WoW Noob needs help


Feb 8, 2001
I have played Diablo, but have never played an MMORPG before. I started my playing last night for the first time and I got to play for about half an hour. I got my first quest - find the inn. It didn't take long at all. Then I wandered into the woods and got killed 5 times in a row by a boar. It's official. I know doodly
squat about what I am doing...

Can anyone give me a few tips as to how best to spend my first hour or two playing?

I have a dagger and a crappy spell and no money. How do I get to the point where I can change this?

I am a human warlock named Jevonkearse on the Bronzebeard realm, btw...

ANY HELP will be appreciated...

edit: read the warlock guide I posted below. It is quite funny!


Jan 12, 2004
Hrm, too bad you're not on Lightbringer, or I would help ya out in a jiffy. Well, the game does have tips that popup to help you out, were you getting those? Also, ask around and try to talk with some people. WoW is an extremely social game, so there are many people around who want to talk and group. Here are some links to help you out:


....kick back, take some time out to do some reading. Post here if you have any more questions.

Have fun! :beer:


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2000
I am guessing that the inn you found was in Goldshire, meaning you bypassed all the quests within Northshire. There are several quests there designed to bring you up to level 5 before adventuring out into the "real world". Everything outside of Northshire will be level 5+, so you might want to wander back there and complete the quests in there before heading back out to Goldshire. By the time you are level 5 you will have some more spells at your disposal. Not sure what level you get your imp as a warlock, but I think it is level 6.


Diamond Member
Jul 9, 2003
Originally posted by: Cerebus451
I am guessing that the inn you found was in Goldshire, meaning you bypassed all the quests within Northshire. There are several quests there designed to bring you up to level 5 before adventuring out into the "real world". Everything outside of Northshire will be level 5+, so you might want to wander back there and complete the quests in there before heading back out to Goldshire. By the time you are level 5 you will have some more spells at your disposal. Not sure what level you get your imp as a warlock, but I think it is level 6.

its at least level 3? i noticed I had it at 3, so maybe its 2...


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Cerebus451
I am guessing that the inn you found was in Goldshire, meaning you bypassed all the quests within Northshire. There are several quests there designed to bring you up to level 5 before adventuring out into the "real world". Everything outside of Northshire will be level 5+, so you might want to wander back there and complete the quests in there before heading back out to Goldshire. By the time you are level 5 you will have some more spells at your disposal. Not sure what level you get your imp as a warlock, but I think it is level 6.

Quoted for truth. When you first start, you are not supposed to leave that area until you complete the starter quests. The starter quests will have you fight against some critters that are nearly impossible to lose to. It a good way to learn the basics and in the process get some levels so you can venture out into the world. Head back to Northshire Abbey and start all over again.

Also, the casting classes are a little more difficult to play than the melee classes.


Feb 8, 2001
Cool, back to the Abbey I go.

I did manage to kill a rabbit. Only took me two stabs... :roll:


Feb 8, 2001
I found a GREAT Warlock guide:

Sauromon's Wicked Cool Undead Warlock Guide


Hi, my name is Sauromon. That isn't my real name, but it is the name of my wicked cool Undead Warlock on World of Warcraft. I don't know what server I'm on. Really. I also belong to some Guild, but I don't remember what it is called.

Anyway, if you are like me (basically a lamer) the most important choice you have to make in any game is how wicked bad the character representing you looks, and having a cool name ripped off from a J.R.R. Tolkien character. In WoW (that's short for World of Warcraft) this character can only be Undead, which rules hands down on EVIL looking, being a rotted corpse skeleton looking dude. You could make a female Undead, but that seems rather pointless to me. You lose most of your sex appeal after you are dead, so you don't need to be female. If you want to be female, I suggest the Night Elf, which have the nicest racks, and sheer low-cut tops to wear.

After you have made the correct selection, you get to customize your Undead character to taste. I made mine as fugly as possible. Then you have to choose a good evil guy name. If you have little or no imagination, then you will do what I did and just steal a name from Lord of the Rings and modify it with a lack of spelling skill. I can't remember if Sauromon was a real LOTR guy. I know there was a Sauron, and then some other wizard guy, something like Sauromon. Ah, who cares. My name rocks.

OK, apparently you pick the server you want to be on. I don't recall ever doing this. I was probably pretty excited to see my new character start lopping off heads, so I just clicked everything real fast. I seem to be on a pretty good server though.

Oh wait, you also have to pick a class for your character, I should run those down for you:

Mage: OK, but not evil enough
Warrior: no cool spells
Rogue: a sneaky character for girls
Paladin: boring
um, I don't really remember the others, but they were all gay ...
WARLOCK: da bomb

So you are an Undead Warlock, the Ultimate!

Now you sign in and actually enter the game. It's pretty much downhill from here on out I'm afraid.

