XBox or PS2?

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Golden Member
Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: AIWGuru
PS2 = best console. Not because of hardware, not because of a controller, but because of installed user base.

So, does this mean that Intel eXtreme Graphics is the best GPU because it has the largest user base?



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
If you really want to know, xbox is the better console for many reasons.

1. Xbox has games, great games, and more games to come. Xbox doesnt have as much games as ps2, but 90% of all ps2 games are crap that get 5/10 reviews. Most xbox games are indeed 8/10 or more.

2. Xbox has halo, halo 2, gta vice city and 3, half life 2, doom 3.

3. xbox has superior hardware, which means games willl look better on the xbox.

4. Xbox has microsoft, which means, it has unlimited money to go into, so this console will not die.

5. Xbox has all the hardware you need, come with it, such as harddrive, broadband.

6. The xbox comesi n 2 controller types, so if you dont want a big one, get a small one, or vice versa.

7. Xbox, has alot better games comming out in the future for it then ps2.

Have i said enough or do you want me to say more? oh and the people that rarely play xbox and play more ps2, they do so because they dont have games "they" like on xbox, which if they did, xbox would be played more. and i can tell you, i know alot of people, and almost everyone i know was very disapointed by the lack of power the ps2 has, and the bad games. Sure there are some damn good games on ps2, but there is just not enough to turn the tide. And the only reason ps2 has more user base is because it was put out before xbox, but if at the same time, xbox would have more, because in 6 months, xbox sold more then ps2 did in a year and a half.


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 1999
Xbox + LOTR Return of the King + 53" HDTV + Klipsch 5.1 optical = AS GOOD AS IT GETS for console gaming.

(you heard it here first )


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003

It's got HD out ("only" 480p, but few XBox games can do 720p), Dolby Pro Logic for a lot of games, and some online play (although so far it's been limited mostly to PSO in the US). I can't stand the XBox controller. The S version is a slight improvement, but the Gamecube one was good out of the box. And the Wavebird (wireless controller) is the best accessory ever.

That said, the XBox is the most powerful of the three systems in terms of hardware. It has the best graphics (despite what other people are saying; clearly they haven't seen it side-by-side with a PS2), the best online play, and the internal hard drive (which, other than being an essentially infinitely large memory card, and letting you rip CDs to it to play during some games, seems to get very little use unless you mod it).

If you're nuts about Halo 2 and PGR2, or you love XBox Live and their online sports titles, then you should think about the XBox. But otherwise, it's more expensive, and IMO, it has the fewest and weakest exclusive games. Halo's out on the PC, and so is KOTOR! Honestly, can you point out an exclusive title that would make you pay $100 more for the system?

Here's the GameFAQs current top 10 for the XBox:

1. Star Wars: KOTOR (out on the PC)
2. Elder Scrolls 3 (out on the PC, originally a PC game!)
3. Grand Theft Auto 3 / Vice City (out on the PC, out on the PS2 for a long time)
4. Halo (a *LAUNCH* title, and now out on the PC)
5. Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time (out on all platforms and the PC)
6. Counter-Strike (you want to play a mindless, 5-year-old PC game on your XBox?)
7. PGR2 (exclusive, good game -- the only one on this list!)
8. Rainbow Six 3 (on the PC first, almost assuredly better there)
9. True Crime: Streets of LA (out on all platforms)
10. NFS Underground (out on the PC, and the PS2)

Although GameFAQs is biased towards games that people need help with (such as RPGs and adventure games, as opposed to sports titles), it seems clear to me that exclusive titles are not the XBox's strong suit. To me, it's the software that makes all the difference in a game console, and the GCN and PS2 just have more good exclusive titles -- and everything else I would want to play (like EA Sports games) is cross-platform, or out on the PC (like SW: KOTOR).


Nov 19, 2003
Originally posted by: ZimZum
Originally posted by: AIWGuru
PS2 = best console. Not because of hardware, not because of a controller, but because of installed user base.

So, does this mean that Intel eXtreme Graphics is the best GPU because it has the largest user base?

Obviously, there's no parallel. If you want to run the software for a ps2, you need a ps2. If the developer wants to sell software to the largest group of customers, they code for ps2.

If you want to sell games for PC, you code for an open standard, not IEG. Obviously a stupid response. Please try again though.



Diamond Member
Dec 16, 1999
If the developer wants to sell software to the largest group of customers, they code for ps2...

Hmmm, curiously enough there seems to be a lot of developers who want to code their games for Microsoft hardware (Xbox) ... I wonder if anyone knows why?
Can anyone honestly post that they believe Sony marketshare is growing @ the same pace as Microsofts in the console arena?


