Windows Longhorn

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Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
If you hate compiling, chorner, then check out Thy might just have what you looking for in RPM style. I dun like to complie due to the bloat you need to compile. Having to install all them devolment stuff to complie some 200kb or few meg program is about stupid.

By the way, Nothinman, I downloaded and install "emu-config" and checked it out. I guess it was not totaly ment for Audigy 2 because it did not have that boost option. I was able to tweak some of my settings thoe and my audio sounds a lill better now that I turned off ARTs and such. Still not that great audio qul ya get with windows thoe ~~~

Thanks again for the link and help!


PS) To be honest it sounds better then I thought. No more dullness!!! All thoe I would love to have some highs "treble" ~~~


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
I tried apt-get install once before and it did not work. I'm not sure if it's install or if I dun it right ~~~ but rpmfind does ok for me it has almost everything I like to use in RPM. Never herd of RedCarpet/OpenCarpet but be sure to do some google searches on them.



Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
PS) To be honest it sounds better then I thought. No more dullness!!! All thoe I would love to have some highs "treble" ~~~

If your using the alsa drivers you can get access to the sound card's "treble" and "bass" settings. I think this is card specific because my freind's turtle beach santa cruz doesn't have it.

Plus if you want and your OSS drivers are completely modularized it's easy to mess around with the alsa drivers, just keep backups off all your config files and you can always go back to OSS if you get tired of mucking about with it.

Truthfully OSS support for Emu10k1 stuff is still probably a bit better then alsa. Although most people are (probably) switching efforts to develope the alsa versions since OSS is now depreciated in the 2.6 kernel series.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
but rpmfind does ok for me it has almost everything I like to use in RPM.

apt supports RPM and if you have it setup properly it removes the need for rpmfind, you just type 'apt-get install mozilla' and mozilla and all it's dependencies are downloaded and installed for you. It's well worth figuring out how to setup.

Never herd of RedCarpet/OpenCarpet but be sure to do some google searches on them.

I've only used it on Fedora (and only a very little bit, all my boxes are Debian) so if you're not running that it might be a little different. Anyway here's a link that should: help

My apologies if anyone doesn't like me linking to the Ars forums.


Oct 29, 2003
The best fast food restaurant; sure. As for the most healthy, It'd be near bottom with all the other fast-food companies. Its really not a good comparison anyhow.

A better -but still not good- comparison in that sense, would be the top selling compact car under $25grand in Canada for example, would be the Chev. Cavalier. Of course, it is the best car in its class for what it is meant to be and the numbers reflect this. Thats not even a good comparison anyhow, but you get the point. Windows isn't the #1 selling OS desktop or server for nothing. As you can see, people who have a choice will make a choice. Such as those using Linux over Windows, or such as those using ATI cards vs. Nvidia cards in the consumer market. Nobody forced me to use anything, I just want THE best. The same as everyone else.

You don't make any descisions in life because you see them as failure. Every choice you make is because you see it as the winning path; chosing your OS is no different. So either 1) you're above everyone because you like Linux over Windows, and those who run Windows are somehow blind to the quality of Windows vs Linux or 2) you just want to be different 3) you can't afford Windows 4) like many Linux users have some sort of phobia where they equate MS as the evil of computers ... in line with the Intel haters -who are all idiots as much as the MS haters-. Who knows why you're so blinded, but hey ... I run both OS'es and as much as I would like to say Linux is superior, it just isn't orther wise you -Linux world- or Mr Steve Jobs would be thought of as the evil empire.

As for your whatever works reply, listen to yourself. If I had a choice, and both OS'es were free I would like anybody sane, sit down and chose the OS that was a) the easiest and fastest to get up and running reliably 2)worked with my hardware out of the box without having to search up and down for information on HOW to get it to work 3)had the smallest learning curve

Windows is just that. Windows is so easy, even my mother (who is horrible; I had to teach her how to cut and paste about 20 time for crying out loud) can do what she wants in Windows, or find GOOD and detailed instructions on how to do so if she does not have what she needs installed. I let my little bro' sit down on Linux to see how he could manage (12 years old) vs. how adept he is in Windows and there was no way in heck he could ever get the UT2003 demo he wanted to try in Linux going; he quickly asked how to get out of Linux and into Windows. Within 10 minutes (including download) in Windows he had his UT2003 demo up and running. He would NEVER have gotten it to run under Linux.

