Wisconsin to be 25th RTW state!

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Sep 2, 2006
unions are thugs. my dad was threatened because he worked for a non-union company, and union workers were mad because they lost bids due to their inefficiency and high costs


Mar 30, 2007
unions are thugs. my dad was threatened because he worked for a non-union company, and union workers were mad because they lost bids due to their inefficiency and high costs

Some are

some help

While one can argue that the system is flawed where would be without it?

I dont think some of you have thought things out long term.

While employee have it better than they did when the robber barons controlled their lives here can we expect them to play nice in the future without those checks and balances?

I am all for fighting fraud and modernizing unions and lessoning their hand in political elections but throwing out the entire system because one part of it doesnt fit your ideological concerns about a slipperly slope argument while completely ignoring their actual and historical significance is cutting off your nose because it keeps making a shadow on your chin.

Right to work laws hurt workers more overall than it helps them in their political freedom.


Nov 9, 2000
Just more of the usual anti-democratic aspects of the right wing. Union workplaces are created by a majority vote of workers. They do that because of a perceived need for more power to deal with management. In right to starve states, it doesn't work nearly as well for workers overall because there are always plenty of boneheads who believe that management sees them as something special rather than as replaceable units in a machine. By refusing to participate, they weaken the bargaining power of the union and thus worsen their own circumstances. They can't see that, of course, because freedumb is more important to them.

On the flip side... lets look at a state like Michigan where the headquarters of GM is lcoated. If it were not for the Federal government... unions would have led to the destruction of GM.


Dec 3, 2013

Exactly right. The old industrial age thinking is going away as it should. For those that want to cling to it, fine have your union but don't force others to pay for it.
And before some idiot comes in and starts talking out of his ass about the union being forced to represent non-union members - try again. The union doesn't have to be formed as an exclusive unit, they have the option not to. Look it up and educate yourself...

Win for Wisconsin and a win for worker freedom!

You apparently have no idea how badly RTW has screwed up the economy overall.

Is more like the right to Union bust and hire unqualified people and take away their benefits.

The rape continues....

RTW screws workers up the ass.

unions are thugs. my dad was threatened because he worked for a non-union company, and union workers were mad because they lost bids due to their inefficiency and high costs

So I take it you think Police, Firemen, Teachers, Nurses are thugs because they have Unions ?

It seems to me they have been promoting the RTW out the butt for manufacturer jobs way too long now just to ship manufactuering out of the US for a long time now.

Think about that one awhile.

Unions are bad type crap because mafia type of involvement went out the window decades ago, anyone in the Teamsters or anything along those lines has long been to a large extent, and the government has taken over their jobs.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Yup, and we (rightly) regulate the formation and M&A of corporations.

i eagerly await your endorsement of regulations that allow people to benefit from the work of those corporate conglomerates without investing in them.

Right to work laws are a violation of freedom of association. I'm fine with regulating this sort of economic behavior, I just find it interesting that conservatives apply their doctrine of freedom so selectively in this case.


Jan 4, 2001
"Having worked construction in California for 25 years, I saw the "best non-union companies" in the region...they consistently paid their workers $10-$15/hr less than their unionized counterparts...and usually with either zero benefits, of minimal benefits."
"Our wages and benefits are 'competitive.'"
Meaning, "We looked at a normalized distribution of wages and shot for the far low end."


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
Even unions don't get along with other unions. SEIU and the largest nurses union basically hate each other. We even had a union tell its member to cross the picket lines of another union a few years ago.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I always found it interesting that conservatives supported laws like this so much, considering that they are simply the government stepping in and limiting the kind of business deals that two private parties can make.

Why are you guys so against government interfering in the private sector except for when it involves unions?

Hang on there for a second. The reason those unions even exist is because of government laws and regulations. Just like when people say "why do you want more government intervention in the ISP market", the answer is "because it isn't a free market to begin with". These RTW laws are just undoing some of the bad things previous laws put in place.

