Would you be interested by Halo 3 for PC ?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Would you buy it ?

If so under which circumstance(s) ?

I know I would, especially if they released it this year ! Perhaps during the holidays (think about the money they could make). But I guess I could wait a year or so for it. If they released the original Halo and then Halo 2 for the PC, then why not Halo 3 huh ?


Mar 9, 2000
Would you buy it ?
well ... i would never steal it .. and since neither Halo nor Halo 2 interested me for PC ... i doubt it ...

If so under which circumstance(s) ?
if it was free after MiR or bundled with HW i had to redeem a coupon for

i fully *expect* Halo3 eventually released for PC
... and Halo4 ... and 5 ... you DO know this is a never-ending series
--MS understands money better then any of us


Apr 12, 2004
No... unless it was for something around $5, in which case I'd get it just to see if it is as bad as the original.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
I don't get it - how can playing Halo not feel slow to people when they play it? To me, it feels like playing an FPS underwater.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
lol :! halo haters :!

THe online feature that halo 3 has blows any UT2007 , Quake War ET , BF2142 , TFT2 and all major FPS mutiplayer game.

Halo 3 forge , Cinema Paradiso , insane amount of option that you can make the wackiest multi-player game leave alot of online pc shooter behind.

My reason wanting Halo 3 on PC !

Also don't go "OMG , I can't believe he said that"

I am only talking about feature wise. They have easiest way to make awesome Cinema movie thanks to forge. User interface is so much easier to understand , alot of game have tried that like bf2 but they too complicated for a average joe to do it.

watch the whole video before you start flaming me :


I think if Halo was a PC game from start , you guys would have a different oppions. Lets look at Half life series ?

Now tell me :
Explain the HL story because it makes no sense and i don't get it !!

All i knew in HL 1 was a experiment went bad and you had to get the Fuck out of their to safety :!
in HL 2 you went into City 17 for some reason and then took down the evil overlord :!
in HL 2 episode 1 some alien kidnap you when your talking to G man and the alien bring you back where you blew up the building. Now you have to get the F out of city 17 and save as many people as you can !!

So many mystery with conclusion on end in site.

I love HL 1 , its my 3rd fav FPS of all time. But i don't get the complete story of the HL universe.

In Halo 1 story awesome and Multi-player had no online but it had loads of feature to change the game mode
In Halo 2 story alright but had the HL type WTF ending. Multi-player was loaded with loads of feature but game-play was okay but that great
In Halo 3 they ended all the loose end and ended the story !! in Halo online mode , the game is loaded so many feature that i don't know any single pc game that comes close to its offering.

Forge is what Halo sets it self apart from any PC online game.
4 online Single player campaign
Easy to use save game-play feature
So many online muti-player game modes
Then halo 3 lets you create your own game mode :! you can create a gamemode which lets you change the total physic of gameplay like add no gravity and ect.

Your problem with Halo is really the gameplay !! the speed of movement , the controller :!!

I want someone to copy forge or make Halo 3 come out on PC in less than year . I don't play Halo multi-player but i do like the halo story line. Love the books : )


Moderator Emeritus <br>
Apr 2, 2007
Meh, Halo 2 sucked pretty bad for the PC, it looked HORRENDOUS and yet it still needed a top-notch PC to be played at bearable framerates. The multiplayer is pretty good, that has to be said, but as long as it's going to be a port from a console, about a year or two after it was actually released on the console, it won't get any love from PC-gamers. Because a) it will look horrible by that time and b) it will still feel like a cheap port to make some more money.

I probably wouldn't buy it, my little brother has been playing Halo 3 on his xbox 360, but I dunno, it still didn't look all that great hehe. I guess his crappy TV can't even match my crappy 20" screen. And the gameplay felt like HALO 2 all over again, at least to me it did. One good thing are the extra weapons they put in the game.


Apr 8, 2001
Halo 1 on PC looks better than Halo 2 on xbox. If they released it when relevant I might care. As it is, there is not rally anything substantial to the multiplayer aspect that you can't get in other PC games and the only reason the braindead console fanbois hype it so much is the lack of alternatives.


Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by: tuteja1986
lol :! halo haters :!

