Would you trade a 6800 Ultra for a X850 XTPE ?

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Mar 31, 2003
Never did i say there was anything bad about that. Especially if he plans on upgrading right when the next gen cards came out. However if he plans on waiting for a while now, the 6800 would have beena better choice as it supports SM3 (yes i know there is no game out that really supports it...yet), 32bit FP Precision, onboard VPU, etc...

You are exaggerating the benefits of switching. When you say less power you are acting like it was a huge decrease when in fact it is a mere 10-20Watts at MAX. Additionally cooler and less power are redundant, in general. THe 6800's run about 45C idle and 70-80C full load. The ATI cards do only about 5C better. Occasionally you will hear the odd report of 100C or something but anomolies are inevitable and are going to happen for both sides. Additionally the Forceware drivers have a temperature bug which reports temperature ~14C higher than they actually are hence the reason for 80-90C reports.

Again i never said he got a bad deal. In this kind of a trade there is no bad deal, however depending on his situation one deal might be a wiser/better choice than the other.



Jan 28, 2005
Ok can we take this one thing at a time here?

"NV47 was supposed to be a refresh for the NV40; however it just never came. Nvidia has confirmed that the new core will be a COMPLETELY new architecture, not related to anything ever before. There have also been reports, unconfirmed, that they have abandoned the NVxx naming scheme and the new architecture will be named G70. I however think that might be refering to the Gelato processor"

If I am "misinformed" I am going to need something more substantial than "unconfirmed reports" and rumors of this and that before I will believe something other than what I have read on other reputable websites. Sorry, no offence intended. If nvidia has confirmed something/anything I would like to see the source please.

AGP8x might be around for a few more years, but from what I have read it will be relegated to the lower end systems. At least as far as the releases from nvidia are concerned.

This was posted at PCstats on 12/15/04 and seems to coencide with what I have read on other sites.
"nVidia on the other hand have been through the whole HSI bridge diversion, and are now clearly setting their sites on native PCI Express GPUs. The 110nm (TSMC Fab'd) NV47 is anticipated in Q1-Q2 2005, with the 90nm (IBM Fab'd) NV50 following late Q3'05. For those consumers holding on to their AGP8X motherboards, its seems the GeForce 6800 and 6600 are the only, and possibly last, solutions forecast on that front. The just released Geforce 6200 Shader 3.0 / PCI Express card picks up the lower end markets."

If this is not at all accurate please tell me where you got your information. Thanks, Chuck.



Junior Member
Feb 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Murd0ck

"1. good point, but I didn't want to start an entirely new thread just because my card is agp. If no one wants to trade here, it's no big deal... i'll sell it on eBay. "

Just make a new thread, hell you might even get someone to trade and save some ebay fees. You would only be doing yourself a favor, IMO.

"2. Someone did already tell me, and I already told them I would go with an x800 XT PE... you must have missed my post."

Just make a new thread. I did not miss your post. I do apologise for haranguing you about asking to trade for a card that will not work in your pc.

Notice what I said here.."Do you realise that Hardocp shows a 13 fps difference in favor of the 6800U when it comes to minimum framerates? 33 for 6800U vs 20 for x800xtpe."

"3. I never said anything about who's opinion is right/wrong or worth considering, so I am lost on why you even stated that. I also chose not to have the ability for PCI-E becuase at this point in time, there is no noticeable difference in performance between agp/pci-E at this point in time. (If i'm mistaken, please prove me wrong on this... because that's the only thing I would be interesting in)."

AGP is being phased out (at this point in time) lol. You are smart enough to know that, yet to "bullheaded?" to accept it. Strange phenomenon, but not all that uncommon.

In all fairness though, the card you wanted (X850XTPE) was probably not even available when you chose AGP over PCI-e. I assume pci-e wasn't around when you bought your last mobo/pc either. (The system I am using to write this uses an intel 865perl).

X850XTPE is pci-e only. It outpreforms the X800XTPE( by very little) which is AGP .
There, you have been proven wrong. Now, go and buy a mobo that supports PCI-e and the card you really want (X850XTPE).

