Why you american so obsess with guns??

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No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Here's a true story for you...I lived in Los Angeles during the early 90s. People were looting businesses and dragging people out of cars and beating them almost to death. This was widespread chaos and the police were doing NOTHING for days. It took almost a week for the city to return to a normal peaceful state and during the worst of the rioting and looting you couldn't move in the city. The freeways were gridlocked for 6-7+ hours on day two of the riots.

I lived in Westchester which is right near Ladera Heights near S. La Cienega and La Tijera Blvd just off the 405 freeway and near LAX. I had to drive up La Cienega to Century City on day two of the riots to pick up my wife from work and I drove right through areas that were being burned and looted and nothing was being done. A 7-Eleven I used to stop and get coffee at was on fire. The Fedco across the street was also on fire and people were running out with as much loot as they could carry. There was no law. It was anarchy.

I had my Colt .45 sitting in plain view on the center console when I drove through there and fortunately, I never needed to use it. It took me over 2 hours to drive up there, pick up my wife and get her back home and it is a journey I'll never forget. That evening we drove down to Torrance to stay with her Mom and she specifically asked me to bring my guns with me when I came down there.

You can't tell me that government is going to protect me or that disarming the population is a good thing because both of those promises are bold faced lies.


Dec 6, 2001
Originally posted by: rdubbz420
Originally posted by: mwtgg
Originally posted by: rdubbz420
Yeah because gun control/ban really helped Washington DC out. To me it almost seems racist because whitey here in Virginia can have a gun but god forbid if color folk in DC get their hands on a gun.

You can't be serious.

Actually yes I am, when the government tells a mostly black area they cannot own guns but the mostly white area next to it can just seems a little racist to me.

Well, the ban failed miserably, and if we're talking about the same one (the 1976 ban on handguns and semiautomatics), then I believe it is repealed.

Edit: Actually, did it fail in the Senate? It passed the House 250 to 171. I'll have to check on the Senate.

Edit2: It seems that it died in the Senate.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: busmaster11
It's one thing to justify keeping one in the house for protection.

But for many people, American or not, they're just rednecks on a power trip. If this statement makes you mad, ask yourself why stun guns or tazors haven't phased out the majority of guns used for self-defense. And yes, the technology is there to make these weapons very usuable.

In America, and every place they can afford it, its ALL about the ego.

When they develop a tazer that will allow me multiple shots in very quick succession (multiple shots being defined as ~6; quick succession being defined as sub 1/4 second) that will also incapacitate someone with one hit (and that doesnt require a pause after that hit), I'll consider it. Also, it will need an effective range of 0-50 feet. Until then, it doesnt perform as well as the alternatives. I have yet to see a tazer that would fulfill those specs. If they exist, I would like a link so as to expand my horizons. However, if such a tazer is ever developed I highly doubt it will ever become legal for civilians to own at a price point comparable to a 357 revolver.

Now, you may think that there are some tazers out there that come close, or fulfill some of the above specs, and are thus "good enough". "Close" is not, and has never been, good enough. There are no rewards for finishing second place in a situation that warrants the use of a firearm.

Enough is enough. Where do you draw the line? When technology comes out that allows people to possess portable nukes, and if you indeed have twenty dozen people wanting to kill you, what keeps you from demanding the right to own one - under your rationale?

To me, anything above a guy owning a handgun and leaving it in the home crosses the boundary of possible risk to my rights and freedoms and safties, whether its the owner using it or the owner being careless with it and leaving it for someone else.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: busmaster11
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: busmaster11
It's one thing to justify keeping one in the house for protection.

But for many people, American or not, they're just rednecks on a power trip. If this statement makes you mad, ask yourself why stun guns or tazors haven't phased out the majority of guns used for self-defense. And yes, the technology is there to make these weapons very usuable.

In America, and every place they can afford it, its ALL about the ego.

