World of Warcraft 1.6 patch - BWL


Dec 11, 2000
sigh.. 1.6 comes out .. and surprise surprise.. BWL is a hell hole. The only guilds that got anything done hit it in the early afternoon. Lag was so terrible at 9 when my guild's raids begin that I was waiting 10-15 seconds for an instant cast to go off. Then, when we left to drop Onyxia for her 10 mins of content, and came back the lag wa much more managable (I suppose others had given up?). No biggie, beat the first encounter on the first try and wait... nope... bugged. We decided to screw it and do it again just to see if it would bug out again.. so we completed the encounter again on our second try. Bugged. Lovely. To be honest tho, I don't know if I should be glad it bugged out early or what, I feel bad for those who got to the gate only to find out that it was bugged. I suppose it doesn't matter which bug stopped your guild's progress, it's terrible either way. Now, they also managed to screw up Rag with a script swapping error? (I've heard this did get hotfixed tho) Amazing. I already knew Blizzard had trained monkeys working for them in the coding/development depts, but did they manage to never hire a Q+A or Testing department? This is just poor.


Dec 11, 2000

Ouch man, ouch. I feel for you, I really do. I'm just lucky enough to have fixed all the problems I've run into so far without having to deal with technical support as I know technical support is a dead end. I'm realy sick of people pulling out the "This is Blizzard's first MMO and just give them some time to get the hang of things, they're backed up with its huge success." Bull, what about the lack of Q&A, serious GMs, etc? They manage to put the time into disabling certain UI functions when a patch comes out (disabling AutoTravel and similar addons this patch) but can't manage to fix bugs that have existed in the game since Day 1 or properly test a major raid instance. Un-believable.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: TheVrolok

"This is Blizzard's first MMO and just give them some time to get the hang of things, they're backed up with its huge success."

Agreed, i hate hearing that. They took baby steps with Diablo II, they could easily take a look at what sony was doing and learn from their mistakes, they have had many years to prepare for it, dont they even have some ex SOE people that could give them advice?


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: TheVrolok

"This is Blizzard's first MMO and just give them some time to get the hang of things, they're backed up with its huge success."

Agreed, i hate hearing that. They took baby steps with Diablo II, they could easily take a look at what sony was doing and learn from their mistakes, they have had many years to prepare for it, dont they even have some ex SOE people that could give them advice?

If they have anyone from SOE, heaven help them. FFXI was a horrid game.


Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Elcs
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: TheVrolok

"This is Blizzard's first MMO and just give them some time to get the hang of things, they're backed up with its huge success."

Agreed, i hate hearing that. They took baby steps with Diablo II, they could easily take a look at what sony was doing and learn from their mistakes, they have had many years to prepare for it, dont they even have some ex SOE people that could give them advice?

If they have anyone from SOE, heaven help them. FFXI was a horrid game.

What does SOE have to do with FFXI?


Platinum Member
Sep 2, 2004
Yeah, We had 40 people in BWL at 8:00 yesterday. The lag was horrible so we jumped down and did MC cause it was on a new timer. We will try BWL again today and hopefully less people will be in there or Blizz allocated more servers or whatever they do.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2001
I read on Blizzard forum that they are aware of the random disconnects and some player unable to login to their characters created prior to the patch and their server team is working on the problem.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2004
I can't help but laugh at the fact that people are *still* ragging on SOE's customer support. SOE did make some big blunders in their time, but looking at the big picture they really weren't that bad... nevertheless if others were better I could understand ripping on them.

But now you look at WoW... All I heard about before WoW was how awsome Blizzards CS was, how they were the only game company that listened to the fans and the gamers, how they always take their time and release stuff with minimal bugs, how every other company just paled in comparison to the almighty Blizzard. And now WoW comes out and the game is awsome, but customer service? What customer service? Their tech support, customer service, and general server reliability makes SOE look like CHAMPIONS.

