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Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Queasy
Kids pick on kids. News at 11.

Not to the same degree, and not all kids have mental illnesses.

That's the only difference though. Cho had mental illness issues that were left unaddressed through the years. Other than that the way he was bullied was nothing out of the ordinary. I've seen and was the blunt of such bullying myself. Neither I or any of the kids I know that got bullied went on murderous rampages.

It looks like neither the bullying or the mental illness was addressed... actually his parents did request for him to be sent to a mental hospital because they were afraid he was suicidal though. People accept bullying in school like it's something you just go through. It shouldn't be that way.


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus
I was picked on and felt out of place at times in high school and now that i think of it, i wasn't picked on THAT badly but feelings of anger and loneliness was probably disproportionate to the bullying i was receiving.

I can tell by your demeanor on the forum.

You're still retarded.



Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
I ****** hated high school with a passion. I was picked on non stop. I am in college now and have totally changed but it was a sucky time. I would never shoot up the school tho.


Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2001
As others have stated, it isn't quite just as simple as "bullying caused the shooting". I figure, though, that a lot of social reasons contributed strongly to the shooting, whether it was direct bullying or a lack of inclusion. Of course, his mental stability must've also been a strong factor. Nonetheless, it appears that the way we live and interact with others currently leaves some people out, and the cost of that is a couple dozen lives every time one of those left out is pushed a bit beyond what they can handle. Getting millions of people to change isn't going to happen, though, so it appears there's no feasible solution.

Perhaps professors should be forced to take more rigorous courses on how to handle troubled students. It may seem like this being fresh in people's minds will force more drastic action to occur when a professor notices a student that shows signs of trouble. However, five years from now people will get just as lax as they are now and bam it'll happen again. There has to be a constant reminder or people will forget. The question is whether people value the loss of these lives over the time it takes to be vigilant in helping people that clearly are mentally unhealthy.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Phokus

I didn't get my ass kicked repeatedly, dumbass, the one fight i got into, i gave the kid a black eye and he never even scratched me.

Sure, right.

I bet if I keep arguing with you, this "fight" that you were in will morph into a glorious one-sided battle where you took on 75 people like a ninja and sent them all packing.

I've got to give you credit, though- this is the longest I've seen you go without including an emoticon in your post.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Whisper
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: jupiter57
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: TehMac
Being bullied is no excuse for shooting. I've been bullied a ton, "its all light hearted fun" they said, but its grating. It is not enough to shoot innocents.

Nobody said it was, but this kid had serious mental health issues and it's not being addressed in schools. Teachers and administrators turn a blind eye.

PSA: Being spoiled and having a lack of discipline ARE NOT mental health issues.

ABC did an interview with a professional psychiatrist and he said cho was most likely schizophrenic

Did the psychiatrist actually have direct contact with Cho at any point before making this judgment?

Not that I doubt Cho may have been schizophrenic, but if there was no contact, then take the psychiatrist's words with a grain of salt. Diagnosing, or suggesting a diagnosis, without "laying hands" on the client is, in many instances, tantamount to malpractice.

Well, there seems to be a lot of evidence about his mental health based on his writings and his interactions with people:

the guy is a forensic psychiatrist who deals with mass killers:

What then leads you to believe Cho had schizophrenia?

How he related to his roommate was just too bizarre to be depression. The bizarre content of his plays ? mashing a half-eaten "banana bar" in someone's mouth, the hypersexual, nihilistic (death obsessed) obsessions in the absence of depressive guilt or tearfulness are another clue. The progressive decline of a period of years. Those with schizophrenia, especially in their earliest years, are not readily recognizable as such ? their condition is evolving. But here was someone who, as early as 2005, was carrying himself so strangely that he was a spectacle. The depressed withdraw and disappear. Those who are so peculiar in their manner so as to be inappropriate (taking cell phone pictures of his teacher, speaking inaudibly, pulling a cap low over his eyes) exhibit signs and symptoms more indicative of schizophrenia. He was communicating in a rambling manner reflective of what we appreciate as autistic thinking ? characteristic of schizophrenia. In a similar vein, Mr. Cho's stilted communication in his homicide note (deceitful charlatans ? not the language of a 23-year-old college kid) is also the manner of a schizophrenic's communications, as is his pronounced delay in responding to questions.

