World of Warcraft: 2 Months in... my thoughts


Golden Member
Oct 7, 2005
So I started playing World of Warcraft the day I finished finals this Christmas and got back to my apartment. It was my second month to play - I stoped playing about six months before that....

My thoughts? Hell of a game but it takes SO long to level. I do not have the time to committ to getting to 60 (Which is the only reason I really want to play) and I am not willing to give up my life and what I have to have my e-penis grow thanks to some zeros and one's stored on Blizzard's server.

Yet at the same time I can't quit.

How do you feel about WoW?

BTW thanks for those of you that suggested I switch to a PVP server. I have a guild on Ravenholdt (the new RPPVP server) and it ROCKS!



Jul 31, 2001
it's addicting because you always feel a sense of accomplishment because leveling is guaranteed.


Dec 6, 2004
you joined an RP server? =(

And its really easy to level. I hit 60 in a week. Its the end game raiding that takes up your life.


Oct 7, 2001
in WoW, you level up faster than any other mmo out there. you can max out in no time.

I Saw OJ

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Good thing you never played any other MMO's before if you think WoW takes a long time to level. I loved playing and leveling up in WoW, but now that I have a few 60's in pretty good gear, I have become almost burnt out on it.


Platinum Member
Jul 24, 2002
I remember when I had 20 days /played in EQ and a 39lvl Wizard . It took me 13 days to get to 60 and that wasnt very fast. But I doubt that you could get to 60 in a week. Fastest Ive seen is 4d and 20h without outside help and to play that much in a week...


Diamond Member
Mar 27, 2001
stupid game, can't stop playing... only 3 more lvls to 60... ARRGGG

anyone in Tichondrious?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2005
The first time you level your character, it takes awhile. My character is level 56 right now and it took me almost half a year. If I were to start another character, it would take me no time at all since I already know the quests and where to go and what dungeons to run.

Game has quite the learning curve. Don't be afraid to ask about what dungeons you should be raiding, where to go at a certain level, what quests to do, etc.


Golden Member
Oct 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Xyclone
Quit... while... you... still... can!

already drank that kool-aide, friend.

Now I am at the stage where I am buying it as Christmas gifts for friends.

You know how they say - the best way to deal an addictive substance is to give the user the first hit (or month) free - then 19 bucks a month seems cheap in comparison!


Senior member
Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: AnthroAndStargate
So do you think doing quests, grinding, or something else is the best way to get the XP needed for leveling

Half the quests are grinding. Kill 10 of these, bring back X amount of this animals teeth etc. May as well get quest rewards/XP if you are going to be killing a bunch of the same things anyways.

Just use thottbot to determine if the quest is worth the time and effort.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2004
Getting to 60 is just the start of the game. In fact, there are quite a few different levels after 60, based on what level gear you possess. This will all become a moot point once TBC (The Burning Crusade expansion pack) arrives and the level cap is raised to 70, but currently 60s are roughly divided into the following (made up) categories:

- Noobies (aka noobs, nubs, n00bs). Fresh 60s, wearing mostly high level greens and blues.
- Bluebies. People who have been 60 for a while and have collected most of the blue items for their class from low level instances (e.g. Strath, Scholo, DM, BRS).
- MCers. 60s who have been farming MC-level content for tier 1 epics (or equivalents), mostly from MC (Molten Core), ZG (Zul'Gurub), and AQ20 (Ahn'Qiraj 20-man). Note that a lot of blue gear from ZG and AQ20 equals or exceeds MC tier 1 gear, thus people in this category are often confused and lumped in with Bluebies.
- T2 (aka Tier 2). These people have graduated from the lower raids and have replaced most of their MC gear with BWL (Blackwing Lair) Tier 2 epics. Players at this stage are generally "epicced out" (i.e. most items are epic quality)
- T2+. Comprised of those who have mostly all Tier 2 as well as AQ40 upgrades. This is essentially a sub-category of T2, as these players are just slightly better geared than their T2 counterparts.
- 1337sauce. Probably less than 1% of 60s fall into this category. People who have been 60 for a long time and have gone through all of the previous categories, and have joined serious raiding guilds. These players have all of the best epics from BWL and AQ40, and are now upgrading those pieces with Tier 3 and other Naxx (Naxxramas) epics.

Something to note... the last patch essentially removed the "Bluebie" category with the new PvP system. Now fresh 60s are just a day or two away from getting PvP epics (including weapons) that are roughly equivalent to Tier 2/BWL gear.