When they develop a tazer that will allow me multiple shots in very quick succession (multiple shots being defined as ~6; quick succession being defined as sub 1/4 second) that will also incapacitate someone with one hit (and that doesnt require a pause after that hit), I'll consider it. Also, it will need an effective range of 0-50 feet. Until then, it doesnt perform as well as the alternatives. I have yet to see a tazer that would fulfill those specs. If they exist, I would like a link so as to expand my horizons. However, if such a tazer is ever developed I highly doubt it will ever become legal for civilians to own at a price point comparable to a 357 revolver.

Now, you may think that there are some tazers out there that come close, or fulfill some of the above specs, and are thus "good enough". "Close" is not, and has never been, good enough. There are no rewards for finishing second place in a situation that warrants the use of a firearm.

Enough is enough. Where do you draw the line? When technology comes out that allows people to possess portable nukes, and if you indeed have twenty dozen people wanting to kill you, what keeps you from demanding the right to own one - under your rationale?

To me, anything above a guy owning a handgun and leaving it in the home crosses the boundary of possible risk to my rights and freedoms and safties, whether its the owner using it or the owner being careless with it and leaving it for someone else.

Like we've been saying in this entire thread. It's not the people that are legally registered and permitted to have handguns, or that have their CCW permit you have to worry about. It's the people that illegally obtain them, the criminals, that you have to worry about. If you make handguns illegal, or take them off the streets from law-abiding citizens, you are simply putting these law-abiding citizens at a greater risk.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
Originally posted by: Lifted
Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
You are the paranoid ass here.

I'm not the one with a gun.

I'm not the one who needs a gun to go to sleep at night because I'm worried about somebody breaking into my house.

That sir, would be you.


And you're the one who's so afraid of the guy next door who owns a gun that you poop yourself when he brushes against you in the street.

- M4H

Wow, nice comeback Biff. :laugh:


Golden Member
Jul 23, 2002
It is disappointing to see such ignorance, arrogance, and closemindedness in a thread. (No, I am not referring to the opinions on guns.) It's just sad how many people made fun of the OP because his English was not correct. Since when was English the universal/global language? What arrogance/ignorance to think that everyone should be able to speak your language correctly. What arrogance/ignorance to think less of and demean another person simply because s/he made some mistakes beyond his/her control. English is not the easiest language to learn (as many American children, teens, and adults out there can attest).

It's quite admirable that the OP can post on a forum in his second language. How many of you all can claim the same? (Especially those of you who made fun of him/her.) Go immerse yourself in a foreign culture and see how well you do.

Note: No, by posting this message, I am not trying to imply that I am better than those who bashed the OP. I was just disappointed in the responses to an innocent question and thought I'd share my opinion.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
Do any of you know that the reason that Japan didnt attack the west coast during WW2 is because most americans owned a gun, and they figured attacking homes on the coast would cause too many casualities...

Ya, all "american" use them for is killing people then shooting themselves...


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: busmaster11
Originally posted by: Mookow
When they develop a tazer that will allow me multiple shots in very quick succession (multiple shots being defined as ~6; quick succession being defined as sub 1/4 second) that will also incapacitate someone with one hit (and that doesnt require a pause after that hit), I'll consider it. Also, it will need an effective range of 0-50 feet. Until then, it doesnt perform as well as the alternatives. I have yet to see a tazer that would fulfill those specs. If they exist, I would like a link so as to expand my horizons. However, if such a tazer is ever developed I highly doubt it will ever become legal for civilians to own at a price point comparable to a 357 revolver.

Now, you may think that there are some tazers out there that come close, or fulfill some of the above specs, and are thus "good enough". "Close" is not, and has never been, good enough. There are no rewards for finishing second place in a situation that warrants the use of a firearm.

Enough is enough. Where do you draw the line? When technology comes out that allows people to possess portable nukes, and if you indeed have twenty dozen people wanting to kill you, what keeps you from demanding the right to own one - under your rationale?

To me, anything above a guy owning a handgun and leaving it in the home crosses the boundary of possible risk to my rights and freedoms and safties, whether its the owner using it or the owner being careless with it and leaving it for someone else.

