Worried about the PS3 fate..

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Sep 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Marinski
I like the controller and price tag on the Wii but I will wait a year or so and see what games are out then make my decision. Will get either a Wii or PS3. Leaning towards PS3 but the price needs to come down alot. But, I like playing the Jedi games so the Wii is tempting. My gf's little brother is getting a Wii so i'll play both the systems and decide which i like better. Oh and i'm no sony fanboy, the last system i got was Xbox and before that it was PS1.

oh the wait for that inevitable announcement from Lucas Arts Games...


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: shortylickens
The playstation 3 will have exclusive rights over Final Fantasy and others because of Sony's hard-assed business tactics, NOT because of their superior game machine.

Your point being what, exactly? Gamers will buy the system with the best games. Coincidentally, for the money, the PS3 IS the best purchase. The Xbox 360 costs more for the same features. $500 for a 20GB PS3 with Blu-Ray or $600 for a 20GB Xbox 360 with HD-DVD, take your pick. Ultimately the PS3 is the better purchase, especially since the games can take advantage of the faster hardware. Go to your local Best Buy and compare the graphics of any of the demo 360 games to the demo of Ridge Racer 7 and tell me that the 360 is even capable of producing such awesome graphics. A year after launch and the 360 still can't beat this PS3 launch title, which is pretty damned exciting considering launch titles are notorious for being crap (the 360 launch had nothing but ugly, buggy games that weren't fun to play)

I dont have stock in Sony and most of the folks here arent interested in making money from them, they are interested in playing some damn games. And thats where sony fails.
Their new toy is much more useful to people as a money-making device than an entertainment system, and it would appear the fainboi's best argument is now "you just wait!".

No, that's where Sony succeeds. The 360 fans had to wait a year before an exciting title hit the shelves, and that was Gears of War which gets mixed reviews although I find the game to be very fun. You yourself are merely admitting Microsoft fanboi-ism when you ignore this. Resistance: Fall of Man is a great exclusive game, as are many of the playstation 3's launch titles. They're good games, sure, but just wait until the end of spring for the cream of the crop. The PS3 already has good titles, but the fan boys are saying "wait, the best has yet to come" because that's just a fact. The 360 fans are saying the same thing in regards to Halo 3.

Why should people pay a ridiculous amount of money for something that really isnt useful now and has no genuine guarantee of usefulness in the future?

I hear lots of hot arguments from the sony lovers out there but nobody has been able to explain this to me yet.

That specific question has actually never been posted. I suppose you asked that of the 360 fans when that console was first released? Why does anyone pay absurd amounts of money for a gaming console with no guarantee of success? I know of no console with an incredible launch with the exception of the Nintendo/Super Nintendo, since Mario is such an astonishing success no matter where he goes or what he does.

The second part that I quoted there doesn't even make sense. "I hear lots of hot arguments," implies that your question has already been answered and that you failed to comprehend what was going on.

Though I do have to agree with some folks here on one point:
If they had just waited one more year, put out tons of units and dropped the price, and got a bunch of games in the library this thing would have been sweet. As such its like a big roast I pulled out of the oven early. It doesnt look too bad, and I know its going to be sweet when done, but darn it, pulling it out early and looking at it just makes me even more hungry. Not too mention angry that I still have a long time left.

Obviously getting a bunch of games in the library is key to this thing's success, that's the "fanboi argument" that you're spending so much time bitching about and yet here you are praising the idea! Your roast analogy really isn't a good one. A console isn't finished developing the day it's released. The 360 still hasn't become a great console yet, but it has a lot of hope to be awesome by the end of spring. Similar aspirations exist for the PS3. You don't just declare a console "finished" and start comparing sales numbers.

The funny thing about the future is that you really can't predict it. The PS3 has been out for a month and people are claiming it's a flop? Does that not seem insane when the lifetime of a console is generally at least 3 years? Is the Wii a flop also for not having more than a few great games? It would be like comparing sales of the Wii to sales of the Super Nintendo and then declaring the Wii a flop for not meeting expectations. These things require time!


