Worried about the PS3 fate..

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Apr 29, 2001
Blue Ray will be awesome to have in the PS3, not for its ability to play movies, but because of its 50 gb data discs. Its in place for data reasons first, and movie reasons only as a bonus. So if blueray movies never take off, who cares?


Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: TallBill
Blue Ray will be awesome to have in the PS3, not for its ability to play movies, but because of its 50 gb data discs. Its in place for data reasons first, and movie reasons only as a bonus. So if blueray movies never take off, who cares?

It's in place because Sony probably makes royalties for every Blu-Ray disc sold, whether it be game, DVD, or data. Because that's how Sony works. Why unify in a new format when there is money to be made?


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: TallBill
Blue Ray will be awesome to have in the PS3, not for its ability to play movies, but because of its 50 gb data discs. Its in place for data reasons first, and movie reasons only as a bonus. So if blueray movies never take off, who cares?

No, its pretty much in place as a trojan horse for Blu-Ray movies. Sony and the other studio backers are betting on the PS3 giving Blu-Ray an edge over HD DVD. That's why the PS3 was pushed out in such short supply....they couldn't afford to miss the holiday season.

I'm not sure about the benefit of the 50GB at this point. Only being able to load up with gobs of FMV seems to be the biggest benefit. Plus there is the negative of having to "install" about 5GB on the PS3 HDD so that the game load times will be somewhat nominal.

I keep hearing about the ability for Blu-Ray to store massive textures but that is ignoring that the video card is limited to 256MB, the Blu-Ray load times, and the development costs of those massive amounts of textures.
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: preslove
I think there's a real possibility, however, that it will turn into another Dreamcast because Sony loses a lot of money per system sold.

No Wai

The Dreamcast was actually good

- M4H


Nov 13, 2001
I personally think its the stupid blu-ray-hd bs. 360 sold a lot of units because it was sold without one or the other and a option down the road for those who wanted to take the jump. Your asking $600 for a untested system, untested media format, that may flop and big money down the drain on games with a system thats broken and wont play. You have to shell out another $600 to play you games and movies on because its the only damn thing that will. 360 would sell a lot more if they can get the handle on the quality of their units to last longer then a year, more people wouldn't be afraid to buy it. I'm afraid to shell out the money its at for fear it wont last when my xbox I paid $100 for is going on 4 years.

Should of left it with a regular dvd player in it, had more units to sell because it had a regular dvd player and prices would of been reasonable, and with less reports of the units messing up, unlike the rings of 360 death, would of smoked microsoft and left them in the dust in no time flat. Who in the hell needs 50 gigs of dvd space for a game when they are not using all of the 9 gigs of a regular dvd right now, and in a lot of cases, still put out games in under 4 gigs, and in some smaller ones that fit on a regular cd's. HD And Blu-Ray just isnt need as of yet and PS3 shouldn't of went that route as a "must be in the system" at launch.

That was it down fall right there plain and simple for lack of units and high prices, and maybe its death. I would think, and hope, they would release a "lite non blu-ray" version. Im not all that ready to be shelling out $$$$$$$ for a HD movie all too soon, and games wont require it to have a HD or Blu-Ray player to pump the game out in HD. Then with a unit thats more reliable then the 360 is, and in a price I can see paying kinda high ($350) for something that will last a few years then a iffy year at best (360), I would buy the PS3 with no problems at all.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: BillyBatson
Originally posted by: VanillaH

What truly puzzles me is how Fight Night Round3 has distinctly better gfx on the xbox, when it was developed to make the ps3 shine. So much for superior gfx hardware hoax, and like they had more time to develop the xbox version of this game. Every time I stumble upon some read on xbox vs ps3 development ease, I am obligated to swamp through rants about how difficult it is to develop anything for PS3. So perhaps in few years, you may (big if here) actually see something that could make ps3 titles look better.. hopefully before both systems phase out LOL
is the part about fight night a fact?!?! a few nights ago i had about 8 friends over and we played 360 games including fight night which kicked ass! we all liked the graphics too except the spit during the knockout scene it looks like they are spitting out clear nails or staws i don't understand why it is not 1 blob.
we also played PS3 but did not have fight night until tonight. It was only 3 of us but all 3 of us clearly noticed a drop in graphic quality for the game vs its 360 version but we didn't have the 360 over to compare side by side

The crowds in the PS3 version of Fight Night look like something out of a NES game....

yes the crowd during the fight looks horrible, some of the background graphicsbetween 'seems" looks like it is missing, the ropes look horrible there seems to be no AA running at all, and event he boxers look different their color is off and the sweat or "glisten" off of their bodies instead of being shiney it looks liek they are surrounded by a white like that was never drawn in