Under my rationale, sometimes referred to as the "Second Amendment", the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The key word there is "arms". If the Second Amendment was meant to allow tanks, fighter planes, attack helos, nukes, etc., it would have read "arms and ordnance". Which clearly it does not.

However, your original quoted post said
But for many people, American or not, they're just rednecks on a power trip. If this statement makes you mad, ask yourself why stun guns or tazors haven't phased out the majority of guns used for self-defense. And yes, the technology is there to make these weapons very usuable.

In America, and every place they can afford it, its ALL about the ego.
My post hinted that tazers are not as effective as guns, and thus they are not likely to replace them. Your response did not attempt to rebut my statements as to how tazers are not equally as effective as guns. So, either your initial post should have been condensed to "I have no idea what I am talking about regarding weapons, but I know they scare me, and I think people that own them do it for the power trip", or you simply forgot to present relevant facts. Please let us know which it is.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2004
this is way off topic but i cant post a new topic for some reason, but i have a question about networking. how do i prevent my computer from responding to a ping?


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2004
Originally posted by: dbuttcheek69
this is way off topic but i cant post a new topic for some reason, but i have a question about networking. how do i prevent my computer from responding to a ping?

turn it off.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2004
Originally posted by: cowsclaw
It is disappointing to see such ignorance, arrogance, and closemindedness in a thread. (No, I am not referring to the opinions on guns.) It's just sad how many people made fun of the OP because his English was not correct. Since when was English the universal/global language? What arrogance/ignorance to think that everyone should be able to speak your language correctly. What arrogance/ignorance to think less of and demean another person simply because s/he made some mistakes beyond his/her control. English is not the easiest language to learn (as many American children, teens, and adults out there can attest).

It's quite admirable that the OP can post on a forum in his second language. How many of you all can claim the same? (Especially those of you who made fun of him/her.) Go immerse yourself in a foreign culture and see how well you do.

Note: No, by posting this message, I am not trying to imply that I am better than those who bashed the OP. I was just disappointed in the responses to an innocent question and thought I'd share my opinion.

Ok now, what's your adress so i can send you the $20 buck we talk about?

/cheer :beer:

Edit: It feel good that someone, try to understand me, even if im not writing perfetly,instead of bashing me.Sometime im sooo piss...

This forum is probably the best, and i found it hard sometime to get slammed because im not explaining myself corretly and get slammed because of it.



Senior member
Jun 6, 2004
Originally posted by: cowsclaw
It is disappointing to see such ignorance, arrogance, and closemindedness in a thread. (No, I am not referring to the opinions on guns.) It's just sad how many people made fun of the OP because his English was not correct. Since when was English the universal/global language? What arrogance/ignorance to think that everyone should be able to speak your language correctly. What arrogance/ignorance to think less of and demean another person simply because s/he made some mistakes beyond his/her control. English is not the easiest language to learn (as many American children, teens, and adults out there can attest).

It's quite admirable that the OP can post on a forum in his second language. How many of you all can claim the same? (Especially those of you who made fun of him/her.) Go immerse yourself in a foreign culture and see how well you do.

Note: No, by posting this message, I am not trying to imply that I am better than those who bashed the OP. I was just disappointed in the responses to an innocent question and thought I'd share my opinion.

If I posted on a french board asking why french people smelled awful, and why didn't they bathe, I would undoubtably be flamed and rightfully so.

The OP started by assumming all americans are obsessed with guns, which they're not, and the proceeded to lecture them on what the possible consequences of their obsession was.

Of course people took offense to that.


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: loic2003
Whoa kids, before you wear out the letters 'p','w','n' and indeed, 'd' on your semen-encrusted input devices (for those of you that developed) lets first take a look at the article in question.

