WTF happened in London?! ***EDIT: multiple coordinated terrorist bomb attacks***

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Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: 11thHour
Originally posted by: conjur
Can you imagine if they'd launched an attack during the middle of Live8?

No...don't even want to think about it.

Very few things make my stomach curl like the thought of that.
Yeah, or what about during the Olympic parade/party planned for this week that is now postponed?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Without oil, the mideast would be dealt with in the same way we deal with Africa: complete ignorance. They could overthrow their government and set up violent Islamic dictatorships, and no one would care. Anytime they threatened our interests we'd just use sanctions or embargos to stop the flow of trade. That is the only way these people can be dealt with. You've got hurt them in the only place they will feel the hurt--their wallets.

But the problem is we (the Western world, not just the US) are so dependent on their oil streams we just can't do that. The Arab governments sell us oil, and in turn we give them money and support. Their leaders sit safe knowing they have enough money to buy enough arms from us, Europe and Russia to quell any uprising, and their people can't overthrow their governments so they lash out at the West because its EASIER. This, and Israel, is the cause for 99% of the tension in the Middle East. We can never withdraw support for Israel, and we're forever reliant on their oil, so I don't see how this will ever be resolved.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Originally posted by: 11thHour
Originally posted by: conjur
Can you imagine if they'd launched an attack during the middle of Live8?

No...don't even want to think about it.
Very few things make my stomach curl like the thought of that.
Yeah, or what about during the Olympic parade/party planned for this week that is now postponed?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Without oil, the mideast would be dealt with in the same way we deal with Africa: complete ignorance. They could overthrow their government and set up violent Islamic dictatorships, and no one would care. Anytime they threatened our interests we'd just use sanctions or embargos to stop the flow of trade. That is the only way these people can be dealt with. You've got hurt them in the only place they will feel the hurt--their wallets.

But the problem is we (the Western world, not just the US) are so dependent on their oil streams we just can't do that. The Arab governments sell us oil, and in turn we give them money and support. Their leaders sit safe knowing they have enough money to buy enough arms from us, Europe and Russia to quell any uprising, and their people can't overthrow their governments so they lash out at the West because its EASIER. This, and Israel, is the cause for 99% of the tension in the Middle East. We can never withdraw support for Israel, and we're forever reliant on their oil, so I don't see how this will ever be resolved.
Which makes me wonder how violent they'll get when their revenue stream dries up in a few decades. All signs are pointing to peak oil having been hit.

Anyway...that's getting off the topic.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
Has anyone bothered to knock the war on terrorism campaign yet? because if they have, I'm all over defending bush...


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Timeline of the events:

Bomb blasts plunge London into chaos
A series of co-ordinated bomb blasts have hit central London today, at the height of the morning rush hour. The most recent confirmed toll is 37 people killed, although this number is likely to rise. 700 people have been injured.

The police casualty number is 0870 1566344, although police request that you try calling any friends or family members you're concerned about first. The mobile networks, we're seeing, are coming back up for normal use, so you might now be able to get through.

Tell us your experiences by emailing us at Read other's accounts here.

Updates to this blog post have now finished, although the rest of Newsblog remains active. You'll find the latest news coverage on our front page.

1810 It has been a terrible day here in London, and our thoughts are with the victims, their family and friends. Thanks for all your messages of support and solidarity, some of which we've put up here.

After more than seven hours of coverage here, the grim truth of the situation is becoming clear, and it's time for us to wrap up this rolling news post. We'll continue to update the blog - in fresh posts - if and when things develop this evening.

Of course, overnight our news team will continue to bring you complete coverage of events, and reaction - keep an eye on our front page for the latest. And do keep sending us your experiences at

1642 Our media site has a roundup of what some other bloggers have been saying about today's terrible events.

1630 Londoners are now streaming home on foot - we can see them outside the Guardian offices here in Farringdon road. The scenes are somewhat reminiscent of those after 9/11, when New Yorkers flowed out of Manhattan across the Brooklyn bridge. Mainline stations are now open, but the tube remains closed until this evening at least.