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Koing
Originally posted by: BillyBatson
iiiiiiiii waited in line for 3 days for the ps3! i was number 1 in line! the plan was to sell it. i waited with 2 other friends. #2 in line we got him to open his and he regrets it. #3 he took his back to frys 2 days ago because there is no longer a profit. me i listed mine on ebay for a 3 day auction, there is a day and 3 hours left and it is only at $1.25 even though the heading is right and i bought a border for it! i don't get how other auctions that have more time than mine have more views and bids! mine has 18 bids, 4 of them are my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i took back my ps3 today to frys. you should have seen the look on their faces =\

You do realise that you would have made money on it? The last few hrs and most of the time the last few minutes is where the ebay action is.


nah it was not doing well. i know most of the bids come at the last few minutes but seeing as i had no reserve, no buy now, auction started at 0.01¢ had pics, i have 73 evals all positive, and purchased a border ad, and yet ONLY had 15 people look at it in 48 hours was a bad bad baddd sign. Other auctions worse than mine had more bids that strated at the same time or after and a lot had way more views. I couldn't risk it because the auction ended at 6pm today and today is the last day i could return the system. Also i was selling it with 2 games so if i got $900 for it plus $30 shipping i would only be making $150 BEFORE ebay listing fees, ebay selling fee, and paypal fee, and most likely lose on shipping, it was not going to be worth it. Also i bought it in a bundle with 8 games so i would be stuck with 6 addictional games i would need to get rid of. Was easier to just take it back to frys =


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
after a few days of evaluation, the system is fun and the graphics are nice...but I have yet to really be "BLOWN away" I think the NEXT NFS should be pretty good. Right now Ridge Racer is a HELL of a lot of fun...but not realistic driving...
R:FoM, nothing we havent seen before, and Tony Hawk is a little glitchy but looks great


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
Originally posted by: BillyBatson
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: BillyBatson
Originally posted by: VanillaH

What truly puzzles me is how Fight Night Round3 has distinctly better gfx on the xbox, when it was developed to make the ps3 shine. So much for superior gfx hardware hoax, and like they had more time to develop the xbox version of this game. Every time I stumble upon some read on xbox vs ps3 development ease, I am obligated to swamp through rants about how difficult it is to develop anything for PS3. So perhaps in few years, you may (big if here) actually see something that could make ps3 titles look better.. hopefully before both systems phase out LOL
is the part about fight night a fact?!?! a few nights ago i had about 8 friends over and we played 360 games including fight night which kicked ass! we all liked the graphics too except the spit during the knockout scene it looks like they are spitting out clear nails or staws i don't understand why it is not 1 blob.
we also played PS3 but did not have fight night until tonight. It was only 3 of us but all 3 of us clearly noticed a drop in graphic quality for the game vs its 360 version but we didn't have the 360 over to compare side by side

The crowds in the PS3 version of Fight Night look like something out of a NES game....

yes the crowd during the fight looks horrible, some of the background graphicsbetween 'seems" looks like it is missing, the ropes look horrible there seems to be no AA running at all, and event he boxers look different their color is off and the sweat or "glisten" off of their bodies instead of being shiney it looks liek they are surrounded by a white like that was never drawn in

A common speculation seems to be that PS3 suffers from the same weak shader performnace the nvidia cards are notorious for (in that generation at least). ATi did have a more well-rounded offering at that time, and the consoles cannot possibly deviate from the general trend of what they are made out of.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: TallBill
I'm not sure why everyone is jumping all over the PS3's launch games. They are on par with Wii's launch games (or lack therof) as well as the 360's original crappy selection of games. Heck, it took a whole year before a monster game (Gears of War) came out for the 360.

When it comes to online stuff, the PS3 already has the potential to pass up microsoft's Live. Free connectivity is a plus, plus Sony has already explained that it has a feedback system in place for improving online performance and pushing out updates.

The system's superior specs are worth the extra few hundred dollars. Just remember how high the 360 was selling for, and you couldn't find it alone and not in a $800+ package for 5-6 months. 50 GB data discs and the 8-cell processer are going to lead to some seriously beautiful games.

By no means am I a PS3 fanboy, but I've done quite a bit more reading and research then a lot of the people posting uneducated comments here.

Lastly, you are dumb if you decided to wait to sell your PS3. Launch day, 1 day sale on ebay was the way to go. Just keep em all now. Lastly, I predict that within a year sony will release a controller that has motion sensing as well as the rumble feature.

