Xbitlabs review

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Jun 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Then I apologize to josh. I am sorry, I was mistaken. Thats very close to what you said, feel free to find the post and correct me.

"if you post the same thing over and over in every single thread, then you're a fanboy"

not very close

Guess I get you all mixed up...



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: schneiderguy

"if you post the same thing over and over in every single thread, then you're a fanboy"

Thats makes no sense. Must be written by a fanboy. (Easy guess to make, as most things here are written by fanboys)



Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Ackmed

First off, hes wrong about what they said about AA.
---->"Nvidia?s SLI AA 8x is not as good as the 8xs, which is basically the best now."

hmm....8xs is the best.....and yet ATI does not support it.....I guess they did say NVIDIA had better AA.

They also said....

---->"ATI Radeon X1950 XTX theoretically can enable FSAA with FP16 HDR, which is an advantage, however, it does not have the feature supported flawlessly at the moment and it may not provide sufficient performance;"

hmmm. it's slow....that's like the opposite of what you have been saying.
Secondly, he continues to troll claiming I have some ATi bias filter on.
What you call trolling, others call "stating the obvious".

Later he quoted me again, and changes what I saw, to fit his agenda.
Yes, my horrible agenda is to use sarcasm to take over the world.

You're claiming you're not pals? Exchanging pm's, always going against me, agreeing with each other, and virtual high fiving each other? Please.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. To be fair, Josh and I have had many a disagreement. It's just that you went so far off the deep end that people from both sides of the fence can't stand you.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
...Farcry isnt a twitch shooter, its not. There is a LOT of sneaking around, and little running and gunning.
I refuted your claim that Farcry was a running and gunning game. Its not.
I didn't say that it was a "running and gunning" game, you did. All I claimed was that getting the first shot on someone was all about the twitch.

Even if God came down and said, "Far Cry is a slow-paced" game how would that help the fact that it takes an X19k CF setup before it can become playable? Seems like that would indicate a large performance hit to me if only two of the highest end ATI GPU's can utilize that feature.
Handles 8xAA just fine? Not according to all reviews. There is not one review saying it is.
Thats because most reviews suck as far as content goes. Who has 8xAA in reivews? Next to nobody. They are short changing their readers by not having all of these options in reviews. TRAA, AAA, HDR+AA, HQ AF, 8xAA, etc. all need to be in reviews. Too many at 4xAA/16xAF, with a few resolutions, and thats it.
...thanks for answering your own question.
You claimed they said it was not very useful. They made no such claim, and I refuted your comment with what they really said.
Here's what they said:
Originally posted by: Xbit
Yet another reason for not supporting FSAA with FP16 HDR is that even now, two years after the GeForce 6 entered the scene with FP16 HDR support, there are virtually two famous games that take advantage of it: Far Cry as well as Elder Scrolls: Oblivion . Obviously, at some point in future, when more games adopt FP16 HDR, support for FSAA along with it will be compulsory, but now the technology can be enjoyed in very few games.
Originally posted by: Xbit
Unfortunately, we could not obtain the benchmark numbers for you to see, as performance of Oblivion with HDR+AA varies substantially, which does not allow us to present validated benchmark result...
Originally posted by: Xbit
ATI Radeon X1950 XTX theoretically can enable FSAA with FP16 HDR, which is an advantage, however, it does not have the feature supported flawlessly at the moment and it may not provide sufficient performance.
Seems like they're saying it isn't very usefult to me discussing how only two popular games use it and:
...gamers should really think twice before considering this feature seriously.
You're claiming you're not pals? Exchanging pm's, always going against me, agreeing with each other, and virtual high fiving each other? Please.
redbox and you have exchanged PM's, does that mean you two are pals? Gstanfor and I have had PM's and I know most wouldn't consider us "pals".

I guess you and Wreckage are pals since you two have agreed before. (Although very rarely)
Flawlessly? I guess you mean capable, not playable. In that regard, I agree.
No, I meant flawless. Where in my post did you see "capable"? Read more dilegently and these confusions won't happen to you as much.