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2003
xbox has superior hardware, which means games willl look better on the xbox

Umm there are these guys called programmers and developers, and what they do has a HUGE impact on what the games looks like. Better hardware does not necessarily mean better looking games.

Xbox has microsoft, which means, it has unlimited money to go into, so this console will not die.

And PS2 is made by Sony.... your point is moot.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
excuse me, im saying that because of xbox's power, games have the ability to make a game on xbox look good, which is almost impossible on ps2. and sony is an ant to microsoft, they could buy sony in an instant if they wanted to, do some research before you make an attempt to challenge what i say, and i dont say anything, unless it is proven.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
excuse me, im saying that because of xbox's power, games have the ability to make a game on xbox look good, which is almost impossible on ps2.

Go play MGS2 on the PS2. Or Final Fantasy X. Or Kingdom Hearts. Then come back and stop being so whiny. The XBox *can* look better than the PS2 -- it just often doesn't, especially in cross-platform titles (of which there are many on the XBox).

And Sony is one of the largest electronics companies in the world -- their last annual report pegs them at being worth about $70 billion. And you'd have to pay far more than that to buy them out, considering that they made over a billion in profit last year. While MS *could* probably buy them, it would be a stretch for even Mr. Gates' wallet, and would most likely eat up all of Microsoft's cash reserves.


Nov 19, 2003
Originally posted by: dguy6789
excuse me, im saying that because of xbox's power, games have the ability to make a game on xbox look good, which is almost impossible on ps2. and sony is an ant to microsoft, they could buy sony in an instant if they wanted to, do some research before you make an attempt to challenge what i say, and i dont say anything, unless it is proven.

You just said that "it's almost make games look good on the PS2."

Are you kidding? What an assinine comment. Seriously. There are tons of games that look great on the Ps2. In fact, there are some multi-console games which look best on Ps2 because of better development attention.
edit: I guess Matthias99 covered the same ground while I was typing. Lol.


Golden Member
May 23, 2003
Are you ignoring the Japaneese market? So far, they haven't given a flip about the Xbox. Claim market growth stats all you want, the PS2 is deeply entrenched there, and nothing the Xbox has done has taken that away.

That being said I own a Gamecube only and I'm perfectly content with it. All I lack is more RPGs, as most of the games I play are PC ones anyway (although I hate that I never got to play FFX - emulator time?).

I think Microsoft isn't going away - but I don't think the Xbox will ever rule the market. They are going to have to start putting out more Xbox only games that aren't junk (man cannot live on Halo alone), and they will have to get Xbox2 out quicker than Sony whips out PS3. Or at least, be closer in their launch.

In effect...there is no way the Xbor OR Gamecube will catch the PS2 in total number of sales. Which system to buy is a personal prefrence.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
This is a biased place to ask, these are a bunch of hardware nerds, they like specs, so they like the Xbox.

I own both, it comes down to games. If you are a shooter, racing, sports type player or a teenager, the Xbox is the best choice.

If you like variety, the PS2 is a better choice.

Games like Jak II, Rachet and Clank, ICO, Ace Combat 4, Devil May Cry, Manhunt, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Xenosaga, Dark Cloud 2, Kindom Hearts, etc. just have no equivalent on the Xbox. The Xbox has lots of PC ports and excels at cross platform games, but little else (KOTOR and Halo are now both PC games). I use my Xbox for cross platform games (use a PS2 controller with adaptor for some) and Live for co-op with a friend. Most of my really interesting, compelling single player games are on the PS2, most of my sports and multiplyer games are Xbox.

It depends on what games you like. Don't buy into the specs. I have a 51" HDTV and 6.1 setup, the Xbox does not look that much better, very few games are above 480P, so the vast majority look only a smidge better than the PS2 couterparts. Some of my PS2 games look better, it depends on the developers (Primal in 480P anyone?). The graphics and sound advantages on the Xbox don't make the games fun, it's just a little bonus for when you do like the game.


Jul 18, 2000
Let me tell you the greatest game EVER on ANY platform...Capcom vs SNK 2:EO for the XBox! Street Fighter type games online = never ending entertainment! I play this game more than ANY game (PC or console), and I've had it since it came out! PS2 online sucks ass! XBox live is the only way to go! All XBox's connected to MS HUGE internet pipeline which equals much less lag. And let me tell you about lag, you've got to get close to ZERO lag for online fighting to work, otherwise is just sucks ass! And MS pulls it off GREAT! Sometime you get the occasional lag due to some retard downloading something from Kazaa while playing! But other than that, it is as good as it gets.

And I love the games on the XBox. MS shows quality over quanity (PS2) in there games selection.

And you guys must have some little girl hands, because I love the ORIGINAL XBox controller.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2003
do some research before you make an attempt to challenge what i say, and i dont say anything, unless it is proven.

