Will you get the flu shot this year?

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Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: WildHorse

I don't accept the media messages intended to stampede the masses, and my older uncle told me about a history of same with some flu serum during past-time presidency, maybe Ford or Carter I don't remember. Basically, the actual biological disease is vastly less than hype boosted to mania by media.

Tick - born disease (Lyme & others) emanating (this is a non-controversial fact, demonstrable by plotting georaphical coverage vs. t) from USA east coast (probably from Plum Island?) is a greater threat to the wide citizenry at large.

We never had stuff like that here till just lately (west Nile, ebola, Lyme, etc.). It only appeared here in last 2-3 years, Now how do you "conspiracy theory" kneejerk reactionaries explain that? Please do cogently explain it.

P.S. the Plum Island thing is non-controversial, and a demonstrable fact you can see yourself bny plotting geographic coverage vs. t) so mods & lifers here please do try, to your best maturity level, to withhold your typical barrage of mindless "conspiracy theory witch hunt" garbage posts hell-bent on suppressing posts about controversial subjects. Your "get your mind right!" way is NOT the majority-way.

Simple objective fact.

As for flu, I usually ahave always been able to quickly cure myself simply by fasting for a few (3-5) days. And wash hands at every chance.

1. Lyme disease is a regional issue. I'm not sure where your "here" is but its probably not the west coast. It's been a problem in the northeast for a long time and continues to be a problem. Thats why theres a lot of public awareness about checking for ticks after hiking. Are you saying there's been an increase in lyme disease? I havent heard of that but it could be true given that the climate has been changing and its likely altering the habitat of those ixodes tick.
2. Ebola in the US? I dont remember that.
3. And I'm also not sure what you're asking with regard to teh conspiracy theory angle. Are you suggesting theres a conspiracy to increase disease in the US? To spread lies about supposed increases in disease? I'm not sure what you're saying.

Also medically speaking it doesnt make sense why fasting would "cure" your flu. Obviously if you're vomiting constantly and cant keep food down i suppose you're techincally fasting but depriving your body of nutrients is not how it heals itself.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006

A quick search revealed you're a 911 truthter and you can't tell the difference between a movie prop and a real airplane.

Enough said.



Jul 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Printer Bandit

Nice, now we get the real wacko's to come in this thread...


Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: WildHorse
Originally posted by: Mo0o
<cuts out a paper doll here>

1. Lyme disease is a regional issue. I'm not sure where your "here" is but its probably not the west coast.

Oh yeah. Lyme disease is here is California, and its vector is ticks. We got it here in northern Calif within the last few years.

3. And I'm also not sure what you're asking with regard to teh conspiracy theory angle.

No. a few years ago there was some thread about this topic and I posted about it based on some maps then fresh in my mind which I had just seen in a big lecture up at UCSB, which conclusively demonstrated that Lyme disease was expanding year-by-year, radiating outward from an epicenter in the New York - Connecticut area.

After traveling westerly little by little, year by year, Lyme disease finally arrived in the western US and British Columbia, having radiatied out from Connecticut/New York. Its westward movement took several season/years. Now we do have it here in California. I'm personally on that because I backpack in the Sierras of N. Caif where one risks exposure due to ticks on animals.

I made some post on the basis of that info I was given, although I didn't cite source. The esteemed-by-me moderators and lifers on ATOT immediately, vigorously, piled onto me screaming I was some raving cook buying into some "conspiracy theory" about Lyme disease escaping from the US Gov't bio lab at Plum ISland. Apparently, although I didn't know it back at that time, the whole subject of Plum Island was in discussion by people pointing fingers there as a source of problems.

The incredible vehement reactionary replies posted on ATOT exemplified, alas yet again, the "get your mind right!? enforcement of a PC way of looking at things on ATOT, which had pre-decided that mere mention of Lyme disease or Plum Island automatically flagged the poster as some conspiracy theorist looney. See same situation again re: any posting of 911 questions. Forbidden, get your mind right!

