World of Warcraft - How far have you gotten?


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Current Challenges - Ragnaros, Blackwing Lair
Server - Lightning's Blade (PvP)
Char - Lvl 60 Gnome Mage

I'm part of a unique group on my server. We are a mixed alliance group that is not a guild, we use a DKP system, and we are basically in farming mode in MC. We aren't as hardcore as some other guilds, so it takes us 3 days to clear MC to Ragnaros, who we are still working on. Goal is to take down Ragnaros in the next month. Farming mode on Onyxia/Kazzak/Azuregos as well. We took down Kazzak in record time last week, 90 seconds (using the Onyxia buff hehe).

Blackwing Lair has been tough for us, with all the lag and bugs. Still haven't beaten Razergore yet.

Our server is a low pop PvP server, alliance outnumber horde at lvl 60 around 1.3 to 1, althought horde was the first and only Rag kill (prepatch). No one has taken him down since, although there is 1 Alliance guild and 1 Horde guild that seem pretty close.

Anyone part of a guild that has Ragnaros down on a regular basis?



Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2002
Server - Blackrock (PvP)
Char - lvl 60 Dwarf Warrior

Samething as benchiu, unique group, blah blah blah. We're on a high pop server that has queues on the weekdays >.> First warrior on server to get Spinal Reaper a few months back. MC/Ragnaros is a regular chore for us, and BWL we're working on.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
I got up to level 4 on the beta test and decided I did not like the game.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2001
Level 60 Shaman. Mal'Ganis realm. Started playing the first day the game was released. Went to Molten Core once with a pickup group, didn't have time to join in for the next few attempts, then lost interest in grinding for stuff in-game. Stopped payment on my account back in March I think.

I'm considering re-subscribing this coming winter, but I am not sure if I want to re-start the old WoW addiction. I know my GF sure didn't like it. If I do re-subscribe, I will likely roll a new char, maybe an Alliance Druid.


Oct 9, 1999
Got my human warrior to level 60 before I realized I hate the MM part of MMORPG.

Most people online are assclowns. I detested finding or being a part of groups for raids.


Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Character- Lvl 60 Dwarf Hunter
Server- Sargeras high pop PvP server

My guild raids MC/Ony almost every other day. We are currently working on our fire resist gear to take down Rag. We can clear MC up to rag in 2 days usually with pure easy, just depends on the class combos we have on at the time. I imagine we will take down Rag within the next few weeks, and then we will move on to BWL. Hopefully the lag in BWL would have cooled down by then.


Jan 23, 2001
Sargeras - Ecaks Level 60 Druid - Obvious Assassin. Guild is responsible for several server firsts and is currently working on BWL. Although, I have not played for roughly 2 months, I still pay and around 3 members of the guild have access to my char. I guess you could say I'm retired.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Server: Azgalor
Character: lvl 60 Shaman
Goal: Exalted Reputation with Frostwolf Clan

My guild pretty much fell apart right before I reached level 60. So with raid instances out of the question I've set out to get exalted status with the Frostwolf Clan in Alterac Valley. At the rate I'm going I'll do it in about a month. If I really pushed it I could probably do it in half as much time, but I still do a lot of Scholo/Strat/BRS runs just for a change of scenery.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Got my human warrior to level 60 before I realized I hate the MM part of MMORPG.

Most people online are assclowns. I detested finding or being a part of groups for raids.

Try horde side and are you on a PvP server?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
45 Shaman on Crushridge (PvP), ditched my 48 Druid (PvE). Playing casually since Jan.


Diamond Member
May 26, 2004
Server: Terenas
Characters: 60 UD priest, 60 TR rogue, 55 UD Warlock, 60 TAU Warrior
Goal: to have fun playing with friends

I have no true goals in-game, really.

Raid content sounds fun, but largely unachievable given my schedule, or more accurately, I largely do not schedule my life around gaming time, as my gaming time fits into my free time, which is somewhat inherently unpredictable. Currently there is a group of guys who play together every Friday to do various instance runs who have all been through the game already. I've been holding back my warrior a bit to play with them on the Fridays I can make it. They are all in the 35-ish range now and I did SM Library with them with all of us on TS. Good Times.

