XBox vs. PS2??


Jul 27, 2001
Random question....A lady at might work is trying to decide rather to get her kids an XBox or PS2....can anyone give me any advice either way so I can pass it along...

thanks in advance


Platinum Member
Aug 29, 2001
I have the ps2

I got it because
1. more game are available
2. I can use my old ps1 games on it
3. it is what most of my firends have (so i can trade games with them)
4. Everquest will be available for it next year. (with network adapter of course)

hope this helps


P.S. if microsoft comes ou with asheron's call 2 for xbox I will be buying that system also


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
I have an Xbox because:

1. It is the most powerful system available.
2. Graphics are SWEET!
3. Hard drive allows updates and unlimited save games w/o having to buy a frigging memory card!
4. Broadband adapter for Xbox Live means sweet online gaming. (PS2 only has dial-up. Yuck.)
5. "Xbox Only" titles like DOA3, Halo, Splinter Cell, MechAssault.

Why you should consider the PS2, even though it's the oldest, weakest box and is getting long in the tooth.

1. TONS of games, though most are similar shovelware.
2. PS2-only titles like the GTA series and Final Fantasy.
3. The satisfaction of knowing you're a sheep like 40 million other people.

Fortunately, Vice City will be eventually ported to the PC, but I found out that there was supposed to be Xbox versions of GTA3 and VC until Sony threw a ton of cash at Rockstar Games and locked it up for themselves. (And y'all say that M$ is evil?)

M$ just bought Rare, depriving Nintendo of the maker of Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Star Fox Adventures, so Perfect Dark 0 and whatever coolness Rare makes will be Xbox-only.

Hope this helps a bit.


Sep 1, 2002
I have an Xbox because:

1. It is the most powerful system available.
2. Graphics are SWEET!
3. Hard drive allows updates and unlimited save games w/o having to buy a frigging memory card!
4. Broadband adapter for Xbox Live means sweet online gaming. (PS2 only has dial-up. Yuck.)
5. "Xbox Only" titles like DOA3, Halo, Splinter Cell, MechAssault.

direct quote from very qualified person (Andrew Shane "bunnie" Huang) [ text ]

It also really irks me that Microsoft released such a sub-par piece of hardware for the Xbox. Almost every person I've talked to who does circuit boards or consumer products has agreed that the Xbox is really a steaming pile of dung. They aren't servicing their customers well; they have wrapped a sub-par PC in some industrial-strength marketing and media blitzes, and bribed dozens of software vendors to line up to create titles for the platform. It makes me sad that Microsoft is buying its way into such an important market and lowering the bar like this. Any other company trying to enter the console market would have folded by now under the weight of its inefficient hardware and field failures. Maybe Microsoft will prove me wrong by doing Xbox Live flawlessly and giving Sony a run for its money. I'm not holding my breath, though. Sadly, Microsoft probably never has to really shape up and start delivering quality hardware. Even if MS sold as many units of Xbox as Sony did the Playstation 2, they would have burned off only $10 billion out of their $40 billion war chest. It is almost painful to watch the console market devolve like this. Microsoft is just trying to bleed everyone else out of the market, so they can push whatever they want and set the prices in a competition-free market place.

couldn't agree more


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2002
PS2 cuz more games...and more cooler games. runs old ps1 games as well. besides, i hear the xbox isnt doing too well in sales and that could lead to another sega. the only thing good about xbox are some exclusive games like Halo and Splitter Cell (which should be coming to PC) and the higher dvd playback quality. in terms of the is better but has worse games. though you could consider what games he/she plays...if they are multiplatfrom such as sports games, the xbox would be better...but you cant go wrong w/ a PS2


Jul 18, 2000
direct quote from very qualified person (Andrew Shane "bunnie" Huang)
Give me a f##king break! The guy is obviously an MS hater. WOW, he cracked the XBox! Maybe he should spend his time doing something a little more...time worthy.

I have an XBox and I have a friend that traded his PS2 for an XBox (and he likes it A LOT more). I have NO reason to get a PS2. The PS2 has a large library, but the XBox has better games (IMO). Out of ALL the PS2 games, the ONLY one I'd like to get is Tekken 4, THAT'S IT! XBox went live in Nov and has some great games out for it with some kick ass ones to come. For me, there is NO reason to get a PS2. Oh, you can play PS1 games on it, oh I can too...ON MY PC! The XBox comes ready to go right out of the box. With the PS2, you NEED a memory card AND broadband adapter to hook up to your cable/dsl. Also, XBox Live is centralized. Ya you have to pay for it, but at $50/yr, that is a steal to ensure I have the lowest ping, PLUS I can find out if someone I need to smack down is online too. XBox, hands down.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Oh man, don't let this turn into a flame fest guys. He's trying to help out one of his cow-orkers.