Just because you couldn't get your SLI system working right doesn't mean that everyone else's SLI setups are inept. You did something wrong, because I, and others, can get playable frames with any thing greater than a 7800 GT in SLI with 8xAA for a wider variety of games than an X19k CF setup can with HDR+AA in only a handful of ones.
I dont like tearing either. I use TB all the time.
If the average is 40fps, you will hit lower, much lower...In multiplayer, fps is king.
You're telling me that your single X1900XT at 19x12 in BF2 multiplayer has a ~10 frame threshold? :roll:

If you're capped at 60 with vsync + triple buffering then your frames can only drop from 60 to 50ish in order to stay away from the "slideshow" 40's.
How it is immature? "The Hoff" is the butt of many jokes right now, I just added one more because of your typo.
mmmkay. You can think it's funny if you want. I just think it's amusing that you're the one thinking of the male life guard.
Its funny how you said wreckages was ok, yet mine is not.
His required thought and creativity, not some "sound" (if you read out loud to yourself) that triggered the thought of a male life guard.
They got it to work, just that it varied too much.
Meaning that it varied too much and got too low. Why on earth would they care if the variety in frames was from 100 to 60? They wouldn't. You said yourself it seems weird. The only reason why they didn't post the various frames is because they must have gotten extremely low compared to the high ones (and we all know that Oblivion doesn't get that high of frames)
You claimed that was a negative, and its not.

Right, saying things like, "performance of Oblivion with HDR+AA varies substantially" and "even now, two years after the GeForce 6 entered the scene with FP16 HDR support, there are virtually two famous games that take advantage of it" and "gamers should really think twice before considering this feature seriously." are all positive things...oh...wait...neutral...:roll:
Its pretty obvious. You dont like me, and have a vendetta against me. You name call, and insult me all the time. Hence your agenda.
And this answered my question of, "What is my agenda" how? You answered with verbs, discussing how I "name call" and "insult" instead of telling me what you think my "agenda" is. This is why I say you have a reading comprehension problem.
Funny thing is, "he" has pm'd me three more times since hes gotten banned.
And where in those 3 recent PM's are insults? ***shh...here's a hint, there aren't any***

To my knowledge they were politely asking you to point out where his PM'ed insults were as well as inquired what kind of benches you would like to have him run with his new X1950XTX. Are you going to say I'm incorrect again?
Wonder how that happened.
Simple, he hit the "Send Private Message" button.
In fact, I wonder if it was really him. Perhaps one of this pals used his account.
If you're implying I got on his account, you couldn't be more wrong. We are brothers, have said so in other threads. I didn't need to sign in as him (couldn't even if I wanted to) since he can easily just tell me. This is why it was so amusing to here you say, "You think you know but you're not even close" when infact I knew all along that you were lying.
He was banned for his own wrong doing, its time for you to get over that fact.
I know this breaks your heart, but he wasn't "banned" but vacationed and that's a "fact"

I'm over the fact that his post was out of line to display on an open thread and am fine for the mods moderating that. You just keep dodging the issue and fading to black about him insulting you via PM's because he didn't insult you via PM's. You lied, and got caught. Get over it and stop playing dumb about it and trying to uphold the "I'm above that kind of behavior" attitude.
So now you have the power to call my opinions inaccurate? Sorry, you dont.
Whatever that means...
I was talking about wreckage. He is always talking the talk, yet he cant walk the walk. Standing on the sidelines with a card that cant do todays features.
So you do what that Rollo guy did and insult people for not having your hardware? Even if he had Quad-SLI and a 3007FPW you would still insult him because it would be Nvidia and wouldn't be able to do HDR+AA.
Yet wants to tell me I am wrong, when I have tried both, and he hasnt.
Forget about Wreckage, I've had both and am telling you you're wrong.
This is the last quote tree I am doing.
Good because it hardly resembles a tree. I swear almost 32 years old with roughly 3500 posts under your belt and you still can't grasp the simple mechanics of Anandtech's quoting methods...
In fact, Im done with this post.
Really? Is that why I can see schneiderguy's post? Because yours is ending? Thanks for pointing that out for us.
You have your opinions, and I have mine.
And don't forget that I don't "have the power to call your opinions inaccurate", because that in itself would be my own opinion.
This article is just another that backs up mine.
You have an article? Link?
...8xAA isnt very useful, even with a GX2.
That's why you said this:
I never said settings 8xAA on a GX2 was hard.


Aug 14, 2000
I heard that now using the CCC, you can activate AFR without renaming the application, not sure if this is true.
It is true which is why I stated such.

