Will the real Colin Powel please stand up!! :)

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Feb 2, 2000
Obviously IronMike has problems dealing with his own inadequacies. So instead of facing up to them, he chooses to run others down.

BTW BoberFett, congrats on being bestowed Eliteness. It's about time.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
Colin Powell is a great man and a great American. He is an asset to our nation and it's government in any capacity he serves. I personally would vote for him in a heartbeat if he ran for president. I actually am intrigued by the idea of him as VP on the next ticket in 2004. That makes alot of sense...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 1999
Now, suppose McCain asks Powell to be his running mate for 04. I wonder who POwell would choose? Of course the conservative right-wing will try their hardest to prevent that because a McCain/Powell ticket will effectively boot them out of the GOP.


Oct 9, 1999
Format C:,

Interesting point. I hope Cheney's health doesn't take a turn for the worse . . . do you suppose that he might retire, though, in a couple of years? The Secretary of State is the first successor to the Vice-President.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah...I think Dennis Hastert (Speaker of the House) is 3rd in line.

But Secretary of State is still a pretty high position...no wonder they made a big deal of it when Madeline Albright became Sec. of State.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
25th admendment, Section 2:

<< Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice-President, the President shall nominate a Vice-President who shall take the office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both houses of Congress >>

all the different scenarios of who follows who only apply if both President and Vice-president are dead or incapacitated.


Oct 9, 1999

My bad.

Line of Succession

Sec of State is actually 4th in line . . . behind the President pro Tempore of the Senate. According to the Senate's website, Strom Thurmond currently holds that position.

EDIT - Sciencewhiz, thanks for the clarification. So if Cheney retired, Powell could become VP if nominated by Bush.


Oct 9, 1999
Bumpity bump bump.

I'm not about to let IronMike get out of this. I'm guessing we've seen the last of this worthless bigot.


Oct 12, 1999
&quot;Amazing. Any black guy that doesn't walk around with his fist in the air screaming &quot;KILL WHITEY&quot; isn't really black? People like you and classy have no room to call any racists.&quot;

No Bober Fett, its whiteys like yourself that are nothing more than closet racists. A$$holes like you are the reason why we don't get along. And further more B^tch, you have to look no further than your ancestors if want to blame anyone for all this racial stuff.
We did not ask to come here.
We were not the ones who created the racial divide.
We are entitled to voice our opinion.
If you want respect, then show some.
You aren't black so there is no way in hell you could understnad.
I don't see any pictures of whites being lynched and then set on fire anywhere.
Martin Luther King was killed because he was black.
Every racial problem was started by YOUR WHITE ANCESTORS, so if you want blame someone, blame them.
Thousands of my ancestors are laying in the bottom of the f^cking ocean, because we got sick on the way over here, so the bastards just tossed them over.
Your great grandparents were to damn lazy to clean their homes, picked their cotton, and raise their kids. So they got us to do it for them. Oh, yes my ancetsors change sh^tty diapers for some of your piss a$$ grandparents.
Then we got some freedom the KKK started lynching us by the damn thousands.
Now we have F'ers like you crying about some reverse discrimnation. You can take that arguemnet and stick right up your A$$. And no hell no we won't forget. And until we get treated like equals I see no reason to forgive.
After 400 years of hell, if you think all of sudden its to be forgotten, its not quite that easy.

And on Colin Powell. I think he's got some excellent ideas. I agree whole heartily with him. The election is over its now time to get some things done. I don't care whether they are republican or democrat. But I would not say he is black leader. Colin Powell has taken the stance that he won't say anything concerning race relations. That is good in some respect and bad and others. I like him though. But it would be heck of a thing for him to try to motivate blacks by addreesing them directly, but he hasn't. Thats the reason he is not very well respected among blacks.

Bober Fett your not worth spit.


Feb 2, 2000
And until we get treated like equals I see no reason to forgive.
After 400 years of hell, if you think all of sudden its to be forgotten, its not quite that easy.

And who do you think you hurt thinking like that? I would never claim to understand what people go through being treated like that, because I have never been there. But it seems to me, if the people that did that to your ancestors are dead, who are you really not forgiving? Anybody who is still racist in todays world will not care about your forgiveness, because you are nothing to them. And by you wasting all this time being angry at them, you are only hurting yourself. I just don't like to see people so caught up in anger, and damaging themselves when the people who would hurt them don't really give a rats ass.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Wow, and with that, there is no doubt left Thanks classy and Ironmike for publically identifying yourself as racist bigots with an intellect roughly equivalent to the speed of a three-toed-sloth. Morons.

