Windows 8 = Windows for Dummies


Senior member
Jan 20, 2011
I think Windows 8 will go down in history as the first ever native smartphone operating system to be ported to the desktop PC. Implementing a swipe interface on a desktop PC is insulting to me. The reason I haven't purchased a PlayStation 3 is because I like the keyboard and mouse interface on a desktop PC. I am not sure how Microsoft expects hardcore gamers to be able to use a swipe interface in games like Starcraft and Warcraft. Or in any first person shooter. Can the Metro UI be turned off? Yes? Ok, who cares. It shouldn't have to be turned off. How about leaving the UI the way it is and giving me the option of turning the Metro UI "on" instead.

I've been reading comments in threads on this topic, both positive and negative. A lot of people seem to think that people who complain just don't like change. And that is not a valid argument to me at all. Its not about resisting changes. Its about whether those changes are good or bad. When Coke changed their formula back in 1985. It was change but most people thought it was change for the worse. When America voted for Barrack Obama it was because people wanted change. Another not so good change in my opinion.

Windows XP was a change from Windows 98/ME which was very successful. Vista was a change from XP which failed miserably. So, its not just about change. Its whether that change is good or bad.

I just don't buy the argument that I am petrified of Windows 8 because I fear change. I am running Windows 7 now and I love it. I have no interest in sitting around all day swiping my monitor. Once I start doing that I might as well start playing angry birds too.

Some people think they are cool and hip because they swallow anything Microsoft shovels onto their plate. "Hey, look at me I am cool because I embrace change and so should you. I am so cool because I don't fear change. Get on the band wagon." This to me, is a silly line of reasoning. To accept change for changes sake alone.

I just can't get over the 'possibility' of my desktop PC being turned into a smartphone. I say that if Windows 7 is too complicated for most people to understand then they maybe they should just buy a smartphone and skip the PC all together.

Seriously, you don't have to be a genius to navigate the Windows Operating system.

In the end, I can only hope that most people feel the same way I do. May Windows 8 have the same fate as Vista.


Feb 22, 2007
I have no interest in sitting around all day swiping my monitor.

This isn't the windows 8 that people will be running on their desktop. This is a build of windows 8 that targeted the tablets they gave out to people at the conference. This is why companies do not routinely release software alphas and betas to the general public. People see the metro UI and think that is what all the desktops will use, it isn't. Watch some of the build videos and they will tell you that it is a targeted build for tablets and to get developers up and running now for the release.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2011
As long as they modify it later in the betas and turn Metro off for non-touchscreen laptops and desktops by default I'm fine with it. If they'll force it on all devices, then I'll stay with Windows 7.


Dec 11, 2002
Yes Windows 8 was made for tablets, since every single tablet OS made by Windows was a MAJOR failure. That was why tablets never took off until Apple designed an OS for it from the ground up that was made just for tablets, and not some modified desktop OS with some tablet functionality.

Learn the history of the market before making all these inane rants and things will make more sense to you.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
After playing with Metro for few days I got the idea how it works.

Past demonstration, there No real work value at the moment in the pre4Dev. Metro UI unless you are a developer that want to start devoloping Apps for it (Developer usually work and do not waste their time BSing in forums).

Currently I use my secondary computer every day as a Desktop Win 8.

I loaded the Desktop with over 100 applications that I use for regular work. Beside few that are a little quirky on the perBeta release every thing works well.

As a desktop it is Win 7 +. Here and there there are glitches but in general it already acts as a fast clean very good OS.

All of these "On/Off" crying babies style means nothing at the moment and will mean nothing in the future. Even when you get a New car the key system might be different and need few minutes to get use to.

Here, download this and Tweak the ON/Off.



Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2002
After playing with Metro for few days I got the idea how it works.

Past demonstration, there No real work value at the moment in the pre4Dev. Metro UI unless you are a developer that want to start devoloping Apps for it (Developer usually work and do not waste their time BSing in forums).

Currently I use my secondary computer every day as a Desktop Win 8.

I loaded the Desktop with over 100 applications that I use for regular work. Beside few that are a little quirky on the perBeta release every thing works well.

As a desktop it is Win 7 +. Here and there there are glitches but in general it already acts as a fast clean very good OS.