My UW (Undead Warlock) is level 12, and this took what seemed like about a hundred hours to reach. You start off in a tomb and come out to a town where a bunch of lazy people nag you to run errands for them, just like your parents did, or still do if you are still a punk kid living at home with endless hours to play games that didn't even exist when I had that kind of free time. Damn I *hate* you! I have to work.

If you actually have a job and stuff, this game sucks. You can summon a little imp sidekick after a while, but still, even with his help, you are just a weak knobby-kneed skeleton stealing produce and toting notes around like a FedEx guy who hated his job and then got sent to HELL where his punishment is to keep doing that same crappy job forever. Skeletons aren't fast either. You hobble all over the place, getting killed by everything, not lopping off many heads at all. To make it worse, some kid with a level 50 character cruises by on a dinosaur with his tricked out pimp looking character that is a million times cooler and more powerful than yours, and you realize that you are in World of Warcraft just exactly what you are in real life: a nobody.

I paid fifty bucks for this?

Look, when I get out of my cube and away from my Crypt-keeper looking weasel-breathed boss, the last thing I want to do is pop onto the computer to repeat my life in virtual reality. Is it too much to ask that I be allow to BUY a little respect, just as a little digital character in a computer game? IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK???

I guess. Because you won't be anywhere close to cool, much less wicked, and not ONE BIT wicked evil after the hours and hours and hours it takes to reach level 12, and that goes for ALL characters in WoW, not just the UW. I hope you are keeping up with my acronyms.

Of course, being a computer guru, I immediately thought: this sucks, time to cheat! Then I read that Blizzard is really serious about not letting people cheat. Apparently some people had the same idea as me: just automate all this boring stuff and come back when you are level 50 and elite. They were all banned.

I'm sure plenty of people cheat and get away with it, but knowing my luck, I would get banned and lose my $50 investment in having at least some fantasy dignity in life. I'm not going to risk it. Besides, those types of programs take a lot of work. I mean, it would still be a lot more fun than playing the actual game, which sucks, but if you just get banned after all of your hard work to cheat -- that would be depressing.

Well, good luck, and if you see a UW named Sauromon ... damn I wish I knew which server I was on ... well just give all UW's named Sauromon something good, because they are probably all getting pretty depressed.

Oh, and although this guide will not help you ever become a Wicked Cool Undead Warlock as advertised, I can tell you that they do exist, because one ran over me on his Wicked Cool Nightmare coming out of some crummy town where I had to deliver a message to some smelly Orc.

Sauromon -- member of some guild, plays on some server in the Eastern U.S.

Dec 27, 2001
What? You thought you'd be able to go anywhere you want? AHAHAHAHAHA. You didn't realize that you're stuck on a track like everybody else hopping from one level-appropriate spawn point to the next? :roll:

BTW, in UO, you could have just run from the boar when you realized you were gonna lose the fight. I also know players who started total newbie characters and were able to defeat dragons. But UO isn't 3D and doesn't have Night Elves, so forget I said anything.


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2000
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
What? You thought you'd be able to go anywhere you want? AHAHAHAHAHA. You didn't realize that you're stuck on a track like everybody else hopping from one level-appropriate spawn point to the next? :roll:

BTW, in UO, you could have just run from the boar when you realized you were gonna lose the fight. I also know players who started total newbie characters and were able to defeat dragons. But UO isn't 3D and doesn't have Night Elves, so forget I said anything.

I was killed by a rabbit 5 minutes after I started UO. There were no newbie characters in UO that could defeat dragons, unless one of the stupid add-ons made this possible. In fact, no newbie character could have seen a dragon since you were dead from being ganked withing 5 seconds of stepping outside of town in UO, most likely by a character wearing bone armor and wielding a halberd.

Also, you can run from the boars in WoW as well.


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2002
Too bad you don't play on Deathwing. You could start a guild with the player named "Karlmalone" and be lame together


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: BlamoHammer
Too bad you don't play on Deathwing. You could start a guild with the player named "Karlmalone" and be lame together
If you are suggesting my player name is not up to snuff, you can bite me. There isn't a cool name out there.

LOTR reference: Looser...
Diablo reference: It's been done...
Holy Grail Reference: Oh, how clever!
Your real name: Booooring....
Really cool medieval sounding name: Gee, how unique you are!
notice a trend?
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Cerebus451
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
What? You thought you'd be able to go anywhere you want? AHAHAHAHAHA. You didn't realize that you're stuck on a track like everybody else hopping from one level-appropriate spawn point to the next? :roll:

BTW, in UO, you could have just run from the boar when you realized you were gonna lose the fight. I also know players who started total newbie characters and were able to defeat dragons. But UO isn't 3D and doesn't have Night Elves, so forget I said anything.