Ebola: I concede your point on that one. West Nile is in California though. I misspoke, ought to have said West Nile instwead of Ebola. You are right!

I dont know anything about the 9/11 stuff but what youre saying here is pretty coherent. It's probably a climate issue and the tick jumping hosts. Havent looked enough into it


Senior member
Jun 15, 2005
Originally posted by: WildHorse
Originally posted by: Newfie

<snip outta repect for time of y'all readers>

Wait, you made the claim and I have to find the proof for your claim?

What bizarro world do you come from?

Newfie, your post, "What bizarro world do you come from?" is too childishly immature to deserve reply. Your expressed attitude speaks volumes, and I will not change your diapers nor spoon feed you.

In other threadfs you have done this same childish thing, pandering to some "audience" that doesn't care after all. I won't dance around with you yet again in this new thread like you have tried Unsuccessfully do pull me into in past threads. I don't have time to indulge your immaturity.

If you're convinced you're such a smartie, then you can easily
(this is a 5th grade elementary school exercise, but the big qurestion is, "can Newfie the smart guy handle it???")
plot geographic spread vs time.

Since you're floundering already, here as a courtesy to you is a helpful hint (even though I know well that you won't follow up on it since your obvious sole interest is in your wego-driven public portrayal of yourself on web forums, and that you don't give the slighest damn for the true info: Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia.

I won't give you my time anymore.

So go ahead and post now your snappy comeback trying to tar me to others reading thus. I WON'T indulge you further, as I mistakenly did in other past threads, back then mistakenly believing you were truly asking out of sincere interest.

I won't indulge you further. Go away troll. Ban!


You had me for a while.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: WildHorse

I don't accept the media messages intended to stampede the masses, and my older uncle told me about a history of same with some flu serum during past-time presidency, maybe Ford or Carter I don't remember. Basically, the actual biological disease is vastly less than hype boosted to mania by media.

Tick - born disease (Lyme & others) emanating (this is a non-controversial fact, demonstrable by plotting georaphical coverage vs. t) from USA east coast (probably from Plum Island?) is a greater threat to the wide citizenry at large.

We never had stuff like that here till just lately (west Nile, ebola, Lyme, etc.). It only appeared here in last 2-3 years, Now how do you "conspiracy theory" kneejerk reactionaries explain that? Please do cogently explain it.

P.S. the Plum Island thing is non-controversial, and a demonstrable fact you can see yourself bny plotting geographic coverage vs. t) so mods & lifers here please do try, to your best maturity level, to withhold your typical barrage of mindless "conspiracy theory witch hunt" garbage posts hell-bent on suppressing posts about controversial subjects. Your "get your mind right!" way is NOT the majority-way.

Simple objective fact.

As for flu, I usually ahave always been able to quickly cure myself simply by fasting for a few (3-5) days. And wash hands at every chance.

Well, I'm going to skip all the Lyme disease stuff, because I have no idea how we even arrived at that point.

Skipping to the end of your post - if you think fasting helped get over influenza in 3-5 days, you are wrong. And also, most likely did not have influenza. Quite a few general viruses can cause flu-like symptoms. Flu-like symptoms aren't specific to influenza, rather they are the hallmark immune system response to many respiratory infections, influenza being the most well known, documented, and dangerous (to at risk groups). However, a countless number of non-respiratory infections also cause flu-like symptoms. Just how our body does things. Sucks for us to experience, but the body attacks things in a pretty systematic way. Short point, fasting will make illness worse, so a combination of fasting and getting over something in 3-5 days is pretty indicative of an infection that was not influenza. Just saying...

