WTF! - Texas bill would mandate Christianity in public schools.

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Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at CHURCH about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.
FTFY! (It seems you are confusing church/Sunday school with academic schools). You are the problem, you are trying to push parental responsibilities onto someone else.

Are you even aware that most behavioral habits are developed within the first 3 years of a child's life, before School is even a part of their lives? Which is the foundation that PARENTS build on as THEY raise their kids and teach them right from wrong, morals, respect, etc. The problem is, many parents now days think like you, expecting the schools, and even churches, to do their job. Then they wonder why they can't control their children in or out of school, specially when they hit their teens.. Because they never taught them discipline at a young age. To busy waiting for the schools to parent THEIR children.

The Big "Kicker" of that mentality is: when someone else (schools, another parent/adult, even when the authorities) steps in and tries to discipline their child, attempts to do what the parents failed to do (teach them the morals, proper behavior, respect, right from wrong, etc), teach them what they should have already been learning at home, by the parents. The parents get all pissed off, starts defending their child's shitty, immoral, disrespectful wrong behavior, and attacks the person who tries to teach/discipline them because of their failures as a parent.

IF you want an example of the results of that kind of failed parenting.. all you have to do is take a look at Marjorie Taylor Greene.
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Nov 4, 2004
I am talking about how Democrats make it easy to paint liberals as anti religious anti gun ownership and why and also why that’s a terrible thing to allow to happen. People don’t distinguish between somebod’s opinion of what a true Democrat is from the ones claiming to be liberals.
Yet their policies are still popular with the American people, even those who don’t vote for D’s.

Conservatives are easy to mislead.
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Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at school about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.

Your words say everyone is free to their own beliefs, and in the same damn sentence, you say kids need to be taught right and wrong from the bible. These two parts of the sentence do not mix. They contradict.

My religion does not contain any magical invisible man in the sky watching my every move, telling me how wrong I am, and how I'm going to hell for being wrong.

My parents taught me right from wrong. I don't need some invisible magic man whispering in my ear to tell me that.

Apologies to any who are religious, believes in Jesus Christ, God, and the bible, but not a religious nutjob. You have a right to believe in your religion, but you have no right to force me to believe your religion.


Jun 30, 2003
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at school about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.
So what about Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, taoism, Shintoism, or any other number of world religions and belief systems? Or no particular belief system at all? Are the values and beliefs of those systems invalid or inferior? What makes the bible so special?


Nov 4, 2004
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at school about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.

Then enroll your child is a Christian school. Problem solved, constitution upheld.
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Feb 6, 2002
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at school about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.
You had your wet dream of a college level Christian school Bob Jones University. They had such high moral standards they had a strict rule forbidding interracial dating.

They changed the policy not because they thought it was wrong. They changed it when the policy became well known after a visit from George W. Bush. Let's be clear, that policy was not designed to keep students of French heritage away from students of German heritage, it was designed to keep their lily white kids away from those evil brown people.

So much for your so called Christians in your so called Christian school.


Jul 17, 2003
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at school about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.

You really believe that don't you? Wow. It is beyond perverse you people see yourselves as arbiters of what is right and wrong. Treason and insurrection curiously absent on that scale no less. Your desire to force kids to interact with the real groomers also quite unpleasant. I think it's the agenda to protect the offenders that really turns my stomach though. "Better Texans" means kids that are ok getting married and working overnight shifts before they are 16, right?

You and the rest of the cult largely threw your dignity and beliefs in the trash for the sake of politics in 2016. Many of you even longer ago than that. Strange you can't appreciate others not wanting to touch your trash to begin with. Seriously, it's laughable. Would you go to Trump U looking for an education?

Sad stuff. You've abandoned The Lemon Test and now you have intellectual scurvy. We can sum up your argument in two words - "bull" and "shit."
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Aug 4, 2000
You really believe that don't you? Wow. It is beyond perverse you people see yourselves as arbiters of what is right and wrong. Treason and insurrection curiously absent on that scale no less. Your desire to force kids to interact with the real groomers also quite unpleasant. I think it's the agenda to protect the offenders that really turns my stomach though. "Better Texans" means kids that are ok getting married and working overnight shifts before they are 16, right?

You and the rest of the cult largely threw your dignity and beliefs in the trash for the sake of politics in 2016. Many of you even longer ago than that. Strange you can't appreciate others not wanting to touch your trash to begin with. Seriously, it's laughable. Would you go to Trump U looking for an education?