Also... don't be discouraged if you are a fresh 60 (i.e. noob), and everyone you see far outclasses you gear-wise. The new level 60-63 quest rewards and dungeon drops in the expansion will allow you to catch up to those that are currently in the "MC" category, and by level 65-67 you will have caught up to the T2/T2+s. Once you hit level 70, all bets are off and everyone will be (more or less) equally geared, as the quest rewards and drops from level 68-70 match or beat Tier 3 quality epics, without having to do 40-man raids.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: sundevb
Getting to 60 is just the start of the game. In fact, there are quite a few different levels after 60, based on what level gear you possess. This will all become a moot point once TBC (The Burning Crusade expansion pack) arrives and the level cap is raised to 70, but currently 60s are roughly divided into the following (made up) categories:

- Noobies (aka noobs, nubs, n00bs). Fresh 60s, wearing mostly high level greens and blues.
- Bluebies. People who have been 60 for a while and have collected most of the blue items for their class from low level instances (e.g. Strath, Scholo, DM, BRS).
- MCers. 60s who have been farming MC-level content for tier 1 epics (or equivalents), mostly from MC (Molten Core), ZG (Zul'Gurub), and AQ20 (Ahn'Qiraj 20-man). Note that a lot of blue gear from ZG and AQ20 equals or exceeds MC tier 1 gear, thus people in this category are often confused and lumped in with Bluebies.
- T2 (aka Tier 2). These people have graduated from the lower raids and have replaced most of their MC gear with BWL (Blackwing Lair) Tier 2 epics. Players at this stage are generally "epicced out" (i.e. most items are epic quality)
- T2+. Comprised of those who have mostly all Tier 2 as well as AQ40 upgrades. This is essentially a sub-category of T2, as these players are just slightly better geared than their T2 counterparts.
- 1337sauce. Probably less than 1% of 60s fall into this category. People who have been 60 for a long time and have gone through all of the previous categories, and have joined serious raiding guilds. These players have all of the best epics from BWL and AQ40, and are now upgrading those pieces with Tier 3 and other Naxx (Naxxramas) epics.

Something to note... the last patch essentially removed the "Bluebie" category with the new PvP system. Now fresh 60s are just a day or two away from getting PvP epics (including weapons) that are roughly equivalent to Tier 2/BWL gear.

Also... don't be discouraged if you are a fresh 60 (i.e. noob), and everyone you see far outclasses you gear-wise. The new level 60-63 quest rewards and dungeon drops in the expansion will allow you to catch up to those that are currently in the "MC" category, and by level 65-67 you will have caught up to the T2/T2+s. Once you hit level 70, all bets are off and everyone will be (more or less) equally geared, as the quest rewards and drops from level 68-70 match or beat Tier 3 quality epics, without having to do 40-man raids.

Nice post, but you are fueling his fire! He needs to be discouraged from playing!


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
Originally posted by: sundevb
Getting to 60 is just the start of the game. In fact, there are quite a few different levels after 60, based on what level gear you possess. This will all become a moot point once TBC (The Burning Crusade expansion pack) arrives and the level cap is raised to 70, but currently 60s are roughly divided into the following (made up) categories:

- Noobies (aka noobs, nubs, n00bs). Fresh 60s, wearing mostly high level greens and blues.
- Bluebies. People who have been 60 for a while and have collected most of the blue items for their class from low level instances (e.g. Strath, Scholo, DM, BRS).
- MCers. 60s who have been farming MC-level content for tier 1 epics (or equivalents), mostly from MC (Molten Core), ZG (Zul'Gurub), and AQ20 (Ahn'Qiraj 20-man). Note that a lot of blue gear from ZG and AQ20 equals or exceeds MC tier 1 gear, thus people in this category are often confused and lumped in with Bluebies.
- T2 (aka Tier 2). These people have graduated from the lower raids and have replaced most of their MC gear with BWL (Blackwing Lair) Tier 2 epics. Players at this stage are generally "epicced out" (i.e. most items are epic quality)
- T2+. Comprised of those who have mostly all Tier 2 as well as AQ40 upgrades. This is essentially a sub-category of T2, as these players are just slightly better geared than their T2 counterparts.
- 1337sauce. Probably less than 1% of 60s fall into this category. People who have been 60 for a long time and have gone through all of the previous categories, and have joined serious raiding guilds. These players have all of the best epics from BWL and AQ40, and are now upgrading those pieces with Tier 3 and other Naxx (Naxxramas) epics.

Something to note... the last patch essentially removed the "Bluebie" category with the new PvP system. Now fresh 60s are just a day or two away from getting PvP epics (including weapons) that are roughly equivalent to Tier 2/BWL gear.

Also... don't be discouraged if you are a fresh 60 (i.e. noob), and everyone you see far outclasses you gear-wise. The new level 60-63 quest rewards and dungeon drops in the expansion will allow you to catch up to those that are currently in the "MC" category, and by level 65-67 you will have caught up to the T2/T2+s. Once you hit level 70, all bets are off and everyone will be (more or less) equally geared, as the quest rewards and drops from level 68-70 match or beat Tier 3 quality epics, without having to do 40-man raids.

