Worst time spent in a game.

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Senior member
May 4, 2008
Is that the part where the screen is all wavy and you have to walk along a rather small path where any deviation leads to you falling? I can never remember if that was Max Payne 1 or 2, but it was certainly a bit of a pain.
Yeah that's the one, I'm pretty sure it was Max Payne 1 since I never played #2.
Mar 10, 2005
AoC was terribad. i pre-ordered the sucker's, i mean collector's edition for $99, and it was disappointing in every way. i hung in there for 2 of the 3 months i paid for, but finally succumbed.

i had a lot of problems with punkbuster and cod4, erroneously kicked all the time. that really pissed me off too. the lack of good options has left me considering bf3 - bf2 was the first game i rage-quited, due to complete shittyness by the game (i was a big 1942/dc fan).


Golden Member
Sep 16, 2010
Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect both drug me down hard after a few hours. Once I realized that I was looking forward to an entire game of staring at NPC faces while I waded through pointless dialog I called it quits. Surely I've played less enjoyable games, but I can't think of any.

Same! Got a bit further though; forced myself to finish ME1. Got pointless and lame last 5 hours, although last 45 min was pretty cool..

But have had DA:O's 60 hrs played, but not finished staring at me for 6+ months now. Story is so generic and uninteresting and I fall asleep going through the samey battles again and again. The sunk cost makes me hate that I haven't finished it though!

I'm sure there's some terrible game that I've played, but that's just too easy. These are pretty good games that I just lost all motivation to play and i kinda feel bad for it.


Jun 24, 2004
Is that the part where the screen is all wavy and you have to walk along a rather small path where any deviation leads to you falling? I can never remember if that was Max Payne 1 or 2, but it was certainly a bit of a pain.

Definitely Max Payne 1, I never played 2. I also hated that level but the blood trails didn't trip me up. I just could never figure out how to get out of the maze at the beginning of that level.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
It has to be S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC for me.

I *loved* the game. Really enjoyed my time playing it (vanilla) but it made me motion sick... and one day, after pushing myself really hard to play through it, then facing one of those crazy ass bastards that make high pitched noises and blur your screen my body just gave out. I spent the next 12 hours flat out in the pitch black trying to recover. I wasn't right for 3 days afterwards.

I know I have had some really terribad experiences with games but cannot remember them. I think I've blanked them out from my memory because they were so horrific.

Diablo 2 patch 1.10 - hated it, couldn't play anymore missed the cow level hated 90% of the changes they made

I thought I was the only one. They just made it extremely stupidly difficult for melee classes and ripped the whole fun out of the game at that point.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
For me it was Spore. I tried man, I really did. I had all the classic sim games, I loved playing them. I just wanted to believe that spore would be epic. Yeah epically boring. As soon as I got to space it just dragged so much. After carving out a local core set of planets I just got bored. So I would try again, and begin to trade with other races... and it got boring. So I tried again, and became a warmonger... and it got boring. What is sad about the game is that until the final part of the game (space) it was more of an adventure game. You just had to do X enough times to progress to Y.

have you seen the video from the creators a few years before the game was actually released?

it was something like this:

"We're going to create a game that is so phenomenal that players all around the world are going to get hooked. We are creating a massive universe to help players realize their creativity, and help others gain knowledge of their internal dreams, ...it will be such a break through, others will be able to download other player's creatures, build endless worlds, and create a dimension of endless possibilities."

-I was fascinated after the video.
-But when the game came out, I told myself: I'm not touching this junk.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2001
Spending $50-60 on MW2 and having the game degenerate to the point where I literally could not play it online. I'd start a game, and it would throw me into some modified, hacked server. And then I had no way of getting to another server...

That on top of the rampant hacks in game just make it a pointless game to buy for me.

For me it was BlackOps; I loved all the CoD games playing solo.
I pre-ordered on Steam for the full $60.
The game ran like absolute crap on my system... so much so that I just stopped after the first few levels and waited for a patch.
They patched. It ran like crap. Waited some more.
They patched again, it ran better but I just could not get into the story like prior games.

