Worried about the PS3 fate..

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Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: Nutdotnet
Originally posted by: Yongsta
Who was gonna buy a PS3 for Virtua Figher anyways?


It's not JUST about Virtua Fighter it's about the sum of titles that once were exclusive and are now not.

Common sense FTW?!?!

Yep. Armored Core 4 is coming out for the 360 in March. That's yet another title that was always a Playstation exclusive moving over to the 360. More importantly, it is a Japanese favorite moving over.

WOAH Armored Core 4 is going to the 360 also as is Virtua Figher 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW games that i thought would never be on another console are all over the place now. hmm there are hardly many exclusives now-a-days since money grubbing peeps like EA are releasing them on every system. I loved VF4:evo and played armored core a hell of a lot on ps1.


Dec 4, 2000
the beastS3 must be tanking.
it seems almost every store has them now.
rotting on the shelves for $600.

I dont see how sony wont be 2nd or 3rd banana this time around unless they cut the cost fast.
Im having flashbacks of the 3d0


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2002
Probably already been mentioned, but I noticed on the first page someone put backwards compatibility as a plus, I've heard PS2 games look quite bad on the PS3 though. Apparently Sony didn't even attempt to filter/smooth out the graphics at all.


Dec 4, 2000
to be fair. i really like the controller, the hdmi to hdmi cable and not some proprietary wierd thing(kinda like the 1st rev ps1,its probably coming)
Gran Turismo HD.....if someone told me they were playing Gran Turismo 4 and I didnt see the system and etc.I'd probably believe them.
Resistance? I thought Gears of War looked much better.
The machine seems solid, and it is quiet, hate the gloss plastic top.Love the standard 3 prong cable.

Blu Ray Talladega Nights...LOL
I just dont see how it all adds up to $600 at this point.
In fact, even if the console were $400, i'd have reservations.


Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2006
This reminds me of the 3D0 so much when Trip Hawkins thought everyone would foot $700 for this new technology called "CD" and it failed miserablely.

You can replace 3D0 with PS3 in this article.

"It will cost too much. You can't sell a $700 game box.

Forget it. Major dumb idea. "It doesn't stand a ghost of a prayer of a chance of being cheap enough," says Glen Edens of Interval Research, the man who brought the mouse and GUI (icons, windows, and trashcans) out of Xerox PARC to Apple, and the man who wrote the business plans for Lisa and the Apple LaserWriter with Trip Hawkins.

"It's a noble effort," says Tom Kalinsky, CEO of Sega. "Some people will buy 3DO, and they'll have a wonderful experience. It's impressive. But it's a niche. We've done the research. It does not become a large market until you get below $500. At $300 it starts to get interesting. We make no money in hardware. It's a cut-throat price market. I hope Matsushita understands that."

The owner of another interactive company echoed Kalinsky: "It doesn't make sense. Hardware companies like Matsushita are used to making money on hardware. Here they will be competing against companies that don't care whether they sell their hardware at a profit or not. I don't think it will work."

"We know this market," says Bill White, Nintendo's director of marketing and corporate communications, "and it's not there at $700. Half of the players and 65 to 70 percent of the software buyers are under fifteen. They save up their allowance money and their birthday money. In 1991 we brought out Super Nintendo at $200. It hit the wall. In 1992 we brought the price down to $149, or with no software at $99, and sales took off like a rocket."

3DO Spinners

It's not a game box.

"If we wanted to do a game box," says Rick Tompane, 3DO's chief technology officer, "we could have done it like everyone else: charge $100 for the box, then $50...for the cartridges. We want to change the economics. A CD costs $1 to produce. You can retail it at $10 to $30 - which is in the interests of both the publisher and the consumer, who will be able to buy many more titles. It won't just be games. It will be audio CDs, photo CDs, video CDs, education titles, reference works, entertainment, games, simulations."

"That's the difference," says Hawkins, "between a medium, which this is, and a business like videogames. In videogames, the software is expensive, there are no returns, and the publisher is risk-averse. A medium is like the newspaper business, like television or magazines. The cost of manufacturing an individual unit of the software - the cost of printing an individual newspaper, say - is extremely low. The price to the consumer is trivial. This is not just a new machine, it's a new medium, so the economics are very different."

"Anytime you get a big jump in performance," Hawkins says, "a half million or so people will buy it, no matter what you do in terms of marketing and support. Look at the Atari ST - they did everything wrong, and they still sold half a million. When you add to that multiple, competing manufacturers, and good titles, you've got quite a market. Look at the Commodore 64. It was seen at the time as a game machine. In 1993 dollars, it cost well over $1,000. They sold 15 million of them."