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: PricklyPete
Originally posted by: Eeezee

Unfortunately, your last sentence only applies to you in this debate. If you'd take a good hard look at the facts, the PS3 is going to be the more valuable pruchase. The 360 is great if you want to play some FPS multiplayer, but the PS3 is going to have a wider selection of exclusive titles that everyone will inevitably want to play. Consider this

Resident Evil Series
Final Fantasy Series
Metal Gear Series
Various other previewable games that look absolutely amazing


Gears of War
Halo 3

Huh? Do you really think those will be the only 360 exclusives that people will want to play? Seriously?

How about:
1) Mass Effect
2) Bioshock
3) Lost Planet
4) Forza 2
5) Blue Dragon
6) Crackdown
7) Lost Odyssey
8) Halo Wars
9) The next Splinter Cell
10) Too Human

Not to mention that the next installment of the biggest PS2 system seller in North America, Grand Theft Auto, will be coming to both the 360 and the PS3 at the same time...so I'm not so sure that Sony will have the only exclusives that people will want to play. Gears of War is an amazing start to exclusives as well. It is such an amazingingly fun game and I'm having a blast with the Lost Planet online demo as well.

It's funny how many of those games aren't exclusive.

1) Windows, just like how the KOTOR series was "exclusively" xbox
2) Windows
3) Yes, this one is exclusive
4) Identical racing games are so hard to find on other consoles :rolleyes;
5) This one should prove to be very interesting as it is microsoft's first real attempt into exclusive RPGs that might actually be good!
6) Windows, David Jones is notorious for doing this I'm afraid
7) Another title that probably is exclusive
9) Do I have to repeat myself?
10) I've never even heard of this, so I'll just assume it's exclusive

Let's see, half of the games on that list aren't exclusive and one of the games is a racing game? I'm sorry, but racing games are too much like one another to be justified as "sequel" when the difference between many racers is purely in the title or the console.

Now, here's a nice list for you, and this time the games are ALL ACTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.

1) Devil May Cry 4
2) Metal Gear Solid 4
3) Lair
4) Warhawk
5) Heavenly Sword
6) White Knight Story
7) Eight Days
8) Ninja Gaiden Sigma
9) God of War 3
10, 11, and 12) Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII

In a year's time, the PS3 will have more popular exclusives than the Xbox 360, exactly as I stated.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: trevor0323
The system is well worth the $600, here is an example:

Xbox 360
-Top of the line system
-150 more for HD DVD add on player
$550 total

-Top of the line system with overall more power than the 360
-Included Blu-Ray player

Let me try to explain this: the HD DVD and Blu-Ray don't mean jack to the overwhelming majority of gamers. The general public doesn't even know they exist, and most of those who do know don't care. People don't buy game consoles for optical drives. With the 360, the drive is OPTIONAL. With the PS3, you're going to pay for it whether you want the thing or not. You're going to pay for it whether you see the value in it or not.

Yes, the PS3 is a good value given the things that it comes with. But if it also baked bread and BBQ'ed chicken, that doesn't mean people would spend another $200 on it. People wouldn't care about the value of the purchase because a big chunk of the expense is for auxiliary crap they weren't interested in purchasing.

Anyway, THAT'S the difference between the PS3 and the 360.

Oh god trevor0323 went to the facts that only true fanboys go to in order to defend their $600 purchase ...

While you are at it trevor0323, please throw in the extra $50 or so you will need for the PS3 cables that will allow you to actually run the system in high definition. Then add in the price of a headset for the ps3.

as jbourne77 said ... the majority of gamers don't give 2 shlts about High Definition movies and want the game consoles to ... *gasp* ... play games.

As opposed to the pointless speculation that only true microsoft fanbois need to use in order to justify paying more money for identical features? There are several ATOTers that bought the HD-DVD drive and for some reason still claim the PS3 is too expensive.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: trevor0323
The system is well worth the $600, here is an example:

Xbox 360
-Top of the line system
-150 more for HD DVD add on player
$550 total

-Top of the line system with overall more power than the 360
-Included Blu-Ray player

Let me try to explain this: the HD DVD and Blu-Ray don't mean jack to the overwhelming majority of gamers. The general public doesn't even know they exist, and most of those who do know don't care. People don't buy game consoles for optical drives. With the 360, the drive is OPTIONAL. With the PS3, you're going to pay for it whether you want the thing or not. You're going to pay for it whether you see the value in it or not.

