WoW - Weekend Recap


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Yes I'm putting another WoW thread out there because if I'm not playing WoW, I might as well be discussing it with others!

Major accomplishments this weekend.

UBRS Key - A member of my guild was finally able to collect all the pieces for the UBRS key (took many runs of Omokk to finally get his gem, 2 valor belts dropped before the gem finally did). Now we can make guild runs of UBRS and pick and choose who we want to invite. My guild only has about 15 lvl 60s, and it's tough to coordinate, we're not a power guild by any means, but we are one of the better balanced high lvl guilds (we only have 2 pallys!) on the server. Forging the key was fun, you have to charm this 61 elite dragon in Dustwallow marsh and make it breath on the key in order to forge it.

Stratholme UD run - Did a run of the undead side of stratholme in record time, I think we clocked in at 1 hour. No one wanted to pull, so I volunteered and did a pretty good job. Mages make pretty good pullers if you know what you're doing. Too bad I didn't get possessed by the Baroness this time, that's always fun. Only 1 good loot item dropped, legplates of Valor, which went to the warrior. I picked up 2 blue items, a wand with fire resistance and an off hand with fire resistance, should come in handy for MC.

Didn't really have time to do much more this weekend. I lvled my gnome warrior alt a bit and realized how much warriors suck for the first 30-40 lvls. I think warriors come into their own at 50+, but it must suck getting them that high, pallys rock for the first 50 lvls.

So what did you guys do?


Feb 8, 2001
My clvl 27 Warlock spent his time questing in the Wetlands and Redridge Mountains.

Everytime I think I am making money, I level up and have to blow my wad on new spells. I am almost to 28 and that's another 2G spent...


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Mwilding
My clvl 27 Warlock spent his time questing in the Wetlands and Redridge Mountains.

Everytime I think I am making money, I level up and have to blow my wad on new spells. I am almost to 28 and that's another 2G spent...

I hear ya, everytime I hit another tier of spells with my mage, I'd go broke again. I didn't buy my mount until lvl 42, and had to borrow 40g from a pally friend. It didn't help that I was tailoring/enchanting either.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: benchiu
Originally posted by: Mwilding
My clvl 27 Warlock spent his time questing in the Wetlands and Redridge Mountains.

Everytime I think I am making money, I level up and have to blow my wad on new spells. I am almost to 28 and that's another 2G spent...

I hear ya, everytime I hit another tier of spells with my mage, I'd go broke again. I didn't buy my mount until lvl 42, and had to borrow 40g from a pally friend. It didn't help that I was tailoring/enchanting either.
I will have my Mount at level 40. As long as it takes for me to get from Stormwind to Booty Bay.

It's good to be a warlock sometimes...


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
Guild semi-imploded over disputes about not being able to do MC, the more hardcore people getting angry at the people who have other responsibilities other than WoW.

I'm not the guild owner or anything, just a member.

My subscription ran out too, not in any hurry to renew it either. I've got plenty of school work, lvl 60 is fairly boring, not seeing new content, I could do an alt character I guess.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2001
I was playing my priest on Stonemaul trying to quest in Southshore but after being ganked 12 times in one hour I deceided to quit PvP unitl blizzard installs the honor system and I will only play my new characters on Bronzebeard, a PvE server.

My question to you is why did Blizzard make so many PvP servers when hardly anyone played on them during the closed and open betas?


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Quixfire
I was playing my priest on Stonemaul trying to quest in Southshore but after being ganked 12 times in one hour I deceided to quit PvP unitl blizzard installs the honor system and I will only play my new characters on Bronzebeard, a PvE server.

My question to you is why did Blizzard make so many PvP servers when hardly anyone played on them during the closed and open betas?

I joined a PvE server in Beta because I wanted to get a feel for the game as a whole, and didn't want to be bothered with PvP at that time. When retail came out, I also joined a PvE server in the beginning (Dalaran), mainly because my friend wanted to do play PvE, however with the excessive down times in the beginning, I decided to make a char on a PvP server, and the rest is history. I'm glad I did, PvP adds a whole new lvl of entertainment (and frustration) to the game. The hardest levels I earned were in Stranglethorn Vale, a PvP hotbed.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
I did RFK and got a nice blue 2H axe off one of the bosses. Then proceded to level from 30 to 34. The cash reserves I got from cashing out my alliance characters are running out, so I need to concentrating on raising cash if I want to get a mount any time soon (not critical since I have ghost wolf).