So, you see, Kevin, while the 2 interfaces might have the same theoretical throughput, one has compatibility with better performing hardware while the other does not. If You don't belive me then maybe you will 12 months from now, but then again you know that and you have your reasons for making your choices I'm sure.

Eh, how else can I can I say this? The writing is on the wall I guess. If you want the best options go with the newer technology (at least in this case). Even the AMR will use pci-e.

The forums link to HL2/Valve was a good read (depressing, but informative) thanks for posting it.

" I'm not sure when/where you got the idea that I was in favor of ATI/Nvidia when it comes to overall performance"
" Besides, SLI is a joke... not all games support as someone already stated, and anyone that is willing to spend close/around $1000 for video cards needs a serious reality check"

Your charged phrases indicate your bias.

Most people that go this route are buying 1 card now and plan to buy one later at a reduced cost. That is, if this price gouging ever stops..

I take home $942.00 after taxes on my weekly check and I am not at all wealthy, just single with a decent job. The price gouging on this hardware is still pissing me off though.

You are missing one of the key advantages to SLI which is the upgrade path; however, it is pointless to debate the premise of an "uprgade path" to someone who is buying agp cards and sees no point in pci-e "at this time".

"7. In regards to "I could care less", take a look... neither of us are wrong."
No, you have been misinformed.

LOL@learnenglishnow.com. Pfft hahaha!! Be careful out there on the net with your sources. Just because someone makes a website doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. He appears to be well educated; however, in this case he is wrong. Although people intend them to mean the same thing, they do not.

I suppose if you are a foriegner trying to learn english the two might be close enough.

This explains how the saying works. It even has a diagram, lol.

"I could care less" vs. "I couldn't care less"

Oh, and it's "whatever floats your boat" (here in the USA anyway)..lol.
(yes, that is how it's said, go compare the 2 phrases on google) Don't forget to use the ""

Anything worth doing is worth doing right, right?

"I'm not here to debate on who thinks what card is better, I could care less to be honest. Opinions are like.... you get the point =) "

Most everyone else is here to debate which card is better. Seeing as you don't own either one or can't use either one then you sir are in the wrong thread.

I'm not sure where you get off insulting others and starting arguments over something as childish and petty as "I could care less", but you sir need to grow up.

You are soo full of yourself that you don't even care to realize that you are insulting and rude. To call someone "bullheaded" because they don't want to spend a crap load of money changing over to PCI-E... shows your maturity level. AGP is NOT phasing out, they have just introduced PCI-E and can't afford to phase it out yet becuase the market isn't ready for that quite yet. And i'm not about to go into why, I enjoy watching you throw money at the wind instead.

If you want to constantly chase the white dragon for the "best" or "what's not fading out" when it comes to hardware, that's your money... not others. However, Patience is a virtue. By the time SLI is worthy of owning... there will be better cards by both ATI/Nvidia and you will be here (as you are now) argueing all over again completly forgetting that you threw 800~ towards video cards 6months prior that are now being "phased out" as you put it. Also, as you are being sucked in by marketing scams... realize that the xbox has been outperforming PC's for over 5yrs now... and is still in the running.

You're also an english major I see, thank you all mighty mr. "know it all". All you can do is say how others are wrong, notice how I said we were both right. I'm not going to be wasting anymore time argueing, oopps... I mean "discussing", with someone who can't even comprehend a simple statement as "could care less" and "couldn't care less".


I'm a system's engineer... I have used both PCI-E and AGP. But I guess that's not possible since you have already assumed that I haven't used both, so I have no say in the matter.


Jan 28, 2005
Originally posted by: inxane
Originally posted by: Murd0ck

"1. good point, but I didn't want to start an entirely new thread just because my card is agp. If no one wants to trade here, it's no big deal... i'll sell it on eBay. "

Just make a new thread, hell you might even get someone to trade and save some ebay fees. You would only be doing yourself a favor, IMO.