If they tried to ban unions, I'd be opposed. They are not doing that. They are giving workers a choice. If the union is a good thing that protects their interests workers can join the union. Allowing people to make their own choice isn't government interfering. Not allowing them to make their own choice was interfering, removing that is undoing the interference.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Right to work laws are a violation of freedom of association. I'm fine with regulating this sort of economic behavior, I just find it interesting that conservatives apply their doctrine of freedom so selectively in this case.

No, it is not a violation of freedom of association, everyone is free to associate and join the union if they choose. They are given the choice, not prevented from joining the union.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
It is an attempt to take away Unions altogether. Stop with the doublespeak already.

How so? If the union adds value, the workers are free to join. Either the union is beneficial to the workers or not. Are you saying workers are incapable of making that decision themselves, that government needs to force them to join? Or, are you saying unions are in fact not beneficial to the workers, so they won't join, so removing the laws forcing them to join is doing away with unions?

I don't see the logic. If a union could increase my benefits, offer me protection and be an overall benefit, why would anyone need to force me to join? In reality I would not join a union because I think the negatives outweigh the positives.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Then opt-out. As s state employee, you have the right to become an "agency employee." You'll no longer be a union member...but WILL have to pay the agency fees

That doesn't make sense. One of the reasons you opt out is so you don't have to pay the union dues. If you're forced to pay the dues, why the hell would you leave the union?

Of course, if you do...and for whatever find yourself NEEDING union representation...it might not be quite as good as you would get as a union member...

So you want people forced to pay for the union, but then not get the benefits for doing so. How nice.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Forcing people to pay money towards funding candidates or parties they don't want to support is plain wrong. Unions should never be allowed to use dues for political purposes.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
Ahh, more Union busting doublespeak. The Worker has now been butt fucked and left to the whims of Employers to do as they please.

In other words unions have to demonstrate that they provide a value to their members rather relying on the use of government to force everyone who seeks employment to join their ranks. Of which this view isn't anti-union but PRO-CHOICE for the worker.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
In other words unions have to demonstrate that they provide a value to their members rather relying on the use of government to force everyone who seeks employment to join their ranks. Of which this view isn't anti-union but PRO-CHOICE for the worker.

You need to learn more about right to work laws. The union is required to provide benefits to the workers regardless of whether or not they pay dues, so it just encourages freeloading.

This is big government inserting itself in a private business transaction, something conservatives normally oppose so long as the target isn't one of their political enemies.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
No, it is not a violation of freedom of association, everyone is free to associate and join the union if they choose. They are given the choice, not prevented from joining the union.

They are not allowing two private entities to associate in whatever way they see fit. It's unquestionably a violation of freedom of association.

There's a reason why a lot of conservatives oppose right to work laws as fundamentally incompatible with conservative values.


Platinum Member
Sep 6, 2007
i eagerly await your endorsement of regulations that allow people to benefit from the work of those corporate conglomerates without investing in them.

Right to work laws are a violation of freedom of association. I'm fine with regulating this sort of economic behavior, I just find it interesting that conservatives apply their doctrine of freedom so selectively in this case.

Are you implying that society at large doesn't benefit from the existence of large corporations? If so that is demonstrably false as commercialization of the kinds of technologies that define the modern world require the consolidation of capital in the form of large corporations.

If you are just asking about regulations then that is exactly what anti-trust laws do. They prohibit voluntary economic activity between competitors for the protection of third parties (consumers). I'll go even further and say that we should expand anti-trust laws to restrict some kinds of monopsonies (buyer's monopolies).

The flaw in your logic is that you are ignoring the difference between prohibiting a voluntary transaction between two parties for their own supposed protection (e.g. minimum wage) with prohibition a transaction for the protection of a third party (e.g. anti-trust laws).


Nov 11, 1999
On the flip side... lets look at a state like Michigan where the headquarters of GM is lcoated. If it were not for the Federal government... unions would have led to the destruction of GM.

Hogwash. Years ago, GM execs over-promised pensions in lieu of raising wages at the time, thus avoiding strikes & maintaining production. They knew it, but they got their big fat bonuses & stock options for years, retired rich, leaving a ticking bomb behind. The Unions were just dumb enough to fall for it, that's all.


Nov 11, 1999
They are not allowing two private entities to associate in whatever way they see fit. It's unquestionably a violation of freedom of association.