THe online feature that halo 3 has blows any UT2007 , Quake War ET , BF2142 , TFT2 and all major FPS mutiplayer game.

Halo 3 forge , Cinema Paradiso , insane amount of option that you can make the wackiest multi-player game leave alot of online pc shooter behind.

Forge is what Halo sets it self apart from any PC online game.
4 online Single player campaign
Easy to use save game-play feature
So many online muti-player game modes
Then halo 3 lets you create your own game mode :! you can create a gamemode which lets you change the total physic of gameplay like add no gravity and ect.

Your problem with Halo is really the gameplay !! the speed of movement , the controller :!!

I want someone to copy forge or make Halo 3 come out on PC in less than year . I don't play Halo multi-player but i do like the halo story line. Love the books : )

Rainbow 6: Vegas and Serious Sam 2 both had online co-op campaigns. There's also a mod being made for HL2 to add co op.
ET:QW/BF/UT3 are online only games so they can't really have a single player co-op mode.
Easy to use save features? WTF. That's not a feature, many games have this.

Online game modes. UT2004 had a lot more online game modes than I imagine any Halo game has, hell, maybe even all the Halo series combined. It also has options to "let you create your own game mode" using mutators which do things like... reduce gravity! You can even make your own!

Most of the features you list are found in many many other games, although those games are split between either multiplayer (UT2004) or single player (HL2) so they don't have them all, since that wouldn't make a huge amount of sense.

Also, having a problem with the gameplay is a PRETTY BIG PROBLEM.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Lonyo
Originally posted by: tuteja1986
lol :! halo haters :!

THe online feature that halo 3 has blows any UT2007 , Quake War ET , BF2142 , TFT2 and all major FPS mutiplayer game.

Halo 3 forge , Cinema Paradiso , insane amount of option that you can make the wackiest multi-player game leave alot of online pc shooter behind.

Forge is what Halo sets it self apart from any PC online game.
4 online Single player campaign
Easy to use save game-play feature
So many online muti-player game modes
Then halo 3 lets you create your own game mode :! you can create a gamemode which lets you change the total physic of gameplay like add no gravity and ect.

Your problem with Halo is really the gameplay !! the speed of movement , the controller :!!

I want someone to copy forge or make Halo 3 come out on PC in less than year . I don't play Halo multi-player but i do like the halo story line. Love the books : )

Rainbow 6: Vegas and Serious Sam 2 both had online co-op campaigns. There's also a mod being made for HL2 to add co op.
ET:QW/BF/UT3 are online only games so they can't really have a single player co-op mode.
Easy to use save features? WTF. That's not a feature, many games have this.

Online game modes. UT2004 had a lot more online game modes than I imagine any Halo game has, hell, maybe even all the Halo series combined. It also has options to "let you create your own game mode" using mutators which do things like... reduce gravity! You can even make your own!

Most of the features you list are found in many many other games, although those games are split between either multiplayer (UT2004) or single player (HL2) so they don't have them all, since that wouldn't make a huge amount of sense.

Also, having a problem with the gameplay is a PRETTY BIG PROBLEM.

lol ! you got to be kidding me :! please go back and check out halo multi-player mode. Halo lets you create your Multi-player mode.

No game has a mode like forge :!

I played BF1942 , UT2004 , UT1999 , Day of defeat , BF2 , CS and countless mod.

forge is the future !!

Again watch that video :! the end bit where they talk about forge before blasting statements.

What i meant my post :

Halo 3 include a full fledged story :! a really good one
Forge a mode that no other game has ever included that i know off
Cinema Paradiso again another mode that just works and no other has included as its own feature set
Save Game play mode that actually works so much better than mode others game like BF2 have tried to do
Able to create your own game mode :! which lets you edit every thing from physics , to objects placement , to game play and other stuff
Has more standard game modes than UT2004

If bungie wanted they could have easily split the game into 2 bits and sold both for $60.

The online part of Halo 3 is loaded with so much feature that UT2007.

I have read alot on UT2007 , its just sounds like UT2004 with way more vehicles , Supper amped graphics and better modding tools.