Why don't you take some time to type your ideas clearly then. Your statement was the Microsoft has unlimited money for a game console and for all intents and purposes when you're talking a game console so does Sony. Quit being an ass and tell me my research is off, that point you made is moot, period. As far as the point on hardware... like I said explain what the hell you mean, don't just say it's hardware is superior therefore the games have to be. All the research in the world means sh!t if you can't communicate clearly.


Golden Member
Mar 7, 2003
The XBOX is 3X faster than the PS2 and will run circles around it provided the game is programed for the XBOX hardware first. The only reason the PS2 games look comparable in some instances is because the programers code it for that system first then port the crappy graphics over the XBOX not taking advantage of it's GeForce 3 graphic capabilties.

Check out an XBOX only title such as Dead or Alive (1st generation) and Project Gotham Racing 2 (2nd generation). If you have a Home theater system capable of doing 5.1 DD it takes the gaming experience to another level and we haven't even begun to talk about online gaming using voices and broadband technology already built into the system.

In the end it's up to the end-user and their particular areas of interest. There is a system out there for everyone and most hardcore gamers have all 3. Don't the PS2 had a 2 year head start and the XBOX was designed by gamers for gamers not some stuff suits sitting around a table smoking cigars.
Oct 31, 2003
1st off... WOW... I thought I had seen the end of this debate. I always did love getting into these. I've done a fair amount of research on this topic and having owned both I'd have to say Xbox is first on the list. Graphics are superior to those found on the PS2 where the Xbox is utilized and the games are not just quick ported for a buck. Even Itagaki, DOA3's creator says that his games won't work on any other system... he needs the power of the Xbox. If that coming from a creator of games isn't enough to prove the Xbox's power then I don't know what is. Really in the end I guess it depends on other factors as well... to include games available.


Senior member
Sep 15, 2003
XBox - Action\FPS\Hack 'n slash\finger-twitch games
PS2 - RTS\RPG\Adventure\Everything else


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I think the PS2 is hands down the best second console for a child, without a doubt. If your kids don't have a PS2 yet, get a GameCube. If you don't have kids and don't care for Nintendo's first party games, get an XBox. The XBox is sucking wind on titles for kids, there are some worth while ones around, but if you buy more then half a dozen games for your kids a year the XBox isn't in the running(unless they already have the other two).

Amongst my family(myself, my wife and my four kids) we currently have the XBox, PS2 and 2 GameCubes(more coming for the holidays too, sucks when you have multiple people longing after the same console- should be at two each with possibly a third Cube being added- and three GBAs if you count those). The PS2 is solely a kids machine at this point, there simply hasn't been anything to hit to make it worth the effort to move it from my oldest son's room to the living room.

Some random points-

Go play MGS2 on the PS2.

Too painful. Horrendous quality throughout on the visual front, lousy textures, lousy lighting and lousy animation. Gameplay is sub par, storyline would make a billy goat puke. WTF were they thinking dropping Snake for a surfer b!tch?

Or Final Fantasy X.

CGI sequences were nice, although the FinalFantasy series is really pretty much only about CGI now, gameplay is gone for certain. Teen angst themed story over and over ad nauseam got old, a decade ago give or take.

Or Kingdom Hearts.

A slightly cleaned up Mario64 on the visual front. Gameplay exceeds FFX by leaps and bounds, not that that says much in itself but I think it is an excellent children's title. My kids spent quite a bit of time with it and had a great deal of fun with it. They are looking forward to the sequel. Far more complex plot line then FFX, so it is engrossing enough to keep my seven year old entertained for quite some time

XBox - Action\FPS\Hack 'n slash\finger-twitch games
PS2 - RTS\RPG\Adventure\Everything else

RTSs suck on consoles, period.

RPGs- I'd take the XBox's library over the PS2's in an instant. I'd take KoTOR over the entire PS2 library of RPGs in an instant though. This may change when DW8 hits, but unfortunately those titles don't seem to do much for the US Sony fanbase.

Adventure- Project Ego is looking to change things quite a bit, although I suppose you could argue that it is more RPG then adventure.

'Everything' else as in what? When it comes to platform exclusives neither the XBox nor PS2 look all that great. Using GameRankings numbers three of the top ten PS2 titles are exclusive, two(or four if you count PCs or not) of the XBox top ten are exclusive and six of the GameCube's top ten are exclusive. Looked at another way, the top four PS2 games are all available on the XBox, only one of the top four XBox games is available on the PS2.

In fact, there are some multi-console games which look best on Ps2 because of better development attention.