Moving on...

everyone wants to cry about media creative massive paranoia/hype over new viruses. Granted, this is an acceptable gripe because they do go overboard. However, it's really out of the general best interest for civilization - when everyone starts getting fearful of a new bug, it helps slow or prevent a wildfire spread by making those paranoid individuals seek out ways to avoid getting sick. Less potential hosts, more difficult for a virus to spread.
Who knows if any of that media coverage helped prevent the spread of Avian Flu, or SARS, or if that was the natural progress of the bug. Most bugs, if it takes awhile to spread to a great number of hosts, will mutate into less dangerous forms. I think an excellent crackdown on SARS may have helped, it may have mutated to a less virulent form. It also might not had ideal conditions to spread, or had too many factors that made it difficult to spread by it's design, thus with the addition of preventative measures it was brought under control.
Avian Flu most likely never mutated for human-to-human spread. Without that key step, it was destined to never cause a pandemic.

The 2009 A(H1N1) strain has received a serious amount of attention and fearmongering. First from the media over the strain itself, then from people about vaccines. And misinterpretation of clinical findings with vaccines, as always, leads to fearmongering of epic proportions. No vaccine is 100% free of potential side effects. And anything related to influenza has the capacity to lead to GBS, albeit at extreme odds and potentially to only a very small risk group at that.

There is quite a lot about the immune system we don't know. We see its effects, and what happens when it doesn't work the way it is supposed to, but we are no where near understanding what makes it dysfunction, such as autoimmune disorders which feature overactive immune responses that attack the body. Won't go into more detail because it's not pertinent to this thread.

The main point I have, is that in a few years we may find that the media was responsible for reckless hype, or we may find it didn't do enough, didn't get enough facts out in time.
They are just now starting to release information that I have been proclaiming as a possibility since the spring. I ultimately hope I am dead wrong (well, hopefully not dead, I am in the risk group ) and that this isn't nearly as bad as it could be.
But, the facts do not lie. Whether or not this spreads like wildfire, and exactly how virulent it is, remains to be seen. In some instances it has demonstrated more than enough to warrant the media's coverage.
- It has so far infected more teenagers, young adults, and middle-aged adults, than the seasonal flu.
- Infections have been more serious in young adults and middle-aged adults.
- Mortality peaks in the middle-aged adult category.

It is unknown whether underlying conditions are necessary for infection to be lethal, though quite a few of the middle-aged adults who have succumbed to the virus have had underlying conditions - ranging from heart conditions, asthma, and diabetes.

It has been theorized (may have been demonstrated in a case, don't have the details from the CDC or WHO, just the basic information) that cytokine storms may be the result of an infection in an otherwise healthy young or middle-aged adult.
Cytokine storms are theorized to be the hallmark of the 1918 A(H1N1) strain.

Cytokine storms are essentially the result of an otherwise very active immune system targeting anything and everything in the respiratory system. Why or how the immune system is driven to this end result is unknown, and since there is no way to accurately test the immune response of the 1918 strain, it cannot be 100% proven it was the chief killer, but it is thoroughly believed to be the most likely explanation based on today's knowledge.

But regardless, cytokine storms most often result in viral pneumonia (I believe, though these two things may be unrelated if I've read into something wrong). The CDC and WHO are both citing viral pneumonia as being a chief concern with H1N1 as it rears its ugly head in greater numbers.

The problem with all of that - viral pneumonia is a bitch to treat. With the lungs receiving a lot of damage, and the lungs getting flooded (cellular tissue also gets destroyed in a cytokine storm). Viral pneumonia caused by a very virulent influenza strain is hell, for both the patients and the doctors.
Now imagine, and this is where the same fears of 1918 still hold true today, hospitals being overran with individuals of the same symptoms. Now, make those same symptoms a cytokine storm in the lungs, and/or viral pneumonia from influenza, and this tasks the hospital with finding mechanical respirators for those who have progressed too far.
Cytokine storms hit hard and fast, often in the first week of infection, and iirc, even the first 3-4 days following initial symptoms. So many patients with these medical issues aren't going to receive treatment at an early enough time.
And mechanical ventilators are not in large numbers at every hospital. In fact, the entire country has a low number of them. If many regions get hit and hospitals have their resources stretched thin in regards to treatment of these specific patients, it could get ugly.

