Why you american so obsess with guns??

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Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: ifesfor

Why do you guys buy guns?You aware of the consequence if something go bad in your life and you decide to do a stupid move right?

I don't decide to do stupid things (except, perhaps replying to your flamebait)

I buy guns
a. to shoot furry woodland creatures which then become dinner.
b. to shoot large feathered woodland creatures which then become dinner.
c. to shoot small furry woodland creatures who wish to eat the feathered or furry creatures I raise on the farm for food.


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: loic2003
Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies, our government is not trying to opress us and no military forces are trying to attack us. There aren't huge mobs of deer or any other wild creature with massivley overcrowded populations, despite a lack of natural predator such as tigers, lions or terradactyl.



Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: loic2003
Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies, our government is not trying to opress us and no military forces are trying to attack us. There aren't huge mobs of deer or any other wild creature with massivley overcrowded populations, despite a lack of natural predator such as tigers, lions or terradactyl.




Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: loic2003
Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies, our government is not trying to opress us and no military forces are trying to attack us. There aren't huge mobs of deer or any other wild creature with massivley overcrowded populations, despite a lack of natural predator such as tigers, lions or terradactyl.

How DARE you present such facts??!?!?!


Senior member
Apr 18, 2000
When I was a child we thought we had a break in all of us ran and hid in my parents room, while my mother called 911 and then my grandfather. We live on the outskirts of town the police got there in 15 minutes. My grandfather, who lived 2 houses down, arrived with pistol in hand in around 30 seconds. The break in turned out to be my pet rabbit loose in the basement running up and down the stairs. So, no-one was harmed but having a quick response neighbor could save my life. Had it been an armed criminal,or even an unarmed criminal I don't think 4 kids and my mother could have stopped him/her.

I now have my own house and my own family to think about I and I believe having a gun(s) in the house could save my life. My defense strategy has not changed since I was a child:

1. hide in my room
2. lock the door
3. call police
4. point gun at door
5. Wait for the good guys to arrive
6. if the door forced open, open fire.

I have gone over this plan with my wife. While I hope nothing ever happens, I like to think I am ready for it.


Golden Member
Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Lifted
"Mr. Ashcroft has declared" LOL. Has God himself spoken?

"endorsing a rare federal-court opinion"

The fact remains, there has not been a gun control law put before Congress which has not been passed. Hence the reason Bush didn't push Congress to vote on re establishing the automatic rifle ban, as it would have been passed.

Again (this is getting old), none of them said you have a right to own ANY gun. This conversation is about HANDGUN control, not all gun control. Why do you guys keep jumping back to that? Do you think people should be able to won M60's as well?

This keeps going in circles. Let's all agree to disagree.

It's been fun. Cheers.

Not God Himself, but as Attorney General of the United States, it was his job to tell the Justice Department how to interpret and/or prosecute the law.

It seems that you are the only one who has tried to narrow this conversation down to handgun ownership. There are plenty of posts in the thread that deal with several different types of firearm. If you want to discuss handguns on their own merits, start another thread.

Also, Bush didn't press Congress to renew the AWB because he knew that there wasn't enough support in Congress to do so.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: loic2003
Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies, our government is not trying to opress us and no military forces are trying to attack us. There aren't huge mobs of deer or any other wild creature with massivley overcrowded populations, despite a lack of natural predator such as tigers, lions or terradactyl.


That's got to sting our dear British friend. No doubt he'll just dismiss it rather than concede.


Dec 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: loic2003
Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies, our government is not trying to opress us and no military forces are trying to attack us. There aren't huge mobs of deer or any other wild creature with massivley overcrowded populations, despite a lack of natural predator such as tigers, lions or terradactyl.


Rubbish. More UN propaganda.

(Put a fork in him. He's done )


Junior Member
Feb 26, 2005
Are you aware of the consequences if someone has a gun and decides to break into your home with the intent to steal your belongings? How about if your mother or sister is home and the subject decides he will just shoot you and rape or sexually assault your mother or sister or maybe even both. Most of us own guns to protect our homes and families. I agree that unstable people should not own a firearm, but that is why we have background checks. It is unfortunate that we cannot keep guns out of the hands of all crazy or unstable people, but for that reason I own a gun to protect myself and my family from crazy and unstable individuals. Most criminals illegally own guns anyway, and this is not just an American problem. You only see it as an American problem because you pay attention too much to American news. Look at all the terrorists in the Middle East. They sure seem to enjoy guns now don?t they? If I were you ifesfor, I would be more concerned about countries like Iran and N. Korea getting their hands on nukes. Its bad enough that Iran, Pakistan, and India have nukes already? we don?t need more countries with nuclear weapons. Yet, I understand why these countries want to have a nuclear arsenal, but it?s still dangerous. I wish we can send these countries stockpiles of guns instead ?


