Would you trade a 6800 Ultra for a X850 XTPE ?

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Oct 20, 2004
I wasnt trying to be facetious with that comment rbv5. Some people simply dont need or care for the resolution/aa/af that SLI or the higher powered single cards enable.
And that is totally fine. I just dont understand how people can tell me how SLI sucks, when nothing else can give me the results that I get from it in my favorite games.


Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: housecat
I wasnt trying to be facetious with that comment rbv5. Some people simply dont need or care for the resolution/aa/af that SLI or the higher powered single cards enable.
And that is totally fine. I just dont understand how people can tell me how SLI sucks, when nothing else can give me the results that I get from it in my favorite games.

Maybe its just that you exaggerate responses in a discussion format? For instance, I never once said SLI sucks did I?, and its a thread about swapping one card, for another card of similar performance. The results of that poll could change with a Motherboard, Game or a driver release....its not an indictmentment of SLI , Nvidia or a personal attack, its just common sense. Its not like "Keep the 6800U" had a poor showing, it beat out the kidney and BBQ choices by a wide "SLI" like margin

You, and not only you....throw alot of points without actually answering to them, or backing them up is all, but your condesceding retorts are often entertaining



Oct 20, 2004
Hmm.. well I hope you feel better after getting that off your chest there.

And.. we hope you are so entertained..


now I'm going this way...



Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: housecat

Wow you cant read. I thought I said it does work fine, with 2 known workarounds. And even a possible fix for those who understand timings better than I do.

Why do you care ackmed? You dont like Nvidia, and wont buy nvidia.

Uh, I have an Asus SLI board. If NV ever fixes their problems, I would get SLI. I am going to be ordering a 2405FPW when I get back, upgrading from a 2005FPW.

I said it was funny, because SEVERAL times you have stated SLI works fine in SLI, with no mention at all about having to do any work arounds. Dont try to hide the truth.

Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: Ackmed
I fid it funny that housecat says SLI works fine on a WS LCD. When in fact, it doenst.

Running a game in window mode, and using analog (downgrading) is not a trade-off I, and others are willing to make. They need to get off their @ss's and fix the problem.

Gamingphreek, STILL waiting on that $350 PCI-E 6800GT link. If you dont have one, stop saying you can do 2x6800GT's in SLI for $700. You cant.

Your reason that you cant compare noise because NV doesnt make their own cards is just silly. ATi doesnt make all of their cards either. The fact is, the X850XT is quieter.

Looks like the 6800U loses in this poll, badly.

Just because you dont seem to have a life doesn't mean others dont as well. I was at work, i dont slave over my computer 24/7 waiting to reply to everything Ackmed says.

Now you obviously are not reading as you go. I did indeed retract my statement and provide a full explanation. The X850 is not quieter than the 6800. What two cards are you comparing here. We cannot compare an entire generation of completely different cards. You pick out 2 cards (1 Nvidia, and 1 ATI) and well talk then.

6800U loses badly in this poll because people just stop in pick the faster of the 2 cards and leave. They dont bother to stop and think, like a lot of us are doing. You seem to be the definition of ATI fanboy Ackmed. You are providing no evidence whatsoever to credit the other side of the argument.


Whenever you want to compare lives, just let me know. I havent logged on here in over 24 hours, who surfs more? You.

The X850XT IS quieter than a 6800 Ultra. Why cant you just admit it? Both are $500 MSRP, so the comparison is valid.

You just admited the X850XT/PE is faster, but thats not a good enough reason to pick it over the Ultra? Um...



Mar 31, 2003
Whenever you want to compare lives, just let me know. I havent logged on here in over 24 hours, who surfs more? You.
Well you sure managed to log in here a lot yesterday and constantly pester me; "Im still waiting for the link Gamingphreek". No kidding, i know full well i haven't posted and i have explained why. Maybe if you would read my posts and not ignore them you would see that.

I swear you are so damn thickheaded. You cannot say 6800's are louder than the X800's. What two cards are you comparing here!?!? You cannot compare an entire generation of cards against another in terms of noise. By all means post a 6800 and an X800 and ill tell you which is louder.

You just admited the X850XT/PE is faster, but thats not a good enough reason to pick it over the Ultra? Um...
Well speed isn't everything. Once again if you would have read my post then you would know my opinion on the cards. Speed is not everything. I could go out modify the drivers so they have the crappiest IQ in the world but they still pull 600fps a sec in everything. Granted that is an EXTREME case but a case nonetheless. Im not explaining myself again, why dont you go back and instead of ignoring my posts read them. I stated why i think the Ultra is the better option.



