Wolfenstein new order really a lot fun.

May 11, 2008
It seems i have no luck at all with steam applications.

All the dvd based games i bought before install and run fine.
But this is the second game i bought through steam that does not seem to work right away.

Wolfenstein new order also has issues.
Is windows 10 really that bad for gaming. I do not understand what is going wrong.
I just do not get it.
If i cannot get this game to run , i will refund it as well and i will never buy a downloadable steam game again.
I am better of buying the disc.
May 11, 2008
Well, after 2 windows restarts and 2 steam updates it suddenly works.

I get the impression that the steam account needs to be updated with a white list of games that a user is allowed to play based on what games they own.
When i start wolfenstein new order directly from the steamaps folder, steam is also executed.
May 11, 2008
For any interested.
I had some screen tearing at 1920*1080p.
I have not noticed it anymore after enabling triple buffering for opengl in the radeon crimson settings in the game customization .
the game is fixed at 60fps because the physics simulation needs a stable timing.
May 11, 2008
It needs a lot of harddrive space, the game is 40GB. But it is a lot of fun. I noticed i am having most fun with the "I Am Death Incarnate" level. Although sometimes i did drop down to bring em on.
I have just encountered the huge robots and it is a puzzle finding out how to take them down. But is fun.

I played the game return to castle wolfenstein before and liked the supernatural story combined with the cyborg technology the enemies have.
I read about wolfenstein:no in the past but did not have at the time a videocard powerful enough to play it.
I hope i can find the 2007 game Wolfenstein someday. Seems to be a good game with a story as well.

The only let down of wolfenstein:no is the obvious missing of anisotropic filtering.
I tried to enable with keybindings and settings and even tried it by letting the gpu driver take control of the anisotropic filtering but i did not see any differences.
The cut movies in between the story look good.
And the difficulty level remains funny.

Reactions: richierich1212
May 11, 2008
Sigh... I have the infamous Eisenwald prison crash. It seems that that issue has never been patched by the publisher. Lot of people have the same issue even to this day.

I could get past the initial man on the roof with all settings low and lower resolution.
But now i am inside the building and having the same issue again.
It seems that the game is crashing the gpu driver for some reason.
I cannot access the radeon settings any more.
Maybe after are restart...
Last edited:
May 11, 2008
Well, i figured it out. It is the damn chains that cause most of the crashes and everything shining metallic and flashing. And i did a search on the steam community and other people have come to the same conclusion.
Unfortunately, the whole prison is riddled with chains that need to be cut. I have come a lot further trying to get through from checkpoint to checkpoint.
I did notice that the chains have a tendency to be stuck half into other objects. There must be going something wrong with that somehow.


Senior member
Jul 15, 2009
You talking to your self ?
Btw, never had a single problem with steam games not being able to run .... its your pc ...


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2002
I really enjoyed the game - enough to play it through three or so times. Old Blood less so, but still enjoyable from a 'stupid shooter' perspective.

I don't recall any specific technical issues.


Jan 8, 2010
I had all kinds of hiccups. I uninstalled it hoping whatever the issue was would get patched out eventually. Haven't picked it back up.
May 11, 2008
You talking to your self ?
Btw, never had a single problem with steam games not being able to run .... its your pc ...

I have all the half life 2 games and episodes. Work perfectly. Doom 2016 only crashed once but runs very fast with max settings at 1920*1080p. I should note that non of the disc based games i already owned and tried with my current pc have stutter, bad performance or artefacts. Nor do the steam installed games i already owned which i initially bought as disc. It is how i am used to it. Flawless gaming, all programs generally run without an issue.. But crysis is another matter. The game engine crytek2 itself is not the issue because it never crashed. It is the badly patched no disc loader that causes the problems.
While crysis did run for a moment i had at least 60fps constantly at 1920*1080p at high settings and some ultra. But the game would not start at first and after applying a bandaid patch and a little gameing no longer would start afterwards the next day. Which many people seem to have when reading about it on the steam community.

For wolfenstein the new order, it did not run at the beginning until after 2 restarts. But afterwards it would run, without graphic artefacts, stuttering or tearing while on 1920*1080p and at high settings. And runs great. the steam fps counter is always at 60fps with minor dips a few times to 44 fps.
Meanwhile, in chapter Eisenheim prison i get exactly the same issues as many people on the steam community.

All i can say is that you live in a closed box. If it did not happened to you, it does not exist. Kind of simple minded.

I really enjoyed the game - enough to play it through three or so times. Old Blood less so, but still enjoyable from a 'stupid shooter' perspective.

I don't recall any specific technical issues.

I have come further now in the Eisenheim prison chapter with relentless trying. Constantly trying to get through the issues with the flashing chains. I am now in the water scene that constantly crashes and with a bit of luck, i will get through this level. Afterwards, according to many people on steam... The game runs fine again. I really want to play it. Because i like the story and all the cyborg and robotics. I do not think that in this game there are supernatural elements but so far it is fun to play.