With the xbox, there are no required memory cards. Plus, for the same money, you get the xbox and two games (Jet Set Radio Future, and Sega GT), which would make the kids even happier on Christmas morning. Then there's Xbox live, which, if she has broadband, is really a killer deal. I'm reading that service will be $10/mo or $50 a year (not the $100/yr I heard before), so that's got even me considering an xbox now. You also get four player support right out of the box. Downside is that there's not as many games yet.

But the PS2 has a HUGE library of games, especially when you consider the fact it plays older ps1 games. And it functions as a DVD player without the $30 kit. But you need $25 memory cards (if she goes PS2, tell her to MAKE SURE she gets sony brand, third party ones require a boot CD that's a pain) and it only supports 2 players (and unless you get a DVD remote that has a pass through connection, you'll take up one port with that). You can buy a multitap adapter, but thats more money.

How young are her kids? Apparently the xbox has super-quick-release cables so if you trip over them, they pop right out instead of dumping the console onto the floor. That's important to me, and I'm 21, so age of the kids might not be an issue for that


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
I've owned all 3 systems and here is my opinion.

Xbox because,

1-4 player support out of the box.

2-DVD playback is better than the PS2's DVD playback and they had a deal where the dvd kit was free with rebate.

3-HDTV support with all but a handfull of games.Most games support at least 480p.

4-Never have to buy a memory card because it saves the savegame files to the HD.

5-DD 5.1/DTS(dvd) support and most games support DD 5.1 in game.

6-Can copy cd's to HD and listen to your own music in games that support it.

7-Come with ethernet built in,you can play online if you have broadband but if you dont you can link up 2 or more Xbox's in games that support system link.

8-You can pick up the Sega bundle for $200 and it has 2 games,JSRF and SegaGT along with the Xbox and a controller S.Wal-Mart still might have the deal where you get the bundle with the additional game Amped along with JSRF and SegaGT.

9-Games.It has a strong lineup IMO.(a couple of these are multiplatform but I give the Xbox the advantage because you dont need a memory card)Halo,Splinter Cell,Ghost Recon,Panzer Dragoon Orta,Shenmue2,Unreal Championship,Blinx,Outlaw Golf,RalliSport Challenge,Quantum Redshift,Phantom Crash,Mech Assault,OddWorld Munch's Odysee,Morrowind,Gun Valkyrie,Fatal Frame,Enclave,Deathrow,DOA3,Conflict Desert Storm,and Buffy just to name a few.There are a ton of sports games and other kid friendly games as well.


Another vote for xbox, I just last week was trying to decide the same thing. So i borrowed a ps2 and an xbox from a buddy.

I liked the ps2 for gta3 series, fun stuff, but i had more fun playing gta3 on my computer. Everything else wasnt that exciting, especially since you HAVE to buy a memory card, and if you have more than one game you have to get more if you want to save your stuff.

The xbox has the hard drive for music you like ( a must for me), great graphics (imo), hdtv support and optical sound made easy. xbox live ( i just got it last week) has been SO much fun. The only game i wish xbox had is gta3 VC, but i dont know why since i never have time because im still having fun with the few games i have. Great investment for me and should last for sometime.

Both have pros and cons, i prefer xbox but ps2 isnt like a box of rocks. Either way this ladies kids will be happy.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
That "expert" quoted above needs to have his meds increased. He's psychotic!


Senior member
Mar 12, 2001
I got em both and I like them both for different reasons. If you like FPS games get the X-box with HALO and 007 Nightfire.

If you like Fighting games get PS2 with VF4.

You can't really go wrong with either.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2001
I have an Xbox and sold my PS2, I also have a Gamecube.

I would say an Xbox is the way to go...

1-4 player support out of the box.

2-DVD playback is better than the PS2's DVD playback and they had a deal where the dvd kit was free with rebate.

3-HDTV support with all but a handfull of games.Most games support at least 480p.

4-Never have to buy a memory card because it saves the savegame files to the HD.

5-DD 5.1/DTS(dvd) support and most games support DD 5.1 in game.

6-Can copy cd's to HD and listen to your own music in games that support it.

7-Come with ethernet built in,you can play online if you have broadband but if you dont you can link up 2 or more Xbox's in games that support system link.