For a discussion about the neccessity of guns within modern, advanced civilisation, it's interesting -to say the least- to link to an article that does not contain a single instance of the words "firearm", "weapon", "rifle", "handgun", "shotgun" "armed", "pistol" or even "gun", and then to assume it makes any kind of relevant point. So lets break up this dancing-round-the-flagpole party and cool off your collectively-induced chubbies shall we

Sure we have an issue with crime in the UK, but there's a significant difference between a chav half-inching a Vauxhall Nova and a couple of kids going nuts with automatic weaponry, or some nut showing off his sniper skills to the general public in a dramatic manner.
"pwned" indeed...

Let us continue.

From that link:
The UN reports also shows that England and Wales are the second-worst places in the world for assaults... and seventh for burglaries and car theft
Seems that all that crime isnt merely property theft. With or without a weapon, having the 2nd highest assault rate in the world isnt anything to brag about. Furthermore, you seem to not know the meaning of the term "automatic weaponry" as precisely ZERO automatic weapons were used in the Columbine school shootings, nor "sniper skills" as they managed to miss walking targets in open view at ~100 yards (meaning you should have written "showing off their lack of sniper skills"). In any event, the Columbine shootings involved the commision of, IIRC, 19 federal firearm felonies. How would tacking a few more on there change anything? As a side note, it should be "kid", singular, as one of the Columbine shooters was legally an adult.

BTW, another link showing gun crime increasing after the handgun ban. So... what exactly was that ban supposed to accomplish? And what exactly has it accomplished, other than disarming lawful citizens?

An interesting point of view about the British gun problem was provided by a gentleman named Paul Evans. This chap was from Boston (that's in america) and he used to be a police commissioner there. He did some valiant work with reducing gun crime in Boston. This guy came to England not so long ago and took a detailed look at the gun issues over here. Although work needs to be done on the gun issues in the UK, Paul felt positive. To sum up his opinions I have this choice quote from him:
You have got a very, very small gun problem compared to what I have experienced.
Interesting, but not exactly "useful", since England has always had a very small gun problem compared to America. But dont worry, you chaps are closing that gap. Now, if he had said something to the effect of "I believe the latest gun control measures are working to reduce crime", it would be a point in your favor. However, since such things as homocides committed with a handgun have gone up in the UK since the passage of the ban, it would be unlikely that he would say such a thing, unless he is either stupid or a liar. Also, in your link about him he never mentioned gun control as a reason why he was successful in Boston.

As for gun deaths in the US being limited to cities, some have researched the issue and have found differently.
From your link:
Likewise, the most urban counties in America had almost twice as many gun-related deaths by homicide as the most rural counties.
Given that the most rural counties make up for that gap by higher rates of gun suicides, and given that you can have plenty of suicides without guns (see Japan), I hardly see this as a rubuttal to Jules Maximus's statement that "Gun crimes are much much lower in rural areas and in the suburbs." If people want to kill themselves, it really isnt that hard to do; it definitely does not require the use of a gun.

More interesting facts?
Although the exact number of Americans killed by gun violence in the 20th century will never be known, it is now all but certain that it will, by any measure, vastly exceed the number of Americans shot and killed on battlefields since 1900. In fact, more Americans were killed with guns in the 18-year period between 1979 and 1997 (651,697), than were killed in battle in all wars since 1775 (650,858)

Most of those are suicides. Again, people kill themselves just fine without the use of guns, and I dont see gun suicides as a reason to be against gun ownership.

This research highlights that killings of passion are reduced when guns are removed from the equation.

As for defending yourself in the home, some feel differently:
In fact, a gun in the home increases the risk of being a murder victim by three times and by 20 times if there has been a previous domestic violence incident in the home.

Every study I have seen that has found a statistically significant increase in risk for people with guns in their homes has included suicides. I couldnt find a link to that specific study to double check, however. See my next paragraph.

Enough. On to the aptly named "Gun Control?s Twisted Outcome" cleverly linked by 0roo0roo... twice!
Well, it certainly is an interesting paper with some valid point, for sure. Gun crime will increase in the short term when guns are removed from the law-abiding citizens. However, for those of you at an advanced-level or beyond level of education, you'll know it is common practice to approach all papers with a degree of scepticism. A lack of references should raise eyebrows, but the blatantly obvious ulterior motive would make most people balk.