Oct 20, 2004
Uh, I have an Asus SLI board. If NV ever fixes their problems, I would get SLI. I am going to be ordering a 2405FPW when I get back, upgrading from a 2005FPW.

I said it was funny, because SEVERAL times you have stated SLI works fine in SLI, with no mention at all about having to do any work arounds. Dont try to hide the truth.

No on hid the truth. The not so hidden truth is you would like to be an ATI fanboy, but dont quite even stack up to that.
SLI does work fine. I run every single latest game. And I mentioned on other boards (OCP) that I found all the "workarounds".

I'm glad I gave fanboys like you more firepower to attack SLI, but the truth is the truth. No one "hid it", the only thing hidden prior to my arrival here was the workarounds.
Workarounds for widescreen DVI that you dont have the guts or knowledge to figure out yourself.

You didnt even know what the root of the problem was until I said in this thread.

I promise you my rig outguns yours anyday.. but now I'm falling into your "lets compare lives" BS


Jan 11, 2002
You just admited the X850XT/PE is faster, but thats not a good enough reason to pick it over the Ultra? Um...

Actually it's not for me?

The problem is the "faster" that it is doesn't off the end user any real advantage. It's sort of like a Corvette is faster than a Mustang, you can still only drive 65.

When you factor in what it doesn't give (SM3, Stencil shadows, SLI) what it does give is outweighed in my opinion. (faster fps that you couldn't notice without FRAPS, Temporal AA)

Even just the SLI possibility alone would seal this one for me.


Jan 11, 2002
BTW- what I can't believe about that poll is how it's 3>1 850 over 6800U.

I have a X800XT PE, which is about the same as a X850XT PE, and I have to doubt I would have known much difference between it and a 6800U. (based on my 6800GT experiences)

The poll results would make a person think you could run games at 16X12 4X8X on a XT PE and only 6X4 on an Ultra.

XTPEs rock and are gaming powerhouses, that is for sure, but I honestly doubt you could tell the difference what was in your box at 99% of games.

Somewhat bewildering the huge support for the R300 reborn.


Oct 20, 2004
Methinks ackmed sounds pretty miserable for having such a "wonderful life"
maybe things didnt QUITE turn out as expected for our little ackmed?


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Whenever you want to compare lives, just let me know. I havent logged on here in over 24 hours, who surfs more? You.
Well you sure managed to log in here a lot yesterday and constantly pester me; "Im still waiting for the link Gamingphreek". No kidding, i know full well i haven't posted and i have explained why. Maybe if you would read my posts and not ignore them you would see that.

I swear you are so damn thickheaded. You cannot say 6800's are louder than the X800's. What two cards are you comparing here!?!? You cannot compare an entire generation of cards against another in terms of noise. By all means post a 6800 and an X800 and ill tell you which is louder.

You just admited the X850XT/PE is faster, but thats not a good enough reason to pick it over the Ultra? Um...
Well speed isn't everything. Once again if you would have read my post then you would know my opinion on the cards. Speed is not everything. I could go out modify the drivers so they have the crappiest IQ in the world but they still pull 600fps a sec in everything. Granted that is an EXTREME case but a case nonetheless. Im not explaining myself again, why dont you go back and instead of ignoring my posts read them. I stated why i think the Ultra is the better option.


More insults from you, how nice. I "pestered" you asking for a link to the magical $350 PCI-E. You've stated several times you can so 6800GT for $700 as part of your argument. All I did was ask for a link.

Originally posted by: housecat
Uh, I have an Asus SLI board. If NV ever fixes their problems, I would get SLI. I am going to be ordering a 2405FPW when I get back, upgrading from a 2005FPW.

I said it was funny, because SEVERAL times you have stated SLI works fine in SLI, with no mention at all about having to do any work arounds. Dont try to hide the truth.

No on hid the truth. The not so hidden truth is you would like to be an ATI fanboy, but dont quite even stack up to that.
SLI does work fine. I run every single latest game. And I mentioned on other boards (OCP) that I found all the "workarounds".

I'm glad I gave fanboys like you more firepower to attack SLI, but the truth is the truth. No one "hid it", the only thing hidden prior to my arrival here was the workarounds.
Workarounds for widescreen DVI that you dont have the guts or knowledge to figure out yourself.

You didnt even know what the root of the problem was until I said in this thread.

