Witness 40: Exposing A Fraud In Ferguson

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Feb 15, 2002
What's the DA's record for prosecuting cops? You know it's greater than 50% right? For every instance you can skew into making the DA out to be racist or corrupt, there's many more than show he actually will throw the book at corrupt cops. But don't let that history alter your racist bias.

You keep trotting out the above, instead show us his record of GJ indictments against officers...I'll help you out...he's 0-5!


Oct 17, 2002
You keep trotting out the above, instead show us his record of GJ indictments against officers...I'll help you out...he's 0-5!

That's not true. He's like 21 for 33. Where did you get the 0-5 stat from? He's been the DA since like 1992. You think he's only seen 5 cases against cops? Think about it.
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Oct 17, 2002
With all due respect, understand that I'm at work... shouldn't be on here in the first place.

But in the few moments I have, I found this


McCulloch’s office has prosecuted at least 33 police officers or former police officers, according to a list provided by McCulloch’s executive assistant, Edward Magee. McCulloch has been prosecutor since 1991.

The 0-5 figure is most likely taken from cases involving shootings, in which he's 0-4 I believe. And those are all cases from North County. So yes, it's completely reasonable to believe that a cop might have been attacked or needed to shoot someone. Never been to North St. Louis? Stop by sometime.

However, if you focus on that statistic,(0-4), you can easily take the statistic out of context to suggest he favors cops. If you look at his record in totality and those cases, you can't say that at all. In fact, he's much more likely to come down hard on a cop than be easy.

Also, there's a lot of angry bums in St. Louis. White, black, w/e. I work in downtown, and I've nearly gotten into fist fights with angry bums before.

So yea, I could see him calling some shitty bums 'bums'. They were probably bums. St. Louis has a lot of them. Maybe his language was crude, but a spade is a spade.
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Feb 15, 2002
That's not true. He's like 21 for 33. Where did you get the 0-5 stat from? He's been the DA since like 1992. You think he's only seen 5 cases against cops? Think about it.

The 0-5 figure comes from him going to a GJ, not total prosecutions
against officers. He was 0-4 before this case, he's now 0-5. Since we are talking about GJ cases here in this thread, his GJ history with officers are the only stats relevant to the discussion.

I've been to St Louis many times, have a good friend that lives there. The place has always been crap for many decades.


Oct 17, 2002
The 0-5 figure comes from him going to a GJ, not total prosecutions
against officers. He was 0-4 before this case, he's now 0-5. Since we are talking about GJ cases here in this thread, his GJ history with officers are the only stats relevant to the discussion.

I've been to St Louis many times, have a good friend that lives there. The place has always been crap for many decades.

Well, anybody that has been to North St. Louis will be ok with the bum statement. It's true. Kind of a crude way to put it, but it's true. A bum is a bum. St. Louis has a lot of bums that are often drunk or just pissed off at the world.

Anyways, I think his entire history of prosecutions is relevant. Especially when the 0-5 figure is being trotted as evidence of him favoring police.

What I think he favors is the integrity of the concept of 'law enforcement'. Which is normal, and acceptable. I think if you're a cop who infringes on that integrity, he'll toss you under the bus as quick as anybody.

Also, keep in mind, his overall record is very important and relevant, simply because these are cases he moved forward on without needing to defer to a grand jury. His record, in regards to GJ, simply shows a record in which he was uncertain, and deferred to a grand jury. This means that while he is 0-5 in GJ situations, there's 33 other cases in which he was confident enough to attempt to prosecute. So the 0-5 number really skews the perception that he's corrupt, especially if you don't consider the 33 other times he didn't favor a cop at all and instead tried to prosecute them.

Lastly, I don't think this was really his call anyway. I think he had .Gov, .Pres, and .DOJ breathing down his neck so he handed it to a GJ so that the entire decision didn't rest on one white guy's shoulders.
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Feb 15, 2002
Well, anybody that has been to North St. Louis will be ok with the bum statement. It's true. Kind of a crude way to put it, but it's true. A bum is a bum. St. Louis has a lot of bums that are often drunk or just pissed off at the world.