Now you mean to tell me Linux is more advanced? They don't even have the basics of useability solved ... how on earth can you say Linux is better?

Here is a scenario :
OSes - Windows XP, Linux SUSE 9
Lets assume you have no experience (absolutely none) in either OS, and you are presented with a single file on the desktop. The file
is a zip file called "" on both OS'es desktop. You want to install this word program on both operating systems, and like usual with Linux, most standard programs do not come with GUI installers, and must be compiled.

Both OS'es are logged in as user : newuser , XP newuser has admin privledges

Like usual, in Windows the zip would comprise of a few files, plus a setup.exe file.
Linux, on the other hand has a configure, a bunch of files and folders, a bunch of makefiles etc.

Assuming you know nothing, absolutely nothing, how long do you think it would take for somebody to install the programs on both systems?

1) Windows : once they figured to double click on the program (which most figure out right away) they will eventually see the setup.exe file and like anybody, would put 2 and 2 together and figure they have to double click on the setup.exe. From that point on, as long as you know how to read you can click next until it is installed. Finding the start menu, is extremely easy for everybody but the dumbest, so now startin gthe program is equally as easy as installing it.

2) Linux : su, password ...... change directory to where the file is (which no beginner will understand because they have no idea what the command is to change directories, nor do they have an understanding yet of what or how directories work) run ./configure make; make install .... then go and find it in the program menu. Usually the icon is not placed in the proper folder, and is instead placed in 'Applications' unless specified during ./configure.

Nevermind with the rest of the Linux explanation, you only understand that because you KNOW what that means already .. the beginner would be stuck after double clicking the icon on the desktop ... the beginnner would never make it any further then that, and as my brother as proof ontop of that there you have it. He's not even a beginner, and you know how quickly kids learn.

So, as a beginners OS we can see how much more advanced and useable Windows is.

Moving on ... beginner - intermediate user, not worried about cost.

Eitherway, the cost of Linux ownership is the same however you look at it, if you pay for Linux support, and have to include paying the Unix specialist his salary. Windows NT admins are a dime a dozen, and need much less support with a much smaller learning curve. As for workstations, give a copy of Linux to everyone in your office and watch the productivity decrease, and the time and money become wasted.

Also notice, I'm comparing the only server/workstation market now ... the Desktop market, well we already have had RedHat claim Linux is nowhere near ready for the desktop market .. so that is a moot point.

Sceneario (beginner wants to ) :

Wants to install his SB Audigy using digital out. (myself included in this one) What does one have to do just to get it to WORK in Linux vs. Windows? Pretty easy there ....

Now that was quick, moving on again ....

You want to install a reliable, easy to update, remotely managable web server. Being an advanced user, you will no doubtedly have heard of apache. Installing apache in Windows ... download the .exe, doubleclick and go through the setup process. Installed. Copy your files to your public_html directory in c:\program files\apache\ or whever you specified other than default if you did.

Linux, you may be able to find an RPM or have it preinstalled for your distribution, or in some cases you will need to compile it yourself. Depending on which distribution, and wether you bothered to scroll through the million randomly selected programs distrubuted with your release and check off what you wanted. So with that out of the way, you now have to configure it from the command line, insert your startup script into your rc5 or whatever runlevel you're using if its not automatically inserted for you, as well as a host of other settings such as your default dir etc. creating your default dir, and everything else that goes along with setting it up under Linux.

Lets say you want to setup users now for each install to have their own password protected folders, with an FTP server login to boot. Or even, lets say you wanted to install PHP on both the Windows and Linux server.

Eitherway, I can tell you which one is MUCH faster to get up and running reliably, and which one is easier to properly secure. Its Windows.

The only thing left to argue, is cost and feature set. Considering companies usually need both servers and workstations, you will find Windows does the job better. Linux boxes are great little mail and DNS servers, or personal firewalls .... but as a workgroup file server, accounting workstation, support workstation or anything else its plain useless compared to Windows.

I just don't get how you are so blind.

Give your office Linux and see what happens .... a big disorganized mess. Just like the OS! All Linux really is, is just a kernel anyhow!

