will Seinfeld convince you to try Vista?


Golden Member
Oct 12, 2006
First of all there is nothing wrong with Vista and those who still have XP are trying to remain ignorant mainly because they've seen too much of Mac AD's and Bill Gates haters trying discredit Vista. I think it's a good move by MS promoting vista just like apple.



Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
Because many corporations are still using pc's with 512MB ram running XP perfectly fine. Using that hardware with Vista would be like driving their cars with the handbrake up!

MS knows this hence the brute force method of making all NEW pc's come with Vista.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005
Microsoft has finally learned its lesson,
Vista's proper place in the world is
to be the substance of jokes!

Whereas they'd only have had to pay me $5,000,000 to make jokes about it;
heck I already do that for free! Maybe if they want me to really like Vista they should make it less of a joke!

"No activation for you!"
"No search for you!"
"No HDTV for you!"
"No image backup for you!"
"No SP1 install disc for you!"
"No LCD without HDCP for you!"
"No unsigned drivers for you!"
"No dual boot for you!"
"No RDP for you!"
"No burning ISO images for you!"
"No ultimate extras for you!"
"No bitlocker for you!"
"No ACLs for you!"
"No group policies for you!"
"No motherboard upgrades for you!"
"No virtualization for you!"


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2002
I'm already using Vista, and I'm glad MS will have Seinfeld to answer those stupid Apple commercials.

Apple will have to find somebody else than that wuss from Dodgeball...


Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Vadatajs
No but I might start eating my snickers with a fork and knife.

I've been doing that for years. Snickers in the ice cream locker = magnificent!


Sep 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Rubycon
Originally posted by: Vadatajs
No but I might start eating my snickers with a fork and knife.

I've been doing that for years. Snickers in the ice cream locker = magnificent!

I don't have the patience to leave one sitting around for that long


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
You can get them ready made in three formats.


But - back to the thread - I will probably never see the Seinfeld ad - I have Vista on 2 systems and XP Pro on 2. I like 'em both equally - but Vista loads laster with almost the same software installed. And, that is probably because Vista is on newer machines.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: QuixoticOne
Microsoft has finally learned its lesson,
Vista's proper place in the world is
to be the substance of jokes!

Whereas they'd only have had to pay me $5,000,000 to make jokes about it;
heck I already do that for free! Maybe if they want me to really like Vista they should make it less of a joke!

"No activation for you!" <-Works
"No search for you!" <-Works
"No HDTV for you!" <-Works
"No image backup for you!" <-Works (vhd)
"No SP1 install disc for you!" <- Never tried
"No LCD without HDCP for you!" <-Works
"No unsigned drivers for you!" <-Works (not sure this is a good thing)
"No dual boot for you!" <-Works
"No RDP for you!" <-works as I'm typing.
"No burning ISO images for you!" <-Works (internally go bitch at the DOJ)
"No ultimate extras for you!" <-Got em
"No bitlocker for you!" <-See one above
"No ACLs for you!" <-Works
"No group policies for you!" <-Works
"No motherboard upgrades for you!" <-Works (see #1)
"No virtualization for you!" <-Works

Wow ... you don't know sh1t about Vista if you can't get any of these running. You need a Mac or two rocks to bang together in morse code or something. If you spent even half the time you bitch RTFM you wouldn't have anything to bitch about anymore.

Do you ever stop spewing FUD? It seems like every post in every thread you participate in. Your seething hatred of Vista is so obvious that nobody takes you seriously even when you manage to have a legitimate point. You're the one becoming a joke. Ease off a bit dude.



Diamond Member
May 24, 2001
I based my opinion on vista by actually trying it.

Love it since I first installed it. Never had a problem.

About the unsigned drivers thing, it is a good thing but you can get around it if you have to.




Senior member
Aug 29, 2003
Originally posted by: Aberforth
First of all there is nothing wrong with Vista and those who still have XP are trying to remain ignorant mainly because they've seen too much of Mac AD's and Bill Gates haters trying discredit Vista.

