Why Trump Supporters Can’t Admit Who He Really Is


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999

Pretty decent explanation I think worth a read. Doesn't go deep enough to understand the motivation not to see is to avoid becoming conscious of self hate, but provides a brief 'look at the sun'.

This of course what happened in Nazi Germany.


Apr 8, 2013

Pretty decent explanation I think worth a read. Doesn't go deep enough to understand the motivation not to see is to avoid becoming conscious of self hate, but provides a brief 'look at the sun'.

This of course what happened in Nazi Germany.

Yeah it's a good article. It's leaving something out though. Conservatives didn't all the sudden start thinking democrats were Satan because one day Trump stepped up to a podium and said so. They have been conditioned by decades of conservative media to believe this. Trump stepped in and used fear based propaganda to a crowd which was already primed to imbibe it because they had already been imbibing it for years.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yeah it's a good article. It's leaving something out though. Conservatives didn't all the sudden start thinking democrats were Satan because one day Trump stepped up to a podium and said so. They have been conditioned by decades of conservative media to believe this. Trump stepped in and used fear based propaganda to a crowd which was already primed to imbibe it because they had already been imbibing it for years.
Posted this in another thread earlier today:

The Republican party is a servant of the 1%. They are there to protect the psychopathic selfish from regulations that would keep them from looting the nation. In order to obtain the votes necessary to win in a democratic system the have to create wedge issues that bring the votes to them. They do this by playing up the kind of ego fantasies people have that flatter, pretending to worship the same sacred cows, and by ginning up the kind of fears those sacred cows will be taken away by the other side.

Over decades of time they have created a political cult in which these phony attachments to moral values have created a culture so full of hypocrisy and so full of hate for the other side, they find it now a relief no longer to have to pretend to worship their phony family values. They are now so deeply animated by fear and disgust they are only too happy to dispense with their phony moral claims. They reject the other, the constitution, the military and even the real Christian God all for the sake of allowing their tin god to destroy in the name of their hatred. These are the psychologically dead who wish the destruction of all that is holy and good in human nature, the joy that was stolen from them. 'A pox on the nation' and all because they were deeply schooled in learning to self hate. Their aim is to destroy so as never to be reminded the other loves them more than they believe they can ever love themselves. Lacramae Rerum.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Yeah it's a good article. It's leaving something out though. Conservatives didn't all the sudden start thinking democrats were Satan because one day Trump stepped up to a podium and said so. They have been conditioned by decades of conservative media to believe this. Trump stepped in and used fear based propaganda to a crowd which was already primed to imbibe it because they had already been imbibing it for years.
Conservatives are their own in-group. Their loyalty is to that in-group. When they say, "my country right or wrong", they really just mean their in-group of Conservatives, right or wrong.

The only thing Fox News did was link disparate groups of Conservatives together with a set of talking points that would cement that group into stone. 30 years ago, Republicans weren't all issued their newest set of beliefs and talking points every hour on the hour.

And their only real talking point, besides tax cuts for the owners, is hatred of liberals.

Conservatives hate liberals, and the cities that drive this country. They hate the majority of voters who vote for Democrats. And they hate the Democrat cities that have problems like every fucking city that's ever existed, because Democrats. They only care about themselves and their own group.

The only difference between 2000 conservatives and 2020 conservatives, is now the Epitome of Conservatism, Donald Trump, is in control and has given them permission to air out their hatred of the country, projected onto Democrats. Christ, the fucking 2012 Republican nominee for President is now just a RINO...the defacto "leader" of it 8 years ago is no longer welcome...because he doesn't hate Democrats enough.


Feb 24, 2009
Conservatives are their own in-group. Their loyalty is to that in-group. When they say, "my country right or wrong", they really just mean their in-group of Conservatives, right or wrong.

The only thing Fox News did was link disparate groups of Conservatives together with a set of talking points that would cement that group into stone. 30 years ago, Republicans weren't all issued their newest set of beliefs and talking points every hour on the hour.

And their only real talking point, besides tax cuts for the owners, is hatred of liberals.
All the other "moral" wedge issues are window dressing for the rubes.
Reactions: nickqt


Apr 8, 2013
Conservatives are their own in-group. Their loyalty is to that in-group. When they say, "my country right or wrong", they really just mean their in-group of Conservatives, right or wrong.

The only thing Fox News did was link disparate groups of Conservatives together with a set of talking points that would cement that group into stone. 30 years ago, Republicans weren't all issued their newest set of beliefs and talking points every hour on the hour.