<<Colin Powel is not black.>>

Appearently anyone that does not fit Ironmike's perception of what a black person &quot;should&quot; act like is not &quot;really&quot; black. Could you please elaborate on what exactly one should do to be 'really' black? hmmm??

<< the anti-Hillary>>

Love the sound of that. I'm so sick of that wench, just about anyone else will be a welcome relief. Certainly an intelligent woman like Laura Bush will be a welcome change.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000

Bobberfett has never had a slave. Bobberfett has never put on a bloody KKK mask can hung some people from a tree. I don't think anybody here has done that.

WHY must you dwell on the past? Dwelling on the past will never get things fixed. Move forward, you can't move backwards now. Remember the past, but don't bring everyone back to it. I'm sure none of us are proud of what our ancestors have done in the past - don't forget that Africans also used other Africans as slaves too, so don't take the holier-than-thou. Its like how Germany executed millions of Jews. Nobody (except the idiots) in Germany are proud of this, and the world hated it, but do we put down the Germans of it? Those who are still alive and comitted the atrocities we do (when they are found), but why punish a child for something their father or grandfather did?


Oct 12, 1999
This is my last post on this racial stuff period. If you got a racial problem then to you I say, you can go suck a brick! If your not then good things I wish for you. But it is clear that many white people on this board have their displeasure with the wrong people. Trying to blame us is so lame. We did not create this situation. Your ancestors did, not mine. 400 years of hell is not forgotten in 20 years. The bible says the sins of the father shall visit the children of the fourth and fifth generations. Well those sins are now what we are living. We hate this stuff but it is none the less very much apart of all our lives. But to hell with this notion that its our fault. Its not. Put the blame where it really belongs, on your own people. What to do to fix it? I don't know. But I can guarantee listening to the BS like here on this board is a joke. You want to blame us for AA, welfare, crime and all the evils of society. Since we got here its been nothing but about trying to survive. Sometimes even today you feel like some kind of animal. Well we're people. We don't need to hear people like Bober Fett, Format C:, Andrew, Bryan, and host of others talked down to us. That is what drives the blood to boil. I respect people like Russ, Michael, and a few others because you can tell they want make this thing equal. But the others you can tell are just looking for a reason, any reason to spout out their reverse racial BS. For those I say to hell with.



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
The bible says the sins of the father shall vistit the children of the fourth and fifth generations. Thats bulls*it.

You still don't get it. Not even a little bit. Nobody here is blaming you for anything. Nobody here has said anything racist except for you and IronMike. Take a look at yourself. We genuinely want equal rights. Just because some of us disagree with AA - legal racism (thats what it is plain and simple) does not mean we don't want equal rights. You say being the brunt of racism is &quot;hell&quot;, so why do you agree with inflicting it upon people who have never had a racist thought in their life? If nobody had to specify their race on a job application we'd all be better off.

There is a prevailing attitude among the natives of Canada that they are owned something special because of what was done to them many years in the past by our ancestors. This should be remembered, and it is. But as many people are aware proverty, suicide, alcohol abuse, etc. are extremely prevalent among the native populations of this country on reserves. Why? Because some cannot look ahead, they continually dwell in the past. Instead of trying to work with the nation and form a strong native presence some native reservations want to get everything and not do anything. We all know what happens to spoiled children: when its time to work for something they don't do it. Natives were a once-proud race and are now killing themselves from within. History will remember it as an unwillingness to work with what is available (its true, most of us want pure equality) and instead lay blame and scorn for what was done by our ancestors on us.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
If it wasn't for the fact that there are other idiots out there that believe the same crap classy spouts off, it would be kind of funny. classy, perhaps you could consult a word processor with a good grammar checker for some help on forming coherent sentences? Or maybe your stupidity is also the fault of my ancestors who never even set foot in this country?


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Did someone mention chess9? No, it was a nobody, not a somebody. The caboose in Russ's train of dog-eared followers.

Anyway, I wholeheartedly endorse Classy's views. Colin Powell IS a fine man, but not a black leader. I would have appointed him Secretary of Defense, not Secretary of State, but let's give the guy a chance and see how he does.

Racisim has been thoroughly instutitionalized in our country. It's in our schools, churches, homes. It's buried deep inside every one of us, black and white. But to appreciate and understand what black people have endured may I suggest you read some Kyle Onstott, James Baldwin, or Zora Neal Thurston, just to name a few? Black folks can be very angry and sometimes it consumes them. I don't think Classy is that type of guy, but he must think you people are awfully dense and insensitive.