I have yet to see a single multi platform game that looked great, all of them are dragged down to roughly the PS2's very, very low visual standards unfortunately. Nothing on the PS2 can compare to DOA3, despite the PS2 being on its third/fourth gen of software and DOA3 being a launch title for the XBox. You can make a strong case that visuals aren't all that important, but it is well short of honest to say that the PS2 can hold its own against the other far more powerful machines.

Can anyone honestly post that they believe Sony marketshare is growing @ the same pace as Microsofts in the console arena?

In what aspect? If you are looking at Sony's last gen numbers versus MS's then of course MS moving from 0% is going to have an advantage. If you are talking year over year, then Sony and MS are both looking fairly weak at the moment, Nintendo @ $99 is cleaning house at the moment. The Japanese market is a very vulnerable one for MS, Europe is fairing much better but still not the level they are getting in the US and even here they are far behind Sony. MS doesn't cater to the mass market gamer currently(thankfully). The mass market gamer wants to push a button once in a while and never face the real threat of failing(see almost anything on Sony's systems or much of Nintendo's recent offerings), they also gush over horrendous stories and tedious gameplay(see MGS2, FFX, GTA, J&D etc). Unfortunately MS will target this demographic at some point, hopefully someone will still be making real games at that point.


Platinum Member
May 7, 2003
I have a PS2, but I think I would get a Xbox now that I have it. If you have Dolby digital + HDTV Xbox is an excellent companion. The one thing I hate about xbox is the controller, I still can't stand the S version either! Other than that I like xbox better.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
When i said it is impossible ot make games look good on ps2, that is in my own opinion. The way things look is an opinion, and from what i have seen, nothing on ps2 is good enough graphically for me to say they are great graphics. By the way, i have a ps2, love it to death, just like my other consoles. Yes those games you listed are class A games, but, my point is simply, xbox being more powerful, means the developers have more resources to work with, which means they can make a better game. Im saying xbox is a better choice then ps2, im not saying ps2 sucks, it does not. Microsoft does not have unlimited money for xbox, but they do put more into it then both nintendo and sony put into their consoles combined.

And xbox is not 3X as fast as a ps2. The 733Mhz P3 is has, is the least efficient of the 3 consoles cpu wise, while it has the most powerful graphics chip, it is not 3X more powerful then ps2, but it is around the area of 100 - 150% faster. You cant compare two cpus on different architectures based by mhz. That is like saying a p4 1.8ghz is better than an athlon xp 1.7Ghz.



Oct 13, 2003
I have a GameCube. I like things like Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 0, Mario Parties, Mario Carts, Mario/Wario, Zelda, etc.
My boyfriend has a PS2. I hi-jack it for the Final Fantasy games.
I have a Mac. I like Diablo 2 LOD, Civilization, SimCity, Sims, Baldur's Gate, Black & White, etc.
My boyfriend has a PC. I hi-jack it when a Mac title game falls behind & I get impatient.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2001
And xbox is not 3X as fast as a ps2. The 733Mhz P3 is has, is the least efficient of the 3 consoles cpu wise, while it has the most powerful graphics chip, it is not 3X more powerful then ps2, but it is around the area of 100 - 150% faster. You cant compare two cpus on different architectures based by mhz. That is like saying a p4 1.8ghz is better than an athlon xp 1.7Ghz.

Well you can measure the CPU in terms of raw processing power. Dhrystones is still a good way of doing this (1 mips = original VAX 11/780). A P3-700 gets about 1850 mips, while the Playstation 2's EE is a 500 mips processor @ 250MHz or 600 mips at 300MHz. Therefore the 3x faster cpu in the Xbox is a valid statement. These scores are all over the internet, just search for them.



Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2001
And xbox is not 3X as fast as a ps2. The 733Mhz P3 is has, is the least efficient of the 3 consoles cpu wise, while it has the most powerful graphics chip, it is not 3X more powerful then ps2, but it is around the area of 100 - 150% faster. You cant compare two cpus on different architectures based by mhz. That is like saying a p4 1.8ghz is better than an athlon xp 1.7Ghz.

Well you can measure the CPU in terms of raw processing power. Dhrystones is still a good way of doing this (1 mips = original VAX 11/780). A P3-700 gets about 1850 mips, while the Playstation 2's EE is a 500 mips processor @ 250MHz or 600 mips at 300MHz. Therefore the 3x faster cpu in the Xbox is a valid statement. These scores are all over the internet, just search for them.



Diamond Member
May 20, 2003
Originally posted by: JeremiahTheGreat
Why do people keep on ranting about how beautiful XBox graphics are? They look absolutely horrid and the graphics lag too.. maybe i've been spoiled too much by PC gaming :/

But I vote PS2, because the games on this platform are far superior in my opinion. GT3/4 and Final Fantasy X/XII alone is worth it !

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