The learning curve for Linux is way too steep to be used by anybody but experienced users. Talk about wasted man-hours .... just try and deploy Linux workstations. Even with semi-experienced users, there is a tonne of wasted man-hours when Linux comes into the picture and its not because everyone is used to Windows. Its because Windows is so easy to use and get the work you need DONE vs. Linux.

We had a guy when I was at who is the 'webadmin' who got all caught up with wanting to use Linux because the resident Unix nerd converted him away from the -evil side- and it ended up taking him 2 weeks worth of lost productivity to eventually reinstall Windows so he could actually do some work instead of worrying about learning how to do something in Linux.

Anyhow, I know you like to sit there blinded but thats alright.

Long live the best OS! Let the best prosper -wether it be Windows or Linux-. For now, Linux has ALOT of catching up to do for anything other than your ISP's uses. Even RedHat admits this ... why can't you? Oh wait, you're a fanboy

I guess you knew how to edit and write a text file via. the console in Linux right off as well right? VI ? PICO ? How would you know? In Windows, its called notepad ... pretty self explanatory. How do you delete a line in VI ? d ? who would know or figure out how to even insert, edit and save files in vi without either a) being a little more intelligent than the average person b) sitting down and reading through instructions to edit a damn text file for a good 10 minutes? Me, I only knew of VI because I asked a Unix guru. Otherwise I would have been stumped. Luckily, I half made it around vi by chance just goofing around and trying things out on my own. I still don't know all the commands, its not worth reading directions or a command list to learn how to use a friggen text editor! Come on.

Linux is just better though ... not!



Oct 29, 2003

Thanks for the link .... just goes to show what a pain in the butt Linux is for no real reason at all other than being behidn in the times.

You normally don't have entire threads and forums dedicated to helping others install software with Windows. Neither do you have to go through the agonizing process of updating 100's of packages every 5 months when a new x.x release rolls out.

How about reinstalling all your drivers in Windows next time you want to upgrade a Windows feature, or even kernel update? You don't need to; thats because Windows is more advanced

Oh, and don't forget this ....

When compiling your ALSA drivers with Fedora, or SUSE you'll need to do this after running ./configure (options)

mkdir -p include/linux
touch include/linux/workqueue.h

otherwise they won't even compile Try searching for that info on the net to get your Audigy working from source on Fedora ... see if you can find it not knowing the above two commands, and searching endlessly for install tips or bugs with Fedora/SuSe ala Google : Fedora core 1 ALSA .... or the specific compile error (which I forget)

Took me days to find it, and finally get my Audigy installed the first time around in Fedora Core 1.

But of course like doofus seems to think, Linux is better than Windows .... even though you just about need to be a programmer to understand the basis, and how to properly use/configure Linux.



Oct 29, 2003
btw, Idoxhash ... thanks man. I know how to use apt, and also rpmfind etc. Thats not a problem at all btw, since the latest ALSA 1.0rc2 release, digital-out on my Audigy sounds much better. Still as you say, no comparison to Windows though. Between the odd latency spikes in Linux, and tin-can style sound its enough to drive you nuts; but its bareable.

You can really notice when using digital out, to a quality amp and a set of monitors (speakers) how much better Windows sound is.


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
If you look around you in the forums you'd realize that the vast majority of the troubleshooting going on around here is dedicated to fixing problems with windows.

Windows Longhorn

BSOD on XP startup: DRIVER_IRQL...

Win 2k , IIS , Local Web host

"ntldr missing" when I delete the dir with win2k cd files

Why won't WinXP warn me when I shut down while a share is being accessed?

If you have used or know how to use windows media center please look

Mandrake 9.2 Problem...

Reformatting XP

*HELP!* Need to recover files on HDD ASAP!

Installing Windows XP without ***?

If I format this Pentium 200MHz with win95... will I be able to get it back?

Ok,can you make a FAT32 to a NTFS and keep data?

Trying to search old emails

Unix determining PID of -csh session

1st XP Pro Install - help a newbie!

Help, My HOME PAGE keeps redirecting to a NASTY PORN page!

