Worst PC Game you've ever purchased

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Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
No no no no NO! Stop trying to peddle this idea!

There is a major difference between a good game that doesn't fit my first (like Civ IV...I recognize it is a good game but I just don't like it.) and a plain BAD game.

An objectively bad game (DA2) has nothing to do with taste. It is just a BAD game.

Your idea of bad and everyone else's idea of bad may differ significantly. I think Halo is the most unadulterated crap I can think of. I would consider it the worst purchase I can think of if I bought it. That is what makes it one of my all time worst. doesn't mean that the general public thinks it is "Worst".


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
I had to stop myself a couple times from raging @ anyone who mentioned any of the STALKER games in this thread.... Can't beleive how opinions can vary so much from person to person.


Golden Member
Oct 13, 2008
Your idea of bad and everyone else's idea of bad may differ significantly. I think Halo is the most unadulterated crap I can think of. I would consider it the worst purchase I can think of if I bought it. That is what makes it one of my all time worst. doesn't mean that the general public thinks it is "Worst".

So true! I haven't played DAO so I can't compare it to DA2, but I had lots of fun with the latter, most RPG's just make me yawn. The fact that it didn't fulfil the expectations of more hard-core RPG players means zero to me, sorry to say it. I like the game for what it is and that's that.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
Temple of Elemental Evil = Good
Sins of a Solar Empire = Excellent

Maybe you don't remember how horrible ToEE was at launch. It only became okay when players themselves started putting out patches for the game after it quickly became abandon-ware by the publisher and developer.

Arg Clin

Senior member
Oct 24, 2010
Obvilion. Why oh why did I waste several €'es purchasing this crap? Not the worst game ever, but definitely one of the biggest disappointments.

Graphics are ok, but seem lifeless. What's up with the face generator? - whoever thought that was acceptable needs to get out and see some real people. The storyline so far makes no sense at all and is not motivating at all. Just makes me shrug. Why is the big city a ghosttown? The proportions on buildings looks like they were designed by a 3 year old.. and so on and so on..

I was going to get Skyrim, but I'm dropping that purchase unless someone can convince me it's inherently different from it predecessors.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Recently, it was The Binding of Isaac. What a crappy, tasteless, disgusting game. I cannot believe anyone actually gave it positive reviews and can possibly like this piece of trash.

The story feels like something that someone saw in their dream after smoking too much weed. And even then it would have to be some sort of a really f-ed up individual to start with. Gameplay is absolutely horrible. I think I would be willing to pay to have it removed from my Steam games library list. That is how much I hate the damn game.

Sins of Solar Empire was pretty horribad. Everyone gave it such great reviews but the game had ZERO substance. The worst thing in sins is that units didn't feel like they are flying in space, but GLIDING on some sort of an invisible "floor". I was so disgusted with that, that I couldn't even play the game. But even if I could, I wouldn't like it, because it's just too boring and crappy.

Galactic Civilizations was given very high praise, but it has virtually no story, and is designed to make you spend countless hours doing absolutely nothing fun or interesting.

Dungeon Siege and Sacred 2.... Some of the worst RPGs I ever played. Dungeon Siege should have been killed after the 1st game, but amazingly it is in it's 3rd incarnation and it blows more than ever.

Cant believe someone said Temple of Elemental Evil sucked... It was actually an awesome game.
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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Obvilion. Why oh why did I waste several €'es purchasing this crap? Not the worst game ever, but definitely one of the biggest disappointments.

Graphics are ok, but seem lifeless. What's up with the face generator? - whoever thought that was acceptable needs to get out and see some real people. The storyline so far makes no sense at all and is not motivating at all. Just makes me shrug. Why is the big city a ghosttown? The proportions on buildings looks like they were designed by a 3 year old.. and so on and so on..

I was going to get Skyrim, but I'm dropping that purchase unless someone can convince me it's inherently different from it predecessors.

Skyrim is the most dumbed down version of Elder Scrolls thus far. Its also go the richest world and deepest immersion thus far.
No way to tell in advance if someone will like it or not.


May 30, 2008
I don't remember the specifics, but if you tried to install PoR in a directory other than the default by the installer you could end up wiiping your hard drive. To Ubisoft's credit they put out a patch very quickly, but still that was pretty bad.