There is a crap load that's wrong with Vista, so don't even go there. That's my opinion as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. Read some responses to the Windows 7 developer blog and you'll find plenty of very good examples that highlight Vista's significant flaws.


Golden Member
Oct 12, 2006
Originally posted by: Zbox
Originally posted by: Aberforth
First of all there is nothing wrong with Vista and those who still have XP are trying to remain ignorant mainly because they've seen too much of Mac AD's and Bill Gates haters trying discredit Vista.

There is a crap load that's wrong with Vista, so don't even go there. That's my opinion as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. Read some responses to the Windows 7 developer blog and you'll find plenty of very good examples that highlight Vista's significant flaws.

You seem to believe that XP was totally bug free when it was released. XP is a operating system that is almost 10 years old (NT and 2000 codebase) patched with 1800+ hotfixes to improve security and performance. Honestly, I think they could have written a new OS if XP needed that many alterations.

As a software developer for windows I've been using vista since it was in the beta (july 2006) .So far I've only had minor issues with it, I can tell it's definitely the best desktop OS out there.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
Once M-audio stops being so slow and lazy, and releases drivers for Vista 64, I'll switch over, supposedly they will be done by next month. Thats the only thing keeping me from switching to Vista on my main rig. I'll never go to vista on my laptop, because too much of my hardware is not supported in Vista.


Jul 14, 2000
no. i prefer linux. ive tried vista, im not a fan (i dont think its godawful or anything horrible). linux isnt perfect, but i find it preferable for day to day use.



Senior member
Aug 29, 2003
Originally posted by: Aberforth
You seem to believe that XP was totally bug free when it was released. XP is a operating system that is almost 10 years old (NT and 2000 codebase) patched with 1800+ hotfixes to improve security and performance. Honestly, I think they could have written a new OS if XP needed that many alterations.

As a software developer for windows I've been using vista since it was in the beta (july 2006) .So far I've only had minor issues with it, I can tell it's definitely the best desktop OS out there.
Nope, in fact I didn't even mention XP. But I do maintain that XP edged its predecessors in performance and responsiveness pretty much across the board.

I've tried switching to Vista on my main rig 5 separate times now. I just can't do it. I always revert to XP. It's more responsive, and in my personal experience, far less of a headache. I use Vista at work for development and compatibility testing, nothing more. I just can't use it for my primary desktop, I won't ever be able to. It's frustrating because I'm ready to replace XP. Unfortunately, Vista just isn't the solution for me.

Until Microsoft can produce an OS with a lightweight memory footprint and maintain the responsiveness and performance of an XP or greater level, I will be stuck with XP. If they can't do that before EOL then my Windows days are likely over.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2005

Either your reading comprehension skills are lacking to the point where you should be still aspiring to graduate from 6th grade, or perhaps your name is Seinfeld and you've just come back from cashing a fat Microsoft check to be their shill.

In any case, your either deliberate or profoundly ignorant misinterpretations / misrepresentations of my very valid points of contention with Vista are not appreciated, nor are your inappropriate ad hominem attacks on my credibility. I think that anyone with a clue would "get" the not so subtle (for most of us) references to notorious actual past, present, or likely future (DRM related) problems with Vista that are fundaments to my complaints about the OS.

If you think that you can just categorically claim that EVERY thing I've mentioned about "vista" just "WORKS" in EVERY possible way in every extant edition of Vista pre / post SP1 and be respected for the integrity of your opinion then you have some justifications to present because I most certainly think that your pathetically weak dismissals of my (and others) complaints are not remotely factually accurate.

Given the troubled history of Vista, the fact that SP1 has only fairly recently been released, and the fact that there is a wide disparity of functionality between Vista editions with the MOST commonly used editions having the MOST lacking features, I'd say that any criticism I've made that touches on either historical problems or contemporary ones which still affect in some way MANY or MOST of Vista's customers are entirely reasonable.