I promise you my rig outguns yours anyday.. but now I'm falling into your "lets compare lives" BS

You hid from it, by saying time and time again, that SLI works fine on WS LCD's. When in fact, it doesnt. Its not attacking SLI because I dont want to run a game in a window, or downgrade from DVI to analog, its the stance lots of people are taking, with SLI.

Originally posted by: Rollo
You just admited the X850XT/PE is faster, but thats not a good enough reason to pick it over the Ultra? Um...

Actually it's not for me?

The problem is the "faster" that it is doesn't off the end user any real advantage. It's sort of like a Corvette is faster than a Mustang, you can still only drive 65.

When you factor in what it doesn't give (SM3, Stencil shadows, SLI) what it does give is outweighed in my opinion. (faster fps that you couldn't notice without FRAPS, Temporal AA)

Even just the SLI possibility alone would seal this one for me.

You play at a lower res, so you have said. With your configuration there probably wont be a large speed difference. The overall difference will not be huge between the cards, but the XT/PE is still faster, and if he can trade even, I (and most others) would take it.

Originally posted by: housecat
Methinks ackmed sounds pretty miserable for having such a "wonderful life"
maybe things didnt QUITE turn out as expected for our little ackmed?

Funny how the same people do nothing but flame, and do personal attacks. I could brag about my life, but I dont really care what you think of it, or me. Showing a pic of my wife, would make any envious.



Oct 20, 2004
And I'm sure lots of chaps have gotten their grubby hands all over her .. and will in the future. Better hope you are some kind of prize. But from your attitude I doubt it.
So far we've established ackmed has a trophy wife.. wow, thats um.. impressive to your credit that you stooped to such a level!

I've seen you pull this "you dont EVEN want to compare lives" crap more than a few times.
Compare lives alllllllllllllllllll you want, get satisfaction from that. Looks go away, money runs out and disappears, health declines, things change.
Better hope you have something real in your life. Just 2sense.

And theres always someone younger (me), with more money (me), in better shape (me), with a more beautiful wife (me).. so playing the "trump" game will leave you unsatisfied there pal as well even in the short term.
Even Donald Trump, gets trumped. Theres one guy I bet has a more beautiful wife, and more money than you right off the bat.

There are no showstopping widescreen issues ackmed. You WANT there to be, but before I posted you ALREADY knew about the widescreen bug, and you knew of NO workaround.
Now I tell the workarounds and you act like I've been "hiding how widescreen and SLI dont work".

yeah right.
Before I posted as far you knew, it didnt work at all! But I've said it does indeed work fine, thats not untrue at all.

Its a sacrifice you might not be willing to do- get hardware that blows your ATI out of the water, but work with bleeding edge hardware which requires some kind of logic to figure out.

You need to get your stuff together. Seriously. I could lose everything I have, even my health and I will still have my faith and family.. the real things in life.. not your "trophy wife, I'm better than you" game.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Damn, what a flamefest this thread turned into. Option 4 should have the most votes by now.

But seriously, all you nvidia fanboys are touting sli and sm3 as the next big thing. Obviously, most ppl here don't see it the way you do, and here's why:

SLI - nvidia's way to get even more of your money, while they're busy making a new card that would require you to upgrade 2 cards instead of 1.

SM3 - A feature that I've yet to see used enough to justify buying nvidia over ati. Suppose Unreal 3 is going to use sm3, you think your 6800u will be able to use it with max settings? In your dreams. Even with sli, I highly doubt it.

I dont believe the future-proofing hype. Any card will have features that the previous gen cards did not, and you can't say ahead of time if certain features will be used or even usable.

-AA/AF - introduced on GF2. Not even playable until GF4.
-Npatches - first appeared on ati8500. Still not widely used.
-DX9 first appeared on NV cards on the 5xxx series. What a disapointment that turned out to be.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Uh, if you read, someone said I didnt have a life. I simply refuted that ignorant statement.

Believe what you want, just to make yourself feel better. Im not going to get into a battle of whos better looking and got the better life.

Buty hey, way to resort to insults (again). Seems thats what you do when you dont have an argument.


Oct 20, 2004
Yeah, and I was jumping in against you.

No one insulted you, I'm just telling you that while your statements are ignorant and hollow.. I'll stack up against you anyday you want in the superficial realm.
Money/cash, cars, diamonds, I promise you mine are bigger. Its just not a good way to build yourself up, or try to tear someone like Kevin down.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Ignorance? Yes, your statements are ignorant. You dont know the first thing about me, yet you assume so much.

