a specific client



Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
I tried to run SETI on my dually Athlon setup for awhile, but that son of a gun got way too hot, no matter what cooling I used with it. My room temps got so high and I didnt want to fry a couple MP processors so I had to stop. I have recently switched to an Intel system and I knew it wouldn't overheat under 100 percent load. So I went perusing the DC forum and found a lot of new projects avaliable. Being a former veteran of many years in the military, a father, and an older man than most of the peeps on this site, I felt compelled to do some project that would benefit all mankind, rather than do something that would just bring bragging rights IMHO. So I hooked up with D2OL and find it very rewarding.

I believe a lot of peeps here, since overclocking is the feature of this site, have similar problems with heat, especially running Athlons. That may be one primary key to the dropouts. But face it, when you have a website with almost 100,000 members, and you can only muster up 36 members willing to do projects like D2OL to help fight against bioterrorism, or low number to do projects to help fight cancer, you really arent looking at a huge lot of people that really are committed to any one thing. The fact is that the majority of people appear to be self serving. If they get nothing for thier work, they just dont stay with it. It is sad but true. Its like collection donations for tragic causes, people get hyped up and donate for awhile, then you see the numbers plunge when its a cause out of the limelight. IMHO


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Just to make it perfectly clear, there are quite a number who have come here (and keep coming back) to get top drawer assistance in getting their system / network / DC project of choice set up and running with the highest efficiency and then take that which they have received from us to a competing team and use it against us.
This is what I call "bad".
Using people for selfish gain, or using their resources to cause them any harm is just bad. I can't think of any better word for that kind of treatment. Nobody likes to feel used that way.

Everyone has choices to make, I for one have chosen to be more careful about who I help with their Seti / computer / networking etc... due to having spent too much time working with people who turn out to have been other than true blue TeAmmates.

Of course this TeAm wouldn't be the great TeAm it is without the tireless efforts of a few who give of their time and resources.
There are those who donate money, commercial server space, stats upkeeping, back end programming, tech support, scripting, and more. All of which is extremely valuable and should be mentiond more often. I know of people on this TeAm who have truly given until it hurt. It's not all about the WU's. It's about loyalty, honor, devotion and trust. These are virtues that too many seem to be lacking these days, but many of the great people here obviously have in abundance.

The vast majority of members feel they are doing all they can by installing a DC client and joining up with the TeAm.
That's all most members can give. Bravo! Without this we would be a very small and insignificant group.
Those that actively produce any WU's for the TeAm should always be made to feel appreciated.

Those who produce for the TeAm and participate here or in the offsite forum are even more appreciated, that participation makes this a lively and attractive place to come and spend time.
Joy is infectious, when it is thought of as a fun and happy place more people will come and spend time here and want to participate.

Then there are the few who want to really make a difference and do more. They may have to take more time out of their lives to give it to the TeAm, but it's a sacrifice gladly made.
Some of them run a daily set of stats for us, some run new member services, some give their time and energy to recruitment, some provide the forums we use and other server resources. There are many I have not mentioned, you know who you are and what you do. Without you this would not be the great TeAm it is - you truly do make a positive impact here.
Thank You!


Junior Member
Sep 29, 2002
Somehow people are getting more and more tired; projects with no real output except stats seem to be a bit boring, don't they?


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
The Search is a long one ,I would never argue that but ,if you never start looking ,you'll never find,I for 1 will be particpating in SETI until the day I die or ET is found!

I appriecate though that some people don't have this kind of patientce or have quite the same enthuisasim for The search

I believe a lot of peeps here, since overclocking is the feature of this site, have similar problems with heat, especially running Athlons

I've never had a problem with CPU temps ,though I have found that the room can get rather hot on hot summer days! ,are you in particularly hot area?
(Btw I assume your dual rig has some case fans to assist cooling?)
A Joe sighting!:Q

I'm sure Wiz didn't mean to implie you were bad for leaving ,rather it was bad for the team that you left us ,I & many others are still sad that you left (almost a year ago!?:Q),we didn't just loose your WU's but your input & presence too.Sir Allen & others too.
I understand why you left ,but the situation has changed now ,the mods have been very helpful in putting up recruiting threads throughout most of the AT forum sections.Also the inccident of 1yr ago was somewhat a 1 off,at least in the DC section.
The door will always be open for you ,though I think you are well settled now.

Cya about the TPR forum (and here too occasionally at least I hope)

that they dont claim the members wu's as their own nor do they label those who left as the bad ones.
Neither do we


Senior member
Aug 26, 2002
im now 1 of those inactives? Why ? because im not wearing out my comps just so i can pump units... i dont have the money too support this hobby ive lost several components from wear and tear so i quit mabey it was just bad luck or mabey im cursed i dont know either way untill i start making big bucks and can afford it im out my machines are reserved for gaming.

i wont take my WUs with me but thats why im inactive now im not mad or anything its just frustrating haveing comps go down so often. and before Seti i didnt have them go down much at all


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
...wow... well i never had any of my computers thats been on for the past 2 years goes bad on me but i can say it will costya like when i first join up on seti i built 4 computers... at that time parts was not that cheap and athlons were 300 for like a 1.2ghz im talking 1000 bucks computers...


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Did you know that gaming stresses the cpu just as much? (though maybe not sustained)

I've run SETI for nearly 3yrs ,2.5 of which was 24/7,2yrs of which was on at least 4rigs (only 2 were mine) ,all overclocked PC's.Only few failures I had were just bad luck ,1 mbrd failure & 1 RAM stick failure.These would of happened anyway

What problems have you had?


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
Assimulator, yes indeed the climate here is quite hot in the summer. It isnt necessarily an Athlon problem as much as climate here. But my P4 runs quite a bit cooler even when OC'd substantially, so hence the reason I have gone back to Intel.... for now anyway. I would MUCH prefer a dually, but dual Intel systems are still quite pricey for my budget.


Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
Originally posted by: mastertech01
Assimulator, yes indeed the climate here is quite hot in the summer. It isnt necessarily an Athlon problem as much as climate here. But my P4 runs quite a bit cooler even when OC'd substantially, so hence the reason I have gone back to Intel.... for now anyway. I would MUCH prefer a dually, but dual Intel systems are still quite pricey for my budget.

I live in Houston (aka Hell South ) and I have 2 XP 1800s and a dually XP 1700 in my front office and I can take it Not to mention the other 2 XP 1800s I have in the house


Apr 23, 2000
Gotta live in Michigan dude! Here, I use the excess heat from the rigs to supplement the home heating - last year the basement(where most of 'em are) was warm and toasty and I didn't have the furnace on very much.
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