"We know this market, too," says Hawkins, "because of our experience at Electronic Arts. And it's not all allowance money. Sure, the average age of a kid playing an 8-bit game is eleven. But the average for a 16-bit sports simulation is eighteen or nineteen. These are people with jobs. The average for our flight trainer is 38. These are people with careers."

Besides: "When the price drops below $500, which it will pretty quickly," says Tompane, "then it becomes much more of a live product."



Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2006
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
ps3 is going to sell twice the number of consoles and 360 and wii combined just like ps2 will damn near sell 3 times the gamecube and xbox combined. also it will keep selling like crazy even after xbox 3 comes out.

This is funny


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: ncircle
when will we see the drop to $400?

If the PS3 is in dire straits...this upcoming holiday season. If not, probably not until late 2008.


Dec 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: ncircle
when will we see the drop to $400?

If the PS3 is in dire straits...this upcoming holiday season. If not, probably not until late 2008.

How much momentum can this machine sustain @$600 a whack?


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: ncircle
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: ncircle
when will we see the drop to $400?

If the PS3 is in dire straits...this upcoming holiday season. If not, probably not until late 2008.

How much momentum can this machine sustain @$600 a whack?

That's the question. But even at $600, Sony is losing something like $250 on each console.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: ncircle
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: ncircle
when will we see the drop to $400?

If the PS3 is in dire straits...this upcoming holiday season. If not, probably not until late 2008.

How much momentum can this machine sustain @$600 a whack?

That's the question. But even at $600, Sony is losing something like $250 on each console.

Which I *think* is primarily attributed to the cost of Blu-Ray....


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Nutdotnet
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: ncircle
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: ncircle
when will we see the drop to $400?

If the PS3 is in dire straits...this upcoming holiday season. If not, probably not until late 2008.

How much momentum can this machine sustain @$600 a whack?

That's the question. But even at $600, Sony is losing something like $250 on each console.

Which I *think* is primarily attributed to the cost of Blu-Ray....

Combination of Blu-Ray and the Cell and a little bit of the NVidia GPU.


Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2006
Originally posted by: ncircle
when will we see the drop to $400?

With the inventory of PS3 gathering dust at most major retailer, Sony might not have a choice but to cut it by the end of this year.

But being the arrogant bastard that Sony is, the CEO will still insist the PS3 is underpriced and the consumer is getting a bargain.


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2004
PS3 demand slows, stores stocked aplenty

With the 2006 holiday season firmly behind us, all "next-gen" consoles are out of the gate and running. Sony has announced that the company has shipped 1 million PlayStation 3 consoles and says that they are on track for their European launch in March. Now that the mad holiday rush is over, however, Sony's challenges are just now mounting.

Without a doubt, the PS3 launch was something to behold: news stories of insanely long lines, fatal shootings and occasional muggings made it clear that in the early days, getting a PS3 was darn near impossible. Many saw the PS3 as pure eBay gold. Reality has set in, however. Suddenly PS3 speculators can't unload their units on eBay for a profit. Gaming blogs have started joking that the PS3 excels at collecting dust on shelves. Has demand really died down that quickly? We decided to find out by checking stores in the Cincinnati and Boston metropolitan regions.

The results are unambiguous: the PlayStation 3 is in stock, almost everywhere. In Cincinnati, there were PS3s at multiple Wal-Marts, GameStops, and Circuit City stores. The numbers went from only one system at the first Wal-Mart store to 15 at the second; everyone else seemed to have under ten units, mixed between the 20GB and 60GB models. If you want to buy a PS3, it's simply a matter of going to the right store or ordering from Best Buy or Circuit City online, both of which have them in stock, ready to ship. The same can be said for the Xbox 360, which is also available everywhere we checked. The Wii, on the other hand, has been sold out everywhere, with vague rumors of another shipment in the next few days.

One retailer spoke to me on condition of anonymity, and broke down his version of the situation. "It's not that we've gotten more PS3s than Wiis, it's just that no one wants them. We've seen a few returned. We have four in the store right now," he said. He also told of people coming in with multiple systems and no receipts, looking for cash back after their eBay listings failed to gather attention. "If you told me that I would have PS3s to sell and that I won't be able to get enough Wiis back in October, I would have laughed at you," he went on. He also detailed a memo from a regional vice president telling managers to put up a hand-written note telling customers that the PS3 is in stock.