Here's a good way to get an idea what it's like to be poor and black. If you have a poor black friend with an old car (that's all you Republicans, right?), just hop in and ride around some white neighborhoods. When you stop at a stoplight, the deafening sound of doors locking, the scowls of whites, the derision on their faces because of who you are and what you are driving will be readily apparent. Add to that the fact that blacks are often the last to be hired, the first to be fired, the lowest paid, and the least appreciated, and maybe you'll understand why some guys figure taking a gun and robbing a bank is the best approach.

Do you all go to Black churches, black schools, and regularly entertain blacks, and other minorities? I didn't think so. Just an accident, eh? We don't mix. They aren't friendly, etc. I've heard it all.

Furthermore, methinks thou doth protest too much. &quot;I'm not a racist&quot;, says Strom Thurmond now. Well, all those Southern Seg. Democrats had to go somewhere in the '60s, and where do you suppose they went? They didn't take any of their attitudes with them did they? None of those attitudes are represented here on this board are they? He, he. No way, we are Republican conservatives but WE'VE CHANGED. We just love black folks NOW, right? I'll take your word for it. But please excuse me if I'm not a True Believer, I lived through the '50s, '60s, and '70s. I still remember.

We haven't reached the millenium in race relations principally because some whites won't change and blacks can't (and shouldn't-yet) forget. Perhaps in the holiday spirit, everyone should try to be a little more understanding of those less fortunate.

I suggest 400 years of affirmative action as one of the best policies for fighting racism in America. We also need more black leaders from all political parties.

I'm very happy to see Colin Powell get his share of the pie. Let's hope he doesn't forget who baked it.

Happy Holidays



Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
To all those yelling at Classy (and he does deserve some yelling at, I agree), just think. The small amount of reverse discrimination that AA gives makes you boiling mad. Just imagine living under real discrimination and see how cool you can keep yourself.

If you don't agree that AA is a good solution (and I have major problems with it myself), then what else can be done? We're not living in a utopia, I think that the iron fist of the law is needed to smash the racist parts of the system in place today that does not provide equal opportunity.

I'm not saying that the people who tend to post here are the problem (the group here does seem to be fairly well educated and have thought many of the issues through <except the Democrats here, of course <grin>>). However, the problem really does exist and it is still almost universal. Improved since the 1950's, but still there.

I bet that Colin Powell keeps quiet about race for three reasons:

1) The Army tries to keep that in the background as much as they can as they're interested in good enough teamwork such that the troops are willing to risk their lives for each other. Racism is divisive and making it an agenda item for senior officers can cause too many problems in the ranks.

I have never been in the Armed Forces, but have friends and family that are or have been. They all say that there is still some of races keeping apart, but they live and work beside other races so much that it is much more open than society outside the base. A couple of them even sheepishly admitted that they slipped back to bad habits once they had been out of the service for a while.

2) He doesn't want to be a lightning rod for black anger when he expresses his frustration on the entitlement mentality.

3) He doesn't want to make it an issue that can be used against him by his rivals in the Republican Party.

Ironmike is making himself look like a real jerk.



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000

Just imagine living under real discrimination and see how cool you can keep yourself.

Am I talking to a wall? I have not said anything, nor has anybody here said anything in the attempt to show that being the target of racism &quot;isn't that bad&quot;. Just because I do not endorse AA does not mean I don't appreciate how bad it is being the target of racism. And although I cannot think of a better alternative that is realistic doesn't mean that AA is good. It IS legal racism. This is undeniable. So do you personally endorse legal racism? An eye for an eye, eh? Yeah, thats really going to promote equality. As other have said it breeds cynism and resentment. I have never comitted a racist act, I think it disgusting that the gov't would perform one on me.

Even if AA did not breed cynism and scorn it still will not cure equality problems. Anybody who distills the solution down to more AA legislation is nother better than an idiot. Race divisions have to be helped from day one of a minority's life. Don't bring somebody up in the projects for 20 years then throw them into an AA-gotten job. Take them out of the crappy environment from day one. This will work - theoretically at least. Of course society would rather brush this solution aside because of how much money and effort it would take and try and use AA to solve the problem.