The main advantage of Crossfire over SLI is that you don't need a profile to take advantage of the performance increase.
I see ATi marketing have done their job well. ATi needs profiles just like nVidia but they don't offer users the ability to add/change them like nVidia does and instead lump them into an encrypted DLL.

You can see that nVidia is no longer updating profiles to the 6800 SLI, that's why you can see it beaten by single cards like the Radeon X1800XL in newer games.
For one I doubt that's the case but if it is then you just add you own SLI profiles. With ATi you have to either wait for a driver update and hope they add your game or pray it's Direct3D and AFR works. If not you're SOL.

So having SLI is not that futureproof after all, once a newer generation of cards debut, your SLI profiles will not be updated after one year of the debult of the new generation. Really sucks.
What the heck are you talking about? If you don't have updated profiles then update them yourself.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Wreckage
Originally posted by: Ackmed

First off, hes wrong about what they said about AA.
---->"Nvidia?s SLI AA 8x is not as good as the 8xs, which is basically the best now."

hmm....8xs is the best.....and yet ATI does not support it.....I guess they did say NVIDIA had better AA.

They also said....

---->"ATI Radeon X1950 XTX theoretically can enable FSAA with FP16 HDR, which is an advantage, however, it does not have the feature supported flawlessly at the moment and it may not provide sufficient performance;"

hmmm. it's slow....that's like the opposite of what you have been saying.
Secondly, he continues to troll claiming I have some ATi bias filter on.
What you call trolling, others call "stating the obvious".

Later he quoted me again, and changes what I saw, to fit his agenda.
Yes, my horrible agenda is to use sarcasm to take over the world.

You're claiming you're not pals? Exchanging pm's, always going against me, agreeing with each other, and virtual high fiving each other? Please.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. To be fair, Josh and I have had many a disagreement. It's just that you went so far off the deep end that people from both sides of the fence can't stand you.

In their AA comparison part of the article, they give 2 points to 1 for ATi. Here they are agains since you want to ignore it;
* Nvidia?s Transparent AA Multi-Sampling hardly does any job at all.
* ATI?s ?Performance? Adaptive AA is clearly better than Nvidia?s Transparent AA multi-sampling, but is obviously not as good as ?Quality? Adaptive AA.
* Nvidia?s Transparent AA Super-Sampling is a little bit more accurate than ATI?s ?Quality? Adaptive AA.

They said it "may not provide sufficient performance". They did not say its slow. FS shows it very playable, and Farcry with HDR+AA too. xbit did not give any numbers, when others have showed it to be very playable before.

Its pretty obvious you're trolling. Quoting and changing someones post to say what you want it to say is trolling. You have "enemies" here? Heh, dont take things so seriously. I was talking more about josh and redbox. I said they were "pals" before, and he acted as if I was wrong. Nice to see I am right about that now too, as they are brothers.

Originally posted by: josh6079
...Farcry isnt a twitch shooter, its not. There is a LOT of sneaking around, and little running and gunning.
I refuted your claim that Farcry was a running and gunning game. Its not.
I didn't say that it was a "running and gunning" game, you did. All I claimed was that getting the first shot on someone was all about the twitch.

Even if God came down and said, "Far Cry is a slow-paced" game how would that help the fact that it takes an X19k CF setup before it can become playable? Seems like that would indicate a large performance hit to me if only two of the highest end ATI GPU's can utilize that feature.
Handles 8xAA just fine? Not according to all reviews. There is not one review saying it is.
Thats because most reviews suck as far as content goes. Who has 8xAA in reivews? Next to nobody. They are short changing their readers by not having all of these options in reviews. TRAA, AAA, HDR+AA, HQ AF, 8xAA, etc. all need to be in reviews. Too many at 4xAA/16xAF, with a few resolutions, and thats it.
...thanks for answering your own question.
You claimed they said it was not very useful. They made no such claim, and I refuted your comment with what they really said.
Here's what they said:
Originally posted by: Xbit
Yet another reason for not supporting FSAA with FP16 HDR is that even now, two years after the GeForce 6 entered the scene with FP16 HDR support, there are virtually two famous games that take advantage of it: Far Cry as well as Elder Scrolls: Oblivion . Obviously, at some point in future, when more games adopt FP16 HDR, support for FSAA along with it will be compulsory, but now the technology can be enjoyed in very few games.
Originally posted by: Xbit
Unfortunately, we could not obtain the benchmark numbers for you to see, as performance of Oblivion with HDR+AA varies substantially, which does not allow us to present validated benchmark result...
Originally posted by: Xbit
ATI Radeon X1950 XTX theoretically can enable FSAA with FP16 HDR, which is an advantage, however, it does not have the feature supported flawlessly at the moment and it may not provide sufficient performance.
Seems like they're saying it isn't very usefult to me discussing how only two popular games use it and:
...gamers should really think twice before considering this feature seriously.
You're claiming you're not pals? Exchanging pm's, always going against me, agreeing with each other, and virtual high fiving each other? Please.
redbox and you have exchanged PM's, does that mean you two are pals? Gstanfor and I have had PM's and I know most wouldn't consider us "pals".