I had all kinds of hiccups. I uninstalled it hoping whatever the issue was would get patched out eventually. Haven't picked it back up.
The Eisenheim prison section seems notorious.
Last edited:
May 11, 2008
Yahoo. After trying again and again, i made it through chapter 4 and chapter 5(chapter 5 did run fine). Indeed the best way is to keep looking down and only look up th the chain and use the torch on the chains. Never move sideways with the mouse or cursors with the chains being close to the field of view..
I am now at chapter 6. All should be hopefully well by now.
I have now set all image quality options back on to high. Triple buffering back on in radeon settings and from 1280*720 to 1920*1080.
And i have turned off compatibility mode with win7 off to default win10-64 behavior.

Lot of chapters to go :

Warning spoilers below when clicked !


Oct 9, 1999
I played through the beginning of the game again a few weeks ago. Didn't have any crashes or performance problems. It must have been the Radeon graphics drivers causing you problems. Not surprising considering this is an OpenGL game.
May 11, 2008
I played through the beginning of the game again a few weeks ago. Didn't have any crashes or performance problems. It must have been the Radeon graphics drivers causing you problems. Not surprising considering this is an OpenGL game.

Could be. I do not know. The game did run fine before in chapter 1,2 and 3 and runs fine again since chapter 5 and i am now at chapter 6 without issues so far. It is only in chapter 4 when the chains come into the visual field that this problem occurs. (almost only the chains, one time something on the table in a room as well).

My radeon settings program sometimes crashes when the game freezes(chapter 4 only) and crashes but i have no black screen for a moment or anything visual to indicate that the gpu or the driver restarted.
The game freezes and then i return to the desktop or i have to kill the wolfenstein:no process in the task manager. And after sometimes 1 or more crashes, the radeon settings program becomes unresponsive when i click on it. I just see the border of the window but nothing more in it except a white space.

Yesterday i became a member of the AMD community and explained the whole problem in detail on the forum section for drivers and software.
Maybe AMD will do something about it. I hope so.
I cannot hope for Machinegames or Bethesda to fix it.
May 11, 2008
It crashes again.
I just installed another game from disc that i still have to play and that game runs fine.
I am seriously considering going to refund this game as well. If in the future a driver update comes that specifically targets this game i might try it again.
For now, i still have clive barkers jericho to finish and a game called condemned. both which i bought as disc.

After having another look, it was another chain.
Last edited:


Dec 15, 2015
It crashes again.
I just installed another game from disc that i still have to play and that game runs fine.
I am seriously considering going to refund this game as well. If in the future a driver update comes that specifically targets this game i might try it again.
For now, i still have clive barkers jericho to finish and a game called condemned. both which i bought as disc.

After having another look, it was another chain.
Sounds more like you're having a hardware/driver issue than the game. W:NO isn't some crash-prone buggy garbage fire, runs fine on my rig (which has changed a few times since I got the game).
May 11, 2008
Sounds more like you're having a hardware/driver issue than the game. W:NO isn't some crash-prone buggy garbage fire, runs fine on my rig (which has changed a few times since I got the game).

It must be some communication between the driver and the game.
I have been looking around the changelogs for the different driver versions from AMD and there was one driver version that mentioned to have know issues for wolfenstein the old blood.
I have not seen in the changelogs of the newer drivers that this was fixed. But i could have missed a few. Changelogs loading from the amd website is terribly slow.

In windows 7 compatibility mode the crashes take a lot longer to occur when compared running the game as native W10-64 application.
W:NO creates a log file while running called qconsole.log.
I checked the qconsole.log and compared it when the game exits correctly.
When the game crashes because a chain is visible, this is the last entry in the qconsole.log :
WARNING: idJointBuffer::MapBuffer: failed

This is the end of the log file when the game exits correctly :

Purging Overlays
renderMode == RENDER_MODE_SYNC
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
renderMode == RENDER_MODE_SYNC
Final pXAudio2 performanceData: Voices: 0/0 CPU: 0.00% Mem: 173kb
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem

Over the years, i have went back and forth from amd to nvidia and to amd again.
If this is the trend for all games, then how great gcn might be, for my next big upgrade, my gpu purchase might become an Nvidia card again.
But for now i will wait for some time in the hope that a new driver update will appear that will fix these issues.

Forgot to mention that i have an 8GB RX480.
May 11, 2008

I think it is some c++ class for opengl functions but i have no idea to be honest.
May 11, 2008
Check event viewer and see if there is anything driver related in there.

Good tip. Through all the fuzz i forget to the most obvious things first.

I checked the logs and system log has a failure that amdkmdap has crashed and restarted.
application log comes before that with that WolfNewOrder_x64.exe crashed and after the driver restart, RadeonSettings.exe stops responding.
Path to module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\c0313824.inf_amd64_cff8240637965d03\atidxx64.dll

This has been going on and started around the time i got in wolfenstein new order in chapter 4 with the chains.

I have to translate it because unfortunately i once bought a dutch windows 7, and my later new installed windows 10 with the windows 7 product key still is dutch.
I hope it makes sense what i try to translate back to English.
May 11, 2008
Well, i decided to completely uinstall the amd programs and drivers for the videocard.
Downloaded the complete 17.5.1 install from the amd website. Re-installed everything.
Checked the logs. I did notice that an error i had before , a sidebyside loading issue for 'c:\program files\amd\cim\bin64\SetACL64.exe' is gone.
But when i loaded up the game and looked at the chain again, after about 8 seconds, the game crashes and hangs. But this time without the gpu driver crashing according to the event logs.

