Wow, neighbors will bitch about the tiniest things...


Apr 19, 2001
A family in my neighborhood is raising attack pitbulls and they're kind of assholes. They have a crappy fence and leave the dogs out unsupervised. The dogs are dangerous and eventually they're going to get loose and take a chunk out of somebody. Several neighbors have been trying to get the city involved to get something done about fixing the fence and properly securing the dogs so that they cant escape and hurt someone, so they've asked others in the area to get involved too. I'm not a complainer, but these dogs really are an accident waiting to happen, so I filled out an online form to "vote" for the initial complaint to give it more weight. It turns out that's how a lot of things get done, or at least reported and the city gets involved to investigate if enough people bring up the same problem. Great, the city is now fully involved and is forcing the idiot neighbors to make improvements to the fence and keep the dogs chained up, so the system does work.

Now that I made one tiny complaint I'm sort of subscribed to every complaint made by anyone in my neighborhood, like a "since you live here, you might be interested in this problem..." thing so people can unite and co-report dangerous situations like the dogs. And every day I get list after list of report after report and it's truly staggering what people will complain about. For context, this is NOT a HOA area, neighbors have no legal way to mandate changes to aesthetics, only dangerous or illegal things can gain traction.

Out of the last 100 or so official complaints filed maybe 6 to 8 are somewhat important. A truly axle-breaking pothole reported, fine. A stop sign on a nearly blind corner obscured by trees and invisible, great, that needs to get fixed. But the rest of the stuff is so unbelievably picky and minor that I've grown to enjoy rubber-necking what gets some people riled up.

-Bushes unkempt!
-Puts trash cans on curb for pickup a day early!
-Mows lawn at 7:00 pm!!
-Ugly red door looks out of place in the neighborhood and detracts from my property value
-Parks too far down the driveway and the rear bumper *almost* hangs over the sidewalk.
-Shutter on one window is loose and hangs down.
-Part of yard encircled by stockade fence, other part by white picket fence.
-Refinished driveway in white concrete rather than black asphalt, looks ridiculous.
-Has a pool, kids over playing many afternoons
-muffler too loud!

and page after page of shit like that. One guy has done nearly 500 complaints in the last year and not one of them is a dangerous situation like dogs, street signs or meth labs. His highlights are "used red mulch around trees and brown mulch around bushes" and "porch light too bright". If he lived in an HOA odds are he'd be the person running it.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
What pisses me off is that cities/governments tend to listen more to complaints about petty stupid crap, then actual real issues. Like camp fires here are always a heated (no pun intended) issue. After lot of complains we're not allowed to start before like 9pm and has to be out by midnight. Sun is down by 11 and by midnight the night is just getting started, and now we have to put it out? What the hell? But this is because of people complaining about smoke. Shut your windows FFS! Summer is short, let people enjoy themselves.

The latest one now is temporary shelters, these are like giant tents that people put up to park their car in. It's a great idea as it saves from having to scrape and brush snow off the car in the morning. But now people are complaining that they look ugly, so now the city has a new bylaw that you need a special permit. Freaking BS. Stop catering to the people that have nothing better to do than to complain about petty stuff. Treat stuff on a case per case bassis, if someone is out having camp fires till 4am every single night and constantly partying, deal with those people. Or someone sets up their shelter too close to their neighbour's driveway and the snow accumulates, maybe tell them to move it a bit, etc...Though even then... get a snow blower.


Feb 13, 2003
Doesn't surprise me at all; a lot of people can be bitchy about the most trivial f'ing things. That guy with the 500 complaints sounds like a real cool fucking dude.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
Attack pitbulls?

Pits are wonderful animals and are basically harmless. I'd sooner add a rescue pit to my family than some sort of mangy chihuahua (they bite!). Perhaps consider getting in on the joy of raising one of these loving animals and not spread a false stereotype and generalized hatred towards innocent animals.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
Yeah it's pretty awful what some people will complain about. I live in a smaller neighborhood now so I've been more exposed to it. A lot of people are apparently terrible people and/or have really boring lives


Golden Member
Dec 12, 2010
Bring on them there complainers. In this neighbourhood, I think I am the only one who cares enough and has the phone numbers for several municipal supervisors to remove graffiti and litter, to repave the potholed road and to come down on noise pollution ( pre 7 am jackhammers come to mind). I kick and punch the city into enforcing its own by laws. I kid you not . Most people in this area of toronto, middle to lower classes, do not give two cents for the area they live in. They walk over, around and through dog shit, food litter and euro trash graffiti without so much as a "what".


