Xbox 360 available Friday at CC?

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Senior member
Jun 1, 2000
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: agrall
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Let me guess, you're about 17 y/o? I suggest you take some economics courses in the near future so you can learn about supply and demand. Good luck, kid.

Nice try. Hey, you can't win an argument so you have to try to belittle your opponent. :laugh:

I understand supply and demand just fine. But just because you CAN do something doesn't make it RIGHT.

And it has nothing to do with jealousy. I'll get my XBox 360 when I get it. No big deal. It is just distasteful to see people taking advantage of other people in this way.

I keep saying... As long as you are comfortable being the kind of pathetic person who does this kind of stuff... Great. Be happy with yourself. It doesn't make it any less reprehensible.

BTW... If you want to compare educations - Please don't. You'll lose out on that one, I'd gamble. At least the Ph.D. after my name would suggest such...

I was guessing your age based on your response. Besides, is calling someone pathetic makes you a better person? :roll:

You're yet to provide any valid reason why supply and demand econimics are WRONG.

OK. You're not a pathetic person... What you're advocating doing is pathetic. Is that better?

So, just because someone doesn't agree with someone hording items to sell at a higher cost - That means he/she must be young? Nice reasoning... What class did they teach that deductive reasoning in?

I never said "supply and demand" is wrong. As I said above, I understand the concept just fine. It just doesn't make it MORALLY RIGHT to take advantage of a situation like that.

It's like camping overnight to be the first in line for an "in-demand" item, and then buying them ALL for the retail cost. Turn around to the other people who are waiting in astonishment, and offer it to them for double the cost. If you don't see anything morally wrong with that, then you probably will never understand my point.


Senior member
Jun 1, 2000
Originally posted by: royaldank
Originally posted by: agrall
And it has nothing to do with jealousy. I'll get my XBox 360 when I get it. No big deal. It is just distasteful to see people taking advantage of other people in this way.

Taking advantage of someone that can't wait a month or two for a luxury item? Oh my, think of all the poor kids that can't afford it. How can MS take advantage of those people like that?

You buy 10 X-Box 360's. 9 other poeple are "cheated" out of paying retail for the item.

Ok... You're right. That's not taking advantage of anyone...


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: agrall
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: agrall
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Let me guess, you're about 17 y/o? I suggest you take some economics courses in the near future so you can learn about supply and demand. Good luck, kid.

Nice try. Hey, you can't win an argument so you have to try to belittle your opponent. :laugh:

I understand supply and demand just fine. But just because you CAN do something doesn't make it RIGHT.

And it has nothing to do with jealousy. I'll get my XBox 360 when I get it. No big deal. It is just distasteful to see people taking advantage of other people in this way.

I keep saying... As long as you are comfortable being the kind of pathetic person who does this kind of stuff... Great. Be happy with yourself. It doesn't make it any less reprehensible.

BTW... If you want to compare educations - Please don't. You'll lose out on that one, I'd gamble. At least the Ph.D. after my name would suggest such...

I was guessing your age based on your response. Besides, is calling someone pathetic makes you a better person? :roll:

You're yet to provide any valid reason why supply and demand econimics are WRONG.

OK. You're not a pathetic person... What you're advocating doing is pathetic. Is that better?

So, just because someone doesn't agree with someone hording items to sell at a higher cost - That means he/she must be young? Nice reasoning... What class did they teach that deductive reasoning in?

I never said "supply and demand" is wrong. As I said above, I understand the concept just fine. It just doesn't make it MORALLY RIGHT to take advantage of a situation like that.

It's like camping overnight to be the first in line for an "in-demand" item, and then buying them ALL for the retail cost. Turn around to the other people who are waiting in astonishment, and offer it to them for double the cost. If you don't see anything morally wrong with that, then you probably will never understand my point.

You're forgetting on crucial detail, people are WILLING to pay. Noone is holding a gun to their head.


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
To say that it isn't ok to gouge on gas prices, but is ok on other items is rediculous. Hate to be the first to put it out to you, but gasoline is a LUXURY item. Many people in this world make it fine walking/riding a bike.