I guess you and Wreckage are pals since you two have agreed before. (Although very rarely)
Flawlessly? I guess you mean capable, not playable. In that regard, I agree.
No, I meant flawless. Where in my post did you see "capable"? Read more dilegently and these confusions won't happen to you as much.

Just because you couldn't get your SLI system working right doesn't mean that everyone else's SLI setups are inept. You did something wrong, because I, and others, can get playable frames with any thing greater than a 7800 GT in SLI with 8xAA for a wider variety of games than an X19k CF setup can with HDR+AA in only a handful of ones.
I dont like tearing either. I use TB all the time.
If the average is 40fps, you will hit lower, much lower...In multiplayer, fps is king.
You're telling me that your single X1900XT at 19x12 in BF2 multiplayer has a ~10 frame threshold? :roll:

If you're capped at 60 with vsync + triple buffering then your frames can only drop from 60 to 50ish in order to stay away from the "slideshow" 40's.
How it is immature? "The Hoff" is the butt of many jokes right now, I just added one more because of your typo.
mmmkay. You can think it's funny if you want. I just think it's amusing that you're the one thinking of the male life guard.
Its funny how you said wreckages was ok, yet mine is not.
His required thought and creativity, not some "sound" (if you read out loud to yourself) that triggered the thought of a male life guard.
They got it to work, just that it varied too much.
Meaning that it varied too much and got too low. Why on earth would they care if the variety in frames was from 100 to 60? They wouldn't. You said yourself it seems weird. The only reason why they didn't post the various frames is because they must have gotten extremely low compared to the high ones (and we all know that Oblivion doesn't get that high of frames)
You claimed that was a negative, and its not.

Right, saying things like, "performance of Oblivion with HDR+AA varies substantially" and "even now, two years after the GeForce 6 entered the scene with FP16 HDR support, there are virtually two famous games that take advantage of it" and "gamers should really think twice before considering this feature seriously." are all positive things...oh...wait...neutral...:roll:
Its pretty obvious. You dont like me, and have a vendetta against me. You name call, and insult me all the time. Hence your agenda.
And this answered my question of, "What is my agenda" how? You answered with verbs, discussing how I "name call" and "insult" instead of telling me what you think my "agenda" is. This is why I say you have a reading comprehension problem.
Funny thing is, "he" has pm'd me three more times since hes gotten banned.
And where in those 3 recent PM's are insults? ***shh...here's a hint, there aren't any***

To my knowledge they were politely asking you to point out where his PM'ed insults were as well as inquired what kind of benches you would like to have him run with his new X1950XTX. Are you going to say I'm incorrect again?
Wonder how that happened.
Simple, he hit the "Send Private Message" button.
In fact, I wonder if it was really him. Perhaps one of this pals used his account.
If you're implying I got on his account, you couldn't be more wrong. We are brothers, have said so in other threads. I didn't need to sign in as him (couldn't even if I wanted to) since he can easily just tell me. This is why it was so amusing to here you say, "You think you know but you're not even close" when infact I knew all along that you were lying.
He was banned for his own wrong doing, its time for you to get over that fact.
I know this breaks your heart, but he wasn't "banned" but vacationed and that's a "fact"

