wife just had an affair

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Senior member
Sep 27, 2002
From experience: cover your a$$. I don't what state you're in, but the second you "forgive" and, god forbid, have sex with her again, she OWNS you. You will no longer be able to file for divorce for adultery, she will get half of everything, if not more, and if there are children (has this been answered?), stupid court will probably grant her custody and sock you with a whopping support order, even though SHE showed lack of moral judgement, breached a binding legal contract, and has proven to be a pathelogical liar. <end rant>

VERY, VERY GOOD POINT. Try to remember she doesn't have your best interest at heart, or she would not have pulled these stunts.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2002
Originally posted by: tkdkid
She was let go because she was seasonal at the job she was at. The only thing I had come up with on my own was to get professional counseling from someone who has dealt with this before, because I haven't got a damn clue on what I should do. I'll decide to leave her one minute then decide to work things out the next. I don't know what to do....just wait, get help and see what happens. By the way, thanks to all you guys for your support. I really appreciate it.

I think you should seek professional help as soon as possible, don't wait. I went through something similar a few years back, and thinking back I would say the professional help really helped put me back on track in terms of my daily life. I wish I hadn't waited as long to seek help. Don't hesistate to seek help, you've gone through one of the most painful experiences a person can go through and it's not over.

That having been said, a good professional will never tell you what to do. You will not find your answer there. You might get some insights that will help you make a decision as to what you could do. What helps the most is that you can talk about all the feelings and all the different aspects of the feelings. I'm going to be very honest though, seeing someone about this will help you, but the pain can only be helped by time. There is no substitute for it. Sometimes you will wish that they could freeze you for a couple of years until it all goes away, but unfortunately they can't. You will get through it, and you will be perfectly fine, it's just a matter of time.

Although, I really feel like advising you to break up with her since you haven't mentioned any kids, and you can do it without having to give her a penny, and nobody wants to live with a cheater you have to consider the consequences of breaking up also. When you break up you will be alone (which might be better than being with someone you can't trust), you will be alone for quite a long time if you don't make an active effort to change that. It will be very hard since you will be mentally in no position to be dating for 6-12 months after you break up. After that the whole episode still lingers on in the form of reduced confidence and learning how to "play the game" for a while. You will have a breakthrough sooner or later and you will be on track again. My whole point with this is that you will likely be alone for anywhere from 1-2 years after the breakup. Do what you feel is right for you, but consider the consequences.

Sorry for your situation and good luck!


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2002
End it now. The pain of being cheated on will never leave you. The trust will never come back to the way it was. The first time my ex cheated on me, I did the forgive thing. The trust was never the same. So it wasn't suprising when she cheated on me the next dozen or so times. The thing is that she did get an STD out of the deal and I am so thankful that the once or twice we had sex we used protection. I think it's karma that she got it. I'm so glad I didn't.

In the end it's just not worth it. No matter how much you love her, you will never truly forgive her and you will never truly forget it. The trust is broken and won't be fixed.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: BruinEd03
Originally posted by: tkdkid
Happy new year, huh? Well she just told me that two weeks ago she screwed some guy from work. Got off early and went to his place. Then did it again another day. I never considered that she would do something like that. She's never been that kind of person. We've openly criticized other couples for sleeping around. Our relationship has been great for over 8 years. We're very religious and very honest with each other. I have no idea what to do.

She says she sorry and she doesn't know what she was thinking. She still loves me very much. I'm lost.

For me...dump her and move on...cheating can't be forgiven. But that's just me.


I don't think I could forgive someone for doing that either....


Jan 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Staley8
I'm happy for you, now you have a good reason to get out of that man-made prison.