Without any clear numbers outside of the 1 million shipped in North America, it's hard to say if demand for the PS3 is cooling or if supply is simply catching up. Recall that it wasn't until spring was nearly here last year that Microsoft was able to meet the initial demand.

It's not the case that the PS3 isn't selling well, however. One store manager revealed that they have sold 24 of 28 launch units, and most others who would talk to us told similar tales. Sales are strong; they're simply not as strong as many expected and a few even hoped.

The rush for the PS3 is over, and now it's up to Sony to get the games and updates needed to put the PS3 back in the minds of gamers to move this inventory. This is a marathon, not a sprint, but the widespread availability has to be troubling to Sony. When the "sold out" stories quickly become "inventory stacked to the ceiling a month later" stories, shareholders may become somewhat unsettled by how strong the competition has become.

No doubt about it.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
I was just at best buy and they had a table right at the entrance with probably half a dozen PS3 boxes and a big sign saying $599.....and zero Wii(s)

I suppose we've all heard that by now though

I think the number one thing they need to do is actually convince people they'll want bluray. Also, a few really freaking good games that actually bring the system to it's limits are necessary.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2003
Sony f'ed themselves in the as5. f'in $599 for a game console. Ridiculous.

I consider myself a "gamer" and I wouldn't dream of getting a PS3. It's WII and PC for me!


May 30, 2006
went to walmart this weekend, they had about 30 xbox 360s, 399.99 each. no wiis.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2006
I agree with the investors/analysts saying it's got long-term potential and eventually overcome it's slow start. Wii will come in second worldwide, I think.


Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2006
Anyone think WII or XBOX360 has a chance to beat out PS3 for the #1 spot? I don't see how SONY is going to claim #1 unless they start lowering the price to at least $399 when WII has already shipped out 4 millions unit, XBOX 360 shipped out over 10 millions unit, while PS3 has shipped only 1 million unit and the units are not selling out, unlike the WII which is sold out almost everywhere and you couldn't buy a XBOX 360 without a bundle till March when it was released.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
The extra supplies of PS3 showed up too late for Xmas, now a lot of people are looking at their credit card bills and can't afford one . . . yet.

The wii is cheap enough that a lot more people can still fit it in their budget, plus there is currently a wave of wii-hype. How long it will last is anybody's guess.

It's hard to say whether wii will keep selling like the DS, or if the novelty of the conrollers will wear off and people will go back to buying Xbox and PS3 for the much better graphics and games like Oblivion, GoW and Resistance that just won't work on a wii.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by: bennylong
Anyone think WII or XBOX360 has a chance to beat out PS3 for the #1 spot? I don't see how SONY is going to claim #1 unless they start lowering the price to at least $399 when WII has already shipped out 4 millions unit, XBOX 360 shipped out over 10 millions unit, while PS3 has shipped only 1 million unit and the units are not selling out, unlike the WII which is sold out almost everywhere and you couldn't buy a XBOX 360 without a bundle till March when it was released.

The ONLY thing Sony has going for it is the big Japanese fanbase and developer support. As long as Square is your big developer, you have a shot.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: bennylong
Anyone think WII or XBOX360 has a chance to beat out PS3 for the #1 spot? I don't see how SONY is going to claim #1 unless they start lowering the price to at least $399 when WII has already shipped out 4 millions unit, XBOX 360 shipped out over 10 millions unit, while PS3 has shipped only 1 million unit and the units are not selling out, unlike the WII which is sold out almost everywhere and you couldn't buy a XBOX 360 without a bundle till March when it was released.

I think a lot of people think the Wii or Xbox 360 has a chance to beat out the PS3:

Note the poll results:
Wii - 53.4%
Xbox 360 - 29.2%
PS3 - 17.3%

I think anyone who think the PS3 will take the number 1 spot because the PS2 dominated last generation is just blinded by fanboyism. Anyone who thinks it will be the number 1 system because it has superior technology is ignoring the many, many people who are different from themselves.

All 3 systems have a legitimate shot at coming out on top this generation.

PS3 has brand loyalty on its side, of course.
Microsoft has an awesome system, all they need to do is make more games that will be popular outside of the US. A price drop would help a lot.
Wii is of course incredibly fun, if they can get the third party support that they didn't get last time and have some mature games on top of Nintendo's amazing family-friendly games, they can come out on top.

I don't think Sony can afford to lower the price anytime soon. It just costs them too much to build. They'd never make the money back on games if they're losing $500 a system.
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