I'm over the fact that his post was out of line to display on an open thread and am fine for the mods moderating that. You just keep dodging the issue and fading to black about him insulting you via PM's because he didn't insult you via PM's. You lied, and got caught. Get over it and stop playing dumb about it and trying to uphold the "I'm above that kind of behavior" attitude.
So now you have the power to call my opinions inaccurate? Sorry, you dont.
Whatever that means...
I was talking about wreckage. He is always talking the talk, yet he cant walk the walk. Standing on the sidelines with a card that cant do todays features.
So you do what that Rollo guy did and insult people for not having your hardware? Even if he had Quad-SLI and a 3007FPW you would still insult him because it would be Nvidia and wouldn't be able to do HDR+AA.
Yet wants to tell me I am wrong, when I have tried both, and he hasnt.
Forget about Wreckage, I've had both and am telling you you're wrong.
This is the last quote tree I am doing.
Good because it hardly resembles a tree. I swear almost 32 years old with roughly 3500 posts under your belt and you still can't grasp the simple mechanics of Anandtech's quoting methods...
In fact, Im done with this post.
Really? Is that why I can see schneiderguy's post? Because yours is ending? Thanks for pointing that out for us.
You have your opinions, and I have mine.
And don't forget that I don't "have the power to call your opinions inaccurate", because that in itself would be my own opinion.
This article is just another that backs up mine.
You have an article? Link?
...8xAA isnt very useful, even with a GX2.
That's why you said this:
I never said settings 8xAA on a GX2 was hard.

Once again, Im done with the quote trees. I find them annoying.

Getting the first shot on someone is not always a twitch. Far from it in fact.

Its is not a fact that it takes a X1950 CF setup to be playable in Farcry with HDR+AA. Proof of playable frames with a single card.

Yes they said that there are only two "famouse" games that support HDR+AA. The fact is, there are several more, and more on the way. Yes they also said that performance varies, thats not a negative thing. As you can see in the link above, its easily benchmarked by others. They said "think twice before considering this feature seriously" due to their claim that enabling the feature is hard to begin with. When you and everyone else disagrees with. And its a moot point now, as its in the driver, no more added chuck patch to deal with.

I am right by calling you pals, you just said that you're brothers. Thanks for saying Im right. He (or someone with his account) did PM me in the last few weeks, since he got banned. I deleted them, as I do everything. Look in his, or whoever sent thems sent folder.

So you're calling sub 30fps "flawless" for 8xAA? I got 8xAA to work just fine, it was just far too slow. Which reviews agree with me on.

I just sold my CF card. And yes I did use TB in BF2 when I had it.

I didnt say he was a male lifeguard. He hasnt done that for years. Hes been on several other tv shows lately. Are you even listening to yourself? Reading it outloud to yourself? Who reads like that, not I. You made a typo that partially had his name in it, I made a joke, and you have been talking about it for several posts now, and insinuating that I have something for male lifeguards. Sorry, with a wife like mine, I have zero interest in that. But you wouldnt know anything about that, would you.

I didnt read the PM's, simply deleted them. First you claimed there wasnt any pm's, now you're saying there was. Nice flip-flop there.

He was banned, fact. A temp ban, is still a ban. He got himself banned, try to get over the fact. It doesnt break my heard that hes coming back, hopefully he has learned his lesson. There are very few instances when I think someone should be perma banned, what he did is not one of them.

It means calling someone opinion "inaccurate" cant be done. You say I cant comprehend?

I didnt insult anyone for not having higher end hardware. Lets try not to make things up. I simply stated that I find it funny someone who doesnt have any of the hardware capable of doing anything new, tried to tell others about it. Claiming one is better, or worse than the other, without first hand knowledge.

I am wrong about what? Show me one reputable review that give the overall IQ edge to NV. You wont find one. Likewise, show me one reivew that gives playable frames with 8xAA for a 7900GTX in Oblivion, Fear, BF2142, or any other newer game. Again, you dont find one. Seems I am right in saying that ATi has better IQ, and 8xAA+ isnt very usable for NV. Like all reviews have said.

I can do them fine, I just dont want to take the time to do so. Simple as that. But hey, good job throwing out yet another insult.

I said Im done with this type of post, not posting all together. Simple to understand. But now that you bring it up, I am done posting in this thread. Its run its course, and the facts are, reviews agree with me that ATi has better IQ, and 8xAA+ isnt very usable for NV.

No, its not.

You need a link to the first page of this topic? Click the "1" and then click the link in the first post... As I said, this review agrees that ATi has better IQ, and 8xAA+ isnt very usable.

I said setting 8xAA isnt hard, its just not very useful with newer games. I made a typo, still easy to see what I ment.

The fact is the article (and others) agree with me that ATi has the better overall IQ, and that NVs 8xAA+ isnt very playable. Im done rehashing it, its not worth my time. Im sure you'll post some long useless post again, I wont be reading it.



Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Ackmed
I'm just going to ignore where they said anything negative about ATI like "HDR+AA is not very playable" and focus on the negative about NVIDIA

There. I have pretty much summed up all your posts in this entire thread. Ignoring where you got upset about Josh, myself and others for using both humor and logic on you, which seem to only upset you.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
Once again, Im done with the quote trees. I find them annoying.
...yet you just did one again...
I was talking more about josh and redbox. I said they were "pals" before, and he acted as if I was wrong. Nice to see I am right about that now too, as they are brothers.
I wasn't acting as if you were wrong, just waiting to see if you had any logical evidence to base that assumption off of. You didn't since you had missed the fact that we were brothers and then tried to act like I didn't know anything despite you being completely clueless.
Getting the first shot on someone is not always a twitch. Far from it in fact.
So Ackmed is the online multiplayer Guru whose definition for twitch shooters is to be unrivaled? Get off your high-horse.
Its is not a fact that it takes a X1950 CF setup to be playable in Farcry with HDR+AA.
And then you provide a link that only went as far as the completely useless 2xAA.
Is that supposed to be an impressive feature?
Yes they said that there are only two "famouse" games that support HDR+AA. The fact is, there are several more, and more on the way.
There different cards on the way as well that rumor to support the feature as well, that doesn't change the fact that you're wrong in assuming that HDR+AA is more useful than 8xAA and that it doesn't give as great of a performance hit.
Yes they also said that performance varies, thats not a negative thing.
Except that they said it varies "substantially" meaning drastically. Again, why would they care if it varied too much in nothing but playable frames? Think about it Ackmed.

I know the benefit of HDR+AA and I overall like the feature. However I also know the playability first hand and consider it to be a borderline one. It's a heavy feature to enable for a game like Oblivion. Then when you enable HDR for Far Cry with the minimum requirement for AA (4x because 2x is pathetic) you basically need CF to get enjoyable/playable frames in it--especially for the multiplayer. The same can go for Oblivion, that's why people who even had better overclocked X1900's than I like Elfear have now gone CrossFire, to really take that feature to a comfortable playability.
As you can see in the link above, its easily benchmarked by others.
I am wrong about what? Show me one reputable review that give the overall IQ edge to NV. You wont find one. Likewise, show me one reivew that gives playable frames with 8xAA for a 7900GTX in Oblivion, Fear, BF2142, or any other newer game. Again, you dont find one.
You've already answered your own frustration with not being able to find reviews:
Thats because most reviews suck as far as content goes. Who has 8xAA in reivews? Next to nobody. They are short changing their readers by not having all of these options in reviews. TRAA, AAA, HDR+AA, HQ AF, 8xAA, etc. all need to be in reviews. Too many at 4xAA/16xAF, with a few resolutions, and thats it.
hence why your pathetic attempt to outline Far Cry with HDR+AA being playable on single X19k cards could only do it at what you consider "sissy" resoluitons with a worthless 2xAA.
They said "think twice before considering this feature seriously" due to their claim that enabling the feature is hard to begin with.
Or that gamers should think twice depedning on what card they have. Even after they got it to work and posted screenshots of it they still thought the performance was awkward enough to not display.
I am right by calling you pals, you just said that you're brothers. Thanks for saying Im right.
Once again, I never said that redbox and I weren't pals, just that your assumptions as to why we were pals were wrong. I asked you how you come to the conclusion that people are "pals" and the reasons you gave were as vague as agreements and PM's, something that can happen between two perfect strangers.
He (or someone with his account) did PM me in the last few weeks, since he got banned. I deleted them, as I do everything.
He didn't delete them and we could put up screenshots detailing those supposed "insults" again.

