Worried about the PS3 fate..

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No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: destrekor
Originally posted by: Emrys
The main problem with the PS3 is that Sony is using it to push its Blue Ray technology. Blue Ray held up the system and increased the price. I'm sure it is/will be a great system, but they didn't take the time needed to fully prepare Blue Ray and ready it for such a high demand. Once the technology settles and production cost combined with better titles/backing arrives the system should do alright. Just my guess.

Blu-Ray is doing fine. now it just needs a steady release of movies, both new and older.

what do you mean by fine? selling consoles is no garrantee of film sales at all. look at the psp. plus gamers tend to be younger and cheap. money spent on games, not bluray.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: destrekor
Originally posted by: Emrys
The main problem with the PS3 is that Sony is using it to push its Blue Ray technology. Blue Ray held up the system and increased the price. I'm sure it is/will be a great system, but they didn't take the time needed to fully prepare Blue Ray and ready it for such a high demand. Once the technology settles and production cost combined with better titles/backing arrives the system should do alright. Just my guess.

Blu-Ray is doing fine. now it just needs a steady release of movies, both new and older.

what do you mean by fine? selling consoles is no garrantee of film sales at all. look at the psp. plus gamers tend to be younger and cheap. money spent on games, not bluray.

Yep. There's been no noticeable spike in Blu-Ray movie sales since the PS3 came out.


Platinum Member
Jun 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Yossarian
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Oh, I'm hoping the PS3 fails. And Sony can also shove that Blu-Ray up their ass.

hear hear

You know, I have to agree with you on that. I am sick and tired of Sony trying to gain monopoly's on storage formats. You would think that after BETAMax failed and countless others since then, they would have given up.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: CrazyHelloDeli
Originally posted by: Yossarian
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Oh, I'm hoping the PS3 fails. And Sony can also shove that Blu-Ray up their ass.

hear hear

You know, I have to agree with you on that. I am sick and tired of Sony trying to gain monopoly's on storage formats. You would think that after BETAMax failed and countless others since then, they would have given up.

But as said earlier, Sony has a general dickish attitude of how they think they can dictate the people to buy their format because it's technically better. Until Sony takes this seriously, they aren't getting $$$$ from me. In the mean time, I'll play my Wii and eventually my 360.


Feb 3, 2003
i hate sony after dealing with their customer service. apparently, they don't give a sh!t about their customers.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: destrekor
Originally posted by: Emrys
The main problem with the PS3 is that Sony is using it to push its Blue Ray technology. Blue Ray held up the system and increased the price. I'm sure it is/will be a great system, but they didn't take the time needed to fully prepare Blue Ray and ready it for such a high demand. Once the technology settles and production cost combined with better titles/backing arrives the system should do alright. Just my guess.

Blu-Ray is doing fine. now it just needs a steady release of movies, both new and older.

what do you mean by fine? selling consoles is no garrantee of film sales at all. look at the psp. plus gamers tend to be younger and cheap. money spent on games, not bluray.

Yep. There's been no noticeable spike in Blu-Ray movie sales since the PS3 came out.

im saying as a format its a healthy format, as in no tech problems in manufacturing. now it just has to take hold. i wasn't even thinking about it in the PS3.

Originally posted by: CrazyHelloDeli
Originally posted by: Yossarian
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Oh, I'm hoping the PS3 fails. And Sony can also shove that Blu-Ray up their ass.

hear hear

You know, I have to agree with you on that. I am sick and tired of Sony trying to gain monopoly's on storage formats. You would think that after BETAMax failed and countless others since then, they would have given up.

it's not a wise decision as a company to give up on something. if there's hope, there's a way. just other things have succeeded in a stronger fashion than sony's past attempts.
oh and Blu-Ray isn't a sony-owned technology. do a little research first. it's a large private entity that deals with the format, with a board of director's and all. sony was appointed as head of licensing. http://www.blu-raydisc.com/

Originally posted by: DaWhim
i hate sony after dealing with their customer service. apparently, they don't give a sh!t about their customers.

complete opposite story from when I had to call SCEA. they had remarkable help. hell the person I talked to was better-informed than anyone I've ever dealt with. Most people in the tech-help world seem not to understand what the hell ground loops and feedback from them even are. i was shocked when he said that, and surprised I didn't think of it before a tech support agent did. lol
Sep 29, 2004
The PS3 has no killer app. That's the bottom line. Put out a Mario 64 for it, and it will sell like pancakes .... very expensive pancakes.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
The PS3 has no killer app. That's the bottom line. Put out a Mario 64 for it, and it will sell like pancakes .... very expensive pancakes.

that's expected for launch. 360 didn't. hell, i'd say the only killer app for 360 is Gears of War, and it'll be that way for awhile it seems.
at least we only have to wait till the second quarter for some possible killer apps.