Dec 15, 2015
A family in my neighborhood is raising attack pitbulls and they're kind of assholes. They have a crappy fence and leave the dogs out unsupervised. The dogs are dangerous and eventually they're going to get loose and take a chunk out of somebody. Several neighbors have been trying to get the city involved to get something done about fixing the fence and properly securing the dogs so that they cant escape and hurt someone, so they've asked others in the area to get involved too. I'm not a complainer, but these dogs really are an accident waiting to happen, so I filled out an online form to "vote" for the initial complaint to give it more weight. It turns out that's how a lot of things get done, or at least reported and the city gets involved to investigate if enough people bring up the same problem. Great, the city is now fully involved and is forcing the idiot neighbors to make improvements to the fence and keep the dogs chained up, so the system does work.

Now that I made one tiny complaint I'm sort of subscribed to every complaint made by anyone in my neighborhood, like a "since you live here, you might be interested in this problem..." thing so people can unite and co-report dangerous situations like the dogs. And every day I get list after list of report after report and it's truly staggering what people will complain about. For context, this is NOT a HOA area, neighbors have no legal way to mandate changes to aesthetics, only dangerous or illegal things can gain traction.

Out of the last 100 or so official complaints filed maybe 6 to 8 are somewhat important. A truly axle-breaking pothole reported, fine. A stop sign on a nearly blind corner obscured by trees and invisible, great, that needs to get fixed. But the rest of the stuff is so unbelievably picky and minor that I've grown to enjoy rubber-necking what gets some people riled up.

-Bushes unkempt!
-Puts trash cans on curb for pickup a day early!
-Mows lawn at 7:00 pm!!
-Ugly red door looks out of place in the neighborhood and detracts from my property value
-Parks too far down the driveway and the rear bumper *almost* hangs over the sidewalk.
-Shutter on one window is loose and hangs down.
-Part of yard encircled by stockade fence, other part by white picket fence.
-Refinished driveway in white concrete rather than black asphalt, looks ridiculous.
-Has a pool, kids over playing many afternoons
-muffler too loud!

and page after page of shit like that. One guy has done nearly 500 complaints in the last year and not one of them is a dangerous situation like dogs, street signs or meth labs. His highlights are "used red mulch around trees and brown mulch around bushes" and "porch light too bright". If he lived in an HOA odds are he'd be the person running it.

Reading that, I was just gonna say, they're probably all submitted by the same postholer. Then I got to the bottom and had it confirmed.
Attack pitbulls?

Pits are wonderful animals and are basically harmless. I'd sooner add a rescue pit to my family than some sort of mangy chihuahua (they bite!). Perhaps consider getting in on the joy of raising one of these loving animals and not spread a false stereotype and generalized hatred towards innocent animals.

Everything with teeth can bite. I had two very well behaved chihuahuas. Having said that, I'm assuming that the neighbors are actually using them for dogfighting (assuming OP has a way of knowing that), in which case it's ironic that the city isn't doing anything about that..
Reactions: GagHalfrunt


Jan 12, 2005
Attack pitbulls?

Pits are wonderful animals and are basically harmless. I'd sooner add a rescue pit to my family than some sort of mangy chihuahua (they bite!). Perhaps consider getting in on the joy of raising one of these loving animals and not spread a false stereotype and generalized hatred towards innocent animals.

If I had a choice between facing a chihuahua trained to attack and a pitbull trained to attack I know exactly which one I'd be punting over the nearest fence!
Reactions: Captante


Jan 12, 2005
Guy next door to me has an eagle owl in his back garden. Guy on the other side of him went round and complained that the owl goes "OOoooo" too much at night!


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
Yes people bitch about silly stuff.

One day we had several people complaining about someone getting the police to enforce not putting their basketball goals on the sidewalk.
A few days later some of the same people were complaining about people not keeping the sidewalk clear for the blind man that walks the neighborhood.
Some complained about people walking in the empty field next to the neighborhood.
And yes people have also complained about people complaining.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
Now that I made one tiny complaint I'm sort of subscribed to every complaint made by anyone in my neighborhood, like a "since you live here, you might be interested in this problem..." thing so people can unite and co-report dangerous situations like the dogs. And every day I get list after list of report after report and it's truly staggering what people will complain about.

