Will Georgia indict? May find out tonight! Update: Posted Jan 9 finally indicted Aug 14.

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I think what he is saying is correct, at least from a logical perspective. If you believe a fetus is a human and abortion is the killing of a human being why would the fact that this human's mom was raped factor in? Generally speaking they say it's because it wasn't the woman's 'fault' she got pregnant there, but why does that excuse murder?

This all stems from the fact that actually logically consistent anti-abortion views are horrifically unpopular in America so right wingers make incoherent compromises/lies to make them less unpopular. It's the same thing with how the 'life begins at conception' people wouldn't save a tray of 1,000 embryos instead of one actual baby even though according to them that's 1,000 babies vs. 1.
In my opinion it is also a matter of conflicting absolutes where only one absolute is acknowledged. The issue that a fertalized human egg is a unique human being is logically sound such that it is an easy step to say that intentional abortion is murder. But I have heard that the Jews of ancient times maintained that the spirit of a human being enters a fetus only after it is named, avoiding the notion that abortion is murder along with the grief that accompanied so many deaths of infants at birth. To my mind that perspective of when a person becomes a person represents the kindness of wisdom.

Furthermore, a person has a right to ones own personhood and slavery is forbidden. Conservatives want to enslave women in favor of one notion of the absolute while avoiding the fact they violate another. Behind all of it, in my poinion is a presence of masculine inferiority, the sense that if women have choice they would never choose an authoritarian male as a mate and to which Incel culture is a testament. The supply of Stockholm women is limited to areas of cultural backwardness.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I have a moral code that does not prevent me from calling it as I see it. That why it's an opinion.

If someone robs your house, I doubt you would refer to them as a "nice fellow"
Who I am and what I aspire to are different things. When I was a young man I read a Zen story that went something like this: A Zen master arriving home one night found his house burglarized. His comment: Too bad I couldn't give them the moon shining in the sky.

Try as you may you will never be able to steal real treasure that only lovers of life know. How sad that nobody can give that ability away. I believe that if you have that you know all about the absolute. For the lover there are no moral questions. There is only love.

We, the brokenhearted, bereft of our true nature, only make excuses for ourselves.


Jun 23, 2004
We, the brokenhearted, bereft of our true nature, only make excuses for ourselves.
Isn't human nature written all throughout the history books?
Very unflattering, to say the least.

Perhaps you mistake our nature for our potential.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Why do you ask me to tell you when that happens? You are clearly confused. I’m not the one saying liberals are shit stains. It’s nut case Republicans that do that. I e. am saying they do that because they are running indoctrinated programs they do not and cannot morally justify. They just feel they are right. I am saying that to called programmed robots shit stains back is similarly insane.
I am saying you have to be nuts yourself to go apeshit over the actions of programmed machines. They are not conscious or in possession of free will and your emotional revulsion of them says you are too. You feel they are shit stains just as they feel that about you. You are also running a program.

I would say also that the reason you want to see them as shit stains goes hand in hand with a need you have for someone to blame because instead of calm awareness of the insanity of so many cult driven conservatives you are terrified and thus enraged at them. You want to imagine they are evil by choice because you use that to justify your own rage.

What they really are, in my opinion, is pitiful. They are blind, trapped in a prison of foolish beliefs, and self destructive.

We are all the same.

We're not all the same. Don't group me with conservatives who are actively trying to take away the rights of minorities as well as women.

I have a right to be outraged and not accept shitty behavior. It's this lackadaisical attitude towards fascist racist conservatives that got us to this point today. If anything, we need to be more outraged and bang the drums harder at fascist racist shit stains. If you're going to be turd, I'm calling you a turd.
Reactions: dank69


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
We're not all the same. Don't group me with conservatives who are actively trying to take away the rights of minorities as well as women.