Hey, you cant say that potentially wiping out your hard drive makes a game bad! Because then you'd have to say Half Life was a bad game (as, I recall, its original unpatched uninstall routine would delete _everything_ in the game's parent directory as well as the game itself).

I daresay the game you refer to was a bad game in its own right though.

My choice would be Master of Orion 3 (as already mentioned by others). Wins some sort of special 'trashing the legacy'/'killing the franchise' prize, I think.


Jun 23, 2001
The last game I bought at full price that I was pissed off about was Empire Total War. Unstable piece of crap.

Dragon Age 2 was trash, but I bought it after the price dropped to 15 dollars . . . and a month after I bought it, it dropped to 5. Go figure.

Gothic 3 was another stinker . . .but I paid 7 dollars from GoGamer for it. Bought the Forsaken Gods expansion for it too, but never installed it. 99 cents. Cost more to ship the damn thing.


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2011
Alright, lets look at my Steam games...
Booster Trooper and Breach were pretty awful, but both I got on sale.

NecroVisioN was just....just sad... A coworker told me how awesome it was, but it failed pretty hard.

Kane and Lynch 2 stopped me from pre-ordering. Broken, annoying, not fun at all. Someone came out with an early review and gave it a 90 or something so I pre-ordered it. (Still preordered Saints Row 3 and Skyrim, much to my joy.)


Apr 5, 2005
unreal tournament 3 because i had such high expectations for it and it ended up being a dud.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I doubt too many of you remember Trespasser, but boy was that some garbage.

Bad code in the game made it run at a max of 10 FPS, regardless of your hardware. Never got officially fixed to the best of my knowledge. Have no idea if any fan patches came out.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Skyrim is the most dumbed down version of Elder Scrolls thus far. Its also go the richest world and deepest immersion thus far.
No way to tell in advance if someone will like it or not.

I'm going to add Skyrim to this list: because it is going to ruin my life!

Here's my two cents for those sitting on the fence about it, and this coming from someone that generally dislikes TES games:

Environment--gorgeous, immersing, music, character models--everything about this game is a wonder to behold
Dungeon design--so far, I haven't seen any re-hashed models. Many are quite unique, and the only interiors that are copied, so far, are a few of the taverns (so what?) and some of the "petty Jarl" houses. Not a big deal.
Combat--excellent. Two handed to sword and shield--very effective, very involved. No simple hack and slash.
Questing and missions: It's a TES game--so it is great if you love it, horrible if these drag on you

--Inventory system: this encompasses many, many levels of stupendous failure. a very consolized interface that is essentially worthless for PC. It wouldn't be as bad if some of the features weren't completely broken--i.e, inability to actually save specific weapon sets to hotkeys (dual wield and one-handed with shield will not save when going from a magic hand and back; and sometimes will unequip your weapons).

In fact, some of that, I think, is improved by what most PC players hate: "streamlining" I'm glad that they got rid of the pants and such, especially for simple non-armor clothes. Helps to cut down on the clutter, but not by too much.

Leveling--I'm mixed about this. Definitely dumbed down tremendously for an ES game--no attribute points per level, simply a choice of HP, MP, or Stamina (determines frequency of power moves in combat, running, carry weight). then, you get a perk at each level among all the skill categories (not really dumbed down). No leveling from fighting--only from increasing he level of each skill class. And in that, it appears to me that skill class level does nothing, on its own, to improve those skill classes--it simply grants you access to better perks within that class. This bothers me somewhat...
However, I rather welcome ditching the attribute points and making this a bit simpler. The game is already deep and complex mechanically, and this helps to keep you moving on. This is one of those aspects of TES games that always gave me some tremendous anxiety. To the point where I simply quit.

Anyway, I think many fans of TES that complain about Oblivion being dumbed down, will be greatly annoyed by the leveling system, and certainly the inventory. FOr someone like me, however, it has actually made the game playable (well, except for the inventory and game interface). Hopefully some of these things will get patched and updated (completely boggles my mind that there is no Bethesda fix for the broken weapon hotkeys--this Q menu for "favorites" that they use is indeed an abortion of design. considering that you essentially need to put all of your shouts, and several different weapon types in there--the fact that hot keys are broken, you constantly access this to re-equip a shield or off-hand weapon) Only one shout equiped at a time...bleh.