True, the mounting evidence does point to at least some type of long-standing mental illness or psychosis. But again, and regardless of the psychiatrist's amount of experience, diagnosis or suggesting a diagnosis based solely on "chart review" so to speak is irresponsible.

In essence, all I'm truly saying is that if the doctor suggested Cho may have been schizophrenic, yet did not have direct contact with the client, then he needs to limit the scope of his suggestion by stating this information.


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus

Is there a bizarro 91TTZ that exists? He's always been a sh1tty poster. He hates me because i call him out on his idiotic posts just like this one. He sounds like he's a 12 year old with access to the internet - trying to prove how 'hardcore' he is.

I'm not hardcore, I'm just real.

And from reading your posts, you don't just have a problem with me, you seem to have a problem with a few people on here. I like to relax and have a good time, whereas you like to hang out in P&N and argue with people.

You're confrontational.

Yes, i'm confrontational, i'll admit that, but that's with politics and that's because i feel strongly about that. If your theory held out about me, i would get into internet tough guy shouting matches over nothing and threatening to kick their ass or whatever (which unsurprisingly is what you did). You're misinterpreting me everytime i call you a moron - it's not to act tough or it's because of residual anger from my youth, it's because i really really hate insanely stupid people such as yourself... 1000 times more than i do bullies.

Edit: and to top it off, you're the one with anger management issues. Seriously ,get help, threatening people over the internet is a cry for help.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Phokus
People accept bullying in school like it's something you just go through. It shouldn't be that way.

Most people that get continuously bullied bring it on themselves through their own actions. They just don't know it.

The kids that I remember getting bullied were annoying and oafish. Some of these people were so damn pathetic that they'd cause otherwise calm kids to bully them.

My friend got bullied a lot. He'd always end up crying and begging for mercy. It was so damn pathetic yet he couldn't see it. He wouldn't hit anyone back because he though he'd get sent to jail, so people would just keep on picking on him.

Even now he won't hit anyone back.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Queasy
Kids pick on kids. News at 11.

Not to the same degree, and not all kids have mental illnesses.

That's the only difference though. Cho had mental illness issues that were left unaddressed through the years. Other than that the way he was bullied was nothing out of the ordinary. I've seen and was the blunt of such bullying myself. Neither I or any of the kids I know that got bullied went on murderous rampages.

It looks like neither the bullying or the mental illness was addressed... actually his parents did request for him to be sent to a mental hospital because they were afraid he was suicidal though. People accept bullying in school like it's something you just go through. It shouldn't be that way.

I agree. But its also something kids have to deal with while growing up because they aren't going to get bullied by other kids just in school.
Mar 15, 2003
I was bullied like crazy. It inspired me to do better, be cooler, and be a better person at the end of the day, never doing that to anyone else and doing the opposite. I've befriended many "losers" who were bullied and some of them are still dear friends.

Mental health issue, yes. Bullying issue? Well, it's all about how you express your outrage. Some people are inspired some people are total nut jobs and take it out on 33 innocent, seemingly lovely people. This is a tragedy, don't try to justify with a simple logic. No one deserved this, other than the self inflect bullet to the shooter's head.


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus

I didn't get my ass kicked repeatedly, dumbass, the one fight i got into, i gave the kid a black eye and he never even scratched me.

Sure, right.

I bet if I keep arguing with you, this "fight" that you were in will morph into a glorious one-sided battle where you took on 75 people like a ninja and sent them all packing.

Lol, you think i care about how tough i look on the internet? That's not my problem, that's your problem. Just look at yourself, you want to be all cool and act tough by blaming your friend for getting beat up... and then you lust to beat me up. The only person with any sort of problem is yourself. If i were a moron with issues like you, i'd be bragging about how i can deadlift 550 pounds and how you can come over my house so we can 'throw down', but i'm not a moronic internet tough guy like you are. Seriously, you look like a freaking 12 year old with self esteem issues.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus
People accept bullying in school like it's something you just go through. It shouldn't be that way.