Sep 3, 2001
After having the least powerful hardware amongst the major players in each respective generation, Sony somehow failed to learn that being first out and securing solid software was the simple key to success. This generation they pretty much got it all backwards.


Jun 11, 2004
xbox 360 kicked their ass this round. It took sony over a year to get up to par in regards to xbox 360 graphics. It'll sell it's fair share of consoles because it's playstation, but you have to give the overall nod to 360 at this point.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
oh yeah i thought the 360 was great! had some good titles, i just kept going ps3 cause of the backwards compatibility and my love for the franchises they have adopted over the years-HOWEVER! gears of war...WOW!! what a console seller, i see myself getting a 360 at some point


Golden Member
Feb 21, 2006
oh wow, reached 4 [ages already! in japan and USA, the worlds 2 tech. leading countries who are into gaming, PS3 will do good as every1 wants a HDtv or already owns one! in other countries,like india and china, there are so few people who have flat screens, much less hdtv's !

Ps3 adding blue-ray to the cost is just making every1 pay for a hd dvd player, even those who just have regular tube tv's!

its selling its console to a very small and rich concentrated market!


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Itchrelief
Originally posted by: BillyBatson
iiiiiiiii waited in line for 3 days for the ps3! i was number 1 in line! the plan was to sell it. i waited with 2 other friends. #2 in line we got him to open his and he regrets it. #3 he took his back to frys 2 days ago because there is no longer a profit. me i listed mine on ebay for a 3 day auction, there is a day and 3 hours left and it is only at $1.25 even though the heading is right and i bought a border for it! i don't get how other auctions that have more time than mine have more views and bids! mine has 18 bids, 4 of them are my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i took back my ps3 today to frys. you should have seen the look on their faces =\

Good thing you kept the receipt this time. Coulda been hell.

ROFL!!!! yeah i didn't lose my receipt like my friend! but then again he purchased 4 games on 1 receipt, i purchased a ps3 60gb and 8 games! no way was i losing that lol i put it in my ziplock of receipts. no probs taking it back though tomorrow (now today) was the last day to do so. the ugy in back of me was returning a psp, he ended up purchasing my ps3 though i am not sure if they sold it to him with the 8 bundled games


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
No decent titles at launch cuz late to the party, sounds like a familiar situation few years ago - except the tables have turned now.
in Japan, I hear the console gamers are very antagonistic towards MS in general, which may explain the disprortionate sales amount. However, you also need to take into account how XBOX sales is on the rise after the launch of the much anicipated Blue Dragon. Note the fact that XBOX has much better software support from the japanese developers this time around, in which case the gamers may look past their brand loyalty and go for something that makes more sense.

What truly puzzles me is how Fight Night Round3 has distinctly better gfx on the xbox, when it was developed to make the ps3 shine. So much for superior gfx hardware hoax, and like they had more time to develop the xbox version of this game. Every time I stumble upon some read on xbox vs ps3 development ease, I am obligated to swamp through rants about how difficult it is to develop anything for PS3. So perhaps in few years, you may (big if here) actually see something that could make ps3 titles look better.. hopefully before both systems phase out LOL

On a side note, is Blue-Ray really doing ok? Havnt really heard back for a while, the last thing I heard was how the initial lineup of BD players sucked hardcore (that, of course, is largely due to sony's stupidity to not go with VC-1), so bad that they the retailers had to use HD-DVD players in disguise to showcase the twice as expensive BD players. LOL

for what its worth, the rootkit fiasco alone should be enough reason to turn anyone to hate sony...


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Not saying this trying to be rude or as flamebait but honestly, if you're worried about the future of a video game console... Well, let's put it this way; chances are you need a hobby.


Sep 28, 2002
one thing that people talk about when they talk about the success of the Ps2 is that they assume it was always a success. Even the OP states that Sony was dead on with the PS2.

Uhhhh WRONG.

The Ps2 at launch was much more lackluster than the Ps3. Beyond having huge problems with failures(hey haven't heard anything from Ps3 yet which is nice...then again the Ps3 is much more thermally friendly in terms of heat transfer than the ps2 was) the games were totally ****** for ATLEAST a year.

Lets see...in the beginning the only good thing was Tekken Tag, and Madden if you liked that. Then we had a lot of hype around sky oddysey for a while....and the reality is that it was dead silent for a LONG time until Gran Turismo 3 came out in the SUMMER.
Yeah other stuff was fun and okay, like the original time splitters, but we have those same type of games in the form of Call of Duty 3, etc.

It really wasn't until 1.5 years that the Ps2 REALLY started to look better.