The previous times i entered this in the game console : com_enableCrashHandler 1
This time the qconsole log mentions a lot more revealing :

CrashHandler: Storing data and writing local report.
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
Callstack Function(desc) Line Bytes File Process Address

--------------------------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x6d56e442 ?

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x00000002 ?

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x10cf3670 ?

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x3f4ccccd ?

Register Info


EDI: 0x0000000000000000 ESI: 0x0000000000000020 EAX: 0x0000000000000000

EBX: 0x0000000000000000 ECX: 0x00000000113BBDF0 EDX: 0x0000000000000001

EIP: 0x000000006D56E442 EBP: 0x00000000114398C0 SegCs: 0x0000000000000033

EFlags: 0x0000000000010246 ESP: 0x000000000715B360 SegSs: 0x000000000000002B

Exception Info


ExpCode: 0xC0000005 (Access Violation)

ExpFlags: 0

ExpAddress: 0x000000006D56E442

Build & Runtime Info


User: William

Version: 1.1683.12274

File Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\WolfNewOrder_x64.exe

System Time: 5/17/2017 20:10:52

Build String: 1.1683.12274

VT File Path:

VMTR Override: generated/pagefiles

Launch Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\WolfNewOrder_x64.exe" +set com_skipIntroVideo 1

Memory Info


In Use: 48%

MB Physical RAM: 8149

MB Physical Free: 4200

MB Paging File: 9429

MB Paging Free: 3572

MB User Address: 134217728

MB User Free: 134213587

CPU Info


Num Packages: 1

Num Cores: 2

Num Logical: 4

CPU ID: Generic

CPU MHz: 3700

I tried my best. This game is meant to not be played on AMD.
I omitted the rest of the log text before the crash handler. But i can still post if interested.

Well might as well post it.

log file 'qconsole.log' opened on Wed May 17 20:09:04 2017

1 CPU package, 2 physical cores, 4 logical cores
3700 MHz AMD CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & SSSE3 & SSE41 & SSE42 & AVX & HTT
65536 kB 1st level cache, 2097152 kB 2nd level cache, 0 kB 3rd level cache
8144 MB System Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: {9BFABFE3-1805-48C7-9FB3-AC1F2690B9B5} Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller #2 - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
Found interface: {3CA95103-5266-440C-9B9E-CA2102E5B372} VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 #2 - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
Found interface: {1532EF4B-8324-42E9-8083-8E3D080A4E36} VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 #2 - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
Executing default.cfg for device #0...
execing joystick.cfg
Executing default.cfg for device #1...
execing joystick.cfg
Executing default.cfg for device #2...
execing joystick.cfg
Executing default.cfg for device #3...
execing joystick.cfg
idLib::SetProduction( PROD_PRODUCTION )
OpenDLCFileHandles: 0 packages mounted.
couldn't exec C:\Program
couldn't exec package.cfg
"?" isn't a valid key
Command line is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\WolfNewOrder_x64.exe" +set com_skipIntroVideo 1
providerName: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
driverDesc: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics
found AMD driver (limit:
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
---registered window class
---registered fake window class
---registered context window class
GetWGLExtensionsWithFakeWindow: OpenGL Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
GetWGLExtensionsWithFakeWindow: OpenGL Renderer: "Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics"
GetWGLExtensionsWithFakeWindow: OpenGL version: "4.5.13474 Compatibility Profile Context"
---using WGL_EXT_swap_control
X..WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear not found
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Assuming pre-checked Graphics Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
CreateOpenGLContextOnDC: Using gl version 3.2
created OpenGL 3.2 context
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Actually got context with Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Assuming pre-checked Graphics Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
CreateOpenGLContextOnDC: Using gl version 3.2
created OpenGL 3.2 context
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Actually got context with Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
----- GL_Init -----
OpenGL version 3.2
GL_AMDX_debug_output GL_AMD_blend_minmax_factor
GL_AMD_conservative_depth GL_AMD_debug_output
GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend
GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions GL_AMD_gcn_shader
GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float2
GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int64 GL_AMD_interleaved_elements
GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_name_gen_delete
GL_AMD_occlusion_query_event GL_AMD_performance_monitor
GL_AMD_pinned_memory GL_AMD_query_buffer_object
GL_AMD_sample_positions GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
GL_AMD_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export
GL_AMD_shader_stencil_value_export GL_AMD_shader_trace
GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_AMD_sparse_texture
GL_AMD_sparse_texture_pool GL_AMD_stencil_operation_extended
GL_AMD_texture_cube_map_array GL_AMD_texture_texture4
GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index
GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility
GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays
GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_bindless_texture
GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage
GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture
GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage
GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted
GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_buffer
GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance
GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float
GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture
GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access
GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend
GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_indirect
GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts
GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location
GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport
GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow
GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments
GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary
GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gl_spirv
GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex
GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_indirect_parameters
GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query
GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect
GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture
GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2
GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite
GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex
GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior
GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects
GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters
GL_ARB_shader_ballot GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding
GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote
GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size
GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision
GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples
GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100
GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing
GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient
GL_ARB_sparse_buffer GL_ARB_sparse_texture
GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync
GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier
GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object
GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range
GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc
GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add
GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar
GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float
GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge
GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels
GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui
GL_ARB_texture_snorm GL_ARB_texture_stencil8
GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample
GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view
GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2
GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced
GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra
GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit
GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader
GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev

GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap
GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_separate_stencil
GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3
GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once
GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra
GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color
GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate
GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract
GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_buffer
GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test
GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2
GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4
GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4
GL_EXT_histogram GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float
GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object
GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp
GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal
GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix
GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texgen_reflection
GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array
GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc
GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add
GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3
GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer
GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object
GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent
GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_EXT_texture_storage
GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query
GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array
GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit
GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering
GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug
GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness
GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square
GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color
GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float
GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_float_buffer
GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_primitive_restart
GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier
GL_OES_EGL_image GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint
X..GL_AMD_multi_texsubimage not found
---using GL_ARB_texture_multisample
---using GL_ARB_texture_compression
---using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
---using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
---using GL_EXT_direct_state_access
---using GL_ARB_sampler_objects
---using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
---using GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
---using GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
---using GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
---using GL_ARB_vertex_program
---using GL_ARB_get_program_binary
---using GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object
---using GL_ARB_occlusion_query
---using GL_EXT_timer_query
---using GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
---using GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
---using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
---using GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object
---using GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test
---using GL_ARB_sync
---using GL_ARB_debug_output
Free vram: 192.90MiB
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Assuming pre-checked Graphics Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
CreateOpenGLContextOnDC: Using gl version 3.2
created OpenGL 3.2 context
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Actually got context with Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
ShowGameWindow: (0, 0) 1920 x 1080, full screen
OpenCachedPagesFile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\_vmtr.pages
21 pages locked in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\_vmtr.pages
0.0 seconds for FinishFeedback()
total : 1024
locked : 6
current: 6
free : 1018
100 % empty hash table entries
100 % pages 0 steps down the hash chain
0 % pages 1 step down the hash chain
0 % pages 2 steps down the hash chain
0 % pages > 2 steps down the hash chain
0.0 seconds to load and lock 21 pages
S 4096 4096 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 65536k _physicalvmtrpages1
S 4096 4096 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 65536k _physicalvmtrpages0
S 4096 4096 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 65536k _physicalvmtrpages2
S 128 128 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 64k _physicaluniquepages1
S 128 128 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 64k _physicaluniquepages0
S 128 128 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 64k _physicaluniquepages2
S 128 128 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 64k _physicaluniquediffuseonlypages1
S 128 128 1 linr RGBA8 clmp 64k _physicaluniquediffuseonly2pages1

virtual texture 1:
S 2048 2048 12 nmn RG clmp 10922k _vmtrpagetable
pool: VMTR
Page file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\_vmtr.pages
header.magic: 0x77339904
header.pagesWide: 2048
header.numLevels: 12
header.layoutVersion: 0
header.diskOffsetScale: 2
Pages resident per level: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1
Pages resident: 6
Pages locked: 6
10.7 total megs of page table images
Resetting cheat cvar: com_skipIntroVideo
----- Initializing Sound System ------
0: Luidsprekers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 48000 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Default Console Device, Multimedia Device, Communications Device, and Game Device
1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 48000 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Using device 0
sound system initialized.
----- Initializing Decls -----
124 types, 0 declSource in 0 ms
Initializing class hierarchy
Reading strings/english.lang as UTF-8
7154 strings read

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
Loading named resource block: "init"
0.0 seconds to read 2579k table header
Resources skipped by layer tests: 0
Load 877 resources using 872 of 15069 total resource files, 0 streamed
--------- EndBackgroundLoads() ----------
IO: 0 seeks, 23 reads, 2MB, 41.9MB/s
Read sleep msec: 0
Decompress sleep msec: 0
Foreground sleep msec: 1
Decompress work msec: 12
Ringbuf: freeWait 0/0, dataWait 22/17
Total msec: 49
0.1 seconds to preload resources
Start time of bink logo video in ms: 3855
Loading named resource block: "common"
Couldn't create FileCacheHeader.bin
0.0 seconds to read 2579k table header
Resources skipped by layer tests: 0
Load 11168 resources using 14023 of 15069 total resource files, 0 streamed
--------- EndBackgroundLoads() ----------
IO: 1 seeks, 948 reads, 62MB, 42.1MB/s
Read sleep msec: 0
Decompress sleep msec: 0
Foreground sleep msec: 2
Decompress work msec: 540
Ringbuf: freeWait 8576/276, dataWait 692/817
Total msec: 13805
13.9 seconds to preload resources
WARNING: idRenderSystemLocal::FreeBinkVideo: BinkRequestStopAsyncThread/BinkWaitStopAsyncThread failed
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _globalshadowsimage missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _oceanframeatlas0 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _radiositypreview missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _ssrmap missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _frontdiffuse missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _automapfog missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _savedgamethumb missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic0 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced

LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic1 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic2 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic3 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
------- Initializing renderSystem media --------
WARNING: couldn't read production file for decl 'generated/decls/material/lights/solidwhite.decl' while loading material lights/solidWhite
renderSystem initialized.
WARNING: Sources are different than the amount of difficulties might get unwanted results
Num args: 0
EnumerateDownloadableContent: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\dlc
OpenDLCFileHandles: 0 packages mounted.
------------- Warnings ---------------
during Wolfenstein The New Order initialization...
WARNING: idRenderSystemLocal::FreeBinkVideo: BinkRequestStopAsyncThread/BinkWaitStopAsyncThread failed
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _globalshadowsimage missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _oceanframeatlas0 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _radiositypreview missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _ssrmap missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _frontdiffuse missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _automapfog missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _savedgamethumb missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic0 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic1 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic2 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock _gamerpic3 missing from idResourceManagerLocal::Init2 but referenced
WARNING: couldn't read production file for decl 'generated/decls/material/lights/solidwhite.decl' while loading material lights/solidWhite
WARNING: Sources are different than the amount of difficulties might get unwanted results
14 warnings
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Assuming pre-checked Graphics Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
CreateOpenGLContextOnDC: Using gl version 3.2
created OpenGL 3.2 context
CreateOpenGLContextForCurrentThread: Actually got context with Vendor: "ATI Technologies Inc."
renderMode == RENDER_MODE_SYNC
Final pXAudio2 performanceData: Voices: 0/0 CPU: 0.00% Mem: 53kb
---------- ResetMapHeap ----------
Global heap: 267692 blocks 471.28mb data 4426kb overhead
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0xfd436000 (8148.21MiB) dwTotalPhys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0x5cb08000 (5579.03MiB) dwAvailPhys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0xa092e000 (2569.18MiB) used phys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0x6ff70000 (1791.44MiB) used virtual
----- Initializing Sound System ------
0: Luidsprekers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 48000 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Default Console Device, Multimedia Device, Communications Device, and Game Device
1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 48000 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Using device 0
sound system initialized.
idCommonLocal::ResetMapHeap done
--------- Initializing Game ----------
gameFlags: 1
initialMap: 0
next map checkpoint: 0
use loading screen: 0
use video: 1
transitional: 0
currentCheckpointSlot: -1
Deactive layers: --- Active layers:
numPlayers: 1
gamedate: Jun 18 2014
game initialized.
: 0 mapstart0.dat
: 1 checkpoint0.dat
: 2 mapstart1.dat
: 3 checkpoint1.dat
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing 360_0.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
----------- LoadMap() ------------
---------- idRenderWorldLocal::SpecificationComplete ----------
AllocGame took 0.5080 seconds.
WARNING: swap-tear vsync turned off because the swap-tear extension is not available!
requiredSizeSavesBytes: 0
requiredSizeProfileBytes: 0
requiredSizeBytes: 0
Purging Overlays
renderMode == RENDER_MODE_SYNC
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing 360_0.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
----------- Initing Savegame List -----------
Latest savegame found:
Map: game/wolf/c06/c06p1
Date: 5/17/2017 7:19:51pm
Difficulty: 2 (#str_difficulty_desc2)
Playtime: 0:00:00
execing 360_0.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
256 pages locked in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\_vmtr.pages
0.1 seconds for FinishFeedback()
total : 1024
locked : 86
current: 86
free : 938
96 % empty hash table entries
97 % pages 0 steps down the hash chain
3 % pages 1 step down the hash chain
0 % pages 2 steps down the hash chain
0 % pages > 2 steps down the hash chain
0.1 seconds to load and lock 256 pages
ShowGameWindow: (0, 0) 1920 x 1080, full screen
: 0 mapstart0.dat
: 1 checkpoint0.dat
: 2 mapstart1.dat
: 3 checkpoint1.dat
EnumerateDownloadableContent: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\dlc
OpenDLCFileHandles: 0 packages mounted.
Opening IP socket: localhost:27016
Loading checkpoint file -1...
idSessionLocal::LoadGameCheckContainer: game/wolf/c06/c06p1 is installed
SendMembersToLobby 2: Not host of TYPE_PARTY
ExecuteMapChange: game/wolf/c06/c06p1 a: layer/tungsten/timeline/wyatt,layer/tungsten/nextgen d:
Modified CVars:
Cvar 'g_useSavegameDifficulty' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'g_fov' was modified to '90'
Cvar 'com_pid' was modified to '1572'
Cvar 's_muteMusic' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'vt_filter' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'vt_uncompressedPhysicalImages' was modified to '1' archived
Cvar 'r_gamma' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'r_swapInterval' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'r_firstPersonModelsLast' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'r_postProcessDofMode' was modified to '0'
Cvar 'r_sb_imageSize' was modified to '2048'
Cvar 'r_skipHazeFlare' was modified to '0'
Cvar 'r_screenSpaceReflections' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'r_skipAmbientOcclusion' was modified to '1'
Cvar 'in_joystick' was modified to '0' archived
Cvar 'bindset' was modified to '0'
Cvar 'si_nextlayeractive' was modified to ''
Cvar 'si_spawnspot' was modified to 'gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace'
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
renderMode == RENDER_MODE_SYNC
renderMode == RENDER_MODE_SYNC
Final pXAudio2 performanceData: Voices: 0/0 CPU: 0.00% Mem: 166kb
---------- ResetMapHeap ----------
Global heap: 269004 blocks 491.04mb data 4449kb overhead
Map heap : 1145 blocks 47.41mb data 18kb overhead
Calling VirtualProtect on map heap
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0xfd436000 (8148.21MiB) dwTotalPhys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0x56d9c000 (5485.61MiB) dwAvailPhys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0xa669a000 (2662.60MiB) used phys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 0x79263000 (1938.39MiB) used virtual
----- Initializing Sound System ------
0: Luidsprekers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 48000 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Default Console Device, Multimedia Device, Communications Device, and Game Device
1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
2 channels, 48000 Hz
Front Left and Front Right
Using device 0
sound system initialized.
idCommonLocal::ResetMapHeap done
idLoadScreen::LaunchLoadScreen( "" )
OpenCachedPagesFile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\chunk7_vmtr.pages
Loading named resource block: "game/wolf/c06/c06p1"
0.0 seconds to read 3419k table header
Resources skipped by layer tests: 6
Load 14197 resources using 14464 of 16528 total resource files, 1 streamed
Animweb compositing for 'ai/tungsten/composite/c06/p1' took 16.4930 milliseconds.
Animweb compositing for 'ai/tungsten/panzerhund2/composite/c06/p1' took 0.4130 milliseconds.
Animweb compositing for 'ai/tungsten/robot/composite/c06/p1' took 0.3520 milliseconds.
NOTE: MD6 mesh overload: characters/robot/guardrobot.md6 inherit characters/robot/base.md6 and both has a non-base mesh (md6/models/characters/robot/guardrobot.md6mesh, md6/models/characters/robot/robot_base.md6mesh)
--------- EndBackgroundLoads() ----------
IO: 1 seeks, 1788 reads, 117MB, 41.4MB/s
Read sleep msec: 0
Decompress sleep msec: 0
Foreground sleep msec: 0
Decompress work msec: 892
Ringbuf: freeWait 6290/184, dataWait 739/679
Total msec: 10095
OpenCachedPagesFile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\c06p1.pages
10.3 seconds to preload resources
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock chunk12_vmtr_vmtr missing from game/wolf/c06/c06p1 but referenced
WARNING: Couldn't load image: chunk12_vmtr_vmtr while loading image chunk12_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: Image source file load failed for idImage 'chunk12_vmtr_vmtr'. while loading image chunk12_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock chunk13_vmtr_vmtr missing from game/wolf/c06/c06p1 but referenced
WARNING: Couldn't load image: chunk13_vmtr_vmtr while loading image chunk13_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: Image source file load failed for idImage 'chunk13_vmtr_vmtr'.