I have a right to be outraged and not accept shitty behavior. It's this lackadaisical attitude towards fascist racist conservatives that got us to this point today. If anything, we need to be more outraged and bang the drums harder at fascist racist shit stains. If you're going to be turd, I'm calling you a turd.
I am perfectly aware of this kind of two year old behavior. You want to have your tantrum and feel justified with it. I was also once a two year old and can still feel it. Have at it. Get it out of your system. But in my experience there are limits to rage and when you allow yourself to feel that rage maximally, you will find an old friend within you, a deeply hurt child in need of feeling it’s grief. Feel that grief and you will begin to heal.

I am sorry for what happened to you. Hold yourself and give yourself the love you had to hide.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Isn't human nature written all throughout the history books?
Very unflattering, to say the least.

Perhaps you mistake our nature for our potential.
Though perhaps also I awoke to discover what is lift of the self after everything I imagined myself to be was taken from me. To learn, to find wisdom isn’t to add to the self, but to unlearn, to subtract.

Human history is the story of human beings who have imagined themselves to be external identifications or fictitious egos, substitutes for the self respect that was lost by being put down as children, all made possible by powerful imaginations and the concept made possible by language of good and evil.
Nov 17, 2019
That's one of the things I don't understand about him. He conned and coerced these people into this stuff, then refused to back them in any way. You'd think he'd be funding them to show his appreciation .... or to buy their silence. But no, not Mr All About His'self.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
That's one of the things I don't understand about him. He conned and coerced these people into this stuff, then refused to back them in any way. You'd think he'd be funding them to show his appreciation .... or to buy their silence. But no, not Mr All About His'self.
Wouldn't be much of a con if he actually gave a crap about them.
Reactions: hal2kilo
Feb 4, 2009
That's one of the things I don't understand about him. He conned and coerced these people into this stuff, then refused to back them in any way. You'd think he'd be funding them to show his appreciation .... or to buy their silence. But no, not Mr All About His'self.
I know this type. He will compensate them just not with his own money. He will compensate them if he was re-elected or if he’s elected again but it is unthinkable he will compensate them with his own money.
Reactions: hal2kilo
Nov 17, 2019
I don't think he'd even reappoint them since they lost in keeping him in the first time. They failed at doing his bidding in his eye. They're losers not worthy of his attention. He demands blind loyalty, but doesn't return it.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
I am perfectly aware of this kind of two year old behavior. You want to have your tantrum and feel justified with it. I was also once a two year old and can still feel it. Have at it. Get it out of your system. But in my experience there are limits to rage and when you allow yourself to feel that rage maximally, you will find an old friend within you, a deeply hurt child in need of feeling it’s grief. Feel that grief and you will begin to heal.

I am sorry for what happened to you. Hold yourself and give yourself the love you had to hide.

And now you're a one year old for not getting the point that keeping quiet does not work, and never has worked in the history of man. Either that or you support the racist dirt bags, which is why you want everyone to keep quiet.

You do not need to feel sorry for me, because you know nothing about me. I do not need to hold myself as you suggest, nor am I feeling grief. That is you projecting. You are delusional if you think I hate myself, or if you think I have emotional issues. Though I am not rich, I am well off compared to the vast majority of America. But I am not going to sit quietly in the face of racism and fascism. Doing so will allow oppression to flourish. That's what sitting quietly in the corner got us. Black people in America didn't get to have the freedoms they have now by being quiet. And they're still fighting for equal footing.

I do not have rage. I have outrage. I am tired of sitting quietly while turds behave badly, and chip away at our freedom.
Feb 4, 2009
And now you're a one year old for not getting the point that keeping quiet does not work, and never has worked in the history of man. Either that or you support the racist dirt bags, which is why you want everyone to keep quiet.

You do not need to feel sorry for me, because you know nothing about me. I do not need to hold myself as you suggest, nor am I feeling grief. That is you projecting. You are delusional if you think I hate myself, or if you think I have emotional issues. Though I am not rich, I am well off compared to the vast majority of America. But I am not going to sit quietly in the face of racism and fascism. Doing so will allow oppression to flourish. That's what sitting quietly in the corner got us. Black people in America didn't get to have the freedoms they have now by being quiet. And they're still fighting for equal footing.