Most people that get continuously bullied bring it on themselves through their own actions. They just don't know it.

The kids that I remember getting bullied were annoying and oafish. Some of these people were so damn pathetic that they'd cause otherwise calm kids to bully them.

My friend got bullied a lot. He'd always end up crying and begging for mercy. It was so damn pathetic yet he couldn't see it. He wouldn't hit anyone back because he though he'd get sent to jail, so people would just keep on picking on him.

Even now he won't hit anyone back.

Isn't that the viewpoint of the bully speaking? One is so annoying that he's just asking to be bullied?
Mar 15, 2003
Also, kids who were bullied tend to make great CEOs. I have no data to back this up but I don't see Bill Gates being the cool kid on the playground



Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus
People accept bullying in school like it's something you just go through. It shouldn't be that way.

Most people that get continuously bullied bring it on themselves through their own actions. They just don't know it.

The kids that I remember getting bullied were annoying and oafish. Some of these people were so damn pathetic that they'd cause otherwise calm kids to bully them.

My friend got bullied a lot. He'd always end up crying and begging for mercy. It was so damn pathetic yet he couldn't see it. He wouldn't hit anyone back because he though he'd get sent to jail, so people would just keep on picking on him.

Even now he won't hit anyone back.

And you're blaming your friend for that? That's more idiotic than saying a rape victim got raped because she dressed sexy and deserved it. The altercations i got into, i fought back, but that was because i was extremely angry at the time. Not everyone is a 'macho gangsta' willing to fight back. :disgust:

I'm going to end here with you because i know this is going go on ad infinitum for pages on end. :disgust:


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: Whisper
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Whisper
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: jupiter57
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: TehMac
Being bullied is no excuse for shooting. I've been bullied a ton, "its all light hearted fun" they said, but its grating. It is not enough to shoot innocents.

Nobody said it was, but this kid had serious mental health issues and it's not being addressed in schools. Teachers and administrators turn a blind eye.

PSA: Being spoiled and having a lack of discipline ARE NOT mental health issues.

ABC did an interview with a professional psychiatrist and he said cho was most likely schizophrenic

Did the psychiatrist actually have direct contact with Cho at any point before making this judgment?

Not that I doubt Cho may have been schizophrenic, but if there was no contact, then take the psychiatrist's words with a grain of salt. Diagnosing, or suggesting a diagnosis, without "laying hands" on the client is, in many instances, tantamount to malpractice.

Well, there seems to be a lot of evidence about his mental health based on his writings and his interactions with people:

the guy is a forensic psychiatrist who deals with mass killers:

What then leads you to believe Cho had schizophrenia?

How he related to his roommate was just too bizarre to be depression. The bizarre content of his plays ? mashing a half-eaten "banana bar" in someone's mouth, the hypersexual, nihilistic (death obsessed) obsessions in the absence of depressive guilt or tearfulness are another clue. The progressive decline of a period of years. Those with schizophrenia, especially in their earliest years, are not readily recognizable as such ? their condition is evolving. But here was someone who, as early as 2005, was carrying himself so strangely that he was a spectacle. The depressed withdraw and disappear. Those who are so peculiar in their manner so as to be inappropriate (taking cell phone pictures of his teacher, speaking inaudibly, pulling a cap low over his eyes) exhibit signs and symptoms more indicative of schizophrenia. He was communicating in a rambling manner reflective of what we appreciate as autistic thinking ? characteristic of schizophrenia. In a similar vein, Mr. Cho's stilted communication in his homicide note (deceitful charlatans ? not the language of a 23-year-old college kid) is also the manner of a schizophrenic's communications, as is his pronounced delay in responding to questions.

True, the mounting evidence does point to at least some type of long-standing mental illness or psychosis. But again, and regardless of the psychiatrist's amount of experience, diagnosis or suggesting a diagnosis based solely on "chart review" so to speak is irresponsible.