Overall it was a pretty productive weekend. The levels seem to come much faster as a horde character. My goal is to make 48 (the level my rogue was at when I deleted him) within 3 weeks.


Mar 30, 2001
I spent 2 hours dying every 5 minutes, tried to go to Stonetallon peak for a quest and got to an area where I was surrounded by enemies 3-5 levels higher than I was.
Got killed, made it back to my body, got killed again, rinse and repeat until i went to recover my body and it simply wouldnt rez.... So I used the spirit healer which broke all of my armor and weapon (literaly made everything unuseable) Tired to run the gauntlet back to the entrance, got ganked some more. Eventualy got pissed and used my hearthstone. Worst experince I have had playing the game.


Golden Member
May 23, 2003
Originally posted by: benchiu
Yes I'm putting another WoW thread out there because if I'm not playing WoW, I might as well be discussing it with others!

Major accomplishments this weekend.

UBRS Key - A member of my guild was finally able to collect all the pieces for the UBRS key (took many runs of Omokk to finally get his gem, 2 valor belts dropped before the gem finally did). Now we can make guild runs of UBRS and pick and choose who we want to invite. My guild only has about 15 lvl 60s, and it's tough to coordinate, we're not a power guild by any means, but we are one of the better balanced high lvl guilds (we only have 2 pallys!) on the server. Forging the key was fun, you have to charm this 61 elite dragon in Dustwallow marsh and make it breath on the key in order to forge it.

Stratholme UD run - Did a run of the undead side of stratholme in record time, I think we clocked in at 1 hour. No one wanted to pull, so I volunteered and did a pretty good job. Mages make pretty good pullers if you know what you're doing. Too bad I didn't get possessed by the Baroness this time, that's always fun. Only 1 good loot item dropped, legplates of Valor, which went to the warrior. I picked up 2 blue items, a wand with fire resistance and an off hand with fire resistance, should come in handy for MC.

Didn't really have time to do much more this weekend. I lvled my gnome warrior alt a bit and realized how much warriors suck for the first 30-40 lvls. I think warriors come into their own at 50+, but it must suck getting them that high, pallys rock for the first 50 lvls.

So what did you guys do?

How many people did you take into Strat?

Personally I'm quite proud of doing the entire Scarlet side with a 5 man group. Took a long time, but dang satisfying!

And this weekend I ran Scholo, continued to grind out furbogs for reputation, and generally played with my Addins, trying to find new ones to use. (hate cosmos)


Sep 14, 2003
Went from highest hunter in my guild (edit: whoops) at 50 to 4th highest due to new recruitment, despite gaining 3.5 levels.

Did a couple of maraudon loot runs.
* - Got nothing useful
* - Guildie whose name we will say is xyz rolled on the blue BOP goblin gun I needed/wanted after complaining that the pimp shield did not drop. He won the roll, sold the gun to a vendor. Never had a second thought.

Completed uldaman.
* - again with xyz in the party, someone accidentally rolled on the final ring when xyz wanted it. xyz gets somewhat upset. my friend, seeing that xyz could not win, also rolls. xyz gets really, really upset. goes on a tirade. karmic justice complete.

Completed Zul (or so I thought).
* - really loved the stairs. rest was meh.

Did all of the quests for the "sprite darter" line.
* - easy quests, interesting too. sprite darter is useless as expected

Died 40,000 times in western plaguelands (sucks that a hunter can't cure disease/poison)(also sucks that the area is so dang hard)
* - cauldron bosses have too many minions
* - poisoned every 2 seconds
* - searing ghoul is out of control

Was indirectly involved in two major arguments, one inside the guild
A) really young and immature beggar whiny kid in our guild joined a group for uldaman. previous uldaman experience with him = him, 10 levels below others, running ahead and getting aggro. This time, after a couple of whisper protests from me and another, leader boots him and he whines endlessly in guild chat, at which point his family member (sibling, cousin, or mother, can't tell) joins in the fray. Despite hating the kid, I try to offer reasonable reasons why we might not have wanted him in the group.

B) druid on a mar quest run got into an argument with our paladin who asked that he heal more. his response being something like, "i'm not a healing druid".


Golden Member
May 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Quixfire
I was playing my priest on Stonemaul trying to quest in Southshore but after being ganked 12 times in one hour I deceided to quit PvP unitl blizzard installs the honor system and I will only play my new characters on Bronzebeard, a PvE server.