I do not have rage. I have outrage. I am tired of sitting quietly while turds behave badly, and chip away at our freedom.
Well said and I try to impress this thought on other AT Forum members. Shitheads are shitheads and will always be shitheads. No reason to ignore them, no reason to be kind to them. They need to either shut the fuck up like how they historically have or face the consequences of being a shithead.
Feb 4, 2009
I don't think he'd even reappoint them since they lost in keeping him in the first time. They failed at doing his bidding in his eye. They're losers not worthy of his attention. He demands blind loyalty, but doesn't return it.
He wouldn’t because they’re losers. He would use someone else’s money to get them out of jail as in he will pressure a governor or offer some tax payer incentive for said governor to pardon. He will support a candidate who is pro pardoning. He will even give them some oddball job provided either the RNC or taxpayers or someone else is paying the salary.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
And now you're a one year old for not getting the point that keeping quiet does not work, and never has worked in the history of man. Either that or you support the racist dirt bags, which is why you want everyone to keep quiet.

You do not need to feel sorry for me, because you know nothing about me. I do not need to hold myself as you suggest, nor am I feeling grief. That is you projecting. You are delusional if you think I hate myself, or if you think I have emotional issues. Though I am not rich, I am well off compared to the vast majority of America. But I am not going to sit quietly in the face of racism and fascism. Doing so will allow oppression to flourish. That's what sitting quietly in the corner got us. Black people in America didn't get to have the freedoms they have now by being quiet. And they're still fighting for equal footing.

I do not have rage. I have outrage. I am tired of sitting quietly while turds behave badly, and chip away at our freedom.
Notice the duality of your thinking. Inaction doesn't work therefore the answer is action and without the slightest self reflection that you have no idea what action would be effective. Here is how you think: Inaction leads to disaster so we all have to stand up and jump around and shout, "shitheads" till the cows come home. We hae to fight fight fight for our rights. LOL

And of course I know nothing about you but you seem to know a great deal about me, like that I have no need to feel sorry as if that feeing arises out of some emotional need that I have. I don't need to feel sorry for you. I know how sorrowful you are and it is natural that it would make someone else who is conscious of the pain of that condition sad. And of course you know nothing at all about the people you call turds but you seem to be quite sure you know that.

You remind me of myself. A long time ago as a young man struggling with glitches in the Matrix I sought psychological advise and was told that I was defensive. From people who hate themselves one can expect just that very thing. I told the psychologist, "I am not." Hello old friend. I learned all about you before you were probably born.

And as for constructive action, if you ever really express your outrage you will see what it is there to protect you from feeling. Good luck.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Well said and I try to impress this thought on other AT Forum members. Shitheads are shitheads and will always be shitheads. No reason to ignore them, no reason to be kind to them. They need to either shut the fuck up like how they historically have or face the consequences of being a shithead.
Like they could avoid it without you. Self hate goes hand and hand with self fucking and a miserable life.


Dec 15, 2015
Notice the duality of your thinking. Inaction doesn't work therefore the answer is action and without the slightest self reflection that you have no idea what action would be effective. Here is how you think: Inaction leads to disaster so we all have to stand up and jump around and shout, "shitheads" till the cows come home. We hae to fight fight fight for our rights. LOL
Human history has presented the notion that this sort of thing eventually leads to a stalemate, which eventually leads to civil war/revolution, whereupon a new governing system and societal norm is established and maintained as long as possible, until the cycle repeats itself.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Sure they’re still shitheads and they need to know there is a cost to being a shithead
And if calling people shitheads is a condition that comes from having become a shithead, can you suggest to me a way I can accomplish this much needed self realization that shitheads need with you personally? It never occurs to shitheads that being a shithead is their condition because the state of being a shithead is all about maintaining a powerful state of denial of that very fact. You are recommending something to happen to others you are incapable of doing yourself. If so, my telling you in any way will fail to penetrate.