Holy crap! Never knew I was called 1337sauce. LOL but ya he is right. the leveling is easy, the raiding is hard and time consuming.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
My roomie has 8 lvl 60s all in at least tier 1, 3-4 in tier 2. I don't plan on seeing him the month the expansion hits except for when he goes into the kitchen for hot pockets.


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: sundevb
Getting to 60 is just the start of the game. In fact, there are quite a few different levels after 60, based on what level gear you possess. This will all become a moot point once TBC (The Burning Crusade expansion pack) arrives and the level cap is raised to 70, but currently 60s are roughly divided into the following (made up) categories:

- Noobies (aka noobs, nubs, n00bs). Fresh 60s, wearing mostly high level greens and blues.
- Bluebies. People who have been 60 for a while and have collected most of the blue items for their class from low level instances (e.g. Strath, Scholo, DM, BRS).
- MCers. 60s who have been farming MC-level content for tier 1 epics (or equivalents), mostly from MC (Molten Core), ZG (Zul'Gurub), and AQ20 (Ahn'Qiraj 20-man). Note that a lot of blue gear from ZG and AQ20 equals or exceeds MC tier 1 gear, thus people in this category are often confused and lumped in with Bluebies.
- T2 (aka Tier 2). These people have graduated from the lower raids and have replaced most of their MC gear with BWL (Blackwing Lair) Tier 2 epics. Players at this stage are generally "epicced out" (i.e. most items are epic quality)
- T2+. Comprised of those who have mostly all Tier 2 as well as AQ40 upgrades. This is essentially a sub-category of T2, as these players are just slightly better geared than their T2 counterparts.
- 1337sauce. Probably less than 1% of 60s fall into this category. People who have been 60 for a long time and have gone through all of the previous categories, and have joined serious raiding guilds. These players have all of the best epics from BWL and AQ40, and are now upgrading those pieces with Tier 3 and other Naxx (Naxxramas) epics.

Something to note... the last patch essentially removed the "Bluebie" category with the new PvP system. Now fresh 60s are just a day or two away from getting PvP epics (including weapons) that are roughly equivalent to Tier 2/BWL gear.

Also... don't be discouraged if you are a fresh 60 (i.e. noob), and everyone you see far outclasses you gear-wise. The new level 60-63 quest rewards and dungeon drops in the expansion will allow you to catch up to those that are currently in the "MC" category, and by level 65-67 you will have caught up to the T2/T2+s. Once you hit level 70, all bets are off and everyone will be (more or less) equally geared, as the quest rewards and drops from level 68-70 match or beat Tier 3 quality epics, without having to do 40-man raids.

What people dont realize is you actually NEED T3 to get T5, its like the T0 conversion to 0.5. People who think T3 getting replaced by 65 greens are retarted and deserve to find out whats coming to them. Thas said, I cant wait to get my emo T4 on my lock.


Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Mardeth
I remember when I had 20 days /played in EQ and a 39lvl Wizard . It took me 13 days to get to 60 and that wasnt very fast. But I doubt that you could get to 60 in a week. Fastest Ive seen is 4d and 20h without outside help and to play that much in a week...

I got to level 65 in 9 days played in Everquest.

but I also had 130 days played on my first char


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: AnthroAndStargate
So do you think doing quests, grinding, or something else is the best way to get the XP needed for leveling

quests especially on the alliance side as the quests are usually very easy and very close to where you turn them in.. where as thwe horde seems to have alot more travel in thier quests..

fastest person to level in WoW has been 4 days played i beleive the record is..

i just dinged my 3rd 60 with 7 days played..
its really not hard.



Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: AznAnarchy99
you joined an RP server? =(

And its really easy to level. I hit 60 in a week. Its the end game raiding that takes up your life.

You went from level 1 to 60 in 1 week? *cough* *cough* BS!


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: AznAnarchy99
you joined an RP server? =(

And its really easy to level. I hit 60 in a week. Its the end game raiding that takes up your life.

You went from level 1 to 60 in 1 week? *cough* *cough* BS!

thats prolly 7 days played... but if not i still call major shens.. there arnt enough hours in the week unless (especially with tuesday downtimes) even if tagteaming on 12 hour shifts..


Mar 14, 2003
i stopped playing after the birth of my second daughter. there just wasn't any time.

now she's almost 9 months and i have more time late at night. i also just got my brother and his wife hooked so i just set up my subscription again and rolled a new NE so i could help him out and get back into it. i will probably only play about 1-1.5 hrs a couple of nights a week.

i also think it takes very little time to level. especially before 20.
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