Sad stuff. You've abandoned The Lemon Test and now you have intellectual scurvy. We can sum up your argument in two words - "bull" and "shit."

Uh.. the Bible was not written last week.

Why do liberals hate authority and morals?


Jul 17, 2003
Uh.. the Bible was not written last week.

Why do liberals hate authority and morals?

Weak. The Constitution is the only written work you need to concern yourself with here, no one cares about whatever version bible you are referring to. Way to either miss the point or run from it, haha.

Liberals prefer authority and morals to come from legitimate sources, rather than the fevered dreams of religious poseurs who constantly display contempt for both morals and authority. Did you see christian morals and authority on display just now with Chief Justice Roberts? That was this week, current enough for you? You people are full of shit and everyone else knows it.

Far better questions that actually apply to the thread subject:

Why do religious conservatives hate liberty and freedom? Explain the Establishment Clause violation. Appeals to revisionist history or immaterial christian dogma won't do it.

Why are they threatened by public schools when they already have multitudes of private religious schools and taxpayers supporting them? Why have parent's rights gone out the window here, when they are usually the first justification for all manner of objection over sex ed, "CRT," history, etc.

Why do you think churches plagued with widespread child sexual abuse are in positions to determine right and wrong? If you can accept a pussygrabbing adulter and rawdogger of pornstars, who works for Russians and starts insurrections, who steals state secrets, well it seems you have a rather large credibility problem. At least you wear that hat well.

Is wanting a power grid to stay up when it's cold enough to kill people right or wrong? Softball!
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Jun 30, 2003
Uh.. the Bible was not written last week.

Why do liberals hate authority and morals?
And by comparison to other religious texts and/or laws (Rig Veda, Code of Hammurabi) the bible waswritten last week.

So what's your point exactly? There's this old thing that's been translated through history for a while and we should follow it? How is that not true for older religious or civil traditions as I mentioned above?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at school about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.
I understand that. That would be the exact reaction a traditional morality person would feel if the concept of traditional morality were undergoing either of two kinds of change. You believe that traditional morality is being threatened by extinction where evil is replacing it, but in the scenario I provided above morality is not being lost to moral decline but transforming into a different way of expressing it.

You know perfectly well there is a good that exists beyond personal opinions, that the truth can’t simply disappear according to human opinions. The whole structure of our constitutional government is designed to accommodate people of different opinions living together including people with differing moral beliefs so as to maximize freedom of expression.

A real slippery slope would be if the fear in some majority for minority beliefs became so strong that the majority sought to destroy that right to that minority opinion. It would be like a majority of liberals banning the teaching of Christianity. What would drive such a ban would be the certainty they would take and made possible by arrogance is that Christianity is evil because of the actions of self proclaimed Christian people. They would be certain that their beliefs are good and yours are evil and lose all feelings for constitutional restraint.

Our forefathers, in the manner of religion, so many having come here seeking to escape religious persecution in Europe, were quite wise about such things. They knew they had to tolerate differences in religious belief in order to be tolerated themselves.

There is a good but sadly everybody thinks their idea of what it is IS IT. Liberals like our forefathers realized that the only way to prevent endless wars between differing religions was to to create separate domains between church and state, such that the private beliefs of all could exist but none could control the state.

Any political party that seeks to hold power can gather that power via fear. Tell people the good is under threat from some evil other and that any voice they have should be silenced, and you can raise an army of frightened believers. Generating fear of the other thus becomes a part of politics be it from the fear of the religious fanatic to militant Atheists.

But there is nothing to fear but fear itself. The good exists like our inalienable rights. As long as humans exist the love of truth will exist because the seeking and expressing of truth is the foundation of all real happiness. Humble acceptance not warlike belligerence is how this gets expressed, in my opinion.


Oct 18, 2009
I’m still struggling remembering being taught God and all in public school. Now, to be honest, I did grow up in a liberal hotbed…Augusta, GA.

And I spent the 1960’s in school there, including K-3rd grade at our church’s school (known as the Episcopal Day School) and to this day do not remember religion, God, or the rest of Felix’s crap ever being taught…church or public.

The Catholic high school, Aquinas, did have a one hr block dedicated to religion, but it was Catholic run and private.