What we hate in others is what we feel is true and therefore deny about ourselves. It is all nothing but projection of denied belief. And what we believe we make real. Shitheads are believers is shit. It, what it implies, are all lies. Nobody is a shithead. That is what you profoundly deny. Imagine the rage you would feel discovering that all your rage was there to keep you seeing there is no way ever to get even for what happened to you. We were broken and our misery is in denying it.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Human history has presented the notion that this sort of thing eventually leads to a stalemate, which eventually leads to civil war/revolution, whereupon a new governing system and societal norm is established and maintained as long as possible, until the cycle repeats itself.
It sounds like what I call the wheel of Karma driven by the fact we create what we fear, but to have a better view of what you are saying I need clarification on exactly what you were referring to with “this sort of thing” in your quote above.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Human history has presented the notion that this sort of thing eventually leads to a stalemate, which eventually leads to civil war/revolution, whereupon a new governing system and societal norm is established and maintained as long as possible, until the cycle repeats itself.
I'm not going to say this is true or not true but i will say if the Trump side wins they are so backwards we are all doomed. They are a group of conspiracy theories; mock religious beliefs and fake outrage.

We live in a time when hard science and rational thought is required to solve todays problem from climate change to out of control virus and similar. Religion and conspiracy theories will do nothing to solve these problems - and some of them (or 'them to be') can't wait till tomorrow to address.
Reactions: akugami
Feb 4, 2009
And if calling people shitheads is a condition that comes from having become a shithead, can you suggest to me a way I can accomplish this much needed self realization that shitheads need with you personally? It never occurs to shitheads that being a shithead is their condition because the state of being a shithead is all about maintaining a powerful state of denial of that very fact. You are recommending something to happen to others you are incapable of doing yourself. If so, my telling you in any way will fail to penetrate.

What we hate in others is what we feel is true and therefore deny about ourselves. It is all nothing but projection of denied belief. And what we believe we make real. Shitheads are believers is shit. It, what it implies, are all lies. Nobody is a shithead. That is what you profoundly deny. Imagine the rage you would feel discovering that all your rage was there to keep you seeing there is no way ever to get even for what happened to you. We were broken and our misery is in denying it.
Stop being a shithead


Dec 15, 2015
It sounds like what I call the wheel of Karma driven by the fact we create what we fear, but to have a better view of what you are saying I need clarification on exactly what you were referring to with “this sort of thing” in your quote above.
Oh, very specifically I was responding to your comment about 'not knowing what can be done'. I believe what I'm feeling is that there really isn't anything to be done perse, other than trying to be the best you and do what you can to float to the top of the churn when it happens.
I'm not going to say this is true or not true but i will say if the Trump side wins they are so backwards we are all doomed. They are a group of conspiracy theories; mock religious beliefs and fake outrage.

We live in a time when hard science and rational thought is required to solve todays problem from climate change to out of control virus and similar. Religion and conspiracy theories will do nothing to solve these problems - and some of them (or 'them to be') can't wait till tomorrow to address.
I concur. I've held the belief for a long while now that we're pretty fucked as a large-scale society. We put ourselves into a situation we're not likely to get out of barring some extreme luck. Some version of humanity will be able to reach past this time period but I don't think it's going to be in any way recognizable to us today.
Reactions: hal2kilo


May 15, 2000
Oh, very specifically I was responding to your comment about 'not knowing what can be done'. I believe what I'm feeling is that there really isn't anything to be done perse, other than trying to be the best you and do what you can to float to the top of the churn when it happens.

I concur. I've held the belief for a long while now that we're pretty fucked as a large-scale society. We put ourselves into a situation we're not likely to get out of barring some extreme luck. Some version of humanity will be able to reach past this time period but I don't think it's going to be in any way recognizable to us today.

History, so far, has shown that humans are pretty resilient in the face of our own stupidity. In fact, every dark time throughout our history has shown that humans have emerged more prosperous than before. Strongmen don’t live forever and people tend to get tired of the impact of their bs policies and actions relatively quickly.
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