Supply and Demand isn't wrong, it is what makes America great, being able to regulate price by demand. Guess what , though, when places price gouge on items, you will see many complaints, and lots of boycotting. Now why would this be if it is oh so right, by your indications? Your concious must not pop up too much for you on decisions like this. To tell me that you wouldn't feel bad for someone standing in line behind you and you get the last 10 xbox 360s, and all her son wanted for his b-day/christmas was an xbox 360. Sure the kid will be ok and can get it later, but because of your GREED, the mother couldn't buy something that would have made her child smile. If you have kids you know how great it is to see them happy, and how much joy that brings you. You seem like the guy that would buy a truck full of generators right before a hurricane hits and sell them for double the price. Sure they don't NEED them, but it would make life a hell of a lot easier until power and such was restored, if you and your property survives.

So saying supply and demand in every reply? Funny. A quote from Adam Smith :

"A monopoly granted either to an individual or to a trading company has the same effect as a secret in trade or manufactures. The monopolists, by keeping the market constantly understocked, by never fully supplying the effectual demand, sell their commodities much above the natural price, and raise their emoluments, whether they consist in wages or profit, greatly above their natural rate."

So keeping the market understocked in this case would equal those buying multiple xbox 360s to profit from them.


Aug 2, 2000
NO ONE is being taken advantage of!!!! NO ONE is forcing ANYONE to pay the inflated price! Those who are crying SHOULD HAVE BEEN first in line. It was UP TO THEM to make sure they were first in line.


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2003
im standing in line on monday to buy one. However, it will be ebayed to help absorb someof the cost of the one I will buy for myself when the next batch comes out.


Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by: C42
To tell me that you wouldn't feel bad for someone standing in line behind you and you get the last 10 xbox 360s, and all her son wanted for his b-day/christmas was an xbox 360.

Too bad. The mother should have made sure she was in line before the pig that bought 10.



Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by: davew0670
im standing in line on monday to buy one. However, it will be ebayed to help absorb someof the cost of the one I will buy for myself when the next batch comes out.

Smart man.



Senior member
Jul 30, 2003
smart man. i know a few friends who will be standing in line at 12am just to buy one xbox. its crazy how one holiday can be.


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: C42
To say that it isn't ok to gouge on gas prices, but is ok on other items is rediculous. Hate to be the first to put it out to you, but gasoline is a LUXURY item. Many people in this world make it fine walking/riding a bike.

Supply and Demand isn't wrong, it is what makes America great, being able to regulate price by demand. Guess what , though, when places price gouge on items, you will see many complaints, and lots of boycotting. Now why would this be if it is oh so right, by your indications? Your concious must not pop up too much for you on decisions like this. To tell me that you wouldn't feel bad for someone standing in line behind you and you get the last 10 xbox 360s, and all her son wanted for his b-day/christmas was an xbox 360. Sure the kid will be ok and can get it later, but because of your GREED, the mother couldn't buy something that would have made her child smile. If you have kids you know how great it is to see them happy, and how much joy that brings you. You seem like the guy that would buy a truck full of generators right before a hurricane hits and sell them for double the price. Sure they don't NEED them, but it would make life a hell of a lot easier until power and such was restored, if you and your property survives.

So saying supply and demand in every reply? Funny. A quote from Adam Smith :

"A monopoly granted either to an individual or to a trading company has the same effect as a secret in trade or manufactures. The monopolists, by keeping the market constantly understocked, by never fully supplying the effectual demand, sell their commodities much above the natural price, and raise their emoluments, whether they consist in wages or profit, greatly above their natural rate."

So keeping the market understocked in this case would equal those buying multiple xbox 360s to profit from them.

So.. who has the monopoly on Xbox 360?


Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: agrall
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Let me guess, you're about 17 y/o? I suggest you take some economics courses in the near future so you can learn about supply and demand. Good luck, kid.