So As far as i'm concernd the Ps3 is doing fine.

as for sony geting "humility"...they realized the Ps3 launch was a blunder and that PSP wasn't doing as well as they hoped and Kutaragi got a swift kick in the nuts for that. So they are aware of what went on.

I'm still interested in the ps3 because i'm still having trouble finding X360 games that I really want to play. The wii for SURE has my interest...but my friends already bought them and i can play it at their place when i want to.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
Originally posted by: VanillaH

What truly puzzles me is how Fight Night Round3 has distinctly better gfx on the xbox, when it was developed to make the ps3 shine. So much for superior gfx hardware hoax, and like they had more time to develop the xbox version of this game. Every time I stumble upon some read on xbox vs ps3 development ease, I am obligated to swamp through rants about how difficult it is to develop anything for PS3. So perhaps in few years, you may (big if here) actually see something that could make ps3 titles look better.. hopefully before both systems phase out LOL
is the part about fight night a fact?!?! a few nights ago i had about 8 friends over and we played 360 games including fight night which kicked ass! we all liked the graphics too except the spit during the knockout scene it looks like they are spitting out clear nails or staws i don't understand why it is not 1 blob.
we also played PS3 but did not have fight night until tonight. It was only 3 of us but all 3 of us clearly noticed a drop in graphic quality for the game vs its 360 version but we didn't have the 360 over to compare side by side
May 31, 2001
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Not saying this trying to be rude or as flamebait but honestly, if you're worried about the future of a video game console... Well, let's put it this way; chances are you will die a virgin.


Rock Hydra

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Do you really think Sony is going to pull out of the console race anytime within 10 years? Hah...I highly doubt it.

<-- PC Gamer (I don't really even like consoles)


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: BillyBatson
Originally posted by: VanillaH

What truly puzzles me is how Fight Night Round3 has distinctly better gfx on the xbox, when it was developed to make the ps3 shine. So much for superior gfx hardware hoax, and like they had more time to develop the xbox version of this game. Every time I stumble upon some read on xbox vs ps3 development ease, I am obligated to swamp through rants about how difficult it is to develop anything for PS3. So perhaps in few years, you may (big if here) actually see something that could make ps3 titles look better.. hopefully before both systems phase out LOL
is the part about fight night a fact?!?! a few nights ago i had about 8 friends over and we played 360 games including fight night which kicked ass! we all liked the graphics too except the spit during the knockout scene it looks like they are spitting out clear nails or staws i don't understand why it is not 1 blob.
we also played PS3 but did not have fight night until tonight. It was only 3 of us but all 3 of us clearly noticed a drop in graphic quality for the game vs its 360 version but we didn't have the 360 over to compare side by side

The crowds in the PS3 version of Fight Night look like something out of a NES game....


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: BillyBatson
iiiiiiiii waited in line for 3 days for the ps3! i was number 1 in line! the plan was to sell it. i waited with 2 other friends. #2 in line we got him to open his and he regrets it. #3 he took his back to frys 2 days ago because there is no longer a profit. me i listed mine on ebay for a 3 day auction, there is a day and 3 hours left and it is only at $1.25 even though the heading is right and i bought a border for it! i don't get how other auctions that have more time than mine have more views and bids! mine has 18 bids, 4 of them are my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i took back my ps3 today to frys. you should have seen the look on their faces =\

You do realise that you would have made money on it? The last few hrs and most of the time the last few minutes is where the ebay action is.



May 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Randum
So we got a few ps3s to sell, me and 2 of my friends...then the ebay prices went down the tubes. I was on the fence with keeping it. So I figure, I was out in the cold for 4 days in a tent...and nothing to show for it?? well, I opened it this past week, and so far, R:FoM and RR7 are pretty good games. My question is...why are the top 50 message boards on GameFaqs NOT ps3 boards....could the system flop?
My way of thinking is-sony was DEAD ON with the last 2 systems....why not another? I mean if you look at history- the dreamcast had it coming...sega was always trailing behind. But the playstation has been dominating.
Is anyone else worried? and why or why not?

(I posted on gamefaqs to see what other answers I can get too)
And no fanboy trolling, lets get a real discussion going here! And leave the wii out of it, we all know its a unique and KILLER console. I am looking at mainly the war going on between the "next gen" 360 and ps3.

I'm so glad the price of PS3's on ebay tanked... I cant stand all the profiteering asshats... they do nothing but jack up the price of the first few batches for the people who really want them... I hope they all lose money on those deals.

Who ever the next console is... I'd keep them until i had millions in a warehouse somewhere before I launch. We'll show those monopolizing little bastards.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
The key to PS3 success...Final Fantasy XIII and perhaps a nice price drop to go along with it.
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