Kramer: They're prisons. Man made prisons. You're doing time. You get up in the morning. She's there. You go to sleep at night. She's there. It's like you gotta ask permission to use the bathroom. Is it all right if I use the bathroom now?
Jerry: Really?
Kramer: Yeah, and you can forget about watching TV while you're eating.
Jerry: I can?
Kramer: Oh, yeah. You know why? Because it's dinner time. And you know what you do at dinner?
Jerry: What?
Kramer: You talk about your day. How was your day today? Did you have a good day today or a bad day today? Well, what kind of day was it? Well, I don't know. How about you? How was your day?
Jerry: Boy.
Kramer: It's sad , Jerry. It's a sad state of affairs..
Jerry: I'm glad we had this talk.
Kramer: Oh, you have no idea.

yeah, because every woman makes it a prison, right? take geekbabe for example...ill bet being married to her was nothing like that. she definitely doesnt seem like a controlling psycho bitch like you just described. that is an over-exaggeration of how women act, just as they over-exaggerate how we act. this post was ridiculous.


Dec 2, 2003
Man I'm so sorry to hear that.
I was with my (ex) wife for almost 10 years and found out she was cheating on me for the last 3 months we were together.
we tried to work things out but my trust in her was gone and no matter how hard I wanted it to work I found I could forgive her but not forget.
We have two kids so that made it even harder but my life is better now, yes I lost my kids and yes I lost everything I owned (and some I didn't) and yes I will end up paying $200,000 in child support before it's all over but I kept my sanity! She's still trying to get that LOL
If you think you can learn to trust her again then saving what you have is still possible, if you feel the trust is lost forever then it's time to move on.
Give it some time, I have some friends that worked through the same thing and ended up with a stronger marrige for it.
Good Luck

P.S. don't dwell on it, keep yourself busy and don't do anything that you will regret later, Right now she's the guilty one so don't do anything to try to even the score, If you do it may come back to bite you in the butt later.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I am trying to imagine how I would feel in your situation, I cant grasp it, I would be insanely pissed off, the intruder would be confronted and would throw the first punch and then I hope I would come to my senses before I killed him.

As for my wife, I might be able to forgive her but it would take years, perhaps more time than we have left together in this life, who knows.

On the lighter side, it seems to me that you have two free passes


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2001
If it were a one time thing, I might consider writing it off as a lack of good moral judgement on her part. The fact that she did it (at least) twice suggests that she was well aware of what she was doing. A relationship is nothing if not based on mutual trust. 8 years is a large investment but you need to ask yourself if the next 8 years will be worth the effort now that she's (presumably) lost that trust. If, two years from now, she's an hour late home from work, would "Who's she with?" creep into your mind? If her next job requires her to go out-of-town for days at a time (maybe for a training course), will you completely trust her?



Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Chunkee
you answered your own question, I know it is hard, but forgiveness is the key....do not forget but forgive....if she continues to do it, then time for separation, and some counseling if you feel it is worth salvaging

God Bless and I am sorry, I know it hurts

What the F*ck ever, Leave her! She absolutely knew what she was doing and went to someones home and F*cked him!!



Dec 14, 2001
I'm sorry this happen to you.

I guess you only have two options, leave her or don't. That's for you to decide.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
What the F*ck ever, Leave her! She absolutely knew what she was doing and went to someones home and F*cked him!!
Nobody here has a clue as to how their relationship was before, truly, and to call it quits after something like this might be knee-jerk. Only tkkid can honestly say, but just because some would can a relationship over cheating doesn't mean that it's the right thing for everyone...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: tkdkid
Oh so many people have asked but I forgot to respond, no we don't have any kids.

We've been talking and it's kind of the same old story. She feels unappreciated.... That we don't flirt much with each other anymore, or that we don't act like crazy teenagers in love apparently bothers her. We do have a fair share of that, but when you get older, it's just different, you know? She has very poor self esteem...she never thought anybody else would ever like her like I did when we started going out, and this guy did and she just went with it.

We're still young, 26 and 27.... I change my mind every 5 seconds. I am hurt on the deepest level possible, I just want her to leave and never see her again. At the same time, I still love her and hope to work it out.... Well, professional counseling is something we've agreed on. No idea what to do in the meantime.
Late to the party on this one, and I have not read one single post, other than those by tkdkid. There's too many, and I don't have that kind of time.