Maybe I should not say "worse time" but "most disappointed."


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2009
Max Pain, when he had those dreams where you had to follow red trail of blood and find the way out, but if you fell off the trail you had to start over. Well, I kept falling off and it took me ages to find the way out, really frustrating. Apart from those bits the game was good.

You guys had trouble with that?

For once I feel sort of smart. I had no trouble with those parts.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I'd probably have to say Resident Evil 1 because of the bad controls. It was totally unintuitive and made the game unplayable for me.

Either that or Dead Rising, also because of the controls as well as the time limit. I don't know why people like that game when it's just one timed escort mission after another. I thought people hated timed escort missions. Oh and I couldn't understand why you're required to die and start over in order to advance the game.

Those were atrocious but there were a few turn based games that really pissed me off like Lord of the Realm 2, I would put in 10 hours, get sick of it, a month later I would start over and waste another 10 hours. ToEE actually had such bad controls & camera that I couldn't stomach the game at all.
Apr 12, 2010
Best & worst was WOW.
Only got into it because the ex wanted to play. I played up until our breakup was final & all the friends I played with IRL stopped talking to me when I quit drugs.
Quit because WOW just isn't the same fun experience it once was.

Recently though. I tried to play the Pursuit Force games, again. They are fun up until they become too challenging. Then when you fail a mission you get a fierce scolding from the game. OK. Fuck you too.
I hope you assholes saying games are too easy these days are happy with this one. Assholes.


Senior member
Mar 9, 2005
What about LA Noire? I found it frustrating that even BLOWING the interagation the game still progressed.

Gave me little if ANY vesting.....


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
MOO3 for sure.

Plenty of shitty games sold for a dollar a disk back in the early 90's. Some of you guys may remember the magazine ads or those huge flyer's they sent out. Most of the games were shit but every so often you could find a gem.

Over the years there have been tons of games with potential that just never wanted to work right because of poor coding. Even worse was when it sunk the company and there was no more official support after that. If you are lucky there may be an underground group who tries to do unofficial patches for the game, but only if its really good in some way and people feel like making the effort.

I dont like most MMO's. Even Guild Wars only managed to provide me with about 100 hours of entertainment total, and much of that was running across huge fields trying to avoid enemies so I could unlock another town.

Many of the more popular shooters over the last decade have failed to impress me and in some cases made me miserable. Doom 3. Most of the Battlefield titles after 1942. Call of Duty after the first one. Medal of Honor, same thing. Crysis. Far Cry 2 was an especially bad experience. Too easy to lose your vehicle and then you had to sprint around trying to get shit done. Digging up diamonds was frustrating. They tried to make a sandbox shooter and just failed on every level.

Dream sequence in Max Payne.

STALKER. Much more frustrating than Deus Ex or Fallout 3. So much that I never got far. Certainly never close to beating it.

Neverwinter Nights had such god awful camera controls, interface issues, and just plain shitty gameplay that I could never get much further than the first section of chapter 2. NWN 2 is a little better (thanks mostly to patches) and I beat it 3 times now, but its still frustrating. Doesnt help that you cant skip ahead to different chapters like in the first one.

Amazingly, I did not like Test Drive Unlimited at all for the first week. Left it alone for a month, went back, now its my favorite racer.

I recommend just forging through with the main quest and ignore all the stupid little side dungeons and shit. The only side quest worth playing is the Dark Brotherhood and even that can be tedious. Also the Shivering Isles are more awesome than the mainland.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
Black & White 2. It was like they scooped the brains out of the AI and replaced them with ice cream. All the good things about the first game were gone. And Peter Molyneux is such an asshole - he promised so many awesome things and even SHOWED them in previews, but they just weren't there.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
I've got a good one for this. The turret mission on the first Dead Space. This game is brilliant. However, I got stuck on this level. Googled a bit and saw how ridiculously frustrated everyone else was.... gave it one more try. No such luck. Now it sits on my shelf. Can't even finish the game that I really enjoyed because of one stupid level.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I've got a good one for this. The turret mission on the first Dead Space. This game is brilliant. However, I got stuck on this level. Googled a bit and saw how ridiculously frustrated everyone else was.... gave it one more try. No such luck. Now it sits on my shelf. Can't even finish the game that I really enjoyed because of one stupid level.