Anyways, I think his entire history of prosecutions is relevant. Especially when the 0-5 figure is being trotted as evidence of him favoring police.

What I think he favors is the integrity of the concept of 'law enforcement'. Which is normal, and acceptable. I think if you're a cop who infringes on that integrity, he'll toss you under the bus as quick as anybody.

Also, keep in mind, his overall record is very important and relevant, simply because these are cases he moved forward on without needing to defer to a grand jury. His record, in regards to GJ, simply shows a record in which he was uncertain, and deferred to a grand jury. This means that while he is 0-5 in GJ situations, there's 33 other cases in which he was confident enough to attempt to prosecute. So the 0-5 number really skews the perception that he's corrupt, especially if you don't consider the 33 other times he didn't favor a cop at all and instead tried to prosecute them.

Lastly, I don't think this was really his call anyway. I think he had .Gov, .Pres, and .DOJ breathing down his neck so he handed it to a GJ so that the entire decision didn't rest on one white guy's shoulders.

It WAS totally his call, he just didn't want to be the "bad guy", he placed that burden to the GJ and made a sham of the GJ process. He was only looking out for his own ass.


Oct 17, 2002
It WAS totally his call, he just didn't want to be the "bad guy", he placed that burden to the GJ and made a sham of the GJ process. He was only looking out for his own ass.

I don't buy that. He was under a lot of national pressure. He was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

Step back, and imagine if he had just declined to indict Wilson outright. Ferguson would have exploded. As a resident of the area, I'm thankful he didn't do that. I'm also thankful that this didn't go to trial, which would have simply prolonged the riots and drama. This really was an open/shut case had the media not gotten involved and skewed the narrative. They simply handed this over to a GJ to hash out all of the available evidence, I think just to show that there's not nearly enough evidence to win a trial. If you can't win a trial, you don't prosecute the case. THAT is unethical. It's a county prosecutor's job to prosecute cases they can win, not chase cases they know they will lose.

He just doesn't have the track record to suggest foul play. You can take some specific stats out of context to frame up an argument, but those arguments fail entirely when presented along with all the stats. In fact, using stats, it's much easier to make the argument that had he thought he had a legit case, he would have pursued it aggressively. There wasn't a case, so it was not pursued.

The 'cop executed young unarmed black kid' narrative is nothing more than a fallacy. Remove that from the equation and this is just another out of control inner city man who didn't respect the law. As someone who is in downtown St. Louis daily, the city is full of these types. White or black.
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Feb 15, 2002
I don't buy that. He was under a lot of national pressure. He was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

Step back, and imagine if he had just declined to indict Wilson outright. Ferguson would have exploded. As a resident of the area, I'm thankful he didn't do that. I'm also thankful that this didn't go to trial, which would have simply prolonged the riots and drama. This really was an open/shut case had the media not gotten involved and skewed the narrative. They simply handed this over to a GJ to hash out all of the available evidence, I think just to show that there's not nearly enough evidence to win a trial. If you can't win a trial, you don't prosecute the case. THAT is unethical. It's a county prosecutor's job to prosecute cases they can win, not chase cases they know they will lose.

He just doesn't have the track record to suggest foul play. You can take some specific stats out of context to frame up an argument, but those arguments fail entirely when presented along with all the stats. In fact, using stats, it's much easier to make the argument that had he thought he had a legit case, he would have pursued it aggressively. There wasn't a case, so it was not pursued.

The 'cop executed young unarmed black kid' narrative is nothing more than a fallacy. Remove that from the equation and this is just another out of control inner city man who didn't respect the law. As someone who is in downtown St. Louis daily, the city is full of these types. White or black.

His father was an officer who was shot dead by a black person, you honestly don't think that causes him any bias at all?


Oct 17, 2002
His father was an officer who was shot dead by a black person, you honestly don't think that causes him any bias at all?