Windows will not load - computer just keeps rebooting

win xp pro shut down & freeze up

win xp pro shut down

I see a hell of a lot more people with windows problems then Linux problems. And like I said in another thread their is nothing I love more then going to my parent's house to fix IE and stop it from sending porn pop-ups and hijacking the homepage with porn ads when my little sister is using it.

Also it is true 90% of people who use windows would be completely incapable of installing Linux.

But then again 80% of them would probably would probably be incapable of installing Windows XP too.

Unless you count buying it preinstalled or putting in the "restore disk" and pressing "enter" as installing.



Oct 29, 2003
Linux Today

Go read about your beloved Linux as written by an expert ... the present kernel is still using the same bases as the kernel at the time of writing.

Of course, you will defend your stance yet again; but it is useless. Time and time again, Linux is proven just to be a FREE alternative and nothing more than that.

You get what you pay for ... imagine if they gave away free cars. Wow

Drag ... there are more Windows problems here because more use Windows. Not to mention, once beginners get past the beginner stage, they mess around with settings. Mess with one thing in Linux, and you're messed. Same can be said for Windows; but it is much harder to botch an entire Windows install than a Linux install. As a matter of fact its almost too easy to mess up your Linux install thinking you know what you're doing, especially if you want to start messing around with your own 'custom' kernel. Windows is pretty darn fool-proof. You have to dig around the system and delete, change, overwrite alot of files, or install BETA or ALPHA software to fudge up XP. Even then, you really can't overright any important files in Windows no matter your permissions unlike Linux.

Another good thing about Windows is it is more forgiving. Try booting Windows with a flaky stick of ram .. it will still boot, and let you do everything you normally would 90% of the time. Try booting into Linux, CRASH. Reboot into XP and somehow, even with the crud stick of ram it still works.

Also, about your parents ... pop-ups .... run LavaSoft ad-aware, use custom cookie settings in IE and block all cookies by default, and only add the sites you need to have cookies enabled on in your allow list.

No more millions of pop-ups. Not to mention, I find the pop-up blocker in Firebird useless as much as I find it useful. While it blocks some pop-ups, it also blocks some pop-ups that I need to actually use the sites I go to which takes more effort than to just close the occasional pop up I do get.

Block your coookies in Windows and Linux, and use your allow list for cookies. Easy fix for 90% of excess pop-ups.

Trust me I hate having to do that on my parents computer too. Its always a friggen mess because my whole family (outside of myself) shares a single computer; you never know what the heck everyone is doing. Just imagin the damage they would do in Linux if they got a spurt of bravery. I could just see my little sister or brother at it now .... disaster. I'd be over there fixing it every day, nevermind every 2 months.

Not to mention "why can't I do this?" "why can't I do that?" "how come I can't play shockwave games on" "how come I can't play The Sims?" .... the list goes on!

I just install Windows XP with individual user accounts, all set as poweruser-level users with their own passwords and off they go. Since doing that, and configuring their accounts the first time around I havn't had to fix a thing now for who knows how long, I can't even remember! If they want to install an app that requires admin privledges, I just remote desktop from wherver I am at and voila.

Isn't XP great? Yup, it is. Even better when you get it free like I do I suppose


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
The Sims works just fine in linux.

I can get any windows OS I want completely for free and completely legal. Straight from MS themselves if I felt like it, and I would still pay for linux if I had to as long as the OS was still GPL'd open source and I have actually.

My family has another computer I installed linux on ages ago when winME finally let go (thank god) and the recovery disk stopped working. Redhat 8.0 then I upgraded it to Redhat 9.0 just a little bit ago, pretty soon it will be Fedora.

Only once I had to fix the Linux computer and that was due to a malfunctioning cdrom drive filling up the error logs and slowing the computer down. Other then that no problems.

Although I do put work into the Windows computer pretty much everytime I visit. Although it has lessened since I made them install a virus scanner and some anti malware software.

And they do use the Linux computer as much as the windows computer. People play games on the Windows computer because it's fast (1.8ghz vs 800mhz) and windows is better at gaming due to support, while people surf the web and do instant messaging and email crap on the other one.


Oct 29, 2003
Well I will say one thing ... Windows ME was the worst OS Microsoft has ever released. Talk about a piece of garbage; may as well run RedHat 7 on the sucker Even thats better than ME.