Yes, the PS3 is a good value given the things that it comes with. But if it also baked bread and BBQ'ed chicken, that doesn't mean people would spend another $200 on it. People wouldn't care about the value of the purchase because a big chunk of the expense is for auxiliary crap they weren't interested in purchasing.

Anyway, THAT'S the difference between the PS3 and the 360.

Oh god trevor0323 went to the facts that only true fanboys go to in order to defend their $600 purchase ...

While you are at it trevor0323, please throw in the extra $50 or so you will need for the PS3 cables that will allow you to actually run the system in high definition. Then add in the price of a headset for the ps3.

as jbourne77 said ... the majority of gamers don't give 2 shlts about High Definition movies and want the game consoles to ... *gasp* ... play games.

As opposed to the pointless speculation that only true microsoft fanbois need to use in order to justify paying more money for identical features? There are several ATOTers that bought the HD-DVD drive and for some reason still claim the PS3 is too expensive.

But you see, the people who own a 360 and bought the HD drive had a CHOICE to do so. There is not a $399 version of the PS3 that comes with all of the bells and whistles minus the Blu-Ray drive. Open your eyes.


Senior member
Dec 9, 2002
I think it's too early to tell the PS3's fate. Ideally, I'd like to see them release a version without blu-ray for a lot less money - I'd buy one. The bottom line is price for most people. Many people who care about Blu-ray don't care about games, and vice versa - so they've created a product that, at this price point, alienates a huge group of people. The bottom line is, at the end of the day, the games make the console. I didn't play my PS2 much, other than sports games, then God of War came out. After playing through it, I felt that game alone justified my PS2 purchase (well, until it crapped out). I also have a Wii and 360, of which I'm enjoying both. The only game I have for the 360 is Gears of War, and I'm loving it. To me, it doesn't mater what name is on the console, what shape it is, what types of media it can play - if my game experience is fun, entertaining and engrossing, then I'm good. I'm actually pulling for Sony to come through big somehow, because that means I'd have a third system to have fun with and it would push Microsoft and Nintendo just that much harder with greater competition.
May 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Randum
Originally posted by: cr2250
I was really close to getting a ps3 as I already have a 360 but I read on the internet 360 will receive the games I wanted for the ps3 (mgs4 and assasins creed) This doesn't mean I won't buy it, but more of a reason I shouldn't get it right now.

all that is rumor and no one knows for sure about what games own what system

It's already known for a fact that MGS4 is coming out for the PS3 exclusively. It's really not a rumor, it's been officially announced for a long time.

Assassin's Creed is coming out for every system except Wii. That includes PC.

"Exclusive" these days usually just means "for a certain period of time." Likely there will be an expanded and improved version released for other systems later.
May 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: PricklyPete
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: DaveSimmons
> 95% backwards compatibility so games like FF XII and God of War are playable
Good reviews as a blu-ray player (just needs remote)
Roughly as good as Xbox360 for games (launch titles ports a little worse)

Once supply is there and a few more good games are out (including ports), I think enough people will choose it over the 360 that it will be at least a modest success.

I agree with this post. Some say that Microsoft delivers to its customers, but what about backwards compatability? The Xbox 360's backwards compatability sucks at best, and it lags; the emulation software is poorly designed, or there's some issue with the hardware that I'm unaware of.

Backwards compatibility is the most wanted feature that is the most under-used feature. When I was at Zero Hour I was actually talking to quite a few people about this (both from microsoft and third parties) and they were telling me how research showed that about 90% of people wanted backwards compatibility, but only 5% actually used it. These numbers were thrown around by quite a few companies.

And it makes sense. Who the hell gets an Xbox360 or PS3 to play last gen games? No one. Sure it can be a secondary benefit and a treat, but it's not one person is going to say "Oh know, screw that ... I'm not getting an Xbox360 because I cant play my xbox games on it. I'm going to get a PS3 because I can play my PS2 games on it".

I mean I realized the other day that my Wii can play gamecube games, and there are a few I'm going to get now that I missed out on and for damn cheap (Mario Kart DD and RE4), but that had nothing to do with me wanting to get the system at all. I couldn't care less if it didn't have BC.

Not to mention that when MS adds BC for a game, they put effort into making it look good on a big HDTV...as opposed to PS3 where the PS1/PS2 games look significantly worse than on the original console.