Tuesdays are server-wide Alterac Valley nights, and when I can I join that with my priest. Since the Horde pop is so outnumbered (nearly 3:1,) the whole server can only get enough horde together Tuesdays and maybe once on the weekend. The fact that it's a normal ruleset server plays into that, because there are a number of people who are not interested in any PvP at all, which is understandable. I like it though, because you get to know the people who play in AV on both sides, it becomes like a little family.

All of this is now horribly outdated, I updated character levels. We stepped into MC the other day during a BRD run, just 5 of us. We pulled the giants and wiped, then left. Mostly we are doing small time high end content, 5 man DM/Strat/Scholo, etc... and 10+ UBRS. There is some talk about a guild dissolving and mostly coming into our guild, but no confirmation on that. That should enable ZG + some playing around in MC for drops off trash.


Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Originally posted by: ggnl
Server: Azgalor
Character: lvl 60 Shaman
Goal: Exalted Reputation with Frostwolf Clan

My guild pretty much fell apart right before I reached level 60. So with raid instances out of the question I've set out to get exalted status with the Frostwolf Clan in Alterac Valley. At the rate I'm going I'll do it in about a month. If I really pushed it I could probably do it in half as much time, but I still do a lot of Scholo/Strat/BRS runs just for a change of scenery.

You guys own at PvP... Our best group beat you guys once at WSG yesterday but i think we lost about 2-3 other times... Good times though.


Dec 11, 2000
60 Paladin on Durotan

Guild is responsible for every server first kill in MC/Onyxia/BWL/Kazz/Azurg (including being the only guild to kill certain versions of mobs). Do all of MC and Onyxia in 4.5 hours. Did the first two bosses in BWL before the gate bug stopped us from moving on, hotfix went in, first encounter completed, 12% was our best on Vael. Will go back to BWL on Sat. First player with Finkle's, law gaunts, some other stuff too I'm sure, shrug.


Aug 24, 2004
Server: Mal'Ganis
Character: 60 Tauren Shaman
Goal: MC/BWL/Ony

My guild is the 3rd best on the server. After much desicsion i have decided to quit WoW. It took over my life, and requires too much of a time devotion to continue, especially at this point. I definitely want to be WoW-free by the time school starts.

Grades > WoW


Senior member
Jul 19, 2005
Got to 60 a while back, was in the top guild on my server doing MC. I got bored and quit, looking forward to Vanguard: Saga of Heroes now.


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
44 Undead priest
server is Archimonde (high pop, often queued PVP, unstable as all hell)
in a guild, but really don't do much besides the occasional chat, suppose if I'm still on Archimonde by the time I hit 60, then I might start doing more guild stuff, as they regularly farm MC/Onyxia from what it seems
in the meantime, I primarily solo with the occasional pickup group for instances (great being a priest, as I get invited to groups often)

I do have 1 goal for the whole game, and that is to discover the whole map (rather hard at times given some of the wonky triggers for discovering new areas).


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2000
Bleeding Hollow
60 Alliance Druid

Guild is running MC/Onyxia regularly. We aren't going to regularly do BWL until we have mastered the last few MC encounters though.


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2002
Hit 30 last night with my main (Tauren Shaman), and my wife has a 28 Troll Mage. We've been playing for about a month now and we love it. Found a great guild last night, and just can't get enough.

I also have a 14 Orc Warrior alt that gets some time.

Fun stuff!


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2002
Server : Shadowsong
Char : 40 Human Rogue

Been playing casually since December 2004.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Got my human warrior to level 60 before I realized I hate the MM part of MMORPG.

Most people online are assclowns. I detested finding or being a part of groups for raids.

Funny, I'm sure they all feel the same way about you.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: AdamSnow
Server : Shadowsong
Char : 40 Human Rogue

Been playing casually since December 2004.