Btw, I guess you don't like installing Nvidia or ATI drivers on your Linux box do you?

Gotta love this one (I laugh my ass off everytime I see it in my log) :

Jan 15 23:21:59 linux-suse insmod: Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.21-166-athlon/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.o will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - NVIDIA

You can do e-mail 'and crap' on any old piece of junk. We have an old 486 at the cottage for those times when we feel the need to send an email or check TV listings on the net for the night or something; running Windows 95. That thing has been running since '96 now still on the original install, with a beauty of a 33.6 modem and an ATI rage video card Wouldn't want to install Linux on that sucker and have to wait 2 hours vs. one for it to boot up into a GUI lol, hell ... I'd hate to have to wait to drag a darn window across the screen on a Linux install with that beast; it'd eat it up for lunch Unless of course we wasted our time using a command-line based text browser; what good would that be.

Heck, if Linux weren't free I would never touch it. I would never pay to have to put up with the steep learning curve and pain of infancy of this thing; only because of its price, and lack of anything better to do have I gone ahead and started using it as much as I do now. I just like the change, and in a sense because I'm bored I like the pain up the rear to get everything working.

I can't wait for Longhorn, or some new OS release. Maybe I'll go mess with FreeBSD; pull out some more hair but keep myself occupied at the same time Thats the only darn use for these junker free OS'es anyways haha (oh yeah, and to setup DNS/mail/web/ftp server) which reminds me, I have 3 new security updates that just popped up from YOU in my task bar. Guess my little green gekko buddy isn't happy, he's turned red lol -now I'm just tired- ... thats 2 more security updates then I have needed for XP in the last 2 weeks, not including the 23 updates I installed last week for SUSE =)



Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
Yawn. You've gotten boring again.

23 suse updates vs 2 XP updates? You're joking right?

There just updates and new versions of the programs you already have installed. *shakes head*

Cya again in a couple months when I post something that pisses you off...

in a forum you don't go to or hardly ever read.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I can't fathom why you(Drag, Nothinman, etc, the use/helpful people around here) keep wasting your time with this troll, it's obvious he has nothing to contribute to this forum.


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Sunner
I can't fathom why you(Drag, Nothinman, etc, the use/helpful people around here) keep wasting your time with this troll, it's obvious he has nothing to contribute to this forum.

Because when your sitting on your butt bored out of your mind in a computer room watching computers that run themselves I don't have anything much better to do.

I can't go to irc because it distracts me to much and I miss things, I can't play games because this computer is so painfully slow.

Normally when things get slow I just take a nap, but it's busy enough tonight that I have to stay awake to catch the odd backup tape that needs attention every 10-15 minutes or so.

So here I am. I hope you don't think less of me. Once I get my laptop I will find other less pointless ways to amuse myself.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Heh, that was actually a fairly good reason, especially since that's pretty much my situation right now


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2001
Idoxash, there is also a rather nifty program called gnome-alsa that will let you fiddle with your audigy's settings a lot more (I don't know if you actually need a lot of Gnome's libs and so forth for it because I installed it after I put Gnome 2.4 on my system to see what it was like).
I have a regular Audigy, so I'm not sure how well it works with an Audigy2. My Audigy sounds great on my system, though...I would love to find out why others' don't just in case I ever have the same problem.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2001
One more time I will mention hardware support and ask the guy what I'm missing out on. My home system is a hyperthreaded 2.6GHz P4 with 1GB of DDR 3200, a Geforce FX5600, an audigy, 10,000 RPM serial-ATA drive, DVD writer, CDRW, digital camera support, and Gigabit ethernet. All of it worked "out of the box" on my Debian install (which started out as a hd-install of Knoppix, something I highly recommend to .deb heads who want eye candy easily in Debian). My install took all of 12 minutes and I didn't have to fiddle with anything except installing the 3D accelerated driver from Nvidia, which was the only thing I was forced to use the command line for because you have to run the executable without having X running.

'Nuff said.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
The best fast food restaurant; sure. As for the most healthy, It'd be near bottom with all the other fast-food companies. Its really not a good comparison anyhow.

Best? Not IMO, I actually think it's some of the worst food even in it's fast food class.