Almost everybody in the legal system has to divorce their bias from their job. So no. I wouldn't default to saying that situation would turn him into a racist or even give him a bias. Of course it could have been what drove him to be a prosecutor but his case history shows without doubt that he can and will prosecute anybody, white/black, etc. if he thinks they're a crook.

Everyone is human. Everyone uses their judgement. It's easy to scream bias, bigot, racist, etc. when you don't agree with someone's judgement because it's easier to disqualify their judgement outright than it is to argue the merits of it.

One of my best friends was shot in the face (and chest and neck) by a white cop. Trust me, I was completely ready to throw Wilson in front of the firing squad when the story first broke.

But I think people just aren't happy with the outcome because it doesn't fit the narrative they were emotionally invested in (like I was at first) and they are simply too invested into this narrative to abandon it, and instead are grasping at straws to justify their investment.

This is why I feel like those still arguing about this case (and not the merits of actual police oppression) are simply trying to reconcile reality to their perception. Trying to accuse McCullough of being a racist, etc. is just grasping for straws and it will go nowhere.

It's sad, and I'm totally for protesting against police violence, etc. But I also don't think, in anyway, that the Mike Brown shooting was the case to run with. Fuck Mike Brown and fuck people like him who think they can bully people, tell cops to fuck off, etc. Dude was a douche and his attitude got him killed.

PS: I've watched giant black men like Mike Brown get beat down by cops in St. Louis before. And all 3 times it was other black cops doing the beating. So once the truth came out about Mike Brown, his attitude, etc. it was pretty clear to me he was just another crazy 'thug' that thought he was invincible. Fuck that guy. Fuck that guy in particular.

PSS: What's sad, to me, is that I think had Wilson actually executed Brown in cold blood, and the facts been there to make a case of it, McCullough would have been the guy to prosecute it because he would have indicted him right away, and gone after him with a vengeance. I read some case overviews and it was clear that if McCullough thought you were a dirty cop, he came after you like a pitbull.
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Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2005
You should read more about Dorian Johnson and his history.. but you won't because you don't want to realize why he has zero credibility.

Since Londo won't, then why don't you explain why Wilson has total credibility, when he clearly and unequivocally changed his story? I mean lying and changing your story is bad right? Right? Certainly we have seen a lot of examples on this forum where police have been proven to have lied to cover themselves. So it isn't like cops lying is anything out f the realm of possibility.

Like I said, one person's story didn't change, and one did. And the one that did was the cop, and it was about a not insignificant point. Please explain your reasoning for his complete 180 on his story.

And Didn't Wilson come from another PD that was disbanded because of poor behavior?


Feb 6, 2002
Why not let GJs talk? This probable cause hearing was treated like an actual trial anyway but absent vetting of jurors.

Plaintiff in suit says McCollough "misrepresented" this case.


Jan 31, 2010
Since Londo won't, then why don't you explain why Wilson has total credibility, when he clearly and unequivocally changed his story? I mean lying and changing your story is bad right? Right? Certainly we have seen a lot of examples on this forum where police have been proven to have lied to cover themselves. So it isn't like cops lying is anything out f the realm of possibility.

Like I said, one person's story didn't change, and one did. And the one that did was the cop, and it was about a not insignificant point. Please explain your reasoning for his complete 180 on his story.

And Didn't Wilson come from another PD that was disbanded because of poor behavior?

Wilson's story is backed by the physical evidence, Dorian's story on the other hand was debunked by the physical evidence. Grand Jury decided "No Bill"..........No further charges will be filed by the Fed as the evidence doesn't show any federal laws were violated either. All your going round and round about the Prosecutor/Grand Jury Process will change nothing.........period...........End of story


May 24, 2004
His father was an officer who was shot dead by a black person, you honestly don't think that causes him any bias at all?

Oh oh oh, I know this!