And their only real talking point, besides tax cuts for the owners, is hatred of liberals.

Conservatives hate liberals, and the cities that drive this country. They hate the majority of voters who vote for Democrats. And they hate the Democrat cities that have problems like every fucking city that's ever existed, because Democrats. They only care about themselves and their own group.

The only difference between 2000 conservatives and 2020 conservatives, is now the Epitome of Conservatism, Donald Trump, is in control and has given them permission to air out their hatred of the country, projected onto Democrats. Christ, the fucking 2012 Republican nominee for President is now just a RINO...the defacto "leader" of it 8 years ago is no longer welcome...because he doesn't hate Democrats enough.

Why has conservative hatred of liberals gotten gradually worse since the Reagan years? Your analysis is silent on that issue and makes no attempt to explain why this attitude would change over time.

I'll tell you why. It started with Rush Limbaugh and talk radio, then...


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Why has conservative hatred of liberals gotten gradually worse since the Reagan years? Your analysis is silent on that issue and makes no attempt to explain why this attitude would change over time.

I'll tell you why. It started with Rush Limbaugh and talk radio, then...
I literally stated what Conservative Propaganda did in the quote.

The only thing Gingrich, Fox News, and TheInternet™ did was provide disparate Conservatives a safespace to come together to form an Ur-Conservative group that exists today as the Modern Republican Party.

Disparate. Key word in that quote. I chose the word specifically.

Small-c conservative groups had all sorts of identifying features that set them apart from other conservative groups. Just a few kinds of independent groups that hadn't really been forged in Liberal hate: Christian Fundamentalists (Evangelicals), White Supremacists, Anti-Semites, Anti-Abortion zealots, classical Fascists, Libertarians™, War Hawks/Jingoists, etc. They all knew who to vote for, but there wasn't constant, daily/hourly/by-the-minute talking points they could all adopt and use to be a monolithic, lock-step in-group of voters.

Gingrich, Fox News, and TheInternet™ provided them with key talking points. You say Fox News, but I'd say Gingrich was the Founding Father of the Ur-Conservative movement. His GoPAC memo from 1990 specifically. I've posted this before.

Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.

This was sent by Gingrich to House Republicans. After this, they all adopted the same language to demonize their political opponents. By demonizing Democrats and liberals, they became a very large in-group (and as you may have suspected, that group isn't holding together because they are self-purging, i.e. RINO classification for anyone who doesn't repeat, lockstep, the talking points they're all trained to repeat).

Here's the memo: https://uh.edu/~englin/rephandout.html

Here's a 1995 article about it, that came out over a year before Fox News. https://fair.org/home/language-a-key-mechanism-of-control/

I'm not trying to say one thing is more important than another, but the right-wing authoritarianism we're dealing with is a top-down hierarchy. Republicans used it to take back the House in '94 and they've been using it since. Fox News and TheInternet™ are just the means by which the official in-group talking points are repeated for right-wing authoritarians to hear and then repeat as good in-group members.

I don't think we disagree on anything substantive here.

I believe that hatred hasn't gotten "worse". Trump, as President, has given right-wing authoritarians the "courage" to say what they've always believed, out loud and proud. The Republican base voter of 2016 was the same Republican base voter of 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000. Trump didn't whisper and dog whistle inherent Republican beliefs. He fucking bullhorned them every chance he got.
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Reactions: ch33zw1z


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I know who he is and have for over 45 years. There are two Donald Trumps, the one the media has conjured up and marketed for their flock, then the real one. The man, once he crossed the line of beating the one entitled to the office, Ms. Clinton, has to be dealt with. You don't dare cross the witch or her followers. I'm very well aware what has happened and I'm not buying it. Most of you are too, or maybe not, just heads buried in the sand, or refusal to see what is.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
I know who he is and have for over 45 years. There are two Donald Trumps, the one the media has conjured up and marketed for their flock, then the real one. The man, once he crossed the line of beating the one entitled to the office, Ms. Clinton, has to be dealt with. You don't dare cross the witch or her followers. I'm very well aware what has happened and I'm not buying it. Most of you are too, or maybe not, just heads buried in the sand, or refusal to see what is.
Cryptic, paranoid nonsense.

Your Death Cult Leader is who he is, and you are a good Death Cult Member.

Thanks for stopping by.