Nice try. Hey, you can't win an argument so you have to try to belittle your opponent. :laugh:

I understand supply and demand just fine. But just because you CAN do something doesn't make it RIGHT.

And it has nothing to do with jealousy. I'll get my XBox 360 when I get it. No big deal. It is just distasteful to see people taking advantage of other people in this way.

I keep saying... As long as you are comfortable being the kind of pathetic person who does this kind of stuff... Great. Be happy with yourself. It doesn't make it any less reprehensible.

BTW... If you want to compare educations - Please don't. You'll lose out on that one, I'd gamble. At least the Ph.D. after my name would suggest such...

YOU have a PHD? Wow.

You must be a liberal commie then.
The system sure failed on you.

BTW, I'm a grad student too.. and yes the sytem failed with you if you are still clueless about luxury item pricing, and supply/demand.

You may think your phd makes you superior to others intellectually, but I would go up against you at any moment pal. You can probably recite your area of expertise like a text book.. but in common sense and general intelligentsia.. you are clearly lacking in the ways of the world.

Time to try a basic job at Burger King, you might learn a lot of stuff that your priviledged, white, coddled life didnt teach you. :thumbsup:


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
That is what is good and bad about America. Greed will motivate many to work harder to get more money to buy the things they want. Some people's greed will also lead them to buy more than they need, and lie, cheat, steal, or do whatever it takes to get themselves ahead. That is the other peoples fault for not doing the same things, though, right? Since that is your attitude that it is someone elses fault for not beating you to the store so you can buy 10.

I do believe some stores will be putting a 1-2 limit per person and I'm glad they are. Some people have jobs/class so they can't wait in line 5 hours before the store opens. I live in Louisiana, and where I'm at there are no best buys, the circuit city is still closed because of hurricane damage, one of the wal-marts are closed, the other is only open from 8-6. EBGames supposively has all of there orders coming in spoken for. So I'll be standing in line at wal-mart tuesday. Sucks, because everyone in this city that didn't get a pre-order in(I didn't pre-order because I wasn't sure I'd have enough money, but I put in some extra time and set enough aside) will probably be there at wal-mart.

I might ask my dad to go stop at the gamestop at my hometown since it is a small town. So I'll try to get mine, but due to my situation I can't be ready for a midnight launch, and I'll be standing in line with alot of other people. You bet I'll be pissed if some slacker that is too lazy to get a job buys 10 to get a "buck", while I couldn't be there to stand in line because I was working until the early hours of the morning. Am I jealous? No. I would never do this type of thing, but then again my parents raised me to not only think of myself.


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
Originally posted by: AnyMal

So.. who has the monopoly on Xbox 360?

That would be the people buying more than they need, to sell them for a higher price. They are limiting the supply to the market by doing so.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
If companys dont have the right to raise prices on luxury items, then it makes total sense to limit your right to NOT buy products from a given company on the same hand.

How would you like them apples?

I think everyone who believes in forcing pricing on luxury items should be forced to purchase every luxury item, just to compensate those companys and middlemen who are losing out on profits (which hurts the overall system).


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
I don't pay for items that are price gouged.

Forcing prices? No, not saying that. I'm not saying MS should sell it for such and such price. That would be forcing prices. Saying that price gouging and such shouldn't be allowed, and only 1-2 per person should be allowed on release day, to me works. Why? Microsoft and the retail stores still make the same amount of profit, there will be plenty of demand to sale out pretty much every store in the nation.



Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: C42
I don't pay for items that are price gouged.

Forcing prices? No, not saying that. I'm not saying MS should sell it for such and such price. That would be forcing prices. Saying that price gouging and such shouldn't be allowed, and only 1-2 per person should be allowed on release day, to me works. Why? Microsoft and the retail stores still make the same amount of profit, there will be plenty of demand to sale out pretty much every store in the nation.

Being a middleman has been an industry of itself for generations.

If you dont like middlemen, then you must be for removing all car dealerships and order yours straight from the manufacturer.. hey it would be cheaper right.
GM makes the same profit

Walmart is nothing more than a middle man. Best Buy is a middle man.

