XFL ratings in - doubles expectations


Oct 18, 1999
stfu already. The reason people disagree with you is because you're so damned confrontational. You're one of those punks that never fails to say "I told ya so."

Right now, the league is pretty crappy. I'm no football purist, but I don't like the fact that they have to use women as a gimmick to get people to watch. The league, right now, is rather sucky and this is due to a lack of preparation time for the teams. I think a college football team could take on these guys.

About the ratings. You're being rather hypocritical. I've witnessed your arguments when the naysayers said the league would fail. you said something to the effect that it was still young and is still too early too judge. Yet, you go and do the same thing based on one night. If you can recall, Godzilla did very well its first week in the box office, the subsequent weeks were rather lackluster. People tuned in out of curiousity, not because they liked the league.


Mar 2, 2000
<< I'm no football purist, but I don't like the fact that they have to use women as a gimmick to get people to watch. >>

Men watch the game, men like women. It's quite simple really.

I see nothing wrong with putting in something for everybody. Why do the NBA and NFL have cheerleaders? Or magicians have showgirls?

<< I think a college football team could take on these guys. >>

These guys ARE comprised of guys that played college football, and mostly the best players that are available to do the gig.

<< you said something to the effect that it was still young and is still too early too judge. >>

People were making predictions that had ZERO precedence and/or basis to them.

What I'm stating here is a fact, hard concrete evidence of a bit of success.

<< Godzilla did very well its first week in the box office, the subsequent weeks were rather lackluster. >>

The same can be said about Independence Day, it did well in its first week, and continued to the following weeks.

Or for a closer comparison, RAW debuted with a 2.2 rating or so in 1993 I believe, and has jumped to 8.0 and now hovers around 5 or so.

You have a point though, but I don't believe I said anything about them maintaining a 10.0 week in week out.

<< People tuned in out of curiousity, not because they liked the league. >>

So now you're speaking for the 10 million+ people that tuned in last night? That's a fine concept..


Oct 18, 1999
I forgot, you enjoy &quot;pro&quot; wrestling.

<< Men watch the game, men like women. It's quite simple really.

I see nothing wrong with putting in something for everybody. Why do the NBA and NFL have cheerleaders? Or magicians have showgirls?

The NBA and NFL don't hype their cheerleaders though.

<< These guys ARE comprised of guys that played college football, and mostly the best players that are available to do the gig. >>

You're missing the point. The teams suck. Granted, they will improve given more practice time, but right now, they suck.

<< People were making predictions that had ZERO precedence and/or basis to them.

What I'm stating here is a fact, hard concrete evidence of a bit of success.

One week is hardly &quot;hard concrete evidence.&quot;

<< So now you're speaking for the 10 million+ people that tuned in last night? That's a fine concept.. >>

Gee, do you even understand the concept of the polling systems used to determine how many people watched? Rather hypocritical to comment on my assumption when the system used to determine the numbers of viewers is also based on an assumption.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2000
loogie the guy simply made a point about the actual ratings and its expectations. i dont see nothing confrontational about this thread.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 1999
I'd just like to say, that Demons game was awesome! Go Demons!!


Jul 18, 2000
Fox News Channel did a blurb on the XFL and it's &quot;Fantastic&quot; first day ratings. What they found was that it did a 10.5 market share during the first 20 minutes of the broadcast and then it quickly declined to a 4 which was below what NBC was saying it would be.

What those stats tell me is:

Those first 20 minutes had people tuning in that were curious and then after they watched a bit of the gamer they tuned out.

Once again FNC is the only channel that tells the whole story.


Mar 2, 2000
<< I forgot, you enjoy &quot;pro&quot; wrestling. >>

Ugh, the same line I've heard about a million times. You say it like it's supposed to actually have a point or something.

Here's another fact: wrestling fans come for all professions, sexes, and educational backgrounds. And if for whatever reason you don't believe me, I'll dig up a couple examples here. This one here is a doctor, and in another forum that I post in, the host/creator of the forum is a respected journalist for the Edmonton Sun.

So if anything, you're complimenting me for being a wrestling fan. But in the context if was used, it does nothing but ruin any respectibility the rest of your post had.

<< Did anyone actully watch the game? Was it entertaining? >>

The first game on Saturday was pretty boring, but the second game was WAAAY better, due to both the play of the team and the commentating of Jim Ross.

I was only able to catch the last 8 minutes of the Demons game today, but the final 8 minutes was just as exciting as any NFL season opener, especially the final play when they got the field goal in the closing minutes of the game.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2000

<< What they found was that it did a 10.5 market share during the first 20 minutes of the broadcast and then it quickly declined to a 4 which was below what NBC was saying it would be. >>

I think that pretty much sums it up. That's also exactly what I did; watched for 20 minutes then shut it off in discust.


