WTF, am i wrong, you be the judge


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000
here is the thing

last year june, i open a kiosk at the mall

so i hire my friend's sister(Isabel) to work for me on monday to thursday, and another friend (Michelle) to work on friday

now, the first i told them it would be $8 and hr

but i went there work the first week myself, and the business is bad

so i talk to them say, let bring it down to $7.50/hr. and they both agree

and my kiosk business end at the end of Aug/2001.

now in Jan. i got isebal to do 5.5hr of work at $8/hr, and instead of paying her.she say she wants something on the net,

and she don't have credit card, and she ask me a favorite, and i did her this favorite.

and total i pay for $75.14 plus GST, PST and handling $14.53, and when she come to pickit up, i show her my credit card

reciept, and the reciept from postal office.

she didn't have enought money i owe her $44 for the wage, and she only have $40, ($5short). so i say, don't worry, just

give it to me next time you see me. and she left.

next day i recieve icq message from her

±Û 24/02/20 11:25 PM i've calculated the cost for the product... i
don't think i owe you any more money..

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:25 PM ?

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:26 PM how did you calculated?

±Û 24/02/20 11:26 PM yeah... u can recalculate...

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:27 PM there is only two number
one from my credit card, and is the tax
you add them up, and mines $44

±Û 24/02/20 11:30 PM i don't think's $63.54+14.53

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:30 PM where did you get $63.54 from
it's $75.15+14.53

±Û 24/02/20 11:31 PM it says there clearly on the sheet,,,

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:31 PM 89.68-40-44=5.68

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:31 PM ya, that is how much it cost
there is thing call shipping

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:32 PM which is not free

±Û 24/02/20 11:32 PM i've paid for the shipping and handling ...

±Û 24/02/20 11:33 PM i am offended... you should apologize ..

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:33 PM no you did not
$14.53 is GST, PST and Handing for postal
that does not cover the shipping from U.S to

±Û 24/02/20 11:34 PM it doesn't say so on the form... you have no
prove,,, besides it stated clearly that i paid
for the s+h cost on the receipt...

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:35 PM i show you my credit card statement when you
were here
that company charge me $75.15 and reciept for
postal office $14.53
total$89.68 -40-44=5.68 you owe me

±Û 24/02/20 11:35 PM are you fussing over this issue with me about
$4 ? you should certainly apologize...

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:36 PM READ IT AGAIN

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:36 PM YOU OWN ME A BIG APOLOGIZE

±Û 24/02/20 11:37 PM maybe you should check the receipt you send

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:37 PM SENT ME THAT RECIEPT

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:38 PM SENT ME THAT RECIEPT OVER ICQ

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:49 PM sent me your fax number

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:53 PM i still waiting for your fax number
so i can sent the fax of my credit card
statement to you

±Û 24/02/20 11:53 PM shout up will you! i will send you the money

chuckielan 24/02/20 11:57 PM this is not about money
you owe me an apologize
i charge you exactly how much i paid, not 1
cent more, and i am doing you a favorite for
It not my fault, that you don't know that
you forget to calucate shipping.

±Û 25/02/20 12:03 AM this is indeed about money.. you're the
greediest person i know... i shouldn't have
worked for you!!! if you really want to count
down to the pennies... i'll count with you...
i 've worked at least 50 hrs of overtime over
the summer... that comes to about $375 (that's
$7.5 /hr i've charged you... not the $8 you
promised me at first... you deliberately lied
to me about the salary... ) and you owe me a
whole deal a lot of APPOLOGY! ($375-$10 )
total comes to about $365 ... i've given you
an option of giving me the money or

chuckielan 25/02/20 12:05 AM what are you talking about?
i pay you $7.5 a hr for the summer,
and $8hr for 5.5hr
travelling to work is not consider as work

chuckielan 25/02/20 12:06 AM show me where the extra 50hr come from

±Û 25/02/20 12:06 AM by the way.. you didn't offer me a half an

chuckielan 25/02/20 12:07 AM first of all, it's kiosk, not office, there are no hr
lunch time break
but you are allow to eat lunch at the koist

±Û 25/02/20 12:07 AM you know what i'm talking about... you paid me
60 a day.. i work at least ten hours... that's
$6 an hour.. an under minimum... you broke the

chuckielan 25/02/20 12:08 AM the work start for 9:30 to 5:30
where is 10hr come from

chuckielan 25/02/20 12:08 AM be reasonable

±Û 25/02/20 12:09 AM what about the afterhour at your house
huh?what about the many Fridays i stayed with
Michelle huh? i'm done talking to you.