He is so racist he saw his father's killer in Michael Brown because... skin color! Because all black people are one in the same! He must have felt that by allowing Wilson to get away with shooting dead Michael Brown, Wilson will, in appreciation, shoot dead the ghosts of his past and finally allow his father the peace he deserves in the afterlife. This stuff totally happens all the time in real life, not at all confined to the pages of movie scripts.

It really is a stretch of the imagination believing all black people are one in the same because of skin color, what a racist thing to believe in. Where could anyone have gotten that idea from?

hmmm, a lot of people need to be answering for that strong-arm robbery Michael Brown committed. That's who they say they are, to disagree would be racist. So I must agree they all are Mike Brown, the full package, both the good and the bad.
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May 24, 2004
Why not let GJs talk? This probable cause hearing was treated like an actual trial anyway but absent vetting of jurors.

Plaintiff in suit says McCollough "misrepresented" this case.

Funny thing, the power to declare what the case is or is not was given to the jurors. They declared. Now one is pissed off and instead of blaming those who declared, is blaming the new populist target the mob is angry with. Why? $$ I $$ do $$ not $$ know $$ what $$ could $$ motivate $$ such $$ a $$ person $$ . $$
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May 24, 2004
You keep trotting out the above, instead show us his record of GJ indictments against officers...I'll help you out...he's 0-5!

Please do tell me in your opinion, which of the first 4 grand jury proceedings he prosecuted resulted in the grand jury making the wrong decision? And why?

I hope we can agree that not all cases brought into the court systems are against guilty defendants. Some are innocent.

So, you're bringing in these stats for a reason. You are making the connection that of these 5 cases, some should have been indicted, hence that none were, the prosecutor is not doing his job properly. Instead of suggesting fault by vague references to statistics, of the first 4 cases which of them do you believe the defendant should have been indicted, and what specifically do you think was done maliciously by the prosecutor?

Please provide something of actual substance to back up your argument. TechboyJK did his job in arguing that when there is sufficient evidence of guilt to convict, he skips the grand jury, goes right to court, and has a good record of guilty verdicts. It's up to you to put some substance behind the words you type.
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Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
Oh oh oh, I know this!

He is so racist he saw his father's killer in Michael Brown because... skin color! Because all black people are one in the same! He must have felt that by allowing Wilson to get away with shooting dead Michael Brown, Wilson will, in appreciation, shoot dead the ghosts of his past and finally allow his father the peace he deserves in the afterlife. This stuff totally happens all the time in real life, not at all confined to the pages of movie scripts.

It really is a stretch of the imagination believing all black people are one in the same because of skin color, what a racist thing to believe in. Where could anyone have gotten that idea from?

hmmm, a lot of people need to be answering for that strong-arm robbery Michael Brown committed. That's who they say they are, to disagree would be racist. So I must agree they all are Mike Brown, the full package, both the good and the bad.
I see these people wearing those shirts continue to excuse Mike Brown for any role he played in his own death. If they were in school they'd be treated for a learning disability.


Oct 17, 2002
Since Londo won't, then why don't you explain why Wilson has total credibility, when he clearly and unequivocally changed his story? I mean lying and changing your story is bad right? Right? Certainly we have seen a lot of examples on this forum where police have been proven to have lied to cover themselves. So it isn't like cops lying is anything out f the realm of possibility.

Like I said, one person's story didn't change, and one did. And the one that did was the cop, and it was about a not insignificant point. Please explain your reasoning for his complete 180 on his story.

And Didn't Wilson come from another PD that was disbanded because of poor behavior?

1) I grew up in St. Louis so a cop shooting down a crazed thug doesn't make me bat an eye. It sounds like a Friday afternoon. People that aren't familiar with how bad St. Louis is don't seem to understand this. There is a terrible culture of 'inner city thugs' that disrespect everyone. I'm going to call a spade a spade. Mike Brown was a shitty person. He was a thug. He didn't respect the law and thought he could bully people around. A spade is a spade. This dude had it coming and he fucked with the wrong cop.