What's you character's name? (I think I've asked this before.)

I'm on the same server with a 52 Dwarf Hunter (Cthkathal). My wife is a 48 Human Warlock (Aprisan.)

I currently play WSG almost exclusively, although now that I'm in with the Big Boys (51-60s,) I tend to not spend so much time in there, as those 60 Shammies frequently put a hurt on me.

I still need to finish Mauradon, Zul'Farek, and start Sunken Temple.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: benchiu
Current Challenges - Ragnaros, Blackwing Lair
Server - Lightning's Blade (PvP)
Char - Lvl 60 Gnome Mage

I'm part of a unique group on my server. We are a mixed alliance group that is not a guild, we use a DKP system, and we are basically in farming mode in MC. We aren't as hardcore as some other guilds, so it takes us 3 days to clear MC to Ragnaros, who we are still working on. Goal is to take down Ragnaros in the next month. Farming mode on Onyxia/Kazzak/Azuregos as well. We took down Kazzak in record time last week, 90 seconds (using the Onyxia buff hehe).

Blackwing Lair has been tough for us, with all the lag and bugs. Still haven't beaten Razergore yet.

Our server is a low pop PvP server, alliance outnumber horde at lvl 60 around 1.3 to 1, althought horde was the first and only Rag kill (prepatch). No one has taken him down since, although there is 1 Alliance guild and 1 Horde guild that seem pretty close.

Anyone part of a guild that has Ragnaros down on a regular basis?

My guild is clearing MC in under 6 hours these days..
Im not sure if they will share the strat though but I beleieve it was taken from Fires of Heaven or Conquests website..

I quit a few months back got tired of MC farming.



Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: benchiu
Current Challenges - Ragnaros, Blackwing Lair
Server - Lightning's Blade (PvP)
Char - Lvl 60 Gnome Mage

I'm part of a unique group on my server. We are a mixed alliance group that is not a guild, we use a DKP system, and we are basically in farming mode in MC. We aren't as hardcore as some other guilds, so it takes us 3 days to clear MC to Ragnaros, who we are still working on. Goal is to take down Ragnaros in the next month. Farming mode on Onyxia/Kazzak/Azuregos as well. We took down Kazzak in record time last week, 90 seconds (using the Onyxia buff hehe).

Blackwing Lair has been tough for us, with all the lag and bugs. Still haven't beaten Razergore yet.

Our server is a low pop PvP server, alliance outnumber horde at lvl 60 around 1.3 to 1, althought horde was the first and only Rag kill (prepatch). No one has taken him down since, although there is 1 Alliance guild and 1 Horde guild that seem pretty close.

Anyone part of a guild that has Ragnaros down on a regular basis?

My guild is clearing MC in under 6 hours these days..
Im not sure if they will share the strat though but I beleieve it was taken from Fires of Heaven or Conquests website..

I quit a few months back got tired of MC farming.

FoH shares strats? I remember the conquest MC site a few months ago, have they actually finished more than the first few bosses yet? I was actually let down with MC, aside from Rag (and his many iterations) none of the MC bosses took more than a night to master. I'm glad to see the difficulty of BWL was kicked up a notch. Tho I do believe my guild will have the newest Vael dead on Sat. We've devised a pretty solid strat going in this time I think.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2002
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: AdamSnow
Server : Shadowsong
Char : 40 Human Rogue

Been playing casually since December 2004.

What's you character's name? (I think I've asked this before.)

I'm on the same server with a 52 Dwarf Hunter (Cthkathal). My wife is a 48 Human Warlock (Aprisan.)

I currently play WSG almost exclusively, although now that I'm in with the Big Boys (51-60s,) I tend to not spend so much time in there, as those 60 Shammies frequently put a hurt on me.

I still need to finish Mauradon, Zul'Farek, and start Sunken Temple.

Yep... I've sent you a PM before with your hunter... Probably didnt know it was me though... I think I bought something from you...

My Char is "Snow" and my Fiance is "Veree" both 40 Rogues...
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