Witness 40: Exposing A Fraud In Ferguson

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Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
Do you think the public interest was served? Do you think the shopkeepers who's store was looted feels that the public interest was served? Do you think that the protesters or looters feel that the public interest was served? Do you think that Browns parents feel that the public interest was served? Only the Wilson and the police feel that the public interest was served.

If we got a trial, open and in the public, then everyone would be able to see that as a defense attorney did his job to explain how the evidence proves that Wilson is innocent. Wilson would have been acquitted and the protests and rioting would have been much less.

But instead we got a secret sort-of-trial with one person who might have been biased towards siding with wilson, that got to decide what was and was not evidence. All of it told to us afterwards in a very dense document that we have to trust is accurate and not altered by the very people that the protesters are claiming are corrupt.

All the GJ information was made public.

That is what the no-bill decision was based on. Evidence.

What purpose would a trial have served except to cost money. The outcome would have been the same.

People would not have been satisfied - they wanted blood, not justice.
Looters and protesters complained because they wanted excuse to their actions, any you want to provide such.

Look at those here, same concept.


Jun 17, 2005
All the GJ information was made public.

That is what the no-bill decision was based on. Exidence.

But the problem is that we only had one person choosing what is evidence and what is not. One person that might have been biased. One person that the public does not trust to be honest with them.

What purpose would a trial have served except to cost money. The outcome would have been the same.
People would not have been satisfied - they wanted blood, not justice.

Look at those here, same concept.
Many of the protesters are angry because they feel that the system is corrupt, not that Wilson got away with murder (or not). Giving them a fair and open trial, with a prosecutor what was trying to get a conviction, in other words the adversarial system we are supposed to have, would have satisfied many, if not most, of them.

In the end it would have probably saved million of dollars for Ferguson and other cities around the nation.


May 15, 2000
All the GJ information was made public.

That is what the no-bill decision was based on. Evidence.

What purpose would a trial have served except to cost money. The outcome would have been the same.

People would not have been satisfied - they wanted blood, not justice.
Looters and protesters complained because they wanted excuse to their actions, any you want to provide such.

Look at those here, same concept.

Other than dcal, who here has called for blood?

Do you sleep with a nightlight on? How else do you keep all the boogeymen away?


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
Other than dcal, who here has called for blood?

Do you sleep with a nightlight on? How else do you keep all the boogeymen away?

Dari here has also shown his blood thirst.

You and a few others have also stated that the rule of law should have been ignored, that a trial was needed. Justice was only if Wilson was indicted and/or convicted.

Trials are for when there is enough evidence that the prosecutor feels that they can obtain a conviction, not a railroad attempt of an innocent person.


Jun 17, 2005
Trials are for when there is enough evidence that the prosecutor feels that they can obtain a conviction, not a railroad attempt of an innocent person.

Trials are for when society believes that someone might be guilty of a crime. You are suggestion that their is a ruling class gets to decide when that is. That is a little too close to true, and that is the problem.


May 24, 2004
Trials are for when society believes that someone might be guilty of a crime. You are suggestion that their is a ruling class gets to decide when that is. That is a little too close to true, and that is the problem.

Define "society".


Dec 11, 2006
So you're butthurt because you think a cop used excessive force and a jury of his peers found that he didn't.

Of course the system is rigged. When there are terms like "affluenza" thrown around, it's confirmed beyond a shadow of anyone's doubt. The assertion that the system is rigged against any particular group of people, though, is just plain silly. I'm sure a dozen and a half people didn't get together and say "kid was black, so cop gets a pass." And I'm sure that the cop didn't say "he's black, so I'm gonna shoot him."

The bottom line is that he was a criminal, engaged in criminal activity. If you can show me some vast conspiracy of a particular group of people being targetted by cops WITHOUT prior involvement in criminal activity, then be my guest. I'm fairly certain, however, that such data does not exist.

Fact: being a criminal means you live under greater scrutiny. White, black, brown, green, yellow, purple, man, woman, tranny...doesn't matter, that fact is true.

The problem isn't that the justice system is rigged against anyone, at least not in this case, but that it is rigged in FAVOR of a particular group, that group being cops.

Look, its very common knowledge that a prosecutor can indict anyone and I mean ANYONE. If they fail to get an indictment they either royally fucked up or didn't want one in the first place, it is (at least among the legal professionals) that simple.

Lets keep in mind that an indictment is not a jury of his peers saying that he is guilty. An indictment only says that there is enough doubt or reason or whatever to bring the case to trial so that all of the facts may be brought to bear. The fact that almost every grand jury decides to indict except in cases where a LEO is involved definitely says something.