This kind of stuck out:

"That we don't flirt much with each other anymore, or that we don't act like crazy teenagers in love apparently bothers her. We do have a fair share of that, but when you get older, it's just different, you know?"

Any particular reason you don't flirt much anymore? I know I don't walk around with a hard-on all the time, like I did as a teen, but after 25 years of marriage, we still flirt and grope quite a bit. When you say "when you get older, it's just different", I don't follow that. Are you attracted to her or not? What's different now, than when you were teens? None of my business, and I don't expect an answer, but when's the last time you banged the hell out of her? If it's been a LONG time, IMO, you owe her an explanation of why. Not condoning what she did at all. I think that stinks, but I'm trying to fish out the root of it. That might help with your decision.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
Originally posted by: Skoorb
What the F*ck ever, Leave her! She absolutely knew what she was doing and went to someones home and F*cked him!!
Nobody here has a clue as to how their relationship was before, truly, and to call it quits after something like this might be knee-jerk. Only tkkid can honestly say, but just because some would can a relationship over cheating doesn't mean that it's the right thing for everyone...

"What the F*ck ever, Leave her! She absolutely knew what she was doing and went to someones home and F*cked him!!"


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I know I don't walk around with a hard-on all the time, like I did as a teen, but after 25 years of marriage, we still flirt and grope quite a bit.
Pics, and I KNOW you have a camera.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: SampSon
Personally, I would divorce her. If my wife cheated on me I'd know I could never trust her again and besides, what would be the point of being married to someone you can't trust?
So if it's a trust issue. What if she approached you and said she wanted to sleep with another man?

Who knows... I might let her. :shrugs;


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Ignore the ATOT advice, except the advice: go to a professional marriage counselor

And, since it's been buried on one of the previous pages...

Many health insurance policies cover marriage counseling



Dec 28, 2003

u can consider whether u can lower yrself to her level as u now have a getoutofjailfree card

or consider where's a good hiding place for the body

"character is what u do when u think nobody's watching."


Senior member
Mar 14, 2001
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: JHawk
Men cheat for sex. Women cheat for the excitement/romance. If you can't provide the excitement she is looking for ( and hey this probably isn't your fault--I know from experience with my ex-wife) then I say move on.

WTF?!? is this your rationalization for all men and all women? Women can cheat just for the sex of it and men can cheat looking for love.

No wonder you have an ex-wife.


I'm not rationalizing anything Bud--just speaking from personal experience. Not all men cheat for sex nor women for romance. All I know is that the spark I brought to my marriage wasn't enough for my wife. I caught her with another man and THAT is why I have an ex-wife.:disgust:


Oct 28, 2000


You need to be a little selfish and look out for yourself.

I would at the very least get away and get some time to think, take a trip alone or something, just get some space to think things out.

Most of all: Get tested!



Jul 23, 2002
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Originally posted by: AndrewPaulNet
"First bolded part: You ask "why wouldn't she just leave unless she really does love me right?". Obviously if you're supporting her with money, a place to stay, and let her fvck around with men when she wants then you're right, she would have no reason to leave. Hell, that would be paradise for me, someone supporting me while I go out and have the time of my life! Also, you would honestly let her fvck guys if she found them sexually attractive? Please grow some balls and take a stand, I don't go around asking my g/f if I can fvck a girl b/c I'm attracted to her and don't expect her to either. I can look, but not touch.

Second bold part: If you're planning to spend the rest of your life with someone and consider your sex with them a "treasure", then how can you go and say that this "treasure" can be had by more people than you and your wife? You aren't making sense. If you shared your "treasure" with someone else outside of the marraige, it wouldn't be a "treasure" anymore, it would be trash.

Third bolded part: You say you don't like the idea of "open relationships", yet "an introduction of another partner or 2 between the couple, is fine". You just basically said that swinging is ok every now and then, which isn't much different from an "open relationship" except that you have an "open relationship" together instead of alone."