Windows isn't the #1 selling OS desktop or server for nothing. As you can see, people who have a choice will make a choice. Such as those using Linux over Windows, or such as those using ATI cards vs. Nvidia cards in the consumer market. Nobody forced me to use anything, I just want THE best. The same as everyone else.

Most people don't choose, they just use what the computer comes with and when they want a new video card they ask their more knowledgable cousin or friend.

So either 1) you're above everyone because you like Linux over Windows, and those who run Windows are somehow blind to the quality of Windows vs Linux or 2) you just want to be different 3) you can't afford Windows 4) like many Linux users have some sort of phobia where they equate MS as the evil of computers ... in line with the Intel haters -who are all idiots as much as the MS haters-. Who knows why you're so blinded, but hey ...

I love how every one of your posts is filled with broad generalizations and name calling. Can you talk about somethign without attacking the other person?

Now you mean to tell me Linux is more advanced? They don't even have the basics of useability solved ... how on earth can you say Linux is better?

Yes I say it's more advanced in many ways. Is it intuitive? Not really, but neither is Windows, it's just that people already know how to use Windows. If you had exactly 0 experience with either OS, both would equally difficult.

You want to install this word program on both operating systems, and like usual with Linux, most standard programs do not come with GUI installers, and must be compiled.

Sorry but that's not 'usual' for me in Linux, most programs I use are prepackaged and require no compilation.

Assuming you know nothing, absolutely nothing, how long do you think it would take for somebody to install the programs on both systems?

While we're assuming so much lets assume the person can read, can follow directions and knows what README means, if so the instructions are usually really straight forward for Linux.

2) Linux : su, password ...... change directory to where the file is (which no beginner will understand because they have no idea what the command is to change directories, nor do they have an understanding yet of what or how directories work) run ./configure make; make install .... then go and find it in the program menu. Usually the icon is not placed in the proper folder, and is instead placed in 'Applications' unless specified during ./configure.

And if you do things properly and use a package you double-click on the RPM, it asks for the root password and just installs and you're done.

Windows NT admins are a dime a dozen, and need much less support with a much smaller learning curve.

They're so common and cheap because they're not really admins, they're users who think they're admins and they're the reason I'm still getting CodeRed attempts on my web server.

Linux, you may be able to find an RPM or have it preinstalled for your distribution, or in some cases you will need to compile it yourself. Depending on which distribution, and wether you bothered to scroll through the million randomly selected programs distrubuted with your release and check off what you wanted. So with that out of the way, you now have to configure it from the command line, insert your startup script into your rc5 or whatever runlevel you're using if its not automatically inserted for you, as well as a host of other settings such as your default dir etc. creating your default dir, and everything else that goes along with setting it up under Linux.

You're sounding more and more like an idiot as you go. Apache is included in every distribution and the package takes care of everything except the content so you have less work to install it compared with Windows. If you have to compile it or change anything in the httpd.conf that's your choice and the httpd.conf is the same on both systems so that's irrelevant in this context.

And since I use the package it's easily updated with a single command, if I was adventurous I could even have it run automatically for me.

Eitherway, I can tell you which one is MUCH faster to get up and running reliably, and which one is easier to properly secure. Its Windows.

If course you're doing to say that, you're a Windows user. Apache is 'secure' out of the box, php is easily installed with 'apt-get install php4' for me, ftp server would just be 'apt-get install proftpd' and the users would have to setup their own .htaccess files on either OS unless you make all the passwords the same which would defeat the purpose.

I just don't get how you are so blind.

Oh, the irony.

In Windows, its called notepad ...

Notepad can't efficiently handle files larger than like 100K, it's hardly an editor worth using. And wordpad takes about 100x longer than vi to do simple search/replace operations, trust me I did this recently. After waiting on wordpad for a few minutes, I copied the file to the Linux box, opened it in vi and did the search/replace before wordpad was done.

the present kernel is still using the same bases as the kernel at the time of writing.

A 5 year old article and you think it's still relevant?

You get what you pay for ... imagine if they gave away free cars. Wow

I'll remember to avoid the hospitals in canada then...

Another good thing about Windows is it is more forgiving. Try booting Windows with a flaky stick of ram .. it will still boot, and let you do everything you normally would 90% of the time.

