Will there be a war in North Korea?

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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Jong Un would probably nuke Seoul if they attempted a decapitation strike. Millions dead. No telling what he'd do if they just struck some reactor with cruise missiles. Artillery strikes on seoul? VX Gas strikes? Full nuclear strike? He would probably have to at least escalate. If I were his advisor, I'd say go VX on Seoul if the west tries anything. Nuke if they come after your high command. That's a clear line of escalation any military could understand. They go kenetic in any way, and you have a clear escalation level with VX. Then a further one with SRBMs and nukes. Trump is a wannabe strongman and they only know their place by use and show of force.

How the hell do you keep coming up with this fiction? Conventional weapons are a worry, but VX would spell immediate doom for Kim and you keep invoking arms which do not exist. NK doesn't have a reliable missile to house the nuke that won't fit into it. If we're retreating into fantasy then I suggest that we get Japan in on it. Just ship this guy over.

They're vapor.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Brudda, let me explain to you something about the DPRK and making concrete statements about their abilities: If you actually knew anything about this issue, you'd know there is no real way to know what level they are at re:nuclear weapons because all their testing is underground and they are completely unconnected to the outside internet. So, you can keep on telling me they can't do this or that. Reality is, I know that you don't know anything about this issue... so. Continue, I guess?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Brudda, let me explain to you something about the DPRK and making concrete statements about their abilities: If you actually knew anything about this issue, you'd know there is no real way to know what level they are at re:nuclear weapons because all their testing is underground and they are completely unconnected to the outside internet. So, you can keep on telling me they can't do this or that. Reality is, I know that you don't know anything about this issue... so. Continue, I guess?

Science has had the ability to to detect nuclear tests for many decades with seismography. Next?


Sep 12, 2012
The issue is how much harm can NK do to their neighbors. That's being SK and Japan. This hoopla on whether NK can target America is stupid. I worry more about heart disease and car accidents than I do about NK. The chance that you'll die from a NK nuke is 0.00001%. Let's be real.

If cornered, NK would start out strong. They would target Seoul and that's where many of the deaths would be. Japan, eh. Not so much. Their equipment is outdated. They may have a million man standing army but many are malnourished and poorly trained. It would still be a huge mess though. And, entering NK with our army would be a nightmare.
Reactions: Thump553


Feb 5, 2006
We might have one because dropping Tomahawks and Moabs on Arabs aren't moving the needle on Trump approval ratings. And he got nothing else left.


Nov 11, 1999
We might have one because dropping Tomahawks and Moabs on Arabs aren't moving the needle on Trump approval ratings. And he got nothing else left.

Probably not. Nobody in the region wants it, least of all the ROK. It's just Donald waving his dick around, distracting us from the cornholio he's giving America on the domestic front.


Aug 10, 2001
That link estimates the NK to have 13,000 artillery pieces pointed at Seoul. Even if only 10 percent hits that's still 1,300 hits. And yes, the damage would not be too bad as they aren't likely to have working nukes that can be delivered by artillery. But they could still have dirty bombs, or stuff like this:

Imagine the death toll as well as the financial result of Seoul having to be cleared out and cleaned up for weeks or months.


Jan 12, 2005
Given that this thread is high on speculation and low on facts (which is understandable given how insular NK is) how about we speculate on a possible solution to the NK problem?
This is ATF, populated by the richest sexiest most intelligent denizens of basements with internet connections on the planet!

The most peaceful result that I could imagine would be NK being made a vassal of China. That's about the only way I can see the NK dynasty being sidelined without massive amounts of loss of life. Even that approach would involve getting most of the NK high command on board plus I'm not sure if China would be that keen (although they'd probably prefer it to a NK conquered by the US).


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
I highly doubt China would be able to dismantle the current NK regime, nor would they want to. As long as the current Dear Leader doesn't go batshit insane and start attacking SK and Japan, China is fine with where they are. The best desirable outcome has to come internally from NK. There needs to be such a shift in power that an internal struggle will happen where Dear Leader and his group gets completely ousted and decapitated. The leadership that takes over will hopefully not be insane, reach out to the international community, stand down militarily in exchange for massive aid for their people and country, then possible reunification with South Korea. That is something China is probably afraid of, if NK becomes sane and re-unites with SK, they lose an ally and the non-Communists gain greatly from a united Korea.