My question to you is why did Blizzard make so many PvP servers when hardly anyone played on them during the closed and open betas?

Because they have a few very vocal PvP advocates working at Blizzard, as well as in the forums.

I have never seen worse bigotry than PvP people against 'carebear' PvEs in the World of Warcraft forums.


Jun 10, 2000
Being lvl 60 you can't do anything productive without having a 3-4 hour window. That said, I did UBRS twice. friday at 2am (to get rend's head) and sunday at midnight.

lost a roll on devout chest piece. /sigh


Nov 29, 1999
I had one of the most enjoyable WoW weekends ever. I'm a lvl 36 Hunter and I teamed up with a lvl 37 Paladin to quest in the northern parts of Arathi. We totally rocked! We were taking those lvl ~37 Syndicates 2 and 3 at a time, without a bit of worry. We played for a hour or 2, finishing up some quests he had, and getting me some more to do as well.

I love days like that. I actually had just left a piss-poor pickup group that was trying Stromgard or whatever, but the group just didn't work out and got wiped repeatedly (warrior drawing way too much aggro from too many mobs at once.) And to top it off, 3 members split the group, leaving two of us to try and make it out by ourselves. Needless to say, I got rather tired of that grave run. I hate those kinda groups.

As I was running back to SouthShore from that, I ran across that undead courier, so I tried to take him out by myself. I managed to pull it off, too (I love being a hunter.) That's when that paly showed up to finished off the last of the bodyguards (I was just gonna keep running) and we joined up.

Good times. I love this game. I hope I don't get too bored once I hit 60, but that's still a ways off, so I'm not worried yet.


Sep 14, 2003
I had to kamikaze the courier quest. Too many bodyguards. There are only a few quests that I have kamikazed as a hunter. Hunters are somewhat lacking in kamikaze skills. Unlike rogues and druids, and even paladins.


Nov 29, 2004
This weekend sucked (for the most part). Friday night did random group to Zul'Farak. Group worked good together, and were unselfish passing on items they didn't need. Finally killed Antu'Sul (he of a thousand basilisk summons). He drops the necklace which basically is crap. Went to do the temple zerg event. The group did great. Had 2 shaman and a priest, so this allowed me (shaman) for first time to not worry so much about healing. We basically kill everything and are down to just the last 2 named spawns and their henchmen at the bottom of the temple, when a patrol (or 2, can't remember joined in and wiped us (only one named and one other guy was left). That really sucked after being so close, although I've heard of people completing the whole thing only to have Bly and his men hearth out without giving up the rod, which would suck more.

Saturday started off good. Just killing in Tanaris for quests. Then it gets exciting as in the almost unused AH in Gadgezan I noticed the wrist piece for the set "... of the elements" which drops in Stratholme or Scholomance, for only 15 gp bid. This has a level 52 requirement and I am only 51, but getting this piece this early for a cheap price would have been kick-@ss. I figured since it is mail with intel and spirit, that an Alliance person put it up since only a shaman would probably go for it and Hunter doesn't need intel and a Paladin would wear plate. I hang around until the sale goes to short. The price did go up to 50 gp, but I saw that it normally goes for over 100 gp the few times it probably ever was up for sale. No one is in the AH and I go to bid when I get the message saying "That bag is full" and it won't let me bid (note, I did bid once in the morning at 15 gp already). I figure it is a bug as I make room in all my bags and it still occurs. I log out and log back in - still the same error. I quit game and restart my computer - no dice. I bid on something else and it took my bid. I bug it, but of course don't hear back from GM until later that night. Needless to say I did not win the auction. The GM states that I need to delete the WTF and WTB(??) folders, but it wasn't a bug. I say, how can I bid on it once then not now; and how can I bid on other things and not it, and it not be a bug. He repeats the message to delete the folders and basically that is that. That really sucked.

That night I was also in Mauradon and did the quick 2nd half of the instance run. We kill the first 3 bosses including the Princess. We did wipe the first time on the princess. The group had problems as I was the main healer and don't have instant cast heals. The warlock was always grabbing aggro and died alot, because I just couldn't keep up on him. He probably thought I was terrible, but the tank and rogue thanked me often for doing good healing. All the drops were plate, or 2h maces or 2h axes and I ended up with nothing, not even a green item. We wiped on the tinkerer as the hunter had his pet get away and pull a patrol and the tinkerer at the same time. I then gave up. The vendor trash I sold didn't even make up for the cost of repairs. It was such a crappy day that I basically took Sunday off to do other things.