I call Michelle to ask her if Isabel come to work on Friday(she is only suppose to work mon-thur), Michelle say she drop by

and chat for like 5 min. and left.

and i call Isabel right away to see WTF. she ya and screen and insist i apolozie to her, and pay for the difference i owe


of course i tell her, we agree at $7.50 and that is how much i pay you, blah blah blah

then her mom come in. taking her daughter's side right away without know anything (there i figure,like mom like

daughter) then she say, i already told you that if you are going to be a dishonest man, and not going to pay the money

you owe my daughter, that is fine. so what more do you want.

i told her, i did not owe your daugher any money, she owe me.

then she ask isabel and blah blah (read above)

the mom later say, you told her at $8hr,

ME: we agree to 7.50/hr before she start working.

mom then turn to her daughter,

isebal say: he did not say that.

I told mom, there is another girl that work for me too, she can be witness, she and isebal agree.

isebal say:, that is after training day, it's not fair

mom then say: young man, isebal work very hard for you, don't get cheap over 50cents.

ME: Isebal told my sister, that since the business is bad, she have to read book or listen to music to not get bore, is that

your defination of Hard work.

mom say(in high tone): if there were nothing to do, she have every right to listen to music or read book. young men, i

owe store too, and your are overwork my daughter.

ME: what a BS

Mom: ok, this what we do, we'll forget that you scan 50cent/hr for every hr off isebal, and you should forget the $5 buck,

it's a good deal for you.

me: no F*cking way, i don't owe her anything, she owe me money and apologize.

mom: hung up.

WTF has the world become to, as a boss, when business is bad, and i not allow to talk to my employee about salary

deducted in order for the business to continue running. and doesn't it make legal when employee agree for the for the

pay cut. everything is verbal between me and two girls that work for me. now do i owe her, or do i not owe her?

and this making me very unhappy. first she accuse me of charging her more when it is she that can't do math. I did not

get a apolozie for that

now, i get call to be cheap, because 6 month later after me and two of my employee agree to deduce the pay from $8hr

to $7.50hr, i do not think i owe her extra 50cent /hr for every hr she work.also did not get apologize for that.

i feel like been troll, anything i can do to revenge, and make me feel better?

damn it.

and excuse me on spelling and bad gramma
i know done some clean up, is this better


Jun 1, 2001

<< I can't read all that >> neither...can you clean it up (paragraphs and bold-face) or something?


May 7, 2001

<< WTF has the world become to, as a boss, when business is bad, and i not allow to talk to my employee about salary deducted in order for the business to continue running. and doesn't it make legal when employee agree for the for the pay cut. everything is verbal between me and two girls that work for me. now do i owe her, or do i not owe her?
and this making me very unhappy. first she accuse me of charging her more when it is she that can't do math. I did not get a apolozie for that
now, i get call to be cheap, because 6 month later after me and two of my employee agree to deduce the pay from $8hr to $7.50hr, i do not think i owe her extra 50cent /hr for every hr she work.also did not get apologize for that.
i feel like been troll, anything i can do to revenge, and make me feel better?
damn it.

Well first of all, its kiosk!!!!!!!

Well i only read that...I think you should of made them sign a contract agreeing to $7.50 hr., if you didn't, and they agreed to $7.50 an hour, you don't have to pay them the extra .$50 (legally and morally that is). What could they do to you if you don't pay? call the cops?

Why do you want revenge?
Isn't know that you are correct and they are wrong enough for self-satisfaction?

Man you really need to go back to grade school and learn grammar!

Its kiosk!



Senior member
Jun 17, 2000
let me see if i got it right:

he opened a 'koist' (whatever that is) at a mall and hires his friend's sister and another friend (michelle) to work.

you didn't really specify which one of these people is the 'girl' you're having the spat with.

you said $8/hr but you told them the salary is now $7.5/hr due to bad businesss, and 'they both agree'

you buy something on the internet for the girl. and you guys work out a preliminary number as her debt.

she goes home, icqs you, and says that number is wrong.

you guys argue.

mom jumps in

she hangs up.

you hang up.

you're mad.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2001
all this over $5? Your first problem was when you cut their wage... all downhill after that.