"2. Someone did already tell me, and I already told them I would go with an x800 XT PE... you must have missed my post."

Just make a new thread. I did not miss your post. I do apologise for haranguing you about asking to trade for a card that will not work in your pc.

Notice what I said here.."Do you realise that Hardocp shows a 13 fps difference in favor of the 6800U when it comes to minimum framerates? 33 for 6800U vs 20 for x800xtpe."

"3. I never said anything about who's opinion is right/wrong or worth considering, so I am lost on why you even stated that. I also chose not to have the ability for PCI-E becuase at this point in time, there is no noticeable difference in performance between agp/pci-E at this point in time. (If i'm mistaken, please prove me wrong on this... because that's the only thing I would be interesting in)."

AGP is being phased out (at this point in time) lol. You are smart enough to know that, yet to "bullheaded?" to accept it. Strange phenomenon, but not all that uncommon.

In all fairness though, the card you wanted (X850XTPE) was probably not even available when you chose AGP over PCI-e. I assume pci-e wasn't around when you bought your last mobo/pc either. (The system I am using to write this uses an intel 865perl).

X850XTPE is pci-e only. It outpreforms the X800XTPE( by very little) which is AGP .
There, you have been proven wrong. Now, go and buy a mobo that supports PCI-e and the card you really want (X850XTPE).

So, you see, Kevin, while the 2 interfaces might have the same theoretical throughput, one has compatibility with better performing hardware while the other does not. If You don't belive me then maybe you will 12 months from now, but then again you know that and you have your reasons for making your choices I'm sure.

Eh, how else can I can I say this? The writing is on the wall I guess. If you want the best options go with the newer technology (at least in this case). Even the AMR will use pci-e.

The forums link to HL2/Valve was a good read (depressing, but informative) thanks for posting it.

" I'm not sure when/where you got the idea that I was in favor of ATI/Nvidia when it comes to overall performance"
" Besides, SLI is a joke... not all games support as someone already stated, and anyone that is willing to spend close/around $1000 for video cards needs a serious reality check"

Your charged phrases indicate your bias.

Most people that go this route are buying 1 card now and plan to buy one later at a reduced cost. That is, if this price gouging ever stops..

I take home $942.00 after taxes on my weekly check and I am not at all wealthy, just single with a decent job. The price gouging on this hardware is still pissing me off though.

You are missing one of the key advantages to SLI which is the upgrade path; however, it is pointless to debate the premise of an "uprgade path" to someone who is buying agp cards and sees no point in pci-e "at this time".

"7. In regards to "I could care less", take a look... neither of us are wrong."
No, you have been misinformed.

LOL@learnenglishnow.com. Pfft hahaha!! Be careful out there on the net with your sources. Just because someone makes a website doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. He appears to be well educated; however, in this case he is wrong. Although people intend them to mean the same thing, they do not.

I suppose if you are a foriegner trying to learn english the two might be close enough.

This explains how the saying works. It even has a diagram, lol.

"I could care less" vs. "I couldn't care less"

Oh, and it's "whatever floats your boat" (here in the USA anyway)..lol.
(yes, that is how it's said, go compare the 2 phrases on google) Don't forget to use the ""

Anything worth doing is worth doing right, right?

"I'm not here to debate on who thinks what card is better, I could care less to be honest. Opinions are like.... you get the point =) "

Most everyone else is here to debate which card is better. Seeing as you don't own either one or can't use either one then you sir are in the wrong thread.

I'm not sure where you get off insulting others and starting arguments over something as childish and petty as "I could care less", but you sir need to grow up.

You are soo full of yourself that you don't even care to realize that you are insulting and rude. To call someone "bullheaded" because they don't want to spend a crap load of money changing over to PCI-E... shows your maturity level. AGP is NOT phasing out, they have just introduced PCI-E and can't afford to phase it out yet becuase the market isn't ready for that quite yet. And i'm not about to go into why, I enjoy watching you throw money at the wind instead.

