XFL ratings in - doubles expectations

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Mar 2, 2000
<< I think you need to pull your **** out of Jim Ross' ass. >>

Are you sure you censored the right word there?

And, it doesn't surprise me here that the arguments here are based on name-calling and insults, while the discussion in the wrestling fan forum, you know, the one with rednecks, is much more coherent and is backed up with actual facts and evidence. An example is from that post up there, which was amazingly good, and didn't even have to resort to name calling and what not.


Oct 18, 1999
Laughable. Really.

<<In case your a little slow to realize it, it's basically in the same context as how you said, &quot;but you're a wrestling fan&quot;.>>

No, its not. I was relating it to the fact that you enjoy the objectification of women. The point of which, you completely dodge and fail to address.

<<Either you have a short term memory here, or you like to make things up. What I said was, this is a fact, please don't state anything but facts.>>

Yes, you did say that. But you also said that everyone who said the XFL would not last was wrong. Everyone could see this had you not edited your post.

<<1) You posted a link to the Yahoo article, which makes you a hypocrite.
2) Incidentally, the article was full of completely bias opinions and inaccurate facts, so it's essentially a reflection if your thoughts here..
3) Did you bother to read it? >>

Pot...kettle...black. Funny that you comment on my short term memory. Can you just sense the irony here? I didn't even post the article.

<<Again with the prejudice insults..*sigh*>>

It was a joke. I was refuting your claim that I was a immature redneck because I used the name loogie. If you can make broad generalizations, so can I.


Oct 18, 1999

<< And, it doesn't surprise me here that the arguments here are based on name-calling and insults, while the discussion in the wrestling fan forum, you know, the one with rednecks, is much more coherent and is backed up with actual facts and evidence. An example is from that post up there, which was amazingly good, and didn't even have to resort to name calling and what not. >>

That is just his opinion. I would hardly say that it was backed up by any facts. Additionally, you threw the first stone when you said I was an immature redneck.


Jul 18, 2000
You guys can't win. GoldenBear will not listen to reason and just keeps spewing the same crap. I'm not sure why he takes the fact that some people don't like the XFL personally, but he does.


Mar 2, 2000
<< I was relating it to the fact that you enjoy the objectification of women. >>

I looked up the word &quot;objectification&quot; in the dictionary and didn't find it. Define please..

<< But you also said that everyone who said the XFL would not last was wrong. >>

My exact quote, (or a very close paraphrase) &quot;I have stated facts here, and if you're going to reply, do so with facts, not 'because I said so'&quot;.

<< I didn't even post the article. >>

My mistake.


Oct 18, 1999
Oh. Since you're so big on facts.

<< When the USFL made its debut in March of 1983, the average attendance for the six home openers was 39,170. The national television ratings for those six games was 14.2, with a 33 share, meaning that 14.2 percent of all TV households and 33 percent of all people watching television tuned in to the USFL debut. >>

Gee, I wonder where the USFL is now.


Jul 18, 2000

<< Gee, I wonder where the USFL is now. >>

Actually the USFL killed itself when it decided to move to the fall and directly compete with the NFL.

The XFL won't have a chance to kill itself in that way. It will die a much faster death.


Oct 18, 1999
<<I looked up the word &quot;objectification&quot; in the dictionary and didn't find it. Define please..>>

Don't insinuate that I'm stupid.

<<My exact quote, (or a very close paraphrase) &quot;I have stated facts here, and if you're going to reply, do so with facts, not 'because I said so'&quot;.>>

Hardly exact, since you have edited it out. It also said something about how the XFL was a success.

<<My mistake.>>

Perhaps you should edit it out, like you did your first post.


Oct 9, 1999

<<< The XFL won't have a chance to kill itself in that way. It will die a much faster death. >>>

shiner, what will happen to all the has-beens, never-wasses, and never-will-bes?


Mar 2, 2000
<< I would hardly say that it was backed up by any facts. >>

The guy watched the entire games, had a good sense of knowledge of the past in wrestling and football, of which his facts were derived..

<< Additionally, you threw the first stone when you said I was an immature redneck. >>

You said, &quot;oh wait, you're a wrestling fan&quot;.

I never said anything about you beforehand.

And by saying which, you just generalized many millions of wrestling fans out there, which just doesn't sit right somehow..

<< GoldenBear will not listen to reason and just keeps spewing the same crap. >>

More insults..

<< I'm not sure why he takes the fact that some people don't like the XFL personally, but he does. >>

YOU were the one that started, &quot;wrestling fans are trailer-trash, rednecks, etc&quot;. I took THAT personally. You never seemed to reply, hmm..