Asked my mom this before doing this…she taught elementary school in Richmond county (Augusta). She was decently educated…BS from U of Penn, ‘52. Her master’s was early 1970’s. She explicitly stated she never had “right and wrong” or “God” classes. Ever. No curriculum on it…nothing.

So where and when was God and all taught in public schools because it Ute as hell was gone by the 1960’s.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
I’m still struggling remembering being taught God and all in public school. Now, to be honest, I did grow up in a liberal hotbed…Augusta, GA.

And I spent the 1960’s in school there, including K-3rd grade at our church’s school (known as the Episcopal Day School) and to this day do not remember religion, God, or the rest of Felix’s crap ever being taught…church or public.

The Catholic high school, Aquinas, did have a one hr block dedicated to religion, but it was Catholic run and private.

Asked my mom this before doing this…she taught elementary school in Richmond county (Augusta). She was decently educated…BS from U of Penn, ‘52. Her master’s was early 1970’s. She explicitly stated she never had “right and wrong” or “God” classes. Ever. No curriculum on it…nothing.

So where and when was God and all taught in public schools because it Ute as hell was gone by the 1960’s.
You couldn't possibly be implying that FelixDeClown is engaging in a specious recollection of events?!? But his integrity and accuracy are utterly beyond reproach! If you can't trust a clown, who can you trust?
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Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
I’m still struggling remembering being taught God and all in public school. Now, to be honest, I did grow up in a liberal hotbed…Augusta, GA.

And I spent the 1960’s in school there, including K-3rd grade at our church’s school (known as the Episcopal Day School) and to this day do not remember religion, God, or the rest of Felix’s crap ever being taught…church or public.

The Catholic high school, Aquinas, did have a one hr block dedicated to religion, but it was Catholic run and private.

Asked my mom this before doing this…she taught elementary school in Richmond county (Augusta). She was decently educated…BS from U of Penn, ‘52. Her master’s was early 1970’s. She explicitly stated she never had “right and wrong” or “God” classes. Ever. No curriculum on it…nothing.

So where and when was God and all taught in public schools because it Ute as hell was gone by the 1960’s.
I'm pretty sure they are shooting for the ideal world of the 1950's that never existed. On the original topic, it won't fly as the first 4 commandment's having nothing do do with our society in general and are very religion specific. Any moral / law abiding citizen is going to already do 5, 6, 8, 9, though there are exceptions to #5, like if you have crappy parents. The others are more up to one's personal belief and are not right or wrong, the government has no role in dictating these which is the point, it's unconstitutional and will be shot down. Upto this point the courthouse argument has been this is the basis for our laws, well not really as about half those are not and will never be enshrined in law. As I tell my fiancée, "The raptors are testing the fences again".

1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5 Honour thy father and thy mother.
6 Thou shalt not kill.
7 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8 Thou shalt not steal.
9 Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10 Thou shalt not covet.
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Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Just to clarify, which I could have done better in my previous post, everyone is free to believe in their own religion. I am absolutely not here to say your religion is wrong. I am not here to ridicule your religion. But your religion is not my religion. You do not have a right to enforce your religion on me. Just like I do not have a right to enforce my religion on you. That's what the crusades were about. And they were horrific.

Furthermore, certain views on right and wrong are universal, while others are not. No one who has the ability to think independently needs a bible to tell them what is right and wrong.

Killing someone, physically hurting someone, and stealing, are easy examples of something that is universally recognized as wrong. No bible needed. No religion needed. Anyone with the correct moral compass can easily see these are wrongs.

The branding of those in the LGTBQ community as wrong is more religion driven, or one made through ignorance. What did these people ever do to you? How did they hurt you? The answer is they did not. The most common reason they are hated on is for religious reasons.

When you look at something as wrong, why is it wrong? Who is it it hurting? If the reason is religion, then you need to give it a long hard thought on if it truly is wrong. Think for yourself.


Feb 6, 2002
Im going to sum this up in two words - slippery slope. You are free to believe as you wish but kids need some training at school about right and wrong as taught in bible. If they branch off into a tangent later thats up to them.
Just to remind everyone how you are against the Constuttion here is the 1st Amendment...

Amendment I​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I wonder what the founding fathers thought about the government endorsing a specific religion? Quoteing John Adams in the Treaty of Tripoli
“…the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
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