Of course, none of this could end up being the common case, and many will get better.
It's estimated that even the 1918 strain 'only' had, at best, somewhere between a 5-10% mortality rate. But when comparing it to other influenza strains, that's an outright brutal bug. And when it hits a population that has zero immunity to that specific strain, everyone is susceptible. Take it to the potentially most at-risk groups, who in this day and age are often in close proximity to many others of their same age group (young adults and middle-aged adults at the workplace and schools), and you can see where the concern is. Even with a "low" percentage like that, even with a 1-2% mortality rate, take the number of cases to the hundreds of millions, if not more, that the world will most likely see, and the death toll skyrockets.

We have no idea what will ultimately happen. So far it has truly followed the exact same pattern and geographic spread of the 1918 pandemic.

Not trying to sensationalize or hype this bug at all, just clearing up a lot of misconceptions.
The medical community has changed their wording quite often too as they have come to find some of this out. I had told my mom these very same points, and was shrugged off and basically told that I was very wrong. Now she has forgotten the things I have said and is now repeating many of the same points as they have been briefed in the hospitals. (though some are still missing, since a lot of the points are grounded in theories of the past, and untested hypothesis regarding the current bug - specifically since we cannot predict immune response)

Even if you completely disagree with the above statements, and hell, take them and call them utter bullshit if you want, the point is to show just WHY the media and medical communities are creating a good deal of panic. And sadly, that panic, coupled with what was ultimately deemed unnecessary panic from earlier pandemic threats, and many look to the government and media as cooking up a bunch of worthless hype. Crying wolf, essentially. So now, the third time in a decade the media has created the same level of hype, people are ignoring it.
That's not going to help things.

phew, my fingers are tired.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Number1
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: eits
uh, no.

no, i should. no, i won't.

i shouldn't because i'm not at risk for anything, and even if i was, it wouldn't help me any, considering how even though more flu shots are administered each year, they don't do anything to bring down the rate of death due to flu.


A poor and superficial analysis, ignoring any number of confounding variables, will usually lead one to an incorrect conclusion. As is the case here.

uh, those who wrote this article are physician researchers in the va outcomes group and faculty members of dartmouth medical school. they conduct regular seminars on how to interpret medical studies.


i'm not gonna tell anyone NOT to get the flu shot, unless they're gonna have their kids under 6 years old get one, but i, personally, won't get one. it's a waste and it just gives more money to big pharma to make more useless drugs i'm gonna see a commercial for telling me to talk to my doctor about.

One day you may need one of those useless drugs. Advances in pharmaceutical science are a fact of life and benefit everybody.

uh, no. i guarantee you i will never need frigging vioxx or zetia or any of these other bullshit medications. i bet if i tell a pharma rep that i'm sick and tired of all these useless medications they keep telling me i need, they'll probably say "we have a pill for that".

and recent studies have shown that many of the pharmaceutical drugs that have been coming out fail stage 4 tests and are being recalled because they are no better than placebo.


is medication necessary in this world? absolutely! pharm companies come out with anti-aids drugs, anti-hep drugs, antibiotics, pills to regrow hair, pain medication, etc. lots of those are very necessary. however, many, MANY of these newer drugs that come out are bullshit meds with a fancy power name in order to increase sales... and they don't even work! they need to just stick with the idea they used to have which was to make a new drug based off an existing drug but with a different dosage or concentration, rather than get money for creating disorders to put in the dsm-iv for which to develop a drug.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Newfie
Originally posted by: WildHorse

I don't accept the media messages intended to stampede the masses, and my older uncle told me about a history of same with some flu serum during past-time presidency, maybe Ford or Carter I don't remember. Basically, the actual biological disease is vastly less than hype boosted to mania by media.

Tick - born disease (Lyme & others) emanating (this is a non-controversial fact, demonstrable by plotting georaphical coverage vs. t) from USA east coast (probably from Plum Island?) is a greater threat to the wide citizenry at large.

We never had stuff like that here till just lately (west Nile, ebola, Lyme, etc.). It only appeared here in last 2-3 years, Now how do you "conspiracy theory" kneejerk reactionaries explain that? Please do cogently explain it.

