X3350 / Q9450 Overclocking Thread


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
I will have mine tomorrow ! I have the motherboard prepped. The problem is, that even with a P35-DS4, active cooling on the NB, PC-8500 memory, max voltages on FSB and GMH, I can only boot to windows @ 513 fsb, but it locks up running orthos until I take it down to 501. So that means my best OC will be 4008, unless I get another motherboard or memory. Its running useing a E6300 that runs all day@3430 490*7, and right now its running 501 * 6, so its not a CPU limitation. I suspected this would be a problem, hence not wanting the 9300 or the 7.5 multi. So below is my start of my OC

X3350 @ 3576 447 * 8 currently. 1.300 vcore
P35-DS4 motherboard
Gskill PC-8500 2 x 2 gig memory (2.1 vdimm)
Cooling XP90 with 1500 rpm 92 mm fan.

Here it is !


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Markfw900
I will have mine tomorrow ! I have the motherboard prepped. The problem is, that even with a P35-DS4, active cooling on the NB, PC-8500 memory, max voltages on FSB and GMH, I can only boot to windows @ 513 fsb, but it locks up running orthos until I take it down to 501. So that means my best OC will be 4008, unless I get another motherboard or memory. Its running useing a E6300 that runs all day@3430 490*7, and right now its running 501 * 6, so its not a CPU limitation. I suspected this would be a problem, hence not wanting the 9300 or the 7.5 multi. So below is my start of my OC

X3350 @ 4008 8 * 501 (hoping)
P35-DS4 motherboard
Gskill PC-8500 2 x 2 gig memory (2.1 vdimm)
Cooling XP90 with 1500 rpm 92 mm fan.

Edit: Cooling

Mark can you post a picture of the setup?

Im guessing another thing might be overheating mosfets due to the time duraiton.

How about slapping some enzo ramsinks on the bare mosfets.


Senior member
Sep 8, 2001
i wish you good luck (sincerely) and anxiously await your results given my ds4 wouldn't even boot a q9450 processor..and i have yet to see anyone get over 478 on fsb at 8x


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Here is the setup
Its on a table, since I want to wait until I get the cpu to mount the board. The mosfets all have heatsinks on this DS4, right ? (looks like it) and the XP90 is blowing down over the NB, and the other 120 was since the SB was hot, and also to help cool the memory at that angle. 501 MHZ has gone 31 minutes so far, so this may be my limit.

All suggestions are welcomed. This new high FSB is like I was dealing with to run my E6300's@3.5 ghz (500) so I am not new to the concept. And as aigo said, my chip could have an FSB wall, the X3350 may not. But at leat I should get 4 ghz assuming that XP90 can keep the X3350 under 70c. The E6300 is at 65c now, but I may have too much vcore. 1.41 under load, 1.425 bios, not needed probably @ 3 ghz.

@tenax, if it won't boot, I will be pissed. It says on their page it will boot an X3110 and the Q9450 with BIOS F11, so why not an X3350 !

And here is the desktop test in progress.

And another view zoomed out of the setup.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005

A few things which i think might be possible.

1. overheating mosfets. maybe the contact isnt that great under your sink. I know you definitely dont have a cooling problem

2. Psu problems or power problems. 15min on load, and then fail could mean your cpu isnt getting the proper voltage, or if your testing it via blend, the first 15min could be large FFTs and when it hits the smallffts it could fail meaning voltage issue?

3. Fsb Wall, because i know that ds4 can probably do 533fsb.

4. Man if your having this much problems with a dual core, the quadcore is going to stress you out. My E8400 b4 it died was doing 533fsb without any problems to keep up with my Tracers.


Senior member
Sep 8, 2001

-comparing a qx9770 to a q9450 or xeon variant of it is not a fair competition. the qx9770 is likely a higher binned part in the first place.

-comparing getting 500 on a dualie part to getting 500 on a quad is simply apples to oranges. known fact that quad puts a lot more stress on the northbridge then duals. theirs tons of 8400 dualies getting 500 fsb..again, show reports of a lower level quad penryn getting 500..i'm not saying it won't happen..it just isn't going to be nearly as common as the dualies getting 500 plus. it's just fact about the stress. also, i take screenshots with a grain of salt until i know what their setup is to support it. if a guys doing phase cooling and his chip is at -50 degrees, can't compare to the average guys expectation

-mark, in regards to what gigabyte's site says? it's the same as any of these sites..they all claim penryn quad compatibility, but that's just a board spec that you can pretty much copy word from word from intel's information..it means nothing to me unless it shows up on a cpu support list like they do for abit. even those can be wrong at times.

i don't want to alarm you mark..just warning you so you don't waste time chasing shadows if the ds4 won't boot. i swapped out to an abit ip35pro board and that wouldn't boot either, but at least there was a newer beta bios for the abit that did boot and run fine. no such luck with my ds4 (which i tried all penryn speced bioses for the board). no dice, and the ds4 is sitting in my storage drawer. i might just do a burnout on it with my truck once it's moving for the summer


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
And BTW, I know I can't compare E6300 @ 500 FSB to X3350 @ 500 FSB, just want to see what limits are out there NOW. I may try PSU (its only a fortron 450, but it has powered a Q6600@3.2 for weeks.)