Halo 2 on the Xbox 360 looks fantastic...definitely better than it did on the original Xbox.

Halo plays like crap on the 360.

That, and it makes sense for backwards compatability to be a treat. Most features of a console are a treat. In fact, the Blu-Ray playback of the PS3 is going to be the first time that movie-playback is really one of the highlights of any console. I rarely used DVD playback on the PS2 and never use it on the 360, why would you use them when an upconverting DVD player is so much better and easier to use AND cheaper?

Obviously no one is going to buy a next gen console purely for last gen games, but it's important not to do what Microsoft did and promise full backwards compatability and then only finish patching a handful of games on a botched emulator.

Actually, the first time movie playback was a highlight of a console was for the PS2 release in Japan. The PS2 was cheaper than the stand-alone players there at the time. If I remember right, the number one selling title for the PS2 launch in Japan was the movie The Matrix.
May 31, 2001
Originally posted by: HombrePequeno
Originally posted by: killface
I remember when they tried to sell us the Neo Geo for $750.
I spotted 2 of these on the shelf at Target today. It doesn't seem like they're going anywhere.

The Neo Geo debuted nearly 17 years ago. $750 then is a hell of a lot more than $750 now. That'd come out to over $1000 in todays' dollars. People are bitching about paying $600 for the PS3 now, there's no wonder why the Neo Geo didn't do so well. I believe the games were pretty ridiculously priced as well.

Cartridges ran about $300.00, but they used the same chips as the arcade games, so there was no dumbing down to an underpowered console. Unfortunately, due to U.S. hysteria, they did change the BIOS for the U.S. system so that blood spray was white and such.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
But you see, the people who own a 360 and bought the HD drive had a CHOICE to do so. There is not a $399 version of the PS3 that comes with all of the bells and whistles minus the Blu-Ray drive. Open your eyes.
Why would anyone want to have to buy an add-on drive is beyond me. That's lame. Build it into the system goddamnit.

BTW, I have no allegiance to any consoles.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: PricklyPete
Originally posted by: Eeezee

Unfortunately, your last sentence only applies to you in this debate. If you'd take a good hard look at the facts, the PS3 is going to be the more valuable pruchase. The 360 is great if you want to play some FPS multiplayer, but the PS3 is going to have a wider selection of exclusive titles that everyone will inevitably want to play. Consider this

Resident Evil Series
Final Fantasy Series
Metal Gear Series
Various other previewable games that look absolutely amazing


Gears of War
Halo 3

Huh? Do you really think those will be the only 360 exclusives that people will want to play? Seriously?

How about:
1) Mass Effect
2) Bioshock
3) Lost Planet
4) Forza 2
5) Blue Dragon
6) Crackdown
7) Lost Odyssey
8) Halo Wars
9) The next Splinter Cell
10) Too Human

Not to mention that the next installment of the biggest PS2 system seller in North America, Grand Theft Auto, will be coming to both the 360 and the PS3 at the same time...so I'm not so sure that Sony will have the only exclusives that people will want to play. Gears of War is an amazing start to exclusives as well. It is such an amazingingly fun game and I'm having a blast with the Lost Planet online demo as well.

It's funny how many of those games aren't exclusive.

1) Windows, just like how the KOTOR series was "exclusively" xbox
2) Windows
3) Yes, this one is exclusive
4) Identical racing games are so hard to find on other consoles :rolleyes;
5) This one should prove to be very interesting as it is microsoft's first real attempt into exclusive RPGs that might actually be good!
6) Windows, David Jones is notorious for doing this I'm afraid
7) Another title that probably is exclusive
9) Do I have to repeat myself?
10) I've never even heard of this, so I'll just assume it's exclusive

Let's see, half of the games on that list aren't exclusive and one of the games is a racing game? I'm sorry, but racing games are too much like one another to be justified as "sequel" when the difference between many racers is purely in the title or the console.

Now, here's a nice list for you, and this time the games are ALL ACTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.

1) Devil May Cry 4
2) Metal Gear Solid 4

3) Lair
4) Warhawk
5) Heavenly Sword
6) White Knight Story
7) Eight Days
8) Ninja Gaiden Sigma
9) God of War 3
10, 11, and 12) Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII

In a year's time, the PS3 will have more popular exclusives than the Xbox 360, exactly as I stated.