Don't get me wrong, I really love WoW.. I play it every night and I love the game. But Blizzard has got to do something about the server lag, they've got to clear up some of the bigger bugs in the game, and they've GOT TO GOT TO GOT TO improve their community presence on the forums. Every time I hear a response from blizzard it is just so obvious that there is no communication happenening between the reps and the devs, and their communication with the players is just abysmal...

Anyway, I wish people would jump off the SOE bashing bandwagon now that even the great and mighty Blizzard is showing how horrible CS can actually be.



Senior member
Nov 3, 2001
Its better today. Rag is fixed and the second boss in BWL isnt a cakewalk as he was before. Also, it seems the gate problem was fixed as well (the gate after the second boss wasnt opening). The third boss is pretty hard, but not too bad. As a whole not as hard as we expected though.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: EvanB
Its better today. Rag is fixed and the second boss in BWL isnt a cakewalk as he was before. Also, it seems the gate problem was fixed as well (the gate after the second boss wasnt opening). The third boss is pretty hard, but not too bad. As a whole not as hard as we expected though.

Thank God they hotfixed, maybe now the first encounter won't be bugged and we can get some things done.


Feb 18, 2004

patch hasn't really affected me at all, esp. since I'll probably never see the inside of BWL.


Dec 11, 2000
Actually no, no hotfix on the gate in BWL. God damn Blizzard. It's really seeming like Blizzard never intended anyone to proceed after the second boss, the only wanted to see how quickly guilds handled the first two so that the rest could be scaled accordingly. LAME.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: EvanB
Its better today. Rag is fixed and the second boss in BWL isnt a cakewalk as he was before. Also, it seems the gate problem was fixed as well (the gate after the second boss wasnt opening). The third boss is pretty hard, but not too bad. As a whole not as hard as we expected though.

Wait .. what guild are you on what server ..?


Senior member
Aug 19, 2004
The thing i hate, is that the PvP gear rewards are better than the gear you get in MC or BWL. so really, blizzard thinks that this is a FPS and not a RPG, that pisses me off. just the fact that someone with no guild can spend there time in AV and have better gear than me, who raids about 5-6 times a week and spending DKP for items, can still kill me theory that is. thats my rant.

and from what i hear in BWL, the first boss is supposed to be harder than he is. he already is pretty frickin hard. now they are going to make him even harder.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: loki8481

patch hasn't really affected me at all, esp. since I'll probably never see the inside of BWL.

Same here.
Though I'm hoping to start doing Onyxia runs in the not too distant future


Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Elcs
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: TheVrolok

"This is Blizzard's first MMO and just give them some time to get the hang of things, they're backed up with its huge success."

Agreed, i hate hearing that. They took baby steps with Diablo II, they could easily take a look at what sony was doing and learn from their mistakes, they have had many years to prepare for it, dont they even have some ex SOE people that could give them advice?

If they have anyone from SOE, heaven help them. FFXI was a horrid game.

What does SOE have to do with FFXI?

Not sure, since it was made by Squaresoft. Sony Entertainment got royalties for the PS2 version though.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: jdport
I can't help but laugh at the fact that people are *still* ragging on SOE's customer support. SOE did make some big blunders in their time, but looking at the big picture they really weren't that bad... nevertheless if others were better I could understand ripping on them.

But now you look at WoW... All I heard about before WoW was how awsome Blizzards CS was, how they were the only game company that listened to the fans and the gamers, how they always take their time and release stuff with minimal bugs, how every other company just paled in comparison to the almighty Blizzard. And now WoW comes out and the game is awsome, but customer service? What customer service? Their tech support, customer service, and general server reliability makes SOE look like CHAMPIONS.

Don't get me wrong, I really love WoW.. I play it every night and I love the game. But Blizzard has got to do something about the server lag, they've got to clear up some of the bigger bugs in the game, and they've GOT TO GOT TO GOT TO improve their community presence on the forums. Every time I hear a response from blizzard it is just so obvious that there is no communication happenening between the reps and the devs, and their communication with the players is just abysmal...