All of these "On/Off" crying babies style means nothing at the moment and will mean nothing in the future. Even when you get a New car the key system might be different and need few minutes to get use to.

Here, download this and Tweak the ON/Off.

This. I've been using 8 as my primary daily ever since I downloaded it. I got annoyed with Metro in a short time, so I disabled it. It works perfectly with everything so far, games included. I'm impressed with how stable and finished the OS is, considering it's not even a beta.

I second the notion that Metro should not be enabled by default though, for desktops. I do understand that this pre-beta release is a showcase for the Metro UI, so I'm not surprised that this build is made this way.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2011
This. I've been using 8 as my primary daily ever since I downloaded it. I got annoyed with Metro in a short time, so I disabled it. It works perfectly with everything so far, games included. I'm impressed with how stable and finished the OS is, considering it's not even a beta.

I second the notion that Metro should not be enabled by default though, for desktops. I do understand that this pre-beta release is a showcase for the Metro UI, so I'm not surprised that this build is made this way.

Can you resize windows or do they all run full-screen? A lot of people complained about it making multitasking a pain.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Can you resize windows or do they all run full-screen? A lot of people complained about it making multitasking a pain.

You can resize them in the desktop, but not in the Metro UI.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
The whole idea of the full screen comes from the Tablet.

The research concerning such an interface was done with regular consumers*.

For them a whole screen with just few Controls is the more Functional way to use a computer.

Metro UI is basically an accommodation to the silent majority of today users that their main use of a computer device is to do Web/Email/Social Media.

There is Nothing really so complex about it. I am using such concept for the last few moths in the form of the EXOPC with EXO-UI and Win 7.

This is an 11" Intel ATOM based slate.

Win 7 screen.

*The arrow that points to switch interfaces was added to the pics by me.

EXO-UI screen

Win 8 is Not going to be exactly as the above but rather close in concept.

Right now Microsoft actually sells this slate in their Store.


So there is No reason to get so scared, it will be OK. :biggrin: - :thumbsup:

*Regular Consumers - Regular people who need a computer just for mundane Web use and buy a tablet for $500 instead of a PSU with big fan and Blue LEDs for the same price. -
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Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2004
Interesting how the respondents to the OP's initial rant provided factual light where there was only uninformed heat. Odd, too, how he never chimed back in. Closet Mac user? Troll?

I'm going to see how this preview dual boots with Win7. Looks interesting!
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Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
Ummm... huh?

It's just one little setting.. The way I see it, it doesn't really affect me all too much. But there is a lot of people who mostly connect with computers through their phones, as well as people who just downright need to be blinded from options of any kind since they don't know what they're doing outside of internet, mail, etc.. This OS is for those people, and let's face it - a LOT of people would fall into this category. Apparently there was enough for Microsoft to take hold. So good for them, keep them from breaking their own computers - as for me, I'll be fine with normal Windows. No biggie.


Senior member
Jan 20, 2011
Interesting how the respondents to the OP's initial rant provided factual light where there was only uninformed heat. Odd, too, how he never chimed back in. Closet Mac user? Troll?

I'm going to see how this preview dual boots with Win7. Looks interesting!

If you want an example of a troll crying out for attention just look at the first response to my original post. Amazing that I get called a troll for offering an honest and sincere explanation of my thoughts on Windows 8. Its amazing how anybody who expresses an "opinion" contrary to yours is an uninformed troll. My initial perceptions of Windows 8 are that its being dumbed down for the masses. It's an "opinion". Please don't burn me at the stake.


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2001
The worst part about a new Windows launch is the Pavlovian haters.
I was one of them for a while actually. I hated WinXP when it came out, but to be fair it was a mess. However, as Microsoft continued to get shat upon even though the quality increased, I gradually learned to love Microsoft even though people continue to hate on it.

Windows 8 is the future, deal with it.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Windows 8 are that its being dumbed down for the masses.

I.e., stating that Win 8 is an inferior product that was "dumbed down".

The above is Not the same as a statement that I can live with and goes like this, "Windows 8 have an added component that is geared toward (what you call) the "dumb masses".

I do Not think that the None enthusiasts masses are Dumb, because they just view a computer as functional device, but to each his own.