Feb 1, 2008
I know many Trump supporters, and with them it's all about the US Supreme Court so they can ban abortion. And with that said, Trump supporters also regard Donald Trump as the most religious president ever. Yeah I know... Go figure. But their support definitely has everything to do with Trump enacting their extremest religious agenda, and they know in order to do that they need a full Donald Trump high court. And that's basically it. Trump supporters don't care about Donald Trump personally, they only know that he can deliver. But.... it's really only a con. Donald really could care less about abortion or religion. Donald Trump knows promoting that attitude gets him votes, and any con artist also knows who they need to con to achieve an agenda. What I'm waiting to see should Trump get re-elected is.... how his religious base will react when Donald Trump fails to deliver that abortion ban? Even with a full Trump US Supreme Court, they will never overturn Roe vs Wade. Everyone knows that. The women of this country would never allow that to happen.


Jul 15, 2000
I literally stated what Conservative Propaganda did in the quote.

The only thing Gingrich, Fox News, and TheInternet™ did was provide disparate Conservatives a safespace to come together to form an Ur-Conservative group that exists today as the Modern Republican Party.

Disparate. Key word in that quote. I chose the word specifically.

Small-c conservative groups had all sorts of identifying features that set them apart from other conservative groups. Just a few kinds of independent groups that hadn't really been forged in Liberal hate: Christian Fundamentalists (Evangelicals), White Supremacists, Anti-Semites, Anti-Abortion zealots, classical Fascists, Libertarians™, War Hawks/Jingoists, etc. They all knew who to vote for, but there wasn't constant, daily/hourly/by-the-minute talking points they could all adopt and use to be a monolithic, lock-step in-group of voters.

Gingrich, Fox News, and TheInternet™ provided them with key talking points. You say Fox News, but I'd say Gingrich was the Founding Father of the Ur-Conservative movement. His GoPAC memo from 1990 specifically. I've posted this before.

Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.

This was sent by Gingrich to House Republicans. After this, they all adopted the same language to demonize their political opponents. By demonizing Democrats and liberals, they became a very large in-group (and as you may have suspected, that group isn't holding together because they are self-purging, i.e. RINO classification for anyone who doesn't repeat, lockstep, the talking points they're all trained to repeat).

Here's the memo: https://uh.edu/~englin/rephandout.html

Here's a 1995 article about it, that came out over a year before Fox News. https://fair.org/home/language-a-key-mechanism-of-control/

I'm not trying to say one thing is more important than another, but the right-wing authoritarianism we're dealing with is a top-down hierarchy. Republicans used it to take back the House in '94 and they've been using it since. Fox News and TheInternet™ are just the means by which the official in-group talking points are repeated for right-wing authoritarians to hear and then repeat as good in-group members.

I don't think we disagree on anything substantive here.

I believe that hatred hasn't gotten "worse". Trump, as President, has given right-wing authoritarians the "courage" to say what they've always believed, out loud and proud. The Republican base voter of 2016 was the same Republican base voter of 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000. Trump didn't whisper and dog whistle inherent Republican beliefs. He fucking bullhorned them every chance he got.
Yea, 2 terms of a black POTUS had 'em simmering, even if deep down they understood Obama did a pretty good job that's not the point!. So much shit has deflected off Trump already it's insane but the latest gaffe might be the one that sticks. Oh, don't forget, we get Cohen on Rachel Maddow next Tuesday, might be interesting to say the least.
Reactions: hal2kilo and nickqt


Mar 17, 2008
There is a gene for asshole. Well, you know what I mean.
We need to isolate it and implement the final solution.


Nov 11, 1999
I know who he is and have for over 45 years. There are two Donald Trumps, the one the media has conjured up and marketed for their flock, then the real one. The man, once he crossed the line of beating the one entitled to the office, Ms. Clinton, has to be dealt with. You don't dare cross the witch or her followers. I'm very well aware what has happened and I'm not buying it. Most of you are too, or maybe not, just heads buried in the sand, or refusal to see what is.

Show us on the doll where the evil Hillary touched you... & tell us the story of what really happened...


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004

Pretty decent explanation I think worth a read. Doesn't go deep enough to understand the motivation not to see is to avoid becoming conscious of self hate, but provides a brief 'look at the sun'.

This of course what happened in Nazi Germany.
If you can figure out why his supporters can't admit who he really is, you will definitely be in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize for mental health.


Nov 11, 1999
Yea, 2 terms of a black POTUS had 'em simmering, even if deep down they understood Obama did a pretty good job that's not the point!. So much shit has deflected off Trump already it's insane but the latest gaffe might be the one that sticks. Oh, don't forget, we get Cohen on Rachel Maddow next Tuesday, might be interesting to say the least.