Uhhh...who cares about whether or not games are for the 360 and the PC? You forget that MS has TWO platforms to promote...the PC and the 360. MS is treating them as cooperative products...not competitive products. They are even going as far as to promote games where PC users can play with 360 users and promote XNA to easily make games for both the PC and the 360. This argument is old and weak.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
But you see, the people who own a 360 and bought the HD drive had a CHOICE to do so. There is not a $399 version of the PS3 that comes with all of the bells and whistles minus the Blu-Ray drive. Open your eyes.
Why would anyone want to have to buy an add-on drive is beyond me. That's lame. Build it into the system goddamnit.

BTW, I have no allegiance to any consoles.

Hello? We're talking about price here. If you include the drive in the unit then the price of the 360 must increase. Since HD-DVD has no bearing on the gameplay of the system it is not NEEDED to be a gaming system. WTH would I want to be forced to pay $200 for something I might not even use?


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
But you see, the people who own a 360 and bought the HD drive had a CHOICE to do so. There is not a $399 version of the PS3 that comes with all of the bells and whistles minus the Blu-Ray drive. Open your eyes.
Why would anyone want to have to buy an add-on drive is beyond me. That's lame. Build it into the system goddamnit.

BTW, I have no allegiance to any consoles.
Hello? We're talking about price here. If you include the drive in the unit then the price of the 360 must increase. Since HD-DVD has no bearing on the gameplay of the system it is not NEEDED to be a gaming system. WTH would I want to be forced to pay $200 for something I might not even use?
No one is forcing you to buy it. Without the add-on drive, what can the XBox 360 do?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Originally posted by: loup garou
Originally posted by: shortylickens
Originally posted by: loup garou
It's the same as people with computers who get off comparing framerates and benchmarks and video card stats and overclocks. They get more enjoyment out of bragging about specs than actually enjoying the games.
Thats about the second or third dumbest thing I've ever read on Anandtech.
And I've been here for three years now, seen many a nef and troll running through.
Since you're INSANELY ignorant I feel like I should try to enlighten you just a little.
We get enjoyment out of playing about 3 times the library and 5 times the variety of video games that the console lovers know about.
Every game that the console lover believes to have a unique feature or new idea has been attemped long since on the home computer and with much better results.
And please dont quote sales records for me. Having seen what goes on in movie theaters and on TV it is blatently obvious what kind of entertainment the average American consumer seems to find enjoyable.
That console game sales outdo computer games only cements my opinion.
Holy misinterpretation Batman! :roll:
I dont think this will make me look like any less of an ass but here goes:
I did not misunderstand you.

You stated we get off more with the clocks than actually enjoying the games.
I responded by saying this was absolutely, positively not true.
Thats what we do when we are exausted and need to give our fingers a break. We have better games and enjoy playing them.

At least argue my unsupported opinion on game quality instead of hitting me the most overused and least useful of anandtech's emoticons.
May 31, 2001
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Initial shortages and a high price is what will keep many away from PS3. Apparently people still have a lot of faith in Sony, considering that, so far PS2, outsold both X360 and Wii this holiday season.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
But you see, the people who own a 360 and bought the HD drive had a CHOICE to do so. There is not a $399 version of the PS3 that comes with all of the bells and whistles minus the Blu-Ray drive. Open your eyes.
Why would anyone want to have to buy an add-on drive is beyond me. That's lame. Build it into the system goddamnit.

BTW, I have no allegiance to any consoles.
Hello? We're talking about price here. If you include the drive in the unit then the price of the 360 must increase. Since HD-DVD has no bearing on the gameplay of the system it is not NEEDED to be a gaming system. WTH would I want to be forced to pay $200 for something I might not even use?
No one is forcing you to buy it. Without the add-on drive, what can the XBox 360 do?

Everything but play HD-DVD movies.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2001
Well, I had one in hand for my son's Christmas present but desided I couldnt afford it.

Instead I bought him the PSP, extra games, new dvd player, and some movies.

Being a "blue collar" worker, It was to much.

I'm sure Im not the only one who thinks that.

....it's fate, I dunno.......