If you want to constantly chase the white dragon for the "best" or "what's not fading out" when it comes to hardware, that's your money... not others. However, Patience is a virtue. By the time SLI is worthy of owning... there will be better cards by both ATI/Nvidia and you will be here (as you are now) argueing about that next completly forgetting that you threw 800~ towards video cards in your PC that you have to do all over again. Also, as you are being sucked in by marketing scams... realize that the xbox has been outperforming PC's for over 5yrs now... and is still in the running.

You're also an english major I see, thank you all mighty mr. "know it all". All you can do is say how others are wrong, notice how I said we were both right. I'm not going to be wasting anymore time argueing, oopps... I mean "discussing", with someone who can't even comprehend a simple statement as "could care less" and "couldn't care less".


I'm a system's engineer... I have used both PCI-E and AGP. But I guess that's not possible since you have already assumed that I haven't used both, so I have no say in the matter.

LOL, relax man. Err "system engineer" or whatever you are. Don't like being called out I see. We are all arrogant and self righteous to some extent. We can trade jabs on some forum without getting all pissed cant we? Geeze, and that was the toned down version of my reply. I didn't know people were so easily offended.

I'm sorry if I really pissed you off that bad. I did compliment you on a couple things, but you probably thought I was just being sarcastic.

" By the time SLI is worthy of owning... there will be better cards by both ATI/Nvidia"???

Heh, you are like a yogi berra in the making with those kind of statements. Kind of like old yogi saying "Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded." Sorry man, I just couldn't help it.

Really though, I mean you no ill will. Peace, Chuck.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Cooler, in most cases yes, however you cannot accurately say cooler. Less power hungry, yes, however to run cooler all you have to do is stick a gigantic HS on it.

As for quieter that is the same way. Noise on video cards with a few exceptions is not an issue. Most manf (excluding Asus, Leadtek, MSI, Gainward, and a few others) use the reference heatsink fan. This applies for both ATI and Nvidia cards.

As for his failed card you cannot hold that against anyone. There are bad cards, there is nothing we will ever be able to do about this.


Why cant you say "accurately cooler"? It does run cooler, and exhausts the air out the back of the case. The Ultra will just keep the hot air in the case, which is not as good.

And it does run quieter, much so. Just because it doesnt matter to you, doesnt mean it doesnt for others.

Still waiting on that $350 PCI-E 6800G link, or are you trying to dodge the questions?

Originally posted by: Rollo

A lot of people willing to stick a lot of money into the 2002 feature set in 2005 doesn't fill me with hope Ackmed.

I wasnt aware Temporal AA, 3Dc, PS2.0b, etc were available in 2002?



Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Cooler, in most cases yes, however you cannot accurately say cooler. Less power hungry, yes, however to run cooler all you have to do is stick a gigantic HS on it.

As for quieter that is the same way. Noise on video cards with a few exceptions is not an issue. Most manf (excluding Asus, Leadtek, MSI, Gainward, and a few others) use the reference heatsink fan. This applies for both ATI and Nvidia cards.

As for his failed card you cannot hold that against anyone. There are bad cards, there is nothing we will ever be able to do about this.


Why cant you say "accurately cooler"? It does run cooler, and exhausts the air out the back of the case. The Ultra will just keep the hot air in the case, which is not as good.

And it does run quieter, much so. Just because it doesnt matter to you, doesnt mean it doesnt for others.

Still waiting on that $350 PCI-E 6800G link, or are you trying to dodge the questions?

Originally posted by: Rollo

A lot of people willing to stick a lot of money into the 2002 feature set in 2005 doesn't fill me with hope Ackmed.

I wasnt aware Temporal AA, 3Dc, PS2.0b, etc were available in 2002?

Temporal AA and PS2.0b will not make the card last longer. Temporal AA only comes in play with VSYNC on and while frames are over 60fps. Do you really think that about 6 months down the road you are going to have that luxury. 3dc has yet to be seen but the Geforce 6 series supports it as well. You are comparing a 6800U here and you list PS2.0b as a feature for the X800 and say "DO you want to miss out on this?". THat really makes no sense what so ever as the Geforce 6 series has SM (Including PS) 3.0.