Jan 23, 2001
I took part in a server first as we downed Magmadar, one of the bigger bosses in MC. Most exciting battle in WoW (and many other games) to date.


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
Hey kuch,
thats a well known exploit of the AH. A person who wants to buy AH items cheap lets his mailbox fill up and then bids. The AH sends a mail to him when overbid, but that mail is returned due to full mailbox. So no one cant bid higher.
Post it on your realm forums, and petition again to GM. Hopefully they do something to the person who did it.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Everytime I think I am making money, I level up and have to blow my wad on new spells. I am almost to 28 and that's another 2G spent...
Don't buy any spells until the new patch if you can help it. Training costs for all classes are going down (except Warriors, which are going up - so warriors train any skills you haven't already trained before the new patch).

You can get by with a lower rank spell for a while, I never actually used Fireball rank 5 because I forgot to drag it to my action bar. It's my number one spell too


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: MrBond
Everytime I think I am making money, I level up and have to blow my wad on new spells. I am almost to 28 and that's another 2G spent...
You can get by with a lower rank spell for a while, I never actually used Fireball rank 5 because I forgot to drag it to my action bar. It's my number one spell too
Warlocks have several spells wich are useless or that should never be upgraded past level 1 - curse of recklessness for example...

This is a spell whose main purpose is to stop runners. You get that effect at level 1. The other effects get stronger at the cost of more mana and don't provide any real benefit...

We also have "Detect Lesser Invisibility" If you can suggest a practical use for this spell, I applaud you...

However, we also have some skills that get really weak by the time you are almost at a level to upgrade it. The Voidwalker's taunt spells are great examples. The upgrade every ten levels and after about 6 levels, the spell just doesn't hold aggro anymore...



Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
isn't the new Dire Maul instance going to be in the next patch?

I did a bunch of quests in the Un Goro crater this weekend, and got my tribal leatherworking up to 287. I can make Warbear harness now, Chimera boots, FrostSaber boots, and a few other cool items....hopefully I can start making the devilsaur armors this week.....

discovered winterspring, which I hadn't been to before, and the flight patch in the burning steppes, which I hadn't seen before...heck, I had never even been in Blackrock mountain before - still haven't been in the instance.

Went to Uldaman for the first time - pretty bad group, a lvl 46 Rogue thought he could just go on ahead of everyone after each battle, and would come running back to us with a mob on him while we were drinking to the end guy, which was very cool, but didn't finish him off..

up to level 52 now - not too many horde druids at these levels on Gilneas server...

Speaking of the Un Goro crater, the Quest "it's a secret to everyone" might be the least known quest I've seen - no one I know has done it, but it's really easy, it just involves going all over the map, but it gives good starts in a wrecked boat in the eastern part of the crater, and a bag in the water right by the boat.


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
I fought the server issues. The zeph dumped people in the ocean. I rezz'd after a death in the WRONG location. I still can't figure out how I ended up in STV when I died in RFK.

Other than that, the alt shaman I've been playing finally got her raptor mount.


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: MrBond
Everytime I think I am making money, I level up and have to blow my wad on new spells. I am almost to 28 and that's another 2G spent...
You can get by with a lower rank spell for a while, I never actually used Fireball rank 5 because I forgot to drag it to my action bar. It's my number one spell too
Warlocks have several spells wich are useless or that should never be upgraded past level 1 - curse of recklessness for example...

This is a spell whose main purpose is to stop runners. You get that effect at level 1. The other effects get stronger at the cost of more mana and don't provide any real benefit...

We also have "Detect Lesser Invisibility" If you can suggest a practical use for this spell, I applaud you...

However, we also have some skills that get really weak by the time you are almost at a level to upgrade it. The Voidwalker's taunt spells are great examples. The upgrade every ten levels and after about 6 levels, the spell just doesn't hold aggro anymore...

Actually higher lvl spells have less chance to be resisted and hold their effects longer. For example, my high lvl Frost Nova breaks much less and gets resisted much less than Rank 1 Frost Nova.



Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
nothing because my server was flaky all weekend. yay!

oh, we did a run thru the easy part of brd, but the server crashed so we didn't get very far.


Senior member
Nov 6, 2004
Let's see, my guildmates and I made the (hopefully) final run through Gnomeregan and killed Thermaplugg. Unfortunately this was preceded by lots of waiting for a latecoming guild member. The level leading up to Thermaplugg himself is a bear, but made for some fun combat.
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