I was killed by a rabbit 5 minutes after I started UO. There were no newbie characters in UO that could defeat dragons, unless one of the stupid add-ons made this possible. In fact, no newbie character could have seen a dragon since you were dead from being ganked withing 5 seconds of stepping outside of town in UO, most likely by a character wearing bone armor and wielding a halberd.

Also, you can run from the boars in WoW as well.

Impossible to die to a rabbit if you have even 20 in a weapon skill and you can put 50 in one to start. :roll:

To kill a dragon as a newbie char.

Option #1:
50 magery, 50 resist, buy 30 healing and 30 anat, grab bag of gheal pots and bandages, wear best armor you can, buy a horse, use invis+ gheal + blade spirit scrolls. Keep running and casting blade spirits, healing as needed, until the dragon is out of mana and can no longer dispel. Probably no longer works, but did for years.

Option #2 (no longer works):
50 provoke, 50 music, and bard them to death with your starter lute....resing as necessary.

Unfortunatly no PKs any more in Trammel, but, yeah, bone armor PKs were tremendous fun to hunt down and send scurrying from the dungeons. I even collected bone armor from Deceit at one time to sell complete sets of it plus what we got off reds who came around. LOL at the days they tweaked purple pots to be too powerful and PK fights were like a really bad day at the grenade range.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Just FYI - Blizzard has a pretty strict naming policy, one of the criteria is that you can't have characters based off of famous people. If you piss someone off and they report you, you'll have your name changed automatically.

You should be a minimum level of 5 before you leave Northshire, there's a guard you need to talk to before you get a quest from the marshall in the abby. There's also a guy standing outside of the abby who will give you a quest then send you off to another person for a quest.

As a low level character, things that are much higher in level to you will attack you from farther away. If you want to explore, stick to the roads, but stay in the Ewynn forest until you're at least level 10.
Nov 7, 2000
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
What? You thought you'd be able to go anywhere you want? AHAHAHAHAHA. You didn't realize that you're stuck on a track like everybody else hopping from one level-appropriate spawn point to the next? :roll:

BTW, in UO, you could have just run from the boar when you realized you were gonna lose the fight. I also know players who started total newbie characters and were able to defeat dragons. But UO isn't 3D and doesn't have Night Elves, so forget I said anything.
You can pretty much go anywhere you want at any level. Just stay on the path . Part of the thrill of the game is strengthening so you can explore more difficult areas. When I was level six I left the Undead starting continent and headed for Orc land to join up with my Troll buddies. There are noobie areas and quests there too for fledgling Orcs and Trolls you can do too, so you arent stuck just doing UD quests.

What would the point of the game be if you could kill every creep and visit any area from lvl one? That just makes no sense to me...

Also, that Warlock guide kicks ass. Just how I felt when I started my UD Warlock
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: HardcoreRobot
What would the point of the game be if you could kill every creep and visit any area from lvl one? That just makes no sense to me...

AH, you're almost there, my dear Watson. Now ask yourself this. What will the point of the game be once you kill every creep and visit every area?


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: BlamoHammer
Too bad you don't play on Deathwing. You could start a guild with the player named "Karlmalone" and be lame together
If you are suggesting my player name is not up to snuff, you can bite me. There isn't a cool name out there.

LOTR reference: Looser...
Diablo reference: It's been done...
Holy Grail Reference: Oh, how clever!
Your real name: Booooring....
Really cool medieval sounding name: Gee, how unique you are!
notice a trend?

Don't worry, your name won't be around for very long anyways. Someone will report it and it'll be changed.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: benchiu
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: BlamoHammer
Too bad you don't play on Deathwing. You could start a guild with the player named "Karlmalone" and be lame together
If you are suggesting my player name is not up to snuff, you can bite me. There isn't a cool name out there.

LOTR reference: Looser...
Diablo reference: It's been done...
Holy Grail Reference: Oh, how clever!
Your real name: Booooring....
Really cool medieval sounding name: Gee, how unique you are!
notice a trend?

Don't worry, your name won't be around for very long anyways. Someone will report it and it'll be changed.
If that is the case, can I change it myself now?
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: BlamoHammer
Too bad you don't play on Deathwing. You could start a guild with the player named "Karlmalone" and be lame together
If you are suggesting my player name is not up to snuff, you can bite me. There isn't a cool name out there.

LOTR reference: Looser...
Diablo reference: It's been done...
Holy Grail Reference: Oh, how clever!
Your real name: Booooring....
Really cool medieval sounding name: Gee, how unique you are!
notice a trend?

Make a parody name.

Netgear -- Netiger
Chevy -- Sheevy
Frty Niner -- Fortis Nyner

Cool sounding, not geeky, and with a tinge of humor.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: benchiu
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: BlamoHammer
Too bad you don't play on Deathwing. You could start a guild with the player named "Karlmalone" and be lame together
If you are suggesting my player name is not up to snuff, you can bite me. There isn't a cool name out there.