Youre kidding right? this system has been rated at EXACTLY the same power of processing and video as the 360.. just read ANYWHERE on the web..
the Graphics chip is only a modified 6800 GT for christ sakes...
that alone will limit the system.
had the PS3 come out last year when the hardware was still new instead of having delays it would be much closer..
as it stands you have a system that the devs have said is just as powerful as a 360 and MUCH harder to write for due to the POS cell chip and language Sony used.
the 360 is just a hybrid PC device.. makes the devs that write PC software very easy to write for it.



Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: TallBill
I'm not sure why everyone is jumping all over the PS3's launch games. They are on par with Wii's launch games (or lack therof) as well as the 360's original crappy selection of games. Heck, it took a whole year before a monster game (Gears of War) came out for the 360.

When it comes to online stuff, the PS3 already has the potential to pass up microsoft's Live. Free connectivity is a plus, plus Sony has already explained that it has a feedback system in place for improving online performance and pushing out updates.

The system's superior specs are worth the extra few hundred dollars. Just remember how high the 360 was selling for, and you couldn't find it alone and not in a $800+ package for 5-6 months. 50 GB data discs and the 8-cell processer are going to lead to some seriously beautiful games.

By no means am I a PS3 fanboy, but I've done quite a bit more reading and research then a lot of the people posting uneducated comments here.

Lastly, you are dumb if you decided to wait to sell your PS3. Launch day, 1 day sale on ebay was the way to go. Just keep em all now. Lastly, I predict that within a year sony will release a controller that has motion sensing as well as the rumble feature.

The Wii had 33 LAUNCH GAMES...and about half of them were "must have" titles. Even the Wii Sports that was bundled with it is a blast. The PS3's launch titles stink- like 1 or two must haves- and they cost $20 more per game than the Wii. People think that graphics are good enough these days, they want fun and unusual gameplay. I think the Wii is going to come out on top this time.
Apr 17, 2005
ps3 is going to sell twice the number of consoles and 360 and wii combined just like ps2 will damn near sell 3 times the gamecube and xbox combined. also it will keep selling like crazy even after xbox 3 comes out.
Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Fritzo
Originally posted by: TallBill
I'm not sure why everyone is jumping all over the PS3's launch games. They are on par with Wii's launch games (or lack therof) as well as the 360's original crappy selection of games. Heck, it took a whole year before a monster game (Gears of War) came out for the 360.

When it comes to online stuff, the PS3 already has the potential to pass up microsoft's Live. Free connectivity is a plus, plus Sony has already explained that it has a feedback system in place for improving online performance and pushing out updates.

The system's superior specs are worth the extra few hundred dollars. Just remember how high the 360 was selling for, and you couldn't find it alone and not in a $800+ package for 5-6 months. 50 GB data discs and the 8-cell processer are going to lead to some seriously beautiful games.

By no means am I a PS3 fanboy, but I've done quite a bit more reading and research then a lot of the people posting uneducated comments here.

Lastly, you are dumb if you decided to wait to sell your PS3. Launch day, 1 day sale on ebay was the way to go. Just keep em all now. Lastly, I predict that within a year sony will release a controller that has motion sensing as well as the rumble feature.

The Wii had 33 LAUNCH GAMES...and about half of them were "must have" titles. Even the Wii Sports that was bundled with it is a blast. The PS3's launch titles stink- like 1 or two must haves- and they cost $20 more per game than the Wii. People think that graphics are good enough these days, they want fun and unusual gameplay. I think the Wii is going to come out on top this time.

only decent wii game aside from wii sports was zelda, and thats a motherfvcking gc game. which i going to get for my gc...no need to buy a new goofy ass console to play it.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
ps3 is going to sell twice the number of consoles and 360 and wii combined just like ps2 will damn near sell 3 times the gamecube and xbox combined. also it will keep selling like crazy even after xbox 3 comes out.

lol.... man youre on the same crack that Sony is on...
you guys really should share that stuff..

they floated a turd and everyone knows it but a few fanboys and them.. and latley even the fanboys been hating on it too..

slow.. shallow games... even ports of 360 games look not as good and load slower.. and are missing features.. their online service is a total joke.. nothing is linked together its the same thing they had before.. just a matchmaking service.. and they threw in an marketplace to be like MS..



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
Anyone forgetting that Microsoft still has Halo 3 in its pocket to sell? Regardless of what you think of the halo franchise, just when PS3 is hitting it's 1 year mark (late 2007) Halo 3 will be released, drawing even more attention away.



Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
ps3 is going to sell twice the number of consoles and 360 and wii combined just like ps2 will damn near sell 3 times the gamecube and xbox combined. also it will keep selling like crazy even after xbox 3 comes out.

That is hilarious.