while loading image chunk13_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock chunk11_vmtr_vmtr missing from game/wolf/c06/c06p1 but referenced
WARNING: Couldn't load image: chunk11_vmtr_vmtr while loading image chunk11_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: Image source file load failed for idImage 'chunk11_vmtr_vmtr'. while loading image chunk11_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock chunk8_vmtr_vmtr missing from game/wolf/c06/c06p1 but referenced
WARNING: Couldn't load image: chunk8_vmtr_vmtr while loading image chunk8_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: Image source file load failed for idImage 'chunk8_vmtr_vmtr'. while loading image chunk8_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: LoadNamedResourceBlock chunk9_vmtr_vmtr missing from game/wolf/c06/c06p1 but referenced
WARNING: Couldn't load image: chunk9_vmtr_vmtr while loading image chunk9_vmtr_vmtr
WARNING: Image source file load failed for idImage 'chunk9_vmtr_vmtr'. while loading image chunk9_vmtr_vmtr
idVirtualTexturePreloader::BeginPreloading(): signaling background thread to start
--------- Initializing Game ----------
mapName: game/wolf/c06/c06p1
gameFlags: 284
spawnSpot: gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace
initialMap: 0
next map checkpoint: 0
use loading screen: 2
use video: 0
transitional: 0
currentCheckpointSlot: 1
Deactive layers: --- Active layers: layer/tungsten/timeline/wyatt layer/tungsten/nextgen
numPlayers: 1
gamedate: Jun 18 2014
game initialized.
: 0 mapstart0.dat
: 1 checkpoint0.dat
: 2 mapstart1.dat
: 3 checkpoint1.dat
----------- LoadMap(game/wolf/c06/c06p1) ------------
Loading globalShadows.
WARNING: Resource loaded in production mode: foliageModel : maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage while loading foliageModel maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage
WARNING: File 'maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage' wasn't preloaded, trying to slow load it from disc while loading foliageModel maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage
WARNING: maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage was not in the cache table while loading foliageModel maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage
couldn't open file maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage for read
WARNING: Couldn't load foliage 'maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage' while loading foliageModel maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/c06p1.bfoliage
Initializing scripts
Compiled '/script/script_main.script': 25.5 ms
---------- Compile stats ----------
Files loaded:

Memory usage:
Strings: 4, 320 bytes
Statements: 414, 13248 bytes
Functions: 828, 104660 bytes
Variables: 4076 bytes
Mem used: 428984 bytes
Static data: 344600 bytes
Allocated: 739492 bytes
Thread size: 7904 bytes

map bounds are (15232.0, 4928.0, 4952.0)
max clip sector is (476.0, 616.0, 309.5)
Spawning world
Compiled 'maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1.script': 56.0 ms
---------- Compile stats ----------
Files loaded:

Memory usage:
Strings: 9, 1104 bytes
Statements: 2808, 89856 bytes
Functions: 913, 116260 bytes
Variables: 8788 bytes
Mem used: 594832 bytes
Static data: 344600 bytes
Allocated: 830812 bytes
Thread size: 7904 bytes