Tomorrow is a bigger story.


Senior member
Sep 8, 2001
gotcha and i do look forward to seeing what you can do! to add insult to injury, after i got my quad, i bought some 8500 g.skill (great memory..will do 500 at tighter timings then spec-4-4-4-10) and upgraded my 500 watt seasonic ps to a 800 watt quality ps to make sure those were not limiting my overclock..8 x 450 or 7.5 x 478 are my best..bugs me when i see guys with the same board running 8400s at 8.5 x 510 and such but hey..i just remind myself my expectation was 3400 stable and anything else was a bonus


Senior member
Oct 2, 2007
Yes, I myself would opt for the 8x. I like 4ghz vs 3.75ghz. We may get more out of these boards as the either change the bios, or inform us of what we need to raise in these boards to hit higher speeds. You can hit 550fsb with duals so I'm hoping for higher quad than 500. We should see a lot of activity shortly though as tons of people like you are fighting to get these, more buyers shortly when Intel truly releases the hounds so to speak. Lets face it quad isn't $1200 any more

I'll wait a while to let this get resolved. Besides, I just bought 2 X3110's for me and my dad. He'd think I was off my rocker if I told him we needed to switch to quad next week...ROFL. But my 24/7 dream would probably stop at 3.6ghz anyway until I thought it was slow. I might bench at 4ghz, but I'd really back down to 3.6 (even on my X3110's I plan to do this, though I'll up it when I think it's slow).


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Originally posted by: tenax

-comparing a qx9770 to a q9450 or xeon variant of it is not a fair competition. the qx9770 is likely a higher binned part in the first place.

-comparing getting 500 on a dualie part to getting 500 on a quad is simply apples to oranges. known fact that quad puts a lot more stress on the northbridge then duals. theirs tons of 8400 dualies getting 500 fsb..again, show reports of a lower level quad penryn getting 500..i'm not saying it won't happen..it just isn't going to be nearly as common as the dualies getting 500 plus. it's just fact about the stress. also, i take screenshots with a grain of salt until i know what their setup is to support it. if a guys doing phase cooling and his chip is at -50 degrees, can't compare to the average guys expectation

-mark, in regards to what gigabyte's site says? it's the same as any of these sites..they all claim penryn quad compatibility, but that's just a board spec that you can pretty much copy word from word from intel's information..it means nothing to me unless it shows up on a cpu support list like they do for abit. even those can be wrong at times.

i don't want to alarm you mark..just warning you so you don't waste time chasing shadows if the ds4 won't boot. i swapped out to an abit ip35pro board and that wouldn't boot either, but at least there was a newer beta bios for the abit that did boot and run fine. no such luck with my ds4 (which i tried all penryn speced bioses for the board). no dice, and the ds4 is sitting in my storage drawer. i might just do a burnout on it with my truck once it's moving for the summer

First statement is false. QX's are just unlocked processors. There is no such thing is higher binning. Ive seen my fair share of bad QX's to know this. But you are correct tho, you cant compare the two and i wasnt. We are looking at board problems.

If i wanted to show off my uber low voltage on my processor i would of But yes you cant mix the two in comparison.

Tenax i think i have more then enough on the setup side.

Anyhow, mark try to reapply TIM on the mosfet. Im still leaning to bad PSU or bad mosfet contact right now. But later on that would mean bad board.

Mark what happened to you getting the DFI?


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Aigo, the DFI has to wait a little, my son needed $300, so maybe next month. I updated the BIOS to F12, and tried upping the speed back to 505. Its been 30 minutes. If it goes an hour, I will try 508, 510, 513 again. And maybe try the OCZ 600 watt stealth.

@tenax, I am not into high end like aigo, I like the more "common man" approach, but I do buy decent hardware (not bottom of the line)


Senior member
Sep 8, 2001
Originally posted by: aigomorla
Originally posted by: tenax

-Tenax i think i have more then enough on the setup side.

i know you do, aigomoria..(i've read a lot of your threads..props to you) my point there is that reviews that don't state the equipment specs for testing should be read with a grain of salt..i've read a zillion overclocking threads and reviews with excitement, only to find out superhuman methods (1.65 volts on a penryn quad for exactly, recently..on air cooling) or superhuman equipment (-80C anyone) are being employed..that doesn't do me..or the average guy, any good

my points quite often on these things are for newbs who might be looking for info, way more than the people like mark, yourself etc. so, please, no insult intended or "talking down" to you


Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Markfw900
And BTW, I know I can't compare E6300 @ 500 FSB to X3350 @ 500 FSB, just want to see what limits are out there NOW. I may try PSU (its only a fortron 450, but it has powered a Q6600@3.2 for weeks.)

Tomorrow is a bigger story.