Sep 17, 2002
Originally posted by: TallBill
Blue Ray will be awesome to have in the PS3, not for its ability to play movies, but because of its 50 gb data discs. Its in place for data reasons first, and movie reasons only as a bonus. So if blueray movies never take off, who cares?

Are you serious? You're the one saying you are the one "researching" this and you think Sony's main purpose for including a Blue Ray drive in the PS3 was for data first? Um...I don't think so. Ask any industry expert and they will tell you that it is Sony's bid to win the next generation High Definition disc format wars. They saw how many people bought PS2's and used them to watch DVDs and thought the same affect would happen with the PS3. There have been a mountain of articles digging into this exact subject.

This statement along with your statement regarding the Cell processor makes me seriously doubt your "researching" capabilities.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
If they's used standard DVD, it would have been a huge success...not to mention easier to supply. That was Sony's one BIG mistake, they pushed Blu-Ray. I would have bought a PS3 if it had a standard DVD. Why? Because I WANT the choice in my HD DVD content, and since I'm not ready to shift either way (HD or Blu-Ray), I don't want a technology that could go the way of BetaMax.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Fritzo
Originally posted by: TallBill
I'm not sure why everyone is jumping all over the PS3's launch games. They are on par with Wii's launch games (or lack therof) as well as the 360's original crappy selection of games. Heck, it took a whole year before a monster game (Gears of War) came out for the 360.

When it comes to online stuff, the PS3 already has the potential to pass up microsoft's Live. Free connectivity is a plus, plus Sony has already explained that it has a feedback system in place for improving online performance and pushing out updates.

The system's superior specs are worth the extra few hundred dollars. Just remember how high the 360 was selling for, and you couldn't find it alone and not in a $800+ package for 5-6 months. 50 GB data discs and the 8-cell processer are going to lead to some seriously beautiful games.

By no means am I a PS3 fanboy, but I've done quite a bit more reading and research then a lot of the people posting uneducated comments here.

Lastly, you are dumb if you decided to wait to sell your PS3. Launch day, 1 day sale on ebay was the way to go. Just keep em all now. Lastly, I predict that within a year sony will release a controller that has motion sensing as well as the rumble feature.

The Wii had 33 LAUNCH GAMES...and about half of them were "must have" titles. Even the Wii Sports that was bundled with it is a blast. The PS3's launch titles stink- like 1 or two must haves- and they cost $20 more per game than the Wii. People think that graphics are good enough these days, they want fun and unusual gameplay. I think the Wii is going to come out on top this time.

33 launch games??? huh??? it had like 10 and most of them are kinda sucky.

i own wii and most likely will never own a ps3


Golden Member
Nov 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Qwest
Anyone forgetting that Microsoft still has Halo 3 in its pocket to sell? Regardless of what you think of the halo franchise, just when PS3 is hitting it's 1 year mark (late 2007) Halo 3 will be released, drawing even more attention away.

Sounds like a good time for a new T-shirt!


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Preyhunter
Originally posted by: Qwest
Anyone forgetting that Microsoft still has Halo 3 in its pocket to sell? Regardless of what you think of the halo franchise, just when PS3 is hitting it's 1 year mark (late 2007) Halo 3 will be released, drawing even more attention away.

Sounds like a good time for a new T-shirt!

bwhahhaha time for another date too huh =P


Jun 26, 2006
IMO, The PS3's success/failure will be determined in the Spring/Summer of 2007. By that time the PS3 will be readily available and have more appealing titles. If the console still isn't selling well after Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots launches than the PS3 maybe looking at dark days with only GT5 in its' pocket. But I see the PS3 picking up steam through 2007 as more games launch.

Some of the titles I am waiting on are Virtua Fighter 5, Formula One Championship Edition, MotorStorm, Virtua Tennis 3, and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2005
I dunno, I'm enjoying my PS3. I managed to walk into a GameStop and pick one up. Resistance is pretty sweet, and the online multiplayer is awesome, although everyone pwnz me hands down.

I'll be picking up FN3, RR7, and NFS:C soon enough. And I can't wait for MotorStorm to come out next year. That game is sweeeeet (free downloadable demos FTW)

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: longhornlump
IMO, The PS3's success/failure will be determined in the Spring/Summer of 2007. By that time the PS3 will be readily available and have more appealing titles. If the console still isn't selling well after Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots launches than the PS3 maybe looking at dark days with only GT5 in its' pocket. But I see the PS3 picking up steam through 2007 as more games launch.

Some of the titles I am waiting on are Virtua Fighter 5, Formula One Championship Edition, MotorStorm, Virtua Tennis 3, and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
Just to add some fuel to the fire:

MGS4 coming to 360?
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