Anyway, I wish people would jump off the SOE bashing bandwagon now that even the great and mighty Blizzard is showing how horrible CS can actually be.


Every single issue with WoW to date stacks up to a pile of dust in comparison to the sheer number of things SOE did not do, lied about, or broke. Looking at the big picture THEY WERE THAT BAD.


Platinum Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: MrYAK
The thing i hate, is that the PvP gear rewards are better than the gear you get in MC or BWL. so really, blizzard thinks that this is a FPS and not a RPG, that pisses me off. just the fact that someone with no guild can spend there time in AV and have better gear than me, who raids about 5-6 times a week and spending DKP for items, can still kill me theory that is. thats my rant.

and from what i hear in BWL, the first boss is supposed to be harder than he is. he already is pretty frickin hard. now they are going to make him even harder.

I don't have access to thott right now but I assure you that MC/Ony/BWL Gear is = if not extremely better than PVP gear. Are you going to get an Artifact by PVPing? No.

Plus the time it takes to PVP vs. The time it takes to do MC/Ony/BWL makes instance raids more appealing.

60Druid on Shattered Hand (Alliance)
I have Staff of Dominance, Cenarion gloves, Cenarion belt. I am still working on my Stormrage crap.

Yes they made the First boss much harder in the past 2 days. They made the controller tougher to kill along with his adds, he isnt able to be Counterspelled and the adds can't be sheeped anymore. BWL was extremely easy the first day of release and Ony/MC/BWL didnt have active timers. Which means you could have run Ony all night long Tuesday. This was awesome for us since we ran MC on Tuesday just to find out on Wednesday our timer was gone. Awesome free epics.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Elcs
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: TheVrolok

"This is Blizzard's first MMO and just give them some time to get the hang of things, they're backed up with its huge success."

Agreed, i hate hearing that. They took baby steps with Diablo II, they could easily take a look at what sony was doing and learn from their mistakes, they have had many years to prepare for it, dont they even have some ex SOE people that could give them advice?

If they have anyone from SOE, heaven help them. FFXI was a horrid game.

What does SOE have to do with FFXI?

Not sure, since it was made by Squaresoft. Sony Entertainment got royalties for the PS2 version though.

Yeh, but i dont think they have much to do with it beyond that tho..........


Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Originally posted by: SneakyStuff
After going to BWL I hate blizz lol, ITS HARD!!!

Yeah, It's pretty rough. We're not going to even try it until we take down Rag, hopefully within the next few weeks.



Senior member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Glavinsolo
Originally posted by: MrYAK
The thing i hate, is that the PvP gear rewards are better than the gear you get in MC or BWL. so really, blizzard thinks that this is a FPS and not a RPG, that pisses me off. just the fact that someone with no guild can spend there time in AV and have better gear than me, who raids about 5-6 times a week and spending DKP for items, can still kill me theory that is. thats my rant.


I don't have access to thott right now but I assure you that MC/Ony/BWL Gear is = if not extremely better than PVP gear. Are you going to get an Artifact by PVPing? No.

You can't get an artifact by PVE'ing either, and the warlords axe is superior to sulfuras for MS warriors. IIRC the same holds true for the PVP dagger. It's possible something better might show up from the boss of BWL, but currently PVP has the edge in weapons.

Plus the time it takes to PVP vs. The time it takes to do MC/Ony/BWL makes instance raids more appealing.

This, on the other hand, is a good point. The people that like to complain about the PVP rewards usually have no idea just how difficult it is to get rank 14.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Velk
The people that like to complain about the PVP rewards usually have no idea just how difficult it is to get rank 14.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there can be only 2 rank 14 in a server at a given time (one Alliance, one Horde), so this Rank 14 PvP rewards better be good!

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