That is the absolute stupidest thing you've said yet. Bad memory is bad memory no matter what OS, if you have bad memory Windows will crash just as randomly, it just depends on what needs to use the section of bad memory.

use custom cookie settings in IE and block all cookies by default, and only add the sites you need to have cookies enabled on in your allow list.

Are you doing to explain to them how to add cookie sites?

Gotta love this one (I laugh my ass off everytime I see it in my log) :

Jan 15 23:21:59 linux-suse insmod: Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.21-166-athlon/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.o will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - NVIDIA

Why is that funny? It was added as a method for the kernel devs to tell when you've added kernel drivers they can't support so they don't waste time hunting bugs that probably aren't theres and that they can't fix.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Thanks for all the help, advice, opinions, guys! I check out the stuff you all mention when I have some time to do so.


Yah I have a huge smile on my face I admit that much! I install the ALSA RPM and other ALSA stuff (from my mandrake cd), reconfigure my sound card to work with it. I'm now able to change base, treble, and other things. I must say my audio is as clean and clear as that of Windows. It sees my card as "Sound Blaster Audigy2" and that's right but it sees my chipset as "SigmaTel STAC9721/23" I dun know if that's right or not? Either way it works really great now and far better then OSS audio that's for dang sure.



Oct 29, 2003
Nothinman :

You're still just as dull as you were lastnight.

You forget, that these beginners will have TO KNOW ABOUT APT-GET in the first place. Kind of like Idoxash here. He wouldn't have found out about this stuff if he hadn't have been reading this flame war. Most users don't even get so far as scouring hardware forums for information; I know guys my age who won't even bother if it doesn't work right off the bat. They would NEVER scour a forum to find things out.

How are you expected to know about apt-get!? How to find ~/.xinitrc ... who the hell knows but experienced Linux users that what ~/ mean is to look in your home directory? Where is your home directory? Its easy as heck to save things in My Documents in windows, as a matter of fact Word and every MS word editing program defaults to the My Documents folder, so even if you know nothing you will know how to get there because it is righ ton your desktop.

You have an MX500 mouse like me ... who knew I would have to go download imhweel-0.9.5, compile it, setup my .xinitrc, create my .imwheelrc , and edit (no joke) 120 lines of code to get my mouse to function as it should? Who the heck would know how to do that except somebody a) more intelligent than average or b) has experience with Linux, and is generally computer literate in the first place?

Come on Windows isn't intuitive .... it makes Linux look like it fell out the bottom of a garbage bag and spilled all over the floor. Everybody already agrees and knows Linux is a giant mess. Perhaps a giant organized mess at best.

About it being funny in regards to Nvidia drivers .. yeah it is funny. They don't need to fix problems that aren't theirs? They're good enough to code for free, yet they wouldn't be willing to work out problems with drivers they probably need and want? Sounds a little odd to me, considering normally the drivers would be hacked together in some hap-hazard way anyhow if it weren't for Nvidia stepping up.

modprobe .... who the heck knows to start modprobe snd-emu10k to initialize their SBLive then find where in the heck modules.conf is, further more how to use the archaic vi, pico or vim, and also how to properly setup their card? Try finiding good directions; you can'[t. I searched forever before I gave up and finally just started screwing around putting a bit of info from here, and a bit from there together to finally get my card working. Sound has never been a high-point of Linux, neither has anything 3D, nor much of anythign else but OLD standards. It even took a while to get proper USB support.

All I can say is you need to WAKE UP. You know how to use Linux, you think it is easy because you're past the initial extremely steep learning curve.

So, how is Linux better for the average user, and how is it more advanced?

Instead of fighting back and fourth with nonsense like you usually do; lets hear some hard facts.

Why is/isn't Linux or Windows more advanced than one another?

You Linux junkies are a laugh ... again I'm writing this while in SUSE9; I can still admit even though I havn't booted into XP for 4 days now except to check email; and have soley used Linux, that Windows (XP in particular) is MUCH MUCH better suited for daily use in any scenario.