LOTR reference: Looser...
Diablo reference: It's been done...
Holy Grail Reference: Oh, how clever!
Your real name: Booooring....
Really cool medieval sounding name: Gee, how unique you are!
notice a trend?

Don't worry, your name won't be around for very long anyways. Someone will report it and it'll be changed.
If that is the case, can I change it myself now?
Petition a GM about it, say you weren't aware of the name policy (which as far as I know, isn't easily accessable to new players) and give them a list of 2-3 names in order of preference. Apparently that's what they ask you do to once it's changed because of a complaint, all you're doing in this case is skipping the part where someone reports you for it.

I don't know if they flag your account as being warned or not with a name change, I think that's only for violating the TOS (ie: harassing other players, etc)

Edit: to petition a GM, click on the red question mark on your spell bar.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Mwilding
I have played Diablo, but have never played an MMORPG before. I started my playing last night for the first time and I got to play for about half an hour. I got my first quest - find the inn. It didn't take long at all. Then I wandered into the woods and got killed 5 times in a row by a boar. It's official. I know doodly
squat about what I am doing...

Can anyone give me a few tips as to how best to spend my first hour or two playing?

I have a dagger and a crappy spell and no money. How do I get to the point where I can change this?

I am a human warlock named Jevonkearse on the Bronzebeard realm, btw...

ANY HELP will be appreciated...

edit: read the warlock guide I posted below. It is quite funny!

Warlock definalty one of the hardest classes ive played 1-10 VERY hard if you ask me...

try a hunter or a rogue or even a priest as a first toon.. very newbie friendly...
Hunter tears things to peices from 1-60
1-10 is one of the easiest classes in the game beacsue they are soo powerful...
at 10 when you get your pet its easy street to 60...

warlock pisses me off hardcore and im very experienced with casters in other MMOs... theya re very tough till you get to 10 to get your voidwaker which is the tank pet..


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Make a parody name.

Netgear -- Netiger
Chevy -- Sheevy
Frty Niner -- Fortis Nyner

Cool sounding, not geeky, and with a tinge of humor.
I was going to go with DonovanMcStab, but it is one character too long...

Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Make a parody name.

Netgear -- Netiger
Chevy -- Sheevy
Frty Niner -- Fortis Nyner

Cool sounding, not geeky, and with a tinge of humor.
I was going to go with DonovanMcStab, but it is one character too long...

OMG. Just quit now. You're like Robin Williams trying to join the Wu Tang Clan.


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: Mwilding
I have played Diablo, but have never played an MMORPG before. I started my playing last night for the first time and I got to play for about half an hour. I got my first quest - find the inn. It didn't take long at all. Then I wandered into the woods and got killed 5 times in a row by a boar. It's official. I know doodly
squat about what I am doing...

Can anyone give me a few tips as to how best to spend my first hour or two playing?

I have a dagger and a crappy spell and no money. How do I get to the point where I can change this?

I am a human warlock named Jevonkearse on the Bronzebeard realm, btw...

ANY HELP will be appreciated...

edit: read the warlock guide I posted below. It is quite funny!

Warlock definalty one of the hardest classes ive played 1-10 VERY hard if you ask me...

try a hunter or a rogue or even a priest as a first toon.. very newbie friendly...
Hunter tears things to peices from 1-60
1-10 is one of the easiest classes in the game beacsue they are soo powerful...
at 10 when you get your pet its easy street to 60...

warlock pisses me off hardcore and im very experienced with casters in other MMOs... theya re very tough till you get to 10 to get your voidwaker which is the tank pet..

How is 1-10 difficult with any class? The quests are so easy and the xp needed is so low? I was a mage and had no problem tearing through the first levels.
Nov 7, 2000
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: HardcoreRobot
What would the point of the game be if you could kill every creep and visit any area from lvl one? That just makes no sense to me...

AH, you're almost there, my dear Watson. Now ask yourself this. What will the point of the game be once you kill every creep and visit every area?
When I have explored the entire game and can kill anything at will, thats probably when I will lose interest. As it is, with different areas for different levels of strength, there are always new places to explore and new challenges to be had. If you allow for this from the very start, you eliminate the very thing that appeals to me from the game.

Also, the "point of the game" argument is so retarded. There is NO POINT to any video game aside from killing time and entertainment. Thats just what entertains me, and I dont see how this type of game could acheive that any other way.



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
How is 1-10 difficult with any class? The quests are so easy and the xp needed is so low? I was a mage and had no problem tearing through the first levels.
1-10 is difficult the first time you play, after which its very easy because you know where everything is and can optomize questing so you don't do so much running around. It took me probably 8-12 hours to reach level 8 with my first mage in beta, I got to level 10 in about 6 hours with mine in retail.
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