1. She can leave because she can easily find someone richer, sexier, etc. etc. There are always options when you're single. The fact that she doesn't - as much as he may not think so - may actually mean something. As for taking a stand, etc. etc. I mos' def' do not go out there and ask my girl if I can do a girl because I'm attracted to her, and she doe not do that to me. At the very core of what I wrote, I said people are different. My wife and I have a stable relationship between us where we are both fully satisfied with just each other. I don't feel the need to have sex with other girls, I look, I don't touch and I'm sure she does the same. But not everyone is the same. And if the day came where I was about to go and cheat on her, then I would have this very same discussion about introducing someone else.

2. I didn't mean that sex, as sex is treasure. I really meant sex as love making between a man and his wife or 2 LOVED ONES *a girlfriend and boyfriend* as a treasure. After which I said sex feels good and is fun, and some people are able to treat it as such. I'm saying what the 2 people do, the love they make is what I consider the treasure in itself. If another is introduced after mutual agreement, then what exactly is wrong with that? Under your stipulation, am I to take it that if a girl had sex or made love with several partners before me, that what I consider as treasure is actually trash? or vice versa? What if she was married before? and leading into....

3. "I don't like the idea of open relationships or anything like that as in each person being sexually independent, but an introduction of another partner or 2 between the couple, is fine; and if compromise is present and fair then there should be no problems whatsoever", is what I said,
If you want to call it swinging, then I suppose that is what it is. Swinging technically is regularly habitual. In his and her case, this is something she did after 8 years. Not months, 1 or 2 years, 8 years. If they're minds were open enough to the idea of introducing someone AT ALL, she would not have done it behind his back, possibly.
1. What if the girl hasn't found anyone yet? And is just waiting for someone richer to come along, but until then she will suck the $$/resources out of you? If you don't think this could happen, consider my roomate. He made this married lady cheat with him, and broke up their marraige (it was bound to happen anyway, she's such a whore with no morals). Anyways, my roomate is wealthy. He just cosigned on her $1500 house for her kids, bought new washer/dryer, beds for all the kids. He cosigned for her car and helps her on the payments ($500/month) b/c her credit sucked. I just talked to her the other night, she said she is no longer our maid (we hired her after she moved out) b/c her and my roomate are THROUGH. She had been cheating on him for the past 2 months, and now she wants to pick up a package at our house cuz my roomie is on vacation. She claims that my roomate bought her kids an xmas present and it will be delivered to my place. She wants to get the package before my roomate comes home from vacation b/c she doesn't want to deal with him anymore, of course he's in Costa Rica and doesn't even know of her "plan".

The OP already stated that this woman barely has a cent to her name, maybe she was just with him for the financial support until something better came along? I've seen it happen ALOT. Don't think it doesn't happen!
2. My point is that if making love = treasure, and u allow her to sleep with other guy/s then it will diminish you and her's ability to "make love". Why? Because you might be jealous, she might still be thinking of how much better the other guy was than you, you may be worried that you can't compare to the new guy etc. A million more thoughts are involved b/c you let someone else into your marraige, and now your treasure won't be treasure anymore.
3. It's hard to imply that letting another into their marraige would have saved it. To reiterate, what if she cheated just to have a reason for divorce b/c she found someone better? What if she did it for the excitement of being bad/rebellious? A third party introduced to the couple wouldn't satisfy these reasons, and there are many more.

And you know what - I completely agree with your what-if analysis, I said in my original post that this is all based on character, and that she really could be a bad person. But come on, IF she is not lying, 8 years is a LONG time to cheat, and be reasonable - I'm pretty sure many, many, many chances have come along. And if she's looking for a reason to divorce and leave, I'm pretty sure she would not have gone out and done the "wrong thing" in society's rules.
Do you think that if you are your girl or wife were to have someone introduced, like another woman into your sexual situation - that it would make you love her any less? Think about that. We're trained to think of each other's genitals as 'goods'. Well, to me they are as much goods as lips, hands, feet, etc. What you use your lips, hands, etc. for can be just as personal and intimate and what you use the other parts for - OR just as normal. I don't think that allowing each other a secondary partner in the bedroom at some point in time diminishes anything. As a matter of fact, I think after a certain number of years it's like a well needed injection of excitement into the bedroom. I didn't mean to imply....my own was also a 'possibility' analysis; insight on opening up a world such as that. I don't think she was being bad or rebellious because she is emotionally distraught because of what she did. Unless she's an evil bitch and I mean, REALLY good at acting - she really seems in need of emotional healing. As if what she did took a knife to her soul; I think that's why she told him - she really didn't have to. So, that's another sign of proof.