ALL the reviewers have alrady established that blowing air out of the case like that does nothing for temperatures. Maybe 1-2C for the case but absolutely nothing for the card. There is no advantage so dont make it out like there is one.

Quiet does matter to me otherwise i wouldn't be running 4x Panaflo 12L's at 1/3 speed and a 92mm Panaflo (CPU) at 1/3 speed as well as a nice quiet OCZ Powerstream. The fact is you cannot compare quietness. ATI manf their own cards, Nvidia does not they rely on manf. How would you compare the two?

Why are you asking me if i am trying to dodge questions when you cant even quote them right. I said 350-400, back then there were a few specials on PCI-E 6800GT's. Now the lowest price could find is Link. However when did i say PCI-E. If he is going SLI obviously he needs PCI-E support. However, if he wants a single card there is no need for PCI-E,

If he goes SLI, expect to spend about 800-900 dollars. If he goes single and doesn't want SLI he could go for 350.

WHy dont you respond to my first post where i gave my whole stance on this situation and provided evidence. Everything is explained there.



Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Murd0ck
Ok can we take this one thing at a time here?

"NV47 was supposed to be a refresh for the NV40; however it just never came. Nvidia has confirmed that the new core will be a COMPLETELY new architecture, not related to anything ever before. There have also been reports, unconfirmed, that they have abandoned the NVxx naming scheme and the new architecture will be named G70. I however think that might be refering to the Gelato processor"

If I am "misinformed" I am going to need something more substantial than "unconfirmed reports" and rumors of this and that before I will believe something other than what I have read on other reputable websites. Sorry, no offence intended. If nvidia has confirmed something/anything I would like to see the source please.

AGP8x might be around for a few more years, but from what I have read it will be relegated to the lower end systems. At least as far as the releases from nvidia are concerned.

This was posted at PCstats on 12/15/04 and seems to coencide with what I have read on other sites.
"nVidia on the other hand have been through the whole HSI bridge diversion, and are now clearly setting their sites on native PCI Express GPUs. The 110nm (TSMC Fab'd) NV47 is anticipated in Q1-Q2 2005, with the 90nm (IBM Fab'd) NV50 following late Q3'05. For those consumers holding on to their AGP8X motherboards, its seems the GeForce 6800 and 6600 are the only, and possibly last, solutions forecast on that front. The just released Geforce 6200 Shader 3.0 / PCI Express card picks up the lower end markets."

If this is not at all accurate please tell me where you got your information. Thanks, Chuck.

Ok yes this is the inquirer but the drivers .inf file does not lie.
Here is the thread for the new drivers inf Link

Additionally it is common sense. If the name begins with NV4 then it is of the current generation because it shares the common 4. THe next generation (whether it be name NV50 or G70) will not have the NV4 in its name. Also if you will notice in the .inf it has all those Gxx names but it also still has NV48 which is the 512mb version of the 6800U. I has not been confirmed to my knowledge but once again use your common sense. Which card do we know is going to be in the same generation that we know is coming out? Hmmm how about the 512mb version of the 6800.

AGP will be supported for a while to come. Maybe not as far as ISA was but it is not dead or dying. There is no reason to go PCI-E except if you are going SLI, or if that is the only interface your motherboard supports. ATI and Nvidia are not simply going to oine day stop producing AGP cards in the near future. It will be a gradual thing.



Apr 8, 2002
Anyone who can tell a differnace with ATI's drivers and Nvidias is simply tp picky, stop talking about drivers, both companys provide good drivers, The x850 is simply the faster card.

When my AIW card just decides its WDM driver isnt loaded anymore and requires a reboot just to watch TV. Then call me being too picky!

BTW- it's interesting how all this "hype" stuff like SM3 and SLI are implemented in ATIs upcoming products. I've got $10 that says guys who used to downplay these features will say they're good "now that ATI has done them right" and "now that SLI has had time to be developed" even though it will be public beta for ATI at that point and nVs SLI will have been in use 8 months or so.