It is for this same reason that until now I am yet to make reference to the findings of Michael Moore in his documentary Bowling for Columbine. He raises some very interesting points that reflect very badly upon america, but you must take these findings with a pinch of salt since the guy is making money from it. Similarly, the media like to dramatise their stories in order to captivate the audience.

On a side note, I find it curious as to why other high profile americans feel they should tell the world their feelings on the current status of their country.

Ummmm, yeah. Every article written will have some sort of bias. What you have to do is get hard numbers, and the criteria used to arrive at those hard numbers. The last gun control debate I remember being in here on ATOT, I linked to several CDC studies, and debunked a lot of HCI "facts". Generally, I find direct links to the studies, or at least links that allow you to find out the criteria used in the studies, to be much more useful. Hard numbers and a knowledge of what was used to define those numbers is about as close to bias free as you are going to get.

Anyhow, it's conclusion time as I, like you, am tired of this thread.
Suffice to say that neither of us will convince the other.

Personally, I do not mind if this thread continues. And IIRC, Orooroo used to be a rather firm advocate of gun control, and has since switched sides. So people's minds do change, just not as often or as quickly as they should.

Americans like the feeling of power that a gun provides, would feel their rights are infringed is more control was put in place, and enjoy the security it supposedly provides. Britains like to be more conservative and have tigher control of these weapons. A generalisation, of course.

I would generalize it more as a matter of Americans believe it is their own personal duty to defend themselves, as the government obviously cannot, and is not legally obligated. Both facts that I believe hold true in England (if the second one is not true, then you can sue your government if you get mugged), though I may be wrong in the second case. Given that Britian has the second highest assault rate in the industrialized world, it would be rather costly if they did take responsibility for your personal protection.

Obviously I feel that we should move on beyond the levels of kill for kill as I think this is a truly dated mentality and we will not advance as a civilisation if we remain this way. If we require weaponry to defend ourselves simply going about our daily lives then the social source of the problem should be addressed rather than having to arm the public.
When saddam was thought to have chemical weapons we didn't just give the public gas masks, we instead eliminated the source so he was no longer a threat (whether he really was is another discussion entirely).
Perhaps my feelings are somewhat utopian, but I would like to feel that in this day when we in the western world have such power, stability, technology and ultimately a uniform goal for living conditions, that we can eliminate the need for dated brutal killing devices amongst our law-abiding public.

In society composed completely of pacifists, such idealism may work just fine. In a world quite different from that hypothetical society of pacifists, a world I like to call "reality", some people will hurt other people to get what they want. But really, since there are no facts in question in the above quote, just your opinions and hopes, I'm not going to be debating any of this. I will say however that "the social source of the problem" is mankind and his free will, two things I do not wish to see eliminated.

I leave you with a quote from Kofi "I never met a dictator I didnt like" Annan, UN Secretary-General:
"The proliferation of small arms, and munitions and explosives has also aggravated the violence associated with terrorism and organized crime. Even in societies not beset by civil war, the easy availability of small arms has in many cases contributed to violence and political instability. These, in turn, have damaged development prospects and imperiled human security in every way."

For one thing, if I found Kofi Annan supporting my position, I'd re-evaluate it. Not necessarily change it, but definitely double check. Secondly, political instability isnt always a bad thing, it depends on the current political climate in the country, and what ends the opposition is working towards. Personally, I'm pretty darn happy that the area I live in was politically unstable ~225 years ago, and indeed you could make a pretty good comparison between the stategic situation then and a hypothetical popular uprising in the USA a couple years from now. Except, of course, it is not US military doctrine to get dressed in very bright uniforms before marching down the street carrying weapons with much shorter range than what farmers carried... but I digress.