1545 In the press conference, we learn a little more about the initial confusion that gripped the city earlier today. Tube boss Tim O'Toole says the sudden succession of blasts caused the earlier "power surge" rumours - the tube control room thought that was the only thing that could cause such a co-ordinated set of failures across the network. In fact, the tube's power supply is intact - they could run a full service now, although that's not likely to happen for some time yet. He also says he's enormously proud of his staff, who "did a difficult job and did it well".

1538 Still at the press conference. London Underground's Tim O'Toole confirms "the system is now clear", which means everyone's out. The train under King's Cross took the longest time to clear - as Londoners know, it's the deepest and most claustrophobic of the lines affected today.

1531 The press conference finally opens. First, the Police casualty bureau now open: 0870 1566344. Then we get a timeline of events this morning:

0851: First incident between Moorgate and Liverpool St. An explosion hits the train 100 yards from Liverpool St, in the tunnel. There are seven fatalities.

0856: The second blast happens on a tube train between King?s Cross and Russell Square. 21 are confirmed dead.

0917: A third blast, this one at Edgware Road. It was powerful enough to blow a hole into another train, with three trains in all involved. Five dead.

0947: The fourth blast, this time on a bus in Tavistock Place. There are no numbers on fatalities from this attack.

There was no warning, and no claims of responsibility yet.

DAC Brian Paddick: "This was clearly a callous attack on purely innocent members of public clearly designed to kill and injure members of the public."

1513 Respect MP George Galloway says: "We argued, as did the security services in this country, that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the threat of terrorist attack in Britain. Tragically Londoners have now paid the price of the Government ignoring such warnings."

1503 That news conference has been delayed. But we are hearing that Victoria, Euston and Paddington stations have re-opened this afternoon. St Pancras and Liverpool Street could also reopen soon. The only station likely to remain shut before tonight's rush-hour is the non-suburban (ie - Intercity) bit of King's Cross. The tube, of course, remains completely closed.

1500 We're expecting a news conference on today's events to begin shortly. We'll have live coverage here.

1424 Suddenly, the terrible scale of today's attack becomes clear. Ambulance sources, reported on Sky, suggest 23 people have been killed at King's Cross, nine at Edgware road, seven at Aldgate, two at Russell Square. There are hundreds - possibly more than a thousand - injured. We're trying to verify the numbers.

1420 London Transport confirms the bus hit by one of today's bombs was a number 30, travelling from Hackney to Marble Arch.

1415 At least three double decker buses have been bringing injured people to the Royal London hospital, which now says it has treated 208 people. The air ambulance - a helicopter - has been carrying those more seriously injured.

1400 We're now getting a slighly better picture of the numbers of injured. There are reports of 183 injured at the Royal London Hospital. 123 have been released. Of those remaining, eight were said to be "critical", and several others were also seriously injured. As far as we know, a rescue operation is continuing King's Cross, where people are thought to be trapped, although we are not hearing much from there at the moment.

1323 The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, says: "London has been the target of a cowardly terrorist attack. Londoners have responded calmly and courageously.

"I commend the professionalism, courage of the Metropolitan Police, Transport for London staff, the Ambulance, Fire and other emergency services.

"Innocent people going from all of London's communities have been targeted by this indiscriminate attack. I urge Londoners from all of this city's diverse communities and faiths to support one another and stand together against terrorism."

1315 Tony Blair, flanked by George W Bush and Jacques Chirac, again condemns the attacks. [Photograph on Flickr]. Blair says: "We will not allow violence to change our societies or our values. Nor will we let it stop the work of this summit. We will continue our deliberations in the interests of a better world. Here at this summit, the world's leaders are striving to combat world poverty and save and improve human life. The perpetrators of today's attacks are intent on destroying life. The terrorists will not succeed... We shall prevail and they shall not."

1300 A packed House of Commons is hearing a statement from Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary. He expresses sympathy to friends and family of those who had died, and says four explosions are confirmed. One on a tube train between Aldgate and Liverpool Street, one on a bus, one in the tube at King?s Cross, another at Edgware Road.