2) Wilson coming from a PD that was disbanded says nothing about his credibility. If I work for Home Depot as a cashier, and corporate shuts down the store because it sucks, does that make me a bad worker? Or just a cog in the machine? If I was that shitty of a cashier, don't you think they'd fire me if I was the issue? No. So if the entire police force is disbanded, and Wilson doesn't have a record, it's a really tough sell to suggest he was a crooked cop due to this. In fact, it hurts your credibility to make the suggestion because it makes it clear you are fishing.

3) Evidence. Wilson's story didn't change that dramatically and not enough to conflict with evidence. You know people in traumatic situations can have trouble remembering things, right? Of course stories might change, especially over time.

A prosecutor saw all the evidence and didn't want to indict. A GJ saw all of the evidence and as a group, didn't indict.

Like I said, it's pretty clear you're emotionally invested into the false narrative spun by the media, and you're holding onto it so you don't have to admit you were gullible. It's ok. I've been there, and probably will make the same mistake dozens of times in my future life. Just know.. it's obvious to us that's what your deal is.
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Oct 17, 2002
TechboyJK did his job in arguing that when there is sufficient evidence of guilt to convict, he skips the grand jury, goes right to court, and has a good record of guilty verdicts. It's up to you to put some substance behind the words you type.

Thanks, that's exactly the point I was trying to make.

If you want to look at stats, they actually suggest, rather clearly, that if McCullough thinks the cop is corrupt, a criminal, or broke the law, he goes after them. To suggest otherwise is to ignore statistics. Kind of like saying Pujols probably wouldn't hit a home run in the world series even though his statistics say it's likely. And people were surprised when he hit 3 Hr's in a row in game 6. You really had to have your head in the sand to be surprised.


Feb 6, 2002
Wilson's story is backed by the physical evidence, Dorian's story on the other hand was debunked by the physical evidence. Grand Jury decided "No Bill"..........No further charges will be filed by the Fed as the evidence doesn't show any federal laws were violated either. All your going round and round about the Prosecutor/Grand Jury Process will change nothing.........period...........End of story

None of the physical evidence proved Brown's hands were not up.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
None of the physical evidence proved Brown's hands were not up.

What did the autopsy report state on the wounds to the arms?

You are fishing just like was done with the Zimmerman issue.
You want the assailant to be guilty and grab at anything that is not recorded


Feb 15, 2002
Please do tell me in your opinion, which of the first 4 grand jury proceedings he prosecuted resulted in the grand jury making the wrong decision? And why?

I hope we can agree that not all cases brought into the court systems are against guilty defendants. Some are innocent.

So, you're bringing in these stats for a reason. You are making the connection that of these 5 cases, some should have been indicted, hence that none were, the prosecutor is not doing his job properly. Instead of suggesting fault by vague references to statistics, of the first 4 cases which of them do you believe the defendant should have been indicted, and what specifically do you think was done maliciously by the prosecutor?

Please provide something of actual substance to back up your argument. TechboyJK did his job in arguing that when there is sufficient evidence of guilt to convict, he skips the grand jury, goes right to court, and has a good record of guilty verdicts. It's up to you to put some substance behind the words you type.

The case that the two un-armed black men that were shot in their car by police. The case has been posted by others here in other threads.



Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
The case that the two un-armed black men that were shot in their car by police. The case has been posted by others here in other threads.


A subsequent federal investigation showed that the men were unarmed and that their car had not moved forward when the officers fired 21 shots and killed the suspects, Earl Murray and Ronald Beasley. The probe, however, also concluded that because the officers feared for their safety, the shootings were justified.

Feds investigated also and stated that the shootings were justified.

Little tidbit that you overlooked :hmm:


Oct 17, 2002
None of the physical evidence proved Brown's hands were not up.

I could say the same thing about his arms flailing around or making gang signs or signalling that the runner should advance to 3rd or that he was doing sign language....

However, you have to really be fishing hardcore to look at the autopsy reports and conclude Brown's dumbass was not charging the cop. You have to have some dense goggles on to ignore the writing on the wall. Dude was charging a cop like a football player.
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