It is always the next generation with ATI. Their F-Buffer which was supposed to put them on the same plan as Nvidia never had it implemented in drivers for the 9800 and only works in DX for the X800s. FP32, SM3.0 ect. Always the next generation.


May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87

When my AIW card just decides its WDM driver isnt loaded anymore and requires a reboot just to watch TV. Then call me being too picky!

Sounds like PEBKAC.



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
For all you sli fanboys *cough*rollo*cough*:

Next gen cards from both ati and nvidia will probably kill you best current sli setup, but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: munky
For all you sli fanboys *cough*rollo*cough*:

Next gen cards from both ati and nvidia will probably kill you best current sli setup, but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.

Why do you feel the need to flame. Everyone is having a nice discussion for once and now you go making fun of someone. Cant you tell us what you want to say without insulting someone?

but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.

Why dont you read this thread again. Everyone gave many different ways to implement SLI and you dont seem to know any of them.



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: munky
For all you sli fanboys *cough*rollo*cough*:

Next gen cards from both ati and nvidia will probably kill you best current sli setup, but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.

Why do you feel the need to flame. Everyone is having a nice discussion for once and now you go making fun of someone. Cant you tell us what you want to say without insulting someone?

but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.

Why dont you read this thread again. Everyone gave many different ways to implement SLI and you dont seem to know any of them.


I'm not trying to flame anyone, but I do feel that sli is overrated, especially when you consider the price against the performance. But given that the OP doesn't even have an sli board, we shouldn't even be talking about sli in the first place


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Genx87
When my AIW card just decides its WDM driver isnt loaded anymore and requires a reboot just to watch TV. Then call me being too picky!

That's totally different. You're talking about all the extra drivers necessary for AIW functionality, not just regular 2D/3D video drivers.


Senior member
Dec 3, 2004
I personally wouldn't do it. I have the 6800GT, and I am confident in it with its "future-proofness". I would rather have the SM3.0 support than not, because its always good to have support for a technology, just in case it decides to take off. Not like the X850 isn't fast, because it is a beast. I just would personally keep the Ultra and then wait for upgrading to something "new", such as R520 or G70 (I guess thats what NVIDIA's next-gen is called).


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Yep, then I'd sell it, buy another 6800 Ultra, and pocket the difference.

What? X850XT/PE's are cheaper than a 6800 Ultra. Your post makes no sense.

oh my god....

Thats what im saying Nick.

Where in the world did you pull that from Ackmed. What did you pick the highest price 6800 and the lowest price X850. Try again and links would always help your credibility.

I'm not trying to flame anyone, but I do feel that sli is overrated, especially when you consider the price against the performance. But given that the OP doesn't even have an sli board, we shouldn't even be talking about sli in the first place

You are not trying but you are . You obviously have not read the entire thread. Myself among many others have given many different options that you can do with SLI, most of which are VERY good deals.

The reason we are talking about SLI because it is cheaper to get a 6800GT and a decent SLI board then to get an X850XT.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: munky
For all you sli fanboys *cough*rollo*cough*:

Next gen cards from both ati and nvidia will probably kill you best current sli setup, but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.


For all you "Future cards will beat present day cards" fortune tellers *cough*munky*cough*:

LOL- Gee?! Ya think?

Speaking as one of the "sli fanboys" I say:
1. So what? I'm having fun playing with SLI now.
2. So what? The future cards will be able to be SLI'd as well, and also be fun to play with.

There's always something better coming, you pay what you're comfortable with and make your choices in the present.



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: munky
For all you sli fanboys *cough*rollo*cough*:

Next gen cards from both ati and nvidia will probably kill you best current sli setup, but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.


For all you "Future cards will beat present day cards" fortune tellers *cough*munky*cough*:

LOL- Gee?! Ya think?

Speaking as one of the "sli fanboys" I say:
1. So what? I'm having fun playing with SLI now.
2. So what? The future cards will be able to be SLI'd as well, and also be fun to play with.