Where exactly are you reading/subscribed to this list of complaints? Is this a mailing list or facebook group or something?


Golden Member
Sep 30, 2013
I think white concrete is more LEED compliant (less environmental impact because it doesn't absorb heat). Someone should complain his asphalt isn't environmentally friendly


Jan 8, 2010
LOL. That list. People are so..self absorbed. They need to move to Montana.

My neighbors probably hate me. I hate yardwork. They all tend to mow every 2-3 days. I mow once every other week. As soon as I mow, they are right back out an hour later mowing. It's like a competition to see who has the shortest grass. They'll mow at 7am or 10pm it doesn't matter.


Apr 19, 2001
Attack pitbulls?

Pits are wonderful animals and are basically harmless. I'd sooner add a rescue pit to my family than some sort of mangy chihuahua (they bite!). Perhaps consider getting in on the joy of raising one of these loving animals and not spread a false stereotype and generalized hatred towards innocent animals.

Pull your head out of your ass long enough to understand that some stereotypes persist because they're true. While some pitbulls can be fine others are ticking time bombs and it depends ENTIRELY on how they're raised. Have you seen how these dogs are raised? If not you should probably shut the fuck up, eh?

These particular pitbulls are being raised to be aggressive. They're being trained to jump and hang from ropes, a practice that is used 100% for fighting or guard dogs and has no practical purpose for pets. They lunge at the fence whenever anyone walks buy it and snap through holes in the fence trying to bite anything that comes in reach. If you truly loved pitbulls and saw monsters like this you'd want them put down and you'd want the owners euthanized too because these are the kind of dogs that perpetuate the stereotype.

Everything with teeth can bite. I had two very well behaved chihuahuas. Having said that, I'm assuming that the neighbors are actually using them for dogfighting (assuming OP has a way of knowing that), in which case it's ironic that the city isn't doing anything about that..

As far as I know, they're not being fought. But they're being trained the same way fighting dogs are trained, everything that can be done to make the dogs behave aggressively is being done. They're being taught to treat every outsider as a threat and to jump/lunge/bite at anything that approaches the fence.
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Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
Pull your head out of your ass long enough to understand that some stereotypes persist because they're true. While some pitbulls can be fine others are ticking time bombs and it depends ENTIRELY on how they're raised. Have you seen how these dogs are raised? If not you should probably shut the fuck up, eh?

These particular pitbulls are being raised to be aggressive. They're being trained to jump and hang from ropes, a practice that is used 100% for fighting or guard dogs and has no practical purpose for pets. They lunge at the fence whenever anyone walks buy it and snap through holes in the fence trying to bite anything that comes in reach. If you truly loved pitbulls and saw monsters like this you'd want them put down and you'd want the owners euthanized too because these are the kind of dogs that perpetuate the stereotype.

I can't wait to rescue them when this place gets raided by the FBI and place them in loving families with small children who maybe won't grow up to see the world through whatever perverted lens you see it through.
Reactions: Linflas


Apr 19, 2001
Doesn't surprise me at all; a lot of people can be bitchy about the most trivial f'ing things. That guy with the 500 complaints sounds like a real cool fucking dude.

The funny thing with that guy is that he has to wander the neighborhood looking for shit to complain about. The complaints list addresses and most of the stuff he reports isn't affecting him in any way. The mulch thing is about 2 blocks from where he lives, the bright is three streets over, so he can't even see it from his property

Where exactly are you reading/subscribed to this list of complaints? Is this a mailing list or facebook group or something?

It's a city thing. It's maintained by my town as a way for people to stay in touch with authorities without tying up phone lines. And given the kind of stuff reported, I'd say it's working. If it keeps that one guy off the phone it would be worth it.


Jan 12, 2005
I can't wait to rescue them when this place gets raided by the FBI and place them in loving families with small children who maybe won't grow up to see the world through whatever perverted lens you see it through.


They aren't going to rehouse dangerous dogs.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
It's a city thing. It's maintained by my town as a way for people to stay in touch with authorities without tying up phone lines. And given the kind of stuff reported, I'd say it's working. If it keeps that one guy off the phone it would be worth it.

I'm sort of subscribed to every complaint made by anyone in my neighborhood, like a "since you live here, you might be interested in this problem..."

Then I don't get the "since you live here, you might be interested in this problem..." thing. Unless someone is printing them out and taping them to your front door, you could unsubscribe from it any time you like.
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