Junior Member
Feb 26, 2005

Tell us what the auto rifle ban did in the time it was in place?
Many people think that the now-expired ban prevented people from owning assault weapons, and now everyone is going to go out and buy these ?scary? guns.
In actuality the assault weapons ban never prevented civilians from owning anything. What the ban did was make it illegal to manufacture and import several different models of guns deemed to be ?military style assault weapons,? and various accessories for them.
Effectively, the ban created a set number of high-capacity, rapid-rate-of-fire rifles in the United States. It also created a set number of extras, like high capacity magazines (magazines that hold more than 10 rounds), flash suppressors, and folding stocks. There was never a real shortage of them. All the existing rifles and accessories were ?grandfathered? in, and therefore, still legal to own and sell.
All the weapons were available to anyone who wanted them ? they just cost a little bit more. Even Cabella?s usually had a few high-capacity magazines and AR-15 type guns when I would stop in. Of course they didn?t have that ?new gun? smell that we all love.
Those days are all over now though. Thanks to some forward thinkers, the ban was written so that it would expire 10 years after it went into law.
On a side note, I wish more laws would be written this way. That way, if a law didn?t have the intended result, it wouldn?t take an ?act of Congress? to repeal it. If it did work then legislators would make sure that they renewed it.
I think this is the strongest argument against the assault weapons ban. If it had any positive consequences, it would have been renewed.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Lifted
"Mr. Ashcroft has declared" LOL. Has God himself spoken?

Yeah, I don't know why they'd use Ashcroft as an example. It's not like he had any influence on laws in the USA- all the laws are decided by kids posting on internet forums.

Originally posted by: Lifted
Do you think people should be able to won M60's as well?

Some people DO own M60's.



Junior Member
Feb 26, 2005
Bah... my post wasn't meant for KC5AV but in correspondence to what he was saying.. sorry KC5AV


Platinum Member
May 5, 2004
to shoot people that might invade us oneday. Unlike other countries with guns banned, if any foreign army invades us, our population will stand somewhat of a chance. You cant nuke everything ya know....


Senior member
Oct 17, 2004
Originally posted by: ifesfor

Why do you guys buy guns?You aware of the consequence if something go bad in your life and you decide to do a stupid move right?

I understand your point, however, most Americans are responsible and can cope with life on lifes terms without resorting to shooting someone.

I didn't see your original post but am curious to what it stated or asked with the many rude responses you received.

Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: loic2003
Morning, class!
Well I've been out hence my lack of input since my previous post. Don't worry, I have returned now so you can all relax and settle down.

I must say that I'm a little dissapointed with the answers many of you have provided to my assignment. Nevertheless, I have marked your work and here are your results:

Class dismissed.

Good morning, uh, teacher. Apparently you've walked into the wrong classroom. The class you teach is in England, while you seem to have stumbled into a US classroom. You have no authority here. We removed our Brit problem 229 years ago.

Tootles, mate!


Oct 20, 2004
Well for one the sheer power of firing a gun is something an American likes.

I suppose it would be kind of cool to actually shoot someone.

You DO know how good it feels to PWN someone in a game right?

Well here in America we can be a bit aggressive, someone cuts you off... BLAMO!!! SHOTGUN TO THE FACE! brains on the streets.. you get the picture.

Basically, we just arent that damn peaceful. SO DONT PISS US OFF!


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: loic2003
Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies, our government is not trying to opress us and no military forces are trying to attack us. There aren't huge mobs of deer or any other wild creature with massivley overcrowded populations, despite a lack of natural predator such as tigers, lions or terradactyl.


Owned. Good job Mookow. Imma start calling you LaPierre Jr. ok?

I'd say the difference between the UK and the US lies in our way of thinking. The United States believes in personal responsibility and freedom. The UK believes in the "nanny government" which monitors and safe guards every part of your lives. I'm not saying one way is better than the other, but why in the hell would you want them both to be the same? Why not have both in the world?