In closing, please remember that you can have freedom, or you can have safety. Dont ever count on having both (paraphrased from Heinlein). Personally, I prefer freedom. However, this may be the point regarding which we will have to agree to held differing personal preferences.


Junior Member
Feb 26, 2005
Please understand, if you remove, from the gun related statistics, all the cities from the US where gun restrictions are in effect (D.C., New York, Chicago, LA, etc.) , you will find that the US is substantially lower in crime because of a freedom of defense via gun ownership. Second, if you look at Britain, you will see violence on the rise just after the gun ban was put into place.

Most notably, the country which seeks to trample on speech and assembly is Britain, which has no regard for the rights of its peoples. We as Americans know this from history, which is why we separated from the Parliament of Britain.

Why is everyone comparing crime in the U.S. to crime in Britain anyway? No ban on any weapon in the United States is going to do any good. If you don?t like the way it is in the United States then move to Britain or Canada? Better yet, move to Israel and see how life is there where more people are killed by suicide bombers then guns each year. I live in Chicago, am involved in law enforcement, and understand that a ban on any weapon doesn?t mean criminals won?t have weapons. It just means honest, law abiding citizens won?t have a weapon when this criminal (who has an illegal weapon) attacks them. If we didn?t have guns, people would find another device or tool to kill with. Guns really aren?t the problem; people who have problems are the problem. So, what next? Do we ban problems in the United States? Hmm? I just don?t think it?s going to work?.


Feb 10, 2005
I guess it still all boils down to the fact that we have the right to bear arms. Legal arms of course. Most of the crimes committed with guns are usually done with illegal firearms anyways. Illegal firearms are everywhere, yes even in the uptopian UK. Guns are kinda like drugs, once your goverment makes them illegal there will only be a larger black market for them.
Banning arms solves nothing. If anything it gives criminals an advantage by having a gun (because they don't give a $hit about laws in the first place). If someone really wants to kill someone I don't think it really matters if they have a gun or not. They will find the means to an end. I guess we should make kitchen knives illegeal while we're at it. Besides if someone breaks into me and my girlfriends home do you really think I want to use a knife? I would like to staw as far away from the intruder as possible. Maybe throwing some old hard drives at him will do the trick *NOT*. In a perfect world there would be no need for guns, but this isn't a perfect world by any means.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Ripken
Better yet, move to Israel and see how life is there where more people are killed by suicide bombers then guns each year.

And more people are killed by the Isreali army than are killed by suicide bombers


Jan 14, 2002

Until the day that every person in this world can wield a gun and not fear harm from another we are still a planet of fools.


Dec 6, 2001
Originally posted by: busmaster11
Enough is enough. Where do you draw the line? When technology comes out that allows people to possess portable nukes, and if you indeed have twenty dozen people wanting to kill you, what keeps you from demanding the right to own one - under your rationale?

To me, anything above a guy owning a handgun and leaving it in the home crosses the boundary of possible risk to my rights and freedoms and safties, whether its the owner using it or the owner being careless with it and leaving it for someone else.

How many times must I post this quote?

Originally posted by: Vic
The well-regulated militia btw is the common men, allowed to keep arms and to train themselves in the use of arms (not the national guard or any other professional or semi-professional military). In other words, the regular citizens, those same brave men who helped the Founding Fathers win the Revolutionary War, aka citizen soldiers, the same ones that were also considered indispensible in America winning WWII.

In general, "arms" are defined as those weapons that the common military infantry would carry on their persons; rifles, pistols, swords, etc. Grenades are considered to be explosives, which are ordinance. Cannons were not considered to be arms in Revolutionary War times, but artillery, and today that would include mortars, rpgs, nukes, tomahawk cruise missiles, etc.

Originally posted by: cowsclaw
It is disappointing to see such ignorance, arrogance, and closemindedness in a thread. (No, I am not referring to the opinions on guns.) It's just sad how many people made fun of the OP because his English was not correct. Since when was English the universal/global language? What arrogance/ignorance to think that everyone should be able to speak your language correctly. What arrogance/ignorance to think less of and demean another person simply because s/he made some mistakes beyond his/her control. English is not the easiest language to learn (as many American children, teens, and adults out there can attest).