Mar 2, 2000
Hmm, does anyone have the complete quarter rating breakdowns for the XFL? I didn't think they'd come out til Tuesday.

I thought the total rating was 10.6, so the first quarter hour couldn't possibly have been a 10.3.

And for further comparison, NBC Saturday night movies average a 4.2 so for this season, and NBA basketball games averaged a 2.7.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2000
Well obviously the ratings will be very high for the first game or 2. The real story will be told by how much they drop as the weeks go on. And I have a feeling they'll drop quite a bit.


Mar 2, 2000
<< great reviews all around >>

My god what an idiot. Geezus, where to start:

&quot; has droned on about how his 10 teams &quot;

Uh, there's EIGHT teams. If one can get that fact right, he shouldn't deserve to be a journalist.

&quot;where two hillbillies from the WWF, JR and the King, were rambling endlessly, leering at cheerleaders and failing to identify players or the action on the field beyond ``the quarterback throws...and the No. 80 caught the ball.'' They have yet to grasp the concept of letting the game speak for itself.&quot;

MY GOD, what kind of drivel is this? They OBVIOUSLY did not hear Jim Ross call the game superbly. And this guy needs to get his facts straight here: Jim Ross used to annouce for the Atlanta Falcons.

I just skimmed through the article quickly, and I simply cannot stand the idiocy displayed by the author to go on.


Oct 9, 1999
Didn't bother with the XFL. I remember people even tuned into the World League when it first came out. GB also defended some moron that wanted to sue AnandTech. Oh well, to each his own.



Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000
Goldenbear, I was merely pointing out that the fact that you know one doctor who's a WWF fan doesn't mean anything more than that. It's entertainment that's all it is, one not really respected by a lot of people. If you enjoy it that's good, but don't expect anyone else to.


Mar 2, 2000
<< Didn't bother with the XFL. >>

That certainly makes you an expert then..

<< GB also defended some moron that wanted to sue AnandTech. >>


WTF did you get that from? Please don't spread your propaganda here..unless you can fully state in context what I said.


Mar 2, 2000
<< It's entertainment that's all it is, one not really respected by a lot of people. If you enjoy it that's good, but don't expect anyone else to. >>

Like the thousands of bigotted prejudice people in this country, you were using that fact as an argument to say that the points I make are somehow deteriorated because it is true.

What I did was show you just ONE example that one can be intelligent AND a wrestling fan. What have you done?

The people that DON'T respect these guys have no doubt NEVER seen what they do, or understand in the least bit the sacrifices and struggles these guys go through each and every week. The life of a professional wrestler is just as, if not more demanding than ANY other professional athlete. And the CRAP that's portrayed by the media only adds to insult the legends in the past that have paved the way for a new generation of fans, and wrestlers.

PS, with a name like LOOGIE I'd imagine you're a 12-year-old immature redneck aren't you? Not that I have any proof or anything, it's just a wild assumption..


Mar 2, 2000
In case you didn't read it carefully, my point stands as:

He was wrong, he was an idiot.

It was an online affair, dealt online, and shouldn't have been taken offline.

And please, really, if you don't have anything to add in regard to the XFL, don't add your pointless drivel here..PM me if you really want to talk about it.


Mar 2, 2000
Here's a great post I found on another forum...From a wrestling fan nonetheless. He has some great writing skills to top it off.

I?ve been a wrestling fan for a long time now. I?m also a very passionate football fan, and I?ve cheered for the Minnesota Vikings ever since I can remember. I?ve been looking forward to the debut of the XFL since it was announced. When I got back from England this past December, I bought a Birmingham Thunderbolts cap and even pondered buying season tickets. Quite frankly, to me, football is football. As long as you line up 11 guys on each side of a football (no matter what color it is), give them some pads and a helmet, and let them go at it, it?s football.

So, as soon as my Vikes decided to roll over and play dead at about halftime of the NFC Championship game, I started focusing on the XFL. I knew it wasn?t going to be NFL-quality football. Anyone that went in to this weekend?s games expecting to see NFL-quality football was severely misguided. After all, there?s a reason that none of these guys are in the big show right now. Since it?s a whole new league, I went in with the idea that the talent level on all the teams was about equal, and as a result we?d get some decent football. Hell, it couldn?t have been any worse than that crap-tacular Super Bowl the NFL subjected us to last weekend . . .could it?