Michael Cohen is a dirty stinking rat! Not that he had much choice after Trump gave him the kiss of death- "I always liked Michael". Well, even though he barely knew the guy.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
Michael Cohen is a dirty stinking rat! Not that he had much choice after Trump gave him the kiss of death- "I always liked Michael". Well, even though he barely knew the guy.
That is their lot in life, defending the guilty by any means necessary. That's why lawyers are on a lower rung than a shifty used car salesman at a 'buy her, pay here' lot.

But he has more ethics and honesty than his former client.


Apr 8, 2013
I literally stated what Conservative Propaganda did in the quote.

The only thing Gingrich, Fox News, and TheInternet™ did was provide disparate Conservatives a safespace to come together to form an Ur-Conservative group that exists today as the Modern Republican Party.

Disparate. Key word in that quote. I chose the word specifically.

Small-c conservative groups had all sorts of identifying features that set them apart from other conservative groups. Just a few kinds of independent groups that hadn't really been forged in Liberal hate: Christian Fundamentalists (Evangelicals), White Supremacists, Anti-Semites, Anti-Abortion zealots, classical Fascists, Libertarians™, War Hawks/Jingoists, etc. They all knew who to vote for, but there wasn't constant, daily/hourly/by-the-minute talking points they could all adopt and use to be a monolithic, lock-step in-group of voters.

Gingrich, Fox News, and TheInternet™ provided them with key talking points. You say Fox News, but I'd say Gingrich was the Founding Father of the Ur-Conservative movement. His GoPAC memo from 1990 specifically. I've posted this before.

Language: A Key Mechanism of Control.

This was sent by Gingrich to House Republicans. After this, they all adopted the same language to demonize their political opponents. By demonizing Democrats and liberals, they became a very large in-group (and as you may have suspected, that group isn't holding together because they are self-purging, i.e. RINO classification for anyone who doesn't repeat, lockstep, the talking points they're all trained to repeat).

Here's the memo: https://uh.edu/~englin/rephandout.html

Here's a 1995 article about it, that came out over a year before Fox News. https://fair.org/home/language-a-key-mechanism-of-control/

I'm not trying to say one thing is more important than another, but the right-wing authoritarianism we're dealing with is a top-down hierarchy. Republicans used it to take back the House in '94 and they've been using it since. Fox News and TheInternet™ are just the means by which the official in-group talking points are repeated for right-wing authoritarians to hear and then repeat as good in-group members.

I don't think we disagree on anything substantive here.

I believe that hatred hasn't gotten "worse". Trump, as President, has given right-wing authoritarians the "courage" to say what they've always believed, out loud and proud. The Republican base voter of 2016 was the same Republican base voter of 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000. Trump didn't whisper and dog whistle inherent Republican beliefs. He fucking bullhorned them every chance he got.

I agree that conservative media serves the function and purpose you describe. I disagree that this is the "only" thing it does. You can't sit there day after day, year after year, and listen to propaganda which over-amplifies the worst ideas and behavior of liberals, and tells outright lies in order to demonize them, and not increase your level of antipathy.

These people already had a cultural antipathy towards liberals or they wouldn't have listened in the first place. But there are degrees of it, and given that they seem to literally believe what they're being told, it's nigh impossible that the degree of it has not directly increased as a result. It's like introducing a toxin into your system in low doses every day over a long period of time. It just builds and builds and the affects on your body (or in this case, your mind) just get worse and worse over time.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
I agree that conservative media serves the function and purpose you describe. I disagree that this is the "only" thing it does. You can't sit there day after day, year after year, and listen to propaganda which over-amplifies the worst ideas and behavior of liberals, and tells outright lies in order to demonize them, and not increase your level of antipathy.

These people already had a cultural antipathy towards liberals or they wouldn't have listened in the first place. But there are degrees of it, and given that they seem to literally believe what they're being told, it's nigh impossible that the degree of it has not directly increased as a result. It's like introducing a toxin into your system in low doses every day over a long period of time. It just builds and builds and the affects on your body (or in this case, your mind) just get worse and worse over time.
I said that the media connects disparate groups of (small-c) conservatives and transforms them into (large-c) Conservatives. It provides minute-by-minute talking points to enforce group cohesion and to expunge the group of Thought Criminals - RINOs (such as Rmoney, who went from Republican Presidential Candidate in 2012 to Republican Pariah in 2016-2020). And Trump, coming along at the zenith, or shortly after the zenith, of (large-c) Conservative power, has bullhorned the talking points so that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, RIGHTFUL AUTHORITY FIGURE of right-wing authoritarians, provides the RULE OF LAW as a safespace for blatantly disgusting open hatred of Democrats and liberals.