It's quite admirable that the OP can post on a forum in his second language. How many of you all can claim the same? (Especially those of you who made fun of him/her.) Go immerse yourself in a foreign culture and see how well you do.

Note: No, by posting this message, I am not trying to imply that I am better than those who bashed the OP. I was just disappointed in the responses to an innocent question and thought I'd share my opinion.

English forum, I don't go to a Spanish forum and expect them to understand my pisspoor Spanish.

Besides, he asked a question, tried to lecture us, was totally off base, and ended up getting owned. Why shouldn't we take a shot at his obvious lack of mastery of the English language?


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: mwtgg
Originally posted by: cowsclaw
It is disappointing to see such ignorance, arrogance, and closemindedness in a thread. (No, I am not referring to the opinions on guns.) It's just sad how many people made fun of the OP because his English was not correct. Since when was English the universal/global language? What arrogance/ignorance to think that everyone should be able to speak your language correctly. What arrogance/ignorance to think less of and demean another person simply because s/he made some mistakes beyond his/her control. English is not the easiest language to learn (as many American children, teens, and adults out there can attest).

It's quite admirable that the OP can post on a forum in his second language. How many of you all can claim the same? (Especially those of you who made fun of him/her.) Go immerse yourself in a foreign culture and see how well you do.

Note: No, by posting this message, I am not trying to imply that I am better than those who bashed the OP. I was just disappointed in the responses to an innocent question and thought I'd share my opinion.

English forum, I don't go to a Spanish forum and expect them to understand my pisspoor Spanish.

Besides, he asked a question, tried to lecture us, was totally off base, and ended up getting owned. Why shouldn't we take a shot at his obvious lack of mastery of the English language?

Nice choice of words.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2005
Want to know why banning guns won't stop violence?

It's really simple.

One is called alcohol.

The other is called cigarettes. Notice no one stopped people from taking lighters on planes after 9/11? Cigarette dollars at work!

People will always have access to ethanol, a glass bottle, and a lighter.

A molotov will disable a convience store clerk pretty damn quick...


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Lifted
Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
You are the paranoid ass here.

I'm not the one with a gun.

I'm not the one who needs a gun to go to sleep at night because I'm worried about somebody breaking into my house.

That sir, would be you.

Right, moron... :roll:

And that explains why you want to take the guns away from every law-abiding citizen who poses no threat to you?

You yourself admit there is a crime problem and your paranoid irrational agenda is to try to disarm everyone, including those people who could defend you from the crime problem, in order to stop it. OTOH, the sane rational response from most people is simply to arm themselves to defend against the actual and real criminal threat.

So who is paranoid? That, idiot, would be you.



Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Lifted
Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
You are the paranoid ass here.

I'm not the one with a gun.

I'm not the one who needs a gun to go to sleep at night because I'm worried about somebody breaking into my house.

That sir, would be you.

Right, moron... :roll:

And that explains why you want to take the guns away from every law-abiding citizen who poses no threat to you?

You yourself admit there is a crime problem and your paranoid irrational agenda is to try to disarm everyone, including those people who could defend you from the crime problem, in order to stop it. OTOH, the sane rational response from most people is simply to arm themselves to defend against the actual and real criminal threat.

So who is paranoid? That, idiot, would be you.


Stop confusing complete disarmament and restriction of certain classes of weapons, or making weapons more inaccessible. Nobody is going to take away your guns completely, that's impossible, and impractical - the problem is when a few nuts take it too far and think that a few gun laws are going to wipe out guns entirely.

But I think it's reasonable to say that nobody really needs a fully automatic AK47 to shoot deer or defend their home...we're not in Iraq, and if you routinely shoot deer with fully automatic weapons it's likely there isn't much of a deer left over when you're done.
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