<< Oh. Since you're so big on facts. >>

Here's another one: the USFL directly competed with the NFL, the XFL doesn't.

I don't see at all what the cheerleaders have to do with whether the XFL succeeds or not, but okay..


Mar 2, 2000
And plus, the USFL did somewhat well before it moved to the fall season with the NFL.

Arena Football's been around for a few years now, with no sign of it going down anytime soon.

And you've heard of the CFL, yes?

It seems as if historical precedence is on my side..


Oct 9, 1999
What is this? the third XFL promotion thread in two days? Give it a fvcking rest.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000
&quot;Like the thousands of bigotted prejudice people in this country, you were using that fact as an argument to say that the points I make are somehow deteriorated because it is true.&quot;

Personal insults is the best you can do here, who would have figured that. You seem to be confused, once you can come up with a clear statement regarding the above, I'll get back to you. Furthermore I'm not sure why you're trying to argue with me on this point, you'll never win. I stated a general feeling of the public, you could argue that this is an incorrect assumption. However you don't seem to take this stance, and I'm not quite certain what your stance is other than you're mad people don't like pro-wrestling. You know one doctor who is a pro-wrestling fan, once again I must reiterate that this itself proves nothing about the characteristics of wrestling fans.

&quot;What I did was show you just ONE example that one can be intelligent AND a wrestling fan. What have you done?&quot;

I pointed out that your ONE example proves nothing. Ever take any statistics classes? With a sample size of one you have no confidence in any sort of predictions about the total population. I'm sure there are wrestling fans who aren't the brightest apple in the bin, if I were to bring one of these up as an example it would once again prove nothing.

&quot;The people that DON'T respect these guys have no doubt NEVER seen what they do, or understand in the least bit the sacrifices and struggles these guys go through each and every week. The life of a professional wrestler is just as, if not more demanding than ANY other professional athlete. And the CRAP that's portrayed by the media only adds to insult the legends in the past that have paved the way for a new generation of fans, and wrestlers.&quot;

You're getting confused. Not respecting pro-wrestling is not the same as not respecting a person who's involved in pro-wrestling. I'm not a fan of axe-throwing either, however I realize you have to spend quite a bit of time training.

&quot;PS, with a name like LOOGIE I'd imagine you're a 12-year-old immature redneck aren't you? Not that I have any proof or anything, it's just a wild assumption..&quot;

PS, my name's not LOOGIE

Like I said before, if you like wrestling that's great. However arguing this point will do little more than make you unpopular. Think you're going to change anyone's mind? Think again.



Oct 9, 1999
IIRC, GB, you are in your mid-teens. Take some meaningful college level courses in statistical analysis, business management, marketing, financial management, and then live life for at least another five years before posting drivel like this. The XFL has future down there with online &quot;buy before you die&quot; casket sites.



Jul 18, 2000

<< And plus, the USFL did somewhat well before it moved to the fall season with the NFL >>

Somewhat well? It was kicking ass and was pulling nearly the same ratings numbers and crowds as the NFL. Hell...I still have tons of old Oklahoma Outlaws stuff.

The XFL is not on par with the NFL, the old USFL, or even the CFL. It falls somewhere between Arena Ball and Semi-Pro in terms of it's talent. Remember the USFL had Jim Kelly, Steve Young, Reggie White, etc...


Oct 18, 1999
Ok, let me clear up the wrestling comment.

You posted this.

<<Men watch the game, men like women. It's quite simple really. >>

Wrestling objectifies women, do you still remember what that word means? It was not meant as an insult, but rather an explanation as to why you feel it is okay to use women to promote a football league. Which, imho, is akin to the Nitro Girls and the many other ways that wrestling uses women. Of course, that is a problem rampant in society, but that doesn't mean its okay. I acknowledge that it could have been taken as an insult, but it was in no way &quot;name-calling.&quot;

You forgot to say something to the effect of...&quot;Oh, the word objectification does exist.&quot;

<<Here's another one: the USFL directly competed with the NFL, the XFL doesn't.>>

I know. Shiner pointed it out to me.


Mar 2, 2000
<< You know one doctor who is a pro-wrestling fan, once again I must reiterate that this itself proves nothing about the characteristics of wrestling fans. >>

I've posted in lots of message boards, and have read many sites, and conclude these guys are intelligent and have magnificent writing skills. Please don't compare your knowledge of wrestling fans to that of mine.

<< I'm sure there are wrestling fans who aren't the brightest apple in the bin >>

The stereo-typical NFL fan is a fat pasty white guy who's a couch potato. Does that mean all NFL fans are like that?

<< However arguing this point will do little more than make you unpopular. >>

I do forget what this point is?