There's a reason why a lot of conservatives oppose right to work laws as fundamentally incompatible with conservative values.

Yeh, they're all about Power over the individual. You vs Megacorp rather than all the workers together vs Megacorp.

There's more "freedom" in the first scenario, obviously, but it's just the freedom to take it up the ass.


Nov 11, 1999
How so? If the union adds value, the workers are free to join. Either the union is beneficial to the workers or not. Are you saying workers are incapable of making that decision themselves, that government needs to force them to join? Or, are you saying unions are in fact not beneficial to the workers, so they won't join, so removing the laws forcing them to join is doing away with unions?

I don't see the logic. If a union could increase my benefits, offer me protection and be an overall benefit, why would anyone need to force me to join? In reality I would not join a union because I think the negatives outweigh the positives.

Black & white always, huh? He's just saying that there are usually enough short sighted bone heads in the world to fuck it up for the rest of us unless they're made to go along with the majority.

Shortly thereafter, you said if a Union would do certain things for you then you wouldn't need to be forced, but that you wouldn't join anyway.

That doesn't make sense anywhere on the planet.


Feb 5, 2006
-Bash the unions.
-Vote for more trickle down.
-Complain about the middle class disappearing.

It's the American way.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
Then opt-out. As s state employee, you have the right to become an "agency employee." You'll no longer be a union member...but WILL have to pay the agency fees, since you will still enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining...wages, fringe benefits, etc...or do you think you should get all that without having to pay for it? Kind of like a form of welfare...freeloaders abound in the state worker pool.

Of course, if you do...and for whatever find yourself NEEDING union representation...it might not be quite as good as you would get as a union member...

My union requires you to Opt-out every year in the narrow window. I said I tried to opt out just over a month after I joined, the union refused saying I am required to opt-out within 30 days of employment. The union lied to people by making them think we opt in already or we can opt out at any time. That is a lie, we have days to hand deliver an optout letter.

There is no reason why there is an automatic opt in when you join and each year after.

New employees are not informed of the right to opt out and they are not informed of the limited window to opt out, which ranges from 14 to 30 days.

What is funny, you can opt in at any time. There us no opt in window just an opt out window. The union never informs people if you opt in, it can't be undone. It is permanent until the opt-out period. Each year everyone is automatically opted-in.
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Nov 11, 1999
-Bash the unions.
-Vote for more trickle down.
-Complain about the middle class disappearing.

It's the American way.

Not exactly. It's the power of propaganda applied relentlessly for 35 years or so.

It's also denial about what Repubs greatest achievement, the Ownership Society, did to this Country. Only a complete flipflop from the Bush Admin & the FRB prevented another Great Depression. I'm glad it didn't happen, but we'd be in a better place politically if it had. By the time 1932 rolled around, America had figured out who fucked 'em & how because they had to or they'd have been fucked even harder. It was an epiphany.

Today's situation? Don't you know that Barney Frank caused the housing bubble?


Jun 23, 2005
That is like saying we should have no minimum wage because workers are free to go else where.

We shouldn't have a minimum wage. It goes against the spirit of Capitalism. Businesses should only have to pay what the market deems what their labor is worth. Think of the jobs we could bring back to America if we competed with China directly on wages.


Nov 11, 1999
My union requires you to Opt-out every year in the narrow window. I said I tried to opt out just over a month after I joined, the union refused saying I am required to opt-out within 30 days of employment. The union lied to people by making them think we opt in already or we can opt out at any time. That is a lie, we have days to hand deliver an optout letter.

There is no reason why there is an automatic opt in when you join and each year after.

New employees are not informed of the right to opt out and they are not informed of the limited window to opt out, which ranges from 14 to 30 days.

What is funny, you can opt in at any time. There us no opt in window just an opt out window. The union never informs people if you opt in, it can't be undone. It is permanent until the opt-out period. Each year everyone is automatically opted-in.

So, how long have you been working in this Eeeevil union shop & why don't you go someplace else where there's no Union to whine about?


Senior member
Nov 22, 1999
@ DCal430

You said that you are willing to pay dues for representation, but not have a portion of your dues spent on political contribution.

Is that correct?
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