The underground will remain closed for today at least. There are no buses operating in central London, with decision to reopen to be made later today. People are strongly advised not to travel into central London, with many mainline train companies cancelling services or terminating before the capital.

David Davis, the shadow home secretary, responds. He says thoughts and prayers on his side of the house are with injured, family and friends. He praises the emergency services.

He brands the bombings acts of "unspeakable depravity and wickedness.

"The whole house condemns them utterly. This is not just an attack on our capital, but also an attack on our way of life as a whole," he says.

1248 A Wikipedia entry on today's blasts has been started.

1240 A moblogged picture from one of the underground lines today.

1228 There's a still picture being circulated of the bus that was blown up in Tavistock Square today. It looks like all but the front two or three rows of the top deck have been blown away. It was a service bus not - it seems - a tourist bus, although there's so little of the thing left it's quite hard to say. We have no idea of how many people were on it.

1216 London Ambulance Service also says there are "many casualties and deaths" in today's blasts. There is a rescue operation continuing at King's Cross, where people appear to be trapped on the underground.

1212 There are now reports from the London Ambulance Service of an explosion in Leicester Square. Update Reader Rod Stanley emails in - he works near Leicester Square, and all is calm there. Thanks for that, Rod.

1211 BBC Monitoring says it has found a website with a brief statement, in which an al-Quaida-related organisation has claimed responsibility for today's blasts.

1210 A sombre Tony Blair has just issued a brief statement from Gleneagles. "It is particularly barbaric that this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa, the long term problems of climate change. It is also reasonably clear it is designed and aimed to coincide with the opening of the G8. There will be time later to talk about this.

"Our determination to defend our values and ways of life is greater than their desire to create death and destruction and impose extremism on the world. What ever they do it is our determination that they shall not succeed."

1150 It has been confirmed that two people have been killed at Aldgate station this morning.

1140 Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair is being quoted by PA as saying traces of explosives have been found at least one blast scene. He added the picture was still "very confused".

1130 Police at Aldgate Station say there are unconfirmed reports of two fatalities there, and nine seriously injured.

A PA report just in from Aldgate: "A 42-year-old man wept as he described what happened on the train. Terry O'Shea, a construction worker from Worcester, said: "I was in the third carriage, the one behind the one where the explosion was. There was a loud bang and we felt the train shudder. Then smoke started coming in to the compartment. It was terrible. People were panicking, but they calmed down after one or two minutes. As they led us down the track past the carriage where the explosion was, we could see the roof was torn off it, and there were bodies on the track."

Jack Linton, 14, suffered cuts to his face in the incident. Jack, from Hawkwell, Essex, who was on his way to work experience at a company, said: "The middle of the train was blown out and there were people on the track."

1120 Tony Blair will be making a live, televised statement on the crisis at midday. Sir Ian Blair, Metropolitan Police Commissioner, has told the BBC that there have been six explosions so far today, one on a bus. In what is clearly intended to be a calming message, he asks that Londoners stay where they are, do not call the emergency services unless there is a life-threatening situation, and promises there will be more information. London's emergency plan has kicked into action, and he says they are "returning order to the situation".

1110 PA is reporting fears of "many" dead after a series of what are now, patently, terrorist bomb blasts around the city. Eyewitness reports talk of terrible injuries, and "many fatalities".

1102 The pictures coming in from around the city are truly shocking. Down near Holborn there's a bus - possibly one of the big tourist buses that are a fixture on the London streets - with its top floor ripped apart. One report talks of the injured being operated on in the concourse at Liverpool Street station.

1055 There are now reports of another bomb going off - in Houndsitch, near Liverpool Street in the City of London.

1052 The FTSE has plunged 160 points, but Downing Street says rumours that Tony Blair is to return to London from Gleneagles are false.

1048 Home Secretary Charles Clarke has just appeared in front of Downing Street, talking of "dreadful" incidents, and "terrible injuries" in the explosions. He is sending sympathy to those individuals and families affected. The COBRA committee - the government's emergency response body - is meeting, as is the Cabinet.