8-You can pick up the Sega bundle for $200 and it has 2 games,JSRF and SegaGT along with the Xbox and a controller S.Wal-Mart still might have the deal where you get the bundle with the additional game Amped along with JSRF and SegaGT.

9-Games.It has a strong lineup IMO.(a couple of these are multiplatform but I give the Xbox the advantage because you dont need a memory card)Halo,Splinter Cell,Ghost Recon,Panzer Dragoon Orta,Shenmue2,Unreal Championship,Blinx,Outlaw Golf,RalliSport Challenge,Quantum Redshift,Phantom Crash,Mech Assault,OddWorld Munch's Odysee,Morrowind,Gun Valkyrie,Fatal Frame,Enclave,Deathrow,DOA3,Conflict Desert Storm,and Buffy just to name a few.There are a ton of sports games and other kid friendly games as well.

Those are good reasons. I persoannly think they PS2s BIG library of games are mostly "ho-hum" games. GTA3 was fun but that concept is running dry if ya ask me.

The Gamecube is a soldid "GAMING" system too, if ya dont mind not being able to pirate stuff and not having dvd playback.


Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
4. Broadband adapter for Xbox Live means sweet online gaming. (PS2 only has dial-up. Yuck.)

DefRef, the online adapter for the PS2 supports both dial-up and broadband, just an FYI

vabrave, personally, I'd suggest a PS2 because of the amount of games available and the fact that it's backwards compatable


Senior member
Aug 29, 2001
I would also suggest an xbox, but mostly because I own one, and I would like to see it do well. PlayStation hasn't interested me at all for some reason, the games available for it don't catch my attention... I can't explain why.

Also, the Dolby surround sound in-game with the XBox is one of the biggest selling points for me. Having a dolby encoder on the board was an excellent idea.

As for the expert quoted above... Yes, MS definately did buy their way in, but in this type of market, there aren't too many other options, not if you want to get things rolling quickly. Is there hardware shoddy? I don't think so... maybe they could have made it a little smaller, but I'm sure they were trying to optimize for cost and time, two things which are usually mutually exclusive. For what they've done in the time they've had, I think they've created an excellent product, and I'm definately interested to see where they take it. As I mentioned before, PS2 has never impressed me, and I believe Sony is starting to feel the age of their console, and like MS is starting to throw more money at it to try and keep hold... not that it will be a problem. This console war won't be over before the next generation of consoles arrive from all parties... so in the meantime, enjoy the competition forced productivity and pricing, and play whatever you like.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Zim Hosein
DefRef, the online adapter for the PS2 supports both dial-up and broadband, just an FYI.
I stand corrected. I was misinformed.

One knock against Xbox is that they made DVD playback contingent upon buying the DVD Remote. At least the PS2 can be muddled thru with the controller.


Senior member
Jun 23, 2001
It depends on how old the kids are.

If they are over 13 years old, I would go for the xbox.
Xbox is not realy for younger kids. Most of the good games are for adults.
Ghost recon, splinter cell and halo are great but violent.

If they are younger, then go with the gamecube.
Mario sunshine is a good kids game.

I play xbox, while my 11 year old son plays gamecube.

Playstation 2 is just junk.


Senior member
Jul 3, 2002
Steel Battalion is reason enough to get an X-box.

Assuming she's willing to spend another $200+ on a single game.


Dec 13, 2002
As per what someone said earlier in the thread:

"Fortunately, Vice City will be eventually ported to the PC, but I found out that there was supposed to be Xbox versions of GTA3 and VC until Sony threw a ton of cash at Rockstar Games and locked it up for themselves. (And y'all say that M$ is evil?)"

Grand Theft Auto 3 Vice City will Not be coming to PC any time soon considering that Sony has bought the exclusive rights to the title and does not want it to appear on the PC, XBox, or Cube platforms.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Splitfyre
Grand Theft Auto 3 Vice City will Not be coming to PC any time soon considering that Sony has bought the exclusive rights to the title and does not want it to appear on the PC, XBox, or Cube platforms.
I was wrong about the PS2 modem, but not about this. According to the headline here at Gamespy:

E3 2002: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City confirmed for PC
Take-Two clarifies that the recent Sony exclusivity deal is only for console versions of the GTA series.

It's a Gamespot Complete article and I can't get the whole thing. The REAL game money is in consoles, not PC, so that's why Sony wants exclusive CONSOLE rights. Smart for them; bad for consumers.
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