I did have to re-map shouts to the C key, as the Z key is, well, terrible. I don't have a 6th finger protruding from the palm of my left hand. Maybe the designer at Bethesda in charge of this does, but making z the default for that makes no sense. And, of course, mapping it to a new key, I find serious lag in getting my shout to work...in battle of course.

SO yes: AWESOME GAME, a bit buggy and clunky, but certainly worth it.


Sep 20, 2007
Lock-On: Modern Air Combat. Started my hate fest with Ubisoft and DRM. I never did get it running right.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Recently, it was The Binding of Isaac. What a crappy, tasteless, disgusting game. I cannot believe anyone actually gave it positive reviews and can possibly like this piece of trash.

The story feels like something that someone saw in their dream after smoking too much weed. And even then it would have to be some sort of a really f-ed up individual to start with. Gameplay is absolutely horrible. I think I would be willing to pay to have it removed from my Steam games library list. That is how much I hate the damn game.

Really? I (and a lot of others) like The Binding of Isaac. Perhaps your tastes are a bit mild? Although the cover of the game should warn you that it is pretty weird (which is the best part).

I understand how you could be put off by the weird story and art, but there is no way you can say the gameplay is 'terrible'. Simple, maybe, but not terrible. The controls are tight and very skill dependent. It is a great game for only 1.25.

Sins of Solar Empire was pretty horribad. Everyone gave it such great reviews but the game had ZERO substance. The worst thing in sins is that units didn't feel like they are flying in space, but GLIDING on some sort of an invisible "floor". I was so disgusted with that, that I couldn't even play the game. But even if I could, I wouldn't like it, because it's just too boring and crappy.

Yeah, Sins of a Solar Empire didn't impress me with its lack of content. However, I don't know about you comment on 'gliding'. The space maneuvering seemed pretty realistic.

Galactic Civilizations was given very high praise, but it has virtually no story, and is designed to make you spend countless hours doing absolutely nothing fun or interesting.

Dungeon Siege and Sacred 2.... Some of the worst RPGs I ever played. Dungeon Siege should have been killed after the 1st game, but amazingly it is in it's 3rd incarnation and it blows more than ever.

Cant believe someone said Temple of Elemental Evil sucked... It was actually an awesome game.[/QUOTE]

No kidding. The controls sucks in that game. Witcher 2 much better.

Yeah, the witcher 1 combat was bad. It is still one of my favorite games though.

The last game I bought at full price that I was pissed off about was Empire Total War. Unstable piece of crap.

Empire is my least favorite TW game, and I think a lot agree.

Dragon Age 2 was trash, but I bought it after the price dropped to 15 dollars . . . and a month after I bought it, it dropped to 5. Go figure.

Yeah, DA2 was trash. It may be worth $5 if you just stop playing after the first five hours, but if you keep going you'll realize how bad of a game DA2 really is, and it just spoils the experience.

Gothic 3 was another stinker . . .but I paid 7 dollars from GoGamer for it. Bought the Forsaken Gods expansion for it too, but never installed it. 99 cents. Cost more to ship the damn thing.

OMG Gothic 3 was such a pile of crap. What a waste of money.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Gears of War on PC.

Why i bought it, shortly after launch too, i have zero idea.
Ran like shit, and i never had any interest to continue playing it after starting.

Bioshock would be the other.

Not a bad game from the little i played of it, but again, shortly after launch i got it, meaning not cheap.
Never got that far into it.

And most infuriatingly, when i tried to reinstall it later after due to replacing my OS, it would not due to some fucktarded DRM error.
I was very pissed off.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2010
Gears of War on PC.

Why i bought it, shortly after launch too, i have zero idea.
Ran like shit, and i never had any interest to continue playing it after starting.

Bioshock would be the other.

Not a bad game from the little i played of it, but again, shortly after launch i got it, meaning not cheap.
Never got that far into it.

And most infuriatingly, when i tried to reinstall it later after due to replacing my OS, it would not due to some fucktarded DRM error.
I was very pissed off.
Bioshock was awesome...lol


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Some of you guys must play like 2 games a year, and only the most-hyped, blockbuster "9.5 out of 10" games every blue moon.

Outside of trolling, it's hard to imagine anyone seeing games like Half Life 2, Bioshock, Mass Effect 2, GalCiv, etc as the worst game they've purchased. Again, unless they buy only the Game of the Year every year.
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