1040 We're hearing that there's a train stuck between Liverpool Street and Aldgate, and that there are "a number of casualties" on that train.

1030 The situation so far: we are hearing of a bus explosion in the Holborn area - eyewitness accounts talk of the bus having its roof blown off. This casts some doubt on reports that "power surges" caused explosions at Aldgate, Old Street, Kings Cross, Russell Square and Edgware Road earlier this morning.

Around the city centre, everyone is walking. The tube is entirely closed down. Mainline trains are not coming into town, and members of staff arriving in the office say buses are not entering Zone 1 - the most central part of town, in which all today's explosions have taken place.

The first problems started at around 0850, when a series of explosions - blamed on power surges - rocked a series of stations in the centre of town. Tube lines started closing right after that.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: StormRider
My sympathies to all the people in Britain. I remember how you stood besides us during 9/11 and your kindness and compassion gave me great comfort. May my words do the same. You are the truest of friends. I stand beside you -- always.

very well said.

I just wonder what will happen now? what liberty's are we people going to lose now? or will it matter since it was in Britain?



Jan 29, 2004
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing with and helping the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

I sure hope it's "b".


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
exdeath: Stop stirring things up. I have only been on these forums a few days and i have seen nothing but racism and hate from you. We don't need any more hate.


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Atheus
exdeath: Stop stirring things up. I have only been on these forums a few days and i have seen nothing but racism and hate from you. We don't need any more hate.

Please... :roll:

What does race and hate have to do with the post you replied to?

Actually if you would, please quote and PM me any posts of mine that you feel express hatred and racism and not a legitamate problem.

Please do not confuse my rational "kill or be killed" process with baseless hatred.

Also, just because there are groups of people in the world causing problems in certain areas and they happen not to be white doesn't mean pointing at them is automatic racism. Racism is the unjustified and illogical hatred of a particular race of people due to their genetics. I don't recall ever posting anything expressing disgust over a particular genectic configuration.



Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

I sure hope it's "b".

So why are you still living here? Shouldn't you be in a cave somewhere fabricating suicide belts?


Feb 8, 2004
GOD DAMNIT!!!! THEY BOMBED US!!! SOABS!!! I hope good ol tony retaliates!! lets send a salvo o nukes to the middle east!! scum! :frown:


Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing with and helping the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

WTF!! We never said u yanks werent right!! WE HELPED U!!!! FFS! Now we're gonna help MORE!! Kill us some terrorist!!


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

I sure hope it's "b".

So why are you still living here? Shouldn't you be in a cave somewhere fabricating suicide belts?

seriously. what a wanker



Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Dimkaumd
Who are we at war with?
Gabriel: Anyone who infringes on America's freedom. Terrorist states. Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a church, we bomb 10. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourist, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that is becomes unthinkable to attack Americans.?
I was just thinking that it's times like these thatI wish John Travolta's character from Swordfish was a real person.


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Soviet
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing with and helping the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

WTF!! We never said u yanks werent right!! WE HELPED U!!!! FFS! Now we're gonna help MORE!! Kill us some terrorist!!

Yeah but I am aware that you have an overwhelming number of people in Britain that are equivalent to our sniveling left wing socialists here in the states that would cave in and give the terrorists everything they want. I'm just wondering what percentage of the British population, now that their homeland was attacked, still thinks the Islamofacists are nice people and how many of them see the truth now.


Aug 14, 2000
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: Soviet
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing with and helping the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

WTF!! We never said u yanks werent right!! WE HELPED U!!!! FFS! Now we're gonna help MORE!! Kill us some terrorist!!

Yeah but I am aware that you have an overwhelming number of people in Britain that are equivalent to our sniveling left wing socialists here in the states that would cave in and give the terrorists everything they want. I'm just wondering what percentage of the British population, now that their homeland was attacked, still thinks the Islamofacists are nice people and how many of them see the truth now.

As others have said "TAKE IT TO P&N YOU IDIOTS!"



Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: Soviet
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing with and helping the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

WTF!! We never said u yanks werent right!! WE HELPED U!!!! FFS! Now we're gonna help MORE!! Kill us some terrorist!!

Yeah but I am aware that you have an overwhelming number of people in Britain that are equivalent to our sniveling left wing socialists here in the states that would cave in and give the terrorists everything they want. I'm just wondering what percentage of the British population, now that their homeland was attacked, still thinks the Islamofacists are nice people and how many of them see the truth now.

The Brittish? Give them what they want?? HELL NO!! What you see is the protesters, the ones who are happy with the way things are going DONT need to protest so they dont. All you see is the people COMPLAINING, the news dosent cover those that were all for iraq and beating sh*t outta the terrorists as they dont march in the street, they go about life normally and assume good ol tony wont listen to the weak anti war idiots.

We are Brits! We are strong! and we DONT need to be attacked in order for us to react. If this was the case we wouldnt even have been in iraq, we wouldnt have aided in trying to get osama in afghanistan.

Noone fvcks with Briton! :frown:


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Atheus
exdeath: Stop stirring things up. I have only been on these forums a few days and i have seen nothing but racism and hate from you. We don't need any more hate.

Originally posted by: exdeath

What does race and hate have to do with the post you replied to?

'Islam rears it's peaceful head again.'

Well you seem to hate islam, and believe it's a violent religion, which it isn't. The people who attacked us have already been condemned by british muslim organizations.

"Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

What's that supposed to mean? "the yanks were right", You think you have won some sort of competition? And who are the "fvck sticks"? some specific place in the middle east or will anywhere do?


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2003
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: RichPLS
The terrorists are muslims, not towelies, Ekkc.
They're not even Muslims. They don't represent the Muslim faith. No more so than someone like Eric Rudolph represents Christianity.
"Allah, save me from your followers."

Yeah, it's great how the terrorists call us the great Satan, yet they twist their own faith into something violent and hateful, which I'm sure is right up there with all the things we supposedly do. But this is not new; extremist whack jobs are a dime a dozen, unfortunately. Can't have any of those positive relgious messages getting out unchanged, you see.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2001
Originally posted by: exdeath
Originally posted by: Soviet
Originally posted by: exdeath
Islam rears it's peaceful head again.

So what is the general reaction in Britain right now?

a) "Damn the yanks were right, lets waste these fvck sticks."

b) "Oh, we deserved it for agreeing with and helping the imperialist Americans"

I sure hope it's "a"

WTF!! We never said u yanks werent right!! WE HELPED U!!!! FFS! Now we're gonna help MORE!! Kill us some terrorist!!

Yeah but I am aware that you have an overwhelming number of people in Britain that are equivalent to our sniveling left wing socialists here in the states that would cave in and give the terrorists everything they want. I'm just wondering what percentage of the British population, now that their homeland was attacked, still thinks the Islamofacists are nice people and how many of them see the truth now.

You sir, are off your rocker. No rightful brit would cave in to such coward scum, if anything it has strengthened our resolve. This is not a case of 'the yanks' were right as we've supported any such removal of threats in the world without question. To even suggest that we thought, as you put it: ?Islamofacists? are nice people is just plain insulting. Even with the highly publicised ?lies? about WMD's in Iraq many believe it was still right to go in and get rid of Saddam, however maybe not quite in the way it was done.

Anyway, who do you plan on wasting? Everyone in the Middle East and every Muslim? Terrorism must be stomped out but bombing the fvsk out of the Middle East only makes things worse, most Muslims are actually law abiding. It?s the extremists that you need to get rid of, and they are hardly going to step out of line just for you to line up a shot are they? IMO Afghanistan should have been properly finished before even thinking about Iraq.



Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Soultrape

In relation to Intentionally bombed Civilians, The way in Afganistan and Iraq were brutal, Tens of thousands of innocent civilians were killed due to Coalition bombardments and attacks. You can argue that they were intentional or not (and I'm sure some were intentional, especially after various tormentation of Iraqi soldiers/Citizens), but the fact is, Civilians were killed, Casualties of War? I find it hard to believe a commander than drops a 100 Ton bomb on a densely populated area does not realize the risk.