0 decls referenced by script.
Entering script_main()
Exiting script_main()
no deactive layers
Spawning 4915 entities
Num spawned: 4909
Deactive Layers in map:

Active Layers in map:
Initializing 4909 entities
Spawning 4909 entities
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf
WARNING: idTarget_Count 'call_chase_to_ruble' has call to function 'call_chase_to_ruble' which does not exist, removing entity
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_cuttablesurface_maze.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 2
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_cuttablesurface_maze.csurf is 0.516kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_cuttablesurface_maze.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf is 0.734kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf
WARNING: idScenePoint: entity 'gp_info_scenepoint_combat_1' is outside of aas 'aas_monster48'
idTarget_NextMap 'gp_target_nextmap_1': Next map is 'game/wolf/c06/c06p2' with layers 'layer/tungsten/timeline/wyatt,,layer/tungsten/nextgen' and spawning on 'player_start'
'combat_ai_tungsten_c06_part_01_robot_brokenrobot02_1' is too large for AAS 'aas_monster96' - using anyway.'combat_hall_robot' is too large for AAS 'aas_monster96' - using anyway.WARNING: idClip::GetEntitiesTouchingBounds: more than 32 entities, user 'vo_volume_enter_exit_ai_2'
SetupPlayer: 0
- Using def 'player/game/wolf/c06/c06p1'
WARNING: Resource loaded in production mode: font : futura com book while loading font futura com book from swf tunginventory_new
idAmmoUpgrades::Init Current amount of ammo bonuses (0)
Could not find spawn spot named gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace_1, using gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace. Do we still want to automatically put an extension on?
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var4
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var4
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var4
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var2
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/front_ai_rifle_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/rifle_blocked_takedown_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/rifle_blocked_takedown_var1
Strongload takedowns/takedown_downed_enemy_front_var1
Strongload takedowns/takedown_downed_enemy_back_var1
Strongload takedowns/takedown_counter
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/front_ai_pistol_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/front_ai_pistol_var2
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/front_ai_pistol_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/front_ai_pistol_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_pistol_var1
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_pistol_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_pistol_var3
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_pistol_var4
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/front_ai_pistol_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/pistol_blocked_takedown_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/pistol_blocked_takedown_var1
Strongload takedowns/drone_takedown_back

Could not find spawn spot named gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace_1, using gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace. Do we still want to automatically put an extension on?
Finding combat hint node cover indices...
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.43ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.35ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 5.90ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 0.53ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.18ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 18.47ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.26ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 0.62ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 0.99ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.23ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.21ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.34ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 4.20ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.36ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.34ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.36ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.34ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.35ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.26ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.28ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.33ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 4.33ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.36ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.32ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.43ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.33ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 3.59ms
pre-simulation of cloth: 1.45ms
found 0 cover indices in 0 combat hint zones
Read Layer From File 1 layer/tungsten/nextgen
Read Layer From File 1 layer/tungsten/timeline/wyatt
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf is 0.703kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 17
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf is 1.609kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 73
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf is 4.859kIB
(4 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 94
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf is 5.719kIB
(5 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_cuttablesurface_maze.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 2
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_cuttablesurface_maze.csurf is 0.516kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_cuttablesurface_maze.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf is 0.703kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_1.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf is 0.703kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_2.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf is 0.703kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_3.csurf
building maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf...FinishModel CompMaterialMerge removed 0 polys, MergeTreePolygons removed 6
collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf is 0.703kIB
(1 kB)
loaded collision model maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1/gp_func_cuttablesurface_4.csurf
Giving previous upgrades collected
Gave 3 upgrades
==== Processing events ====
StreamModel: setup 0.0 msec, free 0.0 msec, load 70.7 msec
WARNING: File 'maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1.map' wasn't preloaded, trying to slow load it from disc
WARNING: maps/game/wolf/c06/c06p1.map was not in the cache table
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/back_var4
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/back_var4
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/back_var4
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/back_var1
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/back_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/back_var3
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var2
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/front_ai_rifle_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_forward/front_ai_rifle_var2
Strongload takedowns/dualwield_reversed/front_ai_rifle_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_forward/rifle_blocked_takedown_var1
Strongload takedowns/singlewield_reversed/rifle_blocked_takedown_var1
Strongload takedowns/takedown_downed_enemy_front_var1
Strongload takedowns/takedown_downed_enemy_back_var1
Strongload takedowns/takedown_counter
---------- idRenderWorldLocal::SpecificationComplete ----------
256 pages locked in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\c06p1.pages
256 pages locked in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\virtualtextures\chunk7_vmtr.pages
0.2 seconds for FinishFeedback()
total : 1024
locked : 172
current: 86
free : 852
96 % empty hash table entries
48 % pages 0 steps down the hash chain
48 % pages 1 step down the hash chain
2 % pages 2 steps down the hash chain
2 % pages > 2 steps down the hash chain
total : 4096
locked : 131
current: 131
free : 3965
94 % empty hash table entries
98 % pages 0 steps down the hash chain
2 % pages 1 step down the hash chain
0 % pages 2 steps down the hash chain
0 % pages > 2 steps down the hash chain
0.2 seconds to load and lock 512 pages
Unknown command 'sys_dumpMemory'
Ram cache(SFC): 512.00MiB
AllocGame took 7.4670 seconds.
idVirtualTexturePreloader::EndPreloading(): signaling background thread to stop
7.4 seconds for PRELOAD_ALL
11 pages preloaded on _vmtr
70873 pages preloaded on c06p1
7 pages preloaded on chunk7_vmtr
7.5 seconds for game initialization
17.8 total seconds for map load
515 pages preloaded on _vmtr
19.3 seconds to load game/wolf/c06/c06p1
Got call to request savegame
Persist: 1
mapStartFile: 1
Marking request for next frame:
WARNING: idSessionLocal:ump was not called for 19 seconds
folderName: AUTOSAVE
persist: 1
mapStartFile: 1
checkname(gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace) : gamespawninfo.spawnspot(gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace) gameMode(0)
Could not find spawn spot named gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace_1, using gp_player_start_checkpoint_maintenace. Do we still want to automatically put an extension on?
Write Layer To File 1 layer/tungsten/nextgen
Write Layer To File 1 layer/tungsten/timeline/wyatt
Game saved.
CrashHandler: Storing data and writing local report.
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
WARNING: No address, error: 126
idStackTracer::GetSource: Failed
Callstack Function(desc) Line Bytes File Process Address