The guy on Ebay is just a middle man.
You cannot limit those middlemen, the number of them, nor the prices they charge.

And its not immoral.
Its dangerous territory to start to inject morality into business when business exists for one SOLE purpose:


This guy is just turning a profit. Hes ambitious, hes taking a huge financial risk.
More power to him, and let the weak ones who want handouts or coddled within our society to create their own socialist society.


Golden Member
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by: southpawuni
Originally posted by: C42
I don't pay for items that are price gouged.

Forcing prices? No, not saying that. I'm not saying MS should sell it for such and such price. That would be forcing prices. Saying that price gouging and such shouldn't be allowed, and only 1-2 per person should be allowed on release day, to me works. Why? Microsoft and the retail stores still make the same amount of profit, there will be plenty of demand to sale out pretty much every store in the nation.

Being a middleman has been an industry of itself for generations.

If you dont like middlemen, then you must be for removing all car dealerships and order yours straight from the manufacturer.. hey it would be cheaper right.
GM makes the same profit

Walmart is nothing more than a middle man. Best Buy is a middle man.

The guy on Ebay is just a middle man.
You cannot limit those middlemen, the number of them, nor the prices they charge.

And its not immoral.
Its dangerous territory to start to inject morality into business when business exists for one SOLE purpose:


This guy is just turning a profit. Hes ambitious, hes taking a huge financial risk.
More power to him, and let the weak ones who want handouts or coddled within our society to create their own socialist society.

Best post of this thread so far. :thumbsup:


Golden Member
Nov 26, 2001
I also can't believe some people here have the gall to analogize hoarding XBOX360 units to hoarding food and generators before a hurricane.

Hoarding food and water shows a depraved indifference towards human life. Hoarding XBOX360 units is simply a profit-making venture, as southpawuni described. A very unfair comparison.


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
Nice mis-read. I didn't say buy straight from MS, did I? These are established companies, such as wal-mart, best buy, circuit city, etc. They have a lot to lose by trying to price gouge.

This guy is taking a huge financial risk? My ass. If he doesn't sell them, he returns them for a full refund. No risk whatsoever.

So we should create our own socialist society? Hate to tell you but America is not a fully free-market/capitalist country. While it is probably closer than anyone else to being so, it isn't. Sorry the majority of people in the world today cannot and or will not control themselves, and need some slight regulation. Not full out socialist, but rules and regulations are there for a reason, not saying I agree with all of it, but if they weren't there the US would collapse because of people's greed.


Golden Member
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by: C42
Not full out socialist, but rules and regulations are there for a reason, not saying I agree with all of it, but if they weren't there the US would collapse because of people's greed.

Exactly what rules and regulations are you talking about?


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
Originally posted by: emmpee
I also can't believe some people here have the gall to analogize hoarding XBOX360 units to hoarding food and generators before a hurricane.

Hoarding food and water shows a depraved indifference towards human life. Hoarding XBOX360 units is simply a profit-making venture, as southpawuni described. A very unfair comparison.

Never said anything about food, that is a need. I said a generator. I've seen it first hand thanks to Hurricane Rita. A generator is a luxury item. I didn't need one to survive, and didn't have one until about 2 weeks after the hurricane, and guess what... it was only big enough to run a fridge and a small fan. It was a luxury, I could have and did live without one. It made life more enjoyable when I had one, due to being able to keep more cold foods and having a light breeze cooling me down. An xbox 360, is a luxury item, not a need, but having one will make life a little more enjoyable for me.


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
Nothing in particular, just laws in general. Sometimes monopoly laws can be a good thing, sometimes not. Overall the laws in place are better there than not for the most part. Of course there are exceptions, always will be.


Aug 9, 2000
WTF...why are people so bent on reselling at a higher price? If there is a profit to be made, there is a profit to be made. Simple as that. It's how business works. If you have a pencil, how much do you sell it for? The answer: the amount the consumer is willing to pay. If the consumer wants to pay a 3rd party $400.00 over retail, let them.
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