Now I know this is a vast stretch but a prosecutors job performance is based upon their conviction rate. That job performance "score" is what lands them really cushy partnerships in big time law firms once they are done building their resume. Police officers testimony (and probably a hundred other things involving LEO) are absolutely vital to a prosecutor winning cases and going on to the big time. So maybe, just maybe, there is a slight conflict of interest, wouldn't want to fuck up your career by pissing off the entire police department if you don't have to...


May 15, 2000
Dari here has also shown his blood thirst.

You and a few others have also stated that the rule of law should have been ignored, that a trial was needed. Justice was only if Wilson was indicted and/or convicted.

Trials are for when there is enough evidence that the prosecutor feels that they can obtain a conviction, not a railroad attempt of an innocent person.

Wrong. I made no such statements. Perhaps you are thinking of others who have continuously misrepresented my position. Perhaps you are simply misrepresenting my position so you don't have to deal with an uncomfortable truth.


Jan 31, 2010
Trials are for when society believes that someone might be guilty of a crime. You are suggestion that their is a ruling class gets to decide when that is. That is a little too close to true, and that is the problem.

Sorry but that's not how the legal system works. If and only when there's probable cause based on evidence that a crime has occurred should a trial be required.

No evidence, no probable cause, no indictment, no trial........period


May 15, 2000
Sorry but that's not how the legal system works. If and only when there's probable cause based on evidence that a crime has occurred should a trial be required.

No evidence, no probable cause, no indictment, no trial........period

So you are saying that every lawyer who has claimed that indictments that don't end in a true bill are the result of a major fuck up or was the result of the prosecutors wishes, are lying? Or do you think you know more than them? Are you saying that the numbers that show 99%+ of indictments that return a true bill is false?

Let me say this though, I wish it was the way you described and I wish that's how the law worked, the problem is, that's not the reality.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
Sorry but that's not how the legal system works. If and only when there's probable cause based on evidence that a crime has occurred should a trial be required.

No evidence, no probable cause, no indictment, no trial........period
The Attorney General, a state sponsored position, decides whether to try people or not.

You don't want to make him/her your enemy.

You are wrong in thinking that the legal system is anything other than people, in office.



Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
The only protections we (the people) have, are the protections given to us by the constitution and the bill of rights.

Otherwise, we are fair game for the people in power.

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Jun 17, 2005
Sorry but that's not how the legal system works.

Only if you are well connected. For the rest of us this is not how the legal system works. That is the problem. We have a plutocracy that decides, based on it's own agenda, who goes to trial and who doesn't.

If and only when there's probable cause based on evidence that a crime has occurred should a trial be required.

We know that the average Grand Jury time is less than 2 minutes, and only evidence that supports the D.A. position is presented. If this had been treated like any other case we would be awaiting trial now.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2005
So you are saying that every lawyer who has claimed that indictments that don't end in a true bill are the result of a major fuck up or was the result of the prosecutors wishes, are lying? Or do you think you know more than them? Are you saying that the numbers that show 99%+ of indictments that return a true bill is false?

Let me say this though, I wish it was the way you described and I wish that's how the law worked, the problem is, that's not the reality.

Londo doesn't care..the white cop said it was a good shoot, so any other testimony is clearly 100% false. The black kid...I mean thug deserved it in his mind.

Never mind that the DA's job isn't to obtain the truth, but to prosecute alleged criminals. It is up to the courts to determine guilt of innocence. And let's not forget the DA allowing the future defendant to testify with no cross-exam, so he was free to say whatever he wanted without anyone calling him on it. Must be nice to get that bonus as a cop.

And to add to the absolute terrible job the DA did, to admit that he let people we knew to be lying is a crime:


Attorneys have a special duty as officers of the court. Not only are they barred from trying to influence a witness to lie under oath, they also must not call a witness whom they know or believe will lie under oath. And, once an attorney learns that a client or any witness intends to lie under oath, the attorney must inform the witness of the consequences of committing perjury and advise the witness not to do so.

Hmmm...once again, the DA set it up to allow a fellow cop to walk. Nice. Not like we haven't seen it a ton of times before. This is the same DA that doesn't prosecute cops that lied under oath when they killed a couple of black men. The DA called the black men bums. Total impartial DA for sure, not.


Dec 11, 2006
And, regardless of any of the "witness" testimony, the physical evidence - the stuff that doesn't lie, all points to it being a justifiable shooting. Why would he want to indict a man when all of the physical evidence supports his innocence? Anyone with a lukewarm IQ who has read about all of the physical evidence knows that there's no way in the world an honest jury would find him guilty of any crime.

Then they shouldn't even have tried to indict him. They generally don't go through all that bullshit if "anyone with a lukewarm IQ" who has more access to the physical evidence than all of us combined honestly felt no crime had been committed.