May 31, 2001
PS3 Loses Another "Exclusive" Title

Virtua Fighter 5 Comes To The 360

Sega announced just hours ago that the former PlayStation 3 exclusive arcade port of Virtua Fighter 5 will come to Microsoft's Xbox 360. As we talked about a few days ago, the PS3 version will hit stateside on February 20th with the 360 SKU shipping some time in "late summer of 2007" meaning PS3 fans will stil be able to thumb their noses at the 360-only crowd for a good six months.

How bad is this news for Sony? While Virtua Fighter may not be a strong system seller on par with GTA or Halo, the PlayStation 2 version of Virtua Fighter 4 did shift some 1.7 million units worldwide, so the series still has its fans worldwide.

Let's hope that someone (Sega!) releases that very nice USB Virtua Stick High Grade so we can play VF5 with proper controls. Michael McWhertor


Premiere Fighting Game Franchise Makes First Appearance on Microsoft's Next Generation Videogame Console

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (December 21, 2006) - SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced that the highly anticipated arcade fighting game, Virtua Fighter 5, will make its way onto the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system. Virtua Fighter 5 is scheduled for release on Xbox 360 in North America and in Europe during late summer 2007. The game will also be available for the PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system on February 20th, 2007 in North America and will be available in Europe simultaneously with the system's launch in March 2007.

"Those people lucky enough to have already played Virtua Fighter 5 will know that it's laid the foundations to become the clear benchmark for fighting games on all next generation consoles", said Matt Woodley, Creative Director, SEGA Publishing Europe Ltd. "Bringing Virtua Fighter 5 to the Xbox 360 offers us a platform with power to handle the astonishing visuals, the complex and varied fighting styles of all the customisable characters and will undoubtedly put Virtua Fighter 5 into the hands of a gaming audience craving for a highly polished and credible fighting game."

Virtua Fighter 5 features beautifully detailed stages from around the world where players face off in fast-moving martial arts battles against one of 17 characters. Two lively new characters join the elite group of fighters, adding two new unique fighting styles for players to try and master. With more skill and strategy than ever before, players are also given the opportunity to learn and employ the new "Offensive Move" technique to take down their opponents from different angles, adding a new dimension to the game and something for both new and old fans to master. Virtua Fighter 5 also includes the ability to customise characters by selecting from four base costumes and a wide range of unlockable accessories and earnable items. As players win more tournaments they will not only earn costumes and accessories, but also prizes and in-game money that will allow them to buy items from the in-game shop.

"The Virtua Fighter series from SEGA has one of the most prestigious histories in video games," said Jeff Bell, corporate vice president of global marketing for the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. "It's a franchise that has grown an army of loyal fans both in arcades and on consoles worldwide, and is consistently rated extremely high by the media. Fighting game fans have been hungry for Virtua Fighter 5 and we can now proudly deliver this game with SEGA to Xbox 360 gamers around the world."

Developed by the highly renowned Tokyo based development team, AM R&D Development No.2, Virtua Fighter 5 for the Xbox 360 will be available across Europe and North America during late summer 2007.



Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Yongsta
Who was gonna buy a PS3 for Virtua Figher anyways?


It's not JUST about Virtua Fighter it's about the sum of titles that once were exclusive and are now not.

Common sense FTW?!?!


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
But you see, the people who own a 360 and bought the HD drive had a CHOICE to do so. There is not a $399 version of the PS3 that comes with all of the bells and whistles minus the Blu-Ray drive. Open your eyes.
Why would anyone want to have to buy an add-on drive is beyond me. That's lame. Build it into the system goddamnit.

BTW, I have no allegiance to any consoles.

why do we need a next gen dvd player in any system.. and be forced to pay for it?
thats the point..
I dont want.. nor care for either blu ray or HDdvd at this point in time..

as for Ridge racer.. wtf... its by far one of the weakest running franchises in vid game history.. weak ass unrealistic racing.. not 1 redeeming qualities


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Nutdotnet
Originally posted by: Yongsta
Who was gonna buy a PS3 for Virtua Figher anyways?


It's not JUST about Virtua Fighter it's about the sum of titles that once were exclusive and are now not.

Common sense FTW?!?!

Yep. Armored Core 4 is coming out for the 360 in March. That's yet another title that was always a Playstation exclusive moving over to the 360. More importantly, it is a Japanese favorite moving over.


Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2002
For PS3 I would only play MGS or the Final Fantasy Series. Hopefully the price will go down a bit a year from now.
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