Aug 11, 2000
"koist" i think he means KIOSK (course i'm not sure if i spelled it right either but that's what it's supposed to sound like).



Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< i owe her $44 for the wage, and she only have $40, ($5short). >>

Check your math Chuckie.


Aug 4, 2000
Man, if that doesn't fit an asian stereotype, I don't know what does

You both need to chill, probably her more than you. I think that you're probably correct, she doesn't sound like a very rational person...


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000


<< i owe her $44 for the wage, and she only have $40, ($5short). >>

Check your math Chuckie.

total is75.15+14.53=89.68-44(wage i owe her)-40(what she have on her)=5.68


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
In my Human Resources class when I learning about minimum wage laws it was revealed to me that if the employer can not pay the minimum wage then the business should not be.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2000
Well if she's working for you, then just deduct the amount from her paycheck and back it up with the reciepts and stuff. Then demand an apology from her. If she dosen't do that, fire her.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000


<< WTF has the world become to, as a boss, when business is bad, and i not allow to talk to my employee about salary deducted in order for the business to continue running. and doesn't it make legal when employee agree for the for the pay cut. everything is verbal between me and two girls that work for me. now do i owe her, or do i not owe her?
and this making me very unhappy. first she accuse me of charging her more when it is she that can't do math. I did not get a apolozie for that
now, i get call to be cheap, because 6 month later after me and two of my employee agree to deduce the pay from $8hr to $7.50hr, i do not think i owe her extra 50cent /hr for every hr she work.also did not get apologize for that.
i feel like been troll, anything i can do to revenge, and make me feel better?
damn it.

Well first of all, its kiosk!!!!!!!

Well i only read that...I think you should of made them sign a contract agreeing to $7.50 hr., if you didn't, and they agreed to $7.50 an hour, you don't have to pay them the extra .$50 (legally and morally that is). What could they do to you if you don't pay? call the cops?

Why do you want revenge?
Isn't know that you are correct and they are wrong enough for self-satisfaction?

Man you really need to go back to grade school and learn grammar!

Its kiosk!

yes, i know my bad gramma, will try to improve.
also self-satisfaction, i do not get any, because they talk like i'm trolling them, and a cheapo.
it hurt my feeling.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2001
i say forget about it, there's no problem anymore is there? or do you still want your 5 bucks?


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000

<< Well if she's working for you, then just deduct the amount from her paycheck and back it up with the reciepts and stuff. Then demand an apology from her. If she dosen't do that, fire her. >>

my kiosk went out of business in the end of Aug/2001
so all this happen, 6 month after my kiost went out business


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000

<< i say forget about it, there's no problem anymore is there? or do you still want your 5 bucks? >>

at this point, $5 buck mean nothing
but i am trying very hard to forget about this.
my feeling were hurt.
sometime i wish i can be more street smart.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I see now. It was rather difficult to navigate thru the clutter. Goodluck to you on the 5.00 quest.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
dude, are you going to fire her? if my employee treated me with that much respect, i would.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000

<< dude, are you going to fire her? if my employee treated me with that much respect, i would. >>

i would like to fire her, but my kiost business close down last year at end of aug.
so i lost my chance


May 7, 2001


<< dude, are you going to fire her? if my employee treated me with that much respect, i would. >>

i would like to fire her, but my kiost business close down last year at end of aug.
so i lost my chance

Just learn from your mistake, don't take that bs from people, and move on. I don't see how you can get "revenge".


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Life is too short, and you already wasted more than $5 of time. Cut your losses and get it behind you.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Don't ever hire a "friend" unless you TRULY know them inside out. Even then you still risk of losing a friend. Have every "agreement" in writing and you wont have these stupid problems.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000

<< Life is too short, and you already wasted more than $5 of time. Cut your losses and get it behind you. >>

sometime thing just piss me off, and yes, i totally agree with you, i have already wasted enought time

<< Don't ever hire a "friend" unless you TRULY know them inside out. Even then you still risk of losing a friend. Have every "agreement" in writing and you wont have these stupid problems.


i have learn the hard way, the only reason i choose friends is because i have to work, and can't be present at my kiost, and it's cash business, it's harder to trust stranger. But after this lesson, i find that it has no different. next time i should know better. at least i won't lose any friend.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

Do yourself a favor and just eat the five bucks. It wont kill you, and it will end a increasingly bad situation quickly.

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