P.S. the Plum Island thing is non-controversial, and a demonstrable fact you can see yourself bny plotting geographic coverage vs. t) so mods & lifers here please do try, to your best maturity level, to withhold your typical barrage of mindless "conspiracy theory witch hunt" garbage posts hell-bent on suppressing posts about controversial subjects. Your "get your mind right!" way is NOT the majority-way.

Simple objective fact.

As for flu, I usually ahave always been able to quickly cure myself simply by fasting for a few (3-5) days. And wash hands at every chance.

What in the hell are you saying?

Nothing that I have read in your post is objective. Something that your older uncle told you? Trying to claim a link of West nile, ebola, lyme, to.....something (your post is so convoluted is impossible to follow)....without any evidence?

You have proven nothing and speculated everything. "Objective" my ass....

Also, you can "cure" yourself of the flu by fasting for 3-5 days? Have you ever actually HAD an influenza infection?

hehe i felt the same way when i read this


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: WildHorse

I don't accept the media messages intended to stampede the masses, and my older uncle told me about a history of same with some flu serum during past-time presidency, maybe Ford or Carter I don't remember. Basically, the actual biological disease is vastly less than hype boosted to mania by media.

Tick - born disease (Lyme & others) emanating (this is a non-controversial fact, demonstrable by plotting georaphical coverage vs. t) from USA east coast (probably from Plum Island?) is a greater threat to the wide citizenry at large.

We never had stuff like that here till just lately (west Nile, ebola, Lyme, etc.). It only appeared here in last 2-3 years, Now how do you "conspiracy theory" kneejerk reactionaries explain that? Please do cogently explain it.

P.S. the Plum Island thing is non-controversial, and a demonstrable fact you can see yourself bny plotting geographic coverage vs. t) so mods & lifers here please do try, to your best maturity level, to withhold your typical barrage of mindless "conspiracy theory witch hunt" garbage posts hell-bent on suppressing posts about controversial subjects. Your "get your mind right!" way is NOT the majority-way.

Simple objective fact.

As for flu, I usually ahave always been able to quickly cure myself simply by fasting for a few (3-5) days. And wash hands at every chance.

1. Lyme disease is a regional issue. I'm not sure where your "here" is but its probably not the west coast. It's been a problem in the northeast for a long time and continues to be a problem. Thats why theres a lot of public awareness about checking for ticks after hiking. Are you saying there's been an increase in lyme disease? I havent heard of that but it could be true given that the climate has been changing and its likely altering the habitat of those ixodes tick.
2. Ebola in the US? I dont remember that.
3. And I'm also not sure what you're asking with regard to teh conspiracy theory angle. Are you suggesting theres a conspiracy to increase disease in the US? To spread lies about supposed increases in disease? I'm not sure what you're saying.

Also medically speaking it doesnt make sense why fasting would "cure" your flu. Obviously if you're vomiting constantly and cant keep food down i suppose you're techincally fasting but depriving your body of nutrients is not how it heals itself.



Golden Member
Jul 28, 2006
Already did. I work in healthcare, and though we arnt required, its strongly reccomended. I got one last year for the first time in 5 or 6 years and had no problem. We are already seeing seasonal flu, plus lots of H1N1, so when the vaccination comes out for that, I will probably get that one as well.


Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: eits
uh, no.

no, i should. no, i won't.

i shouldn't because i'm not at risk for anything, and even if i was, it wouldn't help me any, considering how even though more flu shots are administered each year, they don't do anything to bring down the rate of death due to flu.


A poor and superficial analysis, ignoring any number of confounding variables, will usually lead one to an incorrect conclusion. As is the case here.

uh, those who wrote this article are physician researchers in the va outcomes group and faculty members of dartmouth medical school. they conduct regular seminars on how to interpret medical studies.


i'm not gonna tell anyone NOT to get the flu shot, unless they're gonna have their kids under 6 years old get one, but i, personally, won't get one. it's a waste and it just gives more money to big pharma to make more useless drugs i'm gonna see a commercial for telling me to talk to my doctor about.