The jihadis are gluttons for punishment. By bombing US and British civilians, the US and Britain is more likely to drop bombs on arab cities now. And we have more bombs than the terrorists. We'd wipe out their entire population before they brought us to our knees.

What they don't understand is that the only thing that stops us from firebombing cities like we did in WW2 is public opinion... and terror attacks like this surely give us a bad opinion of middle-easterners. Like it or not that's what happens.

That is what I find as the ironic thing. A bunch of retards do something, and we retaliate by bombing cities of the same ethnic makeup...even if those people don't even COME from those cities.

Originally posted by: Bigsm00th
Originally posted by: djheater
Originally posted by: EKKC
i came to work 2 hours late, and im going to leave at least an hour late tonight. you never know what those crazy towelies may be planning next. i sure hope it aint nyc subway but im taking every last bit of useless precaution that makes me 'feel' safer

You're an ignorant moron.

Have a nice day.

in all honesty, thats all i can think about them at this point too. its the picture they paint for us.

When my mom spent two years getting herself honked at because she wears a hijab, or facing the most idiotic parents while volunteering at school maybe you think junk like that will alienate them?
If a group of evangelsists go somewhere and blow up something, the LAST thing you want to do is bomb the place where they came from, stereotype the entire group of people as idiots, and then say that they paint the picture themselves when you in that ultimately the entire population will be on a "spectrum" of "support."

Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: RichPLS
The terrorists are muslims, not towelies, Ekkc.
They're not even Muslims. They don't represent the Muslim faith. No more so than someone like Eric Rudolph represents Christianity.

Many Muslims sympathise with their cause. Here in New Jersey, many Muslims in North Jersey cheered when 9/11 happened. While it's true that you can't blame ALL muslims for this, the Muslim terrorists and Muslim supporters sure give their religion a bad name and ruin it for all their fellow Muslims.

And in China many people also cheered. My professors who were THERE told me they did that. While my goal isn't to say "But they did it too, so its alright" I want to show that many people can be fvcked up for many reasons. But I want to see how many muslims is "Many in New Jersery".I can tell you one thing tho: after 9/11 many muslims and arabs became SCARED for fear of crap happening to them.

Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
not all ideologies are equal let alone valid. some are simply worse then others. unless of course you believe in pc nonsense.
Obviously anyone can see that you are saying islam is a "bad" ideology, worse than others. If it was worse than others, I don't see how it has gotten this far. True in the end we have different ideas religiously, but that doesn't mean that because I don't beleive in your method, that I do not RESPECT it. Please don't create something that doesn't exist

And I feel extreme sorrow for those who died, especially because there is no reason they should have died..I also hope that no backlach occurs against those of arab descent, or those who happen to be Muslims because we shouldn't be at fault for idiots that run around.
I will agree in that certain ISSUES that want to be addressed are the same, but the means in which the turds do it are completely offbase from what Islam is.


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by: yukichigai
Originally posted by: Dimkaumd
Who are we at war with?
Gabriel: Anyone who infringes on America's freedom. Terrorist states. Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a church, we bomb 10. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourist, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that is becomes unthinkable to attack Americans.?
I was just thinking that it's times like these thatI wish John Travolta's character from Swordfish was a real person.

I also like this one.

President Josiah Bartlet: Did you know that two thousand years ago a Roman citizen could walk across the face of the known world free of the fear of molestation? He could walk across the Earth unharmed, cloaked only in the protection of the words civis Romanus -- I am a Roman citizen. So great was the retribution of Rome, universally certain, should any harm befall even one of its citizens. Where was Morris's protection, or anybody else on that airplane? Where was the retribution for the families, and where is the warning to the rest of the world that Americans shall walk this Earth unharmed, lest the clenched fist of the most mighty military force in the history of mankind comes crashing down on your house?! In other words, Leo, what the hell are we doing here?!
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