Whereas I've ONLY EVER posted a hand full of messages critical to Vista, the vast majority of those being in a thread that SOMEONE ELSE STARTED as an OPINION POLL about WHY PEOPLE HATE VISTA, I'd say that my opinining about its perceived deficiencies has been extremely moderate, infrequent, reasonable, and TOPICAL to the thread(s) I've posted in. Are you suggesting that I am neither entitled to free speech nor to contextually appropriate voicing of my personal OPINION in threads that were specifically created to SOLICIT such opinions?
Are you suggesting that a thread that is specifically about VISTA MARKETING by a COMEDIAN isn't somehow appropriate for a post that was intended to be HUMOROUS and REFERENTIAL to some classic comedy material BY that comedian turned into parody ABOUT Vista?

In fact, I've gone to considerable lenghts to HELP in considerable detail numerous people on these forums with Vista related installation / upgrade / operation problems over the past couple of years. I don't recall noticing that you've done so as frequently / effectively (perhaps your comments are just particularly easy to ignore / overlook; this seems likely).

As I've clearly stated, I run Vista 64 as one of my primary OSs, and have done so since RTM. I've also clearly stated that there are a few good things about it, but that overall I find it lacking in both design and implementation. Given my personal experience with both it, alternative OSs, and software design, I'd say that my opinions are well based.

If your comportment and parsing skills had suggested that you might have graduated 6th grade, I might have suspected that you'd be familiar with the phrase:
"De gustibus non est disputandum", meaning that ?There?s no disputing about taste.?.

Were you civilized enough to respect my opinions as such, in such a fashion, you needn't have expressed anything at all in response to my messages save perhaps polite and reasonable dissent. That you were not so civil just founds my belief that you're due a bit less respect than you accuse me of having for Vista. I believe I've seen more relevance, intelligence, and social grace from "Clippy" and "Puppy" than I've ever seen from you.

You needn't bother responding; save the time / effort for attendance at rememdial manners classes. I, for one, will simply ignore you henceforth.

Originally posted by: Smilin

Wow ... you don't know sh1t about Vista if you can't get any of these running. You need a Mac or two rocks to bang together in morse code or something. If you spent even half the time you bitch RTFM you wouldn't have anything to bitch about anymore.

Do you ever stop spewing FUD? It seems like every post in every thread you participate in. Your seething hatred of Vista is so obvious that nobody takes you seriously even when you manage to have a legitimate point. You're the one becoming a joke. Ease off a bit dude.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
I tried vista (64 bit business)on my own. I found it worked just as well as every other microsoft OS I've used. I was unable to continue to use it because of driver incompatibility. You can read all about it on this forum. I was forced to reinstall windows xp.

But my days of being required to use Microsoft products at work are numbered. Within the next year we will have moved to a point where I will no longer need a windows OS to do my job. At that point I will go mac or linux (depending on if I can convince my boss to buy me a mac). My house is already windows free, and will remain that way.


Junior Member
Aug 13, 2008
Seinfeld is overrated, and I don't think he could convince anyone to buy anything. No one can. If I want to buy something I'll buy it, no matter who advertises it. I'm tired of this manipulating stuff, teh sad part is that most people are this easily manipulated


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: QuixoticOne

Either your reading comprehension skills are lacking to the point where you should be still aspiring to graduate from 6th grade, or perhaps your name is Seinfeld and you've just come back from cashing a fat Microsoft check to be their shill.

In any case, your either deliberate or profoundly ignorant misinterpretations / misrepresentations of my very valid points of contention with Vista are not appreciated, nor are your inappropriate ad hominem attacks on my credibility. I think that anyone with a clue would "get" the not so subtle (for most of us) references to notorious actual past, present, or likely future (DRM related) problems with Vista that are fundaments to my complaints about the OS.