Here are my basic takes on the XFL:

1) The way they determine the opening possession was neat, I thought. Kind of brought back memories of playing dodge ball in grade school.

2) I personally thought the camera work was well done. The different camera angles actually make you feel like part of the game. It was like Madden football for the PS2 coming to life. The NFL basically only uses one camera view throughout an entire game, and it tends to make you feel you?re in the middle of the stadium crowd. I like being able to look over the QB?s shoulder as he goes back to pass, to try to see what reads he?s making. The XFL has been hyped as a more interactive experience, and it starts with the action on the field.

3) The announcers were a mixed bag. Lawler and Vers . . .Versa . . .the guy that worked with Ventura weren?t so great. Ross and Ventura, on the other hand, did a heck of a job in my opinion. Part of that probably has to do with the fact that they both have football announcing experience. Ross, as has been well documented, was once the voice of the Atlanta Falcons. What may not be so well known in some circles is that Jesse Ventura was once an analyst on Minnesota Vikings radio, and more often than not was the most entertaining AND informative part of the broadcast.

4) More on the announcers . . .say what you will about them, at least you could tell they were putting some emotion into this thing. Dan Patrick had an interview on ESPN Radio a couple days back with Dara Torres (XFL sideline reporter and Olympic gold medallist). He asked her what kind of things Vince McMahon had been telling his announcers, and she said that one of the things Vince stressed most was showing emotion and not holding back what they feel. Well, all the announcers certainly did that. They sounded like folks that would have been just as much in their element sitting back on the couch and having a few beers with you as they were up in the booth. Quite frankly, it added a different element to the game that I liked a lot. If I want to listen to someone analyze and pick things apart, I?ll fire up my PlayStation and have John Madden repeat the same things over and over again for 60 minutes . . .kind of like real life, actually.

5) The quality of the football, in my opinion, was actually pretty darn good. Three of the four teams involved played pretty good games of football. When you consider that these players hadn?t been together more than a month or two and that they had no pre-season games, it was amazing that they had the kind of communication that some of the teams showed out there. Yeah, there was a little rust, but give them a few weeks to shake it off, and they?ll be fine.

I have a feeling that the XFL is going to succeed. Yeah, some are already pointing to the USFL, the WLAF, and the failed U.S. expansion of the Canadian Football League and saying that the XFL is next in line, but I?ve learned over the years that you shouldn?t bet against anything that has Vince McMahon behind it. If the early overnight ratings are any indicator (early returns show the XFL pulled in about a 10 rating . . .they told advertisers that half that would make them happy), then there are some people that agree with me.

Hopefully I?ll see some of you at Legion Field this winter. Go Thunderbolts!


Oct 18, 1999

<< PS, with a name like LOOGIE I'd imagine you're a 12-year-old immature redneck aren't you? Not that I have any proof or anything, it's just a wild assumption.. >>

You know you've lost when you have to resort to name calling. Its also great how you edited your first post. For those that missed it, this boy basically said &quot;I told ya so,&quot; stating that the XFL was here to stay based on one night of ratings.

In reference to the wrestling comment, I made that comment about you being a wrestling fan in response to your endorsement of the objectification of women. Your logic, however, is wrong. I might be a tad immature at times, but I am not a redneck. You see, rednecks like wrestling, I don't.


Senior member
Nov 15, 1999
just stumpled into offtopic by accident, guess I'll walk backward slowly toward the door....


Oct 18, 1999

<< Here's a great post I found on another forum...From a wrestling fan nonetheless. He has some great writing skills to top it off. >>

Not capable of coming up with your own thoughts, eh?


Mar 2, 2000
<< You know you've lost when you have to resort to name calling. >>

In case your a little slow to realize it, it's basically in the same context as how you said, &quot;but you're a wrestling fan&quot;.

<< For those that missed it, this boy basically said &quot;I told ya so,&quot; stating that the XFL was here to stay based on one night of ratings. >>

Either you have a short term memory here, or you like to make things up. What I said was, this is a fact, please don't state anything but facts.

<< In reference to the wrestling comment, I made that comment about you being a wrestling fan in response to your endorsement of the objectification of women. >>


<< I might be a tad immature at times, but I am not a redneck. You see, rednecks like wrestling, I don't. >>

Again with the prejudice insults..*sigh*

<< Not capable of coming up with your own thoughts, eh? >>

1) You posted a link to the Yahoo article, which makes you a hypocrite.
2) Incidentally, the article was full of completely bias opinions and inaccurate facts, so it's essentially a reflection if your thoughts here..
3) Did you bother to read it?
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