What a joke you guys are.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Since this is the thread where we all seem to be saying both good and bad things about Windows and Linux let me say something bad about Linux. I just got dun taking out my Linux hard drive and tossing it in with my other computer hardware that I no longer use. This not the first time I dun this as I sed before I do my best to give Linux a chance and the stress that comes with it. I been using Linux off and on since my first OS I ever bought. That was many of years ago and was Mandrake 7 something. However Linux constantly needs my self spending countless amounts of my time to make it work and keep it working. Here's to hoping that kernel 2.6.x is a much better linux. Ifya like to know wut the issue was: I installed a driver for my 3com modem to see if I can get the thing working the way it should. It was RPM from After restarting my computer the modem would no longer work. It would dial me out but would not let me access the internet. I tried to reconfigure my modem settings to see if that could help but what happen next was very bad. Everything on my desktop went away and all I had left was a taskbar and a few icons that let me access stuff like editors. I was unable to access any software, any file managers, I had no konsole, it was simply like nothing was ever there. I restarted my computer again but this did not fix the issues as it was still the same way. A totally blank KDE desktop with the task bar and no icons, no nothing. So wut I dun was reinstall Linux and it did not help because once I got into the KDE desktop it was exactly the same way as it was before the installed. YES I did a totall format so it was not a upgrd. Anyways I'm threw with Linux for right now and shall check it out when a good stable destro base on kernel 2.6.x but if you ask me I have a lot of doubt about Linux now. It will probly be the same way as before. A none userable OS due to the fact it totally has no idea on how to use hardware or run it's own dang self without humans stressing their selves out on it. I try to love Linux and each time I find my self hating it more with each chance I give it.

For thoes of you that think Linux is ready for the desktop you simply need to DREAM ON because that's exactly wut it is, a DREAM and a nightmear for thoes that try to make it a Desktop. For thoes of you that think Linux will someday be ready for the Desktop ... Heres hoping it can but I'm starting to see many doubts and to be honest I'm totally looking forward too SkyOS as a real Desktop.



Golden Member
Jun 28, 2001
Is it just me, or does the last post from idoxash read completely differently from everything else in this thread?


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
You forget, that these beginners will have TO KNOW ABOUT APT-GET in the first place

No, I don't forget that. The thing is beginners have to be taught about Windows too. They don't just automatically know everything, the problem is that most people are getting introduced to Windows at low grades in school now so it's just being assumed that you have Windows knowledge.

You have an MX500 mouse like me

I never said that, I said I never needed imwheel to use my mouse buttons. Once again you're just assuming things that may or may not be true.

They don't need to fix problems that aren't theirs? They're good enough to code for free, yet they wouldn't be willing to work out problems with drivers they probably need and want? Sounds a little odd to me, considering normally the drivers would be hacked together in some hap-hazard way anyhow if it weren't for Nvidia stepping up.

The problem is they can't fix those drivers because they don't have the code. I'm sure if nVidia would put the source out there someone would maintain it for them, but they won't so the kernel devs need some way to tell if you've loaded things they have no control over. Or did you not realize the nVidia drivers were binary-only?

modprobe .... who the heck knows to start modprobe snd-emu10k to initialize their SBLive

I never had to do that, Debian comes with ALSA scripts that handle all of that. Same with setting up the aliases in the modules.conf, it's all automated, I just pick the card I have from a list.

All I can say is you need to WAKE UP. You know how to use Linux, you think it is easy because you're past the initial extremely steep learning curve.

And you're in the same situation with Windows, if you think Windows is easy I have a lot of really dumb people to introduce you to.

Instead of fighting back and fourth with nonsense like you usually do; lets hear some hard facts.

Irony again. You're the one that skips most of my replies and just calls me names instead of addressing what I posted. Either english isn't your first language or you're dumber than I thought, I'm done with this thread.

And Idoxash, the 2.6 kernel won't address any of your issues. They're all in a different layer (except maybe the modem driver, if it was a real hardware modem you shouldn't need a seperate driver) and would be handled by the Gnome or KDE teams.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Yes it is a real hardware modem it even has hardware voice. As I sed this modem worked find on Mandrake 8.1 and was totaly seen by Linux. It has stoped working on all the updated versions of Mandrake and Redhat.

Also to the other poster that sed what I sed was differ ... Some of it has to do with some stuff sed here but even if it was differ why worry about it? This thread is totaly off topic from the start!!! Just go with the flow ya know.

If upcoming Linux can't fix it's own issues then it is doom!

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