Jan 12, 2005
I highly doubt China would be able to dismantle the current NK regime, nor would they want to. As long as the current Dear Leader doesn't go batshit insane and start attacking SK and Japan, China is fine with where they are. The best desirable outcome has to come internally from NK. There needs to be such a shift in power that an internal struggle will happen where Dear Leader and his group gets completely ousted and decapitated. The leadership that takes over will hopefully not be insane, reach out to the international community, stand down militarily in exchange for massive aid for their people and country, then possible reunification with South Korea. That is something China is probably afraid of, if NK becomes sane and re-unites with SK, they lose an ally and the non-Communists gain greatly from a united Korea.
Chinas best outcome is that there's a transfer of power to a more moderate regime that wants to be closer to China than the US. That's only going to happen if China actively gets involved in making that happen.

The other options are;
Trump decides on regime change in NK. That would end up with the north controlled by (presumably) a SK/USA coalition.
NK goes mental and attacks the South. That's going to involve massive loss of life, a huge stream of migrants from NK to China and NK being controlled by a SK/USA coalition.
Things carrying on as they are with both infantile fat boys with stupid haircuts settling down and being sensible. (Actually I never realised how much the two of them have in common! Fat, stupid hair, thin skinned, messiah complex, born with silver spoons up their arse, never had to work for anything... Maybe they'll actually get along! )


Sep 12, 2012
To the people who think we should just sit on the sidelines and do absolutely nothing how long do you think it's going to last? Do you really think the NK regime is going to go away and that's it? If you do you're f*kin delusional.

The reality is NK will have nukes ready at their disposal. Nukes that can wipe out metros like Seoul and Tokyo if provoked. Yea, NK would be wiped off the face of the earth if they tried nukes. That's not the point though. The point is they'll weild the power so doing anything will result in a huge loss of life.

I'm not a Trump/Pence fan at all. But, let's be real. From Clinton to Bush and to Obama all three have failed in dealing with NK. This is exactly what happens when you take a lackadaisical approach to dealing with nation's like NK. There's a reason why history keeps repeating itself over and over. We saw it with Hitler. We are now seeing this with NK.

IMO, war is going to break out during Trump's tenure as POTUS. It's going to get ugly real fast. We will have a huge loss of life on both sides. It's inevitable. Also, if you look at how nature weeds out the human population it's time anyway. We have too many people who are inhabiting this planet. We are due for an epidemic of some sorts. War, disease, whatever. It's time. It's real life.


Jan 12, 2005
To the people who think we should just sit on the sidelines and do absolutely nothing how long do you think it's going to last? Do you really think the NK regime is going to go away and that's it? If you do you're f*kin delusional.

The reality is NK will have nukes ready at their disposal. Nukes that can wipe out metros like Seoul and Tokyo if provoked. Yea, NK would be wiped off the face of the earth if they tried nukes. That's not the point though. The point is they'll weild the power so doing anything will result in a huge loss of life.

I'm not a Trump/Pence fan at all. But, let's be real. From Clinton to Bush and to Obama all three have failed in dealing with NK. This is exactly what happens when you take a lackadaisical approach to dealing with nation's like NK. There's a reason why history keeps repeating itself over and over. We saw it with Hitler. We are now seeing this with NK.

IMO, war is going to break out during Trump's tenure as POTUS. It's going to get ugly real fast. We will have a huge loss of life on both sides. It's inevitable. Also, if you look at how nature weeds out the human population it's time anyway. We have too many people who are inhabiting this planet. We are due for an epidemic of some sorts. War, disease, whatever. It's time. It's real life.
I don't think that they would use nukes aggressively but they would totally leverage the fact that they own them to make themselves an even bigger pain in the arse than they already are!

Right now they are a horrendous regime but the pain is mostly inflicted within their own borders with the odd act that they think they can get away with outside those borders. With a few working nukes backing them up I can see them being emboldened to cause a bit more mayhem in the neighbourhood but I can't see them launching them unless there's an existential threat to the regime.


Oct 18, 2009
I'm not a Trump/Pence fan at all. But, let's be real. From Clinton to Bush and to Obama all three have failed in dealing with NK. This is exactly what happens when you take a lackadaisical approach to dealing with nation's like NK. There's a reason why history keeps repeating itself over and over. We saw it with Hitler. We are now seeing this with NK.

Really, you need to expand your list of presidents who failed to curb NK, like Eisenhower, who had the best chance compared to any who succeeded him, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Ford and GHWB. They all had as much failure to "take care" of NK as your 3 listed presidents.


Mar 17, 2008
Taking out NK now would also send a message to Iran .. having nukes is not an ace in the hole.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Chinas best outcome is that there's a transfer of power to a more moderate regime that wants to be closer to China than the US. That's only going to happen if China actively gets involved in making that happen.