There's always something better coming, you pay what you're comfortable with and make your choices in the present.

My point is that 6 months from now, a SINGLE $500 card will probably beat your current, more expensive SLI setup. Also, there's no guarantee how long SLI will be supported in the future, especially since only Nvidia is offering it.


Mar 31, 2003
Again you have not read all the options. So i will restate this particular one:
Buy one card now then when prices fall buy another. As you can see the prices will fall as 5900U's can be had for 160. So you pay full price now and then a fraction of the cost later. SLI will be there in the future, Nvidia did not just spend a crap load of money and decide only to incorporate it into 1 generation of cards. Honestly that is common sense.

Finally, 6 months from now everything will seem like a bad deal. I can hold off forever saying just 6 more months and then something really big will come out. Then when that 6 months are up... "Just 6 more months until this next thing comes out".



Oct 20, 2004
I'd never make that trade.

Unless the Ultra was AGP and the X850 was PCIE. Only in that case.

Why give up a SLI capable card and SM3 for negligible performance increases that you will only see through benchmarking.

edit- And I see everyone got into the "SLI debate", I have dual 6800GTs on my WIDESCREEN, it works perfect and is awesome.
I can tell you from firsthand experience, that a single X800 or 6800GT does not compare to SLI'd GT or Ultras in real world gaming.

Its not even close.


Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: munky
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: munky
For all you sli fanboys *cough*rollo*cough*:

Next gen cards from both ati and nvidia will probably kill you best current sli setup, but you can still boast that you've spent 2x the money on 2 obsolete cards. That's all there's to it.


For all you "Future cards will beat present day cards" fortune tellers *cough*munky*cough*:

LOL- Gee?! Ya think?

Speaking as one of the "sli fanboys" I say:
1. So what? I'm having fun playing with SLI now.
2. So what? The future cards will be able to be SLI'd as well, and also be fun to play with.

There's always something better coming, you pay what you're comfortable with and make your choices in the present.

My point is that 6 months from now, a SINGLE $500 card will probably beat your current, more expensive SLI setup. Also, there's no guarantee how long SLI will be supported in the future, especially since only Nvidia is offering it.

But the point is moot, because then people like myself will have TWO of your "SINGLE" $500 cards in SLI and it will blow YOUR single $500 away then too!

It just depends how much money you want to spend and how fast you want to go.
SLI just enables higher levels of performance than would normally be available.

In all honesty, people like Rollo and myself will be ESTATIC if a single card next round beats SLI... that would be the best becuase that means two in SLI will be extremely fast.

But you dont like SLI, so I'd recommend you stick to something more in your performance expectations and budget.


Apr 23, 2004
I agree with Housecat! I have bought and tried the X800XL and then an X850XT in my SLI rig since I mostly play CS:S. (I had planned on building out a Shuttle with one of the ATI cards just to play CS:S) What I found is that when playing online in 30 player office or 24 player Dust matches the framerate was averaging significantly less and had worse slowdowns with the ATI cards. Keep in mind I was trying to run 1600x1200 at High details and 2x/4x, even after backing down most of the settings I was still getting dips to 30-40 fps during some heavy action or just starting out from spawn!

After reading all the hype and online benchmarks one would think that the ATI cards had an advantage in Source games comparable to SLI. To compare my results I ran one of the 6800GT's in single GPU mode and got results on par with the X850XT, however not as severe as a dip in framerate under heavy action. Note that I do run my 6800GT's at 420/110 (Ultra Speeds) which is another big factor in why I like the 6800GT's since they overclock so well! (Both of my 6800GT PCI-E's would overclock to a max of 440/115 on air cooling with an NV5 Silencer)

Housecat - would like to get some more details of your success with running your Widescreen monitor. Which monitor, resolution, games? Analog or DVI I have a Dell 20005FPW and (2)6800GT SLI and have the problem with the screen "jitters" when running any widescreen 16:10 aspect reolutions with DVI (tried all recent leaked beta drivers)
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