Check to see if theres console codes or a trainer to get you past that area.


Platinum Member
Feb 23, 2011
master of orion 3 (moo3), so much promise, so little delivered.

Doom 3 - got sick of the "16 shades of black" or what ever it was dubed.

Dragon Age Origions. Got tired of it near the end (am I the only one fighting to save the place?), so went to easy mode, and still took several hours more.

Far Cry 2 - was wanting a follow on from Farcry 1. I tried to like it, but it was 8 hours of hair pulling and I got rid of it. (bought new at releast for $80 (local price), then started looking to sell it 4 days later at $20, and I still felt like I was ripping the buyer off).

Another I can not remember the name of, you were a native american and could leave your body to fight / get a second view of the world and the game had portals through it as well as different areas/gravity walk ways. I tried on that one, but it just got tedious.

Civ 4. loved the previous ones, but it was sooo bug ridden as to be unplayable. I did not bother waiting for the expantions that "fixed" issues (and had to be purchased at near new prices anyway). Trying several patches and still having bugs was just not fun.

Quake 3 was tried, but it being basically death match sucked as I did not have a net connection at the time, and the AI was only so-so.

Quake 4 was better (back to it's roots), but it still felt like any other shooter of the time. (just slogged through to finish that one).


Jun 24, 2004
Black & White 2. It was like they scooped the brains out of the AI and replaced them with ice cream. All the good things about the first game were gone. And Peter Molyneux is such an asshole - he promised so many awesome things and even SHOWED them in previews, but they just weren't there.

Peter Molyneux is such a liar.



No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Another I can not remember the name of, you were a native american and could leave your body to fight / get a second view of the world and the game had portals through it as well as different areas/gravity walk ways. I tried on that one, but it just got tedious.

And it did suck, despite having an awesome first few levels.
Aug 11, 2008
By far not a bad game, and I actually enjoyed it a lot. However, the most disappointing game moment for me was the ending of KOTOR 2. The game was a lot of fun and I was looking for some climactic ending like the Darth Malak battle in KOTOR 1.
After the game ended it was like huh???? that's it?? where is the rest??? And whether you killed the Jedi or not didnt really seem to affect the ending much either, you still had to fight Kriea or whatever her name was. So I thought, OK, KOTOR 3 will finish up the story, right?? We know how that turned out.

And I would second the MW2 also, but for single player too. What a bunch of disjointed, totally improbable chapters, after the first game which is one of my favorites. One man capturing a nuclear sub, and managing to shoot off one and only one missle. I know it is only a game, but you have to be kidding me!!
Aug 11, 2008
For me it was BlackOps; I loved all the CoD games playing solo.
I pre-ordered on Steam for the full $60.
The game ran like absolute crap on my system... so much so that I just stopped after the first few levels and waited for a patch.
They patched. It ran like crap. Waited some more.
They patched again, it ran better but I just could not get into the story like prior games.

Maybe I should not say "worse time" but "most disappointed."

I mentioned MW2 in my earlier post, but I agree with you about the performance of Blops. I liked the story better that MW2, but could not believe how bad the stuttering was. And the patches did not seem to help much, either. My friend has an X-box and I wish we had just rented it for that, and maybe even played co-op.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
I'm surprised no one mentioned the steaming pile of shit that The Witcher is. I know some people liked it but I could only ever get about an hour into the game and got stuck multiple times...terrible controls, terrible overburdening inventory system just yuck.

Daikatana. Say no more.

Far Cry 2. Took me a year to beat the game. So so dull and boring.
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