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
No. Halo 1 for PC was alright, but I have no need to play more of the stuff. Plus Guild Wars (Eye of the North & Nightfall) and Titan Quest are keeping me busy in my free time as it is.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
Neither of the other Halo's is better than TF2 currently is. I don't believe Halo 3's multiplayer is drastically different, so it too doesn't hold a candle to TF2.

TF2 is the current FPS multiplayer godsend.


Jun 23, 2001
No, both Halo 1 and 2 have been lousy games, and the Halo 1 PC port was a slap in the face to all PC gamers. Won't touch Halo 3 with a ten foot pole and will laugh at the fools who preorder the Legendary edition for 130 dollars.


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2005
Only Halo game I ever played was the first one. And I didnt like it. I just got done watching this video also, and so far, it has nothing that impresses me. So no, I don't want it.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Sraaz
Neither of the other Halo's is better than TF2 currently is. I don't believe Halo 3's multiplayer is drastically different, so it too doesn't hold a candle to TF2.

TF2 is the current FPS multiplayer godsend.

Well your just ignorant gamer ;(

I can understand if said Halo multilayer isn't the same pace as the TF2 but saying that it don't hold candle just shows how ignorant you are.

Content wise :! Halo 3 mutliplayer blows TF2 away :!

My Steam account :

Intel core 2 duo @ 3.5Ghz
4GB of ram

My rig 2 :
Intel Quad core @ 3.2Ghz
4GB of ram

Intel Core 2 duo @ 2.93Ghz
2GB of ram

I just want games to adapt some of feature of Halo 3 online competent.
One being forge and other being full edit access to game mode type.

Asking for too much ?

Oh i play Quake 3 , BF1942 , Day of Defeat and UT1999 more than any online game. Just got TF2 2 days ago and i like it alot but i still wish it had more feature.

Anyways i am done with discussion :! never going anywhere as we don't do the development :! its up to valve , Epic , ID , Digital Illusions to add the features.

The game i ain't interested in at all is UT2007 because from the looks of it hasn't advanced dramatically after the UT1999. Like TF2 , good improvement of over the Classic TFT. Still going to keep playing Day of defeat , BF1942 and Quake 3.

The game i am really excited about is Front Line fuel of war , which is made by creator of Desert combat. Currently in closed , has some technical issue but the game is like Desert Combat with graphic looking like gears of war style. Gameplay of Red Orchestra. Game i was disappointed with was Quake War ET because the air and tank combat in the game is so unsatisfying. Its more fast past than UT2004 but has the RTCW ET feel. I was hopping Quake wars more like BF1942 with RTCW ET type game play feature.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
Why the hell would anyone in this thread give a shit about your PC specs? They are completely irrelevant to the discussion.

Anyways, stop hyping forge like it's the best thing since sliced bread. It's a fucking map editor, something we've had for close to a decade now on the PC. And I played a considerable amount of Halo 2 multiplayer. It's shit when compared to any decent PC FPS. You got TF2 2 days ago and you like it a lot yet you've only put an hour and a half into it? No, you're just saying you "like it" so we can't claim you're biased, when you clearly are. You aren't interested in UT2k7 because it hasn't changed since 1999 (and you call ME ignorant...) yet you're all giddy for Halo 3 which is marginally different from Halo 1?


Senior member
Jun 5, 2007
Console to PC ports are lame. The only way I'd play a FPS on a console is if it had mouse and keyboard support, and if it has that it'll probably come out for the PC as well. In that case, I'd rather pick up for the PC (sans console game markup) and have access to the modding communities for the PC version.

Halo is the WoW of FPS. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it is any good.


Senior member
Aug 29, 2003
Halo is the reason why I detest xbox entirely.

I followed the game's development for years before the decision was made to debut the game on Xbox. This led to the huge delay and ultimate crappiness of the PC release which I am still bitter about to this day.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I was planning on buying Halo 2 for PC when it came out, but then a bug flew by my ear and distracted me, so I forgot about it.

TF2 is the best FPS out (or almost out) right now, bar none! Halo 3 looks like more of the same old stuff, which is fine (I loved Halo 1 multiplayer!!), but I can't see myself getting too excited about it, particularly after how they did Halo 2 for PC.

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