Jan 16, 2001
I thought the XFL was kind of entertaining. But no more than that. But that's the same reason I follow NFL or anyother sport. I will say this, the teams play alot harder, maybe not as good, but alot harder based on commison. So rather than losing a NFL game and saying &quot;who cares, I made 2.3 mill anyways&quot; they have to earn it.



Mar 2, 2000
<< IIRC, GB, you are in your mid-teens. >>

First you make judgments about me because I have one stance on a certain issue, then others (don't know if it includes you) make judgments because of my interests, and now you make judgments because of my age?

<< Take some meaningful college level courses in statistical analysis, business management, marketing, financial management, and then live life for at least another five years before posting drivel like this. >>

Why don't we take the word of a man that's been through all that, AND has been part of a billion dollar business since he was a child that's emerged from a regional promotion to a international phenemnonon. That's right, Vince McMahon. Do you really think he doesn't have long term goals and plans to start up the league? Would he invest so much time and money to make a FAILURE?

<< It was kicking ass and was pulling nearly the same ratings numbers and crowds as the NFL. >>

Even better..

<< Remember the USFL had Jim Kelly, Steve Young, Reggie White, etc... >>

Do you remember what Steve Young was like in his early days? He was like a 3rd string QB for the Bucanners IIRC?


Senior member
May 11, 2000

<< Would he invest so much time and money to make a FAILURE? >>

Unfortunately, the same can be said for Battlefield: Earth and all the other movies that had a high budget but bombed at the box office. No one can see failure coming and that's why we have reviews. Is there one positive review out there of the XFL (that isn't a wrestling connected site)? All of the reviews I've seen have been terrible.

Give it up GoldenBear. I know it's sad to see the league go straight down the toilet, but it built itself on so much hype that nothing really happened and looked much like an amateurish college football game. The XFL is gonna lose a ton of money this year. No one's going to the games and it won't have a high return rate. One of the reasons that the WWF was successful was that it was a touring show. What's going to sell out more? A show that travels the country or one that stays put and puts on the same show? It's like going to see a concert that never leaves your city.

Did you also notice Orlando's stadium? Particularly how full it was? Anyone remember the WNBA and how they sold tickets that would only be shown on TV to make it look full? Did anyone else not get the same impression for that game as well? If they can't sell out the very first game of the season, or the league for that matter, how are they going to sell any more tickets the rest of the season. There's a continuous loss right there.

Our society has pretty much proven that there's room for only one pro league of each sport. The WNBA is in a decline, the XFL isn't far behind either. Americans are happy with what they have and don't want to see the sport of football degraded even more to cheerleaders with scantily clad clothing, dumbass announcers, and no-name rejects that have no impact on our culture or any possible chance to be a role model for our children and the young fans.


Nov 20, 1999
The bottom line is this:

No one is willing to give it a chance, especially anti-wrestling people. It's exciting to have an extra 10 weeks of football action.

Everyone has been kicking it before it even got off the ground. Give it a chance...


Mar 2, 2000
<< No one can see failure coming and that's why we have reviews. >>

Patch Adams received terrible reviews, it's up there. There's countless other movies too.

Your argument works both ways d'oh.

And plus the fact that people that liked it, are the ones that watch it, it only serves to benefit..

<< No one's going to the games and it won't have a high return rate. >>

Uh..please run your post through a fact checker before posting it.

The SF Demons already have sold more season tickets than the Sharks and Warriors, and the games on the weekend were sold out, if not close to it.

<< I know it's sad to see the league go straight down the toilet, >>

Last I checked they got a 10.3 rating, which incidentally is the title of the post, d'oh. Give me a fact that it's going down the toilet..you got sold out games and lots of people watching.

<< It's like going to see a concert that never leaves your city. >>

There are five home games, and five road games. Hardly considered never leaving.

Compare this to baseball teams that play 82 home games a year? Yes, the Yankees are in economic trouble now..

<< Our society has pretty much proven that there's room for only one pro league of each sport. >>

Some of the Triple A games for the Oakland A's farm team had higher attendance than the Oakland A's themselves. Minor league baseball does well considering its aspects, and if you read my earlier posts you'd have learned about Arena Football, the CFL, and of course the USFL.

<< dumbass announcers >>

Did you hear Jim Ross and his announcing?

To be successful, it's been stated that the XFL needs to draw about 25,000 fans a game, and draw about a 5.0 rating. And so far, based on facts it's been done..


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Is the NFL that good? Why is it losing rating like no tomorrow? One of the lowest rated Super Bowls in 10 years. The NFL, sucks, sorry but it does. So does the XFL. College is decent, they just need to get rid of the stupid BCS/polls.
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