I'm not trying to diminish the power of propaganda. What I'm saying is, this contempt existed but was spoken quietly, among friends, behind closed doors. If it was said out loud, it was abstract, as the infamous Lee Atwater quote explains in re segregation. But before the current propaganda, there were lots of closed doors, and lots of whispers. Propaganda has created one giant archway for people to yell and scream and have it echo in all directions.

Or: Propaganda is a river upon which the Conservative Hate Machine floats (recent history of the Lake Travis Massacre made that metaphor irresistible).

Before the propaganda united conservatives into Conservatives, you had segregationists openly displaying their hatred very loudly, with the other conservative groups side-glancing and backing away, as an example. Or Fundamentalists and gays. Jingoists and peace activists. Death Cult Capitalists with socialists/communists. Protestants and Catholics. Etc. The hate has ALWAYS been there. But it was disparate.

Propaganda hasn't made the hatred necessarily more vitriolic, as much as it has created a safespace for it to exist. It has, for sure, done some heavy lifting.

Again, the only difference between (small-c) conservatives and (large-c)Conservatives, is their uniting behind hating Democrats and liberals above all other out-groups. So, yes, the propaganda has done a lot of the work, but you'd find paranoid conservatives throughout history hating liberals of a stripe, without them being one cohesive Conservative group. The propaganda was necessary, but not sufficient, for it to exist, because the hatred has always existed, before the current propaganda method made it so accessible.

Hatred of others is just another way of saying conservative.
Reactions: hal2kilo and dank69


Aug 5, 2000
Still fresh in my memory are the same calls from the Repub leadership to fear and hate "the liberal socialist commies" that run the Dem Party, the same distorted hype, the same lies upon lies upon blatant lies that manifested itself in the form of conspiracy theories and premonitions of doom and epic catastrophes that would lead to the destruction of the nation all while disseminating hateful disgusting falsehoods about Barak Obama and the Dem Party membership in general.

None of those predictions ever came to pass on Obama's watch. In fact, on Obama's watch, he shepherded an impressive economic recovery that one Donald Trump has exploited to this very day.

And what has the Repub Party have to say about all of that economic success that they themselves have been beneficiaries of? Well, to hear them say it, that recovery never happened until, miracle of miracles, Trump showed up. Up to that moment in time, we all lived in some kind of weird imaginary time warp where absolutely nothing good happened and verifiably so everything bad happened while Obama was in the White House.

So here we go again, this time with Trump and his cult preaching the same horrifying doom and gloom that will never happen under Biden's leadership, that never happened under Obama, yet has been as close to it as it could possibly be under Trump.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018

Pretty decent explanation I think worth a read. Doesn't go deep enough to understand the motivation not to see is to avoid becoming conscious of self hate, but provides a brief 'look at the sun'.

This of course what happened in Nazi Germany.


He is them.
Reactions: BUTCH1


Mar 17, 2008
I know who he is and have for over 45 years. There are two Donald Trumps, the one the media has conjured up and marketed for their flock, then the real one. The man, once he crossed the line of beating the one entitled to the office, Ms. Clinton, has to be dealt with. You don't dare cross the witch or her followers. I'm very well aware what has happened and I'm not buying it. Most of you are too, or maybe not, just heads buried in the sand, or refusal to see what is.

Omfg you were convinced to step onto starship scientology by a fucking teleprompter.
Good job.
Reactions: hal2kilo and dank69


Jul 15, 2000
I know who he is and have for over 45 years. There are two Donald Trumps, the one the media has conjured up and marketed for their flock, then the real one. The man, once he crossed the line of beating the one entitled to the office, Ms. Clinton, has to be dealt with. You don't dare cross the witch or her followers. I'm very well aware what has happened and I'm not buying it. Most of you are too, or maybe not, just heads buried in the sand, or refusal to see what is.
Really?, still convinced Trump's many problems/defects are all because Hillary is angry?, wow dude, wow.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Jul 15, 2000
Michael Cohen is a dirty stinking rat! Not that he had much choice after Trump gave him the kiss of death- "I always liked Michael". Well, even though he barely knew the guy.
Your correct, but it became far easier for him to become the "rat" once Trump disowned him and let him take the fall for paying off Stormy. Don't care for Cohen, but if he can stab another dagger in the side of the giant orange menace give him the knife.
Reactions: hal2kilo
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