If you think that you can just categorically claim that EVERY thing I've mentioned about "vista" just "WORKS" in EVERY possible way in every extant edition of Vista pre / post SP1 and be respected for the integrity of your opinion then you have some justifications to present because I most certainly think that your pathetically weak dismissals of my (and others) complaints are not remotely factually accurate.

Given the troubled history of Vista, the fact that SP1 has only fairly recently been released, and the fact that there is a wide disparity of functionality between Vista editions with the MOST commonly used editions having the MOST lacking features, I'd say that any criticism I've made that touches on either historical problems or contemporary ones which still affect in some way MANY or MOST of Vista's customers are entirely reasonable.

Whereas I've ONLY EVER posted a hand full of messages critical to Vista, the vast majority of those being in a thread that SOMEONE ELSE STARTED as an OPINION POLL about WHY PEOPLE HATE VISTA, I'd say that my opinining about its perceived deficiencies has been extremely moderate, infrequent, reasonable, and TOPICAL to the thread(s) I've posted in. Are you suggesting that I am neither entitled to free speech nor to contextually appropriate voicing of my personal OPINION in threads that were specifically created to SOLICIT such opinions?
Are you suggesting that a thread that is specifically about VISTA MARKETING by a COMEDIAN isn't somehow appropriate for a post that was intended to be HUMOROUS and REFERENTIAL to some classic comedy material BY that comedian turned into parody ABOUT Vista?

In fact, I've gone to considerable lenghts to HELP in considerable detail numerous people on these forums with Vista related installation / upgrade / operation problems over the past couple of years. I don't recall noticing that you've done so as frequently / effectively (perhaps your comments are just particularly easy to ignore / overlook; this seems likely).

As I've clearly stated, I run Vista 64 as one of my primary OSs, and have done so since RTM. I've also clearly stated that there are a few good things about it, but that overall I find it lacking in both design and implementation. Given my personal experience with both it, alternative OSs, and software design, I'd say that my opinions are well based.

If your comportment and parsing skills had suggested that you might have graduated 6th grade, I might have suspected that you'd be familiar with the phrase:
"De gustibus non est disputandum", meaning that ?There?s no disputing about taste.?.

Were you civilized enough to respect my opinions as such, in such a fashion, you needn't have expressed anything at all in response to my messages save perhaps polite and reasonable dissent. That you were not so civil just founds my belief that you're due a bit less respect than you accuse me of having for Vista. I believe I've seen more relevance, intelligence, and social grace from "Clippy" and "Puppy" than I've ever seen from you.

You needn't bother responding; save the time / effort for attendance at rememdial manners classes. I, for one, will simply ignore you henceforth.

Originally posted by: Smilin

Wow ... you don't know sh1t about Vista if you can't get any of these running. You need a Mac or two rocks to bang together in morse code or something. If you spent even half the time you bitch RTFM you wouldn't have anything to bitch about anymore.

Do you ever stop spewing FUD? It seems like every post in every thread you participate in. Your seething hatred of Vista is so obvious that nobody takes you seriously even when you manage to have a legitimate point. You're the one becoming a joke. Ease off a bit dude.

Blah... blah... blah... blah... I'm not even going to begin reading all of that. Take my advice or others will do the same. I've no respect for you.


Jan 21, 2006
no more than the Rollings Stones convinced me to buy Windows 95,
which i ended up liking.

but the Stones got $100 million, i think, for the rights to use their

i have Vista Ultimate 32. and XP. still greatly prefer XP.


Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Smilin
Wow ... you don't know sh1t about Vista if you can't get any of these running. You need a Mac or two rocks to bang together in morse code or something. If you spent even half the time you bitch RTFM you wouldn't have anything to bitch about anymore.
There is a reason that activation was #1 on his list. What he means is that Microsoft won't give him access to many of these things on his pirated copy of Vista that is using an activation crack or something. Many of those things are blocked or crippled when you either don't or can't [legitimately] activate Windows, or run Vista in reduced functionality mode.
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