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: housecat
Well for one the sheer power of firing a gun is something an American likes.

I suppose it would be kind of cool to actually shoot someone.

You DO know how good it feels to PWN someone in a game right?

Well here in America we can be a bit aggressive, someone cuts you off... BLAMO!!! SHOTGUN TO THE FACE! brains on the streets.. you get the picture.

Basically, we just arent that damn peaceful. SO DONT PISS US OFF!

You make gun owners look bad. :|


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Why you all say Mookow "owned" Loic is beyond me.

Loic said "Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies..."

In 2002 there were 11,829 homicides commited by guns in the US. In England and Whales there were 40.

Unless you can find me statistics showing that armed roberies are high* in the UK, Mookow didn't "own" anybody by that link that disproved absolutely nothing that Loic claimed. How could all of you read that and come to the conlusion that it disproved him? One person says "owned" and you all chime in like a mob of angry children in a schoolyard, which is where this thread belongs at this point. Not much relevant discussion in the past few pages, mostly childish name calling. I think it's time to end this thread.



Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Lifted
Why you all say Mookow "owned" Loic is beyond me.

Loic said "Here in the UK we have very few gun deaths, very few armed robberies..."

In 2002 there were 11,829 homicides commited by guns in the US. In England and Whales there were 40.

Unless you can find me statistics showing that armed roberies are high* in the UK, Mookow didn't "own" anybody by that link that disproved absolutely nothing that Loic claimed. How could all of you read that and come to the conlusion that it disproved him? One person says "owned" and you all chime in like a mob of angry children in a schoolyard, which is where this thread belongs at this point. Not much relevant discussion in the past few pages, mostly childish name calling. I think it's time to end this thread.


(where stick-ups have more than doubled in the past four years) and in shops (up 26% in 2003).

In this new environment, old tools and techniques are of little use. Sawn-off shotguns are handy for robbing banks, mostly for reasons of presentation: they make a terrific noise when fired at the ceiling or floor, and are menacing enough to project a threat through bullet-proof glass. They are less useful for robbing today's ?soft? targets, though, so they have mostly been discarded. Sawn-off shotguns were used in just 201 robberies last year?a third the figure of a decade ago?while almost 3,841 jobs were done with handguns.

So you see, "banning" guns like Britain did -- did absolutely nothing to stem armed robberies. They are up MASSIVELY since they banned guns, so that's why his argument is wrong. He(and you) claimed that if guns were illegal then armed robbery and violent crime would go down. Mookow showed that to be wrong, and now I am as well.

You can have your derrière back at a later time, tard. I realize you are someone who is incredibly ignorant of firearms, and I doubt you've ever fired a gun or even seen one outside of the movies, but that doesn't mean you can't educate yourself.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004

Armed Robbery
US 2002 - 215,470
UK 2002 - ~5,000 (from the site you provided)

I would think that 2.3% of the number of armed robberies in the US qualifies as "very few" (which is what Loic claimed). Feel free to disagree with me.

"He(and you) claimed that if guns were illegal then armed robbery and violent crime would go down"

PLEASE find where I said that.

Ahh, you can't, and do you know why? Because I didn't. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Now I'm a tard? I see we've resorted to the childish name calling again. That doesn't hurt me or impress me, I'd rather you find some facts to actually back up what you say. If I'm proved wrong, so be it. Let's leave the name calling nonsense for the children (though you may be a child, and that's fine, just TRY to act like an adult here).

I have fired rifles, shotguns, and handguns. I don't consider myself an expert on using them, in fact I'm rather ignorant on the subject other than knowing that I should aim and fire.


Feb 23, 2003
Originally posted by: poopaskoopa
Guns are cool, and I own a few, but it's really not that big of a deal. I don't think they make this country any more dangerous than it already is. Only the people who're scared of guns like you are the ones who would actually get rid of guns, and people like that probably wouldn't rob me anyway, so I see no reason to get rid of my guns.

And they're fun to shoot. Guns can do a lot of harm, but they're not like the ring from the Lord of the Rings movies that tempts and corrupts people.

I've had guys try to rob me in the U.S. and in Japan, so I know that a robber will rob you with a gun, but he'll also rob you with a stick, if it's all he's got.

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