You didnt insult me? Read again. First you try to claim that my wife is a slut, which is wayyy beyond good forum humor. She is not a trophy wife, just an awesome who, who happens to be very good looking. Nor has she had anyones elses "grubby hands" on her before me, nor will she.

I didnt try to "tear Kevin down". Again, if you actually read, HE said I didnt have a life, I simply refuted his statement.

Go ahead and reply back with more insults, as you cant have a discussion without them. Dont expect me to reply, or even visit this thread again.



Oct 20, 2004
Oh wow, I guess you are innocent completely Ackmed.

We all apologize because as usual you are right, and we are wrong.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
Originally posted by: munky
Damn, what a flamefest this thread turned into. Option 4 should have the most votes by now.

But seriously, all you nvidia fanboys are touting sli and sm3 as the next big thing. Obviously, most ppl here don't see it the way you do, and here's why:

SLI - nvidia's way to get even more of your money, while they're busy making a new card that would require you to upgrade 2 cards instead of 1.

SM3 - A feature that I've yet to see used enough to justify buying nvidia over ati. Suppose Unreal 3 is going to use sm3, you think your 6800u will be able to use it with max settings? In your dreams. Even with sli, I highly doubt it.

I dont believe the future-proofing hype. Any card will have features that the previous gen cards did not, and you can't say ahead of time if certain features will be used or even usable.

-AA/AF - introduced on GF2. Not even playable until GF4.
-Npatches - first appeared on ati8500. Still not widely used.
-DX9 first appeared on NV cards on the 5xxx series. What a disapointment that turned out to be.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: munky
Damn, what a flamefest this thread turned into. Option 4 should have the most votes by now.

But seriously, all you nvidia fanboys are touting sli and sm3 as the next big thing. Obviously, most ppl here don't see it the way you do, and here's why:

SLI - nvidia's way to get even more of your money, while they're busy making a new card that would require you to upgrade 2 cards instead of 1.

SM3 - A feature that I've yet to see used enough to justify buying nvidia over ati. Suppose Unreal 3 is going to use sm3, you think your 6800u will be able to use it with max settings? In your dreams. Even with sli, I highly doubt it.

I dont believe the future-proofing hype. Any card will have features that the previous gen cards did not, and you can't say ahead of time if certain features will be used or even usable.

-AA/AF - introduced on GF2. Not even playable until GF4.
-Npatches - first appeared on ati8500. Still not widely used.
-DX9 first appeared on NV cards on the 5xxx series. What a disapointment that turned out to be.

Munky munky munky- you can downplay SLI and SM3 all you want, but last years testimonials from ALL the major developers in regard to SM3, and ATIs own frantic rush to follow suit suggest a different reality.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
And yet the current poll shows the X850XTPE with a better than 3:1 lead over the 6800U (got my math right this time, I think). So apparently SM3.0 and SLI aren't as important to people as raw speed.


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Creig
And yet the current poll shows the X850XTPE with a better than 3:1 lead over the 6800U (got my math right this time, I think). So apparently SM3.0 and SLI aren't as important to people as raw speed.

As i said earlier that is because people do not stop and think. They just pick that card that is faster and dont think about anything else. Apparently there are people in this forum that jump to conclusion, Creig.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: Creig
And yet the current poll shows the X850XTPE with a better than 3:1 lead over the 6800U (got my math right this time, I think). So apparently SM3.0 and SLI aren't as important to people as raw speed.

As i said earlier that is because people do not stop and think. They just pick that card that is faster and dont think about anything else. Apparently there are people in this forum that jump to conclusion, Creig.


And unless you personally inteviewed each person who voted to find out if they took SM3.0 and SLI into consideration, then it's YOU who's jumping to conclusions.



Mar 31, 2003
How am i jumping to conclusions. I admit that i am making a pretty general statement but it is true. A majority of the people who do know hardware judge on speed alone. They do not take into consideration the features involved, which is understandable because this is the first genration where features have been a major issue (aside from PS2.0 and 1.1 but that wasn't as big as this)



Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Creig
And yet the current poll shows the X850XTPE with a better than 3:1 lead over the 6800U (got my math right this time, I think). So apparently SM3.0 and SLI aren't as important to people as raw speed.

Sure. If you submit your will to follow the mass population.

I pity the guys like you who buy hardware based off of blindly accepting the opinion of the mass public.

Hey, everybodys doing it, right?


I'll take a logical argument that makes sense, over something approved by the masses anyday.


Mar 25, 2004
OMG, me and housecat agree on something!!! I'm getting drunk, this may never happen again
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