If you look around in Manhattan you can find very luxury Highrise buildings with apartments that go for over 10 Millions $$$. In many cases the entrance to the fancy lobby of the apartments is on a street (like on the West 60's Streets), while on the Broadway Ave. side there are front stores for the ""dumb masses"".

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Senior member
Jan 20, 2011
I.e., stating that Win 8 is an inferior product that was "dumbed down".

The above is Not the same as a statement that I can live with and goes like this, "Windows 8 have an added component that is geared toward (what you call) the "dumb masses".

I do Not think that the None enthusiasts masses are Dumb, because they just view a computer as functional device, but to each his own.

If you look around in Manhattan you can find very luxury Highrise buildings with apartments that go for over 10 Millions $$$. In many cases the entrance to the fancy lobby of the apartments is on a street (like on the West 60's Streets), while on the Broadway Ave. side there are front stores for the ""dumb masses"".

What I originally said: "My initial perceptions of Windows 8 are that its being dumbed down for the masses." I never said the masses were dumb. A more accurate interpretation of my words would be that Microsoft is treating the masses as though they were dumb with no ability to learn. No ability to rise above their current level of knowledge.

Please do not cut'n'paste my words to give the illusion of me having said something that I did not. They say a child rises to the level of expectations that you place upon them. Microsoft is simply lowering their expectations of the less technically inclined Windows user. Which is the reason for my use of the phrase 'dumbing down'.

If non-enthusiasts find the task of navigating the Windows 7 OS to do basic things such as sending e-mail, opening a browser window, or listening to an mp3 too daunting then maybe they should purchase an iPad. After all, they(tablets) are becoming more popular than PCs. Im not sure what the point is of Microsoft's attempt to morph the desktop PC into a glorified tablet.

But as you wisely stated, too each his own. There is no universal truth to be found here, only different viewpoints on the matter. Arguing anything as 'facts' is an exercise in stupidity.


Dec 11, 2002
What I originally said: "My initial perceptions of Windows 8 are that its being dumbed down for the masses." I never said the masses were dumb. A more accurate interpretation of my words would be that Microsoft is treating the masses as though they were dumb with no ability to learn. No ability to rise above their current level of knowledge.

Please do not cut'n'paste my words to give the illusion of me having said something that I did not. They say a child rises to the level of expectations that you place upon them. Microsoft is simply lowering their expectations of the less technically inclined Windows user. Which is the reason for my use of the phrase 'dumbing down'.

If non-enthusiasts find the task of navigating the Windows 7 OS to do basic things such as sending e-mail, opening a browser window, or listening to an mp3 too daunting then maybe they should purchase an iPad. After all, they(tablets) are becoming more popular than PCs. Im not sure what the point is of Microsoft's attempt to morph the desktop PC into a glorified tablet.

But as you wisely stated, too each his own. There is no universal truth to be found here, only different viewpoints on the matter. Arguing anything as 'facts' is an exercise in stupidity.

But we already told you that Windows 8 isn't targeted just for desktops, but it aims to expand tablet functionality. And yet you just ignored it and you're still tootin that same... WINDOWS 8 IS DUMBED DOWN HERP DERP.

The fact that Windows 8 is designed to run on ARM chips should mean something to you.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
As has been pointed out, it's easy to turn off the Metro interface if you don't like it. (Although a lot of people seem to, maybe the novelty will wear off). It's not worse than OSX Lion, Gnome 3 or Ubuntu's Unity, all of which use similar principles.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
As long as they get rid of the 20 gigs of winsxs crap, but still let me run a program i wrote 10 years ago, it will be fine.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
Yes Windows 8 was made for tablets, since every single tablet OS made by Windows was a MAJOR failure. That was why tablets never took off until Apple designed an OS for it from the ground up that was made just for tablets, and not some modified desktop OS with some tablet functionality.

Learn the history of the market before making all these inane rants and things will make more sense to you.
Uhh, the ipad (and I have one) os is just like the iphone os. The ipad os is NOT made just for tablets. However, I do support the idea that a desktop os is not good for tablets. It's too big and the UI conventions are too different.


Dec 11, 2002
Uhh, the ipad (and I have one) os is just like the iphone os. The ipad os is NOT made just for tablets. However, I do support the idea that a desktop os is not good for tablets. It's too big and the UI conventions are too different.

Sorry it's made for touchscreens.
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