In essence, all I'm truly saying is that if the doctor suggested Cho may have been schizophrenic, yet did not have direct contact with the client, then he needs to limit the scope of his suggestion by stating this information.

I think we can say with near 100% certainty that he had some mental illness. Reading how he behaved was just beyond abnormal, even for your typical depressed youth.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: freedomsbeat212
Also, kids who were bullied tend to make great CEOs. I have no data to back this up but I don't see Bill Gates being the cool kid on the playground

Bill Gates gets bullied by Steve Jobs.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus
I was picked on and felt out of place at times in high school and now that i think of it, i wasn't picked on THAT badly but feelings of anger and loneliness was probably disproportionate to the bullying i was receiving.

I can tell by your demeanor on the forum.

You're still retarded.

I don't think that you see the underlying issue here.

People that were picked on constantly as a kid usually get picked on because of their actions/behavior. It's not just a random occurrence. Of course, they'll never see it... they can't see it. If they could see it, they'd behave in a manner that would prevent the bullying.

I can tell that you were bullied... your personality exudes it. In fact, that same personality is probably what caused you to get bullied in the first place. I've never seen you, I've only dealt with you on a forum. But your attitude seems so poor and cowardly that I can honestly say that I'd get satisfaction by roughing you up a bit. And if I did, you should know that I'm not the only one that's felt that way about you, and there's a reason for it.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
With all the bullying on ATOT, I'm surprised it doesn't spawn a killer every week.

I bet it results in alot of innocent keyboards being beat up.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus

Is there a bizarro 91TTZ that exists? He's always been a sh1tty poster. He hates me because i call him out on his idiotic posts just like this one. He sounds like he's a 12 year old with access to the internet - trying to prove how 'hardcore' he is.

I'm not hardcore, I'm just real.

And from reading your posts, you don't just have a problem with me, you seem to have a problem with a few people on here. I like to relax and have a good time, whereas you like to hang out in P&N and argue with people.

You're confrontational.

Yes, i'm confrontational, i'll admit that, but that's with politics and that's because i feel strongly about that. If your theory held out about me, i would get into internet tough guy shouting matches over nothing and threatening to kick their ass or whatever (which unsurprisingly is what you did). You're misinterpreting me everytime i call you a moron - it's not to act tough or it's because of residual anger from my youth, it's because i really really hate insanely stupid people such as yourself... 1000 times more than i do bullies.

Edit: and to top it off, you're the one with anger management issues. Seriously ,get help, threatening people over the internet is a cry for help.

I don't like to be confrontational, which is why I tend to avoid P&N. I don't like arguing with people, I'd rather accumulate friends than enemies.

For you I feel like it's a lost cause, you're always going to hate me so why even try to be nice?

And I'm not threatening you. If you showed up to a meet I was at, I wouldn't be a punk, I'd probably laugh about the fighting on the board.

natto fire

Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2000
Am I the only one tired of these VT threads?

(then don't post in them, read them, etc...)

I haven't. Just thought after (what is this, like the eighth one?) I would throw that out there, and don't want to start a new thread, knowing how that would turn out.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Phokus
People accept bullying in school like it's something you just go through. It shouldn't be that way.

Most people that get continuously bullied bring it on themselves through their own actions. They just don't know it.

The kids that I remember getting bullied were annoying and oafish. Some of these people were so damn pathetic that they'd cause otherwise calm kids to bully them.

My friend got bullied a lot. He'd always end up crying and begging for mercy. It was so damn pathetic yet he couldn't see it. He wouldn't hit anyone back because he though he'd get sent to jail, so people would just keep on picking on him.

Even now he won't hit anyone back.
I really don't have words for this. The idea that it's okay to assault people as you see fit is barbaric, insulting, and ludicrous. How you can live your life that way and not feel your soul rot I can never possibly hope to understand.

You used to be one of the better members of these forums. What happened?


Apr 20, 2003
Everyone has been bullied or made fun of some time in their life. Who ****** cares?
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