All they're saying is that the risk of death from influenza is relatively low, that's not exactly news along with some criticism of press releases. They admit they are working from limited data. They focus mostly on the elderly where vaccine failure rates are highest, they ignore herd immunity. Do you wonder why it was published in the Washington Post rather than a scientific journal? (your conspiracy theory won't work here, btw).

Now your homework assignment: come up with three reasons why the chart you linked doesn't support your conclusion that 'the vaccine doesn't work.' Or to approach it from another perspective, try to find data that helps determine if the vaccine works or not. Rather than just googling for support for your pre-assumed conclusion. What kind of data, what graph, what numbers, would help you find that answer?

Finally to address part of your conspiracy theory, think about GSK's profit margin on Relenza (patented), and compare it to the margin on vaccines (not patented). Consider this in light of the fact that influenza vaccines reduce chance of infection by about 70% in most years. Then ask yourself why the FDA has recommended Relenza be reserved for only the most serious cases.


Mar 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Printer Bandit

Yup. Ever see "I Am Legend"? Same concept. You will be turned into a flesh-eating zombie.



Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: eits
uh, no.

no, i should. no, i won't.

i shouldn't because i'm not at risk for anything, and even if i was, it wouldn't help me any, considering how even though more flu shots are administered each year, they don't do anything to bring down the rate of death due to flu.


A poor and superficial analysis, ignoring any number of confounding variables, will usually lead one to an incorrect conclusion. As is the case here.

uh, those who wrote this article are physician researchers in the va outcomes group and faculty members of dartmouth medical school. they conduct regular seminars on how to interpret medical studies.


i'm not gonna tell anyone NOT to get the flu shot, unless they're gonna have their kids under 6 years old get one, but i, personally, won't get one. it's a waste and it just gives more money to big pharma to make more useless drugs i'm gonna see a commercial for telling me to talk to my doctor about.

All they're saying is that the risk of death from influenza is relatively low, that's not exactly news along with some criticism of press releases. They admit they are working from limited data. They focus mostly on the elderly where vaccine failure rates are highest, they ignore herd immunity. Do you wonder why it was published in the Washington Post rather than a scientific journal? (your conspiracy theory won't work here, btw).

Now your homework assignment: come up with three reasons why the chart you linked doesn't support your conclusion that 'the vaccine doesn't work.' Or to approach it from another perspective, try to find data that helps determine if the vaccine works or not. Rather than just googling for support for your pre-assumed conclusion. What kind of data, what graph, what numbers, would help you find that answer?

Finally to address part of your conspiracy theory, think about GSK's profit margin on Relenza (patented), and compare it to the margin on vaccines (not patented). Consider this in light of the fact that influenza vaccines reduce chance of infection by about 70% in most years. Then ask yourself why the FDA has recommended Relenza be reserved for only the most serious cases.

i didn't say the vaccine doesn't work. i just said i wasn't getting it because the chances of getting the flu are similar whether you get the flu shot or not. usually, the strains vaccinated against in an upcoming flu season are typically off, so if you get the flu, it's most likely a strain the shot-makers didn't expect would be big, which creates a whole new flu spread that people aren't vaccinated against. i don't want to give any money or support to drug companies for flu vaccines... especially when they make it with thimerosal. even the fda is trying to get rid of thimerosal vaccines.

one of the primary reasons for GIVING the vaccine isn't to keep people from missing work, but to keep people from dying because of the flu. due to studies, it's not too effective at decreasing death (whether it's in the elderly population or not... you can't make an assumption that all those numbers are elderly people).

i know vaccines prevent disease.... i'm not arguing that.

i'm falling asleep. peace... sorry if i didn't answer things. i'm too tired.


Sep 3, 2004
i live in a cesspool (college ), and the flu (the real one) is a bitch, so yes to both. also it was free and i'm not a pussy
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