For every reason you can find to suggest her being "Bad" or unworthy - I can find one of forgiveness.

My best advice is for him to analyze her carefully. If he tells her to leave, believe me, she'll be fine. If she's such a user - she'll easily find someone at a club or someplace to crash with for a while. Thats not that dif. I think she made a genuine mistake however, as we all do.

I feel there are many hypocrites on here. Of every one I know personally in my life - I know of instances where they have all 'cheated' in some way.
And I do consider even kissing cheating - as long as it has a lusty emotion behind it. So look into yourselves before you tell this guy he should drop her.

Imagine that kiss at school, the party, a club etc. with a girl that either initiated or accepted was an act of adultery etc. and that when you told your significant other (that's even IF you told him or her) would cause her to leave you.....


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: SampSon
Personally, I would divorce her. If my wife cheated on me I'd know I could never trust her again and besides, what would be the point of being married to someone you can't trust?
So if it's a trust issue. What if she approached you and said she wanted to sleep with another man?

It is indeed a trust thing. If my wife or g/f approached me (I'm not married, but I've had my share of long-term relationships) expressing interest in pursuing sexual fantasies, there's a good possibility I'd go for it, so long as there was give and take involved. Once you remove the elements of mistrust and deception, and if the whole subject is approached and handled right, it could lead to truly wonderful things.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
Originally posted by: LLLosingit
Man I'm so sorry to hear that.
I was with my (ex) wife for almost 10 years and found out she was cheating on me for the last 3 months we were together.
we tried to work things out but my trust in her was gone and no matter how hard I wanted it to work I found I could forgive her but not forget.
We have two kids so that made it even harder but my life is better now, yes I lost my kids and yes I lost everything I owned (and some I didn't) and yes I will end up paying $200,000 in child support before it's all over but I kept my sanity! She's still trying to get that LOL
If you think you can learn to trust her again then saving what you have is still possible, if you feel the trust is lost forever then it's time to move on.
Give it some time, I have some friends that worked through the same thing and ended up with a stronger marrige for it.
Good Luck

P.S. don't dwell on it, keep yourself busy and don't do anything that you will regret later, Right now she's the guilty one so don't do anything to try to even the score, If you do it may come back to bite you in the butt later.

And people wonder why marriage is a scary thing to men these days.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2002
she cheated and got custody of the kids... that screwed up...

Originally posted by: NightCrawler
Originally posted by: LLLosingit
Man I'm so sorry to hear that.
I was with my (ex) wife for almost 10 years and found out she was cheating on me for the last 3 months we were together.
we tried to work things out but my trust in her was gone and no matter how hard I wanted it to work I found I could forgive her but not forget.
We have two kids so that made it even harder but my life is better now, yes I lost my kids and yes I lost everything I owned (and some I didn't) and yes I will end up paying $200,000 in child support before it's all over but I kept my sanity! She's still trying to get that LOL
If you think you can learn to trust her again then saving what you have is still possible, if you feel the trust is lost forever then it's time to move on.
Give it some time, I have some friends that worked through the same thing and ended up with a stronger marrige for it.
Good Luck

she was the one cheating and she still got the kids.... thats fcked up
P.S. don't dwell on it, keep yourself busy and don't do anything that you will regret later, Right now she's the guilty one so don't do anything to try to even the score, If you do it may come back to bite you in the butt later.

And people wonder why marriage is a scary thing to men these days.

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