The other options are;
Trump decides on regime change in NK. That would end up with the north controlled by (presumably) a SK/USA coalition.
NK goes mental and attacks the South. That's going to involve massive loss of life, a huge stream of migrants from NK to China and NK being controlled by a SK/USA coalition.
Things carrying on as they are with both infantile fat boys with stupid haircuts settling down and being sensible. (Actually I never realised how much the two of them have in common! Fat, stupid hair, thin skinned, messiah complex, born with silver spoons up their arse, never had to work for anything... Maybe they'll actually get along! )

Trump isn't Bush. If you paid close attention to his Syria move, it was as limited as could be. Clinton called for bombing all of Assad's airfields, which would have been a heck of a lot more than 59 tomahawk missiles.

Trump has a pessimistic view of the world. Like, notice how he has echoed Richard Nixon so much? It is optimists like Bush who make absurdly big decisions like Iraq.

I should say the Chinese leadership is really disgusting here. They keep on bringing up US troops on that's Northern border to China, as if the only thing that matters is some far-off strategic consideration that isn't even that important, and not so much the NK regime being as suffocating as it is.


Jan 12, 2005
I should say the Chinese leadership is really disgusting here. They keep on bringing up US troops on that's Northern border to China, as if the only thing that matters is some far-off strategic consideration that isn't even that important, and not so much the NK regime being as suffocating as it is.

Like the US didn't like another superpower putting troops and missiles near its border (Cuba)?


Jan 12, 2005
Trump isn't Bush. If you paid close attention to his Syria move, it was as limited as could be. Clinton called for bombing all of Assad's airfields, which would have been a heck of a lot more than 59 tomahawk missiles.

Trump has a pessimistic view of the world. Like, notice how he has echoed Richard Nixon so much? It is optimists like Bush who make absurdly big decisions like Iraq.

He's using some of the most aggressive language I've heard from a US president talking about NK in recent times. That along with the concentration of US forces in the area certainly shows that military action isn't off the table.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Like the US didn't like another superpower putting troops and missiles near its border (Cuba)?

Yeah, it is hypocritical. But...in the SCS area the US already has operations which are close to the Chinese mainland...and there is the Russian border and the Indian border...basically, it is possibly another front but it isn't that significant of a change in their strategic calculation, and that is only a worst case scenario at that, and for this worst case scenario they tolerate the Kim regime.

It is more likely an ossification of Chinese leadership's thinking. Purely rationally, it would make sense for China to encourage Korean unification imo. The Koreans would have their hands full rehabilitating the North for at least twenty years, the unified Korea would probably be a headache for Japan more than China, the Koreans would naturally want US troops out anyways absent a credible threat.


Jan 12, 2005
Yeah, it is hypocritical. But...in the SCS area the US already has operations which are close to the Chinese mainland...and there is the Russian border and the Indian border...basically, it is possibly another front but it isn't that significant of a change in their strategic calculation, and that is only a worst case scenario at that, and for this worst case scenario they tolerate the Kim regime.

It is more likely an ossification of Chinese leadership's thinking. Purely rationally, it would make sense for China to encourage Korean unification imo. The Koreans would have their hands full rehabilitating the North for at least twenty years, the unified Korea would probably be a headache for Japan more than China, the Koreans would naturally want US troops out anyways absent a credible threat.
I'm not saying that it makes sense, I'm saying that's how it is.

Superpowers really don't like other superpowers being on their borders. There's nothing unusual about China at all in that regard.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
LOL conservatives and their fantasies about "point defense laser missile shields". What makes you think such things exist in any proven effective capacity? You sound like some senile old man talking about star wars. That, and you sound like a totally immoral asshole with zero ability to empathize with anyone at a different latitude and longitude.

Hey, condemnation from the forum's most vile AND least intelligent member in one post is just the sound bite I needed to boost my reputation.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
LOL conservatives and their fantasies about "point defense laser missile shields". What makes you think such things exist in any proven effective capacity? You sound like some senile old man talking about star wars. That, and you sound like a totally immoral asshole with zero ability to empathize with anyone at a different latitude and longitude.

According to Wikipedia:
Today, the United States holds a significant advantage in the field of comprehensive advanced missile defense systems through years of extensive research and testing.[9][10] The US and the UK also have both laser weapons and 360 degree laser shields in development, which are expected to be ready for military use as early as 2020.[11] Many of the obtained technological insights were transferred to subsequent programs and would find use in follow-up programs.[12][13][14]

Even if it is ineffective, it is pushing the bounds of technology. We apparently have a "big advantage" over other countries FWIW.
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