With everyone saying that the looting and shit would have gone down the exact same either way, I don't see that as a relevant reason, much less a reason to bastardize our legal system because of PR. IMHO either this case should have went to trial or no grand jury should have been called in the first place. If the prosecutor wanted an indictment he most certainly would have gotten one. He did not, so it was a dog and pony show from the start. Not sure about you but I'm not a big fan of dog and pony shows.

For the record, I've seen absolutely nothing that makes me believe the officer broke any laws or is guilty of anything and a lot that says the opposite. That does not, again imho, absolve the above. Either do your job and bring him to trial or don't (both parts being "his job") but leave the dog and pony show out of it.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
Part of the dog and pony show would have been "dictated" by Obama, Holder and the Feds.

They came down on the wrong side again.

Anything that the Feds would have started would have been rigged vs open.
This was able to nip anything in the bud and if the Feds then went forward, it would have shown pure political manipulation due to racial pressure.


May 15, 2000
Then they shouldn't even have tried to indict him. They generally don't go through all that bullshit if "anyone with a lukewarm IQ" who has more access to the physical evidence than all of us combined honestly felt no crime had been committed.

With everyone saying that the looting and shit would have gone down the exact same either way, I don't see that as a relevant reason, much less a reason to bastardize our legal system because of PR. IMHO either this case should have went to trial or no grand jury should have been called in the first place. If the prosecutor wanted an indictment he most certainly would have gotten one. He did not, so it was a dog and pony show from the start. Not sure about you but I'm not a big fan of dog and pony shows.

For the record, I've seen absolutely nothing that makes me believe the officer broke any laws or is guilty of anything and a lot that says the opposite. That does not, again imho, absolve the above. Either do your job and bring him to trial or don't (both parts being "his job") but leave the dog and pony show out of it.



May 15, 2000
Lol wut?

Part of the dog and pony show would have been "dictated" by Obama, Holder and the Feds.

They came down on the wrong side again.

Anything that the Feds would have started would have been rigged vs open.
This was able to nip anything in the bud and if the Feds then went forward, it would have shown pure political manipulation due to racial pressure.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Obama didnt control anything here, he just tried to capitalize on it so folks would ignore other, more serious issues.

But he didnt make it happen. Same as Zimmerman, and that black college professor the first week of his presidency.


Jan 31, 2010
Londo doesn't care..the white cop said it was a good shoot, so any other testimony is clearly 100% false. The black kid...I mean thug deserved it in his mind.

Actually I listened to a black man who didn't realize he was being recorded (Black Conseco video) just minutes after the incident describe what occurred. He confirmed that Brown turned and was coming back towards Wilson when he was shot. He described the shot volleys just as were later discovered/released in another recording. He also stated that Dorian ran by where he was so his story concerning what occurred was a lie. Then I looked at the autopsy which showed that media darlings did not see what they claimed. Finally I reviewed the police data of the scene that showed there were shell casings beyond Brown's body. All of this corroborates Wilson's story.

You on the other was sucked in by the media's false narrative yet again. Guess emotion is far stronger than intelligence/logic in your case.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Only if you are well connected. For the rest of us this is not how the legal system works. That is the problem. We have a plutocracy that decides, based on it's own agenda, who goes to trial and who doesn't.

We know that the average Grand Jury time is less than 2 minutes, and only evidence that supports the D.A. position is presented. If this had been treated like any other case we would be awaiting trial now.
Only if the DA thought Wilson should be tried, which he obviously didn't.

Then they shouldn't even have tried to indict him. They generally don't go through all that bullshit if "anyone with a lukewarm IQ" who has more access to the physical evidence than all of us combined honestly felt no crime had been committed.

With everyone saying that the looting and shit would have gone down the exact same either way, I don't see that as a relevant reason, much less a reason to bastardize our legal system because of PR. IMHO either this case should have went to trial or no grand jury should have been called in the first place. If the prosecutor wanted an indictment he most certainly would have gotten one. He did not, so it was a dog and pony show from the start. Not sure about you but I'm not a big fan of dog and pony shows.

For the record, I've seen absolutely nothing that makes me believe the officer broke any laws or is guilty of anything and a lot that says the opposite. That does not, again imho, absolve the above. Either do your job and bring him to trial or don't (both parts being "his job") but leave the dog and pony show out of it.
Lot of truth to this. We need a standard process for police shootings that is fair to both parties.

Obama didnt control anything here, he just tried to capitalize on it so folks would ignore other, more serious issues.

But he didnt make it happen. Same as Zimmerman, and that black college professor the first week of his presidency.
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