And yes racial problems are still around in a big way. But, as classy has demonstrated, it is not always the majority causing the problem. I'm a white guy. Do you think I feel fearful when, alone, I walk by a large group of Blacks in the &quot;wrong part of town&quot;? Yes, and its nothing to be ashamed of - the reason I feel this fear is because everyone of them has that look on their face &quot;Just look at me mutha fuc*in cracker and you'll wish you didn't.&quot; This is just as bad as the Black guy in his poor car that chess9 mentioned driving through a white neighborhood and seeing people giving him bad looks and locking their cars. The lack of communication between both sides breeds resentment and resentment breeds racism - from both minorities and majorities.

To truly get rid of racism permanently people _must_ look past looking to get back at people's ancestors. Stop throwing around the goddamn blame. Don't forget the past, but don't look to relive it.


Feb 2, 2000
To truly get rid of racism permanently people _must_ look past looking to get back at people's ancestors. Stop throwing around the goddamn blame. Don't forget the past, but don't look to relive it.

Amen to that. My ancestors where Irish, and when they first came to this country they were banned from many jobs with notices that read No Dogs Or Irishmen Need Apply. Every group and religion has been discriminated against at one time or another. We have to learn from the past, not live in it. I am sorry every time I hear about another case of racism, it breaks my heart. But I am tired of feeling like I am being blamed for others actions. I would never ever hurt anybody intentionally, let alone just because of skin color.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 1999
MIchael. I have to AGREE with you in this issue. AA is in principle unfair. It was never meant to be fair. However, one would be foolish to assume that we live in a color-blind society. Having said that, I have to say that the current black leaders and celebrities are not doing enough to help other blacks to get out of the cycle of poverty. First of all, people like Sharpton, Jackson, and even the NAACP are not focusing the real issues nor real solutions. Take for example Racial Profiling, it's a inherently racist policy. However, by only focusing on the statistics, they fail to address the real underlying issues. Lets say that the NJ State police's 2000 statistics show the number of Black motorists pulled over was in line with racial makeup of the population. Does that mean the problem is solved? THe facts are that the crime rate (at least &quot;blue-collar&quot; crimes) among Blacks is higher than average. If the statistics in 2001 shows that less Blacks were pulled over, that doesn't mean that Blacks will be better off. IMO, Black leaders should focus on problems such as education inequality, inequality in the abilities to get home-loans. They also have admit and publicize self-criticisms.
CElebrities are also not doing their jobs. I believe that the RAP culture is hurting black kids. With many Rap stars glorifying money, violence, and sex in their songs, it's sending a wrong message to young African Americans. Although some may argue that such influences affect other races as well. However, at least from my observation, the Rap has a greater influence on the psyche of young Black kids. It's interesting to note that, I fail to see the same degee of influence on recent African immigrants.

The SINGLE most important issue that the NAACP should focus on should be Education, not Music or Sports.

Without rambling too long, I propose some radical solutions to the Underlying problems:

Mandatory Summer School in inner city schools: THe logic behind this is that the overall test scores are lagging in inner city schools. THere are obvious benefits to this proposal. One is of course more learning. SEcond, it makes learning continuous, and thus easier. The core focus of studies should be on Math Science and Reading/Writing. Forget about computers. IT would be foolish to think that computers will make kids smarter. Take a look at other less computerized countries like China, Russia, India. Kids in these countries consistently beat US kids in standardized tests. WHY? It's definately not due to computers. It's because their focus on Math and Science.

Ban the use of calculators in elementry through junior high schools: Recent years have seen a increasing number of schools teaching kids to use calculators rather than how to do math. Doing math in the head (on on scratch paper) is an important stimulus to the development of the brain and ultimately inteligence. I believe the US is the only country that allows kids to use calculators on homework in K-10 grades. I remember reading a story of a winner in the World Math Olympiad that said his regiment of training include doing simple addition/sub/mul/div in his head so he can do them faster and faster.

Change the learning curriculum in inner city schools so that math, science, and language are taught one year before the norm. Lets face it, elementary school in the US is a joke compare to other countries. By starting these kids' learning one year earlier will increase their test performance dramatically.

Increase Homework loads for inner city kids. Trust me, don't believe in the current fad that less homework is better. heavy homework loads are how things are done in other countries; and it works. It also keeps kids out of trouble.

WEll, I have obviously rambled too much. I should shutup now.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
classy...you are not just an idiot, but a leader in idiocy! The likes of Jesse Jackson come to mind and I'll never put Rev in front of his name as he is as much a bigot as anyone he ever spoke out against.

Clinton preached that his cabinet would 'Look like America.' As in most Democrat statements, this never came to pass.

Now we get GW Bush....pay attention as his cabinet is appointed....he lives by his word and it's about time an American President did! We've not had honesty and integrity for 8 years...we are getting it in spades now....
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