--------------------------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x6d56e442 ?

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x00000002 ?

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x10cf3670 ?

** UNKNOWN **(** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR **) ... + 0x3f4ccccd ?

Register Info


EDI: 0x0000000000000000 ESI: 0x0000000000000020 EAX: 0x0000000000000000

EBX: 0x0000000000000000 ECX: 0x00000000113BBDF0 EDX: 0x0000000000000001

EIP: 0x000000006D56E442 EBP: 0x00000000114398C0 SegCs: 0x0000000000000033

EFlags: 0x0000000000010246 ESP: 0x000000000715B360 SegSs: 0x000000000000002B

Exception Info


ExpCode: 0xC0000005 (Access Violation)

ExpFlags: 0

ExpAddress: 0x000000006D56E442

Build & Runtime Info


User: William

Version: 1.1683.12274

File Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\WolfNewOrder_x64.exe

System Time: 5/17/2017 20:10:52

Build String: 1.1683.12274

VT File Path:

VMTR Override: generated/pagefiles

Launch Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolfenstein.The.New.Order\WolfNewOrder_x64.exe" +set com_skipIntroVideo 1

Memory Info


In Use: 48%

MB Physical RAM: 8149

MB Physical Free: 4200

MB Paging File: 9429

MB Paging Free: 3572

MB User Address: 134217728

MB User Free: 134213587

CPU Info


Num Packages: 1

Num Cores: 2

Num Logical: 4

CPU ID: Generic

CPU MHz: 3700

Forgot to mention:
The game crashes because of an access violation.
Last edited:
May 11, 2008
Well, i posted on the amd community and i have also filed a report explaining more people on the steam community have the issue with wolfenstein new order and who have a RX series card.
And AMD is willing to investigate it.
I have to provide a complete description and steps to take to cause the problem in the game. And supply some technical information.
If the investigating team can replicate the problem, they might be able to find a solution for the weird behavior of the game.
I keep my fingers crossed that this issue is not unique to me and the people on the steam forum.
AMD is really willing to help the gaming community out.Even for a game that is 3 to 4 years old and notorious for getting it to run.
Thank you AMD.

I cannot refund the game since i played longer than 2 hours and to be honest, besides the game being very taxing on a pc system and idtech5 not supporting all the new features other engines can, i really like the style of this game. I do not want to refund it.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2011
Could be. I do not know. The game did run fine before in chapter 1,2 and 3 and runs fine again since chapter 5 and i am now at chapter 6 without issues so far. It is only in chapter 4 when the chains come into the visual field that this problem occurs. (almost only the chains, one time something on the table in a room as well).

My radeon settings program sometimes crashes when the game freezes(chapter 4 only) and crashes but i have no black screen for a moment or anything visual to indicate that the gpu or the driver restarted.
The game freezes and then i return to the desktop or i have to kill the wolfenstein:no process in the task manager. And after sometimes 1 or more crashes, the radeon settings program becomes unresponsive when i click on it. I just see the border of the window but nothing more in it except a white space.

Yesterday i became a member of the AMD community and explained the whole problem in detail on the forum section for drivers and software.
Maybe AMD will do something about it. I hope so.
I cannot hope for Machinegames or Bethesda to fix it.

Damn ATI drivers lol
May 11, 2008
Damn ATI drivers lol

A game with a very taxing game engine for what it provides with respect to graphics when comparing to other game engines.
The inevitable changes between windows operating systems in Microsofts attempts to make windows more secure and more modern.
Always present errors in software.
Opengl that allows for the gameengine programmer a lot of room for interpretation of graphic functions.

And on top of that gpu manufacturers who with every release of new hardware must solve not only their own backwards compatibility issues to keep every game running but must also solve the quirks of the game itself and changes under the hood of windows. And in the race for the performance crown must also create code that results in a game that runs as fast as possible without graphical artefacts.

It is not that black and white.

I have the dvd of the game condemned - criminal origins.
It does not run under windows 10.
I have acquired the steam version and that version actually runs.
I am just saying...
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