It's interesting that you said, "When he can discuss things in a mature manner, I'll talk to him" yet upon politely writing you PM's that were more than appropriate you turn a blind eye and delete them. I don't think there is a bigger hypocrite on this site.
So you're calling sub 30fps "flawless" for 8xAA? I got 8xAA to work just fine, it was just far too slow. Which reviews agree with me on.
I never said I got sub 30's. You didn't get 8xAA to work fine because for some reason you didn't the performance others have gotten. Also, how can you say that reviews "suck content wise" and then say that they agree with you.
I just sold my CF card. And yes I did use TB in BF2 when I had it.
So your previous statment of:
I use TB all the time.
was another lie? You must be enjoying those sliced-up graphics when you're playing your favorite multiplayer.
He hasnt done that for years. Hes been on several other tv shows lately.
Okay, okay, Ackmed, you don't need to let me know the man's whole career which you seem to know very well....
Reading it outloud to yourself? Who reads like that, not I.
That's funny, because the post of mine that contained the typo didn't have a sound file attached to it, making it hard for the typo to "sound" like anything. If you heard noise while going over that misspelling , you were probably reading outloud to yourself.
I made a joke, and you have been talking about it for several posts now, and insinuating that I have something for male lifeguards.
You're the one going into details about his career and how you haven't seen him on the beach with his shirt off "for years".
Sorry, with a wife like mine, I have zero interest in that. But you wouldnt know anything about that, would you.
Does she know about your infatuation with "The Hoff"? Don't break her heart champ...
I didnt read the PM's, simply deleted them. First you claimed there wasnt any pm's, now you're saying there was. Nice flip-flop there.
Where in the hell did I say there wasn't any PM's? I said there were no insulting PM's. Yet another example showing your poor reading habits.
It means calling someone opinion "inaccurate" cant be done.
Yes it can, because that in itself would be my opinion.
I didnt insult anyone for not having higher end hardware.
Another lie. In a different thread you were specifically insulting Wreckage for having an "low-end system". Also, you've stated before that otherse with less than a 19x12 resolution are "sissy" ones. It has been clear throughout these forums that you have been pretty egotistic about your hardware.
Claiming one is better, or worse than the other, without first hand knowledge.
Have you used a GX2? You don't have first hand knowledge with any of the 79 series and are making claims based off of what you don't know first hand.
Show me one reputable review that give the overall IQ edge to NV. You wont find one.
You're the one going off on the "better IQ" tangent. I'm concentrating on the fact that you think 8xAA is a more useless feature compared to HDR+AA.
I said Im done with this type of post, not posting all together. Simple to understand.
Likewise, I think it is simple to understand when someone's post is ending. You don't have to let everyone know your done posting because they can see the end of it and the begining of the next persons. You're the only one who has to tell us you're done with a post...thanks for stating the obvious.
I am done posting in this thread. Its run its course, and the facts are, reviews agree with me that ATi has better IQ, and 8xAA+ isnt very usable for NV.
Everytime someone brought up another one of their points you've tried to claim that they didn't matter or slant it to ATI's benefit. They did say that Nvidia's TrAA was better than ATI's, they did say that 8xAA was better than ATI's, and they did say that HDR+AA isn't completely a rock-solid feature yet nor popular. They made those points as well, but you wouldn't want to comment on those. No, they support ATI as well.

Even with the 6.10 drivers I myself am curious if the 6.10's themselves will give the performance of the 6.6's or just add official support for something with the cost of gaming performance.
No, its not.
Yes, me thinking you're wrong is indeed an opinion. Sorry you don't like it.
I said setting 8xAA isnt hard, its just not very useful with newer games.
Likewise HDR+AA isn't very useful with many games new or not since only a handful support it and demand that the user have an X19k CF setup to thoroughly enjoy it.
The fact is the article (and others) agree with me that ATi has the better overall IQ
Once again, I wasn't debating that, but it depends on the person which image looks better. Reviews, and yourself, are not the ones that decide if something is universally better.
Im done rehashing it, its not worth my time.
It sure has seemed like it is. You seem to be very determined to trump a feature that is only really used in a handful of titles over one that can be used in almost any.
Im sure you'll post some long useless post again, I wont be reading it.
Of course you won't be reading it. You turn a blind eye to anything that questions you or your skewed logic.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002


Excuse me??? How does that fence look properly rendered?

In the later pages they say it doesn't look like that in the game...so I ask.. ok so how the hell are you making a comparison of which card looks better if it doesn't look like that in real life?


I'm glad to see my "older" gx2 pulls "equal" image quality and faster framerates on every setting I actually use: ie.. 1600x1200 4xAA, 16xAF for HL2, 16x12 noAA (hdr instead), 16xAF for Oblivion etc.

Glad to see competition so strong but despite the fact the ATI does better in certain areas the nVidia does better in all the areas that count *for me*.

Good job ATI & nVidia ... and nice to see NVDA stock getting back up to the point where it last split. !$!$!$!
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