Yeah, I think your good to go. It maybe the E6300 thats hitting the wall and not your mobo or ram, but youv'e proven that the mobo and ram are good up to 500mhz and I agree with the speculation that the quad will probably hit an FSB wall before then.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Originally posted by: tenax
Originally posted by: aigomorla
Originally posted by: tenax

-Tenax i think i have more then enough on the setup side.

i know you do, aigomoria..(i've read a lot of your threads..props to you) my point there is that reviews that don't state the equipment specs for testing should be read with a grain of salt..i've read a zillion overclocking threads and reviews with excitement, only to find out superhuman methods (1.65 volts on a penryn quad for exactly, recently..on air cooling) or superhuman equipment (-80C anyone) are being employed..that doesn't do me..or the average guy, any good

my points quite often on these things are for newbs who might be looking for info, way more than the people like mark, yourself etc. so, please, no insult intended or "talking down" to you

Ahhh i see...

Okey i understand your point, and i agree with ya.

But mark is falling under the high extreme so i figured i could help push him in the right direction.

And also your absolutly correct. Never take reviews or posts without evidence. Im a strong advocate of stressing hardware to show overclock.

Problem is mark cant get past the stress part.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
I'm not stressed. one beer down, and many to go !

3 minutes so far at 508 (the new F12 bios).

And I WILL be getting that DFI board in the next 6 months, and this will go on it !


Senior member
Oct 2, 2007
Originally posted by: Markfw900
I'm not stressed. one beer down, and many to go !

3 minutes so far at 508 (the new F12 bios).

And I WILL be getting that DFI board in the next 6 months, and this will go on it !

Evidence that a bios does some good I'm wondering if a 1% regulated PC power and cooling could make these better? Too bad I hadn't bought my dad or I a quad just to see if dead on voltages change the mix a bit. He has a PC Power 510 (1%). I wish they'd make a silencer with that, I'd buy one of their 750's then (maybe 610's). Yeah I like PSU overkill..



CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Originally posted by: TheJian
Originally posted by: Markfw900
I'm not stressed. one beer down, and many to go !

3 minutes so far at 508 (the new F12 bios).

And I WILL be getting that DFI board in the next 6 months, and this will go on it !

Evidence that a bios does some good I'm wondering if a 1% regulated PC power and cooling could make these better? Too bad I hadn't bought my dad or I a quad just to see if dead on voltages change the mix a bit. He has a PC Power 510 (1%). I wish they'd make a silencer with that, I'd buy one of their 750's then (maybe 610's). Yeah I like PSU overkill..

Im with ya on the monster psu's. The weakest one i have was a neo550, after that its a pcnp silencer750. B4 they got bought out by ocz.


May 22, 2007
Originally posted by: GuitarDaddy
Originally posted by: Markfw900
And BTW, I know I can't compare E6300 @ 500 FSB to X3350 @ 500 FSB, just want to see what limits are out there NOW. I may try PSU (its only a fortron 450, but it has powered a Q6600@3.2 for weeks.)

Tomorrow is a bigger story.

Yeah, I think your good to go. It maybe the E6300 thats hitting the wall and not your mobo or ram, but youv'e proven that the mobo and ram are good up to 500mhz and I agree with the speculation that the quad will probably hit an FSB wall before then.

hey, I ordered an X3350 from moogr.com based on your recommendation. have you done business with them before? I'm at 48 hrs and counting with no response from them and no charges to my credit card :frown:



Oct 24, 2007
I got mine from Lagoom.com. Arrived today, purchased it last Friday. Waiting for my tuniq, P7n diamond and Patriot Viper ddr2-8500 to arrive. I don't think I can reach over 3.5 ghz on the x3350. The 780i are horrible OCers =/.


Senior member
Dec 20, 2003
I'm looking forward to the fun I'm going to have this weekend. I have an X3350 sitting on the desk next to me, and I'll be receiving a Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R tomorrow from Newegg (along with a few other goodies).

Target is 3.6GHz. But I'll be happy with 3.2. I hope my Antec truepower 550 is up to the job (there's a 3870X2 graphics card going in there too...).


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
After finding that 506 FSB appears stable, I went one more... I loosened the timings to 6-6-6-18 and upped the vdimm to 2.2, and now 510 seems to be working, so I think its my memory is holding me back (should work to 533 at rated speed, but appears to not do that)

Edit: Nope, 510 locks up, but 4-4-4-12@506 still works... Looks like 506 is the motherboard...And the memory is fine...

Stay tuned....

Fedex says n truck for delivery....


Senior member
Jun 18, 2004
ArizonaSteve, keep us posted on how that GA board treats you. I'll be looking to overclock a 9450 on one of those shortly too. MB and memory are here, but it'll be a few weeks before the new CPU arrives. Getting it for cheap $, but 4-6 week wait...

In the meantime I'll be building the system up with a second-hand E2160 just to get used to the settings and see how it all plays together, before the real CPU is in hand... Picked up 2 sticks of G.Skill 8500 cl5 memory to make sure that would never hold me back on FSB speed... Looking forward to the process..

The last new system I picked up and played with was an old x2 3800... So, it's been a while.

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